
v0.0.0-...-62694dd Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 17, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 5



Package node provides types for working with AST nodes in a language-independent way.



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func Any

func Any(t Type) bool

Any is a Selector which always returns true.

func RegisterTypes

func RegisterTypes(l lpb.Language, types []TypeDescriptor) error

RegisterTypes propagates node types metadata for the given language to the global registry.


type Category

type Category int

Category is a language-independent classification of node types. Each type gets mapped to the most specific category.

const (
	NoCategory Category = iota

	Identifier // for identifiers that are not names, types, parameters, or modifier
	Expr // does not cover literals, references, and identifiers
	TypeExpr // can also be used for single identifiers
	Modifier // public, static, final
	Declaration     // other declarations that are not classes, functions, or variables
	DeclarationPart // for throws, extends, etc clauses

The following list of categories should never be persisted and can be changed as needed.

type Property

type Property int

Property is a bitmask of node properties.

const (
	// HasName nodes have names as part of their source ranges.
	HasName Property = iota << 1
	// IsReference nodes represent references to other source elements.
	// IsLocal is set for nodes that can be dropped from the declarative AST.
	// Example: method implementations are local, since any declarations in them are
	// not accessible from the outside.
	// RetainsText is set for nodes that have their text stored in a declarative AST.
	// AttractsComments is set for nodes that can have comments attached to them.
	// IsMultilineToken is set for nodes that may span multiple lines (e.g. JavaTraditionalComment).
	// Identifier, Keywords, and other tokens that can be considered for token-based completion.

The following list of properties should never be persisted and can be changed as needed.

type Selector

type Selector func(t Type) bool

Selector represents a set of node types and returns true if a given type belongs to the set.

func OneOf

func OneOf(types ...Type) Selector

OneOf constructs and returns a selector for the given set of node types.

type Type

type Type int16

Type is the set of all AST node types returned by various language parsers. Most types correspond to nonterminal symbols from the respective language grammar.

WARNING: do not change numeric assignments of the node types below!

const (
	NoType        Type = 0
	BrokenFile    Type = 1
	SyntaxProblem Type = 2
	InvalidToken  Type = 3
	Keyword       Type = 4
	Punctuation   Type = 5

Node types shared by all languages.

const (
	JavaFile               Type = 64
	JavaIdentifier         Type = 65 //
	JavaTraditionalComment Type = 66 // /* bb */ (including doc comments)
	JavaEndOfLineComment   Type = 67 // // aaa

	JavaPackage               Type = 68 // package com.test;
	JavaImport                Type = 69 // import a.b.c;
	JavaStatic                Type = 70 // import |static| A.b;
	JavaName                  Type = 71 // import |a.b.Cde|;
	JavaNameStar              Type = 72 // import |a.b.Cde.*|;
	JavaEmptyDecl             Type = 73 // ;
	JavaClass                 Type = 74 // class A {}
	JavaEnum                  Type = 75 // enum Kind {}
	JavaInterface             Type = 76 // interface Reader {}
	JavaAnnotationType        Type = 77 // public @interface Test { .. }
	JavaAnnotationTypeElement Type = 78 //    public boolean enabled() default true;

	JavaExtends               Type = 79  // class A |extends B| {}
	JavaImplements            Type = 80  // class D |implements E| {}
	JavaBody                  Type = 81  // class A |{}|
	JavaField                 Type = 82  // private int i = 1;
	JavaVarDecl               Type = 83  //             i = 1
	JavaMethod                Type = 84  // public static void main(String[] args) {}
	JavaFormalParameters      Type = 85  //                        (String[] args)
	JavaFormalParameter       Type = 86  //                         String[] args
	JavaMethodGenericClause   Type = 189 // public |<T> @X| T[] getTs();
	JavaVariadic              Type = 190 // void foo(String |@bar ...|rest)
	JavaReceiverParameter     Type = 87  // void m2(|@MyAnnotation Test this|) { }
	JavaThrows                Type = 88  // int a() |throws IOException| {}
	JavaNoBody                Type = 89  // class A { abstract int a()|;| }
	JavaEnumConstant          Type = 90  // enum I { |PUBLIC("public") { ... }| ... }
	JavaInstanceInitializer   Type = 91  // class A { |{}| }
	JavaStaticInitializer     Type = 92  // class A { |static {}| }
	JavaConstructor           Type = 93  // class A { |A() {}| }
	JavaIdentifierName        Type = 94  // class |A| {}
	JavaDefaultValue          Type = 95  // public boolean enabled() |default true|;
	JavaInitializerExpression Type = 96  // int i = |5+2|;
	JavaArrayInitializer      Type = 97  // byte[] bytes = |{1,2,3}|;

	JavaModifierKeyword  Type = 98  // public, final, @Nullable
	JavaAnnotation       Type = 99  // @Nullable
	JavaElementValuePair Type = 100 // @ForRequestPath(|value = "/aaa"|)
	JavaElementValue     Type = 101 // @ForRequestPath(|"/aaa"|)
	JavaLiteral          Type = 102 // 1, "abc", '\n', 1e9, 0xabc, 123_456

	JavaVoidType       Type = 103 // void
	JavaPrimitiveType  Type = 104 // int, long, boolean
	JavaClassType      Type = 105 // A, java.util.List<Integer>
	JavaClassTypeMods  Type = 188 // extends |@Bar| Foo {}
	JavaArrayType      Type = 106 // A[], int[]
	JavaTypeParameters Type = 107 // class A<|T extends A & B|> {}
	JavaTypeParameter  Type = 108 //          T extends A & B
	JavaTypeBound      Type = 109 //            extends A & B
	JavaTypeArguments  Type = 110 // Map|<String, List|<String>|>|
	JavaTypeArgument   Type = 111 // Map<|? extends String|, |B|>
	JavaBoundType      Type = 112 //        extends

	JavaBlock                 Type = 113 // { foo(); }
	JavaLocalVars             Type = 114 // final int a = 5, b = 7;
	JavaEmptyStatement        Type = 115 // ;
	JavaLabeled               Type = 116 // label: for (...) {}
	JavaExpressionStatement   Type = 117 // |a--;|
	JavaIf                    Type = 118 // if (true) { } else { }
	JavaAssert                Type = 119 // assert a == 5;
	JavaSwitch                Type = 120 // switch (a) { case 1: break; }
	JavaSwitchBlock           Type = 121 // switch (a) |{ case 1: break; }|
	JavaCase                  Type = 122 //              case 1:
	JavaDefaultCase           Type = 123 // switch (a) { |default:| break; }
	JavaWhile                 Type = 124 // while (true) { .. }
	JavaDoWhile               Type = 125 // do retry = run(); while(retry);
	JavaBasicFor              Type = 126 // for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { }
	JavaForInit               Type = 127 //      int i = 0
	JavaForUpdate             Type = 128 //                                 i++
	JavaEnhFor                Type = 129 // for (A a : listOfA) { }
	JavaBreak                 Type = 130 // break;
	JavaContinue              Type = 131 // continue A;
	JavaReturn                Type = 132 // return 1;
	JavaThrow                 Type = 133 // throw new IOException('failure');
	JavaSynchronized          Type = 134 // synchronized (a) { .. }
	JavaTryStatement          Type = 135 // try { } finally { } catch (IOException e) { .. }
	JavaFinally               Type = 136 //         finally { }
	JavaCatch                 Type = 137 //                     catch (IOException e) { .. }
	JavaCatchParameter        Type = 138 //                            IOException e
	JavaResourceSpecification Type = 139 // try |(InputStream inputStream = getStream(); )| { }
	JavaResource              Type = 140 //       InputStream inputStream = getStream()

	JavaMethodName       Type = 141 // this.|aa|(foo, bar)
	JavaArgs             Type = 187 //         |(foo, bar)|
	JavaThisCall         Type = 142
	JavaSuperCall        Type = 143
	JavaThis             Type = 144 // this
	JavaParenthesized    Type = 145
	JavaClassLiteral     Type = 146
	JavaQualifiedNew     Type = 147
	JavaNew              Type = 148
	JavaFieldAccess      Type = 149
	JavaArrayAccess      Type = 150
	JavaMethodInvocation Type = 151
	JavaSuperRef         Type = 152
	JavaMethodReference  Type = 153
	JavaNewArray         Type = 154
	JavaDimExpr          Type = 155
	JavaCastExpression   Type = 156
	JavaLambda           Type = 157
	JavaLambdaParameters Type = 158
	JavaAssignment       Type = 159
	JavaAssignmentOp     Type = 160
	JavaTernary          Type = 161
	JavaOr               Type = 162
	JavaAnd              Type = 163
	JavaBitOr            Type = 164
	JavaBitXor           Type = 165
	JavaBitAnd           Type = 166
	JavaEquality         Type = 167
	JavaInequality       Type = 168
	JavaRelational       Type = 169
	JavaInstanceOf       Type = 170
	JavaShift            Type = 171
	JavaAdditive         Type = 172
	JavaMultiplicative   Type = 173
	JavaUnary            Type = 174
	JavaPreInc           Type = 175
	JavaPreDec           Type = 176
	JavaPostInc          Type = 177
	JavaPostDec          Type = 178

	JavaTypeName       Type = 179
	JavaExprName       Type = 180
	JavaDim            Type = 181
	JavaTypeOrExprName Type = 182

	JavaModuleDeclaration Type = 183
	JavaModuleName        Type = 184
	JavaPackageName       Type = 185
	JavaModuleDirective   Type = 186

	JavaNodeMax Type = 191


func (Type) Category

func (t Type) Category() Category

Category returns the closest category for the given type.

func (Type) HasProperty

func (t Type) HasProperty(p Property) bool

HasProperty return true if the type has the given property set.

func (Type) Language

func (t Type) Language() lpb.Language

Language returns the node language.

func (Type) String

func (t Type) String() string

type TypeDescriptor

type TypeDescriptor struct {
	Name string

TypeDescriptor contains all meta-information about one Type, provided by language implementations.

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