
v0.2.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 10, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 0


RabbitMQ Input Plugin

Reads metrics from RabbitMQ servers via the Management Plugin.

For additional details reference the RabbitMQ Management HTTP Stats.

  instance_id = "" # unique instance identifier (REQUIRED)

  ## Management Plugin url. (default: http://localhost:15672)
  # url = "http://localhost:15672"
  ## Credentials
  # username = "guest"
  # password = "guest"

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Optional request timeouts
  ## ResponseHeaderTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of time to wait
  ## for a server's response headers after fully writing the request.
  # header_timeout = "3s"
  ## client_timeout specifies a time limit for requests made by this client.
  ## Includes connection time, any redirects, and reading the response body.
  # client_timeout = "4s"

  ## A list of nodes to gather as the rabbitmq_node measurement. If not
  ## specified, metrics for all nodes are gathered.
  # nodes = ["rabbit@node1", "rabbit@node2"]

  ## A list of queues to gather as the rabbitmq_queue measurement. If not
  ## specified, metrics for all queues are gathered.
  # queues = ["cua"]

  ## A list of exchanges to gather as the rabbitmq_exchange measurement. If not
  ## specified, metrics for all exchanges are gathered.
  # exchanges = ["cua"]

  ## Queues to include and exclude. Globs accepted.
  ## Note that an empty array for both will include all queues
  # queue_name_include = []
  # queue_name_exclude = []

  ## Federation upstreams to include and exclude specified as an array of glob
  ## pattern strings.  Federation links can also be limited by the queue and
  ## exchange filters.
  # federation_upstream_include = []
  # federation_upstream_exclude = []
  • rabbitmq_overview

    • tags:
      • url
      • name
    • fields:
      • channels (int, channels)
      • connections (int, connections)
      • consumers (int, consumers)
      • exchanges (int, exchanges)
      • messages (int, messages)
      • messages_acked (int, messages)
      • messages_delivered (int, messages)
      • messages_delivered_get (int, messages)
      • messages_published (int, messages)
      • messages_ready (int, messages)
      • messages_unacked (int, messages)
      • queues (int, queues)
      • clustering_listeners (int, cluster nodes)
      • amqp_listeners (int, amqp nodes up)
      • return_unroutable (int, number of unroutable messages)
      • return_unroutable_rate (float, number of unroutable messages per second)
  • rabbitmq_node

    • tags:
      • url
      • node
      • url
    • fields:
      • disk_free (int, bytes)
      • disk_free_limit (int, bytes)
      • disk_free_alarm (int, disk alarm)
      • fd_total (int, file descriptors)
      • fd_used (int, file descriptors)
      • mem_limit (int, bytes)
      • mem_used (int, bytes)
      • mem_alarm (int, memory a)
      • proc_total (int, erlang processes)
      • proc_used (int, erlang processes)
      • run_queue (int, erlang processes)
      • sockets_total (int, sockets)
      • sockets_used (int, sockets)
      • running (int, node up)
      • uptime (int, milliseconds)
      • mnesia_disk_tx_count (int, number of disk transaction)
      • mnesia_ram_tx_count (int, number of ram transaction)
      • mnesia_disk_tx_count_rate (float, number of disk transaction per second)
      • mnesia_ram_tx_count_rate (float, number of ram transaction per second)
      • gc_num (int, number of garbage collection)
      • gc_bytes_reclaimed (int, bytes)
      • gc_num_rate (float, number of garbage collection per second)
      • gc_bytes_reclaimed_rate (float, bytes per second)
      • io_read_avg_time (float, number of read operations)
      • io_read_avg_time_rate (int, number of read operations per second)
      • io_read_bytes (int, bytes)
      • io_read_bytes_rate (float, bytes per second)
      • io_write_avg_time (int, milliseconds)
      • io_write_avg_time_rate (float, milliseconds per second)
      • io_write_bytes (int, bytes)
      • io_write_bytes_rate (float, bytes per second)
      • mem_connection_readers (int, bytes)
      • mem_connection_writers (int, bytes)
      • mem_connection_channels (int, bytes)
      • mem_connection_other (int, bytes)
      • mem_queue_procs (int, bytes)
      • mem_queue_slave_procs (int, bytes)
      • mem_plugins (int, bytes)
      • mem_other_proc (int, bytes)
      • mem_metrics (int, bytes)
      • mem_mgmt_db (int, bytes)
      • mem_mnesia (int, bytes)
      • mem_other_ets (int, bytes)
      • mem_binary (int, bytes)
      • mem_msg_index (int, bytes)
      • mem_code (int, bytes)
      • mem_atom (int, bytes)
      • mem_other_system (int, bytes)
      • mem_allocated_unused (int, bytes)
      • mem_reserved_unallocated (int, bytes)
      • mem_total (int, bytes)
  • rabbitmq_queue

    • tags:
      • url
      • queue
      • vhost
      • node
      • durable
      • auto_delete
    • fields:
      • consumer_utilisation (float, percent)
      • consumers (int, int)
      • idle_since (string, time - e.g., "2006-01-02 15:04:05")
      • memory (int, bytes)
      • message_bytes (int, bytes)
      • message_bytes_persist (int, bytes)
      • message_bytes_ram (int, bytes)
      • message_bytes_ready (int, bytes)
      • message_bytes_unacked (int, bytes)
      • messages (int, count)
      • messages_ack (int, count)
      • messages_ack_rate (float, messages per second)
      • messages_deliver (int, count)
      • messages_deliver_rate (float, messages per second)
      • messages_deliver_get (int, count)
      • messages_deliver_get_rate (float, messages per second)
      • messages_publish (int, count)
      • messages_publish_rate (float, messages per second)
      • messages_ready (int, count)
      • messages_redeliver (int, count)
      • messages_redeliver_rate (float, messages per second)
      • messages_unack (int, count)
      • slave_nodes (int, count)
      • synchronised_slave_nodes (int, count)
  • rabbitmq_exchange

    • tags:
      • url
      • exchange
      • type
      • vhost
      • internal
      • durable
      • auto_delete
    • fields:
      • messages_publish_in (int, count)
      • messages_publish_in_rate (int, messages per second)
      • messages_publish_out (int, count)
      • messages_publish_out_rate (int, messages per second)
  • rabbitmq_federation

    • tags:
      • url
      • vhost
      • type
      • upstream
      • exchange
      • upstream_exchange
      • queue
      • upstream_queue
    • fields:
      • acks_uncommitted (int, count)
      • consumers (int, count)
      • messages_unacknowledged (int, count)
      • messages_uncommitted (int, count)
      • messages_unconfirmed (int, count)
      • messages_confirm (int, count)
      • messages_publish (int, count)
      • messages_return_unroutable (int, count)
Sample Queries

Message rates for the entire node can be calculated from total message counts. For instance, to get the rate of messages published per minute, use this query:

SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DERIVATIVE(LAST("messages_published"), 1m) AS messages_published_rate FROM rabbitmq_overview WHERE time > now() - 10m GROUP BY time(1m)
Example Output
rabbitmq_queue,url=http://amqp.example.org:15672,queue=cua,vhost=influxdb,node=rabbit@amqp.example.org,durable=true,auto_delete=false,host=amqp.example.org messages_deliver_get=0i,messages_publish=329i,messages_publish_rate=0.2,messages_redeliver_rate=0,message_bytes_ready=0i,message_bytes_unacked=0i,messages_deliver=329i,messages_unack=0i,consumers=1i,idle_since="",messages=0i,messages_deliver_rate=0.2,messages_deliver_get_rate=0.2,messages_redeliver=0i,memory=43032i,message_bytes_ram=0i,messages_ack=329i,messages_ready=0i,messages_ack_rate=0.2,consumer_utilisation=1,message_bytes=0i,message_bytes_persist=0i 1493684035000000000
rabbitmq_overview,url=http://amqp.example.org:15672,host=amqp.example.org channels=2i,consumers=1i,exchanges=17i,messages_acked=329i,messages=0i,messages_ready=0i,messages_unacked=0i,connections=2i,queues=1i,messages_delivered=329i,messages_published=329i,clustering_listeners=2i,amqp_listeners=1i 1493684035000000000
rabbitmq_node,url=http://amqp.example.org:15672,node=rabbit@amqp.example.org,host=amqp.example.org fd_total=1024i,fd_used=32i,mem_limit=8363329126i,sockets_total=829i,disk_free=8175935488i,disk_free_limit=50000000i,mem_used=58771080i,proc_total=1048576i,proc_used=267i,run_queue=0i,sockets_used=2i,running=1i 149368403500000000
rabbitmq_exchange,url=http://amqp.example.org:15672,exchange=cua,type=fanout,vhost=influxdb,internal=false,durable=true,auto_delete=false,host=amqp.example.org messages_publish_in=2i,messages_publish_out=1i 149368403500000000




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const DefaultClientTimeout = 4
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const DefaultPassword = "guest"

DefaultPassword will set a default value that corresponds to the default value used by Rabbitmq

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const DefaultResponseHeaderTimeout = 3

Default http timeouts

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const DefaultURL = "http://localhost:15672"

DefaultURL will set a default value that corresponds to the default value used by Rabbitmq

View Source
const DefaultUsername = "guest"

DefaultUsername will set a default value that corresponds to the default value used by Rabbitmq


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Details

type Details struct {
	Rate float64 `json:"rate"`

Details ...

type Exchange

type Exchange struct {
	MessageStats `json:"message_stats"`
	Name         string
	Type         string
	Vhost        string
	Internal     bool
	Durable      bool
	AutoDelete   bool `json:"auto_delete"`
type FederationLink struct {
	Type             string                `json:"type"`
	Queue            string                `json:"queue"`
	UpstreamQueue    string                `json:"upstream_queue"`
	Exchange         string                `json:"exchange"`
	UpstreamExchange string                `json:"upstream_exchange"`
	Vhost            string                `json:"vhost"`
	Upstream         string                `json:"upstream"`
	LocalChannel     FederationLinkChannel `json:"local_channel"`

FederationLink ...

type FederationLinkChannel

type FederationLinkChannel struct {
	AcksUncommitted        int64                             `json:"acks_uncommitted"`
	ConsumerCount          int64                             `json:"consumer_count"`
	MessagesUnacknowledged int64                             `json:"messages_unacknowledged"`
	MessagesUncommitted    int64                             `json:"messages_uncommitted"`
	MessagesUnconfirmed    int64                             `json:"messages_unconfirmed"`
	MessageStats           FederationLinkChannelMessageStats `json:"message_stats"`

FederationLinkChannel ...

type FederationLinkChannelMessageStats

type FederationLinkChannelMessageStats struct {
	Confirm                 int64   `json:"confirm"`
	ConfirmDetails          Details `json:"confirm_details"`
	Publish                 int64   `json:"publish"`
	PublishDetails          Details `json:"publish_details"`
	ReturnUnroutable        int64   `json:"return_unroutable"`
	ReturnUnroutableDetails Details `json:"return_unroutable_details"`

FederationLinkChannelMessageStats ...

type HealthCheck

type HealthCheck struct {
	Status string `json:"status"`

type Listeners

type Listeners struct {
	Protocol string `json:"protocol"`

Listeners ...

type Memory

type Memory struct {
	ConnectionReaders   int64 `json:"connection_readers"`
	ConnectionWriters   int64 `json:"connection_writers"`
	ConnectionChannels  int64 `json:"connection_channels"`
	ConnectionOther     int64 `json:"connection_other"`
	QueueProcs          int64 `json:"queue_procs"`
	QueueSlaveProcs     int64 `json:"queue_slave_procs"`
	Plugins             int64 `json:"plugins"`
	OtherProc           int64 `json:"other_proc"`
	Metrics             int64 `json:"metrics"`
	MgmtDb              int64 `json:"mgmt_db"`
	Mnesia              int64 `json:"mnesia"`
	OtherEts            int64 `json:"other_ets"`
	Binary              int64 `json:"binary"`
	MsgIndex            int64 `json:"msg_index"`
	Code                int64 `json:"code"`
	Atom                int64 `json:"atom"`
	OtherSystem         int64 `json:"other_system"`
	AllocatedUnused     int64 `json:"allocated_unused"`
	ReservedUnallocated int64 `json:"reserved_unallocated"`
	Total               int64 `json:"total"`

Memory details

type MemoryResponse

type MemoryResponse struct {
	Memory *Memory `json:"memory"`

MemoryResponse ...

type MessageStats

type MessageStats struct {
	Ack                     *int64
	AckDetails              *Details `json:"ack_details"`
	Deliver                 *int64
	DeliverDetails          *Details `json:"deliver_details"`
	DeliverGet              *int64   `json:"deliver_get"`
	DeliverGetDetails       *Details `json:"deliver_get_details"`
	DeliverNoAck            *int64
	DeliverNoAckDetails     *Details `json:"deliver_no_ack_details"`
	GetNoAck                *int64
	GetNoAckDetails         *Details `json:"get_no_ack_details"`
	Publish                 *int64
	PublishDetails          *Details `json:"publish_details"`
	Redeliver               *int64
	RedeliverDetails        *Details `json:"redeliver_details"`
	PublishIn               *int64   `json:"publish_in"`
	PublishInDetails        *Details `json:"publish_in_details"`
	PublishOut              *int64   `json:"publish_out"`
	PublishOutDetails       *Details `json:"publish_out_details"`
	ReturnUnroutable        *int64   `json:"return_unroutable"`
	ReturnUnroutableDetails *Details `json:"return_unroutable_details"`

MessageStats ...

type Node

type Node struct {
	Name                     string
	MnesiaDiskTxCount        int64   `json:"mnesia_disk_tx_count"`
	DiskFreeLimit            int64   `json:"disk_free_limit"`
	IoWriteBytes             int64   `json:"io_write_bytes"`
	FdTotal                  int64   `json:"fd_total"`
	FdUsed                   int64   `json:"fd_used"`
	MemLimit                 int64   `json:"mem_limit"`
	MemUsed                  int64   `json:"mem_used"`
	IoWriteAvgTimeDetails    Details `json:"io_write_avg_time_details"`
	ProcTotal                int64   `json:"proc_total"`
	ProcUsed                 int64   `json:"proc_used"`
	RunQueue                 int64   `json:"run_queue"`
	SocketsTotal             int64   `json:"sockets_total"`
	SocketsUsed              int64   `json:"sockets_used"`
	IoWriteAvgTime           int64   `json:"io_write_avg_time"`
	Uptime                   int64   `json:"uptime"`
	DiskFree                 int64   `json:"disk_free"`
	MnesiaDiskTxCountDetails Details `json:"mnesia_disk_tx_count_details"`
	MnesiaRAMTxCount         int64   `json:"mnesia_ram_tx_count"`
	MnesiaRAMTxCountDetails  Details `json:"mnesia_ram_tx_count_details"`
	GcNum                    int64   `json:"gc_num"`
	GcNumDetails             Details `json:"gc_num_details"`
	GcBytesReclaimed         int64   `json:"gc_bytes_reclaimed"`
	GcBytesReclaimedDetails  Details `json:"gc_bytes_reclaimed_details"`
	IoReadAvgTime            int64   `json:"io_read_avg_time"`
	IoReadAvgTimeDetails     Details `json:"io_read_avg_time_details"`
	IoReadBytes              int64   `json:"io_read_bytes"`
	IoReadBytesDetails       Details `json:"io_read_bytes_details"`
	IoWriteBytesDetails      Details `json:"io_write_bytes_details"`
	Running                  bool    `json:"running"`
	MemAlarm                 bool    `json:"mem_alarm"`
	DiskFreeAlarm            bool    `json:"disk_free_alarm"`

Node ...

type ObjectTotals

type ObjectTotals struct {
	Channels    *int64
	Connections *int64
	Consumers   *int64
	Exchanges   *int64
	Queues      *int64

ObjectTotals ...

type OverviewResponse

type OverviewResponse struct {
	ManagementVersion *string       `json:"management_version"`
	MessageStats      *MessageStats `json:"message_stats"`
	ObjectTotals      *ObjectTotals `json:"object_totals"`
	QueueTotals       *QueueTotals  `json:"queue_totals"`
	Listeners         []Listeners   `json:"listeners"`

OverviewResponse ...

type Queue

type Queue struct {
	QueueTotals            // just to not repeat the same code
	MessageStats           `json:"message_stats"`
	Memory                 *int64
	Consumers              *int64
	ConsumerUtilisation    *float64 `json:"consumer_utilisation"`
	Name                   *string
	Node                   *string
	Vhost                  *string
	Durable                *bool
	AutoDelete             *bool     `json:"auto_delete"`
	IdleSince              *string   `json:"idle_since"`
	SlaveNodes             *[]string `json:"slave_nodes"`
	SynchronisedSlaveNodes *[]string `json:"synchronised_slave_nodes"`

Queue ...

type QueueTotals

type QueueTotals struct {
	Messages                   *int64
	MessagesReady              *int64 `json:"messages_ready"`
	MessagesUnacknowledged     *int64 `json:"messages_unacknowledged"`
	MessageBytes               *int64 `json:"message_bytes"`
	MessageBytesReady          *int64 `json:"message_bytes_ready"`
	MessageBytesUnacknowledged *int64 `json:"message_bytes_unacknowledged"`
	MessageRAM                 *int64 `json:"message_bytes_ram"`
	MessagePersistent          *int64 `json:"message_bytes_persistent"`

QueueTotals ...

type RabbitMQ

type RabbitMQ struct {
	Log cua.Logger

	Client *http.Client `toml:"-"`
	Password                  string            `toml:"password"`
	Username                  string            `toml:"username"`
	URL                       string            `toml:"url"`
	QueueInclude              []string          `toml:"queue_name_include"`
	Exchanges                 []string          `toml:"exchanges"`
	FederationUpstreamInclude []string          `toml:"federation_upstream_include"`
	FederationUpstreamExclude []string          `toml:"federation_upstream_exclude"`
	Queues                    []string          `toml:"queues"`
	Nodes                     []string          `toml:"nodes"`
	QueueExclude              []string          `toml:"queue_name_exclude"`
	ClientTimeout             internal.Duration `toml:"client_timeout"`
	ResponseHeaderTimeout     internal.Duration `toml:"header_timeout"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RabbitMQ defines the configuration necessary for gathering metrics, see the sample config for further details

func (*RabbitMQ) Description

func (r *RabbitMQ) Description() string

Description ...

func (*RabbitMQ) Gather

func (r *RabbitMQ) Gather(ctx context.Context, acc cua.Accumulator) error

Gather ...

func (*RabbitMQ) SampleConfig

func (r *RabbitMQ) SampleConfig() string

SampleConfig ...

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