
v3.24.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 27, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 186 Imported by: 0

Documentation ¶

Index ¶

Constants ¶

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const ACMCertificateResource = "ACMCertificate"
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const ACMPCACertificateAuthorityResource = "ACMPCACertificateAuthority"
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const ACMPCACertificateAuthorityStateResource = "ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState"
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const AMGWorkspaceResource = "AMGWorkspace"
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const AMPWorkspaceResource = "AMPWorkspace"
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const APIGatewayAPIKeyResource = "APIGatewayAPIKey"
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const APIGatewayClientCertificateResource = "APIGatewayClientCertificate"
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const APIGatewayDomainNameResource = "APIGatewayDomainName"
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const APIGatewayRestAPIResource = "APIGatewayRestAPI"
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const APIGatewayUsagePlanResource = "APIGatewayUsagePlan"
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const APIGatewayV2APIResource = "APIGatewayV2API"
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const APIGatewayV2VpcLinkResource = "APIGatewayV2VpcLink"
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const APIGatewayVpcLinkResource = "APIGatewayVpcLink"
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const AWSBackupPlanResource = "AWSBackupPlan"
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const AWSBackupRecoveryPointResource = "AWSBackupRecoveryPoint"
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const AWSBackupSelectionResource = "AWSBackupSelection"
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const AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicyResource = "AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicy"
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const AWSBackupVaultResource = "AWSBackupVault"
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const AccessAnalyzerArchiveRuleResource = "ArchiveRule"
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const AccessAnalyzerResource = "AccessAnalyzer"
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const AmplifyAppResource = "AmplifyApp"
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const AppConfigApplicationResource = "AppConfigApplication"
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const AppConfigConfigurationProfileResource = "AppConfigConfigurationProfile"
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const AppConfigDeploymentStrategyResource = "AppConfigDeploymentStrategy"
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const AppConfigEnvironmentResource = "AppConfigEnvironment"
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const AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersionResource = "AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersion"
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const AppMeshGatewayRouteResource = "AppMeshGatewayRoute"
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const AppMeshMeshResource = "AppMeshMesh"
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const AppMeshRouteResource = "AppMeshRoute"
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const AppMeshVirtualGatewayResource = "AppMeshVirtualGateway"
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const AppMeshVirtualNodeResource = "AppMeshVirtualNode"
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const AppMeshVirtualRouterResource = "AppMeshVirtualRouter"
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const AppMeshVirtualServiceResource = "AppMeshVirtualService"
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const AppRegistryApplicationResource = "AppRegistryApplication"
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const AppRunnerConnectionResource = "AppRunnerConnection"
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const AppRunnerServiceResource = "AppRunnerService"
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const AppStreamDirectoryConfigResource = "AppStreamDirectoryConfig"
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const AppStreamFleetResource = "AppStreamFleet"
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const AppStreamFleetStateResource = "AppStreamFleetState"
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const AppStreamImageBuilderResource = "AppStreamImageBuilder"
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const AppStreamImageBuilderWaiterResource = "AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter"
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const AppStreamImageResource = "AppStreamImage"
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const AppStreamStackFleetAttachmentResource = "AppStreamStackFleetAttachment"
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const AppStreamStackResource = "AppStreamStack"
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const AppSyncGraphqlAPIResource = "AppSyncGraphqlAPI"
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const ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResource = "ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget"
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const AthenaDataCatalogResource = "AthenaDataCatalog"
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const AthenaNamedQueryResource = "AthenaNamedQuery"
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const AthenaPreparedStatementResource = "AthenaPreparedStatement"
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const AthenaWorkGroupResource = "AthenaWorkGroup"
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const AutoScalingGroupResource = "AutoScalingGroup"
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const AutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResource = "AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration"
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const AutoScalingLifecycleHookResource = "AutoScalingLifecycleHook"
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const AutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResource = "AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan"
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const BackupReportPlanResource = "BackupReportPlan"
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const BatchComputeEnvironmentResource = "BatchComputeEnvironment"
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const BatchComputeEnvironmentStateResource = "BatchComputeEnvironmentState"
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const BatchJobQueueResource = "BatchJobQueue"
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const BatchJobQueueStateResource = "BatchJobQueueState"
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const BillingCostandUsageReportResource = "BillingCostandUsageReport"
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const BudgetsBudgetResource = "BudgetsBudget"
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const Cloud9EnvironmentResource = "Cloud9Environment"
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const CloudDirectoryDirectoryResource = "CloudDirectoryDirectory"
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const CloudDirectorySchemaResource = "CloudDirectorySchema"
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const CloudFormationStackResource = "CloudFormationStack"
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const CloudFormationStackSetResource = "CloudFormationStackSet"
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const CloudFormationTypeResource = "CloudFormationType"
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const CloudFrontCachePolicyResource = "CloudFrontCachePolicy"
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const CloudFrontDistributionDeploymentResource = "CloudFrontDistributionDeployment"
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const CloudFrontDistributionResource = "CloudFrontDistribution"
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const CloudFrontFunctionResource = "CloudFrontFunction"
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const CloudFrontKeyGroupResource = "CloudFrontKeyGroup"
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const CloudFrontOriginAccessControlResource = "CloudFrontOriginAccessControl"
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const CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResource = "CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity"
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const CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicyResource = "CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicy"
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const CloudFrontPublicKeyResource = "CloudFrontPublicKey"
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const CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicyResource = "CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy"
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const CloudHSMV2ClusterHSMResource = "CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM"
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const CloudHSMV2ClusterResource = "CloudHSMV2Cluster"
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const CloudSearchDomainResource = "CloudSearchDomain"
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const CloudTrailTrailResource = "CloudTrailTrail"
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const CloudWatchAlarmResource = "CloudWatchAlarm"
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const CloudWatchAnomalyDetectorResource = "CloudWatchAnomalyDetector"
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const CloudWatchDashboardResource = "CloudWatchDashboard"
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const CloudWatchEventsBusesResource = "CloudWatchEventsBuses"
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const CloudWatchEventsRuleResource = "CloudWatchEventsRule"
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const CloudWatchEventsTargetResource = "CloudWatchEventsTarget"
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const CloudWatchInsightRuleResource = "CloudWatchInsightRule"
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const CloudWatchLogsDestinationResource = "CloudWatchLogsDestination"
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const CloudWatchLogsLogGroupResource = "CloudWatchLogsLogGroup"
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const CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicyResource = "CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy"
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const CloudWatchRUMAppResource = "CloudWatchRUMApp"
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const CloudformationMaxDeleteAttempt = 3
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const CodeArtifactDomainResource = "CodeArtifactDomain"
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const CodeArtifactRepositoryResource = "CodeArtifactRepository"
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const CodeBuildProjectResource = "CodeBuildProject"
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const CodeBuildReportGroupResource = "CodeBuildReportGroup"
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const CodeBuildReportResource = "CodeBuildReport"
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const CodeCommitRepositoryResource = "CodeCommitRepository"
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const CodeDeployApplicationResource = "CodeDeployApplication"
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const CodePipelinePipelineResource = "CodePipelinePipeline"
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const CodeStarConnectionResource = "CodeStarConnection"
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const CodeStarNotificationRuleResource = "CodeStarNotificationRule"
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const CodeStarProjectResource = "CodeStarProject"
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const CognitoIdentityPoolResource = "CognitoIdentityPool"
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const CognitoIdentityProviderResource = "CognitoIdentityProvider"
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const CognitoUserPoolClientResource = "CognitoUserPoolClient"
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const CognitoUserPoolDomainResource = "CognitoUserPoolDomain"
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const CognitoUserPoolResource = "CognitoUserPool"
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const ComprehendDocumentClassifierResource = "ComprehendDocumentClassifier"
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const ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendEndpointResource = "ComprehendEndpoint"
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const ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendEntityRecognizerResource = "ComprehendEntityRecognizer"
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const ComprehendEventsDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendEventsDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendSentimentDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJobResource = "ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob"
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const ComprehendUnnamedJob = "Unnamed Job"
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const ConfigServiceConfigRuleResource = "ConfigServiceConfigRule"
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const ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorderResource = "ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder"
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const ConfigServiceConformancePackResource = "ConfigServiceConformancePack"
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const ConfigServiceDeliveryChannelResource = "ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel"
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const DAXClusterResource = "DAXCluster"
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const DAXParameterGroupResource = "DAXParameterGroup"
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const DAXSubnetGroupResource = "DAXSubnetGroup"
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const DataPipelinePipelineResource = "DataPipelinePipeline"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificateResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificate"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpointResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpoint"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscriptionResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscription"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstanceResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstance"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTaskResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTask"
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const DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroupResource = "DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroup"
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const DeviceFarmProjectResource = "DeviceFarmProject"
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const DirectoryServiceDirectoryResource = "DirectoryServiceDirectory"
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const DisableDeregistrationProtectionSetting = "DisableDeregistrationProtection"
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const DynamoDBBackupResource = "DynamoDBBackup"
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const DynamoDBTableItemResource = "DynamoDBTableItem"
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const DynamoDBTableResource = "DynamoDBTable"
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const EC2AddressResource = "EC2Address"
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const EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachmentResource = "EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachment"
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const EC2ClientVpnEndpointResource = "EC2ClientVpnEndpoint"
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const EC2CustomerGatewayResource = "EC2CustomerGateway"
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const EC2DHCPOptionResource = "EC2DHCPOption"
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const EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRuleResource = "EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule"
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const EC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResource = "EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway"
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const EC2HostResource = "EC2Host"
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const EC2ImageResource = "EC2Image"
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const EC2InstanceConnectEndpointResource = "EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint"
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const EC2InstanceResource = "EC2Instance"
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const EC2InternetGatewayAttachmentResource = "EC2InternetGatewayAttachment"
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const EC2InternetGatewayResource = "EC2InternetGateway"
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const EC2KeyPairResource = "EC2KeyPair"
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const EC2LaunchTemplateResource = "EC2LaunchTemplate"
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const EC2NATGatewayResource = "EC2NATGateway"
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const EC2NetworkACLResource = "EC2NetworkACL"
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const EC2NetworkInterfaceResource = "EC2NetworkInterface"
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const EC2PlacementGroupResource = "EC2PlacementGroup"
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const EC2RouteTableResource = "EC2RouteTable"
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const EC2SecurityGroupResource = "EC2SecurityGroup"
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const EC2SnapshotResource = "EC2Snapshot"
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const EC2SpotFleetRequestResource = "EC2SpotFleetRequest"
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const EC2SubnetResource = "EC2Subnet"
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const EC2TGWAttachmentResource = "EC2TGWAttachment"
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const EC2TGWConnectPeerResource = "EC2TGWConnectPeer"
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const EC2TGWResource = "EC2TGW"
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const EC2VPCEndpointConnectionResource = "EC2VPCEndpointConnection" //nolint:gosec,nolintlint
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const EC2VPCEndpointResource = "EC2VPCEndpoint"
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const EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfigurationResource = "EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration"
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const EC2VPCPeeringConnectionResource = "EC2VPCPeeringConnection"
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const EC2VPCResource = "EC2VPC"
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const EC2VPNConnectionResource = "EC2VPNConnection"
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const EC2VPNGatewayAttachmentResource = "EC2VPNGatewayAttachment"
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const EC2VPNGatewayResource = "EC2VPNGateway"
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const EC2VolumeResource = "EC2Volume"
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const ECRPublicRepositoryResource = "ECRPublicRepository"
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const ECRRepositoryCloudControlResource = "AWS::ECR::Repository"
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const ECRRepositoryResource = "ECRRepository"
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const ECSCapacityProviderResource = "ECSCapacityProvider"
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const ECSClusterInstanceResource = "ECSClusterInstance"
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const ECSClusterResource = "ECSCluster"
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const ECSServiceResource = "ECSService"
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const ECSTaskDefinitionResource = "ECSTaskDefinition"
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const ECSTaskResource = "ECSTask"
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const EFSFileSystemResource = "EFSFileSystem"
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const EFSMountTargetResource = "EFSMountTarget"
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const EKSClusterResource = "EKSCluster"
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const EKSFargateProfileResource = "EKSFargateProfile"
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const EKSNodegroupResource = "EKSNodegroup"
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const ELBResource = "ELB"
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const ELBv2ListenerRuleResource = "ELBv2ListenerRule"
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const ELBv2Resource = "ELBv2"
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const ELBv2TargetGroupResource = "ELBv2TargetGroup"
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const EMRClusterResource = "EMRCluster"
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const EMRSecurityConfigurationResource = "EMRSecurityConfiguration"
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const ESDomainResource = "ESDomain"
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const ElasticBeanstalkApplicationResource = "ElasticBeanstalkApplication"
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const ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResource = "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment"
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const ElasticTranscoderPipelineResource = "ElasticTranscoderPipeline"
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const ElasticTranscoderPresetResource = "ElasticTranscoderPreset"
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const ElasticacheCacheClusterResource = "ElasticacheCacheCluster"
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const ElasticacheCacheParameterGroupResource = "ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup"
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const ElasticacheReplicationGroupResource = "ElasticacheReplicationGroup"
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const ElasticacheSubnetGroupResource = "ElasticacheSubnetGroup"
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const ElasticacheUserGroupResource = "ElasticacheUserGroup"
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const ElasticacheUserResource = "ElasticacheUser"
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const FMSNotificationChannelResource = "FMSNotificationChannel"
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const FMSPolicyResource = "FMSPolicy"
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const FSxBackupResource = "FSxBackup"
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const FSxFileSystemResource = "FSxFileSystem"
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const FirehoseDeliveryStreamResource = "FirehoseDeliveryStream"
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const GameLiftBuildResource = "GameLiftBuild"
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const GameLiftFleetResource = "GameLiftFleet"
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const GameLiftMatchmakingConfigurationResource = "GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration"
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const GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSetResource = "GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet"
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const GameLiftQueueResource = "GameLiftQueue"
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const GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroupResource = "GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup"
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const GlobalAcceleratorListenerResource = "GlobalAcceleratorListener"
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const GlobalAcceleratorResource = "GlobalAccelerator"
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const GlueBlueprintResource = "GlueBlueprint"
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const GlueClassifierResource = "GlueClassifier"
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const GlueConnectionResource = "GlueConnection"
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const GlueCrawlerResource = "GlueCrawler"
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const GlueDataBrewDatasetsResource = "GlueDataBrewDatasets"
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const GlueDataBrewJobsResource = "GlueDataBrewJobs"
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const GlueDataBrewProjectsResource = "GlueDataBrewProjects"
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const GlueDataBrewRecipeResource = "GlueDataBrewRecipe"
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const GlueDataBrewRulesetsResource = "GlueDataBrewRulesets"
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const GlueDataBrewSchedulesResource = "GlueDataBrewSchedules"
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const GlueDatabaseResource = "GlueDatabase"
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const GlueDevEndpointResource = "GlueDevEndpoint"
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const GlueJobResource = "GlueJob"
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const GlueMLTransformResource = "GlueMLTransform"
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const GlueSecurityConfigurationResource = "GlueSecurityConfiguration"
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const GlueSessionResource = "GlueSession"
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const GlueTriggerResource = "GlueTrigger"
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const GlueWorkflowResource = "GlueWorkflow"
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const GuardDutyDetectorResource = "GuardDutyDetector"
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const IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicyResource = "IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicy"
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const IAMGroupPolicyAttachmentResource = "IAMGroupPolicyAttachment"
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const IAMGroupPolicyResource = "IAMGroupPolicy"
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const IAMGroupResource = "IAMGroup"
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const IAMInstanceProfileResource = "IAMInstanceProfile"
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const IAMInstanceProfileRoleResource = "IAMInstanceProfileRole"
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const IAMLoginProfileResource = "IAMLoginProfile"
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const IAMOpenIDConnectProviderResource = "IAMOpenIDConnectProvider"
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const IAMPolicyResource = "IAMPolicy"
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const IAMRolePolicyAttachmentResource = "IAMRolePolicyAttachment"
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const IAMRolePolicyResource = "IAMRolePolicy"
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const IAMRoleResource = "IAMRole"
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const IAMRolesAnywhereCRLResource = "IAMRolesAnywhereCRL"
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const IAMRolesAnywhereProfilesResource = "IAMRolesAnywhereProfile"
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const IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchorResource = "IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor"
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const IAMSAMLProviderResource = "IAMSAMLProvider"
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const IAMServerCertificateResource = "IAMServerCertificate"
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const IAMServiceSpecificCredentialResource = "IAMServiceSpecificCredential"
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const IAMSigningCertificateResource = "IAMSigningCertificate"
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const IAMUserAccessKeyResource = "IAMUserAccessKey"
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const IAMUserGroupAttachmentResource = "IAMUserGroupAttachment"
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const IAMUserHTTPSGitCredentialResource = "IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential" //nolint:gosec
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const IAMUserMFADeviceResource = "IAMUserMFADevice"
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const IAMUserPolicyAttachmentResource = "IAMUserPolicyAttachment"
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const IAMUserPolicyResource = "IAMUserPolicy"
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const IAMUserResource = "IAMUser"
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const IAMUserSSHPublicKeyResource = "IAMUserSSHPublicKey"
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const IAMVirtualMFADeviceResource = "IAMVirtualMFADevice"
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const ImageBuilderComponentResource = "ImageBuilderComponent"
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const ImageBuilderDistributionConfigurationResource = "ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration"
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const ImageBuilderImageResource = "ImageBuilderImage"
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const ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfigurationResource = "ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration"
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const ImageBuilderPipelineResource = "ImageBuilderPipeline"
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const ImageBuilderRecipeResource = "ImageBuilderRecipe"
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const IncludeDeprecatedSetting = "IncludeDeprecated"
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const IncludeDisabledSetting = "IncludeDisabled"
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const Inspector2Resource = "Inspector2"
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const InspectorAssessmentRunResource = "InspectorAssessmentRun"
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const InspectorAssessmentTargetResource = "InspectorAssessmentTarget"
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const InspectorAssessmentTemplateResource = "InspectorAssessmentTemplate"
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const IoTAuthorizerResource = "IoTAuthorizer"
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const IoTCACertificateResource = "IoTCACertificate"
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const IoTCertificateResource = "IoTCertificate"
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const IoTJobResource = "IoTJob"
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const IoTOTAUpdateResource = "IoTOTAUpdate"
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const IoTPolicyResource = "IoTPolicy"
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const IoTRoleAliasResource = "IoTRoleAlias"
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const IoTStreamResource = "IoTStream"
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const IoTThingGroupResource = "IoTThingGroup"
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const IoTThingResource = "IoTThing"
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const IoTThingTypeResource = "IoTThingType"
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const IoTThingTypeStateResource = "IoTThingTypeState"
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const IoTTopicRuleResource = "IoTTopicRule"
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const KMSAliasResource = "KMSAlias"
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const KMSKeyResource = "KMSKey"
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const KendraIndexResource = "KendraIndex"
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const KinesisAnalyticsApplicationResource = "KinesisAnalyticsApplication"
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const KinesisStreamResource = "KinesisStream"
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const KinesisVideoProjectResource = "KinesisVideoProject"
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const LambdaEventSourceMappingResource = "LambdaEventSourceMapping"
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const LambdaFunctionResource = "LambdaFunction"
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const LambdaLayerResource = "LambdaLayer"
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const LexBotResource = "LexBot"
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const LexIntentResource = "LexIntent"
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const LexModelBuildingServiceBotAliasResource = "LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias"
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const LexSlotTypeResource = "LexSlotType"
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const LightsailDiskResource = "LightsailDisk"
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const LightsailDomainResource = "LightsailDomain"
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const LightsailInstanceResource = "LightsailInstance"
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const LightsailKeyPairResource = "LightsailKeyPair"
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const LightsailLoadBalancerResource = "LightsailLoadBalancer"
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const LightsailStaticIPResource = "LightsailStaticIP"
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const MGNJobResource = "MGNJob"
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const MGNSourceServerResource = "MGNSourceServer"
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const MQBrokerResource = "MQBroker"
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const MSKClusterResource = "MSKCluster"
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const MSKConfigurationResource = "MSKConfiguration"
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const MachineLearningBranchPredictionResource = "MachineLearningBranchPrediction"
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const MachineLearningDataSourceResource = "MachineLearningDataSource"
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const MachineLearningEvaluationResource = "MachineLearningEvaluation"
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const MachineLearningMLModelResource = "MachineLearningMLModel"
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const MacieResource = "Macie"
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const ManagedBlockchainMemberResource = "ManagedBlockchainMember"
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const MediaConvertJobTemplateResource = "MediaConvertJobTemplate"
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const MediaConvertPresetResource = "MediaConvertPreset"
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const MediaConvertQueueResource = "MediaConvertQueue"
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const MediaLiveChannelResource = "MediaLiveChannel"
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const MediaLiveInputResource = "MediaLiveInput"
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const MediaLiveInputSecurityGroupResource = "MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup"
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const MediaPackageChannelResource = "MediaPackageChannel"
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const MediaPackageOriginEndpointResource = "MediaPackageOriginEndpoint"
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const MediaStoreContainerResource = "MediaStoreContainer"
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const MediaStoreDataItemsResource = "MediaStoreDataItems"
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const MediaTailorConfigurationResource = "MediaTailorConfiguration"
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const MemoryDBACLResource = "MemoryDBACL"
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const MemoryDBClusterResource = "MemoryDBCluster"
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const MemoryDBParameterGroupResource = "MemoryDBParameterGroup"
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const MemoryDBSubnetGroupResource = "MemoryDBSubnetGroup"
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const MemoryDBUserResource = "MemoryDBUser"
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const MobileProjectResource = "MobileProject"
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const NeptuneClusterResource = "NeptuneCluster"
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const NeptuneInstanceResource = "NeptuneInstance"
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const NeptuneSnapshotResource = "NeptuneSnapshot"
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const NetworkManagerConnectPeerResource = "NetworkManagerConnectPeer"
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const NetworkManagerCoreNetworkResource = "NetworkManagerCoreNetwork"
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const NetworkManagerGlobalNetworkResource = "NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork"
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const NetworkManagerNetworkAttachmentResource = "NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment"
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const OSDomainResource = "OSDomain"
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const OSPackageResource = "OSPackage"
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const OSVPCEndpointResource = "OSVPCEndpoint"
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const OpsWorksAppResource = "OpsWorksApp"
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const OpsWorksCMBackupResource = "OpsWorksCMBackup"
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const OpsWorksCMServerResource = "OpsWorksCMServer"
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const OpsWorksCMServerStateResource = "OpsWorksCMServerState"
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const OpsWorksInstanceResource = "OpsWorksInstance"
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const OpsWorksLayerResource = "OpsWorksLayer"
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const OpsWorksUserProfileResource = "OpsWorksUserProfile"
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const PinpointAppResource = "PinpointApp"
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const PinpointPhoneNumberResource = "PinpointPhoneNumber"
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const PipesPipeResource = "PipesPipe"
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const QLDBLedgerResource = "QLDBLedger"
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const QuickSightSubscriptionResource = "QuickSightSubscription"
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const QuickSightUserResource = "QuickSightUser"
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const RDSClusterSnapshotResource = "RDSClusterSnapshot"
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const RDSDBClusterParameterGroupResource = "RDSDBClusterParameterGroup"
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const RDSDBClusterResource = "RDSDBCluster"
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const RDSDBParameterGroupResource = "RDSDBParameterGroup"
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const RDSDBSubnetGroupResource = "RDSDBSubnetGroup"
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const RDSEventSubscriptionResource = "RDSEventSubscription"
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const RDSInstanceResource = "RDSInstance"
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const RDSOptionGroupResource = "RDSOptionGroup"
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const RDSProxyResource = "RDSProxy"
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const RDSSnapshotResource = "RDSSnapshot"
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const RedshiftClusterResource = "RedshiftCluster"
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const RedshiftParameterGroupResource = "RedshiftParameterGroup"
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const RedshiftScheduledActionResource = "RedshiftScheduledAction"
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const RedshiftServerlessNamespaceResource = "RedshiftServerlessNamespace"
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const RedshiftServerlessSnapshotResource = "RedshiftServerlessSnapshot"
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const RedshiftServerlessWorkgroupResource = "RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup"
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const RedshiftSnapshotResource = "RedshiftSnapshot"
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const RedshiftSubnetGroupResource = "RedshiftSubnetGroup"
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const RekognitionCollectionResource = "RekognitionCollection"
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const ResourceExplorer2IndexResource = "ResourceExplorer2Index"
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const ResourceExplorer2ViewResource = "ResourceExplorer2View"
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const ResourceGroupGroupResource = "ResourceGroupGroup"
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const RoboMakerRobotApplicationResource = "RoboMakerRobotApplication"
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const RoboMakerSimulationApplicationResource = "RoboMakerSimulationApplication"
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const RoboMakerSimulationJobResource = "RoboMakerSimulationJob"
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const Route53HealthCheckResource = "Route53HealthCheck"
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const Route53HostedZoneResource = "Route53HostedZone"
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const Route53ResolverEndpointResource = "Route53ResolverEndpoint"
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const Route53ResolverRuleResource = "Route53ResolverRule"
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const Route53ResourceRecordSetResource = "Route53ResourceRecordSet"
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const Route53TrafficPolicyResource = "Route53TrafficPolicy"
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const S3AccessPointResource = "S3AccessPoint"
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const S3BucketResource = "S3Bucket"
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const S3MultipartUploadResource = "S3MultipartUpload"
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const S3ObjectResource = "S3Object"
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const SESConfigurationSetResource = "SESConfigurationSet"
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const SESIdentityResource = "SESIdentity"
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const SESReceiptFilterResource = "SESReceiptFilter"
View Source
const SESReceiptRuleSetResource = "SESReceiptRuleSet"
View Source
const SESTemplateResource = "SESTemplate"
View Source
const SFNStateMachineResource = "SFNStateMachine"
View Source
const SNSEndpointResource = "SNSEndpoint"
View Source
const SNSPlatformApplicationResource = "SNSPlatformApplication"
View Source
const SNSSubscriptionResource = "SNSSubscription"
View Source
const SNSTopicResource = "SNSTopic"
View Source
const SQSQueueResource = "SQSQueue"
View Source
const SSMActivationResource = "SSMActivation"
View Source
const SSMAssociationResource = "SSMAssociation"
View Source
const SSMDocumentResource = "SSMDocument"
View Source
const SSMMaintenanceWindowResource = "SSMMaintenanceWindow"
View Source
const SSMParameterResource = "SSMParameter"
View Source
const SSMPatchBaselineResource = "SSMPatchBaseline"
View Source
const SSMResourceDataSyncResource = "SSMResourceDataSync"
View Source
const SageMakerAppResource = "SageMakerApp"
View Source
const SageMakerDomainResource = "SageMakerDomain"
View Source
const SageMakerEndpointConfigResource = "SageMakerEndpointConfig"
View Source
const SageMakerEndpointResource = "SageMakerEndpoint"
View Source
const SageMakerModelResource = "SageMakerModel"
View Source
const SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigResource = "SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig"
View Source
const SageMakerNotebookInstanceResource = "SageMakerNotebookInstance"
View Source
const SageMakerNotebookInstanceStateResource = "SageMakerNotebookInstanceState"
View Source
const SageMakerSpaceResource = "SageMakerSpace"
View Source
const SageMakerUserProfilesResource = "SageMakerUserProfiles"
View Source
const SchedulerScheduleResource = "SchedulerSchedule"
View Source
const SecretsManagerSecretResource = "SecretsManagerSecret"
View Source
const SecurityHubResource = "SecurityHub"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachmentResource = "ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachmentResource = "ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogPortfolioResource = "ServiceCatalogPortfolio"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachmentResource = "ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachmentResource = "ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogProductResource = "ServiceCatalogProduct"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductResource = "ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachmentResource = "ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment"
View Source
const ServiceCatalogTagOptionResource = "ServiceCatalogTagOption"
View Source
const ServiceDiscoveryInstanceResource = "ServiceDiscoveryInstance"
View Source
const ServiceDiscoveryNamespaceResource = "ServiceDiscoveryNamespace"
View Source
const ServiceDiscoveryServiceResource = "ServiceDiscoveryService"
View Source
const SignerSigningJobResource = "SignerSigningJob"
View Source
const SimpleDBDomainResource = "SimpleDBDomain"
View Source
const StorageGatewayFileShareResource = "StorageGatewayFileShare"
View Source
const StorageGatewayGatewayResource = "StorageGatewayGateway"
View Source
const StorageGatewayTapeResource = "StorageGatewayTape"
View Source
const StorageGatewayVolumeResource = "StorageGatewayVolume"
View Source
const TransferServerResource = "TransferServer"
View Source
const TransferServerUserResource = "TransferServerUser"
View Source
const WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIPResource = "WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP"
View Source
const WAFRegionalByteMatchSetResource = "WAFRegionalByteMatchSet"
View Source
const WAFRegionalIPSetIPResource = "WAFRegionalIPSetIP"
View Source
const WAFRegionalIPSetResource = "WAFRegionalIPSet"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicateResource = "WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicate"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRateBasedRuleResource = "WAFRegionalRateBasedRule"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRegexMatchSetResource = "WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet" //nolint:gosec,nolintlint
View Source
const WAFRegionalRegexMatchTupleResource = "WAFRegionalRegexMatchTuple"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRegexPatternSetResource = "WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRegexPatternStringResource = "WAFRegionalRegexPatternString"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRuleGroupResource = "WAFRegionalRuleGroup"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRulePredicateResource = "WAFRegionalRulePredicate"
View Source
const WAFRegionalRuleResource = "WAFRegionalRule"
View Source
const WAFRegionalWebACLResource = "WAFRegionalWebACL"
View Source
const WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachmentResource = "WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachment"
View Source
const WAFRuleResource = "WAFRule"
View Source
const WAFWebACLResource = "WAFWebACL"
View Source
const WAFWebACLRuleAttachmentResource = "WAFWebACLRuleAttachment"
View Source
const WAFv2APIKeyResource = "WAFv2APIKey" // #nosec G101
View Source
const WAFv2IPSetResource = "WAFv2IPSet"
View Source
const WAFv2RegexPatternSetResource = "WAFv2RegexPatternSet"
View Source
const WAFv2RuleGroupResource = "WAFv2RuleGroup"
View Source
const WAFv2WebACLResource = "WAFv2WebACL"
View Source
const WorkSpacesWorkspaceResource = "WorkSpacesWorkspace"
View Source
const XRayGroupResource = "XRayGroup"
View Source
const XRaySamplingRuleResource = "XRaySamplingRule"

Variables ¶

This section is empty.

Functions ¶

func DefaultVpc ¶

func DefaultVpc(svc *ec2.EC2) *ec2.Vpc

func DescribeS3Buckets ¶

func DescribeS3Buckets(svc *s3.S3) ([]s3.Bucket, error)

func GetAlarmTags ¶

func GetAlarmTags(svc *cloudwatch.CloudWatch, arn *string) ([]*cloudwatch.Tag, error)

func GetDomainTags ¶

func GetDomainTags(svc *codeartifact.CodeArtifact, arn *string) map[string]*string

func GetIAMInstanceProfile ¶

func GetIAMInstanceProfile(svc iamiface.IAMAPI, instanceProfileName *string) (*iam.InstanceProfile, error)

GetIAMInstanceProfile returns an IAM instance profile

func GetIAMPolicy ¶

func GetIAMPolicy(svc *iam.IAM, policyArn *string) (*iam.Policy, error)

func GetIAMRole ¶

func GetIAMRole(svc iamiface.IAMAPI, roleName *string) (*iam.Role, error)

GetIAMRole returns the IAM role with the given name

func GetIAMUser ¶

func GetIAMUser(svc iamiface.IAMAPI, userName *string) (*iam.User, error)

GetIAMUser retries and returns just the *iam.User from the response

func GetRepositoryTags ¶

func GetRepositoryTags(svc *codeartifact.CodeArtifact, arn *string) map[string]*string

func GetTags ¶

func GetTags(svc *codebuild.CodeBuild, project *string) map[string]*string

func GetVPC ¶

func GetVPC(svc *ec2.EC2, vpcID *string) (*ec2.Vpc, error)

func HasVpcAttachment ¶

func HasVpcAttachment(vpcID *string, attachments []*ec2.InternetGatewayAttachment) bool

func ImageBuildVersions ¶

func ImageBuildVersions(
	svc *imagebuilder.Imagebuilder,
	imageVersionArn *string,
	resources []resource.Resource) ([]resource.Resource, error)

func ListIAMUsers ¶ added in v3.5.0

func ListIAMUsers(svc iamiface.IAMAPI) ([]*iam.User, error)

ListIAMUsers retrieves a base list of users

func ListImageBuilderComponentVersions ¶

func ListImageBuilderComponentVersions(
	svc *imagebuilder.Imagebuilder,
	componentVersionArn *string,
	resources []resource.Resource) ([]resource.Resource, error)

func ListResourceRecordsForZone ¶

func ListResourceRecordsForZone(svc *route53.Route53, zoneID, zoneName *string) ([]resource.Resource, error)

Types ¶

type ACMCertificate ¶

type ACMCertificate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ACMCertificate) Properties ¶

func (f *ACMCertificate) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ACMCertificate) Remove ¶

func (f *ACMCertificate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ACMCertificate) String ¶

func (f *ACMCertificate) String() string

type ACMCertificateLister ¶

type ACMCertificateLister struct{}

func (*ACMCertificateLister) List ¶

func (l *ACMCertificateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ACMPCACertificateAuthority ¶

type ACMPCACertificateAuthority struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthority) Filter ¶

func (f *ACMPCACertificateAuthority) Filter() error

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthority) Properties ¶

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthority) Remove ¶

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthority) String ¶

func (f *ACMPCACertificateAuthority) String() string

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityLister ¶

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityLister struct{}

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityLister) List ¶

func (l *ACMPCACertificateAuthorityLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState ¶

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState) Filter ¶

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState) Properties ¶

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState) Remove ¶

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityState) String ¶

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityStateLister ¶

type ACMPCACertificateAuthorityStateLister struct{}

func (*ACMPCACertificateAuthorityStateLister) List ¶

type AMGWorkspace ¶

type AMGWorkspace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AMGWorkspace) Properties ¶

func (f *AMGWorkspace) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AMGWorkspace) Remove ¶

func (f *AMGWorkspace) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AMGWorkspaceLister ¶

type AMGWorkspaceLister struct{}

func (*AMGWorkspaceLister) List ¶

func (l *AMGWorkspaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AMPWorkspace ¶

type AMPWorkspace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AMPWorkspace) Properties ¶

func (f *AMPWorkspace) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AMPWorkspace) Remove ¶

func (f *AMPWorkspace) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AMPWorkspaceLister ¶

type AMPWorkspaceLister struct{}

func (*AMPWorkspaceLister) List ¶

func (l *AMPWorkspaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type APIGatewayAPIKey ¶

type APIGatewayAPIKey struct {
	APIKey *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayAPIKey) Remove ¶

func (f *APIGatewayAPIKey) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*APIGatewayAPIKey) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayAPIKey) String() string

type APIGatewayAPIKeyLister ¶

type APIGatewayAPIKeyLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayAPIKeyLister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayAPIKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type APIGatewayClientCertificate ¶

type APIGatewayClientCertificate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayClientCertificate) Remove ¶

func (*APIGatewayClientCertificate) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayClientCertificate) String() string

type APIGatewayClientCertificateLister ¶

type APIGatewayClientCertificateLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayClientCertificateLister) List ¶

type APIGatewayDomainName ¶

type APIGatewayDomainName struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayDomainName) Remove ¶

func (*APIGatewayDomainName) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayDomainName) String() string

type APIGatewayDomainNameLister ¶

type APIGatewayDomainNameLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayDomainNameLister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayDomainNameLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type APIGatewayRestAPI ¶

type APIGatewayRestAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayRestAPI) Properties ¶

func (f *APIGatewayRestAPI) Properties() types.Properties

func (*APIGatewayRestAPI) Remove ¶

func (f *APIGatewayRestAPI) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*APIGatewayRestAPI) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayRestAPI) String() string

type APIGatewayRestAPILister ¶

type APIGatewayRestAPILister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayRestAPILister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayRestAPILister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type APIGatewayUsagePlan ¶

type APIGatewayUsagePlan struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayUsagePlan) Properties ¶

func (f *APIGatewayUsagePlan) Properties() types.Properties

func (*APIGatewayUsagePlan) Remove ¶

func (*APIGatewayUsagePlan) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayUsagePlan) String() string

type APIGatewayUsagePlanLister ¶

type APIGatewayUsagePlanLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayUsagePlanLister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayUsagePlanLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type APIGatewayV2API ¶

type APIGatewayV2API struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayV2API) Properties ¶

func (f *APIGatewayV2API) Properties() types.Properties

func (*APIGatewayV2API) Remove ¶

func (f *APIGatewayV2API) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*APIGatewayV2API) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayV2API) String() string

type APIGatewayV2APILister ¶

type APIGatewayV2APILister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayV2APILister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayV2APILister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)
type APIGatewayV2VpcLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayV2VpcLink) Properties ¶

func (f *APIGatewayV2VpcLink) Properties() types.Properties

func (*APIGatewayV2VpcLink) Remove ¶

func (*APIGatewayV2VpcLink) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayV2VpcLink) String() string

type APIGatewayV2VpcLinkLister ¶

type APIGatewayV2VpcLinkLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayV2VpcLinkLister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayV2VpcLinkLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)
type APIGatewayVpcLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayVpcLink) Properties ¶

func (f *APIGatewayVpcLink) Properties() types.Properties

func (*APIGatewayVpcLink) Remove ¶

func (f *APIGatewayVpcLink) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*APIGatewayVpcLink) String ¶

func (f *APIGatewayVpcLink) String() string

type APIGatewayVpcLinkLister ¶

type APIGatewayVpcLinkLister struct{}

func (*APIGatewayVpcLinkLister) List ¶

func (l *APIGatewayVpcLinkLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AWSBackupPlanLister ¶

type AWSBackupPlanLister struct{}

func (*AWSBackupPlanLister) List ¶

func (l *AWSBackupPlanLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AWSBackupRecoveryPointLister ¶

type AWSBackupRecoveryPointLister struct{}

func (*AWSBackupRecoveryPointLister) List ¶

func (l *AWSBackupRecoveryPointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AWSBackupSelectionLister ¶

type AWSBackupSelectionLister struct{}

func (*AWSBackupSelectionLister) List ¶

func (l *AWSBackupSelectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicyLister ¶

type AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicyLister struct{}

func (*AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *AWSBackupVaultAccessPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AWSBackupVaultLister ¶

type AWSBackupVaultLister struct{}

func (*AWSBackupVaultLister) List ¶

func (l *AWSBackupVaultLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AccessAnalyzer ¶

type AccessAnalyzer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AccessAnalyzer) Properties ¶

func (a *AccessAnalyzer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AccessAnalyzer) Remove ¶

func (a *AccessAnalyzer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AccessAnalyzer) String ¶

func (a *AccessAnalyzer) String() string

type AccessAnalyzerArchiveRuleLister ¶

type AccessAnalyzerArchiveRuleLister struct{}

func (*AccessAnalyzerArchiveRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *AccessAnalyzerArchiveRuleLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AccessAnalyzerLister ¶

type AccessAnalyzerLister struct{}

func (*AccessAnalyzerLister) List ¶

func (l *AccessAnalyzerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AmplifyApp ¶ added in v3.20.0

type AmplifyApp struct {
	AppID *string
	Name  *string
	Tags  map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AmplifyApp) Properties ¶ added in v3.20.0

func (r *AmplifyApp) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AmplifyApp) Remove ¶ added in v3.20.0

func (r *AmplifyApp) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AmplifyApp) String ¶ added in v3.20.0

func (r *AmplifyApp) String() string

type AmplifyAppLister ¶ added in v3.20.0

type AmplifyAppLister struct{}

func (*AmplifyAppLister) List ¶ added in v3.20.0

func (l *AmplifyAppLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppAutoScaling ¶

type AppAutoScaling struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppAutoScaling) Properties ¶

func (a *AppAutoScaling) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppAutoScaling) Remove ¶

func (a *AppAutoScaling) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AppAutoScaling) String ¶

func (a *AppAutoScaling) String() string

type AppConfigApplication ¶

type AppConfigApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppConfigApplication) Properties ¶

func (f *AppConfigApplication) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppConfigApplication) Remove ¶

type AppConfigApplicationLister ¶

type AppConfigApplicationLister struct{}

func (*AppConfigApplicationLister) List ¶

func (l *AppConfigApplicationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppConfigConfigurationProfile ¶

type AppConfigConfigurationProfile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppConfigConfigurationProfile) Properties ¶

func (*AppConfigConfigurationProfile) Remove ¶

type AppConfigConfigurationProfileLister ¶

type AppConfigConfigurationProfileLister struct{}

func (*AppConfigConfigurationProfileLister) List ¶

func (l *AppConfigConfigurationProfileLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppConfigDeploymentStrategy ¶

type AppConfigDeploymentStrategy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppConfigDeploymentStrategy) Filter ¶

func (f *AppConfigDeploymentStrategy) Filter() error

func (*AppConfigDeploymentStrategy) Properties ¶

func (*AppConfigDeploymentStrategy) Remove ¶

type AppConfigDeploymentStrategyLister ¶

type AppConfigDeploymentStrategyLister struct{}

func (*AppConfigDeploymentStrategyLister) List ¶

type AppConfigEnvironment ¶

type AppConfigEnvironment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppConfigEnvironment) Properties ¶

func (f *AppConfigEnvironment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppConfigEnvironment) Remove ¶

type AppConfigEnvironmentLister ¶

type AppConfigEnvironmentLister struct{}

func (*AppConfigEnvironmentLister) List ¶

func (l *AppConfigEnvironmentLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersion ¶

type AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersion struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersion) Properties ¶

func (*AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersion) Remove ¶

type AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersionLister ¶

type AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersionLister struct{}

func (*AppConfigHostedConfigurationVersionLister) List ¶

type AppMeshGatewayRoute ¶

type AppMeshGatewayRoute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshGatewayRoute) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshGatewayRoute) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshGatewayRoute) Remove ¶

type AppMeshGatewayRouteLister ¶

type AppMeshGatewayRouteLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshGatewayRouteLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshGatewayRouteLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshMesh ¶

type AppMeshMesh struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshMesh) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshMesh) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshMesh) Remove ¶

func (f *AppMeshMesh) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AppMeshMeshLister ¶

type AppMeshMeshLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshMeshLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshMeshLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshRoute ¶

type AppMeshRoute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshRoute) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshRoute) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshRoute) Remove ¶

func (f *AppMeshRoute) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AppMeshRouteLister ¶

type AppMeshRouteLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshRouteLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshRouteLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshVirtualGateway ¶

type AppMeshVirtualGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshVirtualGateway) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshVirtualGateway) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshVirtualGateway) Remove ¶

type AppMeshVirtualGatewayLister ¶

type AppMeshVirtualGatewayLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshVirtualGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshVirtualGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshVirtualNode ¶

type AppMeshVirtualNode struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshVirtualNode) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshVirtualNode) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshVirtualNode) Remove ¶

func (f *AppMeshVirtualNode) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AppMeshVirtualNodeLister ¶

type AppMeshVirtualNodeLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshVirtualNodeLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshVirtualNodeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshVirtualRouter ¶

type AppMeshVirtualRouter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshVirtualRouter) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshVirtualRouter) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshVirtualRouter) Remove ¶

type AppMeshVirtualRouterLister ¶

type AppMeshVirtualRouterLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshVirtualRouterLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshVirtualRouterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppMeshVirtualService ¶

type AppMeshVirtualService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppMeshVirtualService) Properties ¶

func (f *AppMeshVirtualService) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppMeshVirtualService) Remove ¶

type AppMeshVirtualServiceLister ¶

type AppMeshVirtualServiceLister struct{}

func (*AppMeshVirtualServiceLister) List ¶

func (l *AppMeshVirtualServiceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppRegistryApplication ¶ added in v3.16.0

type AppRegistryApplication struct {
	ID   *string
	Name *string
	Tags map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppRegistryApplication) Properties ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (r *AppRegistryApplication) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppRegistryApplication) Remove ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (*AppRegistryApplication) String ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (r *AppRegistryApplication) String() string

type AppRegistryApplicationLister ¶ added in v3.16.0

type AppRegistryApplicationLister struct{}

func (*AppRegistryApplicationLister) List ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (l *AppRegistryApplicationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppRunnerConnection ¶

type AppRunnerConnection struct {
	ConnectionArn  *string
	ConnectionName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppRunnerConnection) Properties ¶

func (f *AppRunnerConnection) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppRunnerConnection) Remove ¶

type AppRunnerConnectionLister ¶

type AppRunnerConnectionLister struct{}

func (*AppRunnerConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *AppRunnerConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppRunnerService ¶

type AppRunnerService struct {
	ServiceARN  *string
	ServiceID   *string
	ServiceName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppRunnerService) Properties ¶

func (f *AppRunnerService) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AppRunnerService) Remove ¶

func (f *AppRunnerService) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type AppRunnerServiceLister ¶

type AppRunnerServiceLister struct{}

func (*AppRunnerServiceLister) List ¶

func (l *AppRunnerServiceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamDirectoryConfig ¶

type AppStreamDirectoryConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamDirectoryConfig) Remove ¶

func (*AppStreamDirectoryConfig) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamDirectoryConfig) String() string

type AppStreamDirectoryConfigLister ¶

type AppStreamDirectoryConfigLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamDirectoryConfigLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamDirectoryConfigLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamFleet ¶

type AppStreamFleet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamFleet) Remove ¶

func (f *AppStreamFleet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AppStreamFleet) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamFleet) String() string

type AppStreamFleetLister ¶

type AppStreamFleetLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamFleetLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamFleetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamFleetState ¶

type AppStreamFleetState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamFleetState) Filter ¶

func (f *AppStreamFleetState) Filter() error

func (*AppStreamFleetState) Remove ¶

func (*AppStreamFleetState) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamFleetState) String() string

type AppStreamFleetStateLister ¶

type AppStreamFleetStateLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamFleetStateLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamFleetStateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamImage ¶

type AppStreamImage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamImage) Filter ¶

func (f *AppStreamImage) Filter() error

func (*AppStreamImage) Remove ¶

func (f *AppStreamImage) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AppStreamImage) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamImage) String() string

type AppStreamImageBuilder ¶

type AppStreamImageBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamImageBuilder) Remove ¶

func (*AppStreamImageBuilder) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamImageBuilder) String() string

type AppStreamImageBuilderLister ¶

type AppStreamImageBuilderLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamImageBuilderLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamImageBuilderLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter ¶

type AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter) Filter ¶

func (f *AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter) Filter() error

func (*AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter) Remove ¶

func (*AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamImageBuilderWaiter) String() string

type AppStreamImageBuilderWaiterLister ¶

type AppStreamImageBuilderWaiterLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamImageBuilderWaiterLister) List ¶

type AppStreamImageLister ¶

type AppStreamImageLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamImageLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamImageLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppStreamStack ¶

type AppStreamStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamStack) Remove ¶

func (f *AppStreamStack) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AppStreamStack) String ¶

func (f *AppStreamStack) String() string

type AppStreamStackFleetAttachment ¶

type AppStreamStackFleetAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppStreamStackFleetAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*AppStreamStackFleetAttachment) String ¶

type AppStreamStackFleetAttachmentLister ¶

type AppStreamStackFleetAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamStackFleetAttachmentLister) List ¶

type AppStreamStackLister ¶

type AppStreamStackLister struct{}

func (*AppStreamStackLister) List ¶

func (l *AppStreamStackLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AppSyncGraphqlAPI ¶

type AppSyncGraphqlAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AppSyncGraphqlAPI - An AWS AppSync GraphQL API

func (*AppSyncGraphqlAPI) Properties ¶

func (f *AppSyncGraphqlAPI) Properties() types.Properties

Properties - Get the properties of an AWS AppSync GraphQL API

func (*AppSyncGraphqlAPI) Remove ¶

func (f *AppSyncGraphqlAPI) Remove(_ context.Context) error

Remove - remove an AWS AppSync GraphQL API

func (*AppSyncGraphqlAPI) String ¶

func (f *AppSyncGraphqlAPI) String() string

type AppSyncGraphqlAPILister ¶

type AppSyncGraphqlAPILister struct{}

func (*AppSyncGraphqlAPILister) List ¶

func (l *AppSyncGraphqlAPILister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List - List all AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs in the account

type ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetLister ¶

type ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetLister struct{}

func (*ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetLister) List ¶

type ArchiveRule ¶

type ArchiveRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ArchiveRule) Properties ¶

func (a *ArchiveRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ArchiveRule) Remove ¶

func (a *ArchiveRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ArchiveRule) String ¶

func (a *ArchiveRule) String() string

type AthenaDataCatalog ¶ added in v3.17.0

type AthenaDataCatalog struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AthenaDataCatalog) Filter ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaDataCatalog) Filter() error

func (*AthenaDataCatalog) Properties ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaDataCatalog) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AthenaDataCatalog) Remove ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaDataCatalog) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AthenaDataCatalog) String ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaDataCatalog) String() string

type AthenaDataCatalogLister ¶ added in v3.17.0

type AthenaDataCatalogLister struct{}

func (*AthenaDataCatalogLister) List ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (l *AthenaDataCatalogLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AthenaNamedQuery ¶

type AthenaNamedQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AthenaNamedQuery) Properties ¶

func (r *AthenaNamedQuery) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AthenaNamedQuery) Remove ¶

func (r *AthenaNamedQuery) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AthenaNamedQuery) String ¶

func (r *AthenaNamedQuery) String() string

type AthenaNamedQueryLister ¶

type AthenaNamedQueryLister struct{}

func (*AthenaNamedQueryLister) List ¶

func (l *AthenaNamedQueryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AthenaPreparedStatement ¶ added in v3.17.0

type AthenaPreparedStatement struct {
	Name      *string
	WorkGroup *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AthenaPreparedStatement) Properties ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaPreparedStatement) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AthenaPreparedStatement) Remove ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (*AthenaPreparedStatement) String ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *AthenaPreparedStatement) String() string

type AthenaPreparedStatementLister ¶ added in v3.17.0

type AthenaPreparedStatementLister struct{}

func (*AthenaPreparedStatementLister) List ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (l *AthenaPreparedStatementLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AthenaWorkGroup ¶

type AthenaWorkGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AthenaWorkGroup) Filter ¶

func (r *AthenaWorkGroup) Filter() error

func (*AthenaWorkGroup) Properties ¶

func (r *AthenaWorkGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AthenaWorkGroup) Remove ¶

func (r *AthenaWorkGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AthenaWorkGroup) String ¶

func (r *AthenaWorkGroup) String() string

type AthenaWorkGroupLister ¶

type AthenaWorkGroupLister struct{}

func (*AthenaWorkGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *AthenaWorkGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AutoScalingGroup ¶

type AutoScalingGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingGroup) Properties ¶

func (asg *AutoScalingGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AutoScalingGroup) Remove ¶

func (asg *AutoScalingGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*AutoScalingGroup) String ¶

func (asg *AutoScalingGroup) String() string

type AutoScalingGroupLister ¶

type AutoScalingGroupLister struct{}

func (*AutoScalingGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *AutoScalingGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration struct {
	Name        *string
	CreatedTime *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) Properties ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (*AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) Remove ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (*AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) String ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLaunchConfigurationLister ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLaunchConfigurationLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingLaunchConfigurationLister) List ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLifecycleHook ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLifecycleHook struct {
	Name      *string
	GroupName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingLifecycleHook) Properties ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (r *AutoScalingLifecycleHook) Properties() types.Properties

func (*AutoScalingLifecycleHook) Remove ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (*AutoScalingLifecycleHook) String ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (r *AutoScalingLifecycleHook) String() string

type AutoScalingLifecycleHookLister ¶ added in v3.4.0

type AutoScalingLifecycleHookLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingLifecycleHookLister) List ¶ added in v3.4.0

func (l *AutoScalingLifecycleHookLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan ¶

type AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) Remove ¶

func (*AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) String ¶

func (f *AutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) String() string

type AutoScalingPlansScalingPlanLister ¶

type AutoScalingPlansScalingPlanLister struct{}

func (*AutoScalingPlansScalingPlanLister) List ¶

type BackupPlan ¶

type BackupPlan struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupPlan) Filter ¶

func (b *BackupPlan) Filter() error

func (*BackupPlan) Properties ¶

func (b *BackupPlan) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BackupPlan) Remove ¶

func (b *BackupPlan) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BackupPlan) String ¶

func (b *BackupPlan) String() string

type BackupRecoveryPoint ¶

type BackupRecoveryPoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupRecoveryPoint) Properties ¶

func (b *BackupRecoveryPoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BackupRecoveryPoint) Remove ¶

func (*BackupRecoveryPoint) String ¶

func (b *BackupRecoveryPoint) String() string

type BackupReportPlan ¶ added in v3.23.0

type BackupReportPlan struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupReportPlan) Properties ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *BackupReportPlan) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BackupReportPlan) Remove ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (*BackupReportPlan) String ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *BackupReportPlan) String() string

type BackupReportPlanLister ¶ added in v3.23.0

type BackupReportPlanLister struct{}

func (BackupReportPlanLister) List ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (BackupReportPlanLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type BackupSelection ¶

type BackupSelection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupSelection) Filter ¶

func (b *BackupSelection) Filter() error

func (*BackupSelection) Properties ¶

func (b *BackupSelection) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BackupSelection) Remove ¶

func (b *BackupSelection) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BackupSelection) String ¶

func (b *BackupSelection) String() string

type BackupVault ¶

type BackupVault struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupVault) Filter ¶

func (b *BackupVault) Filter() error

func (*BackupVault) Properties ¶

func (b *BackupVault) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BackupVault) Remove ¶

func (b *BackupVault) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BackupVault) String ¶

func (b *BackupVault) String() string

type BackupVaultAccessPolicy ¶

type BackupVaultAccessPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BackupVaultAccessPolicy) Remove ¶

func (*BackupVaultAccessPolicy) String ¶

func (b *BackupVaultAccessPolicy) String() string

type BatchComputeEnvironment ¶

type BatchComputeEnvironment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BatchComputeEnvironment) Remove ¶

func (*BatchComputeEnvironment) String ¶

func (f *BatchComputeEnvironment) String() string

type BatchComputeEnvironmentLister ¶

type BatchComputeEnvironmentLister struct{}

func (*BatchComputeEnvironmentLister) List ¶

func (l *BatchComputeEnvironmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type BatchComputeEnvironmentState ¶

type BatchComputeEnvironmentState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BatchComputeEnvironmentState) Filter ¶

func (f *BatchComputeEnvironmentState) Filter() error

func (*BatchComputeEnvironmentState) Remove ¶

func (*BatchComputeEnvironmentState) String ¶

type BatchComputeEnvironmentStateLister ¶

type BatchComputeEnvironmentStateLister struct{}

func (*BatchComputeEnvironmentStateLister) List ¶

type BatchJobQueue ¶

type BatchJobQueue struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BatchJobQueue) Remove ¶

func (f *BatchJobQueue) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BatchJobQueue) String ¶

func (f *BatchJobQueue) String() string

type BatchJobQueueLister ¶

type BatchJobQueueLister struct{}

func (*BatchJobQueueLister) List ¶

func (l *BatchJobQueueLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type BatchJobQueueState ¶

type BatchJobQueueState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BatchJobQueueState) Filter ¶

func (f *BatchJobQueueState) Filter() error

func (*BatchJobQueueState) Remove ¶

func (f *BatchJobQueueState) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BatchJobQueueState) String ¶

func (f *BatchJobQueueState) String() string

type BatchJobQueueStateLister ¶

type BatchJobQueueStateLister struct{}

func (*BatchJobQueueStateLister) List ¶

func (l *BatchJobQueueStateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type BillingCostandUsageReport ¶

type BillingCostandUsageReport struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BillingCostandUsageReport) Properties ¶

func (r *BillingCostandUsageReport) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BillingCostandUsageReport) Remove ¶

func (*BillingCostandUsageReport) String ¶

func (r *BillingCostandUsageReport) String() string

type BillingCostandUsageReportLister ¶

type BillingCostandUsageReportLister struct{}

func (*BillingCostandUsageReportLister) List ¶

func (l *BillingCostandUsageReportLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type BudgetsBudget ¶ added in v3.19.0

type BudgetsBudget struct {
	Name       *string
	BudgetType *string
	AccountID  *string
	Tags       []*budgets.ResourceTag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BudgetsBudget) Properties ¶ added in v3.19.0

func (r *BudgetsBudget) Properties() types.Properties

func (*BudgetsBudget) Remove ¶ added in v3.19.0

func (r *BudgetsBudget) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*BudgetsBudget) String ¶ added in v3.19.0

func (r *BudgetsBudget) String() string

type BudgetsBudgetLister ¶ added in v3.19.0

type BudgetsBudgetLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BudgetsBudgetLister) List ¶ added in v3.19.0

func (l *BudgetsBudgetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Cloud9Environment ¶

type Cloud9Environment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Cloud9Environment) Remove ¶

func (f *Cloud9Environment) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*Cloud9Environment) String ¶

func (f *Cloud9Environment) String() string

type Cloud9EnvironmentLister ¶

type Cloud9EnvironmentLister struct{}

func (*Cloud9EnvironmentLister) List ¶

func (l *Cloud9EnvironmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudControlResource ¶

type CloudControlResource struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudControlResource) Properties ¶

func (r *CloudControlResource) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudControlResource) Remove ¶

func (*CloudControlResource) String ¶

func (r *CloudControlResource) String() string

type CloudControlResourceLister ¶

type CloudControlResourceLister struct {
	TypeName string

func (*CloudControlResourceLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudControlResourceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudDirectoryDirectory ¶

type CloudDirectoryDirectory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudDirectoryDirectory) Remove ¶

func (*CloudDirectoryDirectory) String ¶

func (f *CloudDirectoryDirectory) String() string

type CloudDirectoryDirectoryLister ¶

type CloudDirectoryDirectoryLister struct{}

func (*CloudDirectoryDirectoryLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudDirectoryDirectoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudDirectorySchema ¶

type CloudDirectorySchema struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudDirectorySchema) Remove ¶

func (*CloudDirectorySchema) String ¶

func (f *CloudDirectorySchema) String() string

type CloudDirectorySchemaLister ¶

type CloudDirectorySchemaLister struct{}

func (*CloudDirectorySchemaLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudDirectorySchemaLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFormationStack ¶

type CloudFormationStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFormationStack) Filter ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStack) Filter() error

func (*CloudFormationStack) Properties ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStack) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFormationStack) Remove ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStack) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudFormationStack) Settings ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStack) Settings(setting *settings.Setting)

func (*CloudFormationStack) String ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStack) String() string

type CloudFormationStackLister ¶

type CloudFormationStackLister struct{}

func (*CloudFormationStackLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFormationStackLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFormationStackSet ¶

type CloudFormationStackSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFormationStackSet) Properties ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStackSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFormationStackSet) Remove ¶

func (*CloudFormationStackSet) String ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationStackSet) String() string

type CloudFormationStackSetLister ¶

type CloudFormationStackSetLister struct{}

func (*CloudFormationStackSetLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFormationStackSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFormationType ¶

type CloudFormationType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFormationType) Properties ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationType) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFormationType) Remove ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationType) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudFormationType) String ¶

func (cfs *CloudFormationType) String() string

type CloudFormationTypeLister ¶

type CloudFormationTypeLister struct{}

func (*CloudFormationTypeLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFormationTypeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontCachePolicy ¶

type CloudFrontCachePolicy struct {
	ID   *string
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontCachePolicy) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudFrontCachePolicy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFrontCachePolicy) Remove ¶

func (*CloudFrontCachePolicy) String ¶

func (f *CloudFrontCachePolicy) String() string

type CloudFrontCachePolicyLister ¶

type CloudFrontCachePolicyLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontCachePolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFrontCachePolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontDistribution ¶

type CloudFrontDistribution struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontDistribution) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudFrontDistribution) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFrontDistribution) Remove ¶

func (*CloudFrontDistribution) String ¶

func (f *CloudFrontDistribution) String() string

type CloudFrontDistributionDeployment ¶

type CloudFrontDistributionDeployment struct {
	ID     *string
	Status *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontDistributionDeployment) Filter ¶

func (*CloudFrontDistributionDeployment) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (*CloudFrontDistributionDeployment) Remove ¶

func (*CloudFrontDistributionDeployment) String ¶

type CloudFrontDistributionDeploymentLister ¶

type CloudFrontDistributionDeploymentLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontDistributionDeploymentLister) List ¶

type CloudFrontDistributionLister ¶

type CloudFrontDistributionLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontDistributionLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFrontDistributionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontFunction ¶

type CloudFrontFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontFunction) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudFrontFunction) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFrontFunction) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudFrontFunction) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type CloudFrontFunctionLister ¶

type CloudFrontFunctionLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontFunctionLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFrontFunctionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontKeyGroup ¶

type CloudFrontKeyGroup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontKeyGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudFrontKeyGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFrontKeyGroup) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudFrontKeyGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type CloudFrontKeyGroupLister ¶

type CloudFrontKeyGroupLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontKeyGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFrontKeyGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontOriginAccessControl ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessControl struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessControl) Properties ¶

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessControl) Remove ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessControlLister ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessControlLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessControlLister) List ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) Properties ¶

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) Remove ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityLister ¶

type CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityLister) List ¶

type CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicy ¶

type CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicy struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicy) Properties ¶

func (*CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicy) Remove ¶

type CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicyLister ¶

type CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicyLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontOriginRequestPolicyLister) List ¶

type CloudFrontPublicKey ¶

type CloudFrontPublicKey struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontPublicKey) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudFrontPublicKey) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudFrontPublicKey) Remove ¶

type CloudFrontPublicKeyLister ¶

type CloudFrontPublicKeyLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontPublicKeyLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudFrontPublicKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy ¶

type CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy) Filter ¶

func (*CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy) Properties ¶

func (*CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy) Remove ¶

func (*CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicy) String ¶

type CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicyLister ¶

type CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicyLister struct{}

func (*CloudFrontResponseHeadersPolicyLister) List ¶

type CloudHSMV2Cluster ¶

type CloudHSMV2Cluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudHSMV2Cluster) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudHSMV2Cluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudHSMV2Cluster) String ¶

func (f *CloudHSMV2Cluster) String() string

type CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM ¶

type CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM) Remove ¶

func (*CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM) String ¶

func (f *CloudHSMV2ClusterHSM) String() string

type CloudHSMV2ClusterHSMLister ¶

type CloudHSMV2ClusterHSMLister struct{}

func (*CloudHSMV2ClusterHSMLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudHSMV2ClusterHSMLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudHSMV2ClusterLister ¶

type CloudHSMV2ClusterLister struct{}

func (*CloudHSMV2ClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudHSMV2ClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudSearchDomain ¶

type CloudSearchDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudSearchDomain) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudSearchDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudSearchDomain) String ¶

func (f *CloudSearchDomain) String() string

type CloudSearchDomainLister ¶

type CloudSearchDomainLister struct{}

func (*CloudSearchDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudSearchDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudTrailTrail ¶

type CloudTrailTrail struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudTrailTrail) Properties ¶

func (trail *CloudTrailTrail) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudTrailTrail) Remove ¶

func (trail *CloudTrailTrail) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudTrailTrail) String ¶

func (trail *CloudTrailTrail) String() string

type CloudTrailTrailLister ¶

type CloudTrailTrailLister struct{}

func (*CloudTrailTrailLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudTrailTrailLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchAlarm ¶

type CloudWatchAlarm struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchAlarm) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudWatchAlarm) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchAlarm) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudWatchAlarm) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudWatchAlarm) String ¶

func (f *CloudWatchAlarm) String() string

type CloudWatchAlarmLister ¶

type CloudWatchAlarmLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchAlarmLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchAlarmLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchAnomalyDetector ¶ added in v3.17.0

type CloudWatchAnomalyDetector struct {
	MetricName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchAnomalyDetector) Properties ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *CloudWatchAnomalyDetector) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchAnomalyDetector) Remove ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (*CloudWatchAnomalyDetector) String ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *CloudWatchAnomalyDetector) String() string

type CloudWatchAnomalyDetectorLister ¶ added in v3.17.0

type CloudWatchAnomalyDetectorLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchAnomalyDetectorLister) List ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (l *CloudWatchAnomalyDetectorLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchDashboard ¶

type CloudWatchDashboard struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchDashboard) Remove ¶

func (*CloudWatchDashboard) String ¶

func (f *CloudWatchDashboard) String() string

type CloudWatchDashboardLister ¶

type CloudWatchDashboardLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchDashboardLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchDashboardLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchEventsBus ¶

type CloudWatchEventsBus struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchEventsBus) Remove ¶

func (bus *CloudWatchEventsBus) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudWatchEventsBus) String ¶

func (bus *CloudWatchEventsBus) String() string

type CloudWatchEventsBusesLister ¶

type CloudWatchEventsBusesLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchEventsBusesLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchEventsBusesLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchEventsRule ¶

type CloudWatchEventsRule struct {
	Name         *string
	ARN          *string
	State        *string
	EventBusName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchEventsRule) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *CloudWatchEventsRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchEventsRule) Remove ¶

func (*CloudWatchEventsRule) String ¶

func (r *CloudWatchEventsRule) String() string

type CloudWatchEventsRuleLister ¶

type CloudWatchEventsRuleLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchEventsRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchEventsRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchEventsTarget ¶

type CloudWatchEventsTarget struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchEventsTarget) Remove ¶

func (target *CloudWatchEventsTarget) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudWatchEventsTarget) String ¶

func (target *CloudWatchEventsTarget) String() string

type CloudWatchEventsTargetLister ¶

type CloudWatchEventsTargetLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchEventsTargetLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchEventsTargetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchInsightRule ¶ added in v3.17.0

type CloudWatchInsightRule struct {
	Name  *string
	State *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchInsightRule) Properties ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *CloudWatchInsightRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchInsightRule) Remove ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (*CloudWatchInsightRule) String ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (r *CloudWatchInsightRule) String() string

type CloudWatchInsightRuleLister ¶ added in v3.17.0

type CloudWatchInsightRuleLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchInsightRuleLister) List ¶ added in v3.17.0

func (l *CloudWatchInsightRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchLogsDestination ¶

type CloudWatchLogsDestination struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchLogsDestination) Remove ¶

func (*CloudWatchLogsDestination) String ¶

func (f *CloudWatchLogsDestination) String() string

type CloudWatchLogsDestinationLister ¶

type CloudWatchLogsDestinationLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchLogsDestinationLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchLogsDestinationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroup ¶

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) Remove ¶

func (*CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) String ¶

func (f *CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) String() string

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroupLister ¶

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroupLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchLogsLogGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchLogsLogGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy ¶

type CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy) Properties ¶

func (*CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy) Remove ¶

func (*CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy) String ¶

type CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicyLister ¶

type CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicyLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchLogsResourcePolicyLister) List ¶

type CloudWatchRUMAppLister ¶

type CloudWatchRUMAppLister struct{}

func (*CloudWatchRUMAppLister) List ¶

func (l *CloudWatchRUMAppLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CloudWatchRumApp ¶

type CloudWatchRumApp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudWatchRumApp) Properties ¶

func (f *CloudWatchRumApp) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CloudWatchRumApp) Remove ¶

func (f *CloudWatchRumApp) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CloudWatchRumApp) String ¶

func (f *CloudWatchRumApp) String() string

type CodeArtifactDomain ¶

type CodeArtifactDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeArtifactDomain) Properties ¶

func (d *CodeArtifactDomain) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeArtifactDomain) Remove ¶

func (d *CodeArtifactDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CodeArtifactDomain) String ¶

func (d *CodeArtifactDomain) String() string

type CodeArtifactDomainLister ¶

type CodeArtifactDomainLister struct{}

func (*CodeArtifactDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeArtifactDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeArtifactRepository ¶

type CodeArtifactRepository struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeArtifactRepository) Properties ¶

func (r *CodeArtifactRepository) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeArtifactRepository) Remove ¶

func (*CodeArtifactRepository) String ¶

func (r *CodeArtifactRepository) String() string

type CodeArtifactRepositoryLister ¶

type CodeArtifactRepositoryLister struct{}

func (*CodeArtifactRepositoryLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeArtifactRepositoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeBuildProject ¶

type CodeBuildProject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeBuildProject) Properties ¶

func (f *CodeBuildProject) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeBuildProject) Remove ¶

func (f *CodeBuildProject) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CodeBuildProject) String ¶

func (f *CodeBuildProject) String() string

type CodeBuildProjectLister ¶

type CodeBuildProjectLister struct{}

func (*CodeBuildProjectLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeBuildProjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeBuildReport ¶

type CodeBuildReport struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeBuildReport) Name ¶

func (r *CodeBuildReport) Name() string

func (*CodeBuildReport) Properties ¶

func (r *CodeBuildReport) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeBuildReport) Remove ¶

func (r *CodeBuildReport) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CodeBuildReport) String ¶

func (r *CodeBuildReport) String() string

type CodeBuildReportLister ¶

type CodeBuildReportLister struct{}

func (*CodeBuildReportLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeBuildReportLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeCommitRepository ¶

type CodeCommitRepository struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeCommitRepository) Remove ¶

Remove - Removes the CodeCommit Repository

func (*CodeCommitRepository) String ¶

func (f *CodeCommitRepository) String() string

type CodeCommitRepositoryLister ¶

type CodeCommitRepositoryLister struct{}

func (*CodeCommitRepositoryLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeCommitRepositoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List - Return a list of all CodeCommit Repositories as Resources

type CodeDeployApplication ¶

type CodeDeployApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeDeployApplication) Remove ¶

func (*CodeDeployApplication) String ¶

func (f *CodeDeployApplication) String() string

type CodeDeployApplicationLister ¶

type CodeDeployApplicationLister struct{}

func (*CodeDeployApplicationLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeDeployApplicationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodePipelinePipeline ¶

type CodePipelinePipeline struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodePipelinePipeline) Remove ¶

func (*CodePipelinePipeline) String ¶

func (f *CodePipelinePipeline) String() string

type CodePipelinePipelineLister ¶

type CodePipelinePipelineLister struct{}

func (*CodePipelinePipelineLister) List ¶

func (l *CodePipelinePipelineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeStarConnection ¶

type CodeStarConnection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeStarConnection) Properties ¶

func (f *CodeStarConnection) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeStarConnection) Remove ¶

func (f *CodeStarConnection) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CodeStarConnection) String ¶

func (f *CodeStarConnection) String() string

type CodeStarConnectionLister ¶

type CodeStarConnectionLister struct{}

func (*CodeStarConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeStarConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeStarNotificationRule ¶

type CodeStarNotificationRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeStarNotificationRule) Properties ¶

func (cn *CodeStarNotificationRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodeStarNotificationRule) Remove ¶

func (*CodeStarNotificationRule) String ¶

func (cn *CodeStarNotificationRule) String() string

type CodeStarNotificationRuleLister ¶

type CodeStarNotificationRuleLister struct{}

func (*CodeStarNotificationRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeStarNotificationRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodeStarProject ¶

type CodeStarProject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodeStarProject) Remove ¶

func (f *CodeStarProject) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CodeStarProject) String ¶

func (f *CodeStarProject) String() string

type CodeStarProjectLister ¶

type CodeStarProjectLister struct{}

func (*CodeStarProjectLister) List ¶

func (l *CodeStarProjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CodebuildReportGroup ¶

type CodebuildReportGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CodebuildReportGroup) Name ¶

func (r *CodebuildReportGroup) Name() string

func (*CodebuildReportGroup) Properties ¶

func (r *CodebuildReportGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CodebuildReportGroup) Remove ¶

func (*CodebuildReportGroup) String ¶

func (r *CodebuildReportGroup) String() string

type CodebuildReportGroupLister ¶

type CodebuildReportGroupLister struct{}

func (*CodebuildReportGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *CodebuildReportGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CognitoIdentityPool ¶

type CognitoIdentityPool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoIdentityPool) Remove ¶

func (*CognitoIdentityPool) String ¶

func (r *CognitoIdentityPool) String() string

type CognitoIdentityPoolLister ¶

type CognitoIdentityPoolLister struct{}

func (*CognitoIdentityPoolLister) List ¶

func (l *CognitoIdentityPoolLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CognitoIdentityProvider ¶

type CognitoIdentityProvider struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoIdentityProvider) Properties ¶

func (r *CognitoIdentityProvider) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CognitoIdentityProvider) Remove ¶

func (*CognitoIdentityProvider) String ¶

func (r *CognitoIdentityProvider) String() string

type CognitoIdentityProviderLister ¶

type CognitoIdentityProviderLister struct{}

func (*CognitoIdentityProviderLister) List ¶

func (l *CognitoIdentityProviderLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CognitoUserPool ¶

type CognitoUserPool struct {
	Name *string
	ID   *string
	Tags map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoUserPool) Properties ¶ added in v3.21.0

func (r *CognitoUserPool) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CognitoUserPool) Remove ¶

func (r *CognitoUserPool) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*CognitoUserPool) Settings ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *CognitoUserPool) Settings(setting *settings.Setting)

func (*CognitoUserPool) String ¶

func (r *CognitoUserPool) String() string

type CognitoUserPoolClient ¶

type CognitoUserPoolClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoUserPoolClient) Properties ¶

func (r *CognitoUserPoolClient) Properties() types.Properties

func (*CognitoUserPoolClient) Remove ¶

func (*CognitoUserPoolClient) String ¶

func (r *CognitoUserPoolClient) String() string

type CognitoUserPoolClientLister ¶

type CognitoUserPoolClientLister struct{}

func (*CognitoUserPoolClientLister) List ¶

func (l *CognitoUserPoolClientLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CognitoUserPoolDomain ¶

type CognitoUserPoolDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoUserPoolDomain) Remove ¶

func (*CognitoUserPoolDomain) String ¶

func (r *CognitoUserPoolDomain) String() string

type CognitoUserPoolDomainLister ¶

type CognitoUserPoolDomainLister struct{}

func (*CognitoUserPoolDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *CognitoUserPoolDomainLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type CognitoUserPoolLister ¶

type CognitoUserPoolLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CognitoUserPoolLister) List ¶

func (l *CognitoUserPoolLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ComprehendDocumentClassifier ¶

type ComprehendDocumentClassifier struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendDocumentClassifier) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendDocumentClassifier) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendDocumentClassifier) String ¶

func (ce *ComprehendDocumentClassifier) String() string

type ComprehendDocumentClassifierLister ¶

type ComprehendDocumentClassifierLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendDocumentClassifierLister) List ¶

type ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendDominantLanguageDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendEndpoint ¶

type ComprehendEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEndpoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ComprehendEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ComprehendEndpoint) String ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEndpoint) String() string

type ComprehendEndpointLister ¶

type ComprehendEndpointLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *ComprehendEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendEntitiesDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendEntityRecognizer ¶

type ComprehendEntityRecognizer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendEntityRecognizer) Properties ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEntityRecognizer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ComprehendEntityRecognizer) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendEntityRecognizer) String ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEntityRecognizer) String() string

type ComprehendEntityRecognizerLister ¶

type ComprehendEntityRecognizerLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendEntityRecognizerLister) List ¶

func (l *ComprehendEntityRecognizerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ComprehendEventsDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendEventsDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendEventsDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendEventsDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendEventsDetectionJob) String ¶

func (ce *ComprehendEventsDetectionJob) String() string

type ComprehendEventsDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendEventsDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendEventsDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendKeyPhrasesDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendPiiEntitiesDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendSentimentDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendSentimentDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendSentimentDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendSentimentDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob ¶

type ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob) Properties ¶

func (*ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob) Remove ¶

func (*ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJob) String ¶

type ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJobLister ¶

type ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJobLister struct{}

func (*ComprehendTargetedSentimentDetectionJobLister) List ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigRule ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigRule struct {
	Name                 *string
	Scope                *string
	HasRemediationConfig *bool
	CreatedBy            *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigServiceConfigRule) Filter ¶

func (r *ConfigServiceConfigRule) Filter() error

func (*ConfigServiceConfigRule) Properties ¶

func (r *ConfigServiceConfigRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ConfigServiceConfigRule) Remove ¶

func (*ConfigServiceConfigRule) String ¶

func (r *ConfigServiceConfigRule) String() string

type ConfigServiceConfigRuleLister ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigRuleLister struct{}

func (*ConfigServiceConfigRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *ConfigServiceConfigRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (*ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder) Remove ¶

func (*ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorder) String ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorderLister ¶

type ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorderLister struct{}

func (*ConfigServiceConfigurationRecorderLister) List ¶

type ConfigServiceConformancePack ¶

type ConfigServiceConformancePack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigServiceConformancePack) Properties ¶

func (*ConfigServiceConformancePack) Remove ¶

func (*ConfigServiceConformancePack) String ¶

type ConfigServiceConformancePackLister ¶

type ConfigServiceConformancePackLister struct{}

func (*ConfigServiceConformancePackLister) List ¶

type ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel ¶

type ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (*ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel) Remove ¶

func (*ConfigServiceDeliveryChannel) String ¶

type ConfigServiceDeliveryChannelLister ¶

type ConfigServiceDeliveryChannelLister struct{}

func (*ConfigServiceDeliveryChannelLister) List ¶

type DAXCluster ¶

type DAXCluster struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DAXCluster) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *DAXCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DAXCluster) Remove ¶

func (r *DAXCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DAXCluster) String ¶

func (r *DAXCluster) String() string

type DAXClusterLister ¶

type DAXClusterLister struct{}

func (*DAXClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *DAXClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DAXParameterGroup ¶

type DAXParameterGroup struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DAXParameterGroup) Filter ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *DAXParameterGroup) Filter() error

func (*DAXParameterGroup) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *DAXParameterGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DAXParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (r *DAXParameterGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DAXParameterGroup) String ¶

func (r *DAXParameterGroup) String() string

type DAXParameterGroupLister ¶

type DAXParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*DAXParameterGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *DAXParameterGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DAXSubnetGroup ¶

type DAXSubnetGroup struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DAXSubnetGroup) Filter ¶

func (r *DAXSubnetGroup) Filter() error

func (*DAXSubnetGroup) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *DAXSubnetGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DAXSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (r *DAXSubnetGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DAXSubnetGroup) String ¶

func (r *DAXSubnetGroup) String() string

type DAXSubnetGroupLister ¶

type DAXSubnetGroupLister struct{}

func (*DAXSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *DAXSubnetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DataPipelinePipeline ¶

type DataPipelinePipeline struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DataPipelinePipeline) Remove ¶

func (*DataPipelinePipeline) String ¶

func (f *DataPipelinePipeline) String() string

type DataPipelinePipelineLister ¶

type DataPipelinePipelineLister struct{}

func (*DataPipelinePipelineLister) List ¶

func (l *DataPipelinePipelineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificate ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificate struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificate) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificate) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificateLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificateLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceCertificateLister) List ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpoint ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpoint struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpoint) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpointLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpointLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEndpointLister) List ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscription ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscription struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscription) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscription) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscriptionLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscriptionLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceEventSubscriptionLister) List ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstance ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstance struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstance) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstance) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstanceLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstanceLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationInstanceLister) List ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTask ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTask struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTask) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTask) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTaskLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTaskLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceReplicationTaskLister) List ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroup ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroup) String ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroupLister ¶

type DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroupLister struct{}

func (*DatabaseMigrationServiceSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

type DeviceFarmProject ¶

type DeviceFarmProject struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeviceFarmProject) Remove ¶

func (f *DeviceFarmProject) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DeviceFarmProject) String ¶

func (f *DeviceFarmProject) String() string

type DeviceFarmProjectLister ¶

type DeviceFarmProjectLister struct{}

func (*DeviceFarmProjectLister) List ¶

func (l *DeviceFarmProjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DirectoryServiceDirectory ¶

type DirectoryServiceDirectory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DirectoryServiceDirectory) Remove ¶

func (*DirectoryServiceDirectory) String ¶

func (f *DirectoryServiceDirectory) String() string

type DirectoryServiceDirectoryLister ¶

type DirectoryServiceDirectoryLister struct{}

func (*DirectoryServiceDirectoryLister) List ¶

func (l *DirectoryServiceDirectoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DynamoDBBackup ¶ added in v3.8.0

type DynamoDBBackup struct {
	Name       *string
	CreateDate *time.Time
	TableName  *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DynamoDBBackup) Properties ¶ added in v3.8.0

func (r *DynamoDBBackup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DynamoDBBackup) Remove ¶ added in v3.8.0

func (r *DynamoDBBackup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DynamoDBBackup) String ¶ added in v3.8.0

func (r *DynamoDBBackup) String() string

type DynamoDBBackupLister ¶ added in v3.8.0

type DynamoDBBackupLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DynamoDBBackupLister) List ¶ added in v3.8.0

func (l *DynamoDBBackupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DynamoDBTable ¶

type DynamoDBTable struct {
	Name *string
	Tags []*dynamodb.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DynamoDBTable) DisableDeletionProtection ¶ added in v3.9.0

func (r *DynamoDBTable) DisableDeletionProtection() error

func (*DynamoDBTable) Properties ¶

func (r *DynamoDBTable) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DynamoDBTable) Remove ¶

func (r *DynamoDBTable) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DynamoDBTable) Settings ¶ added in v3.9.0

func (r *DynamoDBTable) Settings(setting *settings.Setting)

func (*DynamoDBTable) String ¶

func (r *DynamoDBTable) String() string

type DynamoDBTableItem ¶

type DynamoDBTableItem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DynamoDBTableItem) Properties ¶

func (i *DynamoDBTableItem) Properties() types.Properties

func (*DynamoDBTableItem) Remove ¶

func (i *DynamoDBTableItem) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*DynamoDBTableItem) String ¶

func (i *DynamoDBTableItem) String() string

type DynamoDBTableItemLister ¶

type DynamoDBTableItemLister struct{}

func (*DynamoDBTableItemLister) List ¶

func (l *DynamoDBTableItemLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type DynamoDBTableLister ¶

type DynamoDBTableLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DynamoDBTableLister) List ¶

func (l *DynamoDBTableLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Address ¶

type EC2Address struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Address) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2Address) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Address) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2Address) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Address) String ¶

func (e *EC2Address) String() string

type EC2AddressLister ¶

type EC2AddressLister struct{}

func (*EC2AddressLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2AddressLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2ClientVpnEndpoint ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (c *EC2ClientVpnEndpoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpoint) String ¶

func (c *EC2ClientVpnEndpoint) String() string

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachmentLister ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachmentLister) List ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachments ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachments struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachments) Remove ¶

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpointAttachments) String ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointLister ¶

type EC2ClientVpnEndpointLister struct{}

func (*EC2ClientVpnEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2ClientVpnEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2CustomerGateway ¶

type EC2CustomerGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2CustomerGateway) Filter ¶

func (c *EC2CustomerGateway) Filter() error

func (*EC2CustomerGateway) Remove ¶

func (c *EC2CustomerGateway) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2CustomerGateway) String ¶

func (c *EC2CustomerGateway) String() string

type EC2CustomerGatewayLister ¶

type EC2CustomerGatewayLister struct{}

func (*EC2CustomerGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2CustomerGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2DHCPOption ¶

type EC2DHCPOption struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2DHCPOption) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2DHCPOption) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2DHCPOption) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2DHCPOption) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2DHCPOption) String ¶

func (e *EC2DHCPOption) String() string

type EC2DHCPOptionLister ¶

type EC2DHCPOptionLister struct{}

func (*EC2DHCPOptionLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2DHCPOptionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule ¶

type EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule) Properties ¶

func (*EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule) Remove ¶

func (*EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule) String ¶

func (r *EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRule) String() string

type EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRuleLister ¶

type EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRuleLister struct{}

func (*EC2DefaultSecurityGroupRuleLister) List ¶

type EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway ¶

type EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) Properties ¶

func (*EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) Remove ¶

func (*EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) String ¶

type EC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayLister ¶

type EC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayLister struct{}

func (*EC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayLister) List ¶

type EC2Host ¶

type EC2Host struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Host) Filter ¶

func (i *EC2Host) Filter() error

func (*EC2Host) Properties ¶

func (i *EC2Host) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Host) Remove ¶

func (i *EC2Host) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Host) String ¶

func (i *EC2Host) String() string

type EC2HostLister ¶

type EC2HostLister struct{}

func (*EC2HostLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2HostLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Image ¶

type EC2Image struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Image) Filter ¶

func (e *EC2Image) Filter() error

func (*EC2Image) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2Image) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Image) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2Image) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Image) Settings ¶

func (e *EC2Image) Settings(settings *libsettings.Setting)

func (*EC2Image) String ¶

func (e *EC2Image) String() string

type EC2ImageLister ¶

type EC2ImageLister struct{}

func (*EC2ImageLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2ImageLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Instance ¶

type EC2Instance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Instance) DisableStopProtection ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) DisableStopProtection() error

func (*EC2Instance) DisableTerminationProtection ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) DisableTerminationProtection() error

func (*EC2Instance) Filter ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) Filter() error

func (*EC2Instance) Properties ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Instance) Remove ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Instance) Settings ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting)

func (*EC2Instance) String ¶

func (i *EC2Instance) String() string

type EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint ¶

type EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (*EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (*EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint) String ¶

func (i *EC2InstanceConnectEndpoint) String() string

type EC2InstanceConnectEndpointLister ¶

type EC2InstanceConnectEndpointLister struct{}

func (*EC2InstanceConnectEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2InstanceConnectEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2InstanceLister ¶

type EC2InstanceLister struct{}

func (*EC2InstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2InstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2InternetGateway ¶

type EC2InternetGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2InternetGateway) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2InternetGateway) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2InternetGateway) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2InternetGateway) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2InternetGateway) String ¶

func (e *EC2InternetGateway) String() string

type EC2InternetGatewayAttachment ¶

type EC2InternetGatewayAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2InternetGatewayAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*EC2InternetGatewayAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*EC2InternetGatewayAttachment) String ¶

type EC2InternetGatewayAttachmentLister ¶

type EC2InternetGatewayAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*EC2InternetGatewayAttachmentLister) List ¶

type EC2InternetGatewayLister ¶

type EC2InternetGatewayLister struct{}

func (*EC2InternetGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2InternetGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2KeyPair ¶

type EC2KeyPair struct {
	Name       *string
	Tags       []*ec2.Tag
	KeyType    *string
	CreateTime *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2KeyPair) Properties ¶

func (r *EC2KeyPair) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2KeyPair) Remove ¶

func (r *EC2KeyPair) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2KeyPair) String ¶

func (r *EC2KeyPair) String() string

type EC2KeyPairLister ¶

type EC2KeyPairLister struct{}

func (*EC2KeyPairLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2KeyPairLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2LaunchTemplate ¶

type EC2LaunchTemplate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2LaunchTemplate) Properties ¶

func (template *EC2LaunchTemplate) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2LaunchTemplate) Remove ¶

func (template *EC2LaunchTemplate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2LaunchTemplate) String ¶

func (template *EC2LaunchTemplate) String() string

type EC2LaunchTemplateLister ¶

type EC2LaunchTemplateLister struct{}

func (*EC2LaunchTemplateLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2LaunchTemplateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2NATGateway ¶

type EC2NATGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2NATGateway) Filter ¶

func (n *EC2NATGateway) Filter() error

func (*EC2NATGateway) Properties ¶

func (n *EC2NATGateway) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2NATGateway) Remove ¶

func (n *EC2NATGateway) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2NATGateway) String ¶

func (n *EC2NATGateway) String() string

type EC2NATGatewayLister ¶

type EC2NATGatewayLister struct{}

func (*EC2NATGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2NATGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2NetworkACL ¶

type EC2NetworkACL struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2NetworkACL) Filter ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkACL) Filter() error

func (*EC2NetworkACL) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkACL) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2NetworkACL) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkACL) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2NetworkACL) String ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkACL) String() string

type EC2NetworkACLLister ¶

type EC2NetworkACLLister struct{}

func (*EC2NetworkACLLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2NetworkACLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2NetworkInterface ¶

type EC2NetworkInterface struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2NetworkInterface) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkInterface) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2NetworkInterface) Remove ¶

func (*EC2NetworkInterface) String ¶

func (e *EC2NetworkInterface) String() string

type EC2NetworkInterfaceLister ¶

type EC2NetworkInterfaceLister struct{}

func (*EC2NetworkInterfaceLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2NetworkInterfaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2PlacementGroup ¶

type EC2PlacementGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2PlacementGroup) Filter ¶

func (p *EC2PlacementGroup) Filter() error

func (*EC2PlacementGroup) Remove ¶

func (p *EC2PlacementGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2PlacementGroup) String ¶

func (p *EC2PlacementGroup) String() string

type EC2PlacementGroupLister ¶

type EC2PlacementGroupLister struct{}

func (*EC2PlacementGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2PlacementGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2RouteTable ¶

type EC2RouteTable struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2RouteTable) Filter ¶

func (e *EC2RouteTable) Filter() error

func (*EC2RouteTable) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2RouteTable) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2RouteTable) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2RouteTable) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2RouteTable) String ¶

func (e *EC2RouteTable) String() string

type EC2RouteTableLister ¶

type EC2RouteTableLister struct{}

func (*EC2RouteTableLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2RouteTableLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2SecurityGroup ¶

type EC2SecurityGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2SecurityGroup) Filter ¶

func (sg *EC2SecurityGroup) Filter() error

func (*EC2SecurityGroup) Properties ¶

func (sg *EC2SecurityGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2SecurityGroup) Remove ¶

func (sg *EC2SecurityGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2SecurityGroup) String ¶

func (sg *EC2SecurityGroup) String() string

type EC2SecurityGroupLister ¶

type EC2SecurityGroupLister struct{}

func (*EC2SecurityGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2SecurityGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Snapshot ¶

type EC2Snapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Snapshot) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2Snapshot) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Snapshot) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2Snapshot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Snapshot) String ¶

func (e *EC2Snapshot) String() string

type EC2SnapshotLister ¶

type EC2SnapshotLister struct{}

func (*EC2SnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2SnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2SpotFleetRequest ¶

type EC2SpotFleetRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2SpotFleetRequest) Filter ¶

func (i *EC2SpotFleetRequest) Filter() error

func (*EC2SpotFleetRequest) Remove ¶

func (*EC2SpotFleetRequest) String ¶

func (i *EC2SpotFleetRequest) String() string

type EC2SpotFleetRequestLister ¶

type EC2SpotFleetRequestLister struct{}

func (*EC2SpotFleetRequestLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2SpotFleetRequestLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Subnet ¶

type EC2Subnet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Subnet) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2Subnet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Subnet) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2Subnet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Subnet) String ¶

func (e *EC2Subnet) String() string

type EC2SubnetLister ¶

type EC2SubnetLister struct{}

func (*EC2SubnetLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2SubnetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2TGW ¶

type EC2TGW struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2TGW) Filter ¶

func (e *EC2TGW) Filter() error

func (*EC2TGW) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2TGW) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2TGW) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2TGW) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2TGW) String ¶

func (e *EC2TGW) String() string

type EC2TGWAttachment ¶

type EC2TGWAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2TGWAttachment) Filter ¶

func (e *EC2TGWAttachment) Filter() error

func (*EC2TGWAttachment) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2TGWAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2TGWAttachment) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2TGWAttachment) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2TGWAttachment) String ¶

func (e *EC2TGWAttachment) String() string

type EC2TGWAttachmentLister ¶

type EC2TGWAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*EC2TGWAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2TGWAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2TGWConnectPeer ¶ added in v3.23.0

type EC2TGWConnectPeer struct {
	ID           *string
	State        *string
	CreationTime *time.Time
	Tags         []*ec2.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2TGWConnectPeer) Filter ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *EC2TGWConnectPeer) Filter() error

func (*EC2TGWConnectPeer) Properties ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *EC2TGWConnectPeer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2TGWConnectPeer) Remove ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *EC2TGWConnectPeer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2TGWConnectPeer) String ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *EC2TGWConnectPeer) String() string

type EC2TGWConnectPeerLister ¶ added in v3.23.0

type EC2TGWConnectPeerLister struct{}

func (*EC2TGWConnectPeerLister) List ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (l *EC2TGWConnectPeerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2TGWLister ¶

type EC2TGWLister struct{}

func (*EC2TGWLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2TGWLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPC ¶

type EC2VPC struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPC) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2VPC) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2VPC) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2VPC) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2VPC) String ¶

func (e *EC2VPC) String() string

type EC2VPCEndpoint ¶

type EC2VPCEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPCEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2VPCEndpoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2VPCEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2VPCEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2VPCEndpoint) String ¶

func (e *EC2VPCEndpoint) String() string

type EC2VPCEndpointConnection ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointConnection struct {
	ServiceID     *string
	VPCEndpointID *string
	State         *string
	Owner         *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPCEndpointConnection) Filter ¶

func (r *EC2VPCEndpointConnection) Filter() error

func (*EC2VPCEndpointConnection) Properties ¶

func (r *EC2VPCEndpointConnection) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2VPCEndpointConnection) Remove ¶

func (*EC2VPCEndpointConnection) String ¶

func (r *EC2VPCEndpointConnection) String() string

type EC2VPCEndpointConnectionLister ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointConnectionLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPCEndpointConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPCEndpointConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPCEndpointLister ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPCEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPCEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration) Properties ¶

func (*EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration) String ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfigurationLister ¶

type EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPCEndpointServiceConfigurationLister) List ¶

type EC2VPCLister ¶

type EC2VPCLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPCLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPCLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPCPeeringConnection ¶

type EC2VPCPeeringConnection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPCPeeringConnection) Filter ¶

func (p *EC2VPCPeeringConnection) Filter() error

func (*EC2VPCPeeringConnection) Remove ¶

func (*EC2VPCPeeringConnection) String ¶

func (p *EC2VPCPeeringConnection) String() string

type EC2VPCPeeringConnectionLister ¶

type EC2VPCPeeringConnectionLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPCPeeringConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPCPeeringConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPNConnection ¶

type EC2VPNConnection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPNConnection) Filter ¶

func (v *EC2VPNConnection) Filter() error

func (*EC2VPNConnection) Properties ¶

func (v *EC2VPNConnection) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2VPNConnection) Remove ¶

func (v *EC2VPNConnection) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2VPNConnection) String ¶

func (v *EC2VPNConnection) String() string

type EC2VPNConnectionLister ¶

type EC2VPNConnectionLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPNConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPNConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPNGateway ¶

type EC2VPNGateway struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPNGateway) Filter ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGateway) Filter() error

func (*EC2VPNGateway) Remove ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGateway) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2VPNGateway) String ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGateway) String() string

type EC2VPNGatewayAttachment ¶

type EC2VPNGatewayAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) Filter ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) Filter() error

func (*EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) Properties ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) String ¶

func (v *EC2VPNGatewayAttachment) String() string

type EC2VPNGatewayAttachmentLister ¶

type EC2VPNGatewayAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPNGatewayAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPNGatewayAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2VPNGatewayLister ¶

type EC2VPNGatewayLister struct{}

func (*EC2VPNGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VPNGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EC2Volume ¶

type EC2Volume struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EC2Volume) Properties ¶

func (e *EC2Volume) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EC2Volume) Remove ¶

func (e *EC2Volume) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EC2Volume) String ¶

func (e *EC2Volume) String() string

type EC2VolumeLister ¶

type EC2VolumeLister struct{}

func (*EC2VolumeLister) List ¶

func (l *EC2VolumeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECRPublicRepository ¶

type ECRPublicRepository struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECRPublicRepository) Filter ¶

func (r *ECRPublicRepository) Filter() error

func (*ECRPublicRepository) Properties ¶

func (r *ECRPublicRepository) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ECRPublicRepository) Remove ¶

func (*ECRPublicRepository) String ¶

func (r *ECRPublicRepository) String() string

type ECRPublicRepositoryLister ¶

type ECRPublicRepositoryLister struct{}

func (*ECRPublicRepositoryLister) List ¶

func (l *ECRPublicRepositoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECRRepository ¶

type ECRRepository struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECRRepository) Filter ¶

func (r *ECRRepository) Filter() error

func (*ECRRepository) Properties ¶

func (r *ECRRepository) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ECRRepository) Remove ¶

func (r *ECRRepository) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ECRRepository) String ¶

func (r *ECRRepository) String() string

type ECRRepositoryLister ¶

type ECRRepositoryLister struct{}

func (*ECRRepositoryLister) List ¶

func (l *ECRRepositoryLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSCapacityProvider ¶ added in v3.23.0

type ECSCapacityProvider struct {
	ARN    *string
	Name   *string
	Status *string
	Tags   []*ecs.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSCapacityProvider) Filter ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *ECSCapacityProvider) Filter() error

func (*ECSCapacityProvider) Properties ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *ECSCapacityProvider) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ECSCapacityProvider) Remove ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (*ECSCapacityProvider) String ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *ECSCapacityProvider) String() string

type ECSCapacityProviderLister ¶ added in v3.23.0

type ECSCapacityProviderLister struct{}

func (*ECSCapacityProviderLister) List ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (l *ECSCapacityProviderLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSCluster ¶

type ECSCluster struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSCluster) Properties ¶

func (f *ECSCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ECSCluster) Remove ¶

func (f *ECSCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ECSCluster) String ¶

func (f *ECSCluster) String() string

type ECSClusterInstance ¶

type ECSClusterInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSClusterInstance) Remove ¶

func (f *ECSClusterInstance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ECSClusterInstance) String ¶

func (f *ECSClusterInstance) String() string

type ECSClusterInstanceLister ¶

type ECSClusterInstanceLister struct{}

func (*ECSClusterInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *ECSClusterInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSClusterLister ¶

type ECSClusterLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *ECSClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSService ¶

type ECSService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSService) Remove ¶

func (f *ECSService) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ECSService) String ¶

func (f *ECSService) String() string

type ECSServiceLister ¶

type ECSServiceLister struct{}

func (*ECSServiceLister) List ¶

func (l *ECSServiceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSTask ¶

type ECSTask struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSTask) Filter ¶

func (t *ECSTask) Filter() error

func (*ECSTask) Properties ¶

func (t *ECSTask) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ECSTask) Remove ¶

func (t *ECSTask) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type ECSTaskDefinition ¶

type ECSTaskDefinition struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSTaskDefinition) Remove ¶

func (f *ECSTaskDefinition) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ECSTaskDefinition) String ¶

func (f *ECSTaskDefinition) String() string

type ECSTaskDefinitionLister ¶

type ECSTaskDefinitionLister struct{}

func (*ECSTaskDefinitionLister) List ¶

func (l *ECSTaskDefinitionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ECSTaskLister ¶

type ECSTaskLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ECSTaskLister) List ¶

func (l *ECSTaskLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EFSFileSystem ¶

type EFSFileSystem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EFSFileSystem) Properties ¶

func (e *EFSFileSystem) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EFSFileSystem) Remove ¶

func (e *EFSFileSystem) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EFSFileSystem) String ¶

func (e *EFSFileSystem) String() string

type EFSFileSystemLister ¶

type EFSFileSystemLister struct{}

func (*EFSFileSystemLister) List ¶

func (l *EFSFileSystemLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EFSMountTarget ¶

type EFSMountTarget struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EFSMountTarget) Properties ¶

func (e *EFSMountTarget) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EFSMountTarget) Remove ¶

func (e *EFSMountTarget) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EFSMountTarget) String ¶

func (e *EFSMountTarget) String() string

type EFSMountTargetLister ¶

type EFSMountTargetLister struct{}

func (*EFSMountTargetLister) List ¶

func (l *EFSMountTargetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EKSCluster ¶

type EKSCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EKSCluster) Properties ¶

func (f *EKSCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EKSCluster) Remove ¶

func (f *EKSCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EKSCluster) String ¶

func (f *EKSCluster) String() string

type EKSClusterLister ¶

type EKSClusterLister struct{}

func (*EKSClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *EKSClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EKSFargateProfile ¶

type EKSFargateProfile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EKSFargateProfile) Properties ¶

func (fp *EKSFargateProfile) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EKSFargateProfile) Remove ¶

func (fp *EKSFargateProfile) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EKSFargateProfile) String ¶

func (fp *EKSFargateProfile) String() string

type EKSFargateProfileLister ¶

type EKSFargateProfileLister struct{}

func (*EKSFargateProfileLister) List ¶

func (l *EKSFargateProfileLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EKSNodegroup ¶

type EKSNodegroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EKSNodegroup) Properties ¶

func (ng *EKSNodegroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EKSNodegroup) Remove ¶

func (ng *EKSNodegroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EKSNodegroup) String ¶

func (ng *EKSNodegroup) String() string

type EKSNodegroupLister ¶

type EKSNodegroupLister struct{}

func (*EKSNodegroupLister) List ¶

func (l *EKSNodegroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ELBLister ¶

type ELBLister struct{}

func (*ELBLister) List ¶

func (l *ELBLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ELBLoadBalancer ¶

type ELBLoadBalancer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ELBLoadBalancer) Properties ¶

func (e *ELBLoadBalancer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ELBLoadBalancer) Remove ¶

func (e *ELBLoadBalancer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ELBLoadBalancer) String ¶

func (e *ELBLoadBalancer) String() string

type ELBv2ListenerRule ¶

type ELBv2ListenerRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ELBv2ListenerRule) Properties ¶

func (e *ELBv2ListenerRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ELBv2ListenerRule) Remove ¶

func (e *ELBv2ListenerRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ELBv2ListenerRule) String ¶

func (e *ELBv2ListenerRule) String() string

type ELBv2ListenerRuleLister ¶

type ELBv2ListenerRuleLister struct{}

func (*ELBv2ListenerRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *ELBv2ListenerRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ELBv2Lister ¶

type ELBv2Lister struct{}

func (*ELBv2Lister) List ¶

func (l *ELBv2Lister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ELBv2LoadBalancer ¶

type ELBv2LoadBalancer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ELBv2LoadBalancer) DisableProtection ¶

func (e *ELBv2LoadBalancer) DisableProtection() error

func (*ELBv2LoadBalancer) Properties ¶

func (e *ELBv2LoadBalancer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ELBv2LoadBalancer) Remove ¶

func (e *ELBv2LoadBalancer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ELBv2LoadBalancer) Settings ¶

func (e *ELBv2LoadBalancer) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting)

func (*ELBv2LoadBalancer) String ¶

func (e *ELBv2LoadBalancer) String() string

type ELBv2TargetGroup ¶

type ELBv2TargetGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ELBv2TargetGroup) Properties ¶

func (e *ELBv2TargetGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ELBv2TargetGroup) Remove ¶

func (e *ELBv2TargetGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ELBv2TargetGroup) String ¶

func (e *ELBv2TargetGroup) String() string

type ELBv2TargetGroupLister ¶

type ELBv2TargetGroupLister struct{}

func (*ELBv2TargetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *ELBv2TargetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EMRCluster ¶

type EMRCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EMRCluster) Filter ¶

func (f *EMRCluster) Filter() error

func (*EMRCluster) Properties ¶

func (f *EMRCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*EMRCluster) Remove ¶

func (f *EMRCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*EMRCluster) String ¶

func (f *EMRCluster) String() string

type EMRClusterLister ¶

type EMRClusterLister struct{}

func (*EMRClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *EMRClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type EMRSecurityConfiguration ¶

type EMRSecurityConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EMRSecurityConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*EMRSecurityConfiguration) String ¶

func (f *EMRSecurityConfiguration) String() string

type EMRSecurityConfigurationLister ¶

type EMRSecurityConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*EMRSecurityConfigurationLister) List ¶

func (l *EMRSecurityConfigurationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ESDomain ¶

type ESDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ESDomain) Properties ¶

func (f *ESDomain) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ESDomain) Remove ¶

func (f *ESDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ESDomain) String ¶

func (f *ESDomain) String() string

type ESDomainLister ¶

type ESDomainLister struct{}

func (*ESDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *ESDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticBeanstalkApplication ¶

type ElasticBeanstalkApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticBeanstalkApplication) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticBeanstalkApplication) String ¶

func (f *ElasticBeanstalkApplication) String() string

type ElasticBeanstalkApplicationLister ¶

type ElasticBeanstalkApplicationLister struct{}

func (*ElasticBeanstalkApplicationLister) List ¶

type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment ¶

type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) Properties ¶

func (*ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) String ¶

func (f *ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) String() string

type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentLister ¶

type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentLister struct{}

func (*ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentLister) List ¶

type ElasticTranscoderPipeline ¶

type ElasticTranscoderPipeline struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticTranscoderPipeline) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticTranscoderPipeline) String ¶

func (f *ElasticTranscoderPipeline) String() string

type ElasticTranscoderPipelineLister ¶

type ElasticTranscoderPipelineLister struct{}

func (*ElasticTranscoderPipelineLister) List ¶

func (l *ElasticTranscoderPipelineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticTranscoderPreset ¶ added in v3.10.0

type ElasticTranscoderPreset struct {
	PresetID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticTranscoderPreset) Filter ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (r *ElasticTranscoderPreset) Filter() error

func (*ElasticTranscoderPreset) Properties ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (r *ElasticTranscoderPreset) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ElasticTranscoderPreset) Remove ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (*ElasticTranscoderPreset) String ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (r *ElasticTranscoderPreset) String() string

type ElasticTranscoderPresetLister ¶ added in v3.10.0

type ElasticTranscoderPresetLister struct{}

func (*ElasticTranscoderPresetLister) List ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (l *ElasticTranscoderPresetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticacheCacheCluster ¶

type ElasticacheCacheCluster struct {
	ClusterID  *string
	Status     *string
	Serverless bool
	Tags       []*elasticache.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheCacheCluster) Properties ¶

func (r *ElasticacheCacheCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ElasticacheCacheCluster) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticacheCacheCluster) String ¶

func (r *ElasticacheCacheCluster) String() string

type ElasticacheCacheClusterLister ¶

type ElasticacheCacheClusterLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheCacheClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *ElasticacheCacheClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup ¶

type ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup) Filter ¶

func (*ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup) Properties ¶

func (*ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup) String ¶

type ElasticacheCacheParameterGroupLister ¶

type ElasticacheCacheParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*ElasticacheCacheParameterGroupLister) List ¶

type ElasticacheReplicationGroup ¶

type ElasticacheReplicationGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheReplicationGroup) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticacheReplicationGroup) String ¶

func (i *ElasticacheReplicationGroup) String() string

type ElasticacheReplicationGroupLister ¶

type ElasticacheReplicationGroupLister struct{}

func (*ElasticacheReplicationGroupLister) List ¶

type ElasticacheSubnetGroup ¶

type ElasticacheSubnetGroup struct {
	Tags []*elasticache.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheSubnetGroup) Filter ¶

func (i *ElasticacheSubnetGroup) Filter() error

func (*ElasticacheSubnetGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *ElasticacheSubnetGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ElasticacheSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticacheSubnetGroup) String ¶

func (i *ElasticacheSubnetGroup) String() string

type ElasticacheSubnetGroupLister ¶

type ElasticacheSubnetGroupLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *ElasticacheSubnetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticacheUser ¶

type ElasticacheUser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheUser) Filter ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUser) Filter() error

func (*ElasticacheUser) Properties ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUser) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ElasticacheUser) Remove ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUser) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ElasticacheUser) String ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUser) String() string

type ElasticacheUserGroup ¶

type ElasticacheUserGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticacheUserGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUserGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ElasticacheUserGroup) Remove ¶

func (*ElasticacheUserGroup) String ¶

func (i *ElasticacheUserGroup) String() string

type ElasticacheUserGroupLister ¶

type ElasticacheUserGroupLister struct{}

func (*ElasticacheUserGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *ElasticacheUserGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ElasticacheUserLister ¶

type ElasticacheUserLister struct{}

func (*ElasticacheUserLister) List ¶

func (l *ElasticacheUserLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type FMSNotificationChannel ¶

type FMSNotificationChannel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FMSNotificationChannel) Properties ¶

func (f *FMSNotificationChannel) Properties() types.Properties

func (*FMSNotificationChannel) Remove ¶

func (*FMSNotificationChannel) String ¶

func (f *FMSNotificationChannel) String() string

type FMSNotificationChannelLister ¶

type FMSNotificationChannelLister struct{}

func (*FMSNotificationChannelLister) List ¶

func (l *FMSNotificationChannelLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type FMSPolicy ¶

type FMSPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FMSPolicy) Properties ¶

func (f *FMSPolicy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*FMSPolicy) Remove ¶

func (f *FMSPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*FMSPolicy) String ¶

func (f *FMSPolicy) String() string

type FMSPolicyLister ¶

type FMSPolicyLister struct{}

func (*FMSPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *FMSPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type FSxBackup ¶

type FSxBackup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FSxBackup) Properties ¶

func (f *FSxBackup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*FSxBackup) Remove ¶

func (f *FSxBackup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*FSxBackup) String ¶

func (f *FSxBackup) String() string

type FSxBackupLister ¶

type FSxBackupLister struct{}

func (*FSxBackupLister) List ¶

func (l *FSxBackupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type FSxFileSystem ¶

type FSxFileSystem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FSxFileSystem) Properties ¶

func (f *FSxFileSystem) Properties() types.Properties

func (*FSxFileSystem) Remove ¶

func (f *FSxFileSystem) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*FSxFileSystem) String ¶

func (f *FSxFileSystem) String() string

type FSxFileSystemLister ¶

type FSxFileSystemLister struct{}

func (*FSxFileSystemLister) List ¶

func (l *FSxFileSystemLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type FirehoseDeliveryStream ¶

type FirehoseDeliveryStream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FirehoseDeliveryStream) Remove ¶

func (*FirehoseDeliveryStream) String ¶

func (f *FirehoseDeliveryStream) String() string

type FirehoseDeliveryStreamLister ¶

type FirehoseDeliveryStreamLister struct{}

func (*FirehoseDeliveryStreamLister) List ¶

func (l *FirehoseDeliveryStreamLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GameLiftBuild ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftBuild struct {
	BuildID      *string
	Name         *string
	Status       *string
	Version      *string
	CreationDate *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameLiftBuild) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftBuild) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GameLiftBuild) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftBuild) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GameLiftBuild) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftBuild) String() string

type GameLiftBuildLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftBuildLister struct{}

func (*GameLiftBuildLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *GameLiftBuildLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GameLiftFleet ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftFleet struct {
	FleetID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameLiftFleet) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftFleet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GameLiftFleet) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftFleet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GameLiftFleet) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftFleet) String() string

type GameLiftFleetLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftFleetLister struct{}

func (*GameLiftFleetLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *GameLiftFleetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration struct {
	Name         *string
	CreationTime *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingConfigurationLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingConfigurationLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSet) String() string

type GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSetLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSetLister struct{}

func (*GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSetLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *GameLiftMatchmakingRuleSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GameLiftQueue ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftQueue struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameLiftQueue) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftQueue) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GameLiftQueue) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftQueue) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GameLiftQueue) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *GameLiftQueue) String() string

type GameLiftQueueLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type GameLiftQueueLister struct{}

func (*GameLiftQueueLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *GameLiftQueueLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlobalAccelerator ¶

type GlobalAccelerator struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GlobalAccelerator model

func (*GlobalAccelerator) Properties ¶

func (ga *GlobalAccelerator) Properties() types.Properties

Properties definition

func (*GlobalAccelerator) Remove ¶

func (ga *GlobalAccelerator) Remove(_ context.Context) error

Remove resource

func (*GlobalAccelerator) String ¶

func (ga *GlobalAccelerator) String() string

String representation

type GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup ¶

type GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup model

func (*GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup) Properties ¶

Properties definition

func (*GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup) Remove ¶

Remove resource

func (*GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup) String ¶

String representation

type GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroupLister ¶

type GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroupLister struct{}

func (*GlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroupLister) List ¶

List enumerates all available accelerators

type GlobalAcceleratorListener ¶

type GlobalAcceleratorListener struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GlobalAcceleratorListener model

func (*GlobalAcceleratorListener) Properties ¶

func (g *GlobalAcceleratorListener) Properties() types.Properties

Properties definition

func (*GlobalAcceleratorListener) Remove ¶

Remove resource

func (*GlobalAcceleratorListener) String ¶

func (g *GlobalAcceleratorListener) String() string

String representation

type GlobalAcceleratorListenerLister ¶

type GlobalAcceleratorListenerLister struct{}

func (*GlobalAcceleratorListenerLister) List ¶

func (l *GlobalAcceleratorListenerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List enumerates all available listeners of all available accelerators

type GlobalAcceleratorLister ¶

type GlobalAcceleratorLister struct{}

func (*GlobalAcceleratorLister) List ¶

func (l *GlobalAcceleratorLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List enumerates all available accelerators

type GlueBlueprint ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueBlueprint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueBlueprint) Properties ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueBlueprint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GlueBlueprint) Remove ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueBlueprint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueBlueprint) String ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueBlueprint) String() string

type GlueBlueprintLister ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueBlueprintLister struct{}

func (*GlueBlueprintLister) List ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (l *GlueBlueprintLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueClassifier ¶

type GlueClassifier struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueClassifier) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueClassifier) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueClassifier) String ¶

func (f *GlueClassifier) String() string

type GlueClassifierLister ¶

type GlueClassifierLister struct{}

func (*GlueClassifierLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueClassifierLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueConnection ¶

type GlueConnection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueConnection) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueConnection) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueConnection) String ¶

func (f *GlueConnection) String() string

type GlueConnectionLister ¶

type GlueConnectionLister struct{}

func (*GlueConnectionLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueConnectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueCrawler ¶

type GlueCrawler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueCrawler) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueCrawler) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueCrawler) String ¶

func (f *GlueCrawler) String() string

type GlueCrawlerLister ¶

type GlueCrawlerLister struct{}

func (*GlueCrawlerLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueCrawlerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewDatasets ¶

type GlueDataBrewDatasets struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewDatasets) Remove ¶

func (*GlueDataBrewDatasets) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewDatasets) String() string

type GlueDataBrewDatasetsLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewDatasetsLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewDatasetsLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewDatasetsLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewJobs ¶

type GlueDataBrewJobs struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewJobs) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewJobs) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueDataBrewJobs) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewJobs) String() string

type GlueDataBrewJobsLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewJobsLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewJobsLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewJobsLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewProjects ¶

type GlueDataBrewProjects struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewProjects) Remove ¶

func (*GlueDataBrewProjects) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewProjects) String() string

type GlueDataBrewProjectsLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewProjectsLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewProjectsLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewProjectsLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewRecipe ¶

type GlueDataBrewRecipe struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewRecipe) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewRecipe) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueDataBrewRecipe) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewRecipe) String() string

type GlueDataBrewRecipeLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewRecipeLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewRecipeLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewRecipeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewRulesets ¶

type GlueDataBrewRulesets struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewRulesets) Remove ¶

func (*GlueDataBrewRulesets) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewRulesets) String() string

type GlueDataBrewRulesetsLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewRulesetsLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewRulesetsLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewRulesetsLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDataBrewSchedules ¶

type GlueDataBrewSchedules struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDataBrewSchedules) Remove ¶

func (*GlueDataBrewSchedules) String ¶

func (f *GlueDataBrewSchedules) String() string

type GlueDataBrewSchedulesLister ¶

type GlueDataBrewSchedulesLister struct{}

func (*GlueDataBrewSchedulesLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDataBrewSchedulesLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDatabase ¶

type GlueDatabase struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDatabase) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueDatabase) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueDatabase) String ¶

func (f *GlueDatabase) String() string

type GlueDatabaseLister ¶

type GlueDatabaseLister struct{}

func (*GlueDatabaseLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDatabaseLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueDevEndpoint ¶

type GlueDevEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueDevEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueDevEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueDevEndpoint) String ¶

func (f *GlueDevEndpoint) String() string

type GlueDevEndpointLister ¶

type GlueDevEndpointLister struct{}

func (*GlueDevEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueDevEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueJob ¶

type GlueJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueJob) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueJob) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueJob) String ¶

func (f *GlueJob) String() string

type GlueJobLister ¶

type GlueJobLister struct{}

func (*GlueJobLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueJobLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueMLTransform ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueMLTransform struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueMLTransform) Properties ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueMLTransform) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GlueMLTransform) Remove ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueMLTransform) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueMLTransform) String ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueMLTransform) String() string

type GlueMLTransformLister ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueMLTransformLister struct{}

func (*GlueMLTransformLister) List ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (l *GlueMLTransformLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueSecurityConfiguration ¶

type GlueSecurityConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueSecurityConfiguration) Properties ¶

func (r *GlueSecurityConfiguration) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GlueSecurityConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*GlueSecurityConfiguration) String ¶

func (r *GlueSecurityConfiguration) String() string

type GlueSecurityConfigurationLister ¶

type GlueSecurityConfigurationLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueSecurityConfigurationLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueSecurityConfigurationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueSession ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueSession struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueSession) Properties ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueSession) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GlueSession) Remove ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueSession) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueSession) String ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueSession) String() string

type GlueSessionLister ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueSessionLister struct{}

func (*GlueSessionLister) List ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (l *GlueSessionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueTrigger ¶

type GlueTrigger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueTrigger) Remove ¶

func (f *GlueTrigger) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueTrigger) String ¶

func (f *GlueTrigger) String() string

type GlueTriggerLister ¶

type GlueTriggerLister struct{}

func (*GlueTriggerLister) List ¶

func (l *GlueTriggerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GlueWorkflow ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueWorkflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GlueWorkflow) Properties ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueWorkflow) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GlueWorkflow) Remove ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueWorkflow) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GlueWorkflow) String ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (f *GlueWorkflow) String() string

type GlueWorkflowLister ¶ added in v3.10.0

type GlueWorkflowLister struct{}

func (*GlueWorkflowLister) List ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (l *GlueWorkflowLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type GuardDutyDetector ¶

type GuardDutyDetector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GuardDutyDetector) Properties ¶

func (r *GuardDutyDetector) Properties() types.Properties

func (*GuardDutyDetector) Remove ¶

func (r *GuardDutyDetector) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*GuardDutyDetector) String ¶

func (r *GuardDutyDetector) String() string

type GuardDutyDetectorLister ¶

type GuardDutyDetectorLister struct{}

func (*GuardDutyDetectorLister) List ¶

func (l *GuardDutyDetectorLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicy ¶

type IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicy) Remove ¶

func (*IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicy) String ¶

type IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicyLister ¶

type IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicyLister struct{}

func (*IAMAccountSettingPasswordPolicyLister) List ¶

type IAMGroup ¶

type IAMGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMGroup) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMGroup) Remove ¶

func (e *IAMGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMGroup) String ¶

func (e *IAMGroup) String() string

type IAMGroupLister ¶

type IAMGroupLister struct{}

func (*IAMGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMGroupPolicy ¶

type IAMGroupPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMGroupPolicy) Remove ¶

func (e *IAMGroupPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMGroupPolicy) String ¶

func (e *IAMGroupPolicy) String() string

type IAMGroupPolicyAttachment ¶

type IAMGroupPolicyAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMGroupPolicyAttachment) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMGroupPolicyAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMGroupPolicyAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*IAMGroupPolicyAttachment) String ¶

func (e *IAMGroupPolicyAttachment) String() string

type IAMGroupPolicyAttachmentLister ¶

type IAMGroupPolicyAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*IAMGroupPolicyAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMGroupPolicyAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMGroupPolicyLister ¶

type IAMGroupPolicyLister struct{}

func (*IAMGroupPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMGroupPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMInstanceProfile ¶

type IAMInstanceProfile struct {
	Name *string
	Path *string
	Tags []*iam.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMInstanceProfile) Properties ¶

func (r *IAMInstanceProfile) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMInstanceProfile) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMInstanceProfile) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMInstanceProfile) String ¶

func (r *IAMInstanceProfile) String() string

type IAMInstanceProfileLister ¶

type IAMInstanceProfileLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMInstanceProfileLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMInstanceProfileLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMInstanceProfileRole ¶

type IAMInstanceProfileRole struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMInstanceProfileRole) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMInstanceProfileRole) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMInstanceProfileRole) Remove ¶

func (*IAMInstanceProfileRole) String ¶

func (e *IAMInstanceProfileRole) String() string

type IAMInstanceProfileRoleLister ¶

type IAMInstanceProfileRoleLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMInstanceProfileRoleLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMInstanceProfileRoleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMLoginProfile ¶

type IAMLoginProfile struct {
	UserName   *string
	CreateDate *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMLoginProfile) Properties ¶

func (r *IAMLoginProfile) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMLoginProfile) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMLoginProfile) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMLoginProfile) String ¶

func (r *IAMLoginProfile) String() string

type IAMLoginProfileLister ¶

type IAMLoginProfileLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMLoginProfileLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMLoginProfileLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMOpenIDConnectProvider ¶

type IAMOpenIDConnectProvider struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMOpenIDConnectProvider) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMOpenIDConnectProvider) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMOpenIDConnectProvider) Remove ¶

func (*IAMOpenIDConnectProvider) String ¶

func (e *IAMOpenIDConnectProvider) String() string

type IAMOpenIDConnectProviderLister ¶

type IAMOpenIDConnectProviderLister struct{}

func (*IAMOpenIDConnectProviderLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMOpenIDConnectProviderLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMPolicy ¶

type IAMPolicy struct {
	Name       *string
	PolicyID   *string
	ARN        *string
	Path       *string
	CreateDate *time.Time
	Tags       []*iam.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMPolicy) Properties ¶

func (r *IAMPolicy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMPolicy) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMPolicy) String ¶

func (r *IAMPolicy) String() string

type IAMPolicyLister ¶

type IAMPolicyLister struct{}

func (*IAMPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRole ¶

type IAMRole struct {
	Name         *string
	Path         *string
	CreateDate   *time.Time
	LastUsedDate *time.Time
	Tags         []*iam.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRole) Filter ¶

func (r *IAMRole) Filter() error

func (*IAMRole) Properties ¶

func (r *IAMRole) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMRole) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMRole) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMRole) String ¶

func (r *IAMRole) String() string

type IAMRoleLister ¶

type IAMRoleLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRoleLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMRoleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRolePolicy ¶

type IAMRolePolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRolePolicy) Filter ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicy) Filter() error

func (*IAMRolePolicy) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMRolePolicy) Remove ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMRolePolicy) String ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicy) String() string

type IAMRolePolicyAttachment ¶

type IAMRolePolicyAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRolePolicyAttachment) Filter ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicyAttachment) Filter() error

func (*IAMRolePolicyAttachment) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicyAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMRolePolicyAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*IAMRolePolicyAttachment) String ¶

func (e *IAMRolePolicyAttachment) String() string

type IAMRolePolicyAttachmentLister ¶

type IAMRolePolicyAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*IAMRolePolicyAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMRolePolicyAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRolePolicyLister ¶

type IAMRolePolicyLister struct{}

func (*IAMRolePolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMRolePolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRolesAnywhereCRL ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereCRL struct {
	CrlID string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereCRL) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMRolesAnywhereCRL) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereCRL) Remove ¶

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereCRL) String ¶

func (e *IAMRolesAnywhereCRL) String() string

type IAMRolesAnywhereCRLLister ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereCRLLister struct{}

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereCRLLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMRolesAnywhereCRLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRolesAnywhereProfile ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereProfile struct {
	ProfileID string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereProfile) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMRolesAnywhereProfile) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereProfile) Remove ¶

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereProfile) String ¶

func (e *IAMRolesAnywhereProfile) String() string

type IAMRolesAnywhereProfilesLister ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereProfilesLister struct{}

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereProfilesLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMRolesAnywhereProfilesLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor struct {
	TrustAnchorID string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor) Properties ¶

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor) Remove ¶

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor) String ¶

func (e *IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchor) String() string

type IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchorLister ¶

type IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchorLister struct{}

func (*IAMRolesAnywhereTrustAnchorLister) List ¶

type IAMSAMLProvider ¶

type IAMSAMLProvider struct {
	ARN        *string
	CreateDate *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMSAMLProvider) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *IAMSAMLProvider) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMSAMLProvider) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMSAMLProvider) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMSAMLProvider) String ¶

func (r *IAMSAMLProvider) String() string

type IAMSAMLProviderLister ¶

type IAMSAMLProviderLister struct{}

func (*IAMSAMLProviderLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMSAMLProviderLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMServerCertificate ¶

type IAMServerCertificate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMServerCertificate) Remove ¶

func (*IAMServerCertificate) String ¶

func (e *IAMServerCertificate) String() string

type IAMServerCertificateLister ¶

type IAMServerCertificateLister struct{}

func (*IAMServerCertificateLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMServerCertificateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMServiceSpecificCredential ¶

type IAMServiceSpecificCredential struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMServiceSpecificCredential) Properties ¶

func (*IAMServiceSpecificCredential) Remove ¶

func (*IAMServiceSpecificCredential) String ¶

type IAMServiceSpecificCredentialLister ¶

type IAMServiceSpecificCredentialLister struct{}

func (*IAMServiceSpecificCredentialLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMServiceSpecificCredentialLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMSigningCertificate ¶

type IAMSigningCertificate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMSigningCertificate) Properties ¶

func (i *IAMSigningCertificate) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMSigningCertificate) Remove ¶

func (*IAMSigningCertificate) String ¶

func (i *IAMSigningCertificate) String() string

type IAMSigningCertificateLister ¶

type IAMSigningCertificateLister struct{}

func (*IAMSigningCertificateLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMSigningCertificateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUser ¶

type IAMUser struct {
	Name                   *string
	Path                   *string
	UserID                 *string
	CreateDate             *time.Time
	PasswordLastUsed       *time.Time
	Tags                   []*iam.Tag
	HasPermissionBoundary  bool
	PermissionBoundaryARN  *string
	PermissionBoundaryType *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUser) Properties ¶

func (r *IAMUser) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUser) Remove ¶

func (r *IAMUser) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMUser) String ¶

func (r *IAMUser) String() string

type IAMUserAccessKey ¶

type IAMUserAccessKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserAccessKey) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMUserAccessKey) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserAccessKey) Remove ¶

func (e *IAMUserAccessKey) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMUserAccessKey) String ¶

func (e *IAMUserAccessKey) String() string

type IAMUserAccessKeyLister ¶

type IAMUserAccessKeyLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserAccessKeyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserAccessKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserGroupAttachment ¶

type IAMUserGroupAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserGroupAttachment) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMUserGroupAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserGroupAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*IAMUserGroupAttachment) String ¶

func (e *IAMUserGroupAttachment) String() string

type IAMUserGroupAttachmentLister ¶

type IAMUserGroupAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserGroupAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserGroupAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential ¶

type IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential) Remove ¶

func (*IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential) String ¶

func (e *IAMUserHTTPSGitCredential) String() string

type IAMUserHTTPSGitCredentialLister ¶

type IAMUserHTTPSGitCredentialLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserHTTPSGitCredentialLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserHTTPSGitCredentialLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserLister ¶ added in v3.5.0

type IAMUserLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserLister) List ¶ added in v3.5.0

func (l *IAMUserLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserMFADevice ¶ added in v3.5.0

type IAMUserMFADevice struct {
	Name         *string
	UserName     *string
	SerialNumber *string
	EnableDate   *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserMFADevice) Properties ¶ added in v3.5.0

func (r *IAMUserMFADevice) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserMFADevice) Remove ¶ added in v3.5.0

func (r *IAMUserMFADevice) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMUserMFADevice) String ¶ added in v3.5.0

func (r *IAMUserMFADevice) String() string

type IAMUserMFADeviceLister ¶ added in v3.5.0

type IAMUserMFADeviceLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserMFADeviceLister) List ¶ added in v3.5.0

func (l *IAMUserMFADeviceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserPolicy ¶

type IAMUserPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserPolicy) Remove ¶

func (e *IAMUserPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMUserPolicy) String ¶

func (e *IAMUserPolicy) String() string

type IAMUserPolicyAttachment ¶

type IAMUserPolicyAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserPolicyAttachment) Properties ¶

func (e *IAMUserPolicyAttachment) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserPolicyAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*IAMUserPolicyAttachment) String ¶

func (e *IAMUserPolicyAttachment) String() string

type IAMUserPolicyAttachmentLister ¶

type IAMUserPolicyAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserPolicyAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserPolicyAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserPolicyLister ¶

type IAMUserPolicyLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMUserSSHKey ¶

type IAMUserSSHKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMUserSSHKey) Properties ¶

func (u *IAMUserSSHKey) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMUserSSHKey) Remove ¶

func (u *IAMUserSSHKey) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IAMUserSSHKey) String ¶

func (u *IAMUserSSHKey) String() string

type IAMUserSSHPublicKeyLister ¶

type IAMUserSSHPublicKeyLister struct{}

func (*IAMUserSSHPublicKeyLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMUserSSHPublicKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IAMVirtualMFADevice ¶

type IAMVirtualMFADevice struct {
	Assigned     *bool
	SerialNumber *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMVirtualMFADevice) Filter ¶

func (r *IAMVirtualMFADevice) Filter() error

func (*IAMVirtualMFADevice) Properties ¶ added in v3.13.3

func (r *IAMVirtualMFADevice) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IAMVirtualMFADevice) Remove ¶

func (*IAMVirtualMFADevice) String ¶

func (r *IAMVirtualMFADevice) String() string

type IAMVirtualMFADeviceLister ¶

type IAMVirtualMFADeviceLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IAMVirtualMFADeviceLister) List ¶

func (l *IAMVirtualMFADeviceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ImageBuilderComponent ¶

type ImageBuilderComponent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderComponent) Properties ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderComponent) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ImageBuilderComponent) Remove ¶

func (*ImageBuilderComponent) String ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderComponent) String() string

type ImageBuilderComponentLister ¶

type ImageBuilderComponentLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderComponentLister) List ¶

func (l *ImageBuilderComponentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration ¶

type ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration) Properties ¶

func (*ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*ImageBuilderDistributionConfiguration) String ¶

type ImageBuilderDistributionConfigurationLister ¶

type ImageBuilderDistributionConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderDistributionConfigurationLister) List ¶

type ImageBuilderImage ¶

type ImageBuilderImage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderImage) Properties ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderImage) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ImageBuilderImage) Remove ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderImage) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ImageBuilderImage) String ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderImage) String() string

type ImageBuilderImageLister ¶

type ImageBuilderImageLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderImageLister) List ¶

func (l *ImageBuilderImageLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration ¶

type ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration) Properties ¶

func (*ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfiguration) String ¶

type ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfigurationLister ¶

type ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderInfrastructureConfigurationLister) List ¶

type ImageBuilderPipeline ¶

type ImageBuilderPipeline struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderPipeline) Properties ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderPipeline) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ImageBuilderPipeline) Remove ¶

func (*ImageBuilderPipeline) String ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderPipeline) String() string

type ImageBuilderPipelineLister ¶

type ImageBuilderPipelineLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderPipelineLister) List ¶

func (l *ImageBuilderPipelineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ImageBuilderRecipe ¶

type ImageBuilderRecipe struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImageBuilderRecipe) Properties ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderRecipe) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ImageBuilderRecipe) Remove ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderRecipe) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ImageBuilderRecipe) String ¶

func (e *ImageBuilderRecipe) String() string

type ImageBuilderRecipeLister ¶

type ImageBuilderRecipeLister struct{}

func (*ImageBuilderRecipeLister) List ¶

func (l *ImageBuilderRecipeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Inspector2 ¶

type Inspector2 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Inspector2) Remove ¶

func (e *Inspector2) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*Inspector2) String ¶

func (e *Inspector2) String() string

type Inspector2Lister ¶

type Inspector2Lister struct{}

func (*Inspector2Lister) List ¶

func (l *Inspector2Lister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type InspectorAssessmentRun ¶

type InspectorAssessmentRun struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*InspectorAssessmentRun) Remove ¶

func (*InspectorAssessmentRun) String ¶

func (e *InspectorAssessmentRun) String() string

type InspectorAssessmentRunLister ¶

type InspectorAssessmentRunLister struct{}

func (*InspectorAssessmentRunLister) List ¶

func (l *InspectorAssessmentRunLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type InspectorAssessmentTarget ¶

type InspectorAssessmentTarget struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*InspectorAssessmentTarget) Remove ¶

func (*InspectorAssessmentTarget) String ¶

func (e *InspectorAssessmentTarget) String() string

type InspectorAssessmentTargetLister ¶

type InspectorAssessmentTargetLister struct{}

func (*InspectorAssessmentTargetLister) List ¶

func (l *InspectorAssessmentTargetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type InspectorAssessmentTemplate ¶

type InspectorAssessmentTemplate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*InspectorAssessmentTemplate) Remove ¶

func (*InspectorAssessmentTemplate) String ¶

func (e *InspectorAssessmentTemplate) String() string

type InspectorAssessmentTemplateLister ¶

type InspectorAssessmentTemplateLister struct{}

func (*InspectorAssessmentTemplateLister) List ¶

type IoTAuthorizer ¶

type IoTAuthorizer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTAuthorizer) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTAuthorizer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTAuthorizer) String ¶

func (f *IoTAuthorizer) String() string

type IoTAuthorizerLister ¶

type IoTAuthorizerLister struct{}

func (*IoTAuthorizerLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTAuthorizerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTCACertificate ¶

type IoTCACertificate struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTCACertificate) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTCACertificate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTCACertificate) String ¶

func (f *IoTCACertificate) String() string

type IoTCACertificateLister ¶

type IoTCACertificateLister struct{}

func (*IoTCACertificateLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTCACertificateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTCertificate ¶

type IoTCertificate struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTCertificate) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTCertificate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTCertificate) String ¶

func (f *IoTCertificate) String() string

type IoTCertificateLister ¶

type IoTCertificateLister struct{}

func (*IoTCertificateLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTCertificateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTJob ¶

type IoTJob struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTJob) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTJob) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTJob) String ¶

func (f *IoTJob) String() string

type IoTJobLister ¶

type IoTJobLister struct{}

func (*IoTJobLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTJobLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTOTAUpdate ¶

type IoTOTAUpdate struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTOTAUpdate) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTOTAUpdate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTOTAUpdate) String ¶

func (f *IoTOTAUpdate) String() string

type IoTOTAUpdateLister ¶

type IoTOTAUpdateLister struct{}

func (*IoTOTAUpdateLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTOTAUpdateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTPolicy ¶

type IoTPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTPolicy) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTPolicy) String ¶

func (f *IoTPolicy) String() string

type IoTPolicyLister ¶

type IoTPolicyLister struct{}

func (*IoTPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTRoleAlias ¶

type IoTRoleAlias struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTRoleAlias) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTRoleAlias) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTRoleAlias) String ¶

func (f *IoTRoleAlias) String() string

type IoTRoleAliasLister ¶

type IoTRoleAliasLister struct{}

func (*IoTRoleAliasLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTRoleAliasLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTStream ¶

type IoTStream struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTStream) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTStream) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTStream) String ¶

func (f *IoTStream) String() string

type IoTStreamLister ¶

type IoTStreamLister struct{}

func (*IoTStreamLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTStreamLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTThing ¶

type IoTThing struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTThing) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTThing) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTThing) String ¶

func (f *IoTThing) String() string

type IoTThingGroup ¶

type IoTThingGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTThingGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *IoTThingGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*IoTThingGroup) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTThingGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTThingGroup) String ¶

func (f *IoTThingGroup) String() string

type IoTThingGroupLister ¶

type IoTThingGroupLister struct{}

func (*IoTThingGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTThingGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTThingLister ¶

type IoTThingLister struct{}

func (*IoTThingLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTThingLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTThingType ¶

type IoTThingType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTThingType) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTThingType) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTThingType) String ¶

func (f *IoTThingType) String() string

type IoTThingTypeLister ¶

type IoTThingTypeLister struct{}

func (*IoTThingTypeLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTThingTypeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTThingTypeState ¶

type IoTThingTypeState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTThingTypeState) Filter ¶

func (f *IoTThingTypeState) Filter() error

func (*IoTThingTypeState) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTThingTypeState) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTThingTypeState) String ¶

func (f *IoTThingTypeState) String() string

type IoTThingTypeStateLister ¶

type IoTThingTypeStateLister struct{}

func (*IoTThingTypeStateLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTThingTypeStateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type IoTTopicRule ¶

type IoTTopicRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IoTTopicRule) Remove ¶

func (f *IoTTopicRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*IoTTopicRule) String ¶

func (f *IoTTopicRule) String() string

type IoTTopicRuleLister ¶

type IoTTopicRuleLister struct{}

func (*IoTTopicRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *IoTTopicRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type KMSAlias ¶

type KMSAlias struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KMSAlias) Filter ¶

func (r *KMSAlias) Filter() error

func (*KMSAlias) Properties ¶

func (r *KMSAlias) Properties() types.Properties

func (*KMSAlias) Remove ¶

func (r *KMSAlias) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*KMSAlias) String ¶

func (r *KMSAlias) String() string

type KMSAliasLister ¶

type KMSAliasLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KMSAliasLister) List ¶

func (l *KMSAliasLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type KMSKey ¶

type KMSKey struct {
	ID      *string
	State   *string
	Manager *string
	Tags    []*kms.Tag
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KMSKey) Filter ¶

func (r *KMSKey) Filter() error

func (*KMSKey) Properties ¶

func (r *KMSKey) Properties() types.Properties

func (*KMSKey) Remove ¶

func (r *KMSKey) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*KMSKey) String ¶

func (r *KMSKey) String() string

type KMSKeyLister ¶

type KMSKeyLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KMSKeyLister) List ¶

func (l *KMSKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type KendraIndex ¶

type KendraIndex struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KendraIndex) Properties ¶

func (i *KendraIndex) Properties() types.Properties

func (*KendraIndex) Remove ¶

func (i *KendraIndex) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*KendraIndex) String ¶

func (i *KendraIndex) String() string

type KendraIndexLister ¶

type KendraIndexLister struct{}

func (*KendraIndexLister) List ¶

func (l *KendraIndexLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type KinesisAnalyticsApplication ¶

type KinesisAnalyticsApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KinesisAnalyticsApplication) Remove ¶

func (*KinesisAnalyticsApplication) String ¶

func (f *KinesisAnalyticsApplication) String() string

type KinesisAnalyticsApplicationLister ¶

type KinesisAnalyticsApplicationLister struct{}

func (*KinesisAnalyticsApplicationLister) List ¶

type KinesisStream ¶

type KinesisStream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KinesisStream) Remove ¶

func (f *KinesisStream) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*KinesisStream) String ¶

func (f *KinesisStream) String() string

type KinesisStreamLister ¶

type KinesisStreamLister struct{}

func (*KinesisStreamLister) List ¶

func (l *KinesisStreamLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type KinesisVideoProject ¶

type KinesisVideoProject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KinesisVideoProject) Remove ¶

func (*KinesisVideoProject) String ¶

func (f *KinesisVideoProject) String() string

type KinesisVideoProjectLister ¶

type KinesisVideoProjectLister struct{}

func (*KinesisVideoProjectLister) List ¶

func (l *KinesisVideoProjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LambdaEventSourceMapping ¶

type LambdaEventSourceMapping struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LambdaEventSourceMapping) Properties ¶

func (m *LambdaEventSourceMapping) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LambdaEventSourceMapping) Remove ¶

type LambdaEventSourceMappingLister ¶

type LambdaEventSourceMappingLister struct{}

func (*LambdaEventSourceMappingLister) List ¶

func (l *LambdaEventSourceMappingLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LambdaFunction ¶

type LambdaFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LambdaFunction) Properties ¶

func (f *LambdaFunction) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LambdaFunction) Remove ¶

func (f *LambdaFunction) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LambdaFunction) String ¶

func (f *LambdaFunction) String() string

type LambdaFunctionLister ¶

type LambdaFunctionLister struct{}

func (*LambdaFunctionLister) List ¶

func (l *LambdaFunctionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LambdaLayer ¶

type LambdaLayer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LambdaLayer) Properties ¶

func (l *LambdaLayer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LambdaLayer) Remove ¶

func (l *LambdaLayer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LambdaLayer) String ¶

func (l *LambdaLayer) String() string

type LambdaLayerLister ¶

type LambdaLayerLister struct{}

func (*LambdaLayerLister) List ¶

func (l *LambdaLayerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LexBot ¶

type LexBot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LexBot) Properties ¶

func (f *LexBot) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LexBot) Remove ¶

func (f *LexBot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LexBot) String ¶

func (f *LexBot) String() string

type LexBotLister ¶

type LexBotLister struct{}

func (*LexBotLister) List ¶

func (l *LexBotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LexIntent ¶

type LexIntent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LexIntent) Properties ¶

func (f *LexIntent) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LexIntent) Remove ¶

func (f *LexIntent) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LexIntent) String ¶

func (f *LexIntent) String() string

type LexIntentLister ¶

type LexIntentLister struct{}

func (*LexIntentLister) List ¶

func (l *LexIntentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias ¶

type LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias) Properties ¶

func (*LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias) Remove ¶

func (*LexModelBuildingServiceBotAlias) String ¶

type LexModelBuildingServiceBotAliasLister ¶

type LexModelBuildingServiceBotAliasLister struct{}

func (*LexModelBuildingServiceBotAliasLister) List ¶

type LexSlotType ¶

type LexSlotType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LexSlotType) Properties ¶

func (f *LexSlotType) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LexSlotType) Remove ¶

func (f *LexSlotType) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LexSlotType) String ¶

func (f *LexSlotType) String() string

type LexSlotTypeLister ¶

type LexSlotTypeLister struct{}

func (*LexSlotTypeLister) List ¶

func (l *LexSlotTypeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailDisk ¶

type LightsailDisk struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailDisk) Remove ¶

func (f *LightsailDisk) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LightsailDisk) String ¶

func (f *LightsailDisk) String() string

type LightsailDiskLister ¶

type LightsailDiskLister struct{}

func (*LightsailDiskLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailDiskLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailDomain ¶

type LightsailDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailDomain) Remove ¶

func (f *LightsailDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LightsailDomain) String ¶

func (f *LightsailDomain) String() string

type LightsailDomainLister ¶

type LightsailDomainLister struct{}

func (*LightsailDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailInstance ¶

type LightsailInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailInstance) Properties ¶

func (f *LightsailInstance) Properties() types.Properties

func (*LightsailInstance) Remove ¶

func (f *LightsailInstance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LightsailInstance) Settings ¶

func (f *LightsailInstance) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting)

func (*LightsailInstance) String ¶

func (f *LightsailInstance) String() string

type LightsailInstanceLister ¶

type LightsailInstanceLister struct{}

func (*LightsailInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailKeyPair ¶

type LightsailKeyPair struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailKeyPair) Remove ¶

func (f *LightsailKeyPair) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LightsailKeyPair) String ¶

func (f *LightsailKeyPair) String() string

type LightsailKeyPairLister ¶

type LightsailKeyPairLister struct{}

func (*LightsailKeyPairLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailKeyPairLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailLoadBalancer ¶

type LightsailLoadBalancer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailLoadBalancer) Remove ¶

func (*LightsailLoadBalancer) String ¶

func (f *LightsailLoadBalancer) String() string

type LightsailLoadBalancerLister ¶

type LightsailLoadBalancerLister struct{}

func (*LightsailLoadBalancerLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailLoadBalancerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type LightsailStaticIP ¶

type LightsailStaticIP struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LightsailStaticIP) Remove ¶

func (f *LightsailStaticIP) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*LightsailStaticIP) String ¶

func (f *LightsailStaticIP) String() string

type LightsailStaticIPLister ¶

type LightsailStaticIPLister struct{}

func (*LightsailStaticIPLister) List ¶

func (l *LightsailStaticIPLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MGNJob ¶

type MGNJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MGNJob) Properties ¶

func (f *MGNJob) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MGNJob) Remove ¶

func (f *MGNJob) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MGNJob) String ¶

func (f *MGNJob) String() string

type MGNJobLister ¶

type MGNJobLister struct{}

func (*MGNJobLister) List ¶

func (l *MGNJobLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MGNSourceServer ¶

type MGNSourceServer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MGNSourceServer) Properties ¶

func (f *MGNSourceServer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MGNSourceServer) Remove ¶

func (f *MGNSourceServer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MGNSourceServer) String ¶

func (f *MGNSourceServer) String() string

type MGNSourceServerLister ¶

type MGNSourceServerLister struct{}

func (*MGNSourceServerLister) List ¶

func (l *MGNSourceServerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MQBroker ¶

type MQBroker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MQBroker) Remove ¶

func (f *MQBroker) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MQBroker) String ¶

func (f *MQBroker) String() string

type MQBrokerLister ¶

type MQBrokerLister struct{}

func (*MQBrokerLister) List ¶

func (l *MQBrokerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MSKCluster ¶

type MSKCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MSKCluster) Properties ¶

func (m *MSKCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MSKCluster) Remove ¶

func (m *MSKCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MSKCluster) String ¶

func (m *MSKCluster) String() string

type MSKClusterLister ¶

type MSKClusterLister struct{}

func (*MSKClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *MSKClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MSKConfiguration ¶

type MSKConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MSKConfiguration) Properties ¶

func (m *MSKConfiguration) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MSKConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (m *MSKConfiguration) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MSKConfiguration) String ¶

func (m *MSKConfiguration) String() string

type MSKConfigurationLister ¶

type MSKConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*MSKConfigurationLister) List ¶

func (l *MSKConfigurationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MachineLearningBranchPrediction ¶

type MachineLearningBranchPrediction struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MachineLearningBranchPrediction) Remove ¶

func (*MachineLearningBranchPrediction) String ¶

type MachineLearningBranchPredictionLister ¶

type MachineLearningBranchPredictionLister struct{}

func (*MachineLearningBranchPredictionLister) List ¶

type MachineLearningDataSource ¶

type MachineLearningDataSource struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MachineLearningDataSource) Remove ¶

func (*MachineLearningDataSource) String ¶

func (f *MachineLearningDataSource) String() string

type MachineLearningDataSourceLister ¶

type MachineLearningDataSourceLister struct{}

func (*MachineLearningDataSourceLister) List ¶

func (l *MachineLearningDataSourceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MachineLearningEvaluation ¶

type MachineLearningEvaluation struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MachineLearningEvaluation) Remove ¶

func (*MachineLearningEvaluation) String ¶

func (f *MachineLearningEvaluation) String() string

type MachineLearningEvaluationLister ¶

type MachineLearningEvaluationLister struct{}

func (*MachineLearningEvaluationLister) List ¶

func (l *MachineLearningEvaluationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MachineLearningMLModel ¶

type MachineLearningMLModel struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MachineLearningMLModel) Remove ¶

func (*MachineLearningMLModel) String ¶

func (f *MachineLearningMLModel) String() string

type MachineLearningMLModelLister ¶

type MachineLearningMLModelLister struct{}

func (*MachineLearningMLModelLister) List ¶

func (l *MachineLearningMLModelLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Macie ¶

type Macie struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Macie) Remove ¶

func (b *Macie) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*Macie) String ¶

func (b *Macie) String() string

type MacieLister ¶

type MacieLister struct{}

func (*MacieLister) List ¶

func (l *MacieLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ManagedBlockchainMember ¶

type ManagedBlockchainMember struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ManagedBlockchainMember) Properties ¶

func (r *ManagedBlockchainMember) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ManagedBlockchainMember) Remove ¶

func (*ManagedBlockchainMember) String ¶

func (r *ManagedBlockchainMember) String() string

type ManagedBlockchainMemberLister ¶

type ManagedBlockchainMemberLister struct{}

func (*ManagedBlockchainMemberLister) List ¶

func (l *ManagedBlockchainMemberLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaConvertJobTemplate ¶

type MediaConvertJobTemplate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaConvertJobTemplate) Remove ¶

func (*MediaConvertJobTemplate) String ¶

func (f *MediaConvertJobTemplate) String() string

type MediaConvertJobTemplateLister ¶

type MediaConvertJobTemplateLister struct{}

func (*MediaConvertJobTemplateLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaConvertJobTemplateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaConvertPreset ¶

type MediaConvertPreset struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaConvertPreset) Remove ¶

func (f *MediaConvertPreset) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MediaConvertPreset) String ¶

func (f *MediaConvertPreset) String() string

type MediaConvertPresetLister ¶

type MediaConvertPresetLister struct{}

func (*MediaConvertPresetLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaConvertPresetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaConvertQueue ¶

type MediaConvertQueue struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaConvertQueue) Filter ¶

func (f *MediaConvertQueue) Filter() error

func (*MediaConvertQueue) Remove ¶

func (f *MediaConvertQueue) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MediaConvertQueue) String ¶

func (f *MediaConvertQueue) String() string

type MediaConvertQueueLister ¶

type MediaConvertQueueLister struct{}

func (*MediaConvertQueueLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaConvertQueueLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaLiveChannel ¶

type MediaLiveChannel struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaLiveChannel) Remove ¶

func (f *MediaLiveChannel) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MediaLiveChannel) String ¶

func (f *MediaLiveChannel) String() string

type MediaLiveChannelLister ¶

type MediaLiveChannelLister struct{}

func (*MediaLiveChannelLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaLiveChannelLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaLiveInput ¶

type MediaLiveInput struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaLiveInput) Remove ¶

func (f *MediaLiveInput) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MediaLiveInput) String ¶

func (f *MediaLiveInput) String() string

type MediaLiveInputLister ¶

type MediaLiveInputLister struct{}

func (*MediaLiveInputLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaLiveInputLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup ¶

type MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup) Remove ¶

func (*MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup) String ¶

func (f *MediaLiveInputSecurityGroup) String() string

type MediaLiveInputSecurityGroupLister ¶

type MediaLiveInputSecurityGroupLister struct{}

func (*MediaLiveInputSecurityGroupLister) List ¶

type MediaPackageChannel ¶

type MediaPackageChannel struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaPackageChannel) Remove ¶

func (*MediaPackageChannel) String ¶

func (f *MediaPackageChannel) String() string

type MediaPackageChannelLister ¶

type MediaPackageChannelLister struct{}

func (*MediaPackageChannelLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaPackageChannelLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaPackageOriginEndpoint ¶

type MediaPackageOriginEndpoint struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaPackageOriginEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (*MediaPackageOriginEndpoint) String ¶

func (f *MediaPackageOriginEndpoint) String() string

type MediaPackageOriginEndpointLister ¶

type MediaPackageOriginEndpointLister struct{}

func (*MediaPackageOriginEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaPackageOriginEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaStoreContainer ¶

type MediaStoreContainer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaStoreContainer) Remove ¶

func (*MediaStoreContainer) String ¶

func (f *MediaStoreContainer) String() string

type MediaStoreContainerLister ¶

type MediaStoreContainerLister struct{}

func (*MediaStoreContainerLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaStoreContainerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaStoreDataItems ¶

type MediaStoreDataItems struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaStoreDataItems) Remove ¶

func (*MediaStoreDataItems) String ¶

func (f *MediaStoreDataItems) String() string

type MediaStoreDataItemsLister ¶

type MediaStoreDataItemsLister struct{}

func (*MediaStoreDataItemsLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaStoreDataItemsLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MediaTailorConfiguration ¶

type MediaTailorConfiguration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MediaTailorConfiguration) Remove ¶

func (*MediaTailorConfiguration) String ¶

func (f *MediaTailorConfiguration) String() string

type MediaTailorConfigurationLister ¶

type MediaTailorConfigurationLister struct{}

func (*MediaTailorConfigurationLister) List ¶

func (l *MediaTailorConfigurationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MemoryDBACL ¶

type MemoryDBACL struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MemoryDBACL) Filter ¶

func (i *MemoryDBACL) Filter() error

func (*MemoryDBACL) Properties ¶

func (i *MemoryDBACL) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MemoryDBACL) Remove ¶

func (i *MemoryDBACL) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MemoryDBACL) String ¶

func (i *MemoryDBACL) String() string

type MemoryDBACLLister ¶

type MemoryDBACLLister struct{}

func (*MemoryDBACLLister) List ¶

func (l *MemoryDBACLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MemoryDBCluster ¶

type MemoryDBCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MemoryDBCluster) Properties ¶

func (c *MemoryDBCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MemoryDBCluster) Remove ¶

func (c *MemoryDBCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MemoryDBCluster) String ¶

func (c *MemoryDBCluster) String() string

type MemoryDBClusterLister ¶

type MemoryDBClusterLister struct{}

func (*MemoryDBClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *MemoryDBClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MemoryDBParameterGroup ¶

type MemoryDBParameterGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MemoryDBParameterGroup) Filter ¶

func (i *MemoryDBParameterGroup) Filter() error

func (*MemoryDBParameterGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *MemoryDBParameterGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MemoryDBParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (*MemoryDBParameterGroup) String ¶

func (i *MemoryDBParameterGroup) String() string

type MemoryDBParameterGroupLister ¶

type MemoryDBParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*MemoryDBParameterGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *MemoryDBParameterGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MemoryDBSubnetGroup ¶

type MemoryDBSubnetGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MemoryDBSubnetGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *MemoryDBSubnetGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MemoryDBSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (*MemoryDBSubnetGroup) String ¶

func (i *MemoryDBSubnetGroup) String() string

type MemoryDBSubnetGroupLister ¶

type MemoryDBSubnetGroupLister struct{}

func (*MemoryDBSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *MemoryDBSubnetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MemoryDBUser ¶

type MemoryDBUser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MemoryDBUser) Filter ¶

func (i *MemoryDBUser) Filter() error

func (*MemoryDBUser) Properties ¶

func (i *MemoryDBUser) Properties() types.Properties

func (*MemoryDBUser) Remove ¶

func (i *MemoryDBUser) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MemoryDBUser) String ¶

func (i *MemoryDBUser) String() string

type MemoryDBUserLister ¶

type MemoryDBUserLister struct{}

func (*MemoryDBUserLister) List ¶

func (l *MemoryDBUserLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type MobileProject ¶

type MobileProject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MobileProject) Remove ¶

func (f *MobileProject) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*MobileProject) String ¶

func (f *MobileProject) String() string

type MobileProjectLister ¶

type MobileProjectLister struct{}

func (*MobileProjectLister) List ¶

func (l *MobileProjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NeptuneCluster ¶

type NeptuneCluster struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NeptuneCluster) Remove ¶

func (f *NeptuneCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*NeptuneCluster) String ¶

func (f *NeptuneCluster) String() string

type NeptuneClusterLister ¶

type NeptuneClusterLister struct{}

func (*NeptuneClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *NeptuneClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NeptuneInstance ¶

type NeptuneInstance struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NeptuneInstance) Remove ¶

func (f *NeptuneInstance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*NeptuneInstance) String ¶

func (f *NeptuneInstance) String() string

type NeptuneInstanceLister ¶

type NeptuneInstanceLister struct{}

func (*NeptuneInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *NeptuneInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NeptuneSnapshot ¶

type NeptuneSnapshot struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NeptuneSnapshot) Remove ¶

func (f *NeptuneSnapshot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*NeptuneSnapshot) String ¶

func (f *NeptuneSnapshot) String() string

type NeptuneSnapshotLister ¶

type NeptuneSnapshotLister struct{}

func (*NeptuneSnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *NeptuneSnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NetworkManagerConnectPeer ¶

type NetworkManagerConnectPeer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NetworkManagerConnectPeer) Filter ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerConnectPeer) Filter() error

func (*NetworkManagerConnectPeer) Properties ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerConnectPeer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*NetworkManagerConnectPeer) Remove ¶

func (*NetworkManagerConnectPeer) String ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerConnectPeer) String() string

type NetworkManagerConnectPeerLister ¶

type NetworkManagerConnectPeerLister struct{}

func (*NetworkManagerConnectPeerLister) List ¶

func (l *NetworkManagerConnectPeerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NetworkManagerCoreNetwork ¶

type NetworkManagerCoreNetwork struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) Filter ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) Filter() error

func (*NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) Properties ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) Properties() types.Properties

func (*NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) Remove ¶

func (*NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) String ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerCoreNetwork) String() string

type NetworkManagerCoreNetworkLister ¶

type NetworkManagerCoreNetworkLister struct{}

func (*NetworkManagerCoreNetworkLister) List ¶

func (l *NetworkManagerCoreNetworkLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork ¶

type NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) Filter ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) Filter() error

func (*NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) Properties ¶

func (*NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) Remove ¶

func (*NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) String ¶

func (n *NetworkManagerGlobalNetwork) String() string

type NetworkManagerGlobalNetworkLister ¶

type NetworkManagerGlobalNetworkLister struct{}

func (*NetworkManagerGlobalNetworkLister) List ¶

type NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment ¶

type NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment) Filter ¶

func (*NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*NetworkManagerNetworkAttachment) String ¶

type NetworkManagerNetworkAttachmentLister ¶

type NetworkManagerNetworkAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*NetworkManagerNetworkAttachmentLister) List ¶

type OSDomain ¶

type OSDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OSDomain) Properties ¶

func (o *OSDomain) Properties() types.Properties

func (*OSDomain) Remove ¶

func (o *OSDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OSDomain) String ¶

func (o *OSDomain) String() string

type OSDomainLister ¶

type OSDomainLister struct{}

func (*OSDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *OSDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OSPackage ¶

type OSPackage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OSPackage) Filter ¶

func (o *OSPackage) Filter() error

func (*OSPackage) Properties ¶

func (o *OSPackage) Properties() types.Properties

func (*OSPackage) Remove ¶

func (o *OSPackage) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OSPackage) String ¶

func (o *OSPackage) String() string

type OSPackageLister ¶

type OSPackageLister struct{}

func (*OSPackageLister) List ¶

func (l *OSPackageLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OSVPCEndpoint ¶

type OSVPCEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OSVPCEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (o *OSVPCEndpoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*OSVPCEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (o *OSVPCEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OSVPCEndpoint) String ¶

func (o *OSVPCEndpoint) String() string

type OSVPCEndpointLister ¶

type OSVPCEndpointLister struct{}

func (*OSVPCEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *OSVPCEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksApp ¶

type OpsWorksApp struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksApp) Remove ¶

func (f *OpsWorksApp) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OpsWorksApp) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksApp) String() string

type OpsWorksAppLister ¶

type OpsWorksAppLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksAppLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksAppLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksCMBackup ¶

type OpsWorksCMBackup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksCMBackup) Remove ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMBackup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OpsWorksCMBackup) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMBackup) String() string

type OpsWorksCMBackupLister ¶

type OpsWorksCMBackupLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksCMBackupLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksCMBackupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksCMServer ¶

type OpsWorksCMServer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksCMServer) Properties ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMServer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*OpsWorksCMServer) Remove ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMServer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OpsWorksCMServer) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMServer) String() string

type OpsWorksCMServerLister ¶

type OpsWorksCMServerLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksCMServerLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksCMServerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksCMServerState ¶

type OpsWorksCMServerState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksCMServerState) Filter ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMServerState) Filter() error

func (*OpsWorksCMServerState) Remove ¶

func (*OpsWorksCMServerState) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksCMServerState) String() string

type OpsWorksCMServerStateLister ¶

type OpsWorksCMServerStateLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksCMServerStateLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksCMServerStateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksInstance ¶

type OpsWorksInstance struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksInstance) Remove ¶

func (f *OpsWorksInstance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OpsWorksInstance) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksInstance) String() string

type OpsWorksInstanceLister ¶

type OpsWorksInstanceLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksLayer ¶

type OpsWorksLayer struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksLayer) Remove ¶

func (f *OpsWorksLayer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*OpsWorksLayer) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksLayer) String() string

type OpsWorksLayerLister ¶

type OpsWorksLayerLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksLayerLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksLayerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type OpsWorksUserProfile ¶

type OpsWorksUserProfile struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpsWorksUserProfile) Filter ¶

func (f *OpsWorksUserProfile) Filter() error

func (*OpsWorksUserProfile) Remove ¶

func (*OpsWorksUserProfile) String ¶

func (f *OpsWorksUserProfile) String() string

type OpsWorksUserProfileLister ¶

type OpsWorksUserProfileLister struct{}

func (*OpsWorksUserProfileLister) List ¶

func (l *OpsWorksUserProfileLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type PinpointApp ¶ added in v3.24.0

type PinpointApp struct {
	ID           *string
	Name         *string
	CreationDate *time.Time
	Tags         map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PinpointApp) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointApp) Properties() types.Properties

func (*PinpointApp) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointApp) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*PinpointApp) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointApp) String() string

type PinpointAppLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type PinpointAppLister struct{}

func (*PinpointAppLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *PinpointAppLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type PinpointPhoneNumber ¶ added in v3.24.0

type PinpointPhoneNumber struct {
	ID          *string
	Status      *string
	CreatedDate *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PinpointPhoneNumber) Properties ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointPhoneNumber) Properties() types.Properties

func (*PinpointPhoneNumber) Remove ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (*PinpointPhoneNumber) Settings ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointPhoneNumber) Settings(setting *settings.Setting)

func (*PinpointPhoneNumber) String ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (r *PinpointPhoneNumber) String() string

type PinpointPhoneNumberLister ¶ added in v3.24.0

type PinpointPhoneNumberLister struct{}

func (*PinpointPhoneNumberLister) List ¶ added in v3.24.0

func (l *PinpointPhoneNumberLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type PipesPipeLister ¶ added in v3.18.0

type PipesPipeLister struct{}

func (*PipesPipeLister) List ¶ added in v3.18.0

func (l *PipesPipeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type PipesPipes ¶ added in v3.18.0

type PipesPipes struct {
	Name         *string
	CurrentState *string
	Source       *string
	Target       *string
	CreationDate *time.Time
	ModifiedDate *time.Time
	Tags         map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PipesPipes) Properties ¶ added in v3.18.0

func (r *PipesPipes) Properties() types.Properties

func (*PipesPipes) Remove ¶ added in v3.18.0

func (r *PipesPipes) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*PipesPipes) String ¶ added in v3.18.0

func (r *PipesPipes) String() string

type QLDBLedger ¶

type QLDBLedger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QLDBLedger) Properties ¶

func (l *QLDBLedger) Properties() types.Properties

func (*QLDBLedger) Remove ¶

func (l *QLDBLedger) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*QLDBLedger) Settings ¶

func (l *QLDBLedger) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting)

func (*QLDBLedger) String ¶

func (l *QLDBLedger) String() string

type QLDBLedgerLister ¶

type QLDBLedgerLister struct{}

func (*QLDBLedgerLister) List ¶

func (l *QLDBLedgerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type QuickSightSubscription ¶

type QuickSightSubscription struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuickSightSubscription) DisableTerminationProtection ¶

func (r *QuickSightSubscription) DisableTerminationProtection() error

func (*QuickSightSubscription) Filter ¶

func (r *QuickSightSubscription) Filter() error

func (*QuickSightSubscription) Properties ¶

func (r *QuickSightSubscription) Properties() types.Properties

func (*QuickSightSubscription) Remove ¶

func (*QuickSightSubscription) Settings ¶

func (r *QuickSightSubscription) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting)

func (*QuickSightSubscription) String ¶

func (r *QuickSightSubscription) String() string

type QuickSightSubscriptionLister ¶

type QuickSightSubscriptionLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuickSightSubscriptionLister) List ¶

func (l *QuickSightSubscriptionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type QuickSightUser ¶ added in v3.23.0

type QuickSightUser struct {
	UserName    *string
	PrincipalID *string
	Active      *bool
	Role        *string
	Namespace   *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuickSightUser) Properties ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *QuickSightUser) Properties() types.Properties

func (*QuickSightUser) Remove ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *QuickSightUser) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*QuickSightUser) String ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *QuickSightUser) String() string

type QuickSightUserLister ¶ added in v3.23.0

type QuickSightUserLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuickSightUserLister) List ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (l *QuickSightUserLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSClusterSnapshot ¶

type RDSClusterSnapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSClusterSnapshot) Filter ¶

func (i *RDSClusterSnapshot) Filter() error

func (*RDSClusterSnapshot) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSClusterSnapshot) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSClusterSnapshot) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSClusterSnapshot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSClusterSnapshot) String ¶

func (i *RDSClusterSnapshot) String() string

type RDSClusterSnapshotLister ¶

type RDSClusterSnapshotLister struct{}

func (*RDSClusterSnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSClusterSnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSDBCluster ¶

type RDSDBCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSDBCluster) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSDBCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSDBCluster) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSDBCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSDBCluster) String ¶

func (i *RDSDBCluster) String() string

type RDSDBClusterLister ¶

type RDSDBClusterLister struct{}

func (*RDSDBClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSDBClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSDBClusterParameterGroup ¶

type RDSDBClusterParameterGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) Filter ¶

func (i *RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) Filter() error

func (*RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) Properties ¶

func (*RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (*RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) String ¶

func (i *RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) String() string

type RDSDBClusterParameterGroupLister ¶

type RDSDBClusterParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*RDSDBClusterParameterGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSDBClusterParameterGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSDBParameterGroup ¶

type RDSDBParameterGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSDBParameterGroup) Filter ¶

func (i *RDSDBParameterGroup) Filter() error

func (*RDSDBParameterGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSDBParameterGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSDBParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (*RDSDBParameterGroup) String ¶

func (i *RDSDBParameterGroup) String() string

type RDSDBParameterGroupLister ¶

type RDSDBParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*RDSDBParameterGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSDBParameterGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSDBSubnetGroup ¶

type RDSDBSubnetGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSDBSubnetGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSDBSubnetGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSDBSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSDBSubnetGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSDBSubnetGroup) String ¶

func (i *RDSDBSubnetGroup) String() string

type RDSDBSubnetGroupLister ¶

type RDSDBSubnetGroupLister struct{}

func (*RDSDBSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSDBSubnetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSEventSubscription ¶

type RDSEventSubscription struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSEventSubscription) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSEventSubscription) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSEventSubscription) Remove ¶

func (*RDSEventSubscription) String ¶

func (i *RDSEventSubscription) String() string

type RDSEventSubscriptionLister ¶

type RDSEventSubscriptionLister struct{}

func (*RDSEventSubscriptionLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSEventSubscriptionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSInstance ¶

type RDSInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSInstance) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSInstance) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSInstance) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSInstance) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSInstance) Settings ¶

func (i *RDSInstance) Settings(settings *libsettings.Setting)

func (*RDSInstance) String ¶

func (i *RDSInstance) String() string

type RDSInstanceLister ¶

type RDSInstanceLister struct{}

func (*RDSInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSOptionGroup ¶

type RDSOptionGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSOptionGroup) Filter ¶

func (i *RDSOptionGroup) Filter() error

func (*RDSOptionGroup) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSOptionGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSOptionGroup) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSOptionGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSOptionGroup) String ¶

func (i *RDSOptionGroup) String() string

type RDSOptionGroupLister ¶

type RDSOptionGroupLister struct{}

func (*RDSOptionGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSOptionGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSProxy ¶

type RDSProxy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSProxy) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSProxy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSProxy) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSProxy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSProxy) String ¶

func (i *RDSProxy) String() string

type RDSProxyLister ¶

type RDSProxyLister struct{}

func (*RDSProxyLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSProxyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RDSSnapshot ¶

type RDSSnapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RDSSnapshot) Filter ¶

func (i *RDSSnapshot) Filter() error

func (*RDSSnapshot) Properties ¶

func (i *RDSSnapshot) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RDSSnapshot) Remove ¶

func (i *RDSSnapshot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RDSSnapshot) String ¶

func (i *RDSSnapshot) String() string

type RDSSnapshotLister ¶

type RDSSnapshotLister struct{}

func (*RDSSnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *RDSSnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftCluster ¶

type RedshiftCluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftCluster) Properties ¶

func (f *RedshiftCluster) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RedshiftCluster) Remove ¶

func (f *RedshiftCluster) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RedshiftCluster) String ¶

func (f *RedshiftCluster) String() string

type RedshiftClusterLister ¶

type RedshiftClusterLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftClusterLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftClusterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftParameterGroup ¶

type RedshiftParameterGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftParameterGroup) Remove ¶

func (*RedshiftParameterGroup) String ¶

func (f *RedshiftParameterGroup) String() string

type RedshiftParameterGroupLister ¶

type RedshiftParameterGroupLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftParameterGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftParameterGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftScheduledAction ¶

type RedshiftScheduledAction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftScheduledAction) Properties ¶

func (f *RedshiftScheduledAction) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RedshiftScheduledAction) Remove ¶

type RedshiftScheduledActionLister ¶

type RedshiftScheduledActionLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftScheduledActionLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftScheduledActionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftServerlessNamespace ¶

type RedshiftServerlessNamespace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftServerlessNamespace) Properties ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessNamespace) Remove ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessNamespace) String ¶

func (n *RedshiftServerlessNamespace) String() string

type RedshiftServerlessNamespaceLister ¶

type RedshiftServerlessNamespaceLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftServerlessNamespaceLister) List ¶

type RedshiftServerlessSnapshot ¶

type RedshiftServerlessSnapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftServerlessSnapshot) Properties ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessSnapshot) Remove ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessSnapshot) String ¶

func (s *RedshiftServerlessSnapshot) String() string

type RedshiftServerlessSnapshotLister ¶

type RedshiftServerlessSnapshotLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftServerlessSnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftServerlessSnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup ¶

type RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup) Properties ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup) Remove ¶

func (*RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup) String ¶

func (w *RedshiftServerlessWorkgroup) String() string

type RedshiftServerlessWorkgroupLister ¶

type RedshiftServerlessWorkgroupLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftServerlessWorkgroupLister) List ¶

type RedshiftSnapshot ¶

type RedshiftSnapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftSnapshot) Properties ¶

func (f *RedshiftSnapshot) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RedshiftSnapshot) Remove ¶

func (f *RedshiftSnapshot) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*RedshiftSnapshot) String ¶

func (f *RedshiftSnapshot) String() string

type RedshiftSnapshotLister ¶

type RedshiftSnapshotLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftSnapshotLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftSnapshotLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RedshiftSubnetGroup ¶

type RedshiftSubnetGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedshiftSubnetGroup) Remove ¶

func (*RedshiftSubnetGroup) String ¶

func (f *RedshiftSubnetGroup) String() string

type RedshiftSubnetGroupLister ¶

type RedshiftSubnetGroupLister struct{}

func (*RedshiftSubnetGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *RedshiftSubnetGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RekognitionCollection ¶

type RekognitionCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RekognitionCollection) Remove ¶

func (*RekognitionCollection) String ¶

func (f *RekognitionCollection) String() string

type RekognitionCollectionLister ¶

type RekognitionCollectionLister struct{}

func (*RekognitionCollectionLister) List ¶

func (l *RekognitionCollectionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ResourceExplorer2Index ¶

type ResourceExplorer2Index struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ResourceExplorer2Index) Remove ¶

func (*ResourceExplorer2Index) String ¶

func (f *ResourceExplorer2Index) String() string

type ResourceExplorer2IndexLister ¶

type ResourceExplorer2IndexLister struct{}

func (*ResourceExplorer2IndexLister) List ¶

func (l *ResourceExplorer2IndexLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ResourceExplorer2View ¶

type ResourceExplorer2View struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ResourceExplorer2View) Remove ¶

func (*ResourceExplorer2View) String ¶

func (f *ResourceExplorer2View) String() string

type ResourceExplorer2ViewLister ¶

type ResourceExplorer2ViewLister struct{}

func (*ResourceExplorer2ViewLister) List ¶

func (l *ResourceExplorer2ViewLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ResourceGroupGroup ¶

type ResourceGroupGroup struct {
	Name *string
	Tags map[string]*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ResourceGroupGroup) Filter ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (r *ResourceGroupGroup) Filter() error

func (*ResourceGroupGroup) Properties ¶ added in v3.16.0

func (r *ResourceGroupGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ResourceGroupGroup) Remove ¶

func (r *ResourceGroupGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*ResourceGroupGroup) String ¶

func (r *ResourceGroupGroup) String() string

type ResourceGroupGroupLister ¶

type ResourceGroupGroupLister struct{}

func (*ResourceGroupGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *ResourceGroupGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RoboMakerRobotApplication ¶

type RoboMakerRobotApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RoboMakerRobotApplication) Remove ¶

func (*RoboMakerRobotApplication) String ¶

func (f *RoboMakerRobotApplication) String() string

type RoboMakerRobotApplicationLister ¶

type RoboMakerRobotApplicationLister struct{}

func (*RoboMakerRobotApplicationLister) List ¶

func (l *RoboMakerRobotApplicationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type RoboMakerSimulationApplication ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationApplication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RoboMakerSimulationApplication) Remove ¶

func (*RoboMakerSimulationApplication) String ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationApplicationLister ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationApplicationLister struct{}

func (*RoboMakerSimulationApplicationLister) List ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationJob ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RoboMakerSimulationJob) Properties ¶

func (f *RoboMakerSimulationJob) Properties() types.Properties

func (*RoboMakerSimulationJob) Remove ¶

func (*RoboMakerSimulationJob) String ¶

func (f *RoboMakerSimulationJob) String() string

type RoboMakerSimulationJobLister ¶

type RoboMakerSimulationJobLister struct{}

func (*RoboMakerSimulationJobLister) List ¶

func (l *RoboMakerSimulationJobLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Route53HealthCheck ¶

type Route53HealthCheck struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route53HealthCheck) Properties ¶

func (hz *Route53HealthCheck) Properties() types.Properties

func (*Route53HealthCheck) Remove ¶

func (hz *Route53HealthCheck) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*Route53HealthCheck) String ¶

func (hz *Route53HealthCheck) String() string

type Route53HealthCheckLister ¶

type Route53HealthCheckLister struct{}

func (*Route53HealthCheckLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53HealthCheckLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Route53HostedZone ¶

type Route53HostedZone struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route53HostedZone) Properties ¶

func (hz *Route53HostedZone) Properties() types.Properties

func (*Route53HostedZone) Remove ¶

func (hz *Route53HostedZone) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*Route53HostedZone) String ¶

func (hz *Route53HostedZone) String() string

type Route53HostedZoneLister ¶

type Route53HostedZoneLister struct{}

func (*Route53HostedZoneLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53HostedZoneLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Route53ResolverEndpoint ¶

type Route53ResolverEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Route53ResolverEndpoint is the resource type for nuking

func (*Route53ResolverEndpoint) Properties ¶

func (r *Route53ResolverEndpoint) Properties() types.Properties

Properties provides debugging output

func (*Route53ResolverEndpoint) Remove ¶

Remove implements Resource

func (*Route53ResolverEndpoint) String ¶

func (r *Route53ResolverEndpoint) String() string

String implements Stringer

type Route53ResolverEndpointLister ¶

type Route53ResolverEndpointLister struct{}

func (*Route53ResolverEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53ResolverEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List produces the raw list of Route53 Resolver Endpoints to be nuked before filtering

type Route53ResolverRule ¶

type Route53ResolverRule struct {
	ID         *string
	Name       *string
	DomainName *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Route53ResolverRule is the resource type

func (*Route53ResolverRule) Filter ¶

func (r *Route53ResolverRule) Filter() error

Filter removes resources automatically from being nuked

func (*Route53ResolverRule) Properties ¶

func (r *Route53ResolverRule) Properties() types.Properties

Properties provides debugging output

func (*Route53ResolverRule) Remove ¶

Remove implements Resource

func (*Route53ResolverRule) String ¶

func (r *Route53ResolverRule) String() string

String implements Stringer

type Route53ResolverRuleLister ¶

type Route53ResolverRuleLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route53ResolverRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53ResolverRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

List returns a list of all Route53 ResolverRules before filtering to be nuked

type Route53ResourceRecordSet ¶

type Route53ResourceRecordSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route53ResourceRecordSet) Filter ¶

func (r *Route53ResourceRecordSet) Filter() error

func (*Route53ResourceRecordSet) Properties ¶

func (r *Route53ResourceRecordSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*Route53ResourceRecordSet) Remove ¶

func (*Route53ResourceRecordSet) String ¶

func (r *Route53ResourceRecordSet) String() string

type Route53ResourceRecordSetLister ¶

type Route53ResourceRecordSetLister struct{}

func (*Route53ResourceRecordSetLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53ResourceRecordSetLister) List(ctx context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type Route53TrafficPolicy ¶

type Route53TrafficPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route53TrafficPolicy) Properties ¶

func (tp *Route53TrafficPolicy) Properties() types.Properties

func (*Route53TrafficPolicy) Remove ¶

func (tp *Route53TrafficPolicy) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type Route53TrafficPolicyLister ¶

type Route53TrafficPolicyLister struct{}

func (*Route53TrafficPolicyLister) List ¶

func (l *Route53TrafficPolicyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type S3AccessPoint ¶

type S3AccessPoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*S3AccessPoint) Properties ¶

func (e *S3AccessPoint) Properties() types.Properties

func (*S3AccessPoint) Remove ¶

func (e *S3AccessPoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*S3AccessPoint) String ¶

func (e *S3AccessPoint) String() string

type S3AccessPointLister ¶

type S3AccessPointLister struct{}

func (*S3AccessPointLister) List ¶

func (l *S3AccessPointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type S3Bucket ¶

type S3Bucket struct {
	ObjectLock *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*S3Bucket) Properties ¶

func (r *S3Bucket) Properties() types.Properties

func (*S3Bucket) Remove ¶

func (r *S3Bucket) Remove(ctx context.Context) error

func (*S3Bucket) RemoveAllLegalHolds ¶ added in v3.11.0

func (r *S3Bucket) RemoveAllLegalHolds(_ context.Context) error

func (*S3Bucket) RemoveAllObjects ¶

func (r *S3Bucket) RemoveAllObjects(ctx context.Context) error

func (*S3Bucket) RemoveAllVersions ¶

func (r *S3Bucket) RemoveAllVersions(ctx context.Context) error

func (*S3Bucket) Settings ¶ added in v3.10.0

func (r *S3Bucket) Settings(settings *libsettings.Setting)

func (*S3Bucket) String ¶

func (r *S3Bucket) String() string

type S3BucketLister ¶

type S3BucketLister struct{}

func (*S3BucketLister) List ¶

func (l *S3BucketLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type S3MultipartUpload ¶

type S3MultipartUpload struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*S3MultipartUpload) Properties ¶

func (e *S3MultipartUpload) Properties() types.Properties

func (*S3MultipartUpload) Remove ¶

func (e *S3MultipartUpload) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*S3MultipartUpload) String ¶

func (e *S3MultipartUpload) String() string

type S3MultipartUploadLister ¶

type S3MultipartUploadLister struct{}

func (*S3MultipartUploadLister) List ¶

func (l *S3MultipartUploadLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type S3Object ¶

type S3Object struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*S3Object) Properties ¶

func (e *S3Object) Properties() types.Properties

func (*S3Object) Remove ¶

func (e *S3Object) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*S3Object) String ¶

func (e *S3Object) String() string

type S3ObjectLister ¶

type S3ObjectLister struct{}

func (*S3ObjectLister) List ¶

func (l *S3ObjectLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SESConfigurationSet ¶

type SESConfigurationSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SESConfigurationSet) Remove ¶

func (*SESConfigurationSet) String ¶

func (f *SESConfigurationSet) String() string

type SESConfigurationSetLister ¶

type SESConfigurationSetLister struct{}

func (*SESConfigurationSetLister) List ¶

func (l *SESConfigurationSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SESIdentity ¶

type SESIdentity struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SESIdentity) Remove ¶

func (f *SESIdentity) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SESIdentity) String ¶

func (f *SESIdentity) String() string

type SESIdentityLister ¶

type SESIdentityLister struct{}

func (*SESIdentityLister) List ¶

func (l *SESIdentityLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SESReceiptFilter ¶

type SESReceiptFilter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SESReceiptFilter) Remove ¶

func (f *SESReceiptFilter) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SESReceiptFilter) String ¶

func (f *SESReceiptFilter) String() string

type SESReceiptFilterLister ¶

type SESReceiptFilterLister struct{}

func (*SESReceiptFilterLister) List ¶

func (l *SESReceiptFilterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SESReceiptRuleSet ¶

type SESReceiptRuleSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SESReceiptRuleSet) Filter ¶

func (f *SESReceiptRuleSet) Filter() error

func (*SESReceiptRuleSet) Remove ¶

func (f *SESReceiptRuleSet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SESReceiptRuleSet) String ¶

func (f *SESReceiptRuleSet) String() string

type SESReceiptRuleSetLister ¶

type SESReceiptRuleSetLister struct{}

func (*SESReceiptRuleSetLister) List ¶

func (l *SESReceiptRuleSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SESTemplate ¶

type SESTemplate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SESTemplate) Remove ¶

func (f *SESTemplate) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SESTemplate) String ¶

func (f *SESTemplate) String() string

type SESTemplateLister ¶

type SESTemplateLister struct{}

func (*SESTemplateLister) List ¶

func (l *SESTemplateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SFNStateMachine ¶

type SFNStateMachine struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SFNStateMachine) Remove ¶

func (f *SFNStateMachine) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SFNStateMachine) String ¶

func (f *SFNStateMachine) String() string

type SFNStateMachineLister ¶

type SFNStateMachineLister struct{}

func (*SFNStateMachineLister) List ¶

func (l *SFNStateMachineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SNSEndpoint ¶

type SNSEndpoint struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SNSEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (f *SNSEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SNSEndpoint) String ¶

func (f *SNSEndpoint) String() string

type SNSEndpointLister ¶

type SNSEndpointLister struct{}

func (*SNSEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *SNSEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SNSPlatformApplication ¶

type SNSPlatformApplication struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SNSPlatformApplication) Remove ¶

func (*SNSPlatformApplication) String ¶

func (f *SNSPlatformApplication) String() string

type SNSPlatformApplicationLister ¶

type SNSPlatformApplicationLister struct{}

func (*SNSPlatformApplicationLister) List ¶

func (l *SNSPlatformApplicationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SNSSubscription ¶

type SNSSubscription struct {
	ARN      *string
	Owner    *string
	TopicARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SNSSubscription) Properties ¶ added in v3.12.0

func (r *SNSSubscription) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SNSSubscription) Remove ¶

func (r *SNSSubscription) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SNSSubscription) String ¶

func (r *SNSSubscription) String() string

type SNSSubscriptionLister ¶

type SNSSubscriptionLister struct{}

func (*SNSSubscriptionLister) List ¶

func (l *SNSSubscriptionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SNSTopic ¶

type SNSTopic struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SNSTopic) Properties ¶

func (topic *SNSTopic) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SNSTopic) Remove ¶

func (topic *SNSTopic) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SNSTopic) String ¶

func (topic *SNSTopic) String() string

type SNSTopicLister ¶

type SNSTopicLister struct{}

func (*SNSTopicLister) List ¶

func (l *SNSTopicLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SQSQueue ¶

type SQSQueue struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SQSQueue) Properties ¶

func (f *SQSQueue) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SQSQueue) Remove ¶

func (f *SQSQueue) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SQSQueue) String ¶

func (f *SQSQueue) String() string

type SQSQueueLister ¶

type SQSQueueLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SQSQueueLister) List ¶

func (l *SQSQueueLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMActivation ¶

type SSMActivation struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMActivation) Remove ¶

func (f *SSMActivation) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SSMActivation) String ¶

func (f *SSMActivation) String() string

type SSMActivationLister ¶

type SSMActivationLister struct{}

func (*SSMActivationLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMActivationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMAssociation ¶

type SSMAssociation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMAssociation) Remove ¶

func (f *SSMAssociation) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SSMAssociation) String ¶

func (f *SSMAssociation) String() string

type SSMAssociationLister ¶

type SSMAssociationLister struct{}

func (*SSMAssociationLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMAssociationLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMDocument ¶

type SSMDocument struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMDocument) Remove ¶

func (f *SSMDocument) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SSMDocument) String ¶

func (f *SSMDocument) String() string

type SSMDocumentLister ¶

type SSMDocumentLister struct{}

func (*SSMDocumentLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMDocumentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMMaintenanceWindow ¶

type SSMMaintenanceWindow struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMMaintenanceWindow) Remove ¶

func (*SSMMaintenanceWindow) String ¶

func (f *SSMMaintenanceWindow) String() string

type SSMMaintenanceWindowLister ¶

type SSMMaintenanceWindowLister struct{}

func (*SSMMaintenanceWindowLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMMaintenanceWindowLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMParameter ¶

type SSMParameter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMParameter) Properties ¶

func (f *SSMParameter) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SSMParameter) Remove ¶

func (f *SSMParameter) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SSMParameter) String ¶

func (f *SSMParameter) String() string

type SSMParameterLister ¶

type SSMParameterLister struct{}

func (*SSMParameterLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMParameterLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMPatchBaseline ¶

type SSMPatchBaseline struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMPatchBaseline) DeregisterFromPatchGroups ¶

func (f *SSMPatchBaseline) DeregisterFromPatchGroups() error

func (*SSMPatchBaseline) Filter ¶

func (f *SSMPatchBaseline) Filter() error

func (*SSMPatchBaseline) Remove ¶

func (f *SSMPatchBaseline) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SSMPatchBaseline) String ¶

func (f *SSMPatchBaseline) String() string

type SSMPatchBaselineLister ¶

type SSMPatchBaselineLister struct{}

func (*SSMPatchBaselineLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMPatchBaselineLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SSMResourceDataSync ¶

type SSMResourceDataSync struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSMResourceDataSync) Remove ¶

func (*SSMResourceDataSync) String ¶

func (f *SSMResourceDataSync) String() string

type SSMResourceDataSyncLister ¶

type SSMResourceDataSyncLister struct{}

func (*SSMResourceDataSyncLister) List ¶

func (l *SSMResourceDataSyncLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerApp ¶

type SageMakerApp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerApp) Filter ¶

func (f *SageMakerApp) Filter() error

func (*SageMakerApp) Properties ¶

func (f *SageMakerApp) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SageMakerApp) Remove ¶

func (f *SageMakerApp) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SageMakerApp) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerApp) String() string

type SageMakerAppLister ¶

type SageMakerAppLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerAppLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerAppLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerDomain ¶

type SageMakerDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerDomain) Properties ¶

func (f *SageMakerDomain) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SageMakerDomain) Remove ¶

func (f *SageMakerDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SageMakerDomain) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerDomain) String() string

type SageMakerDomainLister ¶

type SageMakerDomainLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerEndpoint ¶

type SageMakerEndpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerEndpoint) Remove ¶

func (f *SageMakerEndpoint) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SageMakerEndpoint) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerEndpoint) String() string

type SageMakerEndpointConfig ¶

type SageMakerEndpointConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerEndpointConfig) Remove ¶

func (*SageMakerEndpointConfig) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerEndpointConfig) String() string

type SageMakerEndpointConfigLister ¶

type SageMakerEndpointConfigLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerEndpointConfigLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerEndpointConfigLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerEndpointLister ¶

type SageMakerEndpointLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerEndpointLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerEndpointLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerModel ¶

type SageMakerModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerModel) Remove ¶

func (f *SageMakerModel) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SageMakerModel) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerModel) String() string

type SageMakerModelLister ¶

type SageMakerModelLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerModelLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerModelLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerNotebookInstance ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstance) Remove ¶

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstance) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerNotebookInstance) String() string

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig struct {
	Name *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) Properties ¶

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) Remove ¶

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) String ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigLister ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigLister) List ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLister ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerNotebookInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceState ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceState) Filter ¶

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceState) Remove ¶

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceState) String ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceStateLister ¶

type SageMakerNotebookInstanceStateLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerNotebookInstanceStateLister) List ¶

type SageMakerSpace ¶

type SageMakerSpace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerSpace) Properties ¶

func (f *SageMakerSpace) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SageMakerSpace) Remove ¶

func (f *SageMakerSpace) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SageMakerSpace) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerSpace) String() string

type SageMakerSpaceLister ¶

type SageMakerSpaceLister struct{}

func (*SageMakerSpaceLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerSpaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SageMakerUserProfile ¶

type SageMakerUserProfile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerUserProfile) Properties ¶

func (f *SageMakerUserProfile) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SageMakerUserProfile) Remove ¶

func (*SageMakerUserProfile) String ¶

func (f *SageMakerUserProfile) String() string

type SageMakerUserProfilesLister ¶

type SageMakerUserProfilesLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SageMakerUserProfilesLister) List ¶

func (l *SageMakerUserProfilesLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SchedulerSchedule ¶ added in v3.15.0

type SchedulerSchedule struct {
	Name         *string
	State        *string
	GroupName    *string
	CreationDate *time.Time
	ModifiedDate *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SchedulerSchedule) Properties ¶ added in v3.15.0

func (r *SchedulerSchedule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SchedulerSchedule) Remove ¶ added in v3.15.0

func (r *SchedulerSchedule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SchedulerSchedule) String ¶ added in v3.15.0

func (r *SchedulerSchedule) String() string

type SchedulerScheduleLister ¶ added in v3.15.0

type SchedulerScheduleLister struct{}

func (*SchedulerScheduleLister) List ¶ added in v3.15.0

func (l *SchedulerScheduleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SecretsManagerSecret ¶

type SecretsManagerSecret struct {
	ARN            *string
	Name           *string
	PrimaryRegion  *string
	Replica        bool
	ReplicaRegions []*string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SecretsManagerSecret) ParentARN ¶

func (r *SecretsManagerSecret) ParentARN() *string

ParentARN returns the ARN of the parent secret by doing a string replace of the region. For example, if the region is us-west-2 and the primary region is us-east-1, the ARN will be replaced with us-east-1. This will allow for the RemoveRegionsFromReplication call to work properly.

func (*SecretsManagerSecret) Properties ¶

func (r *SecretsManagerSecret) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SecretsManagerSecret) Remove ¶

func (*SecretsManagerSecret) String ¶

func (r *SecretsManagerSecret) String() string

TODO(v4): change the return value to the name of the resource instead of the ARN

type SecretsManagerSecretLister ¶

type SecretsManagerSecretLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SecretsManagerSecretLister) List ¶

func (l *SecretsManagerSecretLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SecurityHub ¶

type SecurityHub struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SecurityHub) Properties ¶

func (hub *SecurityHub) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SecurityHub) Remove ¶

func (hub *SecurityHub) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type SecurityHubLister ¶

type SecurityHubLister struct{}

func (*SecurityHubLister) List ¶

func (l *SecurityHubLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment ¶

type ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachment) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachmentLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogConstraintPortfolioAttachmentLister) List ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolio ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolio struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolio) Properties ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogPortfolio) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolio) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolio) String ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogPortfolio) String() string

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceCatalogPortfolioLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachment) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachmentLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAttachmentLister) List ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachment) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachmentLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogPortfolioShareAttachmentLister) List ¶

type ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment ¶

type ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachment) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachmentLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogPrincipalPortfolioAttachmentLister) List ¶

type ServiceCatalogProduct ¶

type ServiceCatalogProduct struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogProduct) Properties ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogProduct) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ServiceCatalogProduct) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogProduct) String ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogProduct) String() string

type ServiceCatalogProductLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogProductLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogProductLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceCatalogProductLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct ¶

type ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductLister) List ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOption ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOption struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOption) Properties ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogTagOption) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOption) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOption) String ¶

func (f *ServiceCatalogTagOption) String() string

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOptionLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceCatalogTagOptionLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment) Properties ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachment) String ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachmentLister ¶

type ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*ServiceCatalogTagOptionPortfolioAttachmentLister) List ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryInstance ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryInstance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceDiscoveryInstance) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceDiscoveryInstance) String ¶

func (f *ServiceDiscoveryInstance) String() string

type ServiceDiscoveryInstanceLister ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryInstanceLister struct{}

func (*ServiceDiscoveryInstanceLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceDiscoveryInstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceDiscoveryNamespace ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryNamespace struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceDiscoveryNamespace) Properties ¶

func (f *ServiceDiscoveryNamespace) Properties() types.Properties

func (*ServiceDiscoveryNamespace) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceDiscoveryNamespace) String ¶

func (f *ServiceDiscoveryNamespace) String() string

type ServiceDiscoveryNamespaceLister ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryNamespaceLister struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceDiscoveryNamespaceLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceDiscoveryNamespaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type ServiceDiscoveryService ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryService struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServiceDiscoveryService) Remove ¶

func (*ServiceDiscoveryService) String ¶

func (f *ServiceDiscoveryService) String() string

type ServiceDiscoveryServiceLister ¶

type ServiceDiscoveryServiceLister struct{}

func (*ServiceDiscoveryServiceLister) List ¶

func (l *ServiceDiscoveryServiceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SignerSigningJob ¶

type SignerSigningJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SignerSigningJob) Filter ¶

func (j *SignerSigningJob) Filter() error

func (*SignerSigningJob) Properties ¶

func (j *SignerSigningJob) Properties() types.Properties

func (*SignerSigningJob) Remove ¶

func (j *SignerSigningJob) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type SignerSigningJobLister ¶

type SignerSigningJobLister struct{}

func (*SignerSigningJobLister) List ¶

func (l *SignerSigningJobLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type SimpleDBDomain ¶

type SimpleDBDomain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SimpleDBDomain) Remove ¶

func (f *SimpleDBDomain) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*SimpleDBDomain) String ¶

func (f *SimpleDBDomain) String() string

type SimpleDBDomainLister ¶

type SimpleDBDomainLister struct{}

func (*SimpleDBDomainLister) List ¶

func (l *SimpleDBDomainLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type StorageGatewayFileShare ¶

type StorageGatewayFileShare struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StorageGatewayFileShare) Remove ¶

func (*StorageGatewayFileShare) String ¶

func (f *StorageGatewayFileShare) String() string

type StorageGatewayFileShareLister ¶

type StorageGatewayFileShareLister struct{}

func (*StorageGatewayFileShareLister) List ¶

func (l *StorageGatewayFileShareLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type StorageGatewayGateway ¶

type StorageGatewayGateway struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StorageGatewayGateway) Remove ¶

func (*StorageGatewayGateway) String ¶

func (f *StorageGatewayGateway) String() string

type StorageGatewayGatewayLister ¶

type StorageGatewayGatewayLister struct{}

func (*StorageGatewayGatewayLister) List ¶

func (l *StorageGatewayGatewayLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type StorageGatewayTape ¶

type StorageGatewayTape struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StorageGatewayTape) Remove ¶

func (f *StorageGatewayTape) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*StorageGatewayTape) String ¶

func (f *StorageGatewayTape) String() string

type StorageGatewayTapeLister ¶

type StorageGatewayTapeLister struct{}

func (*StorageGatewayTapeLister) List ¶

func (l *StorageGatewayTapeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type StorageGatewayVolume ¶

type StorageGatewayVolume struct {
	ARN *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StorageGatewayVolume) Remove ¶

func (*StorageGatewayVolume) String ¶

func (f *StorageGatewayVolume) String() string

type StorageGatewayVolumeLister ¶

type StorageGatewayVolumeLister struct{}

func (*StorageGatewayVolumeLister) List ¶

func (l *StorageGatewayVolumeLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type TransferServer ¶

type TransferServer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TransferServer) Properties ¶

func (ts *TransferServer) Properties() types.Properties

func (*TransferServer) Remove ¶

func (ts *TransferServer) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*TransferServer) String ¶

func (ts *TransferServer) String() string

type TransferServerLister ¶

type TransferServerLister struct{}

func (*TransferServerLister) List ¶

func (l *TransferServerLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type TransferServerUser ¶

type TransferServerUser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TransferServerUser) Properties ¶

func (ts *TransferServerUser) Properties() types.Properties

func (*TransferServerUser) Remove ¶

func (ts *TransferServerUser) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*TransferServerUser) String ¶

func (ts *TransferServerUser) String() string

type TransferServerUserLister ¶

type TransferServerUserLister struct{}

func (*TransferServerUserLister) List ¶

func (l *TransferServerUserLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSet ¶

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSet) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalByteMatchSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSet) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalByteMatchSet) String() string

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP ¶

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIP) Remove ¶

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIPLister ¶

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIPLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIPLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalByteMatchSetIPLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetLister ¶

type WAFRegionalByteMatchSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalByteMatchSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalByteMatchSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalIPSet ¶

type WAFRegionalIPSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalIPSet) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalIPSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalIPSet) Remove ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalIPSet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFRegionalIPSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalIPSet) String() string

type WAFRegionalIPSetIP ¶

type WAFRegionalIPSetIP struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalIPSetIP) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalIPSetIP) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalIPSetIP) Remove ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalIPSetIP) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type WAFRegionalIPSetIPLister ¶

type WAFRegionalIPSetIPLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalIPSetIPLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalIPSetIPLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalIPSetLister ¶

type WAFRegionalIPSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalIPSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalIPSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRule ¶

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRule struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRule) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRule) String ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRateBasedRule) String() string

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRuleLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRuleLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRateBasedRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicate ¶

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicate) Properties ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicate) Remove ¶

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicateLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicateLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRateBasedRulePredicateLister) List ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalRegexMatchSet) String() string

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchSetLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRegexMatchSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchTuple ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchTuple struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchTuple) Properties ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchTuple) Remove ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchTupleLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexMatchTupleLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRegexMatchTupleLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRegexMatchTupleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet) Properties ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalRegexPatternSet) String() string

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternSetLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRegexPatternSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternString ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternString struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternString) Properties ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternString) Remove ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternStringLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRegexPatternStringLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRegexPatternStringLister) List ¶

type WAFRegionalRule ¶

type WAFRegionalRule struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRule) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalRule) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFRegionalRule) String ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRule) String() string

type WAFRegionalRuleGroup ¶

type WAFRegionalRuleGroup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRuleGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRuleGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalRuleGroup) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRuleGroup) String ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalRuleGroup) String() string

type WAFRegionalRuleGroupLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRuleGroupLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRuleGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRuleGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRuleLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRuleLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalRulePredicate ¶

type WAFRegionalRulePredicate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalRulePredicate) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalRulePredicate) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalRulePredicate) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalRulePredicate) String ¶

func (r *WAFRegionalRulePredicate) String() string

type WAFRegionalRulePredicateLister ¶

type WAFRegionalRulePredicateLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalRulePredicateLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalRulePredicateLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalWebACL ¶

type WAFRegionalWebACL struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalWebACL) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalWebACL) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRegionalWebACL) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalWebACL) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFRegionalWebACL) String ¶

func (f *WAFRegionalWebACL) String() string

type WAFRegionalWebACLLister ¶

type WAFRegionalWebACLLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalWebACLLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRegionalWebACLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachment ¶

type WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachment) String ¶

type WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachmentLister ¶

type WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*WAFRegionalWebACLRuleAttachmentLister) List ¶

type WAFRule ¶

type WAFRule struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFRule) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFRule) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFRule) String ¶

func (f *WAFRule) String() string

type WAFRuleLister ¶

type WAFRuleLister struct{}

func (*WAFRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFWebACL ¶

type WAFWebACL struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFWebACL) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFWebACL) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFWebACL) String ¶

func (f *WAFWebACL) String() string

type WAFWebACLLister ¶

type WAFWebACLLister struct{}

func (*WAFWebACLLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFWebACLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFWebACLRuleAttachment ¶

type WAFWebACLRuleAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFWebACLRuleAttachment) Remove ¶

func (*WAFWebACLRuleAttachment) String ¶

func (f *WAFWebACLRuleAttachment) String() string

type WAFWebACLRuleAttachmentLister ¶

type WAFWebACLRuleAttachmentLister struct{}

func (*WAFWebACLRuleAttachmentLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFWebACLRuleAttachmentLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFv2APIKey ¶ added in v3.23.0

type WAFv2APIKey struct {
	TokenDomains []string
	Scope        *string
	CreateDate   *time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFv2APIKey) Properties ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *WAFv2APIKey) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFv2APIKey) Remove ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *WAFv2APIKey) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFv2APIKey) String ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (r *WAFv2APIKey) String() string

type WAFv2APIKeyLister ¶ added in v3.23.0

type WAFv2APIKeyLister struct{}

func (*WAFv2APIKeyLister) List ¶ added in v3.23.0

func (l *WAFv2APIKeyLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFv2IPSet ¶

type WAFv2IPSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFv2IPSet) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFv2IPSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFv2IPSet) Remove ¶

func (r *WAFv2IPSet) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFv2IPSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFv2IPSet) String() string

type WAFv2IPSetLister ¶

type WAFv2IPSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFv2IPSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFv2IPSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFv2RegexPatternSet ¶

type WAFv2RegexPatternSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFv2RegexPatternSet) Properties ¶

func (r *WAFv2RegexPatternSet) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFv2RegexPatternSet) Remove ¶

func (*WAFv2RegexPatternSet) String ¶

func (r *WAFv2RegexPatternSet) String() string

type WAFv2RegexPatternSetLister ¶

type WAFv2RegexPatternSetLister struct{}

func (*WAFv2RegexPatternSetLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFv2RegexPatternSetLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFv2RuleGroup ¶

type WAFv2RuleGroup struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFv2RuleGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFv2RuleGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFv2RuleGroup) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFv2RuleGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFv2RuleGroup) String ¶

func (f *WAFv2RuleGroup) String() string

type WAFv2RuleGroupLister ¶

type WAFv2RuleGroupLister struct{}

func (*WAFv2RuleGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFv2RuleGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WAFv2WebACL ¶

type WAFv2WebACL struct {
	ID *string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WAFv2WebACL) Properties ¶

func (f *WAFv2WebACL) Properties() types.Properties

func (*WAFv2WebACL) Remove ¶

func (f *WAFv2WebACL) Remove(_ context.Context) error

func (*WAFv2WebACL) String ¶

func (f *WAFv2WebACL) String() string

type WAFv2WebACLLister ¶

type WAFv2WebACLLister struct{}

func (*WAFv2WebACLLister) List ¶

func (l *WAFv2WebACLLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type WorkSpacesWorkspace ¶

type WorkSpacesWorkspace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WorkSpacesWorkspace) Remove ¶

func (*WorkSpacesWorkspace) String ¶

func (f *WorkSpacesWorkspace) String() string

type WorkSpacesWorkspaceLister ¶

type WorkSpacesWorkspaceLister struct{}

func (*WorkSpacesWorkspaceLister) List ¶

func (l *WorkSpacesWorkspaceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type XRayGroup ¶

type XRayGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*XRayGroup) Properties ¶

func (f *XRayGroup) Properties() types.Properties

func (*XRayGroup) Remove ¶

func (f *XRayGroup) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type XRayGroupLister ¶

type XRayGroupLister struct{}

func (*XRayGroupLister) List ¶

func (l *XRayGroupLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

type XRaySamplingRule ¶

type XRaySamplingRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*XRaySamplingRule) Properties ¶

func (f *XRaySamplingRule) Properties() types.Properties

func (*XRaySamplingRule) Remove ¶

func (f *XRaySamplingRule) Remove(_ context.Context) error

type XRaySamplingRuleLister ¶

type XRaySamplingRuleLister struct{}

func (*XRaySamplingRuleLister) List ¶

func (l *XRaySamplingRuleLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error)

Source Files ¶

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