
package module
v0.0.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 27, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 27 Imported by: 0


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A k6 extension for interacting with Kubernetes clusters while testing.


To build a custom k6 binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites:

  1. Download xk6:

    go install go.k6.io/xk6/cmd/xk6@latest
  2. Build the k6 binary:

    xk6 build --with github.com/grafana/xk6-kubernetes

    The xk6 build command creates a k6 binary that includes the xk6-kubernetes extension in your local folder. This k6 binary can now run a k6 test using xk6-kubernetes APIs.


To make development a little smoother, use the Makefile in the root folder. The default target will format your code, run tests, and create a k6 binary with your local code rather than from GitHub.

git clone git@github.com:grafana/xk6-kubernetes.git
cd xk6-kubernetes

Using the k6 binary with xk6-kubernetes, run the k6 test as usual:

./k6 run k8s-test-script.js


The API assumes a kubeconfig configuration is available at any of the following default locations:

  • at the location pointed by the KUBECONFIG environment variable
  • at $HOME/.kube


Generic API

This API offers methods for creating, retrieving, listing and deleting resources of any of the supported kinds.

Method Parameters Description
apply manifest string creates a Kubernetes resource given a YAML manifest or updates it if already exists
create spec object creates a Kubernetes resource given its specification
delete kind removes the named resource
get kind returns the named resource
list kind returns a collection of resources of a given kind
update spec object updates an existing resource

The kinds of resources currently supported are:

  • ConfigMap
  • Deployment
  • Ingress
  • Job
  • Namespace
  • Node
  • PersistentVolume
  • PersistentVolumeClaim
  • Pod
  • Secret
  • Service
  • StatefulSet
Creating a pod using a specification
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

const podSpec = {
    apiVersion: "v1",
    kind:       "Pod",
    metadata: {
        name:      "busybox",
        namespace: "testns"
    spec: {
        containers: [
                name:    "busybox",
                image:   "busybox",
                command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 30"]

export default function () {
  const kubernetes = new Kubernetes();


  const pods = kubernetes.list("Pod", "testns");

  console.log(`${pods.length} Pods found:`);
  pods.map(function(pod) {
    console.log(`  ${pod.metadata.name}`)
Creating a job using a YAML manifest
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

const manifest = `
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: busybox
  namespace: testns
      - name: busybox
        image: busybox
        command: ["sleep", "300"]
    restartPolicy: Never

export default function () {
  const kubernetes = new Kubernetes();


  const jobs = kubernetes.list("Job", "testns");

  console.log(`${jobs.length} Jobs found:`);
  pods.map(function(job) {
    console.log(`  ${job.metadata.name}`)


The xk6-kubernetes extension offers helpers to facilitate common tasks when setting up a tests. All helper functions work in a namespace to facilitate the development of tests segregated by namespace. The helpers are accessed using the following method:

Method Parameters Description
helpers namespace returns helpers that operate in the given namespace. If none is specified, "default" is used

The methods above return an object that implements the following helper functions:

Method Parameters Description
getExternalIP service returns the external IP of a service if any is assigned before timeout expires
timeout in seconds
waitPodRunning pod name waits until the pod is in 'Running' state or the timeout expires. Returns a boolean indicating of the pod was ready or not. Throws an error if the pod is Failed.
timeout in seconds
waitServiceReady service name waits until the given service has at least one endpoint ready or the timeout expires
timeout in seconds
Creating a pod in a random namespace and wait until it is running
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

let podSpec = {
    apiVersion: "v1",
    kind:       "Pod",
    metadata: {
        name:      "busybox",
        namespace:  "default"
    spec: {
        containers: [
                name:    "busybox",
                image:   "busybox",
                command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 30"]

export default function () {
  const kubernetes = new Kubernetes();

  // create pod

  // get helpers for test namespace
  const helpers = kubernetes.helpers()

  // wait for pod to be running
  const timeout = 10
  if (!helpers.waitPodRunning(pod.metadata.name, timeout)) {
      console.log(`"pod ${pod.metadata.name} not ready after ${timeout} seconds`)

Resource kind helpers

This API offers a helper for each kind of Kubernetes resources supported (Pods, Deployments, Secrets, et cetera). For each one, an interface for creating, getting, listing and deleting objects is offered.

⚠️ This interface is deprecated and will be removed soon

Migrate to the usage of the generic resources API.

(Deprecated) Create a client: new Kubernetes(config)

Creates a Kubernetes client to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.

Config options Type Description Default
config_path String The path to the kubeconfig file ~/.kube/config
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({
    // config_path: "/path/to/kube/config"
(Deprecated) Client.config_maps
Method Description
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-configmap.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named ConfigMap
get returns the named ConfigMaps get-configmap.js
list returns a collection of ConfigMaps list-configmaps.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});

  const nameSpace = "default";
  const name = "config-map-name";
  kubernetesClient.config_maps.apply(getConfigMapYaml(name), nameSpace);
(Deprecated) Client.deployments
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-deployment-service-ingress.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named Deployment
get returns the named Deployment get-configmap.js
list returns a collection of Deployments list-configmaps.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});

  const nameSpace = "default";
  const name = "deployment-name";
  const app = 'app-label';

  kubernetesClient.deployments.apply(getDeploymentYaml(name, app), nameSpace);
(Deprecated) Client.ingresses
Method Description
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-deployment-service-ingress.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named Ingress
get returns the named Ingress get-ingress.js
list returns a collection of Ingresses list-ingresses.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});

  const nameSpace = "default";
  const name = "deployment-name";
  const url = 'ingress-url.com';

  kubernetesClient.ingresses.apply(getIngressYaml(name, url), nameSpace);
(Deprecated) Client.jobs
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-job.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration create-job.js, create-job-wait.js, create-job-by-nodename.js, create-job-autodelete.js
delete removes the named Job
get returns the named Jobs get-job.js
list returns a collection of Jobs list-jobs.js
wait wait for all Jobs to complete wait-job.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const namespace = "default"
  const jobName = "new-job"
  const image = "perl"
  const command = ["perl",  "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)"]

    namespace: namespace,
    name: jobName,
    image: image,
    command: command

  const completed = kubernetesClient.jobs.wait({
    namespace: namespace,
    name: jobName,
    timeout: "30s"
  const jobStatus = completed? "completed": "not completed"
(Deprecated) Client.namespaces
Method Description
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-namespace.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named Namespaces
get returns the named Namespace get-namespace.js
list returns a collection of Namespaces list-namespaces.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const name = "namespace-name";

(Deprecated) Client.nodes
Method Description Example
list returns a collection of Nodes comprising the cluster list-nodes.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const nodes = kubernetesClient.nodes.list()
(Deprecated) Client.persistent_volumes
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-get-delete-pv.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named persistent volume apply-get-delete-pv.js
get returns the named persistent volume instance apply-get-delete-pv.js
list returns a collection of persistent volumens list-pv.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});

  const name = "example-pv";
  kubernetesClient.persistent_volumes.apply(getPVYaml(name, "1Gi", "local-storage"));
(Deprecated) Client.persistent_volumes_claims
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-get-delete-pvc.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named persistent volume claim apply-get-delete-pvc.js
get returns the named persistent volume claim apply-get-delete-pvc.js
list returns a collection of persistent volumen claims list-pvc.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});

    const name = "example-pvc";
    const nameSpace = "default";

    kubernetes.persistent_volume_claims.apply(getPVCYaml(name, "1Gi", "nfs-csi"), nameSpace);
(Deprecated) Client.pods
Method Description Example
create runs a pod create-pod.js, create-pod-wait.js
delete removes the named Pod
get returns the named Pod get-pod.js
list returns a collection of Pods list-pods.js
wait wait for the Pod to be in a given status wait-pod.js
exec executes a non-interactive command exec-command.js
addEphemeralContainer adds an ephemeral container to a running pod add-ephemeral.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const namespace = "default"
  const podName = "new-pod"
  const image = "busybox"
  const command = ["sh",  "-c", "sleep 5"]

    namespace: namespace,
    name: podName,
    image: image,
    command: command
  const options = {
    namespace: namespace,
    name: podName,
    status: "Succeeded",
    timeout: "10s"
  if (kubernetesClient.pods.wait(options)) {
    console.log(podName + " pod completed successfully")
  } else {
    throw podName + " is not completed"
(Deprecated) Client.secrets
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-secret.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named secret
get returns the named secret get-secret.js
list returns a collection of secrets list-secrets.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const secrets = kubernetesClient.secrets.list()
(Deprecated) Client.services
Method Description Example
apply creates the Kubernetes resource given a YAML configuration apply-deployment-service-ingress.js
create creates the Kubernetes resource given an object configuration
delete removes the named service
get returns the named service get-service.js
list returns a collection of services list-services.js
import { Kubernetes } from 'k6/x/kubernetes';

export default function () {
  const kubernetesClient = new Kubernetes({});
  const svcs = kubernetesClient.services.list()

If things go wrong

Are you using the custom binary?

An easy mistake--which happens often--is to forget that xk6 is generating a new executable. You may be accustomed to simply running k6 from the command-line which probably isn't your new build. Make sure to use ./k6 after building your extended version otherwise you can expect to see an error similar to:

ERRO[0000] The moduleSpecifier "k8s-test-script.js" couldn't be found on local disk. Make sure that you've specified the right path to the file. If you're running k6 using the Docker image make sure you have mounted the local directory (-v /local/path/:/inside/docker/path) containing your script and modules so that they're accessible by k6 from inside of the container, see https://k6.io/docs/using-k6/modules#using-local-modules-with-docker. Additionally it was tried to be loaded as remote module by prepending "https://" to it, which also didn't work. Remote resolution error: "Get "https://k8s-test-script.js": dial tcp: lookup k8s-test-script.js: no such host" 



Package kubernetes provides the xk6 Modules implementation for working with Kubernetes resources using Javascript



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type KubeConfig

type KubeConfig struct {
	ConfigPath string

KubeConfig represents the initialization settings for the kubernetes api client.

type Kubernetes

type Kubernetes struct {

	ConfigMaps             *configmaps.ConfigMaps
	Ingresses              *ingresses.Ingresses
	Deployments            *deployments.Deployments
	Pods                   *pods.Pods
	Namespaces             *namespaces.Namespaces
	Nodes                  *nodes.Nodes
	Jobs                   *jobs.Jobs
	Services               *services.Services
	Secrets                *secrets.Secrets
	PersistentVolumes      *persistentvolumes.PersistentVolumes
	PersistentVolumeClaims *persistentvolumeclaims.PersistentVolumeClaims
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Kubernetes is the exported object used within JavaScript.

type ModuleInstance

type ModuleInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ModuleInstance represents an instance of the JS module.

func (*ModuleInstance) Exports

func (mi *ModuleInstance) Exports() modules.Exports

Exports implements the modules.Instance interface and returns the exports of the JS module.

type RootModule

type RootModule struct{}

RootModule is the global module object type. It is instantiated once per test run and will be used to create `k6/x/kubernetes` module instances for each VU.

func (*RootModule) NewModuleInstance

func (*RootModule) NewModuleInstance(vu modules.VU) modules.Instance

NewModuleInstance implements the modules.Module interface to return a new instance for each VU.


Path Synopsis
Package testutils contains shared functionality for unit tests which are not included in build artifacts
Package testutils contains shared functionality for unit tests which are not included in build artifacts
Package api implements helper functions for manipulating resources in a Kubernetes cluster.
Package api implements helper functions for manipulating resources in a Kubernetes cluster.
Package configmaps provides implementation of ConfigMap resources for Kubernetes
Package configmaps provides implementation of ConfigMap resources for Kubernetes
Package deployments provides implementation of Deployment resources for Kubernetes
Package deployments provides implementation of Deployment resources for Kubernetes
Package helpers offers functions to simplify dealing with kubernetes resources.
Package helpers offers functions to simplify dealing with kubernetes resources.
Package ingresses provides implementation of Ingress resources for Kubernetes
Package ingresses provides implementation of Ingress resources for Kubernetes
Package jobs provides implementation of Job resources for Kubernetes
Package jobs provides implementation of Job resources for Kubernetes
Package namespaces provides implementation of Namespace resources for Kubernetes
Package namespaces provides implementation of Namespace resources for Kubernetes
Package nodes provides implementation of Node resources for Kubernetes
Package nodes provides implementation of Node resources for Kubernetes
Package persistentvolumeclaims provides implementation of PersistentVolumeClaim resources for Kubernetes
Package persistentvolumeclaims provides implementation of PersistentVolumeClaim resources for Kubernetes
Package persistentvolumes provides implementation of PersistentVolume resources for Kubernetes
Package persistentvolumes provides implementation of PersistentVolume resources for Kubernetes
Package pods provides implementation of Pod resources for Kubernetes
Package pods provides implementation of Pod resources for Kubernetes
Package resources implement the interface for accessing kubernetes resources
Package resources implement the interface for accessing kubernetes resources
Package secrets provides implementation of Secret resources for Kubernetes
Package secrets provides implementation of Secret resources for Kubernetes
Package services provides implementation of Service resources for Kubernetes
Package services provides implementation of Service resources for Kubernetes
Package utils offers functions of general utility in other parts of the system
Package utils offers functions of general utility in other parts of the system

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