
package module
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Published: May 6, 2019 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 14 Imported by: 0


Client in Go for Tarantool 1.6+

Build Status codecov GoDoc

The go-tarantool package has everything necessary for interfacing with Tarantool 1.6+.

The advantage of integrating Go with Tarantool, which is an application server plus a DBMS, is that Go programmers can handle databases and perform on-the-fly recompilations of embedded Lua routines, just as in C, with responses that are faster than other packages according to public benchmarks.

Table of contents


We assume that you have Tarantool version 1.6 and a modern Linux or BSD operating system.

You will need a current version of go, version 1.3 or later (use go version to check the version number). Do not use gccgo-go.

Note: If your go version is younger than 1.3, or if go is not installed, download the latest tarball from golang.org and say:

$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.7.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
$ export GOPATH="/usr/local/go/go-tarantool"
$ sudo chmod -R a+rwx /usr/local/go

The go-tarantool package is in tarantool/go-tarantool repository. To download and install, say:

$ go get github.com/ernado/go-tarantool

This should bring source and binary files into subdirectories of /usr/local/go, making it possible to access by adding github.com/ernado/go-tarantool in the import {...} section at the start of any Go program.

Hello World

In the "Connectors" chapter of the Tarantool manual, there is an explanation of a very short (18-line) program written in Go. Follow the instructions at the start of the "Connectors" chapter carefully. Then cut and paste the example into a file named example.go, and run it. You should see: nothing.

If that is what you see, then you have successfully installed go-tarantool and successfully executed a program that manipulated the contents of a Tarantool database.

API reference

Read the Tarantool manual to find descriptions of terms like "connect", "space", "index", and the requests for creating and manipulating database objects or Lua functions.

The source files for the requests library are:

  • connection.go for the Connect() function plus functions related to connecting, and
  • request.go for data-manipulation functions and Lua invocations.

See comments in those files for syntax details:


The supported requests have parameters and results equivalent to requests in the Tarantool manual. There are also Typed and Async versions of each data-manipulation function.

The source file for error-handling tools is errors.go, which has structure definitions and constants whose names are equivalent to names of errors that the Tarantool server returns.

Walking-through example in Go

We can now have a closer look at the example.go program and make some observations about what it does.

package main

import (

func main() {
   opts := tarantool.Opts{User: "guest"}
   conn, err := tarantool.Connect("", opts)
   // conn, err := tarantool.Connect("/path/to/tarantool.socket", opts)
   if err != nil {
       fmt.Println("Connection refused:", err)
   resp, err := conn.Insert(999, []interface{}{99999, "BB"})
   if err != nil {
     fmt.Println("Error", err)
     fmt.Println("Code", resp.Code)

Observation 1: the line "github.com/ernado/go-tarantool" in the import(...) section brings in all Tarantool-related functions and structures.

Observation 2: the line beginning with "Opts :=" sets up the options for Connect(). In this example, there is only one thing in the structure, a user name. The structure can also contain:

  • Pass (password),
  • Timeout (maximum number of milliseconds to wait before giving up),
  • Reconnect (number of seconds to wait before retrying if a connection fails),
  • MaxReconnect (maximum number of times to retry).

Observation 3: the line containing "tarantool.Connect" is essential for beginning any session. There are two parameters:

  • a string with host:port format, and
  • the option structure that was set up earlier.

Observation 4: the err structure will be nil if there is no error, otherwise it will have a description which can be retrieved with err.Error().

Observation 5: the Insert request, like almost all requests, is preceded by "conn." which is the name of the object that was returned by Connect(). There are two parameters:

  • a space number (it could just as easily have been a space name), and
  • a tuple.


To contact go-tarantool developers on any problems, create an issue at tarantool/go-tarantool.

The developers of the Tarantool server will also be happy to provide advice or receive feedback.


package main

import (

func main() {
	spaceNo := uint32(512)
	indexNo := uint32(0)

	server := ""
	opts := tarantool.Opts{
		Timeout:       500 * time.Millisecond,
		Reconnect:     1 * time.Second,
		MaxReconnects: 3,
		User:          "test",
		Pass:          "test",
	client, err := tarantool.Connect(server, opts)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect: %s", err.Error())

	resp, err := client.Ping()

	// insert new tuple { 10, 1 }
	resp, err = client.Insert(spaceNo, []interface{}{uint(10), 1})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Insert("test", []interface{}{uint(10), 1})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// delete tuple with primary key { 10 }
	resp, err = client.Delete(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(10)})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Delete("test", "primary", []interface{}{uint(10)})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// replace tuple with { 13, 1 }
	resp, err = client.Replace(spaceNo, []interface{}{uint(13), 1})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Replace("test", []interface{}{uint(13), 1})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// update tuple with primary key { 13 }, incrementing second field by 3
	resp, err = client.Update(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(13)}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 1, 3}})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Update("test", "primary", []interface{}{uint(13)}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 1, 3}})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// insert tuple {15, 1} or increment second field by 1
	resp, err = client.Upsert(spaceNo, []interface{}{uint(15), 1}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 1, 1}})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Upsert("test", []interface{}{uint(15), 1}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 1, 1}})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// select just one tuple with primay key { 15 }
	resp, err = client.Select(spaceNo, indexNo, 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(15)})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Select("test", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(15)})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// select tuples by condition ( primay key > 15 ) with offset 7 limit 5
	// BTREE index supposed
	resp, err = client.Select(spaceNo, indexNo, 7, 5, tarantool.IterGt, []interface{}{uint(15)})
    // or
	resp, err = client.Select("test", "primary", 7, 5, tarantool.IterGt, []interface{}{uint(15)})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// call function 'func_name' with arguments
	resp, err = client.Call("func_name", []interface{}{1, 2, 3})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)

	// run raw lua code
	resp, err = client.Eval("return 1 + 2", []interface{}{})
	log.Println("Error", err)
	log.Println("Code", resp.Code)
	log.Println("Data", resp.Data)


    // save Schema to local variable to avoid races
    schema := client.Schema

    // access Space objects by name or id
    space1 := schema.Spaces["some_space"]
    space2 := schema.SpacesById[20] // it's a map
    fmt.Printf("Space %d %s %s\n", space1.Id, space1.Name, space1.Engine)
    fmt.Printf("Space %d %d\n", space1.FieldsCount, space1.Temporary)

    // access index information by name or id
    index1 := space1.Indexes["some_index"]
    index2 := space1.IndexesById[2] // it's a map
    fmt.Printf("Index %d %s\n", index1.Id, index1.Name)

    // access index fields information by index
    indexField1 := index1.Fields[0] // it's a slice
    indexField2 := index1.Fields[1] // it's a slice
    fmt.Printf("IndexFields %s %s\n", indexField1.Name, indexField1.Type)

    // access space fields information by name or id (index)
    spaceField1 := space.Fields["some_field"]
    spaceField2 := space.FieldsById[3]
    fmt.Printf("SpaceField %s %s\n", spaceField1.Name, spaceField1.Type)

Custom (un)packing and typed selects and function calls

You can specify custom pack/unpack functions for your types. This will allow you to store complex structures inside a tuple and may speed up you requests.

Alternatively, you can just instruct the msgpack library to encode your structure as an array. This is safe "magic". It will be easier to implement than a custom packer/unpacker, but it will work slower.

import (

type Member struct {
	Name  string
	Nonce string
	Val   uint

type Tuple struct {
	Cid     uint
	Orig    string
	Members []Member

/* same effect in a "magic" way, but slower */
type Tuple2 struct {
	_msgpack struct{} `msgpack:",asArray"`

	Cid     uint
	Orig    string
	Members []Member

func (m *Member) EncodeMsgpack(e *msgpack.Encoder) error {
	if err := e.EncodeArrayLen(2); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := e.EncodeString(m.Name); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := e.EncodeUint(m.Val); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (m *Member) DecodeMsgpack(d *msgpack.Decoder) error {
	var err error
	var l int
	if l, err = d.DecodeArrayLen(); err != nil {
		return err
	if l != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("array len doesn't match: %d", l)
	if m.Name, err = d.DecodeString(); err != nil {
		return err
	if m.Val, err = d.DecodeUint(); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (c *Tuple) EncodeMsgpack(e *msgpack.Encoder) error {
	if err := e.EncodeArrayLen(3); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := e.EncodeUint(c.Cid); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := e.EncodeString(c.Orig); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := e.EncodeArrayLen(len(c.Members)); err != nil {
		return err
	for _, m := range c.Members {
	return nil

func (c *Tuple) DecodeMsgpack(d *msgpack.Decoder) error {
	var err error
	var l int
	if l, err = d.DecodeArrayLen(); err != nil {
		return err
	if l != 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("array len doesn't match: %d", l)
	if c.Cid, err = d.DecodeUint(); err != nil {
		return err
	if c.Orig, err = d.DecodeString(); err != nil {
		return err
	if l, err = d.DecodeArrayLen(); err != nil {
		return err
	c.Members = make([]Member, l)
	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
	return nil

func main() {
	// establish connection ...

	tuple := Tuple{777, "orig", []Member{{"lol", "", 1}, {"wut", "", 3}}}
	_, err = conn.Replace(spaceNo, tuple)  // NOTE: insert structure itself
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to insert: %s", err.Error())

	var tuples []Tuple
	err = conn.SelectTyped(spaceNo, indexNo, 0, 1, IterEq, []interface{}{777}, &tuples)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to SelectTyped: %s", err.Error())

	// same result in a "magic" way
	var tuples2 []Tuple2
	err = conn.SelectTyped(spaceNo, indexNo, 0, 1, IterEq, []interface{}{777}, &tuples2)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to SelectTyped: %s", err.Error())

	// call function 'func_name' returning a table of custom tuples
	var tuples3 []Tuple
	err = client.CallTyped("func_name", []interface{}{1, 2, 3}, &tuples3)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to CallTyped: %s", err.Error())

// Old way to register types
func init() {
	msgpack.Register(reflect.TypeOf(Tuple{}), encodeTuple, decodeTuple)
	msgpack.Register(reflect.TypeOf(Member{}), encodeMember, decodeMember)

func encodeMember(e *msgpack.Encoder, v reflect.Value) error {
	m := v.Interface().(Member)
	// same code as in EncodeMsgpack
	return nil

func decodeMember(d *msgpack.Decoder, v reflect.Value) error {
	m := v.Addr().Interface().(*Member)
	// same code as in DecodeMsgpack
	return nil

func encodeTuple(e *msgpack.Encoder, v reflect.Value) error {
	c := v.Interface().(Tuple)
	// same code as in EncodeMsgpack
	return nil

func decodeTuple(d *msgpack.Decoder, v reflect.Value) error {
	c := v.Addr().Interface().(*Tuple)
	// same code as in DecodeMsgpack
	return nil


  • Timeout - timeout for any particular request. If Timeout is zero request, any request may block infinitely.
  • Reconnect - timeout between reconnect attempts. If Reconnect is zero, no reconnects will be performed.
  • MaxReconnects - maximal number of reconnect failures; after that we give it up. If MaxReconnects is zero, the client will try to reconnect endlessly.
  • User - user name to log into Tarantool.
  • Pass - user password to log into Tarantool.

Working with queue

package main

import (


type customData struct{
    Dummy bool

func (c *customData) DecodeMsgpack(d *msgpack.Decoder) error {
    var err error
    if c.Dummy, err = d.DecodeBool(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (c *customData) EncodeMsgpack(e *msgpack.Encoder) error {
    return e.EncodeBool(c.Dummy)

func main() {
    opts := tarantool.Opts{
        Timeout: time.Second,
        Reconnect: time.Second,
        MaxReconnects: 5,
        User: "user",
        Pass: "pass",
        // ...
    conn, err := tarantool.Connect("", opts)

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("connection: %s", err)

    cfg := queue.Cfg{
        Temporary:  true,
        IfNotExists: true,
        Kind:       queue.FIFO,
        Opts: queue.Opts{
            Ttl:   10 * time.Second,
            Ttr:   5 * time.Second,
            Delay: 3 * time.Second,
            Pri:   1,

    que := queue.New(conn, "test_queue")
    if err = que.Create(cfg); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("queue create: %s", err)

    // put data
    task, err := que.Put("test_data")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("put task: %s", err)
    fmt.Println("Task id is", task.Id())

    // take data
    task, err = que.Take() //blocking operation
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("take task: %s", err)
    fmt.Println("Data is", task.Data())

    // take typed example
    putData := customData{}
    // put data
    task, err = que.Put(&putData)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("put typed task: %s", err)
    fmt.Println("Task id is ", task.Id())

    takeData := customData{}
    //take data
    task, err = que.TakeTyped(&takeData) //blocking operation
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("take take typed: %s", err)
    fmt.Println("Data is ", takeData)
    // same data
    fmt.Println("Data is ", task.Data())

    task, err = que.Put([]int{1, 2, 3})

    task, err = que.TakeTimeout(2 * time.Second)
    if task == nil {
        fmt.Println("Task is nil")


Features of the implementation:

  • If you use connection timeout and call TakeWithTimeout with parameter greater than the connection timeout then parameter reduced to it
  • If you use connection timeout and call Take then we return a error if we can not take task from queue in a time equal to the connection timeout

Alternative connectors



spaceNo := uint32(512)
indexNo := uint32(0)

server := ""
opts := tarantool.Opts{
	Timeout:       50 * time.Millisecond,
	Reconnect:     100 * time.Millisecond,
	MaxReconnects: 3,
	User:          "test",
	Pass:          "test",
client, err := tarantool.Connect(server, opts)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect: %s", err.Error())

resp, err := client.Ping()
fmt.Println("Ping Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Ping Data", resp.Data)
fmt.Println("Ping Error", err)

// delete tuple for cleaning
client.Delete(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(10)})
client.Delete(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(11)})

// insert new tuple { 10, 1 }
resp, err = client.Insert(spaceNo, []interface{}{uint(10), "test", "one"})
fmt.Println("Insert Error", err)
fmt.Println("Insert Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Insert Data", resp.Data)

// insert new tuple { 11, 1 }
resp, err = client.Insert("test", &Tuple{Id: 10, Msg: "test", Name: "one"})
fmt.Println("Insert Error", err)
fmt.Println("Insert Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Insert Data", resp.Data)

// delete tuple with primary key { 10 }
resp, err = client.Delete(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(10)})
// or
// resp, err = client.Delete("test", "primary", UintKey{10}})
fmt.Println("Delete Error", err)
fmt.Println("Delete Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Delete Data", resp.Data)

// replace tuple with primary key 13
// note, Tuple is defined within tests, and has EncdodeMsgpack and DecodeMsgpack
// methods
resp, err = client.Replace(spaceNo, []interface{}{uint(13), uint(1)})
fmt.Println("Replace Error", err)
fmt.Println("Replace Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Replace Data", resp.Data)

// update tuple with primary key { 13 }, incrementing second field by 3
resp, err = client.Update("test", "primary", []interface{}{uint(13)}, []tarantool.Op{{"+", 1, 3}})
// or
// resp, err = client.Update(spaceNo, indexNo, []interface{}{uint(13)}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 1, 3}})
fmt.Println("Update Error", err)
fmt.Println("Update Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Update Data", resp.Data)

// select just one tuple with primay key { 15 }
resp, err = client.Select(spaceNo, indexNo, 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(15)})
// or
// resp, err = client.Select("test", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, tarantool.UintKey{15})
fmt.Println("Select Error", err)
fmt.Println("Select Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Select Data", resp.Data)

// call function 'func_name' with arguments
resp, err = client.Call17("simple_incr", []interface{}{1})
fmt.Println("Call17 Error", err)
fmt.Println("Call17 Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Call17 Data", resp.Data)

// run raw lua code
resp, err = client.Eval("return 1 + 2", []interface{}{})
fmt.Println("Eval Error", err)
fmt.Println("Eval Code", resp.Code)
fmt.Println("Eval Data", resp.Data)

resp, err = client.Replace("test", &Tuple{Id: 11, Msg: "test", Name: "eleven"})
resp, err = client.Replace("test", &Tuple{Id: 12, Msg: "test", Name: "twelve"})

var futs [3]*tarantool.Future
futs[0] = client.SelectAsync("test", "primary", 0, 2, tarantool.IterLe, []interface{}{uint(12)})
futs[1] = client.SelectAsync("test", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(13)})
futs[2] = client.SelectAsync("test", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(15)})
var t []Tuple
err = futs[0].GetTyped(&t)
fmt.Println("Fut", 0, "Error", err)
fmt.Println("Fut", 0, "Data", t)

resp, err = futs[1].Get()
fmt.Println("Fut", 1, "Error", err)
fmt.Println("Fut", 1, "Data", resp.Data)

resp, err = futs[2].Get()
fmt.Println("Fut", 2, "Error", err)
fmt.Println("Fut", 2, "Data", resp.Data)

Ping Code 0
Ping Data []
Ping Error <nil>
Insert Error <nil>
Insert Code 0
Insert Data [[10 test one]]
Insert Error Duplicate key exists in unique index 'primary' in space 'test' (0x3)
Insert Code 3
Insert Data []
Delete Error <nil>
Delete Code 0
Delete Data [[10 test one]]
Replace Error <nil>
Replace Code 0
Replace Data [[13 1]]
Update Error <nil>
Update Code 0
Update Data [[13 4]]
Select Error <nil>
Select Code 0
Select Data [[15 val 15 bla]]
Call17 Error <nil>
Call17 Code 0
Call17 Data [2]
Eval Error <nil>
Eval Code 0
Eval Data [3]
Fut 0 Error <nil>
Fut 0 Data [{{} 12 test twelve} {{} 11 test eleven}]
Fut 1 Error <nil>
Fut 1 Data [[13 4]]
Fut 2 Error <nil>
Fut 2 Data [[15 val 15 bla]]




View Source
const (
	// Connect signals that connection is established or reestablished
	Connected ConnEventKind = iota + 1
	// Disconnect signals that connection is broken
	// ReconnectFailed signals that attempt to reconnect has failed
	// Either reconnect attempts exhausted, or explicit Close is called

	// LogReconnectFailed is logged when reconnect attempt failed
	LogReconnectFailed ConnLogKind = iota + 1
	// LogLastReconnectFailed is logged when last reconnect attempt failed,
	// connection will be closed after that.
	// LogUnexpectedResultId is logged when response with unknown id were received.
	// Most probably it is due to request timeout.
View Source
const (
	SelectRequest    = 1
	InsertRequest    = 2
	ReplaceRequest   = 3
	UpdateRequest    = 4
	DeleteRequest    = 5
	CallRequest      = 6 /* call in 1.6 format */
	AuthRequest      = 7
	EvalRequest      = 8
	UpsertRequest    = 9
	Call17Request    = 10
	PingRequest      = 64
	SubscribeRequest = 66

	KeyCode         = 0x00
	KeySync         = 0x01
	KeySpaceNo      = 0x10
	KeyIndexNo      = 0x11
	KeyLimit        = 0x12
	KeyOffset       = 0x13
	KeyIterator     = 0x14
	KeyKey          = 0x20
	KeyTuple        = 0x21
	KeyFunctionName = 0x22
	KeyUserName     = 0x23
	KeyExpression   = 0x27
	KeyDefTuple     = 0x28
	KeyData         = 0x30
	KeyError        = 0x31

	IterEq            = uint32(0) // key == x ASC order
	IterReq           = uint32(1) // key == x DESC order
	IterAll           = uint32(2) // all tuples
	IterLt            = uint32(3) // key < x
	IterLe            = uint32(4) // key <= x
	IterGe            = uint32(5) // key >= x
	IterGt            = uint32(6) // key > x
	IterBitsAllSet    = uint32(7) // all bits from x are set in key
	IterBitsAnySet    = uint32(8) // at least one x's bit is set
	IterBitsAllNotSet = uint32(9) // all bits are not set

	RLimitDrop = 1
	RLimitWait = 2

	OkCode            = uint32(0)
	ErrorCodeBit      = 0x8000
	PacketLengthBytes = 5
View Source
const (
	ErrConnectionNotReady = 0x4000 + iota
	ErrConnectionClosed   = 0x4000 + iota
	ErrProtocolError      = 0x4000 + iota
	ErrTimeouted          = 0x4000 + iota
	ErrRateLimited        = 0x4000 + iota

Tarantool client error codes

View Source
const (
	ErrUnknown                       = 0   // Unknown error
	ErrIllegalParams                 = 1   // Illegal parameters, %s
	ErrMemoryIssue                   = 2   // Failed to allocate %u bytes in %s for %s
	ErrTupleFound                    = 3   // Duplicate key exists in unique index '%s' in space '%s'
	ErrTupleNotFound                 = 4   // Tuple doesn't exist in index '%s' in space '%s'
	ErrUnsupported                   = 5   // %s does not support %s
	ErrNonmaster                     = 6   // Can't modify data on a replication slave. My master is: %s
	ErrReadonly                      = 7   // Can't modify data because this server is in read-only mode.
	ErrInjection                     = 8   // Error injection '%s'
	ErrCreateSpace                   = 9   // Failed to create space '%s': %s
	ErrSpaceExists                   = 10  // Space '%s' already exists
	ErrDropSpace                     = 11  // Can't drop space '%s': %s
	ErrAlterSpace                    = 12  // Can't modify space '%s': %s
	ErrIndexType                     = 13  // Unsupported index type supplied for index '%s' in space '%s'
	ErrModifyIndex                   = 14  // Can't create or modify index '%s' in space '%s': %s
	ErrLastDrop                      = 15  // Can't drop the primary key in a system space, space '%s'
	ErrTupleFormatLimit              = 16  // Tuple format limit reached: %u
	ErrDropPrimaryKey                = 17  // Can't drop primary key in space '%s' while secondary keys exist
	ErrKeyPartType                   = 18  // Supplied key type of part %u does not match index part type: expected %s
	ErrExactMatch                    = 19  // Invalid key part count in an exact match (expected %u, got %u)
	ErrInvalidMsgpack                = 20  // Invalid MsgPack - %s
	ErrProcRet                       = 21  // msgpack.encode: can not encode Lua type '%s'
	ErrTupleNotArray                 = 22  // Tuple/Key must be MsgPack array
	ErrFieldType                     = 23  // Tuple field %u type does not match one required by operation: expected %s
	ErrFieldTypeMismatch             = 24  // Ambiguous field type in index '%s', key part %u. Requested type is %s but the field has previously been defined as %s
	ErrSplice                        = 25  // SPLICE error on field %u: %s
	ErrArgType                       = 26  // Argument type in operation '%c' on field %u does not match field type: expected a %s
	ErrTupleIsTooLong                = 27  // Tuple is too long %u
	ErrUnknownUpdateOp               = 28  // Unknown UPDATE operation
	ErrUpdateField                   = 29  // Field %u UPDATE error: %s
	ErrFiberStack                    = 30  // Can not create a new fiber: recursion limit reached
	ErrKeyPartCount                  = 31  // Invalid key part count (expected [0..%u], got %u)
	ErrProcLua                       = 32  // %s
	ErrNoSuchProc                    = 33  // Procedure '%.*s' is not defined
	ErrNoSuchTrigger                 = 34  // Trigger is not found
	ErrNoSuchIndex                   = 35  // No index #%u is defined in space '%s'
	ErrNoSuchSpace                   = 36  // Space '%s' does not exist
	ErrNoSuchField                   = 37  // Field %d was not found in the tuple
	ErrSpaceFieldCount               = 38  // Tuple field count %u does not match space '%s' field count %u
	ErrIndexFieldCount               = 39  // Tuple field count %u is less than required by a defined index (expected %u)
	ErrWalIo                         = 40  // Failed to write to disk
	ErrMoreThanOneTuple              = 41  // More than one tuple found by get()
	ErrAccessDenied                  = 42  // %s access denied for user '%s'
	ErrCreateUser                    = 43  // Failed to create user '%s': %s
	ErrDropUser                      = 44  // Failed to drop user '%s': %s
	ErrNoSuchUser                    = 45  // User '%s' is not found
	ErrUserExists                    = 46  // User '%s' already exists
	ErrPasswordMismatch              = 47  // Incorrect password supplied for user '%s'
	ErrUnknownRequestType            = 48  // Unknown request type %u
	ErrUnknownSchemaObject           = 49  // Unknown object type '%s'
	ErrCreateFunction                = 50  // Failed to create function '%s': %s
	ErrNoSuchFunction                = 51  // Function '%s' does not exist
	ErrFunctionExists                = 52  // Function '%s' already exists
	ErrFunctionAccessDenied          = 53  // %s access denied for user '%s' to function '%s'
	ErrFunctionMax                   = 54  // A limit on the total number of functions has been reached: %u
	ErrSpaceAccessDenied             = 55  // %s access denied for user '%s' to space '%s'
	ErrUserMax                       = 56  // A limit on the total number of users has been reached: %u
	ErrNoSuchEngine                  = 57  // Space engine '%s' does not exist
	ErrReloadCfg                     = 58  // Can't set option '%s' dynamically
	ErrCfg                           = 59  // Incorrect value for option '%s': %s
	ErrSophia                        = 60  // %s
	ErrLocalServerIsNotActive        = 61  // Local server is not active
	ErrUnknownServer                 = 62  // Server %s is not registered with the cluster
	ErrClusterIdMismatch             = 63  // Cluster id of the replica %s doesn't match cluster id of the master %s
	ErrInvalidUUID                   = 64  // Invalid UUID: %s
	ErrClusterIdIsRo                 = 65  // Can't reset cluster id: it is already assigned
	ErrReserved66                    = 66  // Reserved66
	ErrServerIdIsReserved            = 67  // Can't initialize server id with a reserved value %u
	ErrInvalidOrder                  = 68  // Invalid LSN order for server %u: previous LSN = %llu, new lsn = %llu
	ErrMissingRequestField           = 69  // Missing mandatory field '%s' in request
	ErrIdentifier                    = 70  // Invalid identifier '%s' (expected letters, digits or an underscore)
	ErrDropFunction                  = 71  // Can't drop function %u: %s
	ErrIteratorType                  = 72  // Unknown iterator type '%s'
	ErrReplicaMax                    = 73  // Replica count limit reached: %u
	ErrInvalidXlog                   = 74  // Failed to read xlog: %lld
	ErrInvalidXlogName               = 75  // Invalid xlog name: expected %lld got %lld
	ErrInvalidXlogOrder              = 76  // Invalid xlog order: %lld and %lld
	ErrNoConnection                  = 77  // Connection is not established
	ErrTimeout                       = 78  // Timeout exceeded
	ErrActiveTransaction             = 79  // Operation is not permitted when there is an active transaction
	ErrNoActiveTransaction           = 80  // Operation is not permitted when there is no active transaction
	ErrCrossEngineTransaction        = 81  // A multi-statement transaction can not use multiple storage engines
	ErrNoSuchRole                    = 82  // Role '%s' is not found
	ErrRoleExists                    = 83  // Role '%s' already exists
	ErrCreateRole                    = 84  // Failed to create role '%s': %s
	ErrIndexExists                   = 85  // Index '%s' already exists
	ErrTupleRefOverflow              = 86  // Tuple reference counter overflow
	ErrRoleLoop                      = 87  // Granting role '%s' to role '%s' would create a loop
	ErrGrant                         = 88  // Incorrect grant arguments: %s
	ErrPrivGranted                   = 89  // User '%s' already has %s access on %s '%s'
	ErrRoleGranted                   = 90  // User '%s' already has role '%s'
	ErrPrivNotGranted                = 91  // User '%s' does not have %s access on %s '%s'
	ErrRoleNotGranted                = 92  // User '%s' does not have role '%s'
	ErrMissingSnapshot               = 93  // Can't find snapshot
	ErrCantUpdatePrimaryKey          = 94  // Attempt to modify a tuple field which is part of index '%s' in space '%s'
	ErrUpdateIntegerOverflow         = 95  // Integer overflow when performing '%c' operation on field %u
	ErrGuestUserPassword             = 96  // Setting password for guest user has no effect
	ErrTransactionConflict           = 97  // Transaction has been aborted by conflict
	ErrUnsupportedRolePriv           = 98  // Unsupported role privilege '%s'
	ErrLoadFunction                  = 99  // Failed to dynamically load function '%s': %s
	ErrFunctionLanguage              = 100 // Unsupported language '%s' specified for function '%s'
	ErrRtreeRect                     = 101 // RTree: %s must be an array with %u (point) or %u (rectangle/box) numeric coordinates
	ErrProcC                         = 102 // ???
	ErrUnknownRtreeIndexDistanceType = 103 //Unknown RTREE index distance type %s
	ErrProtocol                      = 104 // %s
	ErrUpsertUniqueSecondaryKey      = 105 // Space %s has a unique secondary index and does not support UPSERT
	ErrWrongIndexRecord              = 106 // Wrong record in _index space: got {%s}, expected {%s}
	ErrWrongIndexParts               = 107 // Wrong index parts (field %u): %s; expected field1 id (number), field1 type (string), ...
	ErrWrongIndexOptions             = 108 // Wrong index options (field %u): %s
	ErrWrongSchemaVaersion           = 109 // Wrong schema version, current: %d, in request: %u
	ErrSlabAllocMax                  = 110 // Failed to allocate %u bytes for tuple in the slab allocator: tuple is too large. Check 'slab_alloc_maximal' configuration option.

Tarantool server error codes


This section is empty.


func ToUint32

func ToUint32(v interface{}) uint32

ToUint32 converts v to uint32 if possible and panics otherwise.

Works with [u]int[8,16,32,64].


type ClientError

type ClientError struct {
	Code uint32
	Msg  string

ClientError is connection produced by this client, ie connection failures or timeouts.

func (ClientError) Error

func (clierr ClientError) Error() string

func (ClientError) Temporary

func (clierr ClientError) Temporary() bool

Temporary returns true if next attempt to perform request may succeeed. Currently it returns true when: - Connection is not connected at the moment, - or request is timeouted, - or request is aborted due to rate limit.

type ConnEvent

type ConnEvent struct {
	Conn *Connection
	Kind ConnEventKind
	When time.Time

ConnEvent is sent throw Notify channel specified in Opts

type ConnEventKind

type ConnEventKind int

type ConnLogKind

type ConnLogKind int

type Connection

type Connection struct {

	// Schema contains schema loaded on connection.
	Schema *Schema

	// Greeting contains first message sent by tarantool
	Greeting *Greeting
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Connection is a handle to Tarantool.

It is created and configured with Connect function, and could not be reconfigured later.

It is could be "Connected", "Disconnected", and "Closed".

When "Connected" it sends queries to Tarantool.

When "Disconnected" it rejects queries with ClientError{Code: ErrConnectionNotReady}

When "Closed" it rejects queries with ClientError{Code: ErrConnectionClosed}

Connection could become "Closed" when Connection.Close() method called, or when Tarantool disconnected and Reconnect pause is not specified or MaxReconnects is specified and MaxReconnect reconnect attempts already performed.

You may perform data manipulation operation by calling its methods: Call*, Insert*, Replace*, Update*, Upsert*, Call*, Eval*.

In any method that accepts `space` you my pass either space number or space name (in this case it will be looked up in schema). Same is true for `index`.

ATTENTION: `tuple`, `key`, `ops` and `args` arguments for any method should be and array or should serialize to msgpack array.

ATTENTION: `result` argument for *Typed methods should deserialize from msgpack array, cause Tarantool always returns result as an array. For all space related methods and Call* (but not Call17*) methods Tarantool always returns array of array (array of tuples for space related methods). For Eval* and Call17* tarantool always returns array, but does not forces array of arrays.

func Connect

func Connect(addr string, opts Opts) (conn *Connection, err error)

Connect creates and configures new Connection

Address could be specified in following ways:

TCP connections: - tcp:// - tcp://my.host:3013 - tcp: - tcp:my.host:3013 - - my.host:3013 Unix socket: - unix:///abs/path/tnt.sock - unix:path/tnt.sock - /abs/path/tnt.sock - first '/' indicates unix socket - ./rel/path/tnt.sock - first '.' indicates unix socket - unix/:path/tnt.sock - 'unix/' acts as a "host" and "/path..." as a port


- If opts.Reconnect is zero (default), then connection either already connected or error is returned.

- If opts.Reconnect is non-zero, then error will be returned only if authorization// fails. But if Tarantool is not reachable, then it will attempt to reconnect later and will not end attempts on authorization failures.

func (*Connection) Addr

func (conn *Connection) Addr() string

Addr is configured address of Tarantool socket

func (*Connection) Call

func (conn *Connection) Call(functionName string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Call calls registered tarantool function. It uses request code for tarantool 1.6, so result is converted to array of arrays

It is equal to conn.CallAsync(functionName, args).Get().

func (*Connection) Call17

func (conn *Connection) Call17(functionName string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Call17 calls registered tarantool function. It uses request code for tarantool 1.7, so result is not converted (though, keep in mind, result is always array)

It is equal to conn.Call17Async(functionName, args).Get().

func (*Connection) Call17Async

func (conn *Connection) Call17Async(functionName string, args interface{}) *Future

Call17Async sends a call to registered tarantool function and returns Future. It uses request code for tarantool 1.7, so future's result will not be converted (though, keep in mind, result is always array)

func (*Connection) Call17Typed

func (conn *Connection) Call17Typed(functionName string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

Call17Typed calls registered function. It uses request code for tarantool 1.7, so result is not converted (though, keep in mind, result is always array)

It is equal to conn.Call17Async(functionName, args).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) CallAsync

func (conn *Connection) CallAsync(functionName string, args interface{}) *Future

CallAsync sends a call to registered tarantool function and returns Future. It uses request code for tarantool 1.6, so future's result is always array of arrays

func (*Connection) CallTyped

func (conn *Connection) CallTyped(functionName string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

CallTyped calls registered function. It uses request code for tarantool 1.6, so result is converted to array of arrays

It is equal to conn.CallAsync(functionName, args).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) Close

func (conn *Connection) Close() error

Close closes Connection. After this method called, there is no way to reopen this Connection.

func (*Connection) ClosedNow

func (conn *Connection) ClosedNow() bool

ClosedNow reports if connection is closed by user or after reconnect.

func (*Connection) ConfiguredTimeout

func (conn *Connection) ConfiguredTimeout() time.Duration

ConfiguredTimeout returns timeout from connection config

func (*Connection) ConnectedNow

func (conn *Connection) ConnectedNow() bool

ConnectedNow reports if connection is established at the moment.

func (*Connection) Delete

func (conn *Connection) Delete(space, index interface{}, key interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Delete performs deletion of a tuple by key. Result will contain array with deleted tuple.

It is equal to conn.DeleteAsync(space, tuple).Get().

func (*Connection) DeleteAsync

func (conn *Connection) DeleteAsync(space, index interface{}, key interface{}) *Future

DeleteAsync sends deletion action to tarantool and returns Future. Future's result will contain array with deleted tuple.

func (*Connection) DeleteTyped

func (conn *Connection) DeleteTyped(space, index interface{}, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

DeleteTyped performs deletion of a tuple by key and fills result with deleted tuple.

It is equal to conn.DeleteAsync(space, tuple).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) Eval

func (conn *Connection) Eval(expr string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Eval passes lua expression for evaluation.

It is equal to conn.EvalAsync(space, tuple).Get().

func (*Connection) EvalAsync

func (conn *Connection) EvalAsync(expr string, args interface{}) *Future

EvalAsync sends a lua expression for evaluation and returns Future.

func (*Connection) EvalTyped

func (conn *Connection) EvalTyped(expr string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

EvalTyped passes lua expression for evaluation.

It is equal to conn.EvalAsync(space, tuple).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) GetTyped

func (conn *Connection) GetTyped(space, index interface{}, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

GetTyped performs select (with limit = 1 and offset = 0) to box space and fills typed result.

It is equal to conn.SelectAsync(space, index, 0, 1, IterEq, key).GetTyped(&result)

func (*Connection) Handle

func (conn *Connection) Handle() interface{}

Handle returns user specified handle from Opts

func (*Connection) Insert

func (conn *Connection) Insert(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Insert performs insertion to box space. Tarantool will reject Insert when tuple with same primary key exists.

It is equal to conn.InsertAsync(space, tuple).Get().

func (*Connection) InsertAsync

func (conn *Connection) InsertAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) *Future

InsertAsync sends insert action to tarantool and returns Future. Tarantool will reject Insert when tuple with same primary key exists.

func (*Connection) InsertTyped

func (conn *Connection) InsertTyped(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

InsertTyped performs insertion to box space. Tarantool will reject Insert when tuple with same primary key exists.

It is equal to conn.InsertAsync(space, tuple).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) LocalAddr

func (conn *Connection) LocalAddr() string

LocalAddr is address of outgoing socket

func (*Connection) OverrideSchema

func (conn *Connection) OverrideSchema(s *Schema)

OverrideSchema sets Schema for the connection

func (*Connection) Ping

func (conn *Connection) Ping() (resp *Response, err error)

Ping sends empty request to Tarantool to check connection.

func (*Connection) RemoteAddr

func (conn *Connection) RemoteAddr() string

RemoteAddr is address of Tarantool socket

func (*Connection) Replace

func (conn *Connection) Replace(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Replace performs "insert or replace" action to box space. If tuple with same primary key exists, it will be replaced.

It is equal to conn.ReplaceAsync(space, tuple).Get().

func (*Connection) ReplaceAsync

func (conn *Connection) ReplaceAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) *Future

ReplaceAsync sends "insert or replace" action to tarantool and returns Future. If tuple with same primary key exists, it will be replaced.

func (*Connection) ReplaceTyped

func (conn *Connection) ReplaceTyped(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

ReplaceTyped performs "insert or replace" action to box space. If tuple with same primary key exists, it will be replaced.

It is equal to conn.ReplaceAsync(space, tuple).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) Select

func (conn *Connection) Select(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Select performs select to box space.

It is equal to conn.SelectAsync(...).Get()

var conn *tarantool.Connection
conn, err := example_connect()
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in prepare is %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
resp, err := conn.Select(512, 0, 0, 100, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(1111)})
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in select is %v", err)
fmt.Printf("response is %#v\n", resp.Data)
resp, err = conn.Select("test", "primary", 0, 100, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(1111)})
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in select is %v", err)
fmt.Printf("response is %#v\n", resp.Data)

response is []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x457, "hello", "world"}}
response is []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x457, "hello", "world"}}

func (*Connection) SelectAsync

func (conn *Connection) SelectAsync(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}) *Future

SelectAsync sends select request to tarantool and returns Future.

func (*Connection) SelectTyped

func (conn *Connection) SelectTyped(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

SelectTyped performs select to box space and fills typed result.

It is equal to conn.SelectAsync(space, index, offset, limit, iterator, key).GetTyped(&result)

var conn *tarantool.Connection
conn, err := example_connect()
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in prepare is %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
var res []Tuple
err = conn.SelectTyped(512, 0, 0, 100, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(1111)}, &res)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in select is %v", err)
fmt.Printf("response is %v\n", res)
err = conn.SelectTyped("test", "primary", 0, 100, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{uint(1111)}, &res)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("error in select is %v", err)
fmt.Printf("response is %v\n", res)

response is [{{} 1111 hello world}]
response is [{{} 1111 hello world}]

func (*Connection) Update

func (conn *Connection) Update(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Update performs update of a tuple by key. Result will contain array with updated tuple.

It is equal to conn.UpdateAsync(space, tuple).Get().

func (*Connection) UpdateAsync

func (conn *Connection) UpdateAsync(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}) *Future

Update sends deletion of a tuple by key and returns Future. Future's result will contain array with updated tuple.

func (*Connection) UpdateTyped

func (conn *Connection) UpdateTyped(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

UpdateTyped performs update of a tuple by key and fills result with updated tuple.

It is equal to conn.UpdateAsync(space, tuple, ops).GetTyped(&result).

func (*Connection) Upsert

func (conn *Connection) Upsert(space interface{}, tuple, ops interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

Upsert performs "update or insert" action of a tuple by key. Result will not contain any tuple.

It is equal to conn.UpsertAsync(space, tuple, ops).Get().

func (*Connection) UpsertAsync

func (conn *Connection) UpsertAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, ops interface{}) *Future

UpsertAsync sends "update or insert" action to tarantool and returns Future. Future's sesult will not contain any tuple.

type Connector

type Connector interface {
	ConnectedNow() bool
	Close() error
	Ping() (resp *Response, err error)
	ConfiguredTimeout() time.Duration

	Select(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Insert(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Replace(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Delete(space, index interface{}, key interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Update(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Upsert(space interface{}, tuple, ops interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Call(functionName string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Call17(functionName string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)
	Eval(expr string, args interface{}) (resp *Response, err error)

	GetTyped(space, index interface{}, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	SelectTyped(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	InsertTyped(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	ReplaceTyped(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	DeleteTyped(space, index interface{}, key interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	UpdateTyped(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	CallTyped(functionName string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	Call17Typed(functionName string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)
	EvalTyped(expr string, args interface{}, result interface{}) (err error)

	SelectAsync(space, index interface{}, offset, limit, iterator uint32, key interface{}) *Future
	InsertAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) *Future
	ReplaceAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}) *Future
	DeleteAsync(space, index interface{}, key interface{}) *Future
	UpdateAsync(space, index interface{}, key, ops interface{}) *Future
	UpsertAsync(space interface{}, tuple interface{}, ops interface{}) *Future
	CallAsync(functionName string, args interface{}) *Future
	Call17Async(functionName string, args interface{}) *Future
	EvalAsync(expr string, args interface{}) *Future

type DeadlineIO

type DeadlineIO struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeadlineIO) Read

func (d *DeadlineIO) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)

func (*DeadlineIO) Write

func (d *DeadlineIO) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code uint32
	Msg  string

Error is wrapper around error returned by Tarantool

func (Error) Error

func (tnterr Error) Error() string

type Field

type Field struct {
	Id   uint32
	Name string
	Type string

type Future

type Future struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Future is a handle for asynchronous request

func (*Future) Get

func (fut *Future) Get() (*Response, error)

Get waits for Future to be filled and returns Response and error

Response will contain deserialized result in Data field. It will be []interface{}, so if you want more performace, use GetTyped method.

Note: Response could be equal to nil if ClientError is returned in error.

"error" could be Error, if it is error returned by Tarantool, or ClientError, if something bad happens in a client process.

func (*Future) GetTyped

func (fut *Future) GetTyped(result interface{}) error

GetTyped waits for Future and calls msgpack.Decoder.Decode(result) if no error happens. It is could be much faster than Get() function.

Note: Tarantool usually returns array of tuples (except for Eval and Call17 actions)

type Greeting

type Greeting struct {
	Version string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Greeting is a message sent by tarantool on connect.

type Index

type Index struct {
	Id     uint32
	Name   string
	Type   string
	Unique bool
	Fields []*IndexField

Index contains information about index

type IndexField

type IndexField struct {
	Id   uint32
	Type string

type IntIntKey

type IntIntKey struct {
	I1, I2 int

IntIntKey is utility type for passing two integer keys to Select*, Update* and Delete* It serializes to array with two integer elements

func (IntIntKey) EncodeMsgpack

func (k IntIntKey) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error

type IntKey

type IntKey struct {
	I int

IntKey is utility type for passing integer key to Select*, Update* and Delete* It serializes to array with single integer element.

func (IntKey) EncodeMsgpack

func (k IntKey) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Report(event ConnLogKind, conn *Connection, v ...interface{})

Logger is logger type expected to be passed in options.

type Op

type Op struct {
	Op    string
	Field int
	Arg   interface{}

Op - is update operation

func (Op) EncodeMsgpack

func (o Op) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error

type OpSplice

type OpSplice struct {
	Op      string
	Field   int
	Pos     int
	Len     int
	Replace string

func (OpSplice) EncodeMsgpack

func (o OpSplice) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error

type Opts

type Opts struct {
	// Timeout is requests timeout.
	// Also used to setup net.TCPConn.Set(Read|Write)Deadline
	Timeout time.Duration
	// Reconnect is a pause between reconnection attempts.
	// If specified, then when tarantool is not reachable or disconnected,
	// new connect attempt is performed after pause.
	// By default, no reconnection attempts are performed,
	// so once disconnected, connection becomes Closed.
	Reconnect time.Duration
	// MaxReconnects is a maximum reconnect attempts.
	// After MaxReconnects attempts Connection becomes closed.
	MaxReconnects uint
	// User name for authorization
	User string
	// Pass is password for authorization
	Pass string
	// RateLimit limits number of 'in-fly' request, ie already putted into
	// requests queue, but not yet answered by server or time-outed.
	// It is disabled by default.
	// See RLimitAction for possible actions when RateLimit.reached.
	RateLimit uint
	// RLimitAction tells what to do when RateLimit reached:
	//   RLimitDrop - immediately abort request,
	//   RLimitWait - wait during timeout period for some request to be answered.
	//                If no request answered during timeout period, this request
	//                is aborted.
	//                If no timeout period is set, it will wait forever.
	// It is required if RateLimit is specified.
	RLimitAction uint
	// Concurrency is amount of separate mutexes for request
	// queues and buffers inside of connection.
	// It is rounded upto nearest power of 2.
	// By default it is runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) * 4
	Concurrency uint32
	// SkipSchema disables schema loading. Without disabling schema loading,
	// there is no way to create Connection for currently not accessible tarantool.
	SkipSchema bool
	// Notify is a channel which receives notifications about Connection status
	// changes.
	Notify chan<- ConnEvent
	// Handle is user specified value, that could be retrieved with Handle() method
	Handle interface{}
	// Logger is user specified logger used for error messages
	Logger Logger
	// EncoderFunc is optional parameter to configure creation of msgpack encoder.
	EncoderFunc func(w io.Writer) *msgpack.Encoder
	// DecoderFunc is optional parameter to configure creation of msgpack decoder.
	DecoderFunc func(r io.Reader) *msgpack.Decoder

Opts is a way to configure Connection

type Response

type Response struct {
	RequestId uint32
	Code      uint32
	Error     string // error message
	// Data contains deserialized data for untyped requests
	Data []interface{}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Response) String

func (resp *Response) String() (str string)

String implements Stringer interface

func (*Response) Tuples

func (resp *Response) Tuples() (res [][]interface{})

Tuples converts result of Eval and Call17 to same format as other actions returns (ie array of arrays).

type Schema

type Schema struct {
	Version uint
	// Spaces is map from space names to spaces
	Spaces map[string]*Space
	// SpacesById is map from space numbers to spaces
	SpacesById map[uint32]*Space

Schema contains information about spaces and indexes.

type Space

type Space struct {
	Id        uint32
	Name      string
	Engine    string
	Temporary bool // Is this space temporaray?
	// Field configuration is not mandatory and not checked by tarantool.
	FieldsCount uint32
	Fields      map[string]*Field
	FieldsById  map[uint32]*Field
	// Indexes is map from index names to indexes
	Indexes map[string]*Index
	// IndexesById is map from index numbers to indexes
	IndexesById map[uint32]*Index

Space contains information about tarantool space

type StringKey

type StringKey struct {
	S string

UintKey is utility type for passing string key to Select*, Update* and Delete* It serializes to array with single string element.

func (StringKey) EncodeMsgpack

func (k StringKey) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error

type UintKey

type UintKey struct {
	I uint

UintKey is utility type for passing unsigned integer key to Select*, Update* and Delete* It serializes to array with single integer element.

func (UintKey) EncodeMsgpack

func (k UintKey) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL