π¦ mangathr

mangathr is a command-line program to download Manga chapters from numerous online platforms (See Sources). It bundles each chapter with metadata in ComicInfo format, or a number of others (see Metadata Agents). It supports monitoring a source for new chapters of registered Manga.
It has an older version (mangathr-legacy), written in Typescript.
$ mangathr <COMMAND> -s SOURCE QUERY
Go install
If Go is installed, install it with:
$ go install github.com/browningluke/mangathr/cmd/mangathr@latest
Pre-build binary
The pre-built binary files for most common UNIX OS/ARCH can be found in the latest release. No external dependencies should be required.
Docker (via Docker hub / ghcr.io)
An official docker image can be found on Dockerhub and ghcr.io.
Get started with here with an example docker-compose.yml file.
Docker (via source)
The docker image can be built from source by following the instructions here.
Building manually
Clone the repo with:
$ git clone https://github.com/browningluke/mangathr.git
$ cd mangathr
Install all Go module dependencies with:
$ go mod download && go mod verify
Build executable with:
$ go build -v -o path/to/place/bin ./cmd/mangathr
Make binary executable and move into path with:
$ chmod +x path/to/place/bin
$ cp path/to/place/bin /usr/local/bin/mangathr
Usage: mangathr [OPTIONS] COMMAND
π¦ A CLI utility for downloading Manga & metadata.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Manage the config file
download Download chapters from source
manage Manage series registered in database
register Register chapters to database
update Check for new chapters
version Print the version number of mangathr
--config string config file (default is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mangathr/config)
-h, --help help for mangathr
-l, --log-level string Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"off") (default "off")
--override strings Override config values (e.g. database.driver=postgres,database.postgres.user=example)
Use "mangathr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Download / Register
--dry-run Disables downloads & writes to the database
-s, --source string Source to search query on (REQUIRED)
--dry-run Disables downloads & writes to the database
Configuration Overrides
Configuration options can be specified in the command line to temporarily override the config file's values (either set by the user, or the default values). This may be useful when switching databases, or running in unusual environments, such as Kubernetes.
This option uses the same format (key.subkey=value
) as Helm's --set
. More details about how the values get converted to YAML can be found on Helm's website.
The following command will connect to PostgreSQL with the provided details, regardless of the values in the config file.
mangathr \
--override database.driver=postgres \
--override database.postgres.host= \
--override database.postgres.user=postgres \
--override database.postgres.password=mangathr \
--override database.postgres.dbName=mangathr \
The default configuration path is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mangathr/config
, which on most machines should be ~/.config/mangathr/config
logLevel: "off" # One of: ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"off")
driver: "sqlite" # One of the supported database drivers (sqlite, postgres, etc.)
... # See database section for configuration options
... # See database section for configuration options
dryRun: false # Disables downloads & writes to the database
simultaneousPages: 2 # Number of pages to download at once
pageRetries: 5 # Number of time to retry a page before failing
page: "100ms" # Time to sleep between each (batch of) page(s)
chapter: "200ms" # Time to sleep between each chapter when downloading
updateChapter: "2s" # Time to sleep between each chapter when checking for updates
path: './manga' # Location to place downloaded chapters
updatePath: './new-manga' # Location of new chapters (defaults to value of path)
zip: true # Whether to zip chapters into CBZ archives
filenameTemplate: "..." # See following section on templates
agent: "comicinfo" # One of the supported metadata formats
location: "internal" # Whether to place metadata file inside or next to archive
... # See relevant source for configuration options
mangathr uses a custom (simplified) templating structure. It should be powerful enough to cover most desired changes of positioning and addition/removal of variables from chapter names.
The following is the default template used, and the filename it produces:
"{num:3} - {source:<.>} - {manga:<.>} - Chapter {num}{title: - <.>}{groups: [<.>]}"
| 001 - Mangadex - Berserk - Chapter 1 - This is an example chapter [Group 1, Group 2].cbz
| ...
The format is: {var: - text to substitute <.> into - }
The variable specified following the leading bracket {
replaces the <.>
Available variables are (verbatim):
- source # Source name (e.g. Mangadex, Cubari)
- manga # Manga title (e.g. Berserk)
- num # Number (e.g. 2.5)
- lang # ISO 2 Language code (e.g fr)
- title # Title (no 'chapter') (e.g. This is an example chapter)
- groups # Scanlation groups (e.g. Group 1, Group 2)
can have x number of zeros padded to it by appending :x
to the variable name
, title
and groups
may sometimes be empty (depending on the source), if this is the case, nothing within {...}
brackets is substituted.
filenameTemplate: "..." # See config template section (overrides global template)
ratingFilter: # Show only these ratings when searching
- "safe"
- "suggestive"
- "erotica"
languageFilter: ["en", "fr"] # Include chapters with these languages
dataSaver: false # Use Mangadex's 'data saver' page size
include: # Only download chapters from <Example A> and <Example B>
- "Example A"
- "Example B"
exclude: # Do not download chapters from <Example C>
- "Example C"
filenameTemplate: "..." # See config template section (overrides global template)
include: # Only download chapters from <Example A> and <Example B>
- "Example A"
- "Example B"
exclude: # Do not download chapters from <Example C>
- "Example C"
Database |
Supported |
SQLite3 |
β |
PostgreSQL |
β |
β |
MongoDB |
β |
path: ~/mangathr/db.sqlite # default: ~/.config/mangathr/db.sqlite (/config/db.sqlite if in container)
host: # default:
port: 5432 # default: 5432
user: mangathr # default: mangathr
password: PASSWORD # required
dbName: mangathr # default: mangathr
sslMode: disable # default: disable
# (advanced usage) Appends extra options to connection string in format `key=value`
opts: '' # default: ''
This agent will write a ComicInfo.xml
file to the location selected in the configuration. It has been tested and confirmed to work with Komga v0.157.0-master. More info about the ComicInfo format can be found here.
The following is an example of a ComicInfo.xml file, and the metadata ingested:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Title>Chapter 1 - This is an example chapter</Title>
<Editor>Group 1, Group 2</Editor>