The server will be listening on port 8080 by default.
The server handles the following endpoints:
GET /health: a health check endpoint that returns HTTP 200 OK.
POST /register: an endpoint for user registration. It expects a JSON object containing username (string) and password (string). If the registration is successful, it returns HTTP 201 Created. If the username already exists, it returns HTTP 409 Conflict.
POST /login: an endpoint for user login. It expects a JSON object containing the following fields: username (string) and password (string). If the login is successful, it returns HTTP 200 OK and sets a session cookie. If the username or password is incorrect, it returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized Request.
POST /logout: an endpoint for user logout. It invalidates the session cookie and removes the session from the Redis cache. It returns HTTP 200 OK. Optionally, you can include a query parameter all with a value of true to log out all sessions for the user.
GET /user: a secure endpoint that retrieves user information. It expects a valid session cookie with a session ID. If the session is invalid or the cookie is missing, it returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized. If the session is valid, it returns HTTP 200 OK and a JSON object containing the user information (except for the password).
This code is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.