End-to-end testing script
This directory contains a basic end-to-end testing script.
The script sets up a configuration cache, stands up a configuration server,
and starts up Envoy with the server as either ADS or xDS discovery option. The
configuration is periodically refreshed with new routes and new clusters. In
parallel, the test sends echo requests one after another through Envoy,
exercising the pushed configuration.
- Envoy binary
available: set ENVOY
environment variable to the
location of the binary, or use the default value /usr/local/bin/envoy
builds successfully
To run the script with a single ADS server:
make integration.ads
To run the script with a single server configured as different xDS servers:
make integration.xds
To run the script with a single server configured to use Fetch
through HTTP:
make integration.rest
You should see runs of configuration push events and request batch reports. The
test executes batches of requests to exercise multiple listeners, routes, and
clusters, and records the number of successful and failed requests. The test is
successful if at least one batch passes through all requests (e.g. Envoy
eventually converges to use the latest pushed configuration) for each run.
Customizing the test driver
The test driver has the following options:
Usage of bin/test:
-als uint
Accesslog server port (default 18090)
-base uint
Listener port (default 9000)
-clusters int
Number of clusters (default 2)
Use debug logging
-delay duration
Interval between request batch retries (default 500ms)
-gateway uint
Management server port for HTTP gateway (default 18001)
-http int
Number of HTTP listeners (and RDS configs) (default 1)
-nodeID string
Node ID (default "test-id")
-port uint
Management server port (default 18000)
-r int
Number of requests between snapshot updates (default 5)
-tcp int
Number of TCP pass-through listeners (default 1)
-runtimes int
Number of RTDS layers (default 1)
-u int
Number of snapshot updates (default 3)
-upstream uint
Upstream HTTP/1.1 port (default 18080)
-xds string
Management server type (ads, xds, rest) (default "ads")