
package module
v0.5.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 20, 2015 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 21 Imported by: 2


Banyan Collector: A framework to peek inside containers

Have you wondered what your container images really contain? If they have the very packages that are susceptible to all kinds of attacks? Or, if they have the configuration you expect when they are run? Banyan Collector provides a powerful, extensible framework to answer all these questions and more.

Banyan Collector is a light-weight, easy to use, and modular system that allows you to launch containers from a registry, run arbitrary scripts inside them, and gather useful information. This framework can be used to statically analyze images for several purposes including:

  • Collect specific information from all images (e.g., packages installed)
  • Enforce policies (e.g., no unauthorized user accounts, etc.)
  • Validate invariants (e.g., nginx.conf is present in the right directory, etc.)
  • and so on...

Getting started

The collector can be run in one of two modes: (a) as a standalone executable (b) in a container. The main requirement is to run the collector on a Docker Host (machine that has the Docker Daemon running). If you want to collect data from a private registry make sure you are logged into it (sudo docker login REGISTRY)

(a) To run it as a standalone executable, you need go in your environment ( Once go is installed, just run the following on a Docker Host:

$ go get -u

where REGISTRY is either a private registry (e.g., or Docker Hub (, and REPO is a repository for which you'd like to collect data. For a private registry (with search enabled), if no REPO is specified, data is collected from all the repositories.

(b) To run the collector in a container, please follow instructions on Docker Hub.

More generally, collector can be configured using several options (e.g., registry poll interval, remove images threshold, secure registry settings, etc.):

$ sudo collector [options] REGISTRY [REPO1 REPO2 ...]

For a list of all the options run:

$ collector -h

Why not just use shell scripts?

Shell scripts are great for quickly getting specific information from images. However, as we add more complexity, it becomes hard to write scripts that are easy to maintain, quickly extensible and portable to different environments.

For example, the complexity in managing registry connections, keeping track of repo/tag changes, cleaning up stale images, supporting arbitrary policies, etc. is too much to handle using simple scripts. Furthermore, packaging the collector in a container provides a portable framework that is not dependent on any particular host configuration, and can seamlessly run anywhere.


The go tests rely on write access to the Docker UNIX socket /var/run/docker.sock. One approach is to add the user to the "docker" group to enable write access to the socket. Alternatively, the tests can be run as "root", for example using "sudo", but this requires the root user to share the Go development environment ($GOPATH, etc.).

Another requirement to run the tests is to set environment variables $DOCKER_USER and $DOCKER_PASSWORD to the user's Docker Hub login credentials. Additionally, the tests emit a warning if $COLLECTOR_DIR is not set (but the warning can be safely ignored).

Once the environment has been correctly setup, go tests can be run using the standard command:

$ go test

More information

More details about Collector operation/architecture, etc. are available under docs.

For further details about how one might use this in an enterprise, please check out Banyan. This SAAS service offers deeper analysis of your data and provides a dashboard showing which of your images are compliant to your policies (e.g., which of your images have security vulnerabilities, etc.) along with real-time updates and email notifications.

Get involved

Collector is under active development. Fork the project and submit pull requests, or file issues or tweet us @banyanops.


Banyan Collector is distributed under Apache 2.0 License. More details in LICENSE.



distro.go has functions for identifying Linux distribution type and version. Currently handles some CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian versions.

imagedata.go has funcitons that deal with the contents of images, including Linux distribution identification and application package names, versions, and architectures.

metadata.go has functions to gather and save metadata about a Docker image, including its ID, Author, Parent, Creation time, etc.

registryauth.go has functions for Docker registry authentication and Docker Hub authentication and indexing.



View Source
const (

	// HTTPTIMEOUT is the time to wait for an HTTP request to complete before giving up.
	HTTPTIMEOUT = 32 * time.Second
	// TARGETCONTAINERDIR is the path in the target container where the exported binaries and scripts are located.
	TARGETCONTAINERDIR = "/banyancollector"
View Source
const (


View Source
var (
	// DockerTransport points to the http transport used to connect to the docker unix socket
	DockerTransport *http.Transport
	DockerTLSVerify = true
	DockerProto     = "unix"
	DockerAddr      = dummydomain
View Source
var (
	ReposToProcess = make(map[RepoType]bool)
	ExcludeRepo    = func() map[RepoType]bool {
		excludeList := []RepoType{}
		m := make(map[RepoType]bool)
		for _, r := range excludeList {
			m[r] = true
		return m
View Source
var (
	// HubAPI indicates whether to use the Docker Hub API.
	HubAPI        bool
	HTTPSRegistry = flag.Bool([]string{"-registryhttps"}, true,
		"Set to false if registry does not need HTTPS (SSL/TLS)")
	AuthRegistry = flag.Bool([]string{"-registryauth"}, true,
		"Set to false if registry does not need authentication")
	RegistryProto = flag.String([]string{"-registryproto"}, "v1",
		"Select the registry protocol to use: v1, v2, quay")
	// registryspec is the host.domainname of the registry
	RegistrySpec string
	// registryAPIURL is the http(s)://[user:password@]host.domainname of the registry
	RegistryAPIURL string
	// XRegistryAuth is the base64-encoded AuthConfig object (for X-Registry-Auth HTTP request header)
	XRegistryAuth string
	// BasicAuth is the base64-encoded Auth field read from $HOME/.dockercfg
	BasicAuth string
	// DockerConfig is the name of the config file containing registry authentication information.
	DockerConfig string
View Source
var (
	//userScriptsDir    = flag.String([]string{"userscriptsdir"}, config.BANYANDIR()+"/hosttarget/userscripts", "Directory with all user-specified scripts")
	UserScriptStore   = flag.String([]string{"u", "-userscriptstore"}, config.COLLECTORDIR()+"/data/userscripts", "Directory with all user-specified scripts")
	UserScriptsDir    = config.BANYANDIR() + "/hosttarget/userscripts"
	DefaultScriptsDir = config.BANYANDIR() + "/hosttarget/defaultscripts"
	BinDir            = config.BANYANDIR() + "/hosttarget/bin"
View Source
var DistroMap = map[string]string{
	"Ubuntu 15.10": "UBUNTU-wily",
	"Ubuntu 15.04": "UBUNTU-vivid",
	"Ubuntu 14.10": "UBUNTU-utopic",
	"Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn (development branch)": "UBUNTU-utopic",
	"Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-trusty",
	"Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-trusty",
	"Ubuntu 14.04 LTS":                           "UBUNTU-trusty",
	"Ubuntu 12.04 LTS":                           "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu precise (12.04.5 LTS)":               "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu precise (12.04.4 LTS)":               "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu precise (12.04.3 LTS)":               "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu precise (12.04.2 LTS)":               "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu precise (12.04.1 LTS)":               "UBUNTU-precise",
	"Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-lucid",
	"Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-lucid",
	"Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-lucid",
	"Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS":                         "UBUNTU-lucid",
	"Ubuntu 13.10":                               "UBUNTU-saucy",
	"Ubuntu 13.04":                               "UBUNTU-raring",
	"Ubuntu 12.10":                               "UBUNTU-quantal",
	"Ubuntu 11.10":                               "UBUNTU-oneiric",
	"Ubuntu 11.04":                               "UBUNTU-natty",
	"Ubuntu 10.10":                               "UBUNTU-maverick",
	"Ubuntu 10.04":                               "UBUNTU-lucid",
	"CentOS Linux 7 (Core)":                      "REDHAT-7Server",
	"Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)":                "DEBIAN-wheezy",
	"Debian 6.0.10":                              "DEBIAN-squeeze",
	"Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)":                "DEBIAN-jessie",

DistroMap is a reference that maps each pretty name to the corresponding distribution name.

View Source
var (
	WriterList []Writer


func CopyDir

func CopyDir(srcDir, destDir string)

copyDir copies all files from srcDir to destDir

func CopyDirTree

func CopyDirTree(srcDir, destDir string)

CopyDirTree copies all files from srcDir to destDir

func CreateDirIfNotExist

func CreateDirIfNotExist(dir string) (err error)

func GetImageAllData

func GetImageAllData(pulledImages ImageSet) (outMapMap map[string]map[string]interface{})

GetImageAllData extracts content info from each pulled image. Currently it gets system package info.

func GetImageMetadata

func GetImageMetadata(oldMetadataSet MetadataSet) (tagSlice []TagInfo, metadataSlice []ImageMetadataInfo)

GetImageMetadata returns repository/tag/image metadata queried from a Docker registry. If the user has specified the repositories to examine, then no other repositories are examined. If the user has not specified repositories, then the registry search API is used to get the list of all repositories in the registry.

func GetImageMetadataHub

func GetImageMetadataHub(oldMetadataSet MetadataSet) (tagSlice []TagInfo, metadataSlice []ImageMetadataInfo)

GetImageMetadataHub returns repositories/tags/image metadata from the Docker Hub. The user must have specified a set of repositories of interest. The function queries Docker Hub as an index to the registries, and then retrieves information directly from the registries, using Docker Hub authentication tokens.

func GetImageToMDMap

func GetImageToMDMap(imageMDs []ImageMetadataInfo) (imageToMDMap map[string][]ImageMetadataInfo)

GetImageToMDMap takes image metadata structs and produces a map of imageID to metadata struct.

func GetNewImageMetadata

func GetNewImageMetadata(oldMetadataSet MetadataSet) (tagSlice []TagInfo,
	metadataSlice []ImageMetadataInfo, currentMetadataSet MetadataSet)

GetNewImageMetadata takes the set of existing images, queries the registry to find any changes, and then brings the Output Writer up to date by telling it the obsolete metadata to delete and the new metadata to add.

func GetRegistryURL

func GetRegistryURL() (URL string, hubAPI bool, BasicAuth string, XRegistryAuth string)

GetRegistryURL determines the full URL, with or without HTTP Basic Auth, needed to access the registry or Docker Hub.

func NewDockerTransport

func NewDockerTransport(proto, addr string) (tr *http.Transport, e error)

NewDockerTransport creates an HTTP transport to the Docker unix/tcp socket.

func NewTLSTransport

func NewTLSTransport(hostpath string, certfile, cafile, keyfile string) (transport *http.Transport, err error)

func PullImage

func PullImage(metadata ImageMetadataInfo)

PullImage performs a docker pull on an image specified by repo/tag. TODO: Detect if the pulled image has a different imageID than the value retrieved from metadata, and if so correct the metadata, or at least skip processing the image.

func RegAuth

func RegAuth(registry string) (basicAuth, fullRegistry, authConfig string)

RegAuth takes as input the name of a registry, and it parses the contents of $HOME/.dockercfg or $HOME/.docker/config.json to return the user authentication info and registry URL. TODO: Change this to return authConfig instead of user&password, and then use X-Registry-Auth in the HTTP request header.

func RegistryQuery

func RegistryQuery(client *http.Client, URL, basicAuth string) (response []byte, e error)

RegistryQuery performs an HTTP GET operation from the registry and returns the response.

func RegistryRequestWithToken

func RegistryRequestWithToken(client *http.Client, URL string, basicAuth string, dockerToken string) (response []byte, e error)

RegistryRequestWithToken queries a Docker Registry that accepts Authorization: Token headers with token values obtained from a Docker Index, e.g., Docker Hub.

func RemoveImages

func RemoveImages(PulledImages []ImageMetadataInfo, imageToMDMap map[string][]ImageMetadataInfo)

RemoveImages removes least recently pulled docker images from the local docker host.

func RemoveObsoleteMetadata

func RemoveObsoleteMetadata(obsolete []ImageMetadataInfo)

RemoveObsoleteMetadata removes obsolete metadata from the Banyan service.

func SaveImageAllData

func SaveImageAllData(outMapMap map[string]map[string]interface{})

SaveImageAllData saves output of all the scripts.

func SaveImageMetadata

func SaveImageMetadata(metadataSlice []ImageMetadataInfo)

SaveImageMetadata saves image metadata to selected storage location (standard output, Banyan service, etc.).

func ValidRepoName

func ValidRepoName(name string) bool

ValidRepoName verifies that the name of a repo is in a legal format.


type AuthConfig

type AuthConfig struct {
	Username      string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Password      string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	Auth          string `json:"auth"`
	Email         string `json:"email"`
	ServerAddress string `json:"serveraddress,omitempty"`

AuthConfig is a Registry auth info type copied from docker package cliconfig config.go and needed to generate the Authorization header for the Docker Remote API.

type ByDateTime

type ByDateTime []ImageMetadataInfo

ByDateTime is used to sort ImageMetadataInfo slices by image age from newest to oldest.

func (ByDateTime) Len

func (a ByDateTime) Len() int

func (ByDateTime) Less

func (a ByDateTime) Less(i int, j int) bool

func (ByDateTime) Swap

func (a ByDateTime) Swap(i int, j int)

type Container

type Container struct {
	User         string
	AttachStdin  bool
	AttachStdout bool
	AttachStderr bool
	Tty          bool
	Env          []string
	Cmd          []string
	Entrypoint   []string
	Image        string
	WorkingDir   string
	HostConfig   HostConfig

type DockerAuth

type DockerAuth struct {
	Auth  string
	Email string

type DockerAuthSet

type DockerAuthSet map[string]DockerAuth

DockerAuthSet contains authentication info parsed from $HOME/.dockercfg or $HOME/.docker/config.json

type DockerConfigJSON added in v0.5.2

type DockerConfigJSON struct {
	Auths DockerAuthSet

DockerConfigJSON is used to decode $HOME/.docker/config.json

type FileWriter

type FileWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FileWriter) AppendImageMetadata

func (f *FileWriter) AppendImageMetadata(imageMetadata []ImageMetadataInfo)

AppendImageMetadata appends image metadata to file

func (*FileWriter) RemoveImageMetadata

func (f *FileWriter) RemoveImageMetadata(imageMetadata []ImageMetadataInfo)

RemoveImageMetadata removes image metadata from file

func (*FileWriter) WriteImageAllData

func (f *FileWriter) WriteImageAllData(outMapMap map[string]map[string]interface{})

WriteImageAllData writes image (pkg and other) data into file

type HTTPStatusCodeError

type HTTPStatusCodeError struct {
	StatusCode int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HTTPStatusCodeError) Error

func (s *HTTPStatusCodeError) Error() string

type HostConfig

type HostConfig struct {
	Binds       []string
	Links       []string
	Privileged  bool
	VolumesFrom []string

type HubInfo

type HubInfo struct {
	Repo        RepoType
	DockerToken string
	RegistryURL string

HubInfo records the index and auth information provided by Docker Hub to access a repository.

type HubInfoMap

type HubInfoMap map[RepoType]HubInfo

HubInfoMap maps repository name to the corresponding Docker Hub auth/index info.

func NewHubInfoMap

func NewHubInfoMap() HubInfoMap

NewHubInfoMap is a constructor for HubInfoMap.

type ImageDataInfo

type ImageDataInfo struct {
	Image        string //this has to be the first field (used in order by)
	DistroName   string //e.g., ubuntu 14.04.02 Trusty....
	DistroID     string //e.g., Trusty
	Pkg          string
	Version      string
	Architecture string

ImageDataInfo describes a package included in the contents of an image.

type ImageIDType

type ImageIDType string

ImageIDType represents docker image IDs.

type ImageMetadataAndAction

type ImageMetadataAndAction struct {
	Action        string
	ImageMetadata []ImageMetadataInfo

type ImageMetadataInfo

type ImageMetadataInfo struct {
	Image    string    //this has to be the first field (used in order by)
	Datetime time.Time //created at
	Repo     string
	Tag      string
	Size     uint64
	Author   string
	Checksum string
	Comment  string
	Parent   string

ImageMetadataInfo records basic information about an image.

type ImageSet

type ImageSet map[ImageIDType]bool

ImageSet is a set of image IDs.

func NewImageSet

func NewImageSet() ImageSet

NewImageSet creates a new ImageSet.

type ImageStruct

type ImageStruct struct {
	ID       string
	Parent   string
	Checksum string
	Created  string
	// Container string
	Author  string
	Size    uint64
	Comment string

ImageStruct records information returned by the registry to describe an image. This information gets copied to an object of type ImageMetadataInfo.

type ImageToMetadataMap

type ImageToMetadataMap map[ImageIDType]ImageMetadataInfo

ImageToMetadataMap maps image IDs to ImageMetadataInfo structs.

func NewImageToMetadataMap

func NewImageToMetadataMap() ImageToMetadataMap

NewImageToMetadataMap is a constructor for ImageToMetadataMap.

func (ImageToMetadataMap) Exists

func (m ImageToMetadataMap) Exists(imageID ImageIDType) bool

Exists checks whether an image ID is present in an ImageToMetadataMap.

func (ImageToMetadataMap) Insert

func (m ImageToMetadataMap) Insert(imageID ImageIDType, metadata ImageMetadataInfo)

Insert adds an image ID to an Image ID Map.

func (ImageToMetadataMap) Metadata

func (m ImageToMetadataMap) Metadata(imageID ImageIDType) (metadata ImageMetadataInfo, e error)

Metadata returns the ImageMetadataInfo corresponding to an image ID if that image is present in the input ImageToMetadataMap.

type MetadataSet

type MetadataSet map[ImageMetadataInfo]bool

MetadataSet is a set of Image Metadata Info structures.

func NewMetadataSet

func NewMetadataSet() MetadataSet

NewMetadataSet creates a new MetadataSet.

type RepoTagType

type RepoTagType struct {
	Repo RepoType
	Tag  TagType

RepoTagType represents a docker repository and tag.

type RepoType

type RepoType string

RepoType represents docker repositories.

type Script

type Script interface {
	//We expect YAML output from scripts that needs parsing of output by Banyan service
	Run(imageID ImageIDType) ([]byte, error)
	Name() string

Script is the common interface to run sripts inside a container

type ScriptInfo

type ScriptInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Script info for all types (e.g., bash, python, etc.)

func (ScriptInfo) Name

func (sh ScriptInfo) Name() string

Name gives the name of the script

func (ScriptInfo) Run

func (sh ScriptInfo) Run(imageID ImageIDType) (b []byte, err error)

Run handles running of a script inside an image

type TagInfo

type TagInfo struct {
	Repo   RepoType
	TagMap map[TagType]ImageIDType

TagInfo records the tag-to-image mappings for a single Docker repository.

type TagType

type TagType string

TagType represents docker repository tags.

type V1Compat

type V1Compat struct {
	V1Compatibility string

type V2Manifest

type V2Manifest struct {
	History []V1Compat

type V2Tag

type V2Tag struct {
	Name string
	Tags []string

type Writer

type Writer interface {
	// Write output obtained by all the scripts to the appropriate writer plugin
	// Note: outMapMap maps: ImageID -> Script -> Output
	WriteImageAllData(outMapMap map[string]map[string]interface{})

	// Append Image metadata to the appropriate writer plugin
	AppendImageMetadata(imageMetadata []ImageMetadataInfo)

	// Remoe Image metadta from the appropriate writer plugin
	RemoveImageMetadata(imageMetadata []ImageMetadataInfo)

This is a writer plugin interface. Currently supported plugins are: "fileWriter": writes to a file in desired format, and "banyanWriter": invokes banyan API to send data to SAAS dashboard

func NewFileWriter

func NewFileWriter(format string, dir string) Writer


Path Synopsis
Package config has definitions about the overall configuration of Collector.
Package config has definitions about the overall configuration of Collector.

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