iplookupdb utilizes the MaxMind GeoIP and GeoLite databases to look up IP addresses. To use this tool, you must first create an account and download the necessary database from MaxMind. See GeoLite2 Free Geolocation Data .
iplookupdb [flags] [ip address ...]
The flags are:
-db string
Path to the GeoLite2 City database (default "GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
-delimiter string
Delimiter for the CSV output. (default ",")
-in string
Input file path. If not specified, reads from standard input.
-lang string
Language for GeoIP lookup results. (default "en")
-out string
Output file path. If not specified, writes to standard output.
You can specify IP addresses directly via the command line. Use the -in flag to read from a file. If no IP addresses are provided on the command line and the -in flag is not used, the program reads from stdin.
The output is a comma-separated list of the IP address, city, subdivision (e.g., state for US-based addresses), and country. To change the separator, use the -delimiter flag. By default, the output is sent to stdout unless the -out flag is specified.
There is no documentation for this package.