
v1.1.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 30, 2021 License: MIT



Lancet is a comprehensive, efficient, and reusable util function library of go. Inspired by the java apache common package and lodash.js.

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  • 👏 Comprehensive, efficient and reusable.
  • 💪 100+ common go util functions, support string, slice, datetime, net, crypt...
  • 💅 Only depend on the go standard library.
  • 🌍 Unit test for exery exported function.


go get


Lancet organizes the code into package structure, and you need to import the corresponding package name when use it. For example, if you use string-related functions,import the strutil package like below:

import ""


Here takes the string function ReverseStr (reverse order string) as an example, and the strutil package needs to be imported.

package main

import (

func main() {
    s := "hello"
    rs := strutil.ReverseStr(s)
    fmt.Println(rs) //olleh

API Documentation

1. convertor contains some functions for data convertion

  • Support conversion between commonly used data types.
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    s := "12.3"
    f, err := convertor.ToFloat(s)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Errorf("error is %s", err.Error())
    fmt.Println(f) // 12.3
  • Function list:
func ColorHexToRGB(colorHex string) (red, green, blue int) //convert color hex to color rgb
func ColorRGBToHex(red, green, blue int) string //convert color rgb to color hex
func ToBool(s string) (bool, error)  //convert string to a boolean
func ToBytes(data interface{}) ([]byte, error) //convert interface to bytes
func ToChar(s string) []string //convert string to char slice
func ToFloat(value interface{}) (float64, error) //convert value to float64, if input is not a float return 0.0 and error
func ToInt(value interface{}) (int64, error) //convert value to int64, if input is not a numeric format return 0 and error
func ToJson(value interface{}) (string, error) //convert value to a valid json string
func ToString(value interface{}) string //convert value to string
func StructToMap(value interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) //convert struct to map, only convert exported field, tag `json` should be set

2. cryptor is for data encryption and decryption

  • Support md5, hmac, aes, des, ras.
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    data := "hello"
    key := "abcdefghijklmnop"

    encrypted := cryptor.AesCbcEncrypt([]byte(data), []byte(key))
    decrypted := cryptor.AesCbcDecrypt(encrypted, []byte(key))
    fmt.Println(string(decrypted)) // hello
  • Function list:
func AesEcbEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES ECB encrypt
func AesEcbDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) []byte //AES ECB decrypt
func AesCbcEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES CBC encrypt
func AesCbcDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) []byte //AES CBC decrypt
func AesCtrCrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES CTR encrypt / decrypt
func AesCfbEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES CFB encrypt
func AesCfbDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) []byte //AES CFB decrypt
func AesOfbEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES OFB encrypt
func AesOfbDecrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //AES OFB decrypt
func Base64StdEncode(s string) string //base64 encode
func Base64StdDecode(s string) string //base64 decode
func DesCbcEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //DES CBC encrypt
func DesCbcDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) []byte //DES CBC decrypt
func DesCtrCrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //DES CTR encrypt/decrypt
func DesCfbEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //DES CFB encrypt
func DesCfbDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) []byte //DES CFB decrypt
func DesOfbEncrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //DES OFB encrypt
func DesOfbDecrypt(data, key []byte) []byte //DES OFB decrypt
func HmacMd5(data, key string) string //get hmac md5 value
func HmacSha1(data, key string) string //get hmac sha1 value
func HmacSha256(data, key string) string //get hmac sha256 value
func HmacSha512(data, key string) string //get hmac sha512 value
func Sha1(data string) string //get sha1 value
func Sha256(data string) string //getsha256 value
func Sha512(data string) string //get sha512 value
func GenerateRsaKey(keySize int, priKeyFile, pubKeyFile string) //generate RSA pem file
func RsaEncrypt(data []byte, pubKeyFileName string) []byte //RSA encrypt
func RsaDecrypt(data []byte, privateKeyFileName string) []byte //RSA decrypt

3. datetime parse and format datetime

  • Parse and format datetime
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    now := time.Now()
    s := datetime.FormatTimeToStr(now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
    fmt.Println(s) // 2021-11-24 11:16:55
  • Function list:
func AddDay(t time.Time, day int64) time.Time //add or sub days to time
func AddHour(t time.Time, hour int64) time.Time //add or sub hours to time
func AddMinute(t time.Time, minute int64) time.Time //add or sub minutes to time
func GetNowDate() string  //get current date, format is yyyy-mm-dd
func GetNowTime() string //get current time, format is hh:mm:ss
func GetNowDateTime() string //get current date and time, format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
func GetZeroHourTimestamp() int64 //return timestamp of zero hour (timestamp of 00:00)
func GetNightTimestamp() int64 //return timestamp of zero hour (timestamp of 23:59)
func FormatTimeToStr(t time.Time, format string) string //convert time to string
func FormatStrToTime(str, format string) time.Time //convert string to time

4. fileutil basic functions for file operations

  • Basic functions for file operations.
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(fileutil.IsDir("./")) // true
  • Function list:
func ClearFile(path string) error //write empty string to path file
func CreateFile(path string) bool // create a file in path
func CopyFile(srcFilePath string, dstFilePath string) error //copy src file to dst file
func IsExist(path string) bool  //checks if a file or directory exists
func IsDir(path string) bool //checks if the path is directy or not
func ListFileNames(path string) ([]string, error) //return all file names in the path
func RemoveFile(path string) error //remove the path file
func ReadFileToString(path string) (string, error) //return string of file content
func ReadFileByLine(path string)([]string, error) //read file content by line

5. formatter is for data format

  • Contain some formatting function
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
     fmt.Println(formatter.Comma("12345", ""))   // "12,345"
     fmt.Println(formatter.Comma(12345.67, "¥")) // "¥12,345.67"
  • Function list:
func Comma(v interface{}, symbol string) string  //add comma to number by every 3 numbers from right. ahead by symbol char

6. function can control the function execution and support functional programming

  • Control function execution and support functional programming.
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    var print = func(s string) {
	function.Delay(2*time.Second, print, "hello world")
  • Function list:
func After(n int, fn interface{}) func(args ...interface{}) []reflect.Value  //creates a function that invokes func once it's called n or more times
func Before(n int, fn interface{}) func(args ...interface{}) []reflect.Value  //creates a function that invokes func once it's called less than n times
func (f Fn) Curry(i interface{}) func(...interface{}) interface{}  //make a curryed function
func Compose(fnList ...func(...interface{}) interface{}) func(...interface{}) interface{}  //compose the functions from right to left
func Delay(delay time.Duration, fn interface{}, args ...interface{})  //invoke function after delayed time
func Schedule(d time.Duration, fn interface{}, args ...interface{}) chan bool //invoke function every duration time, util close the returned bool chan

7. netutil is for net process

  • Ip and http request method.
  • Usage: import "".
  • The Http function params order:url, header, query string, body, httpclient.
package main

import (

func main() {
    url := ""
    header := make(map[string]string)
    header["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    queryParams := make(map[string]interface{})
    queryParams["ids"] = "1"

    resp, err := netutil.HttpGet(url, header, queryParams)
    if err != nil {

    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    fmt.Println("response: ", resp.StatusCode, string(body))
  • Function list:
func GetInternalIp() string //get internal ip
func GetPublicIpInfo() (*PublicIpInfo, error) //get public ip info: country, region, isp, city, lat, lon, ip
func IsPublicIP(IP net.IP) bool //判断ip是否为公共ip
func HttpGet(url string, params ...interface{}) (*http.Response, error) //http get request
func HttpPost(url string, params ...interface{}) (*http.Response, error) //http post request
func HttpPut(url string, params ...interface{}) (*http.Response, error) //http put request
func HttpDelete(url string, params ...interface{}) (*http.Response, error) //http delete request
func HttpPatch(url string, params ...interface{}) (*http.Response, error) //http patch request
func ConvertMapToQueryString(param map[string]interface{}) string //convert map to url query string
func ParseHttpResponse(resp *http.Response, obj interface{}) error //decode http response to specified interface

8. random is for rand string and int generation

  • Generate random string and int.
  • Usage: import "".
package main

import (

func main() {
    randStr := random.RandString(6)
  • Function list:
func RandBytes(length int) []byte //generate random []byte
func RandInt(min, max int) int //generate random int
func RandString(length int) string //generate random string

9. slice is for process slice

  • Contain function for process slice.
  • Usage: import ""
  • Due to the unstable support of generic, most of the slice processing function parameter and return value is interface {}. After go generic is stable, the related functions will be refactored.
package main

import (

func main() {
    nums := []int{1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3}
    uniqueNums, _ := slice.IntSlice(slice.Unique(nums))
    fmt.Println(uniqueNums) //[1 4 3 6 7]
  • Function list:
func Contain(slice interface{}, value interface{}) bool //check if the value is in the slice or not
func Chunk(slice []interface{}, size int) [][]interface{} //creates an slice of elements split into groups the length of `size`.
func ConvertSlice(originalSlice interface{}, newSliceType reflect.Type) interface{} //convert originalSlice to newSliceType
func Difference(slice1, slice2 interface{}) interface{} //creates an slice of whose element not included in the other given slice
func DeleteByIndex(slice interface{}, start int, end (interface{}, error) //delete the element of slice from start index to end index - 1
func Every(slice, function interface{}) bool //return true if all of the values in the slice pass the predicate function, function signature should be func(index int, value interface{}) bool
func Filter(slice, function interface{}) interface{} //filter slice, function signature should be func(index int, value interface{}) bool
func Find(slice, function interface{}) interface{} //iterates over elements of slice, returning the first one that passes a truth test on function.function signature should be func(index int, value interface{}) bool .
func IntSlice(slice interface{}) ([]int, error) //convert value to int slice
func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []interface{} //convert value to interface{} slice
func Intersection(slices ...interface{}) interface{} //creates a slice of unique values that included by all slices.
func InsertByIndex(slice interface{}, index int, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) //insert the element into slice at index.
func Map(slice, function interface{}) interface{} //map lisce, function signature should be func(index int, value interface{}) interface{}
func ReverseSlice(slice interface{}) //revere slice
func Reduce(slice, function, zero interface{}) interface{} //reduce slice, function signature should be func(index int, value1, value2 interface{}) interface{}
func SortByField(slice interface{}, field string, sortType ...string) error //sort struct slice by field
func Some(slice, function interface{}) bool //return true if any of the values in the list pass the predicate function, function signature should be func(index int, value interface{}) bool
func StringSlice(slice interface{}) []string //convert value to string slice
func Unique(slice interface{}) interface{} //remove duplicate elements in slice
func Union(slices ...interface{}) interface{} //Union creates a slice of unique values, in order, from all given slices. using == for equality comparisons.
func UpdateByIndex(slice interface{}, index int, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) //update the slice element at index.
func Without(slice interface{}, values ...interface{}) interface{} //creates a slice excluding all given values

10. strutil is for processing string

  • Contain functions to precess string
  • Usage: import ""
package main

import (

func main() {
    str := "Foo-Bar"
    camelCaseStr := strutil.CamelCase(str)
    fmt.Println(camelCaseStr) //fooBar
  • Function list:
func After(s, char string) string //create substring in source string after position when char first appear
func AfterLast(s, char string) string //create substring in source string after position when char last appear
func Before(s, char string) string //create substring in source string before position when char first appear
func BeforeLast(s, char string) string //create substring in source string before position when char last appear
func CamelCase(s string) string //covert string to camelCase string. "foo bar" -> "fooBar"
func Capitalize(s string) string //convert the first character of a string to upper case, "fOO" -> "Foo"
func IsString(v interface{}) bool //check if the value data type is string or not
func KebabCase(s string) string //covert string to kebab-case, "foo_Bar" -> "foo-bar"
func LowerFirst(s string) string //convert the first character of string to lower case
func PadEnd(source string, size int, padStr string) string //pads string on the right side if it's shorter than size
func PadStart(source string, size int, padStr string) string//pads string on the left side if it's shorter than size
func ReverseStr(s string) string //return string whose char order is reversed to the given string
func SnakeCase(s string) string //covert string to snake_case "fooBar" -> "foo_bar"

11. validator is for data validation

  • Contain function for data validation.
  • Usage: import "".
package main

import (

func main() {
    str := "Foo-Bar"
    isAlpha := validator.IsAlpha(str)
    fmt.Println(isAlpha) //false
  • Function list:
func ContainChinese(s string) bool //check if the string contain mandarin chinese
func IsAlpha(s string) bool //checks if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z)
func IsBase64(base64 string) bool //check if the string is base64 string
func IsChineseMobile(mobileNum string) bool //check if the string is chinese mobile number
func IsChineseIdNum(id string) bool //check if the string is chinese id number
func IsChinesePhone(phone string) bool //check if the string is chinese phone number
func IsCreditCard(creditCart string) bool //check if the string is credit card
func IsDns(dns string) bool //check if the string is dns
func IsEmail(email string) bool //check if the string is a email address
func IsEmptyString(s string) bool //check if the string is empty
func IsFloatStr(s string) bool //check if the string can convert to a float
func IsNumberStr(s string) bool //check if the string can convert to a number
func IsRegexMatch(s, regex string) bool //check if the string match the regexp
func IsIntStr(s string) bool //check if the string can convert to a integer
func IsIp(ipstr string) bool //check if the string is a ip address
func IsIpV4(ipstr string) bool //check if the string is a ipv4 address
func IsIpV6(ipstr string) bool //check if the string is a ipv6 address
func IsStrongPassword(password string, length int) bool //check if the string is strong password (alpha(lower+upper) + number + special chars(!@#$%^&*()?><))
func IsWeakPassword(password string) bool //check if the string is weak password(only letter or only number or letter + number)


Path Synopsis
Package convertor implements some functions to convert data.
Package convertor implements some functions to convert data.
Package cryptor implements some util functions to encrypt and decrypt.
Package cryptor implements some util functions to encrypt and decrypt.
Package datetime implements some functions to format date and time.
Package datetime implements some functions to format date and time.
Package fileutil implements some basic functions for file operations
Package fileutil implements some basic functions for file operations
Package formatter implements some functions to format string, struct.
Package formatter implements some functions to format string, struct.
Package function implements some functions for control the function execution and some is for functional programming.
Package function implements some functions for control the function execution and some is for functional programming.
Package netutil implements some basic functions to send http request and get ip info.
Package netutil implements some basic functions to send http request and get ip info.
Package random implements some basic functions to generate random int and string.
Package random implements some basic functions to generate random int and string.
Package slice implements some functions to manipulate slice.
Package slice implements some functions to manipulate slice.
Package strutil implements some functions to manipulate string.
Package strutil implements some functions to manipulate string.
Package utils implements is for internal use.
Package utils implements is for internal use.
Package validator implements some validate function for string.
Package validator implements some validate function for string.

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