
v1.2.0-Beta.2.0...-bcfade6 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 6, 2022 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0




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var (
	MongoLookupTimes = make(map[string]map[string][]ResponseTime)
	RedisLookupTimes = make(map[string]map[string][]ResponseTime)
	ResponseTimes    []ResponseTime
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var (
	RatelimitedError = buildInternal(true, 429, "Too Many Requests", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	TempBannedError  = buildInternal(true, 403, "You've been temporarily API banned!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	PermBannedError  = buildInternal(true, 403, "You've been permanently API banned!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	NotFoundError    = buildInternal(true, 404, "Not Found", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	NoAuthError      = buildInternal(true, 403, `No "Authorization" header specified, or it was invalid!`, nil, nil, nil, nil)
	LookupError      = errors.New("an error occurred when looking up this resource")
	ReadFailed       = errors.New("failed to read request body")

	GetServersFailed   = buildInternal(true, 500, "An error occurred when getting all servers, try again later!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	GetBotsFailed      = buildInternal(true, 500, "An error occurred when getting all bots, try again later!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	GetUsersFailed     = buildInternal(true, 500, "An error occurred when getting all users, try again later!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	GetTemplatesFailed = buildInternal(true, 500, "An error occurred when getting all templates, try again later!", nil, nil, nil, nil)
	BadContentType     = buildInternal(true, 415, "Unsupported Content Type, or non was provided!", nil, nil, nil, nil)


func AddMongoLookupTime

func AddMongoLookupTime(col, id string, lookup int64, unmarshal int64)

func AddRedisLookupTime

func AddRedisLookupTime(col, id string, lookup int64, unmarshal int64)

func BadAuth

func BadAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request)

func NotFound

func NotFound(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request)

func PopulateDevCache

func PopulateDevCache()

func RequestLogger

func RequestLogger(handler http.Handler) http.Handler

func TokenValidator

func TokenValidator(next http.Handler) http.Handler


func WriteBotResponse

func WriteBotResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, bot *Bot)

func WriteErrorResponse

func WriteErrorResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, err error)

func WriteJson

func WriteJson(status int, writer http.ResponseWriter, v interface{})

func WriteNotImplementedResponse

func WriteNotImplementedResponse(w http.ResponseWriter)

func WritePrettyJson

func WritePrettyJson(status int, writer http.ResponseWriter, v interface{})

func WriteServerResponse

func WriteServerResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, server *Server)

func WriteTemplateResponse

func WriteTemplateResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, template *ServerTemplate)

func WriteUserResponse

func WriteUserResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, user *User)


type APIHealthResponse

type APIHealthResponse struct {
	Error     bool  `json:"error"`
	Status    int   `json:"status"`
	RedisOK   bool  `json:"redis_ok"`
	MongoOK   bool  `json:"mongo_ok"`
	RedisPing int64 `json:"redis_ping"`
	MongoPing int64 `json:"mongo_ping"`

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	Error    bool            `json:"error"`
	Status   int             `json:"status"`
	Message  *string         `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Bot      *Bot            `json:"bot,omitempty"`
	Server   *Server         `json:"server,omitempty"`
	User     *User           `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Template *ServerTemplate `json:"template,omitempty"`

type APIResponseBots

type APIResponseBots struct {
	Error  bool  `json:"error"`
	Status int   `json:"status"`
	Bots   []Bot `json:"bots"`

type APIStatsResponse

type APIStatsResponse struct {
	Status    int                     `json:"status"`
	Error     bool                    `json:"error"`
	Servers   APIStatsResponseServers `json:"servers"`
	Bots      APIStatsResponseBots    `json:"bots"`
	Users     APIStatsResponseUsers   `json:"users"`
	Templates int                     `json:"templates"`

type APIStatsResponseBots

type APIStatsResponseBots struct {
	Total    int `json:"total"`
	Approved int `json:"approved"`
	Premium  int `json:"premium"`

type APIStatsResponseServers

type APIStatsResponseServers struct {
	Total int `json:"total"`

type APIStatsResponseStaff

type APIStatsResponseStaff struct {
	Total      int `json:"total"`
	Mods       int `json:"mods"`
	Assistants int `json:"assistants"`
	Admins     int `json:"admins"`

type APIStatsResponseUsers

type APIStatsResponseUsers struct {
	Total   int                   `json:"total"`
	Premium int                   `json:"premium"`
	Staff   APIStatsResponseStaff `json:"staff"`

type Avatar

type Avatar struct {
	Hash string `json:"hash"`
	URL  string `json:"url"`

type Bot

type Bot struct {
	MongoID     string     `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	ID          string     `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	Name        string     `json:"name"`
	Prefix      string     `json:"prefix"`
	Library     string     `json:"library"`
	Tags        []string   `json:"tags"`
	VanityURL   string     `json:"vanityUrl"`
	ServerCount int        `json:"serverCount"`
	ShardCount  int        `json:"shardCount"`
	Token       string     `json:"token,omitempty"`
	Flags       int        `json:"flags"`
	ShortDesc   string     `json:"shortDesc"`
	LongDesc    string     `json:"longDesc"`
	ModNotes    string     `json:"modNotes,omitempty"`
	Editors     []string   `json:"editors"`
	Owner       Owner      `json:"owner"`
	Avatar      Avatar     `json:"avatar"`
	Votes       *BotVotes  `json:"votes,omitempty"`
	Links       BotLinks   `json:"links"`
	Social      BotSocial  `json:"social"`
	Theme       *BotTheme  `json:"theme,omitempty"`
	WidgetBot   *WidgetBot `json:"widgetbot,omitempty"`
	Status      BotStatus  `json:"status"`

func CleanupBot

func CleanupBot(rank UserRank, bot *Bot) *Bot

func GetAllBots

func GetAllBots(clean bool) (error, []Bot)

func LookupBot

func LookupBot(id string, clean bool) (error, *Bot)
type BotLinks struct {
	Invite        string `json:"invite"`
	Support       string `json:"support"`
	Website       string `json:"website"`
	Donation      string `json:"donation"`
	Repo          string `json:"repo"`
	PrivacyPolicy string `json:"privacyPolicy"`

type BotSocial

type BotSocial struct {
	Twitter string `json:"twitter"`

type BotStatus

type BotStatus struct {
	Approved bool `json:"approved"`
	Premium  bool `json:"premium,omitempty"`
	SiteBot  bool `json:"siteBot"`
	Archived bool `json:"archived"`

type BotTheme

type BotTheme struct {
	UseCustomColour bool   `json:"useCustomColour"`
	Colour          string `json:"colour"`
	Banner          string `json:"banner"`

type BotVotes

type BotVotes struct {
	Positive []string `json:"positive"`
	Negative []string `json:"negative"`

type DebugStatistics

type DebugStatistics struct {
	MongoPing     int64          `json:"mongo_ping"`
	RedisPing     int64          `json:"redis_ping"`
	Node          string         `json:"node"`
	LookupTimes   LookupTimes    `json:"lookup_times"`
	ResponseTimes []ResponseTime `json:"response_times"`
	Hostname      string         `json:"hostname"`

type GuildChannel

type GuildChannel struct {
	Type                  int                    `json:"type"`
	Position              int                    `json:"position,omitempty"`
	Name                  string                 `json:"name"`
	NSFW                  *bool                  `json:"nsfw,omitempty"`
	Topic                 *string                `json:"topic,omitempty"`
	PermissionsOverwrites []PermissionsOverwrite `json:"permissions_overwrites"`
	RateLimitPerUser      int                    `json:"rate_limit_per_user"`
	LastMessageID         string                 `json:"last_message_id"`
	Bitrate               *int                   `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
	UserLimit             *int                   `json:"user_limit,omitempty"`
	LastPinTimestamp      *int                   `json:"last_pin_timestamp"`

type LookupTimes

type LookupTimes struct {
	Mongo map[string]map[string][]ResponseTime `json:"mongo"`
	Redis map[string]map[string][]ResponseTime `json:"redis"`

type Owner

type Owner struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

type PermissionsOverwrite

type PermissionsOverwrite struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Type  string `json:"type"` // role/member
	Allow int    `json:"allow"`
	Deny  int    `json:"deny"`

type ResponseTime

type ResponseTime struct {
	Path                 string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	TimeTakenToLookup    int64  `json:"time_taken_to_lookup"`
	TimeSpentDecoding    int64  `json:"time_spent_decoding"`
	TimeSpentWritingBody int64  `json:"time_spent_writing_body"`

type Role

type Role struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Color       int    `json:"color"`
	Hoist       bool   `json:"hoist"`
	Position    int    `json:"position"`
	Permissions int    `json:"permissions"`
	Managed     bool   `json:"managed"`
	Mentionable bool   `json:"mentionable"`

type Server

type Server struct {
	MongoID        string       `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	ID             string       `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	InviteCode     string       `json:"inviteCode,omitempty"`
	Name           string       `json:"name"`
	ShortDesc      string       `json:"shortDesc"`
	LongDesc       string       `json:"longDesc"`
	Tags           []string     `json:"tags"`
	PreviewChannel string       `json:"previewChannel"`
	Owner          Owner        `json:"owner"`
	Icon           Avatar       `json:"icon"`
	Links          ServerLinks  `json:"links"`
	Status         ServerStatus `json:"status"`

func CleanupServer

func CleanupServer(rank UserRank, server *Server) *Server

func GetAllServers

func GetAllServers(clean bool) (error, []Server)

func LookupServer

func LookupServer(id string, clean bool) (error, *Server)
type ServerLinks struct {
	Invite   string `json:"invite,omitempty"`
	Website  string `json:"website"`
	Donation string `json:"donation"`

type ServerStatus

type ServerStatus struct {
	ReviewRequired bool `json:"reviewRequired"`

type ServerTemplate

type ServerTemplate struct {
	MongoID                     string              `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	ID                          string              `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	Name                        string              `json:"name"`
	Region                      string              `json:"region"`
	Locale                      string              `json:"locale"`
	AfkTimeout                  int                 `json:"afkTimeout"`
	VerificationLevel           int                 `json:"verificationLevel"`
	DefaultMessageNotifications int                 `json:"defaultMessageNotifications"`
	ExplicitContent             int                 `json:"explicitContent"`
	Roles                       []Role              `json:"roles"`
	Channels                    []GuildChannel      `json:"channels"`
	UsageCount                  int                 `json:"usageCount"`
	ShortDesc                   string              `json:"shortDesc"`
	LongDesc                    string              `json:"longDesc"`
	Tags                        []string            `json:"tags"`
	FromGuild                   string              `json:"fromGuild"`
	Owner                       Owner               `json:"owner"`
	Icon                        Avatar              `json:"icon"`
	Links                       ServerTemplateLinks `json:"links"`

func GetAllTemplates

func GetAllTemplates() (error, []ServerTemplate)

func LookupTemplate

func LookupTemplate(id string) (error, *ServerTemplate)
type ServerTemplateLinks struct {
	LinkToServerPage bool   `json:"linkToServerPage,omitempty"`
	Template         string `json:"template"`

type StaffTracking

type StaffTracking struct {
	Details struct {
		Away struct {
			Status  bool   `json:"status"`
			Message string `json:"message"`
		} `json:"away"`
		Standing        string `json:"standing"`
		Country         string `json:"country"`
		Timezone        string `json:"timezone"`
		ManagementNotes string `json:"managementNotes"`
	} `json:"details"`
	LastLogin    int `json:"lastLogin"`
	LastAccessed struct {
		Time int    `json:"time"`
		Page string `json:"page"`
	} `json:"lastAccessed"`
	Punishments struct {
		Strikes  []Strike `json:"strikes"`
		Warnings []Strike `json:"warnings"`
	} `json:"punishments"`
	HandledBots struct {
		AllTime  SubHandled `json:"allTime"`
		PrevWeek SubHandled `json:"prevWeek"`
		ThisWeek SubHandled `json:"thisWeek"`
	} `json:"handledBots"`
	HandledServers struct {
		AllTime  SubHandled `json:"allTime"`
		PrevWeek SubHandled `json:"prevWeek"`
		ThisWeek SubHandled `json:"thisWeek"`
	} `json:"handledServers"`
	HandledTemplates struct {
		AllTime  SubHandled `json:"allTime"`
		PrevWeek SubHandled `json:"prevWeek"`
		ThisWeek SubHandled `json:"thisWeek"`
	} `json:"handledTemplates"`

type Strike

type Strike struct {
	Reason   string `json:"reason"`
	Date     int    `json:"date"`
	Executor string `json:"executor"`

type SubHandled

type SubHandled struct {
	Total      int `json:"total"`
	Approved   int `json:"approved"`
	Declined   int `json:"declined"`
	Unapproved int `json:"unapproved"`
	Removed    int `json:"removed"`

type User

type User struct {
	MongoID       string           `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	ID            string           `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	Token         string           `json:"token,omitempty"`
	Name          string           `json:"name"`
	Discrim       string           `json:"discrim"`
	FullUsername  string           `json:"fullUsername"`
	Locale        string           `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	Flags         int              `json:"flags"`
	Avatar        Avatar           `json:"avatar"`
	Preferences   *UserPreferences `json:"preferences,omitempty"`
	Profile       UserProfile      `json:"profile"`
	Game          UserGame         `json:"game"`
	Rank          UserRank         `json:"rank"`
	StaffTracking *StaffTracking   `json:"staffTracking,omitempty"`

func CleanupUser

func CleanupUser(rank UserRank, user *User) *User

func GetAllUsers

func GetAllUsers(clean bool) (error, []User)

func LookupUser

func LookupUser(id string, clean bool) (error, *User)

type UserGame

type UserGame struct {
	Snakes struct {
		MaxScore int `json:"maxScore"`
	} `json:"snakes"`

type UserPreferences

type UserPreferences struct {
	CustomGlobalCSS         string `json:"customGlobalCss"`
	DefaultColour           string `json:"defaultColour"`
	DefaultForegroundColour string `json:"defaultForegroundColour"`
	EnableGames             bool   `json:"enableGames"`
	Experiments             bool   `json:"experiments"`

type UserProfile

type UserProfile struct {
	Bio   string           `json:"bio"`
	CSS   string           `json:"css,omitempty"`
	Links UserProfileLinks `json:"links"`
type UserProfileLinks struct {
	Website   string `json:"website"`
	Github    string `json:"github"`
	Gitlab    string `json:"gitlab"`
	Twitter   string `json:"twitter"`
	Instagram string `json:"instagram"`
	Snapchat  string `json:"snapchat"`

type UserRank

type UserRank struct {
	Admin      bool `json:"admin"`
	Assistant  bool `json:"assistant"`
	Mod        bool `json:"mod"`
	Premium    bool `json:"premium,omitempty"`
	Tester     bool `json:"tester"`
	Translator bool `json:"translator"`
	Covid      bool `json:"covid"`

type WidgetBot

type WidgetBot struct {
	Channel string `json:"channel"`
	Options string `json:"options"`
	Server  string `json:"server"`

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL