Skel is an example application written in Go.
This repository can be used as a reference--the code is well documented.
It's a good fit as starter code for developing JSON APIs which act as backends for Single-Page Applications (SPAs), mobile applications, or function as stand-alone services.
The project addresses the design choices of developing applications:
- Project structure and organization.
- Practical code patterns for creating robust and maintainable programs.
Development practices is based on guiding principles of well written Go code.
- Clarity
- Simplicity
- Correctness
- Productivity
Software Design
High level application architecture and systems design.
flowchart TB
subgraph Clients
SPA[Single Page Applications]
Mobile[Mobile Apps]
Services[External Services]
subgraph Gateway
Caddy[Caddy Reverse Proxy]:::proxy
RateLimit[Rate Limiting]:::security
CORSMid[CORS Middleware]:::security
subgraph API
Server[API Server :4000]:::server
Routes[Route Handlers]:::routes
Auth[Authentication System]:::security
Mid[Middleware Components]:::middleware
Health[Health Check]:::monitoring
subgraph Services
Mailer[Mailer Service]:::service
Logger[JSON Logger]:::service
Validator[Validation Service]:::service
subgraph DataLayer
Models[Data Models]:::data
Movies[Movies Management]:::data
Users[Users Management]:::data
Pool[Connection Pool]:::data
Migrations[Database Migrations]:::data
subgraph EmailTemplates
Welcome[Welcome Template]:::template
Activation[Activation Template]:::template
Reset[Password Reset Template]:::template
%% Client to Gateway Connections
SPA & Mobile & Services --> Caddy
%% Gateway Flow
Caddy --> RateLimit
RateLimit --> CORSMid
CORSMid --> Server
%% API Layer Connections
Server --> Routes
Server --> Auth
Server --> Mid
Server --> Health
%% Service Layer Connections
Routes --> Mailer
Routes --> Logger
Routes --> Validator
%% Data Layer Connections
Routes --> Models
Models --> Pool
Pool --> DB
Movies & Users --> Pool
Migrations --> DB
%% Email Template Connections
Mailer --> Welcome
Mailer --> Activation
Mailer --> Reset
%% Styles
classDef proxy fill:#f96
classDef security fill:#f66
classDef server fill:#6f6
classDef routes fill:#6f9
classDef middleware fill:#69f
classDef monitoring fill:#ff9
classDef service fill:#c9f
classDef data fill:#fc9
classDef database fill:#9cf
classDef template fill:#fcf
%% Click Events
click Caddy ""
click Server ""
click Routes ""
click Auth ""
click Mid ""
click Mailer ""
click Logger ""
click Validator ""
click Models ""
click Movies ""
click Users ""
click Migrations ""
click Welcome ""
click Activation ""
click Reset ""
click Health ""
You'll need to install these softwares and tools on your machine:
- Go 1.16 or newer
- PostgreSQL database (version 12 or newer)
- command-line migrate tool for database migrations
- make utility
- reflex (optional)
- staticcheck tool to carry out some additional static analysis checks
First, clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd skel
Environment Variables
Create a .envrc
file in the root directory of this project
by renaming .envrc.example
to .envrc
# PostgreSQL database DSN.
Expand Database Migrations
Install the migrate tool
Detailed installation instructions for different OSes can be found here.
On Linux, the easiest method is to download a pre-built binary and move it to a location on your system path:
$ curl -L | tar xvz
$ mv migrate.linux-amd64 $GOPATH/bin/migrate
Before you continue, please check that it’s available and working on your
machine by trying to execute the migrate
binary with the -version
flag. It
should output the current version number similar to this:
$ migrate --version
Then, you can build and run skel
by using make
$ make run/api
Development Environment with Live Code Reloading
Run reflex which will be used for hot recompiling the code. It can be very useful for quickly testing your changes.
$ reflex -c reflex.conf
What the command means is: "watch for changes to go.mod
and all files ending
in .go
and execute go run ./cmd/api
when it happens. The -s
flag stands
for service and will make reflex kill previously run command before starting it
again, which is exactly what we want.
Command-Line Flags
$ go run ./cmd/api --help
Usage of ./bin/linux_amd64/api:
-cors-trusted-origins value
Trusted CORS origins (space separated)
-db-dsn string
PostgreSQL DSN
-db-max-idle-conns int
PostgreSQL max idle connections (default 25)
-db-max-idle-time string
PostgreSQL max idle time (default "15m")
-db-max-open-conns int
PostgreSQL max open connections (default 25)
-env string
Environment (development|staging|production) (default "development")
-limiter-burst int
Rate limiter maximum burst (default 4)
Enable rate limiter (default true)
-limiter-rps float
Rate limiter maximum requests per second (default 2)
-port int
API server port (default 4000)
-smtp-host string
SMTP host (default "")
-smtp-password string
SMTP password (default "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
-smtp-port int
SMTP port (default 2525)
-smtp-sender string
SMTP sender (default "Skel <>")
-smtp-username string
SMTP username (default "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
Display version and exit
Start the API, passing in a couple of command line flags for different purposes:
Run the API with rate limiting disabled:
$ go run ./cmd/api -limiter-enabled=false
Before you run your load testing, you might like to play around with this and try changing some of the configuration parameters for the connection pool to see how it affects the behavior of the figures (from your benchmarking tool) under load.
$ go run ./cmd/api -limiter-enabled=false -db-max-open-conns=50 -db-max-idle-conns=50 -db-max-idle-time=20s -port=4000
Run your API, passing in
as CORS trusted origins like so:$ go run ./cmd/api -cors-trusted-origins='http://localhost:9000 http://localhost:9001'
Using Makefile
Use the GNU make utility and makefiles to help automate common tasks in out project, such as creating and executing database migrations.
Displaying help information
Execute the help
target, you should get a response which lists all the
available targets and the corresponding help text.
$ make
help print this help message
run/api run the cmd/api application
db/psql connect to the database using psql
db/migrations/new name=$1 create a new database migration
db/migrations/up apply all up database migrations
audit tidy and vendor dependencies and format, vet and test all code
vendor tidy and vendor dependencies
build/api build the cmd/api application
production/connect connect to the production server
production/deploy/api deploy the api to production
production/configure/api.service configure the production systemd api.service file
production/configure/caddyfile configure the production Caddyfile
Using make for Common Tasks
You should be able to execute the rules by typing the full target name when
running make
. For example:
$ make run/api
go run ./cmd/api
{"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-04T14:44:36Z","message":"database connection pool established"}
{"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-04T14:44:36Z","message":"starting server","properties":{"addr":":4000","env":"development"}}
If you run the db/migrations/up
rule with the name=create_example_table
argument you should see the following output:
$ make db/migrations/up name=create_example_table
Creating migration files for create_example_table
migrate create -seq -ext=.sql -dir=./migrations create_example_table
Quality Controlling Code
The audit rule will:
- prune dependencies
- verify module dependencies
- format all
files, according to the Go standard - vet code; runs a variety of analyzers which carry out static analysis
- staticcheck; carry out some additional static analysis checks
- test
To run these checks before you commit any code changes into your version control system or build any binaries.
$ make audit
Profiling Test Coverage
A feature of the go test
tool is the metrics and visualizations that it
provides for test coverage.
$ make coverage
Running test coverage ...
go test -cover ./...
ok (cached) coverage: 18.9% of statements
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
ok (cached) coverage: 3.3% of statements
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=/tmp/profile.out ./...
ok 0.008s coverage: 18.9% of statements
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
ok 0.115s coverage: 3.3% of statements
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
go tool cover -html=/tmp/profile.out
From the results here we can see that 18.9% of the statements in our cmd/api
package are executed during our tests, and for our internal/data
the figure is
This will open a browser window containing a navigable and highlighted representation of your code.
Vendoring New Dependencies
Note: It's important to point out that there's no easy way to verify that
the checksums of the vendored dependencies match the checksums in the go.sum
To mitigate that, it's a good idea to run both go mod verify
go mod vendor
Using go mod verify
will verify that the dependencies in your module cache
match the go.sum
file, and go mod vendor
will copy those same dependencies
from the module cache into your vendor
# vendor rule execute both `go mod verify` and `go mod vendor` commands.
$ make vendor
Build and run executable binaries for our applications.
Go supports cross-compilation, so you can generate a binary suitable for use on a different machine.
Let's create two binaries — one for use on your local machine, and another for deploying to the Ubuntu Linux server.
To build binaries, you need to execute:
$ make build/api
You should see that two binary files are now created — one for local machine at
; with the cross-compiled binary located under the
And you should be able to run this executable to start your API application, passing in any command-line flag values as necessary. For example:
$ ./bin/api -port=3000 -db-dsn=postgres://myuser:mysuperpass@localhost/skel
{"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-06T13:00:00Z","message":"database connection pool established"}
{"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-06T13:00:00Z","message":"starting server","properties":{"addr":":3000","env":"development"}}
Automated Version Numbers
We leverage Git to generate automated version numbers as part of your build process. The process "burn-in" a version number and build time to your application when building the binary.
The steps are: git commit recent changes, run make build/api
, and then
check the version number in your binaries. Like so:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'generate version number automatically'
$ make build/api
Building cmd/api...
go build -ldflags="-s -X main.buildTime=2021-09-07T12:07:47+08:00 -X main.version=018442b" -o=./bin/api ./cmd/api
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -X main.buildTime=2021-09-07T12:07:47+08:00 -X main.version=018442b" -o=./bin/linux_amd64/api ./cmd/api
$ ./bin/api -version
Version: 018442b
Build time: 2021-09-07T12:07:47+08:00
We can see that our binary is now reporting that it was been built from a clean version of the repository with the commit hash 018442b
. Let's cross check this against the git log
output for the project:
$ git log
commit 018442b79eec04e2c739d5b3ab1ac4ca7345f17f (HEAD -> main)
Author: Cedric Chee <>
Date: Tue Sep 7 12:07:01 2021 +0800
generate version number automatically
The commit hash in our Git history aligns perfectly with our application version
number. And that means it's now easy for us to identify exactly what code a
particular binary contains — all we need to do is run the binary with the
flag and then cross-reference it against the Git repository history.
Deployment and Hosting
We're going to deploy our API application to a production server and expose it on the Internet.
Every project and project team will have different technical and business needs in terms of hosting and deployment, so it's impossible to lay out a one-size-fits-all approach here.
We'll focus on hosting the application on a self-managed Linux server and using standard Linux tooling to manage server configuration and deployment.
We'll also be automating the server configuration and deployment process as much as possible, so that it's easy to make continuous deployments and possible to replicate the server again in the future if you need to.
We'll be using Digital Ocean as the hosting provider.
In terms of infrastructure and architecture, we'll run everything on a single Ubuntu Linux server. Our stack will consist of a PostgreSQL database and the executable binary for our Skel API, operating in much the same way that we have seen so far. But in addition to this, we'll also run Caddy as a reverse proxy in front of the Skel API.
Using Caddy has a couple of benefits. It will automatically handle and terminate HTTPS connections for us — including automatically generating and managing TLS certificates via Let's Encrypt — and we can also use Caddy to easily restrict internet access to our metrics endpoint.
You are going to:
- Provision an Ubuntu Linux server running on Digital Ocean to host your application.
- Automate the configuration of the server — including creating user accounts, configuring the firewall and installing necessary software.
- Automate the process of updating your application and deploying changes to the server.
- Run your application as a background service using systemd, as a non-root user.
- Use Caddy as a reverse proxy in front of your application to automatically manage TLS certificates and handle HTTPS connections.
Server Configuration and Installing Software
Now that our Ubuntu Linux droplet has been successfully commissioned, we need to do some housekeeping to secure the server and get it ready-to-use. Rather than do this manually, we're going to create and use a reusable script to automate these setup tasks.
You can find that regular Bash script in the scripts/setup
folder in your
project directory. The script file is called
Prerequisite This step ensure your Digital Ocean droplet is up and running and you've been able to successfully connect to it over SSH.
In order to log in to droplets in your Digital Ocean account you'll need a SSH keypair.
Suggestion: If you're unfamiliar with SSH, SSH keys, or public-key cryptography generally, then I recommend reading through the first half of this guide to get an overview before continuing.
Open a new terminal window and try connecting to the droplet via SSH as the
user, using the droplet IP address. Like so:
$ ssh root@{insert your VM IP}
The authenticity of host 'X.X.X.X (X.X.X.X)' can't be established.
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-51-generic x86_64)
root@skel-production:~# exit
Connection to X.X.X.X closed.
OK, let's now run this script on our new Digital Ocean droplet. This will be a two-step process:
- First we need to copy the script to the droplet (which we will do using rsync).
- Then we need to connect to the droplet via SSH and execute the script.
Go ahead and run the following command to rsync
the contents of the
folder to the root user's home directory on the droplet.
Remember to replace the IP address with your own!
$ rsync -rP --delete ./scripts/setup root@X.X.X.X:/root
sending incremental file list
3,327 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/2)
Now that a copy of our setup script is on the droplet, let's use the ssh
command to execute the script on the remote machine as the root
Go ahead and run the script, entering a password for the skel
user, like so:
$ ssh -t root@X.X.X.X 'bash /root/setup/'
Enter password for skel DB user: mySuprs3cretPASS0121
'universe' distribution component enabled for all sources.
Hit:1 focal-security InRelease
Hit:2 main InRelease
Script complete! Rebooting...
Connection to X.X.X.X closed by remote host.
Connection to X.X.X.X closed.
Connecting to the Droplet
After waiting a minute for the reboot to complete, try connecting to the droplet
as the skel
user over SSH. This should work correctly (and the SSH key pair
you created previously should be used to authenticate the connection) but you
will be prompted to set a password.
To make connecting to the server a bit easier, and so we don't have to remember
the IP address, we add a Makefile rule for initializing a SSH connection to the
server as the skel
user. Like so:
# Makefile
# ============================================================================ #
# ============================================================================ #
production_host_ip = "INSERT YOUR IP ADDRESS"
## production/connect: connect to the production server
.PHONY: production/connect
ssh skel@${production_host_ip}
Remember to replace the IP address with your own.
You can then connect to your droplet whenever you need to by simply typing:
$ make production/connect
ssh skel@'X.X.X.X'
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-65-generic x86_64)
Deployment and Running Application
At this point our droplet is set up with all the software and user accounts that we need, so let's move on to the process of deploying and running our API application.
At a very high-level, our deployment process will consist of three actions:
- Copying the application binary and SQL migration files to the droplet.
- Executing the migrations against the PostgreSQL database on the droplet.
- Starting the application binary as a background service.
To execute the first two steps automatically, we made a production/deploy/api
rule in Makefile.
$ make production/deploy/api
rsync -rP --delete ./bin/linux_amd64/api ./migrations skel@"X.X.X.X":~
sending incremental file list
7,618,560 100% 119.34kB/s 0:01:02 (xfr#1, to-chk=13/14)
28 100% 27.34kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=11/14)
286 100% 279.30kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=10/14)
198 100% 193.36kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=9/14)
289 100% 282.23kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=8/14)
78 100% 76.17kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=7/14)
170 100% 166.02kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=6/14)
27 100% 26.37kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=5/14)
294 100% 287.11kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=4/14)
28 100% 27.34kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#10, to-chk=3/14)
203 100% 99.12kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#11, to-chk=2/14)
73 100% 35.64kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#12, to-chk=1/14)
452 100% 220.70kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#13, to-chk=0/14)
ssh -t skel@"X.X.X.X" "migrate -path ~/migrations -database $SKEL_DB_DSN up"
1/u create_movies_table (11.782733ms)
2/u add_movies_check_constraints (23.109006ms)
3/u add_movies_indexes (30.61223ms)
4/u create_users_table (39.890662ms)
5/u create_tokens_table (48.659641ms)
6/u add_permissions (58.23243ms)
Connection to X.X.X.X closed.
Running the API as a Background Service
The next step is to configure it to run as a background service, including starting up automatically when the droplet is rebooted.
We do this using systemd.
We've made a unit file
), which
informs systemd how and when to run the service.
The next step is to install this unit file on our droplet and start up the service.
Go ahead and run the Makefile rule. The output you see should look similar to this:
$ make production/configure/api.service
rsync -P ./scripts/production/api.service skel@"X.X.X.X":~
sending incremental file list
1,266 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
ssh -t skel@"X.X.X.X" '\
sudo mv ~/api.service /etc/systemd/system/ \
&& sudo systemctl enable api \
&& sudo systemctl restart api \
[sudo] password for skel:
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/api.service.
Connection to X.X.X.X closed.
Next connect to the droplet and check the status of the new api
service using
the sudo systemctl status api
$ make production/connect
skel@skel-production:~$ sudo systemctl status api
● api.service - Skel API service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/api.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-09-09 03:15:35 SGT; 1min 31s ago
Main PID: 6891 (api)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 1136)
Memory: 1.8M
CGroup: /system.slice/api.service
└─6997 /home/skel/api -port=4000 -db-dsn=postgres://skel:blahP@55blah@localhost/skel -env=production
Apr 09 03:15:35 skel-production systemd[1]: Starting Skel API service...
Apr 09 03:15:35 skel-production systemd[1]: Started Skel API service.
Apr 09 03:15:35 skel-production api[6891]: {"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-09T07:15:35Z", ...}
Apr 09 03:15:35 skel-production api[6891]: {"level":"INFO","time":"2021-09-09T07:15:35Z", ...}
This confirms that the service is running successfully in the background and, in
my case, that it has the PID (process ID) 6891
Use Caddy as a Reverse Proxy
We're now in the state where we have Caddy running as a background service and
listening for HTTP requests on port 80
So the next step in setting up our production environment is to configure Caddy to act as a reverse proxy and forward any HTTP requests that it receives onward to our API.
To configure Caddy, we created a Caddyfile.
If you're following along, please go ahead and replace the IP address in the Caddyfile with the address of your own droplet (server).
Next deploy this Caddyfile into your droplet:
$ make production/configure/caddyfile
rsync -P ./scripts/production/Caddyfile skel@"X.X.X.X":~
sending incremental file list
53 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
ssh -t skel@"X.X.X.X" '\
sudo mv ~/Caddyfile /etc/caddy/ \
&& sudo systemctl reload caddy \
[sudo] password for skel:
Connection to X.X.X.X closed.
You should see that the Caddyfile is copied across and the reload executes cleanly without any errors.
At this point you can visit http://<your_droplet_ip>/v1/healthcheck
in a web
browser, and you should find that the request is successfully forwarded on from
Caddy to our API.
Application Metrics
The metrics are no longer publicly accessible, you can still access them by connecting to your droplet via SSH.
You can open a SSH tunnel to the droplet and view them using a web browser on
your local machine. For example, you could open an SSH tunnel between port
on the droplet and port 9999
on your local machine by running the
following command (make sure to replace both IP addresses with your own
droplet IP):
$ ssh -L :9999:X.X.X.X:4000 skel@X.X.X.X
While that tunnel is active, you should be able to visit
in your web browser and see your application
Using a Domain Name (Optional)
For the next step of our deployment, if you want, you can configure Caddy so that you can access our droplet via a domain name, instead of needing to use the IP address.
I'm going to use the domain
in the sample code here, but
you should swap this out for your own domain if you're following along.
The first thing you'll need to do is configure the DNS records for your domain
name so that they contain an A
record pointing to the IP address for your
droplet. So in my case the DNS record would look like this:
Note: If you're not sure how to alter your DNS records, your domain name registrar should provide guidance and documentation.
Once you've got the DNS record in place, the next task is to update the
Caddyfile to use your domain name instead of your droplet's IP address. Go ahead
and swap this out like so (remember to replace
with your
own domain name): {
respond /debug/* "Not Permitted" 403
reverse_proxy localhost:4000
And then redeploy the Caddyfile to your droplet again:
$ make production/configure/caddyfile
Once you've done that, you should now be able to access the API via your domain name by visiting http://<your_domain_name>/v1/healthcheck
in your browser.
Enabling HTTPS (Optional)
Now that we have a domain name set up we can utilize one of Caddy's headline features: automatic HTTPS.
Caddy will automatically handle provisioning and renewing TLS certificates for your domain via Let's Encrypt, as well as redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS. It's simple to set up, very robust, and saves you the overhead of needing to keep track of certificate renewals manually.
To enable this, we just need to update our Caddyfile
so that it looks like
# Set the email address that should be used to contact you if there is a
# problem with your TLS certificates.
# Remove the http:// prefix from your site address. {
respond /debug/* "Not Permitted" 403
reverse_proxy localhost:4000
For the final time, deploy this Caddyfile update to your droplet.
$ make production/configure/caddyfile
And then when you refresh the page in your web browser, you should find that it is automatically redirected to a HTTPS version of the page.
Working with Branches
You can switch the authentication process for our API to use JSON Web Tokens
(JWTs). Just git checkout
the feature branch named
Important: Using JWTs for this particular application doesn't have any benefits over our current "stateful token" approach. The JWT approach is more complex, ultimately requires the same number of database lookups, and we lose the ability to revoke tokens. For those reasons, it doesn't make much sense to use them here. But I still want to explain the pattern for two reasons:
JWTs have a lot of mind-share, and as a developer it's likely that you will run into existing codebases that use them for authentication, or that outside influences mean you are forced to use them.
It's worth understanding how they work in case you need to implement APIs that require delegated authentication, which is a scenario that they're useful in.
Expand License
This repository contains a variety of content; some developed by Cedric Chee, and some from third-parties. The third-party content is distributed under the license provided by those parties.
I am providing code and resources in this repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code and resources is from me and not my employer.
The content developed by Cedric Chee is distributed under the following license:
The text content is released under the CC-BY-NC-ND license. Read more at Creative Commons.
The code in this repository is released under the MIT license.