
v0.13.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 27, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 0




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const (
	JsonFieldAccessTokenValue  = "access_token"
	JsonFieldTokenType         = "token_type"
	JsonFieldIssueTime         = "iat"
	JsonFieldExpiryTime        = "expiry"
	JsonFieldExpiresIn         = "expires_in"
	JsonFieldScope             = "scope"
	JsonFieldRefreshTokenValue = "refresh_token"
	JsonFieldIDTokenValue      = "id_token"
View Source
const (
	ParameterClientId            = "client_id"
	ParameterClientSecret        = "client_secret"
	ParameterResponseType        = "response_type"
	ParameterRedirectUri         = "redirect_uri"
	ParameterScope               = "scope"
	ParameterState               = "state"
	ParameterGrantType           = "grant_type"
	ParameterUsername            = "username"
	ParameterPassword            = "password"
	ParameterTenantId            = "tenant_id"
	ParameterTenantExternalId    = "tenant_name" //for backward compatibility we map it to tenant_name
	ParameterNonce               = "nonce"
	ParameterMaxAge              = "max_age"
	ParameterError               = "error"
	ParameterErrorDescription    = "error_description"
	ParameterCodeChallenge       = "code_challenge"
	ParameterCodeChallengeMethod = "code_challenge_method"
	ParameterCodeVerifier        = "code_verifier"
	ParameterRequestObj          = "request"
	ParameterRequestUri          = "request_uri"
	ParameterAuthCode            = "code"
	ParameterUserApproval        = "user_oauth_approval"
	ParameterRefreshToken        = "refresh_token"
	ParameterAccessToken         = "access_token"
	ParameterSwitchUsername      = "switch_username"
	ParameterSwitchUserId        = "switch_user_id"
	ParameterDisplay             = "display"
	ParameterACR                 = "acr_values"
	ParameterPrompt              = "prompt"
	ParameterClaims              = "claims"
View Source
const (
	GrantTypeClientCredentials = "client_credentials"
	GrantTypePassword          = "password"
	GrantTypeAuthCode          = "authorization_code"
	GrantTypeImplicit          = "implicit"
	GrantTypeRefresh           = "refresh_token"
	GrantTypeSwitchUser        = "urn:cisco:nfv:oauth:grant-type:switch-user"
	GrantTypeSwitchTenant      = "urn:cisco:nfv:oauth:grant-type:switch-tenant"
	GrantTypeSamlSSO           = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer"
View Source
const (
	ScopeRead            = "read"
	ScopeWrite           = "write"
	ScopeTokenDetails    = "token_details"
	ScopeTenantHierarchy = "tenant_hierarchy"
	ScopeOidc            = "openid"
	ScopeOidcProfile     = "profile"
	ScopeOidcEmail       = "email"
	ScopeOidcAddress     = "address"
	ScopeOidcPhone       = "phone"
View Source
const (
	CtxKeyAuthenticatedClient       = "kAuthenticatedClient"
	CtxKeyAuthenticatedAccount      = "kAuthenticatedAccount"
	CtxKeyAuthorizedTenant          = "kAuthorizedTenant"
	CtxKeyAuthorizedProvider        = "kAuthorizedProvider"
	CtxKeyUserAuthentication        = "kUserAuthentication"
	CtxKeyAuthorizationExpiryTime   = "kAuthorizationExpiryTime"
	CtxKeyAuthorizationIssueTime    = "kAuthorizationIssueTime"
	CtxKeyAuthenticationTime        = "kAuthenticationTime"
	CtxKeyReceivedAuthorizeRequest  = "kReceivedAuthRequest"
	CtxKeyValidatedAuthorizeRequest = "kValidatedAuthRequest"
	CtxKeyResolvedAuthorizeRedirect = "kResolvedRedirect"
	CtxKeyResolvedAuthorizeState    = "kResolvedState"
	CtxKeySourceAuthentication      = "kSourceAuthentication"
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const (
	DetailsKeyRequestExt    = "kOAuth2Ext"
	DetailsKeyRequestParams = "kOAuth2Params"
View Source
const (
	 * JWT standard
	 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-13#section-4.1
	ClaimIssuer    = "iss"
	ClaimSubject   = "sub"
	ClaimAudience  = "aud"
	ClaimExpire    = "exp"
	ClaimNotBefore = "nbf"
	ClaimIssueAt   = "iat"
	ClaimJwtId     = "jti"

	 * https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken
	ClaimAuthTime        = "auth_time"
	ClaimNonce           = "nonce"
	ClaimAuthCtxClassRef = "acr"
	ClaimAuthMethodRef   = "amr"
	ClaimAuthorizedParty = "azp"
	ClaimAccessTokenHash = "at_hash"

	 * Standard UserInfo
	 * https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
	ClaimFullName          = "name"
	ClaimFirstName         = "given_name"
	ClaimLastName          = "family_name"
	ClaimMiddleName        = "middle_name"
	ClaimNickname          = "nickname"
	ClaimPreferredUsername = "preferred_username"
	ClaimProfileUrl        = "profile"
	ClaimPictureUrl        = "picture"
	ClaimWebsite           = "website"
	ClaimEmail             = "email"
	ClaimEmailVerified     = "email_verified"
	ClaimGender            = "gender"
	ClaimBirthday          = "birthdate"    // ISO 8601:2004 [ISO8601‑2004] YYYY-MM-DD format
	ClaimZoneInfo          = "zoneinfo"     // Europe/Paris or America/Los_Angeles
	ClaimLocale            = "locale"       // Typically ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 [ISO639‑1] language code in lowercase and an ISO 3166-1
	ClaimPhoneNumber       = "phone_number" // RFC 3966 [RFC3966] e.g. +1 (604) 555-1234;ext=5678
	ClaimPhoneNumVerified  = "phone_number_verified"
	ClaimAddress           = "address"
	ClaimUpdatedAt         = "updated_at"

	 * Standard CheckToken
	 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7662#section-2.2
	ClaimActive    = "active"
	ClaimScope     = "scope"
	ClaimClientId  = "client_id"
	ClaimUsername  = "username"
	ClaimTokenType = "token_type"

	 * NFV Additions - custom
	ClaimUserId                   = "user_id"
	ClaimAccountType              = "account_type"
	ClaimCurrency                 = "currency"
	ClaimTenantId                 = "tenant_id"
	ClaimTenantExternalId         = "tenant_name" //for backward compatibility we map it to tenant_name
	ClaimTenantSuspended          = "tenant_suspended"
	ClaimProviderId               = "provider_id"
	ClaimProviderName             = "provider_name"
	ClaimProviderDisplayName      = "provider_display_name"
	ClaimProviderDescription      = "provider_description"
	ClaimProviderEmail            = "provider_email"
	ClaimProviderNotificationType = "provider_notification_type"

	ClaimAssignedTenants = "assigned_tenants"
	ClaimRoles           = "roles"
	ClaimPermissions     = "permissions"
	ClaimOrigUsername    = "original_username"
	ClaimDefaultTenantId = "default_tenant_id"

	 * NFV Additions - Legacy
	ClaimLegacyTenantId  = "tenantId"
	ClaimLegacyFirstName = "firstName"
	ClaimLegacyLastName  = "lastName"
	ClaimLegacyUsername  = "user_name"
View Source
const (
	TokenTypeBearer = "bearer"
	TokenTypeMac    = "mac"
	TokenTypeBasic  = "basic"
View Source
const (
	ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2Internal = security.ErrorTypeCodeOAuth2 + iota<<errorutils.ErrorSubTypeOffset

All "SubType" values are used as mask sub types of security.ErrorTypeCodeOAuth2

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const (


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const (


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const (
	ErrorCodeUnauthorizedClient // grant type is not allowed for client


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const (
	ErrorCodeResourceServerGeneral // this should only be used for error deserialization


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const (
	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-
	ErrorTranslationInvalidRequest      = "invalid_request"
	ErrorTranslationUnauthorizedClient  = "unauthorized_client"
	ErrorTranslationAccessDenied        = "access_denied"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidResponseType = "unsupported_response_type"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidScope        = "invalid_scope"
	ErrorTranslationInternal            = "server_error"
	ErrorTranslationInternalNA          = "temporarily_unavailable"

	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.2
	ErrorTranslationInvalidClient     = "invalid_client"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidGrant      = "invalid_grant"
	ErrorTranslationGrantNotSupported = "unsupported_grant_type"

	// commonly used (no RFC reference for now)
	ErrorTranslationInsufficientScope = "insufficient_scope"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidToken      = "invalid_token"
	ErrorTranslationRedirectMismatch  = "redirect_uri_mismatch"

	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7009#section-4.1.1
	ErrorTranslationUnsupportedTokenType = "unsupported_token_type"

	// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthError
	ErrorTranslationInteractionRequired     = "interaction_required"
	ErrorTranslationLoginRequired           = "login_required"
	ErrorTranslationAcctSelectRequired      = "account_selection_required"
	ErrorTranslationConsentRequired         = "consent_required"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidRequestURI       = "invalid_request_uri"
	ErrorTranslationInvalidRequestObj       = "invalid_request_object"
	ErrorTranslationRequestUnsupported      = "request_not_supported"
	ErrorTranslationRequestURIUnsupported   = "request_uri_not_supported"
	ErrorTranslationRegistrationUnsupported = "registration_not_supported"
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const (
	ClaimTag = "claim"
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const (


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const (
	ExtUseSessionTimeout = "use_session_timeout"
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const (
	LegacyResourceId = "nfv-api"


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var (
	ErrorTypeOAuth2 = security.NewErrorType(security.ErrorTypeCodeOAuth2, errors.New("error type: oauth2"))

	ErrorSubTypeOAuth2Internal   = security.NewErrorSubType(ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2Internal, errors.New("error sub-type: internal"))
	ErrorSubTypeOAuth2ClientAuth = security.NewErrorSubType(ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2ClientAuth, errors.New("error sub-type: oauth2 client auth"))
	ErrorSubTypeOAuth2Authorize  = security.NewErrorSubType(ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2Authorize, errors.New("error sub-type: oauth2 auth"))
	ErrorSubTypeOAuth2Grant      = security.NewErrorSubType(ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2Grant, errors.New("error sub-type: oauth2 grant"))
	ErrorSubTypeOAuth2Res        = security.NewErrorSubType(ErrorSubTypeCodeOAuth2Res, errors.New("error sub-type: oauth2 resource"))

ErrorTypes, can be used in errors.Is


func NewAccessRejectedError

func NewAccessRejectedError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewClientNotFoundError

func NewClientNotFoundError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewGenericError

func NewGenericError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewGranterNotAvailableError

func NewGranterNotAvailableError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInsufficientScopeError

func NewInsufficientScopeError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInternalError

func NewInternalError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInternalUnavailableError

func NewInternalUnavailableError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidAccessTokenError

func NewInvalidAccessTokenError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidAuthorizeRequestError

func NewInvalidAuthorizeRequestError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidClientError

func NewInvalidClientError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidGrantError

func NewInvalidGrantError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidRedirectUriError

func NewInvalidRedirectUriError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidResponseTypeError

func NewInvalidResponseTypeError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidScopeError

func NewInvalidScopeError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewInvalidTokenRequestError

func NewInvalidTokenRequestError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewUnauthorizedClientError

func NewUnauthorizedClientError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewUnsupportedTokenTypeError

func NewUnsupportedTokenTypeError(value interface{}, causes ...interface{}) error

func NewUserAuthentication

func NewUserAuthentication(opts ...UserAuthOptions) *userAuthentication


type AccessToken

type AccessToken interface {
	Type() TokenType
	IssueTime() time.Time
	Scopes() utils.StringSet
	RefreshToken() RefreshToken

type AuthOption

type AuthOption struct {
	Request  OAuth2Request
	UserAuth security.Authentication
	Token    AccessToken
	Details  interface{}

type Authentication

type Authentication interface {
	UserAuthentication() security.Authentication
	OAuth2Request() OAuth2Request
	AccessToken() AccessToken

Authentication extends security.Authentication

func NewAuthentication

func NewAuthentication(opts ...AuthenticationOptions) Authentication

type AuthenticationOptions

type AuthenticationOptions func(opt *AuthOption)

type BasicClaims

type BasicClaims struct {
	Audience  StringSetClaim  `claim:"aud"`
	ExpiresAt time.Time       `claim:"exp"`
	Id        string          `claim:"jti"`
	IssuedAt  time.Time       `claim:"iat"`
	Issuer    string          `claim:"iss"`
	NotBefore time.Time       `claim:"nbf"`
	Subject   string          `claim:"sub"`
	Scopes    utils.StringSet `claim:"scope"`
	ClientId  string          `claim:"client_id"`

BasicClaims imlements Claims

func (*BasicClaims) Get

func (c *BasicClaims) Get(claim string) interface{}

func (*BasicClaims) Has

func (c *BasicClaims) Has(claim string) bool

func (*BasicClaims) MarshalJSON

func (c *BasicClaims) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*BasicClaims) Set

func (c *BasicClaims) Set(claim string, value interface{})

func (*BasicClaims) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *BasicClaims) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error

func (*BasicClaims) Values

func (c *BasicClaims) Values() map[string]interface{}

type Claims

type Claims interface {
	Get(claim string) interface{}
	Has(claim string) bool
	Set(claim string, value interface{})
	Values() map[string]interface{}

type ClaimsContainer

type ClaimsContainer interface {
	Claims() Claims
	SetClaims(claims Claims)

type ClientDetails

type ClientDetails interface {
	ClientId() string

type DefaultAccessToken

type DefaultAccessToken struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DefaultAccessToken implements AccessToken and ClaimsContainer

func FromAccessToken

func FromAccessToken(token AccessToken) *DefaultAccessToken

func NewDefaultAccessToken

func NewDefaultAccessToken(value string) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) AddScopes

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) AddScopes(scopes ...string) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Claims

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Claims() Claims

Claims implements ClaimsContainer

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Details

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Details() map[string]interface{}

Details implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Expired

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Expired() bool

Expired implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) ExpiryTime

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) ExpiryTime() time.Time

ExpiryTime implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) IssueTime

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) IssueTime() time.Time

IssueTime implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) MarshalJSON

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler

func (*DefaultAccessToken) PutDetails

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) PutDetails(key string, value interface{}) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) RefreshToken

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) RefreshToken() RefreshToken

RefreshToken implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) RemoveScopes

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) RemoveScopes(scopes ...string) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Scopes

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Scopes() utils.StringSet

Scopes implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetClaims

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) SetClaims(claims Claims)

SetClaims implements ClaimsContainer

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetExpireTime

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) SetExpireTime(v time.Time) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetIssueTime

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) SetIssueTime(v time.Time) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetRefreshToken

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) SetRefreshToken(v RefreshToken) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetScopes

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) SetScopes(scopes utils.StringSet) *DefaultAccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) SetValue

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Type

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Type() TokenType

Type implements AccessToken

func (*DefaultAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler

func (*DefaultAccessToken) Value

func (t *DefaultAccessToken) Value() string

Value implements AccessToken

type DefaultRefreshToken

type DefaultRefreshToken struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DefaultRefreshToken implements RefreshToken and ClaimsContainer

func FromRefreshToken

func FromRefreshToken(token RefreshToken) *DefaultRefreshToken

func NewDefaultRefreshToken

func NewDefaultRefreshToken(value string) *DefaultRefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) Claims

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) Claims() Claims

Claims implements ClaimsContainer

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) Details

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) Details() map[string]interface{}

Details implements RefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) Expired

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) Expired() bool

Expired implements RefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) ExpiryTime

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) ExpiryTime() time.Time

ExpiryTime implements RefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) MarshalJSON

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler, only DefaultRefreshToken.value is serialized

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) PutDetails

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) PutDetails(key string, value interface{}) *DefaultRefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) SetClaims

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) SetClaims(claims Claims)

SetClaims implements ClaimsContainer

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) SetExpireTime

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) SetExpireTime(v time.Time) *DefaultRefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) SetValue

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) Value

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) Value() string

Value implements RefreshToken

func (*DefaultRefreshToken) WillExpire

func (t *DefaultRefreshToken) WillExpire() bool

WillExpire implements RefreshToken

type FieldClaimsMapper

type FieldClaimsMapper struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FieldClaimsMapper is a helper type that can be embedded into struct based claims FieldClaimsMapper implements claimsMapper See BasicClaims as an example. Note: having non-claims struct as fields is not recommended for deserialization

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) DoMarshalJSON

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) DoMarshalJSON(owner interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) DoUnmarshalJSON

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) DoUnmarshalJSON(owner interface{}, bytes []byte) error

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) Get

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) Get(owner interface{}, claim string) interface{}

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) Has

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) Has(owner interface{}, claim string) bool

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) Set

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) Set(owner interface{}, claim string, value interface{})

func (*FieldClaimsMapper) Values

func (m *FieldClaimsMapper) Values(owner interface{}) map[string]interface{}

return claims values as a map, without any conversion

type MapClaims

type MapClaims map[string]interface{}

MapClaims imlements Claims & claimsMapper

func (MapClaims) Get

func (c MapClaims) Get(claim string) interface{}

func (MapClaims) Has

func (c MapClaims) Has(claim string) bool

func (MapClaims) MarshalJSON

func (c MapClaims) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (MapClaims) Set

func (c MapClaims) Set(claim string, value interface{})

func (MapClaims) UnmarshalJSON

func (c MapClaims) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error

func (MapClaims) Values

func (c MapClaims) Values() map[string]interface{}

type OAuth2Client

type OAuth2Client interface {
	ClientId() string
	SecretRequired() bool
	Secret() string
	GrantTypes() utils.StringSet
	RedirectUris() utils.StringSet
	Scopes() utils.StringSet
	AutoApproveScopes() utils.StringSet
	AccessTokenValidity() time.Duration
	RefreshTokenValidity() time.Duration
	UseSessionTimeout() bool
	AssignedTenantIds() utils.StringSet
	ResourceIDs() utils.StringSet

type OAuth2ClientStore

type OAuth2ClientStore interface {
	LoadClientByClientId(ctx context.Context, clientId string) (OAuth2Client, error)

type OAuth2Error

type OAuth2Error struct {
	EC string // oauth error code
	SC int    // status code

OAuth2Error extends security.CodedError, and implements:

  • OAuth2ErrorTranslator
  • json.Marshaler
  • json.Unmarshaler
  • web.Headerer
  • web.StatusCoder
  • encoding.BinaryMarshaler
  • encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler

func NewOAuth2Error

func NewOAuth2Error(code int64, e interface{}, oauth2Code string, sc int, causes ...interface{}) *OAuth2Error

func (*OAuth2Error) Headers

func (e *OAuth2Error) Headers() http.Header

func (OAuth2Error) MarshalBinary

func (e OAuth2Error) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

MarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface

func (*OAuth2Error) MarshalJSON

func (e *OAuth2Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler

func (*OAuth2Error) StatusCode

func (e *OAuth2Error) StatusCode() int

func (*OAuth2Error) TranslateErrorCode

func (e *OAuth2Error) TranslateErrorCode() string

func (*OAuth2Error) TranslateStatusCode

func (e *OAuth2Error) TranslateStatusCode() int

func (*OAuth2Error) UnmarshalBinary

func (e *OAuth2Error) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

UnmarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface

func (*OAuth2Error) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *OAuth2Error) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler Note: JSON doesn't include internal code error. So reconstruct error from JSON is not possible.

Unmarshaler can only be used for opaque token checking HTTP call

type OAuth2ErrorTranslator

type OAuth2ErrorTranslator interface {
	TranslateErrorCode() string
	TranslateStatusCode() int

type OAuth2Request

type OAuth2Request interface {
	Parameters() map[string]string
	ClientId() string
	Scopes() utils.StringSet
	Approved() bool
	GrantType() string
	RedirectUri() string
	ResponseTypes() utils.StringSet
	Extensions() map[string]interface{}
	NewOAuth2Request(...RequestOptionsFunc) OAuth2Request

func NewOAuth2Request

func NewOAuth2Request(optFuncs ...RequestOptionsFunc) OAuth2Request

type RefreshToken

type RefreshToken interface {
	WillExpire() bool

type RequestDetails

type RequestDetails struct {
	Parameters    map[string]string      `json:"parameters"`
	ClientId      string                 `json:"clientId"`
	Scopes        utils.StringSet        `json:"scope"`
	Approved      bool                   `json:"approved"`
	GrantType     string                 `json:"grantType"`
	RedirectUri   string                 `json:"redirectUri"`
	ResponseTypes utils.StringSet        `json:"responseTypes"`
	Extensions    map[string]interface{} `json:"extensions"`

type RequestOptionsFunc

type RequestOptionsFunc func(opt *RequestDetails)

type StringSetClaim

type StringSetClaim utils.StringSet

StringSetClaim is an alias of utils.StringSet with different JSON serialization specialized for some Claims StringSetClaim serialize as JSON string if there is single element in the set, otherwise as JSON array

func (StringSetClaim) MarshalJSON

func (s StringSetClaim) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON json.Marshaler

func (StringSetClaim) UnmarshalJSON

func (s StringSetClaim) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON json.Unmarshaler

type TimeoutApplier

type TimeoutApplier interface {
	ApplyTimeout(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (valid bool, err error)

type Token

type Token interface {
	Value() string
	ExpiryTime() time.Time
	Expired() bool
	Details() map[string]interface{}

type TokenHint

type TokenHint int
const (
	TokenHintAccessToken TokenHint

func (TokenHint) String

func (h TokenHint) String() string

type TokenStoreReader

type TokenStoreReader interface {
	// ReadAuthentication load associated Authentication with Token.
	// Token can be AccessToken or RefreshToken
	ReadAuthentication(ctx context.Context, tokenValue string, hint TokenHint) (Authentication, error)

	// ReadAccessToken load AccessToken with given value.
	// If the AccessToken is not associated with a valid security.ContextDetails (revoked), it returns error
	ReadAccessToken(ctx context.Context, value string) (AccessToken, error)

	// ReadRefreshToken load RefreshToken with given value.
	// this method does not imply any revocation status. it depends on implementation
	ReadRefreshToken(ctx context.Context, value string) (RefreshToken, error)

type TokenType

type TokenType string

func (TokenType) HttpHeader

func (t TokenType) HttpHeader() string

type UserAuthOption

type UserAuthOption struct {
	Principal   string
	Permissions map[string]interface{}
	State       security.AuthenticationState
	Details     map[string]interface{}

type UserAuthOptions

type UserAuthOptions func(opt *UserAuthOption)

type UserAuthentication

type UserAuthentication interface {
	Subject() string
	DetailsMap() map[string]interface{}

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