
An implementation of failpoints for golang.
Add a failpoint
Failpoints are special comments that include a failpoint variable declaration and some trigger code,
func someFunc() string {
// gofail: var SomeFuncString string
// // this is called when the failpoint is triggered
// return SomeFuncString
return "default"
Build with failpoints
Building with failpoints will translate gofail comments in place to code that accesses the gofail runtime.
Call gofail in the directory with failpoints to generate gofail runtime bindings, then build as usual,
gofail enable
go build cmd/
The translated code looks something like,
func someFunc() string {
if vSomeFuncString, __fpErr := __fp_SomeFuncString.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil { defer __fp_SomeFuncString.Release(); SomeFuncString, __fpTypeOK := vSomeFuncString.(string); if !__fpTypeOK { goto __badTypeSomeFuncString}
// this is called when the failpoint is triggered
return SomeFuncString; __badTypeSomeFuncString: __fp_SomeFuncString.BadType(vSomeFuncString, "string"); };
return "default"
To disable failpoints and revert to the original code,
gofail disable
Triggering a failpoint
After building with failpoints enabled, the program's failpoints can be activated so they may trigger when evaluated.
Command line
From the command line, trigger the failpoint to set SomeFuncString to hello
GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS='my/package/path/SomeFuncString=return("hello")' ./cmd
Multiple failpoints are set by using ';' for a delimiter,
GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS='failpoint1=return("hello");failpoint2=sleep(10)' ./cmd
HTTP endpoint
First, enable the HTTP server from the command line,
GOFAIL_HTTP="" ./cmd
Activate a failpoint with curl,
$ curl -XPUT -d'return("hello")'
List the failpoints,
$ curl
Deactivate a failpoint,
$ curl -XDELETE
Unit tests
From a unit test,
import (
gofail "github.com/etcd-io/gofail/runtime"
func TestWhatever(t *testing.T) {
gofail.Enable("my/package/path/SomeFuncString", `return("hello")`)
defer gofail.Disable("my/package/path/SomeFuncString")