
v0.1.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 5, 2023 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func A

func A(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Abbr

func Abbr(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Address

func Address(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func AlignContent

func AlignContent(v string) cssg.Decl

func AlignItems

func AlignItems(v string) cssg.Decl

func AlignSelf

func AlignSelf(v string) cssg.Decl

func All

func All(v string) cssg.Decl

func Animation

func Animation(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationDelay

func AnimationDelay(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationDirection

func AnimationDirection(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationDuration

func AnimationDuration(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationFillMode

func AnimationFillMode(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationIterationCount

func AnimationIterationCount(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationName

func AnimationName(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationPlayState

func AnimationPlayState(v string) cssg.Decl

func AnimationTimingFunction

func AnimationTimingFunction(v string) cssg.Decl

func Area

func Area(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Article

func Article(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Aside

func Aside(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func AttrAccesskey

func AttrAccesskey(v string) [2]string

func AttrAction

func AttrAction(v string) [2]string

func AttrAriaCurrent

func AttrAriaCurrent() [2]string

func AttrAutocapitalize

func AttrAutocapitalize(v string) [2]string

func AttrClass

func AttrClass(v string) [2]string

func AttrContent

func AttrContent(v string) [2]string

func AttrContenteditable

func AttrContenteditable(v string) [2]string

func AttrData

func AttrData(v string) [2]string

func AttrDir

func AttrDir(v string) [2]string

func AttrDraggable

func AttrDraggable(v string) [2]string

func AttrHidden

func AttrHidden(v string) [2]string

func AttrHref

func AttrHref(v string) [2]string

func AttrId

func AttrId(v string) [2]string

func AttrInputmode

func AttrInputmode(v string) [2]string

func AttrIs

func AttrIs(v string) [2]string

func AttrLang

func AttrLang(v string) [2]string

func AttrMethod

func AttrMethod(v string) [2]string

func AttrName

func AttrName(v string) [2]string

func AttrOnclick

func AttrOnclick(v string) [2]string

func AttrPlaceholder

func AttrPlaceholder(v string) [2]string

func AttrRel

func AttrRel(v string) [2]string

func AttrSpellcheck

func AttrSpellcheck(v string) [2]string

func AttrStyle

func AttrStyle(v string) [2]string

func AttrTabindex

func AttrTabindex(v string) [2]string

func AttrTitle

func AttrTitle(v string) [2]string

func AttrType

func AttrType(v string) [2]string

func AttrValue

func AttrValue(v string) [2]string

func Audio

func Audio(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func B

func B(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func BackfaceVisibility

func BackfaceVisibility(v string) cssg.Decl

func Background

func Background(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundAttachment

func BackgroundAttachment(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundBlendMode

func BackgroundBlendMode(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundClip

func BackgroundClip(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundColor

func BackgroundColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundImage

func BackgroundImage(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundOrigin

func BackgroundOrigin(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundPosition

func BackgroundPosition(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundRepeat

func BackgroundRepeat(v string) cssg.Decl

func BackgroundSize

func BackgroundSize(v string) cssg.Decl

func Base

func Base(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Bdi

func Bdi(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Bdo

func Bdo(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Blockquote

func Blockquote(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Body

func Body(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Border

func Border(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottom

func BorderBottom(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottomColor

func BorderBottomColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottomLeftRadius

func BorderBottomLeftRadius(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottomRightRadius

func BorderBottomRightRadius(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottomStyle

func BorderBottomStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderBottomWidth

func BorderBottomWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderCollapse

func BorderCollapse(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderColor

func BorderColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImage

func BorderImage(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImageOutset

func BorderImageOutset(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImageRepeat

func BorderImageRepeat(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImageSlice

func BorderImageSlice(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImageSource

func BorderImageSource(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderImageWidth

func BorderImageWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderLeft

func BorderLeft(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderLeftColor

func BorderLeftColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderLeftStyle

func BorderLeftStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderLeftWidth

func BorderLeftWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderRadius

func BorderRadius(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderRight

func BorderRight(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderRightColor

func BorderRightColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderRightStyle

func BorderRightStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderRightWidth

func BorderRightWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderSpacing

func BorderSpacing(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderStyle

func BorderStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTop

func BorderTop(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTopColor

func BorderTopColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTopLeftRadius

func BorderTopLeftRadius(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTopRightRadius

func BorderTopRightRadius(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTopStyle

func BorderTopStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderTopWidth

func BorderTopWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func BorderWidth

func BorderWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func Bottom

func Bottom(v string) cssg.Decl

func BoxShadow

func BoxShadow(v string) cssg.Decl

func BoxSizing

func BoxSizing(v string) cssg.Decl

func Br

func Br(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Button

func Button(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func CaptionSide

func CaptionSide(v string) cssg.Decl

func CaretColor

func CaretColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func Cite

func Cite(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Clear

func Clear(v string) cssg.Decl

func Clip

func Clip(v string) cssg.Decl

func ClipPath

func ClipPath(v string) cssg.Decl

func Code

func Code(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Col

func Col(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Color

func Color(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnCount

func ColumnCount(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnFill

func ColumnFill(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnGap

func ColumnGap(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnRule

func ColumnRule(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnRuleColor

func ColumnRuleColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnRuleStyle

func ColumnRuleStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnRuleWidth

func ColumnRuleWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnSpan

func ColumnSpan(v string) cssg.Decl

func ColumnWidth

func ColumnWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func Columns

func Columns(v string) cssg.Decl

func Content

func Content(v string) cssg.Decl

func CounterIncrement

func CounterIncrement(v string) cssg.Decl

func CounterReset

func CounterReset(v string) cssg.Decl

func Cursor

func Cursor(v string) cssg.Decl

func Data

func Data(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Dd

func Dd(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Dfn

func Dfn(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Direction

func Direction(v string) cssg.Decl

func Display

func Display(v string) cssg.Decl

func Div

func Div(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Dl

func Dl(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Dt

func Dt(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Em

func Em(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Embed

func Embed(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func EmptyCells

func EmptyCells(v string) cssg.Decl

func Figcaption

func Figcaption(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Figure

func Figure(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Filter

func Filter(v string) cssg.Decl

func Flex

func Flex(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexBasis

func FlexBasis(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexDirection

func FlexDirection(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexFlow

func FlexFlow(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexGrow

func FlexGrow(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexShrink

func FlexShrink(v string) cssg.Decl

func FlexWrap

func FlexWrap(v string) cssg.Decl

func Float

func Float(v string) cssg.Decl

func Font

func Font(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontFamily

func FontFamily(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontKerning

func FontKerning(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontSize

func FontSize(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontSizeAdjust

func FontSizeAdjust(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontStretch

func FontStretch(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontStyle

func FontStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontVariant

func FontVariant(v string) cssg.Decl

func FontWeight

func FontWeight(v string) cssg.Decl
func Footer(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Form

func Form(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Gap

func Gap(v string) cssg.Decl

func Grid

func Grid(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridArea

func GridArea(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridAutoColumns

func GridAutoColumns(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridAutoFlow

func GridAutoFlow(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridAutoRows

func GridAutoRows(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridColumn

func GridColumn(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridColumnEnd

func GridColumnEnd(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridColumnGap

func GridColumnGap(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridColumnStart

func GridColumnStart(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridGap

func GridGap(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridRow

func GridRow(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridRowEnd

func GridRowEnd(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridRowGap

func GridRowGap(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridRowStart

func GridRowStart(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridTemplate

func GridTemplate(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridTemplateAreas

func GridTemplateAreas(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridTemplateColumns

func GridTemplateColumns(v string) cssg.Decl

func GridTemplateRows

func GridTemplateRows(v string) cssg.Decl

func H1

func H1(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func H2

func H2(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func H3

func H3(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func H4

func H4(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func H5

func H5(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func H6

func H6(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func HTML

func HTML(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element
func Head(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element
func Header(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Height

func Height(v string) cssg.Decl

func Hgroup

func Hgroup(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Hr

func Hr(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Hyphens

func Hyphens(v string) cssg.Decl

func I

func I(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Iframe

func Iframe(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Img

func Img(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Input

func Input(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func JustifyContent

func JustifyContent(v string) cssg.Decl

func Kbd

func Kbd(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Label

func Label(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Left

func Left(v string) cssg.Decl

func Legend

func Legend(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func LetterSpacing

func LetterSpacing(v string) cssg.Decl

func Li

func Li(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func LineHeight

func LineHeight(v string) cssg.Decl
func Link(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func ListStyle

func ListStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func ListStyleImage

func ListStyleImage(v string) cssg.Decl

func ListStylePosition

func ListStylePosition(v string) cssg.Decl

func ListStyleType

func ListStyleType(v string) cssg.Decl

func Main

func Main(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Map

func Map(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Margin

func Margin(v string) cssg.Decl

func MarginBottom

func MarginBottom(v string) cssg.Decl

func MarginLeft

func MarginLeft(v string) cssg.Decl

func MarginRight

func MarginRight(v string) cssg.Decl

func MarginTop

func MarginTop(v string) cssg.Decl

func Mark

func Mark(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Math

func Math(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func MaxHeight

func MaxHeight(v string) cssg.Decl

func MaxWidth

func MaxWidth(v string) cssg.Decl
func Menu(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Meta

func Meta(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func MinHheight

func MinHheight(v string) cssg.Decl

func MinWidth

func MinWidth(v string) cssg.Decl
func Nav(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func NewButton

func NewButton(text string, onclick string) *htmlg.Element

func NewFavicon

func NewFavicon(url string) *htmlg.Element

NewFavicon creates a new <link> element with the rel icon attribute and href set to url.

func NewForm

func NewForm(action string, method string) *htmlg.Element

func NewGlobalStyle

func NewGlobalStyle(rules cssg.RuleGroup) *htmlg.Element

NewGlobalStyle creates a new <style> element with the provided rules.

func NewHyperlink(anchor, href string) *htmlg.Element

func NewInputEmail

func NewInputEmail(name, placeholder, value string) *htmlg.Element

func NewInputMultilineText

func NewInputMultilineText(name string, placeholder string, value ...string) *htmlg.Element

func NewInputSubmit

func NewInputSubmit(txt string) *htmlg.Element

func NewMeta

func NewMeta(name, content string) *htmlg.Element

func NewMetaColorScheme

func NewMetaColorScheme(s string) *htmlg.Element

func NewMetaDescription

func NewMetaDescription(desc string) *htmlg.Element

func NewTitle

func NewTitle(s string) *htmlg.Element

func Object

func Object(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func ObjectFit

func ObjectFit(v string) cssg.Decl

func ObjectPosition

func ObjectPosition(v string) cssg.Decl

func Ol

func Ol(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Opacity

func Opacity(v string) cssg.Decl

func Order

func Order(v string) cssg.Decl

func Outline

func Outline(v string) cssg.Decl

func OutlineColor

func OutlineColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func OutlineOffset

func OutlineOffset(v string) cssg.Decl

func OutlineStyle

func OutlineStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func OutlineWidth

func OutlineWidth(v string) cssg.Decl

func Overflow

func Overflow(v string) cssg.Decl

func OverflowX

func OverflowX(v string) cssg.Decl

func OverflowY

func OverflowY(v string) cssg.Decl

func P

func P(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Padding

func Padding(v string) cssg.Decl

func PaddingBottom

func PaddingBottom(v string) cssg.Decl

func PaddingLeft

func PaddingLeft(v string) cssg.Decl

func PaddingRight

func PaddingRight(v string) cssg.Decl

func PaddingTop

func PaddingTop(v string) cssg.Decl

func PageBreakAfter

func PageBreakAfter(v string) cssg.Decl

func PageBreakBefore

func PageBreakBefore(v string) cssg.Decl

func PageBreakInside

func PageBreakInside(v string) cssg.Decl

func Perspective

func Perspective(v string) cssg.Decl

func PerspectiveOrigin

func PerspectiveOrigin(v string) cssg.Decl

func Picture

func Picture(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func PointerEvents

func PointerEvents(v string) cssg.Decl

func Portal

func Portal(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Position

func Position(v string) cssg.Decl

func Pre

func Pre(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Q

func Q(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Quotes

func Quotes(v string) cssg.Decl
func Right(v string) cssg.Decl

func RowGap

func RowGap(v string) cssg.Decl

func S

func S(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Samp

func Samp(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Script

func Script(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func ScrollBehavior

func ScrollBehavior(v string) cssg.Decl

func Section

func Section(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Small

func Small(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Source

func Source(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Span

func Span(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Strong

func Strong(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Style

func Style(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Sub

func Sub(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Sup

func Sup(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Svg

func Svg(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func TableLayout

func TableLayout(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextAlign

func TextAlign(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextAlignLast

func TextAlignLast(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextDecoration

func TextDecoration(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextDecorationColor

func TextDecorationColor(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextDecorationLine

func TextDecorationLine(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextDecorationStyle

func TextDecorationStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextIndent

func TextIndent(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextJustify

func TextJustify(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextOverflow

func TextOverflow(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextShadow

func TextShadow(v string) cssg.Decl

func TextTransform

func TextTransform(v string) cssg.Decl

func Textarea

func Textarea(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Time

func Time(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Title

func Title(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Top

func Top(v string) cssg.Decl

func Track

func Track(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Transform

func Transform(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransformOrigin

func TransformOrigin(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransformStyle

func TransformStyle(v string) cssg.Decl

func Transition

func Transition(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransitionDelay

func TransitionDelay(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransitionDuration

func TransitionDuration(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransitionProperty

func TransitionProperty(v string) cssg.Decl

func TransitionTimingFunction

func TransitionTimingFunction(v string) cssg.Decl

func U

func U(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Ul

func Ul(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func UserSelect

func UserSelect(v string) cssg.Decl

func Var

func Var(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func VerticalAlign

func VerticalAlign(v string) cssg.Decl

func Video

func Video(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func Visibility

func Visibility(v string) cssg.Decl

func Wbr

func Wbr(opts ...htmlg.Modifier) *htmlg.Element

func WhiteSpace

func WhiteSpace(v string) cssg.Decl

func Width

func Width(v string) cssg.Decl

func WordBreak

func WordBreak(v string) cssg.Decl

func WordWrap

func WordWrap(v string) cssg.Decl

func Wordspacing

func Wordspacing(v string) cssg.Decl

func Wrap

func Wrap(children []htmlg.Stringer, tag string, modifiers ...htmlg.Modifier) htmlg.Fragment

Wrap returns a HTML fragment containing the given tag with one children in each.

func WritingMode

func WritingMode(v string) cssg.Decl

func ZIndex

func ZIndex(v string) cssg.Decl


type Page

type Page struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Page implements HTMLStringer and prepends the HTML doctype declaration to the underlying content. Expects HTML tag as direct child.

func NewPage

func NewPage(attrs [][2]string, head, body *htmlg.Element) *Page

func (*Page) HTMLString

func (p *Page) HTMLString() string

HTMLString returns the underlying content with the HTML doctype declaration prefixed.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL