WARNING This is an early version of this client. It's functional, however, the structure and methods could change substantially.
This is an unofficial client for the Tidbyt API. It uses gRPC reflection to get proto definitions for the services the API exposes and generates a client using protoc.
If there are official implementations released, this will either be updated to utilize those clients or be deleted as unnecessary.
Check out cmd/example-device-details/main.go for an example of using the client. To run the program as is, set your device details as environment variables and run the following:
export TIDBYT_DEVICE_ID="<device-id>"
export TIDBYT_AUTH_TOKEN="<auth-token>"
go run cmd/example-device-details/main.go
Regenerate Client
To regenerate the client (you likely don't need to do this), run the following:
export TIDBYT_DEVICE_ID="<device-id>"
export TIDBYT_AUTH_TOKEN="<auth-token>"
See the script comments for more information about the assumptions it's making.