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Published: Oct 26, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0



Terraboard logo

🌍 📋 A web dashboard to inspect Terraform States

Docker Pulls Go Report Card Gitter Build Status Coverage Status By Camptocamp Documentation

Website: https://terraboard.io

Caution: Terraboard's Docker registry was migrated from Dockerhub to GHCR! All new tags will be now pushed here. You can still access to old tags on the legacy Dockerhub repository.

Table of content

What is it?

Terraboard is a web dashboard to visualize and query Terraform states. It currently features:

  • an overview page listing the most recently updated state files with their activity
  • a state page with state file details, including versions and resource attributes
  • a search interface to query resources by type, name or attributes
  • a diff interface to compare state between versions

It currently supports several remote state backend providers:

Terraboard is now able to handle multiple buckets/providers configuration! 🥳 Check configuration section for more details.


The overview presents all the state files in the S3 bucket, by most recent modification date.

Screenshot Overview

The search view allows to find resources by various criteria.

Screenshot Search


The state view presents details of a Terraform state at a given version.

Screenshot State


From the state view, you can compare the current state version with another version.

Screenshot Compare


Independently of the location of your statefiles, Terraboard needs to store an internal version of its dataset. For this purpose it requires a PostgreSQL database. Data resiliency is not paramount though as this dataset can be rebuilt upon your statefiles at anytime.

AWS S3 (state) + DynamoDB (lock)
  • A versioned S3 bucket name with one or more Terraform states, named with a .tfstate suffix
  • AWS credentials with the following IAM permissions over the bucket:
    • s3:GetObject
    • s3:ListBucket
    • s3:ListBucketVersions
    • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • If you want to retrieve lock states from a dynamoDB table, you need to make sure the provided AWS credentials have dynamodb:Scan access to that table.
Terraform Cloud
  • Account on Terraform Cloud
  • Existing organization
  • Token assigned to an organization


Terraboard currently supports configuration in three different ways:

  1. Environment variables (only usable for single provider configuration)
  2. CLI parameters (only usable for single provider configuration)
  3. Configuration file (YAML). A configuration file example can be found in the root directory of this repository and in the test/ subdirectory.

Important: all flags/environment variables related to the providers settings aren't compatible with multi-provider configuration! Instead, you must use the YAML config file to be able to configure multiples buckets/providers. YAML config is able to load values from environments variables.

The precedence of configurations is as described below.

Multiple buckets/providers

In order for Terraboard to import states from multiples buckets or even providers, you must use the YAML configuration method:

  • Set the CONFIG_FILE environment variable or the -c/--config-file flag to point to a valid YAML config file.
  • In the YAML file, specify your desired providers configuration. For example with two MinIO buckets (using the AWS provider with compatible mode):
# Needed since MinIO doesn't support versioning or locking
  no-locks: true
  no-versioning: true

  - endpoint: http://minio:9000/
    region: ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}
      - bucket: test-bucket
        force-path-style: true
          - .tfstate

  - endpoint: http://minio:9000/
    region: eu-west-1
      - bucket: test-bucket2
        force-path-style: true
          - .tfstate

In the case of AWS, don't forget to set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

That's it! Terraboard will now fetch these two buckets on DB refresh. You can also mix providers like AWS and Gitlab or anything else. You can find a ready-to-use Docker example with two MinIO buckets in the test/multiple-minio-buckets/ sub-folder.

Available parameters

Application Options
  • -V, --version Display version.
  • -c, --config-file <default: $CONFIG_FILE> Config File path
    • Env: CONFIG_FILE
General Provider Options
  • --no-versioning <default: $TERRABOARD_NO_VERSIONING> Disable versioning support from Terraboard (useful for S3 compatible providers like MinIO)
    • Yaml: provider.no-versioning
  • --no-locks <default: $TERRABOARD_NO_LOCKS> Disable locks support from Terraboard (useful for S3 compatible providers like MinIO)
    • Yaml: provider.no-locks
Logging Options
  • -l, --log-level <default: "info"> Set log level ('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal', 'panic').
    • Yaml: log.level
  • --log-format <default: "plain"> Set log format ('plain', 'json').
    • Yaml: log.format
Database Options
  • --db-host <default: "db"> Database host.
    • Env: DB_HOST
    • Yaml: database.host
  • --db-port <default: "5432"> Database port.
    • Env: DB_PORT
    • Yaml: database.port
  • --db-user <default: "gorm"> Database user.
    • Env: DB_USER
    • Yaml: database.user
  • --db-password <default: $DB_PASSWORD> Database password.
    • Env: DB_PASSWORD
    • Yaml: database.password
  • --db-name <default: "gorm"> Database name.
    • Env: DB_NAME
    • Yaml: database.name
  • --db-sslmode <default: "require"> Database SSL mode.
    • Env: DB_SSLMODE
    • Yaml: database.sslmode
  • --no-sync Do not sync database.
    • Yaml: database.no-sync
  • --sync-interval <default: "1"> DB sync interval (in minutes)
    • Yaml: database.sync-interval
AWS (and S3 compatible providers) Options
  • --aws-access-key <default: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> AWS account access key.
    • Yaml: aws.access-key
  • --aws-secret-access-key <default: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> AWS secret account access key.
    • Yaml: aws.secret-access-key
  • --aws-session-token <default: $AWS_SESSION_TOKEN> AWS session token.
    • Yaml: aws.session-token
  • --dynamodb-table <default: $AWS_DYNAMODB_TABLE> AWS DynamoDB table for locks.
    • Yaml: aws.dynamodb-table
  • --aws-endpoint <default: $AWS_ENDPOINT> AWS endpoint.
    • Yaml: aws.endpoint
  • --aws-region <default: $AWS_REGION> AWS region.
    • Env: AWS_REGION
    • Yaml: aws.region
  • --aws-role-arn <default: $APP_ROLE_ARN> Role ARN to Assume.
    • Env: APP_ROLE_ARN
    • Yaml: aws.app-role-arn
  • --aws-external-id <default: $AWS_EXTERNAL_ID> External ID to use when assuming role.
    • Yaml: aws.external-id
S3 Options
  • --s3-bucket <default: $AWS_BUCKET> AWS S3 bucket.
    • Env: AWS_BUCKET
    • Yaml: aws.s3.bucket
  • --key-prefix <default: $AWS_KEY_PREFIX> AWS Key Prefix.
    • Yaml: aws.s3.key-prefix
  • --file-extension <default: ".tfstate"> File extension(s) of state files.
    • Yaml: aws.s3.file-extension
  • --force-path-style <default: $AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE> Force path style S3 bucket calls.
    • Yaml: aws.s3.force-path-style
Terraform Enterprise Options
  • --tfe-address <default: $TFE_ADDRESS> Terraform Enterprise address for states access
    • Env: TFE_ADDRESS
    • Yaml: tfe.address
  • --tfe-token <default: $TFE_TOKEN> Terraform Enterprise Token for states access
    • Env: TFE_TOKEN
    • Yaml: tfe.token
  • --tfe-organization <default: $TFE_ORGANIZATION> Terraform Enterprise organization for states access
    • Yaml: tfe.organization
Google Cloud Platform Options
  • --gcs-bucket Google Cloud bucket to search
    • Yaml: gcp.gcs-bucket
  • --gcp-sa-key-path <default: $GCP_SA_KEY_PATH> The path to the service account to use to connect to Google Cloud Platform
    • Env: GCP_SA_KEY_PATH
    • Yaml: gcp.gcp-sa-key-path
GitLab Options
  • --gitlab-address <default: "https://gitlab.com"> GitLab address (root)
    • Yaml: gitlab.address
  • --gitlab-token <default: $GITLAB_TOKEN> Token to authenticate upon GitLab
    • Yaml: gitlab.token
  • -p, --port <default: "8080"> Port to listen on.
    • Yaml: web.port
  • --base-url <default: "/"> Base URL.
    • Yaml: web.base-url
  • --logout-url <default: $TERRABOARD_LOGOUT_URL> Logout URL.
    • Yaml: web.logout-url
Help Options
  • -h, --help Show this help message

Push plans to Terraboard

In order to send Terraform plans to Terraboard, you must wrap it in this JSON format:

    "lineage": "<Plan's lineage>",
    "terraform_version": "<Terraform version>",
    "git_remote": "<The URL of the remote that generated this plan>",
    "git_commit": "<Commit hash>",
    "ci_url": "<The URL of the CI that sent this plan>",
    "source": "<Free field for the triggering event>",
    "plan_json": "<Terraform plan JSON export>"

And send it to /api/plans using POST method

Use with Docker


Configuration file can be provided to the container using a volume or a configuration.

# Set AWS credentials as environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<access_secret>

# Set AWS configuration as environment variables:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<AWS default region>
export AWS_BUCKET=<S3 Bucket name>
export AWS_DYNAMODB_TABLE=<Aws DynamoDB Table>

docker-compose up

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080.

Docker command line

# Set AWS credentials as environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<access_secret>

# Set AWS configuration as environment variables:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<AWS default region>
export AWS_BUCKET=<S3 Bucket name>

# Spin up the two containers and a network for them to communciate on:
docker network create terraboard
docker run --name db \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=gorm \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=gorm \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="<mypassword>" \
  -e GODEBUG="netdns=go" \
  --net terraboard \
  --detach \
  --restart=always \

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e DB_PASSWORD="<mypassword>" \
  -e DB_SSLMODE="disable" \
  --net terraboard \

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080.

Use with Kubernetes

A Helm chart is available on Camptocamp's repository.

In order to install it:

$ helm repo add c2c https://camptocamp.github.io/charts
$ helm install -v values.yaml terraboard c2c/terraboard

Use with Rancher

Camptocamp's Rancher Catalog contains a Terraboard template to automate its installation in Cattle.

Authentication and base URL

Terraboard does not implement authentication. Instead, it is recommended to use an authentication proxy such as oauth2_proxy.

If you need to set a route path for Terraboard, you can set a base URL by passing it as the BASE_URL environment variable.

When using an authentication proxy, Terraboard will retrieve the logged in user and email from the headers passed by the proxy. Terraboard expects you to setup the HTTP Headers X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email when passing the logged in user and email. A Nginx example can be found below:

location / {
  auth_request_set $user   $upstream_http_x_auth_request_user;
  auth_request_set $email  $upstream_http_x_auth_request_email;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-User  $user;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Email $email;
  proxy_pass http://terraboard/;

You can also pass a TERRABOARD_LOGOUT_URL parameter to allow users to sign out of the proxy.

Install from source

$ go get github.com/camptocamp/terraboard

Compatibility Matrix

Terraboard Max Terraform version
0.15.0 0.12.7
0.16.0 0.12.7
0.17.0 0.12.18
0.18.0 0.12.18
0.19.0 0.12.20
0.20.0 0.12.26
0.21.0 0.12.28
0.22.0 0.13.0
1.0.0 0.14.5
1.1.0 0.14.10



Terraboard is made of two components:

A server process

The server is written in go and runs a web server which serves:

  • the API on known access points, taking the data from the PostgreSQL database
  • the index page (from static/index.html) on all other URLs

The server also has a routine which regularly (every 1 minute) feeds the PostgreSQL database from the S3 bucket.

A web UI

The UI is an AngularJS application served from index.html. All the UI code can be found in the static/ directory.


$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
# Point your browser to http://localhost




The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package docs GENERATED BY THE COMMAND ABOVE; DO NOT EDIT This file was generated by swaggo/swag
Package docs GENERATED BY THE COMMAND ABOVE; DO NOT EDIT This file was generated by swaggo/swag
Package addrs contains types that represent "addresses", which are references to specific objects within a Terraform configuration or state.
Package addrs contains types that represent "addresses", which are references to specific objects within a Terraform configuration or state.
Package configs contains types that represent Terraform configurations and the different elements thereof.
Package configs contains types that represent Terraform configurations and the different elements thereof.
Package configload knows how to install modules into the .terraform/modules directory and to load modules from those installed locations.
Package configload knows how to install modules into the .terraform/modules directory and to load modules from those installed locations.
Package configschema contains types for describing the expected structure of a configuration block whose shape is not known until runtime.
Package configschema contains types for describing the expected structure of a configuration block whose shape is not known until runtime.
Package depsfile contains the logic for reading and writing Terraform's dependency lock and development override configuration files.
Package depsfile contains the logic for reading and writing Terraform's dependency lock and development override configuration files.
Package experiments contains the models and logic for opt-in experiments that can be activated for a particular Terraform module.
Package experiments contains the models and logic for opt-in experiments that can be activated for a particular Terraform module.
Package getmodules contains the low-level functionality for fetching remote module packages.
Package getmodules contains the low-level functionality for fetching remote module packages.
Package getproviders is the lowest-level provider automatic installation functionality.
Package getproviders is the lowest-level provider automatic installation functionality.
Package ipaddr is a fork of a subset of the Go standard "net" package which retains parsing behaviors from Go 1.16 or earlier.
Package ipaddr is a fork of a subset of the Go standard "net" package which retains parsing behaviors from Go 1.16 or earlier.
Package lang deals with the runtime aspects of Terraform's configuration language, with concerns such as expression evaluation.
Package lang deals with the runtime aspects of Terraform's configuration language, with concerns such as expression evaluation.
Package blocktoattr includes some helper functions that can perform preprocessing on a HCL body where a configschema.Block schema is available in order to allow list and set attributes defined in the schema to be optionally written by the user as block syntax.
Package blocktoattr includes some helper functions that can perform preprocessing on a HCL body where a configschema.Block schema is available in order to allow list and set attributes defined in the schema to be optionally written by the user as block syntax.
Package globalref is home to some analysis algorithms that aim to answer questions about references between objects and object attributes across an entire configuration.
Package globalref is home to some analysis algorithms that aim to answer questions about references between objects and object attributes across an entire configuration.
Package types contains non-standard cty types used only within Terraform.
Package types contains non-standard cty types used only within Terraform.
Package modsdir is an internal package containing the model types used to represent the manifest of modules in a local modules cache directory.
Package modsdir is an internal package containing the model types used to represent the manifest of modules in a local modules cache directory.
Package providers contains the interface and primary types required to implement a Terraform resource provider.
Package providers contains the interface and primary types required to implement a Terraform resource provider.
Package regsrc provides helpers for working with source strings that identify resources within a Terraform registry.
Package regsrc provides helpers for working with source strings that identify resources within a Terraform registry.
Package replacefile is a small helper package focused directly at the problem of atomically "renaming" one file over another one.
Package replacefile is a small helper package focused directly at the problem of atomically "renaming" one file over another one.
Package states contains the types that are used to represent Terraform states.
Package states contains the types that are used to represent Terraform states.
Package statefile deals with the file format used to serialize states for persistent storage and then deserialize them into memory again later.
Package statefile deals with the file format used to serialize states for persistent storage and then deserialize them into memory again later.
Package statemgr defines the interfaces and some supporting functionality for "state managers", which are components responsible for writing state to some persistent storage and then later retrieving it.
Package statemgr defines the interfaces and some supporting functionality for "state managers", which are components responsible for writing state to some persistent storage and then later retrieving it.
Package tfdiags is a utility package for representing errors and warnings in a manner that allows us to produce good messages for the user.
Package tfdiags is a utility package for representing errors and warnings in a manner that allows us to produce good messages for the user.
Package typeexpr is a fork of github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/ext/typeexpr which has additional experimental support for optional attributes.
Package typeexpr is a fork of github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/ext/typeexpr which has additional experimental support for optional attributes.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL