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Published: Jul 26, 2022 License: Apache-2.0


What's This?

This repo is an experiment in what a component-based Agent might look like. It's not intended to actually behave like an Agent -- all non-component implementation is fake. But it is intended to encompass the current design of the Agent, focusing on the different sorts of interconnections between components required.

This provides a loosely-sketched vision of what we will want to get to with the Agent, encouraging discussion now, during the design phase, but with concrete code to look at.

It is also a chance to try out some "interesting" ideas (such as config reducers) that would be much more difficult to sketch out in a real Agent. Maybe some of these are bad ideas, maybe they are things we can do later, or maybe we want to do them first thing.

You can see the set of components in COMPONENTS.md.

Component Guidelines

What follows are draft guidelines for writing components. This repository follows these guidelines.

If these guidelines are adopted, then the expectation is that all components would follow them. This reduces cognitive load when using components -- no need to remember one component's peculiarities. It also allows Agent-wide changes, where we make the same formulaic change to each component. If a situation arises that contradicts the guidelines, then we can update the guidelines (and change all affected components).


You should be familiar with fx, the tool used for dependency injection.

Component Definition

A component is defined in a dedicated package under comp/, with the following defined in component.go:

  • Extensive package-level documentation. This should define, as precisely as possible, the behavior of the component, acting as a contract on which users of the component may depend.

    The documentation (both package-level and method-level) should also include:

    • Precise information about which interface methods can be called during the setup phase, and which must only be called after the component is started.
    • Precise information about data ownership of passed values and returned values (does the method modify its arguments? can the caller modify a returned slice or map?).
    • Precise information about goroutines and blocking (does the method block? is a callback invoked in a dedicated goroutine? what happens if a channel is full?)
  • pkg.Component -- the type implemented by the component. This can be an empty interface, but is the type by which other components will find this one via fx. It should have a formulaic doc string like // Component is the component type., deferring documentation to the package docs. All interface methods should be exported and thoroughly documented.

  • pkg.Module -- an fx.Option that can be included in an fx.App to make this component available. This is sometimes as simple as var Module = fx.Provide(new) to inform fx about the constructor, but can use fx.Options or fx.Module as necessary. If using fx.Module, the first argument should be the root-relative package path, e.g., "comp/util/log". It should have a formulaic doc string like // Module defines the fx options for this component.

Components should not be nested; that is, no component's Go path should be a prefix of another component's Go path.


The Component interface is implemented by an unexported type with a sensible name such as launcher or provider.


The component type has a constructor with an appropriate, unexported name such as newProvider. This is an fx constructor, so it can refer to other types and expect them to be automatically supplied:

func newProvider(log log.Component, config config.Component) Component { ...  }

Within the body of the constructor, it may call methods on other components, as long as the component allows calls to those methods during the setup phase.

As an fx constructor, it can also take an fx.Lifetime argument and set up OnStart and OnStop hooks.

The constructor is passed to fx.Provide in the definition of Module in component.go.

Testing Support

To support testing, components can optionally provide a mock implementation, with the following in component.go.

  • pkg.Mock -- the type implemented by the mock version of the component. This should embed pkg.Component, and provide additional exported methods for manipulating the mock for use by other packages.

  • pkg.MockModule -- an fx.Option that can be included in a test App to get the component's mock implementation.

Here pkg.MockModule will typically provide a newMock constructor which creates a struct implementing the pkg.Mock interface, with no other dependencies.

Other Fx Types

It's fine to provide other, unexported fx types in pkg.Module, if that is helpful. Because they are unexported, they will be invisible to users of the component.

Using Components

Apps (binaries)

Apps represent the final binaries defined by the agent. Each "flavor" of agent is defined in a different sub-package of cmd/.

Apps are formulaic and should not contain any complex logic. Their job is to parse command-line options, set up an fx App, and run it.


Component dependencies are automatically determined from the arguments to a component constructor. For example, a component that depends on the log component will have a logs.Component in its argument list:

import "github.com/djmitche/dd-agent-comp-experiments/comp/util/log"

func newThing(..., log log.Component, ...) Component {
    return &thing{
        log: log,
Component Bundles

Many components naturally gather into larger areas of the agent codebase, such as DogStatsD. In many cases, these components are not intended for use outside of that area. These components should be defined in an internal/ package, and included in a Modules definition in the parent package. This single Modules can then be included by apps that require that functionality.


Testing for a component should use fxtest to create the component. This focuses testing on the API surface of the component against which other components will be built. Per-function unit tests are, of course, also great where appropriate!

Here's an example testing a component with a mocked dependency on other:

func TestMyComponent(t *testing.T) {
    var comp Component
    var other other.Component
    app := fxtest.New(t,
        Module,              // use the real version of this component
        other.MockModule,    // use the mock version of other
        fx.Populate(&comp),  // get the instance of this component
        fx.Populate(&other), // get the (mock) instance of the other component

    // start and, at completion of the test, stop the components
    defer app.RequireStart().RequireStop()

    // cast `other` to its mock interface to call mock-specific methods on it
    other.(other.Mock).SetSomeValue(10)                      // Arrange
    comp.DoTheThing()                                        // Act
    require.Equal(t, 20, other.(other.Mock).GetSomeResult()) // Assert

If the component has a mock implementation, it is a good idea to test that mock implementation as well.


Package paths

  • cmd/<appname>/main.go -- entrypoint for each app
  • pkg/<pkgnname>/... utility types and functions, "plain old data" types
  • pkg/util/<utilname>/... utility packages that are not in the form of a component
  • comp/... components
  • comp/<bundlename>/... component bundles


A common mode of interaction between two components is for one to subscribe to notifications from the other. The pkg/util/subscriptions package provides generic support for this.

Subscriptions are usually static for the lifetime of an Agent, and should be made during the setup phase, before components have started. The documentation for components supporting subscriptions will make this clear.


Components often take the form of an actor: a dedicated goroutine that processes events in a loop. This approach requires no concurrency controls, since all activity takes place in one goroutine. It is also easy to test: start a goroutine, send it some events, and assert on the output.

The pkg/util/actor package supports components that use the actor structure, including connecting them to the fx life cycle.

Health Monitoring

Components which can fail, and especially those using the actor model, should register with comp/health to monitor their health. In this context, "failure" is a user-visible problem with the component that can occur after startup. This may be related to resource exhaustion, user misconfiguration, or an issue in the environment. Many components can't fail (or at least, we can't yet imagine how they would fail); these do not need to report to the comp/health component.


Plugins are things like Launchers, Tailers, Config Providers, Listeners, etc. where there are several implementations that perform the same job in different contexts.

We typically want to include different sets of plugins in different builds, differentiating at build time. Just including somepkg.Module in an fx.App is enough to pull in that module's code, causing binary bloat, so these distinctions must be made at build time. For example, a slimmed-down logs agent for limited systems might only support logging TCP inputs, while a full-fledged logs agent includes support for containers, syslog, files, and so on.

Plugins always "plug in" to some "manager" component (typically named foomgr), and should depend on that manager and register themselves with it at startup. Then, it is up to apps to depend on the necessary plugins.

Programming Errors

Programming errors, such as calling a method at an inappropriate time, should be handled with panic(..) instead of errors. If an error is returned, it will likely be logged and may not be seen. A panic, on the other hand, is very noticeable and carries a stack trace that can help the programmer figure out what they've missed. Try to arrange for such panics to happen consistently, so that such programming errors are quick to find.

Future Plans

Component Linting

With good detection of components (already used to generate COMPONENTS.md and CODEOWNERS), we can check that the guidelines are followed. For example, this check could easily verify that components are not nested, and that every component has a Component type and Module value.

Config Reducers

We can use a concept similar to that defined by Redux to simplify the DD configuration used by each component that needs it. This would involve a "reducer" that extracts data from Viper (or whatever we switch to) and places it in a component-specific struct. Using struct tags and a utility function would allow for a very regular, greppable arrangement of configuration parameters with very little per-component boilerplate. This will also ease testing of components: tests can simply provide a filled-in configuration struct, instead of manually setting configuration parameters.


  • [DONE] component.yml?
  • [DONE] actor model conventions
  • [DONE] subscription conventions
  • [DONE] guidelines for non-component stuff
  • [DONE] health reporting
  • [DONE] add Mocks to a component and try them out
  • selecting among multiple implementations of the same component (e.g., Tagger)
  • CLI / subcommands (agent run, etc.)
  • status output
  • tlm
  • API
  • use fx.In for complex constructors (maybe with component concrete type?)


Path Synopsis
Package comp contains all of the components of the Datadog agent, arranged in sub-packages.
Package comp contains all of the components of the Datadog agent, arranged in sub-packages.
Package config implements a component to handle agent configuration.
Package config implements a component to handle agent configuration.
Package health implements a component that monitors the health of other components.
Package health implements a component that monitors the health of other components.
Package logs collects the packages related to the logs agent.
Package logs collects the packages related to the logs agent.
Package agent implements a component representing the logs agent.
Package agent implements a component representing the logs agent.
Package sourcemgr implements a component managing logs-agent sources (type LogSource).
Package sourcemgr implements a component managing logs-agent sources (type LogSource).
Package file implements a launcher that responds to file sources by starting tailers for the indicated files.
Package file implements a launcher that responds to file sources by starting tailers for the indicated files.
Package launchermgr implements a component managing logs-agent launchers.
Package launchermgr implements a component managing logs-agent launchers.
Package log implements a component to handle logging internal to the agent.
Package log implements a component to handle logging internal to the agent.
Package actor provides basic support for building actors for use in the Agent.
Package actor provides basic support for building actors for use in the Agent.
Package subscriptions provides support for managing subscriptions between components.
Package subscriptions provides support for managing subscriptions between components.

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