
v0.0.0-...-9c8d8c7 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 8, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func PrintAppInfo

func PrintAppInfo(appInfos []AppInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintAppVersionInfo

func PrintAppVersionInfo(appVersionInfos []AppVersionInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintCertificationInfo

func PrintCertificationInfo(certificationInfo []CertificationInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintClusterInfo

func PrintClusterInfo(clusterInfos []ClusterInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintConfigMapInfos

func PrintConfigMapInfos(configMapInfos []ConfigMapInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintCreateInstanceInfo

func PrintCreateInstanceInfo(contents []InstanceInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintCustomInfos

func PrintCustomInfos(customInfos []CustomInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintEnvGroupInfo

func PrintEnvGroupInfo(groups []DevopsGroupInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintEnvInfo

func PrintEnvInfo(envs []EnvInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintEnvInstanceInfo

func PrintEnvInstanceInfo(contents []InstanceInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintGenericCertInfo

func PrintGenericCertInfo(genericCertInfos []GenericCertInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintIngressInfo

func PrintIngressInfo(contents []DevOpsIngressInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintInstanceResources

func PrintInstanceResources(resources InstanceResources, out io.Writer)

func PrintNodeInfo

func PrintNodeInfo(nodeInfos []NodeInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintOrgInfo

func PrintOrgInfo(orgInfos []OrganizationInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintProInfo

func PrintProInfo(proInfos []ProjectInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintPvInfos

func PrintPvInfos(pvInfos []PvInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintPvcInfos

func PrintPvcInfos(pvcInfos []PvcInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintSecretInfos

func PrintSecretInfos(secretInfos []SecretInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintServiceInfo

func PrintServiceInfo(contents []DevOpsServiceInfo, out io.Writer)

func PrintValueInfo

func PrintValueInfo(valueInfos []ValueInfo, out io.Writer)


type App

type App struct {
	ID              int         `json:"id"`
	Name            string      `json:"name"`
	Code            string      `json:"code"`
	ProjectID       int         `json:"projectId"`
	GitlabProjectId int         `json:"gitlabProjectId"`
	RepoURL         string      `json:"repoUrl"`
	PublishLevel    interface{} `json:"publishLevel"`
	Contributor     interface{} `json:"contributor"`
	Description     interface{} `json:"description"`
	SonarURL        interface{} `json:"sonarUrl"`
	Type            string      `json:"type"`
	Synchro         bool        `json:"synchro"`
	Fail            interface{} `json:"fail"`
	Active          bool        `json:"active"`

type AppInfo

type AppInfo struct {
	Id      int
	Type    string
	Name    string
	Code    string
	RepoURL string
	Status  string

type AppPostInfo

type AppPostInfo struct {
	Name                        string `json:"name"`
	Code                        string `json:"code"`
	Type                        string `json:"type"`
	TemplateAppServiceId        int    `json:"templateAppServiceId,omitempty"`
	TemplateAppServiceVersionId int    `json:"templateAppServiceVersionId,omitempty"`

type AppVersion

type AppVersion struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Version      string `json:"version"`
	AppServiceId int    `json:"appServiceId"`
	CreationDate string `json:"creationDate"`

type AppVersionInfo

type AppVersionInfo struct {
	Id           int
	Version      string
	CreationDate string

type AppVersions

type AppVersions struct {
	Pages int          `json:"pages"`
	Size  int          `json:"size"`
	Total int          `json:"total"`
	List  []AppVersion `json:"list"`

type ApplicationInstanceDTO

type ApplicationInstanceDTO struct {
	ID                  int    `json:"id"`
	Code                string `json:"code"`
	Status              string `json:"status"`
	PodCount            int    `json:"podCount"`
	PodRunningCount     int    `json:"podRunningCount"`
	AppServiceId        int    `json:"appServiceId"`
	AppServiceName      string `json:"appServiceName"`
	AppServiceVersionId int    `json:"AppServiceVersionId"`
	VersionName         string `json:"VersionName"`
	ObjectVersionNumber int    `json:"objectVersionNumber"`
	Connect             bool   `json:"connect"`
	CommandVersion      string `json:"commandVersion"`
	CommandVersionID    int    `json:"commandVersionId"`
	CommandType         string `json:"commandType"`
	CommandStatus       string `json:"commandStatus"`
	Error               string `json:"error"`
	ProjectID           int    `json:"projectId"`
	ClusterId           int    `json:"clusterId"`

type Apps

type Apps struct {
	Pages int   `json:"pages"`
	Size  int   `json:"size"`
	Total int   `json:"total"`
	List  []App `json:"list"`

type CertAcme

type CertAcme struct {
	Config []CertConfig `json:"config"`

type CertConfig

type CertConfig struct {
	Http01  map[string]string `json:"http01"`
	Domains []string          `json:"domains"`

type CertSpec

type CertSpec struct {
	CommonName string            `json:"commonName"`
	DnsNames   []string          `json:"dnsNames"`
	IssuerRef  map[string]string `json:"issuerRef"`
	Acme       CertAcme          `json:"acme"`
	ExistCert  ExistCert         `json:"existCert"`

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {
	ApiVersion string   `json:"apiVersion"`
	Kind       string   `json:"kind"`
	Metadata   Metadata `json:"metadata"`
	Spec       CertSpec `json:"spec"`

type Certification

type Certification struct {
	ID                         int      `json:"id"`
	OrganizationID             int      `json:"organizationId"`
	CertName                   string   `json:"certName"`
	CommonName                 string   `json:"commonName"`
	Domains                    []string `json:"domains"`
	Type                       string   `json:"type"`
	Status                     string   `json:"status"`
	ValidFrom                  string   `json:"validFrom"`
	ValidUntil                 string   `json:"validUntil"`
	EnvID                      int      `json:"envId"`
	EnvName                    string   `json:"envName"`
	EnvConnected               bool     `json:"envConnected"`
	CommandType                string   `json:"commandType"`
	CommandStatus              string   `json:"commandStatus"`
	Error                      string   `json:"error"`
	SkipCheckProjectPermission bool     `json:"skipCheckProjectPermission"`

type CertificationInfo

type CertificationInfo struct {
	ID         int
	CertName   string
	CommonName string
	Domains    string
	ExpireDay  int

type CertificationPostInfo

type CertificationPostInfo struct {
	Domains   []string `json:"domains"`
	EnvID     int      `json:"envId"`
	CertName  string   `json:"certName"`
	Type      string   `json:"type"`
	CertValue string   `json:"certValue"`
	KeyValue  string   `json:"keyValue"`

type Certifications

type Certifications struct {
	Pages int             `json:"pages"`
	Size  int             `json:"size"`
	Total int             `json:"total"`
	List  []Certification `json:"list"`

type Cluster

type Cluster struct {
	ID      int    `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Code    string `json:"code"`
	Connect bool   `json:"connect"`

type ClusterInfo

type ClusterInfo struct {
	Name   string
	Code   string
	Status string

type ClusterPostInfo

type ClusterPostInfo struct {
	Name                       string `json:"name"`
	Code                       string `json:"code"`
	Description                string `json:"description"`
	SkipCheckProjectPermission bool   `json:"skipCheckProjectPermission"`

type Clusters

type Clusters struct {
	Pages int       `json:"pages"`
	Size  int       `json:"size"`
	Total int       `json:"total"`
	List  []Cluster `json:"list"`

type ConfigMap

type ConfigMap struct {
	Id             int      `json:"id"`
	EnvId          int      `json:"envId"`
	CommandStatus  string   `json:"commandStatus"`
	EnvCode        string   `json:"envCode"`
	EnvStatus      string   `json:"envStatus"`
	Error          string   `json:"error"`
	Name           string   `json:"name"`
	Key            []string `json:"key"`
	Value          []string `json:"value"`
	Description    string   `json:"description"`
	CreationDate   string   `json:"creationDate"`
	LastUpdateDate string   `json:"lastUpdateDate"`

type ConfigMapInfo

type ConfigMapInfo struct {
	Id             int
	Name           string
	Key            string
	Status         string
	LastUpdateDate string

type ConfigMapPostInfo

type ConfigMapPostInfo struct {
	Name        string            `json:"name"`
	Description string            `json:"description"`
	EnvID       int               `json:"envId"`
	Type        string            `json:"type"`
	Value       map[string]string `json:"value"`

type ConfigMaps

type ConfigMaps struct {
	Pages int         `json:"pages"`
	Size  int         `json:"size"`
	Total int         `json:"total"`
	List  []ConfigMap `json:"list"`

type Custom

type Custom struct {
	Id              int    `json:"id"`
	ProjectId       int    `json:"projectId"`
	EnvId           int    `json:"envId"`
	ClusterId       int    `json:"clusterId"`
	CreationDate    string `json:"creationDate"`
	LastUpdateDate  string `json:"lastUpdateDate"`
	EnvCode         string `json:"EnvCode"`
	ResourceContent string `json:"resourceContent"`
	K8sKind         string `json:"k8sKind"`
	CommandStatus   string `json:"commandStatus"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	Description     string `json:"description"`

type CustomInfo

type CustomInfo struct {
	Id             int
	LastUpdateDate string
	K8sKind        string
	Status         string
	Name           string

type Customs

type Customs struct {
	Pages int      `json:"pages"`
	Size  int      `json:"size"`
	Total int      `json:"total"`
	List  []Custom `json:"list"`

type DaemonSetDTOS

type DaemonSetDTOS struct {
	Name             string    `json:"name"`
	CurrentScheduled int       `json:"currentScheduled"`
	DesiredScheduled int       `json:"desiredScheduled"`
	NumberAvailable  int       `json:"numberAvailable"`
	Age              time.Time `json:"age"`

type DeploymentDTOS

type DeploymentDTOS struct {
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	Current   int       `json:"current"`
	UpToDate  int       `json:"upToDate"`
	Desired   int       `json:"desired"`
	Available int       `json:"available"`
	Age       time.Time `json:"age"`

type DevOpsEnv

type DevOpsEnv struct {
	ID                 int    `json:"id"`
	Name               string `json:"name"`
	Description        string `json:"description"`
	Code               string `json:"code"`
	GitlabEnvProjectId int    `json:"gitlabEnvProjectId"`
	ClusterName        string `json:"clusterName"`
	ClusterID          int    `json:"clusterId"`
	DevopsEnvGroupID   int    `json:"devopsEnvGroupId"`
	Permission         bool   `json:"permission"`
	Connect            bool   `json:"connect"`
	Synchro            bool   `json:"synchro"`
	Failed             bool   `json:"failed"`
	Active             bool   `json:"active"`

type DevOpsEnvs

type DevOpsEnvs struct {
	DevopsEnvGroupID         int         `json:"devopsEnvGroupId"`
	DevopsEnvGroupName       string      `json:"devopsEnvGroupName"`
	DevopsEnvironmentRepDTOs []DevOpsEnv `json:"devopsEnvironmentRepDTOs"`

type DevOpsIngressInfo

type DevOpsIngressInfo struct {
	Id     int
	Name   string
	Status string
	Host   string
	Paths  string

type DevOpsService

type DevOpsService struct {
	ID                  int               `json:"id"`
	Name                string            `json:"name"`
	Status              string            `json:"status"`
	EnvID               int               `json:"envId"`
	EnvName             string            `json:"envName"`
	Type                string            `json:"type"`
	EnvStatus           bool              `json:"envStatus"`
	AppServiceId        int               `json:"appServiceId"`
	AppServiceProjectId int               `json:"appServiceProjectId"`
	AppServiceName      string            `json:"appServiceName"`
	Dns                 string            `json:"dns"`
	Labels              map[string]string `json:"labels"`
	CommandType         string            `json:"commandType"`
	CommandStatus       string            `json:"commandStatus"`
	Error               string            `json:"error"`
	LoadBalanceIP       string            `json:"loadBalanceIp"`
	Target              struct {
		Instances []ApplicationInstanceDTO            `json:"instances"`
		Labels    map[string]string                   `json:"labels"`
		EndPoints map[string][]map[string]interface{} `json:"endPoints"`
	} `json:"target"`
	Config struct {
		ExternalIps interface{} `json:"externalIps"`
		Ports       []struct {
			Name       string      `json:"name"`
			Port       int         `json:"port"`
			NodePort   interface{} `json:"nodePort"`
			Protocol   string      `json:"protocol"`
			TargetPort string      `json:"targetPort"`
		} `json:"ports"`
	} `json:"config"`

type DevOpsServiceInfo

type DevOpsServiceInfo struct {
	Id         int
	Name       string
	Type       string
	TargetType string
	Target     string
	Status     string

type DevopsGroupInfo

type DevopsGroupInfo struct {
	Id        int    `json:"id"`
	ProjectId int    `json:"projectId"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`

type DevopsIngress

type DevopsIngress struct {
	ID            int           `json:"id"`
	AppServiceId  int           `json:"appServiceId"`
	Domain        string        `json:"domain"`
	Name          string        `json:"name"`
	EnvID         int           `json:"envId"`
	EnvName       string        `json:"envName"`
	EnvStatus     bool          `json:"envStatus"`
	Status        string        `json:"status"`
	CertID        int           `json:"certId"`
	CertName      string        `json:"certName"`
	CertStatus    string        `json:"certStatus"`
	PathList      []IngressPath `json:"pathList"`
	CommandType   string        `json:"commandType"`
	CommandStatus string        `json:"commandStatus"`
	Error         string        `json:"error"`
	Usable        bool          `json:"usable"`

type EndPointPortInfo

type EndPointPortInfo struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Port int32  `json:"port"`

type EnvInfo

type EnvInfo struct {
	Name       string
	Code       string
	Group      string
	Status     string
	Cluster    string
	SyncStatus bool
	Id         int

type EnvPostInfo

type EnvPostInfo struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Code        string `json:"code"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	ClusterId   int    `json:"clusterId"`

type EnvSyncStatus

type EnvSyncStatus struct {
	DevopsSyncCommit string `json:"devopsSyncCommit"`
	AgentSyncCommit  string `json:"agentSyncCommit"`
	SagaSyncCommit   string `json:"sagaSyncCommit"`
	CommitURL        string `json:"commitUrl"`

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code    string `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`
	Failed  bool   `json:"failed"`

type ExistCert

type ExistCert struct {
	Key  string `json:"key"`
	Cert string `json:"cert"`

type GenericCert

type GenericCert struct {
	Id        int    `json:"id"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	KeyValue  string `json:"keyValue"`
	CertValue string `json:"certValue"`
	Domain    string `json:"domain"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`

type GenericCertInfo

type GenericCertInfo struct {
	Id     int
	Name   string
	Domain string

type GenericCerts

type GenericCerts struct {
	Pages int           `json:"pages"`
	Size  int           `json:"size"`
	Total int           `json:"total"`
	List  []GenericCert `json:"list"`

type IngressDTOS

type IngressDTOS struct {
	Name    string    `json:"name"`
	Hosts   string    `json:"hosts"`
	Address string    `json:"address"`
	Ports   string    `json:"ports"`
	Age     time.Time `json:"age"`

type IngressPath

type IngressPath struct {
	Path          string             `json:"path"`
	ServiceID     int                `json:"serviceId"`
	ServiceName   string             `json:"serviceName"`
	ServiceStatus string             `json:"serviceStatus"`
	ServicePort   intstr.IntOrString `json:"servicePort"`

type IngressPostInfo

type IngressPostInfo struct {
	Domain   string        `json:"domain"`
	Name     string        `json:"name"`
	EnvID    int           `json:"envId"`
	CertId   int           `json:"certId"`
	PathList []IngressPath `json:"pathList"`

type Ingresss

type Ingresss struct {
	Pages int             `json:"pages"`
	Size  int             `json:"size"`
	Total int             `json:"total"`
	List  []DevopsIngress `json:"list"`

type InstanceInfo

type InstanceInfo struct {
	Id             int
	Code           string
	VersionName    string
	AppServiceName string
	Status         string
	Pod            string

type InstancePostInfo

type InstancePostInfo struct {
	AppServiceId        int    `json:"appServiceId"`
	AppServiceVersionId int    `json:"appServiceVersionId"`
	EnvironmentId       int    `json:"environmentId"`
	InstanceName        string `json:"instanceName"`
	Type                string `json:"type"`
	Values              string `json:"values"`

type InstanceResources

type InstanceResources struct {
	StatefulSets           []StatefulSetDTOS           `json:"statefulSetDTOS"`
	Ingresses              []IngressDTOS               `json:"ingressDTOS"`
	Deployments            []DeploymentDTOS            `json:"deploymentDTOS"`
	PersistentVolumeClaims []PersistentVolumeClaimDTOS `json:"persistentVolumeClaimDTOS"`
	Pods                   []PodDTOS                   `json:"podDTOS"`
	ReplicaSets            []ReplicaSetDTOS            `json:"replicaSetDTOS"`
	DaemonSets             []DaemonSetDTOS             `json:"daemonSetDTOS"`
	Services               []ServiceDTOS               `json:"serviceDTOS"`

type InstanceValues

type InstanceValues struct {
	Values string `json:"yaml"`

type Instances

type Instances struct {
	Pages int                      `json:"pages"`
	Size  int                      `json:"size"`
	Total int                      `json:"total"`
	List  []ApplicationInstanceDTO `json:"list"`

type Metadata

type Metadata struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type Node

type Node struct {
	Type                    string `json:"type"`
	NodeName                string `json:"nodeName"`
	Status                  string `json:"status"`
	CreateTime              string `json:"createTime"`
	CPUTotal                string `json:"cpuTotal"`
	CPURequest              string `json:"cpuRequest"`
	CPULimit                string `json:"cpuLimit"`
	CPURequestPercentage    string `json:"cpuRequestPercentage"`
	CPULimitPercentage      string `json:"cpuLimitPercentage"`
	MemoryTotal             string `json:"memoryTotal"`
	MemoryRequest           string `json:"memoryRequest"`
	MemoryLimit             string `json:"memoryLimit"`
	MemoryRequestPercentage string `json:"memoryRequestPercentage"`
	MemoryLimitPercentage   string `json:"memoryLimitPercentage"`
	PodTotal                int    `json:"podTotal"`
	PodCount                int    `json:"podCount"`
	PodPercentage           string `json:"podPercentage"`

type NodeInfo

type NodeInfo struct {
	Status        string
	NodeName      string
	NodeType      string
	CpuLimit      string
	CpuRequest    string
	MemoryLimit   string
	MemoryRequest string
	CreationDate  string

type Nodes

type Nodes struct {
	Pages int    `json:"pages"`
	Size  int    `json:"size"`
	Total int    `json:"total"`
	List  []Node `json:"list"`

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	ID                  int         `json:"id"`
	Name                string      `json:"name"`
	Code                string      `json:"code"`
	ObjectVersionNumber int         `json:"objectVersionNumber"`
	Enabled             bool        `json:"enabled"`
	ProjectCount        interface{} `json:"projectCount"`
	ImageURL            interface{} `json:"imageUrl"`
	OwnerLoginName      interface{} `json:"ownerLoginName"`
	OwnerRealName       interface{} `json:"ownerRealName"`
	OwnerPhone          interface{} `json:"ownerPhone"`
	OwnerEmail          interface{} `json:"ownerEmail"`
	Projects            interface{} `json:"projects"`
	Roles               interface{} `json:"roles"`
	UserID              int         `json:"userId"`
	Address             interface{} `json:"address"`
	Into                bool        `json:"into"`

type OrganizationInfo

type OrganizationInfo struct {
	Name string
	Code string

type PersistentVolumeClaimDTOS

type PersistentVolumeClaimDTOS struct {
	Name        string    `json:"name"`
	Status      string    `json:"status"`
	AccessModes string    `json:"accessModes"`
	Capacity    string    `json:"capacity"`
	Age         time.Time `json:"age"`

type PodDTOS

type PodDTOS struct {
	Name     string    `json:"name"`
	Status   string    `json:"status"`
	Ready    int       `json:"ready"`
	Desire   int       `json:"desire"`
	Restarts int       `json:"restarts"`
	Age      time.Time `json:"age"`

type Project

type Project struct {
	ID                  int         `json:"id"`
	Name                string      `json:"name"`
	OrganizationID      int         `json:"organizationId"`
	Code                string      `json:"code"`
	Enabled             bool        `json:"enabled"`
	ObjectVersionNumber int         `json:"objectVersionNumber"`
	TypeName            interface{} `json:"typeName"`
	Type                interface{} `json:"type"`
	ImageURL            interface{} `json:"imageUrl"`

type ProjectInfo

type ProjectInfo struct {
	Name string
	Code string

type Pv

type Pv struct {
	Id              int    `json:"id"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	Description     string `json:"description"`
	AccessModes     string `json:"accessModes"`
	PvcName         string `json:"pvcName"`
	ClusterName     string `json:"clusterName"`
	Type            string `json:"type"`
	RequestResource string `json:"requestResource"`
	Status          string `json:"status"`

type PvInfo

type PvInfo struct {
	Id              int
	Name            string
	PvcName         string
	ClusterName     string
	AccessModes     string
	RequestResource string
	Status          string
	Type            string

type PvPostInfo

type PvPostInfo struct {
	Name                       string `json:"name"`
	AccessModes                string `json:"accessModes"`
	ClusterId                  int    `json:"clusterId"`
	RequestResource            string `json:"requestResource"`
	Type                       string `json:"type"`
	SkipCheckProjectPermission bool   `json:"skipCheckProjectPermission,bool"`
	ValueConfig                string `json:"valueConfig"`
	ProjectIds                 []int  `json:"projectIds"`

type Pvc

type Pvc struct {
	Id              int    `json:"id"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	EnvId           int    `json:"envId"`
	ProjectId       int    `json:"projectId"`
	PvId            int    `json:"pvId"`
	PvName          string `json:"pvName"`
	AccessModes     string `json:"accessModes"`
	Status          string `json:"status"`
	RequestResource string `json:"requestResource"`
	EnvCode         string `json:"EnvCode"`

type PvcInfo

type PvcInfo struct {
	Id              int
	Name            string
	PvName          string
	AccessModes     string
	RequestResource string
	Status          string

type PvcPostInfo

type PvcPostInfo struct {
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	PvName          string `json:"pvName"`
	AccessModes     string `json:"accessModes"`
	RequestResource string `json:"requestResource"`
	EnvID           int    `json:"envId"`
	ClusterId       int    `json:"clusterId"`

type Pvcs

type Pvcs struct {
	Pages int   `json:"pages"`
	Size  int   `json:"size"`
	Total int   `json:"total"`
	List  []Pvc `json:"list"`

type Pvs

type Pvs struct {
	Pages int  `json:"pages"`
	Size  int  `json:"size"`
	Total int  `json:"total"`
	List  []Pv `json:"list"`

type Release

type Release struct {
	ApiVersion string   `json:"apiVersion"`
	Kind       string   `json:"kind"`
	Metadata   Metadata `json:"metadata"`
	Spec       Spec     `json:"spec"`

type ReplicaSetDTOS

type ReplicaSetDTOS struct {
	Name    string    `json:"name"`
	Ready   int       `json:"ready"`
	Current int       `json:"current"`
	Desired int       `json:"desired"`
	Age     time.Time `json:"age"`

type Secret

type Secret struct {
	Id             int               `json:"id"`
	EnvId          int               `json:"envId"`
	CommandStatus  string            `json:"commandStatus"`
	Error          string            `json:"error"`
	Name           string            `json:"name"`
	Key            []string          `json:"key"`
	Value          map[string]string `json:"value"`
	Description    string            `json:"description"`
	CreationDate   string            `json:"creationDate"`
	LastUpdateDate string            `json:"lastUpdateDate"`

type SecretInfo

type SecretInfo struct {
	Id             int
	Status         string
	Name           string
	Key            string
	LastUpdateDate string

type SecretPostInfo

type SecretPostInfo struct {
	Name        string            `json:"name"`
	Description string            `json:"description"`
	EnvID       int               `json:"envId"`
	Type        string            `json:"type"`
	Value       map[string]string `json:"value"`

type Secrets

type Secrets struct {
	Pages int      `json:"pages"`
	Size  int      `json:"size"`
	Total int      `json:"total"`
	List  []Secret `json:"list"`

type ServiceDTOS

type ServiceDTOS struct {
	Name       string    `json:"name"`
	ClusterIP  string    `json:"clusterIp"`
	Type       string    `json:"type"`
	ExternalIP string    `json:"externalIp"`
	Port       string    `json:"port"`
	TargetPort string    `json:"targetPort"`
	Age        time.Time `json:"age"`

type ServicePort

type ServicePort struct {
	Port       int32              `json:"port"`
	TargetPort intstr.IntOrString `json:"targetPort"`
	NodePort   int32              `json:"nodePort"`

type ServicePostInfo

type ServicePostInfo struct {
	Name       string                        `json:"name"`
	AppID      int                           `json:"appId"`
	Instances  []string                      `json:"instances"`
	EnvID      int                           `json:"envId"`
	ExternalIP string                        `json:"externalIp"`
	Ports      []ServicePort                 `json:"ports"`
	Type       string                        `json:"type"`
	EndPoints  map[string][]EndPointPortInfo `json:"endPoints"`
	Selectors  map[string]string             `json:"selectors"`

type Services

type Services struct {
	Pages int             `json:"pages"`
	Size  int             `json:"size"`
	Total int             `json:"total"`
	List  []DevOpsService `json:"list"`

type Spec

type Spec struct {
	ChartName    string `json:"chartName"`
	ChartVersion string `json:"chartVersion"`
	RepoUrl      string `json:"repoUrl"`
	Values       string `json:"values"`

type StatefulSetDTOS

type StatefulSetDTOS struct {
	Name            string    `json:"name"`
	ReadyReplicas   int       `json:"readyReplicas"`
	CurrentReplicas int       `json:"currentReplicas"`
	DesiredReplicas int       `json:"desiredReplicas"`
	Age             time.Time `json:"age"`

type Token

type Token struct {
	AccessToken  string `json:"access_token"`
	TokenType    string `json:"token_type"`
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
	ExpiresIn    int    `json:"expires_in"`
	Scope        string `json:"scope"`
	CreateTime   string `json:"createTime"`
	SessionID    string `json:"sessionId"`

type UserAttrInfo

type UserAttrInfo struct {
	IamUserId    int `json:"iamUserId"`
	GitlabUserId int `json:"gitlabUserId"`

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	ID                   int    `json:"id"`
	OrganizationID       int    `json:"organizationId"`
	OrganizationName     string `json:"organizationName"`
	OrganizationCode     string `json:"organizationCode"`
	LoginName            string `json:"loginName"`
	Email                string `json:"email"`
	RealName             string `json:"realName"`
	Phone                string `json:"phone"`
	InternationalTelCode string `json:"internationalTelCode"`
	ImageURL             string `json:"imageUrl"`
	Language             string `json:"language"`
	TimeZone             string `json:"timeZone"`
	Locked               bool   `json:"locked"`
	Ldap                 bool   `json:"ldap"`
	Enabled              bool   `json:"enabled"`
	Admin                bool   `json:"admin"`
	ObjectVersionNumber  int    `json:"objectVersionNumber"`

type Value

type Value struct {
	Id             int    `json:"id"`
	Value          string `json:"value"`
	ProjectId      int    `json:"projectId"`
	EnvId          int    `json:"envId"`
	AppServiceId   int    `json:"appServiceId"`
	Name           string `json:"name"`
	Description    string `json:"description"`
	EnvName        string `json:"envName"`
	AppServiceName string `json:"AppServiceName"`

type ValueInfo

type ValueInfo struct {
	Id             int
	Name           string
	Description    string
	AppServiceName string
	Environment    string

type Values

type Values struct {
	Pages int     `json:"pages"`
	Size  int     `json:"size"`
	Total int     `json:"total"`
	List  []Value `json:"list"`

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