Extism Go PDK
This library can be used to write
Extism Plug-ins in Go.
Include the library with Go get:
go get github.com/extism/go-pdk
Reference Documentation
You can find the reference documentation for this library on
Getting Started
The goal of writing an
Extism plug-in is to compile your Go
code to a Wasm module with exported functions that the host application can
invoke. The first thing you should understand is creating an export. Let's write
a simple program that exports a greet
function which will take a name as a
string and return a greeting string. Paste this into your main.go
package main
import (
//go:wasmexport greet
func greet() int32 {
input := pdk.Input()
greeting := `Hello, ` + string(input) + `!`
return 0
Some things to note about this code:
- The
//go:wasmexport greet
comment is required. This marks the greet function as an
export with the name greet
that can be called by the host.
- Exports in the Go PDK are coded to the raw ABI. You get parameters from the
host by calling
pdk.Input* functions and
you send returns back with the
pdk.Output* functions.
- An Extism export expects an i32 return code.
is success and 1
is a
Install the tinygo
See https://tinygo.org/getting-started/install/ for instructions for your
Note: while the core Go toolchain has support to target WebAssembly, we find
to work well for plug-in code. Please open issues on this repository
if you try building with go build
instead & have problems!
Compile this with the command:
tinygo build -o plugin.wasm -target wasip1 -buildmode=c-shared main.go
We can now test plugin.wasm
using the
Extism CLI's run
extism call plugin.wasm greet --input "Benjamin" --wasi
# => Hello, Benjamin!
Note: Currently wasip1
must be provided for all Go plug-ins even if they
don't need system access, however this will eventually be optional.
Note: We also have a web-based, plug-in tester called the
Extism Playground
More Exports: Error Handling
Suppose we want to re-write our greeting module to never greet Benjamins. We can
use pdk.SetError or
//go:wasmexport greet
func greet() int32 {
name := string(pdk.Input())
if name == "Benjamin" {
pdk.SetError(errors.New("Sorry, we don't greet Benjamins!"))
return 1
greeting := `Hello, ` + name + `!`
return 0
Now when we try again:
extism call plugin.wasm greet --input="Benjamin" --wasi
# => Error: Sorry, we don't greet Benjamins!
# => returned non-zero exit code: 1
echo $? # print last status code
# => 1
extism call plugin.wasm greet --input="Zach" --wasi
# => Hello, Zach!
echo $?
# => 0
Extism export functions simply take bytes in and bytes out. Those can be
whatever you want them to be. A common and simple way to get more complex types
to and from the host is with json:
type Add struct {
A int `json:"a"`
B int `json:"b"`
type Sum struct {
Sum int `json:"sum"`
//go:wasmexport add
func add() int32 {
params := Add{}
// use json input helper, which automatically unmarshals the plugin input into your struct
err := pdk.InputJSON(¶ms)
if err != nil {
return 1
sum := Sum{Sum: params.A + params.B}
// use json output helper, which automatically marshals your struct to the plugin output
_, err := pdk.OutputJSON(sum)
if err != nil {
return 1
return 0
extism call plugin.wasm add --input='{"a": 20, "b": 21}' --wasi
# => {"sum":41}
Configs are key-value pairs that can be passed in by the host when creating a
plug-in. These can be useful to statically configure the plug-in with some data
that exists across every function call. Here is a trivial example using
//go:wasmexport greet
func greet() int32 {
user, ok := pdk.GetConfig("user")
if !ok {
pdk.SetErrorString("This plug-in requires a 'user' key in the config")
return 1
greeting := `Hello, ` + user + `!`
return 0
To test it, the Extism CLI has a --config
option that lets you pass in key=value
extism call plugin.wasm greet --config user=Benjamin
# => Hello, Benjamin!
Variables are another key-value mechanism but it's a mutable data store that
will persist across function calls. These variables will persist as long as the
host has loaded and not freed the plug-in.
//go:wasmexport count
func count() int32 {
count := pdk.GetVarInt("count")
count = count + 1
pdk.SetVarInt("count", count)
return 0
Note: Use the untyped variants
pdk.SetVar(string, []byte)
pdk.GetVar(string) []byte
to handle your own types.
Because Wasm modules by default do not have access to the system, printing to
stdout won't work (unless you use WASI). Extism provides a simple
logging function that allows
you to use the host application to log without having to give the plug-in
permission to make syscalls.
//go:wasmexport log_stuff
func logStuff() int32 {
pdk.Log(pdk.LogInfo, "An info log!")
pdk.Log(pdk.LogDebug, "A debug log!")
pdk.Log(pdk.LogWarn, "A warn log!")
pdk.Log(pdk.LogError, "An error log!")
return 0
From Extism CLI:
extism call plugin.wasm log_stuff --wasi --log-level=debug
2023/10/12 12:11:23 Calling function : log_stuff
2023/10/12 12:11:23 An info log!
2023/10/12 12:11:23 A debug log!
2023/10/12 12:11:23 A warn log!
2023/10/12 12:11:23 An error log!
Note: From the CLI you need to pass a level with --log-level
. If you are
running the plug-in in your own host using one of our SDKs, you need to make
sure that you call set_log_file
to "stdout"
or some file location.
Sometimes it is useful to let a plug-in
make HTTP calls.
See this example
//go:wasmexport http_get
func httpGet() int32 {
// create an HTTP Request (withuot relying on WASI), set headers as needed
req := pdk.NewHTTPRequest(pdk.MethodGet, "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1")
req.SetHeader("some-name", "some-value")
req.SetHeader("another", "again")
// send the request, get response back (can check status on response via res.Status())
res := req.Send()
return 0
By default, Extism modules cannot make HTTP requests unless you specify which
hosts it can connect to. You can use --alow-host
in the Extism CLI to set
extism call plugin.wasm http_get --wasi --allow-host='*.typicode.com'
# => { "userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false }
Imports (Host Functions)
Like any other code module, Wasm not only let's you export functions to the
outside world, you can import them too. Host Functions allow a plug-in to import
functions defined in the host. For example, if you host application is written
in Python, it can pass a Python function down to your Go plug-in where you can
invoke it.
This topic can get fairly complicated and we have not yet fully abstracted the
Wasm knowledge you need to do this correctly. So we recommend reading our
concept doc on Host Functions
before you get started.
A Simple Example
Host functions have a similar interface as exports. You just need to declare
them as extern on the top of your main.go. You only declare the interface as it
is the host's responsibility to provide the implementation:
//go:wasmimport extism:host/user a_python_func
func aPythonFunc(uint64) uint64
We should be able to call this function as a normal Go function. Note that we
need to manually handle the pointer casting:
//go:wasmexport hello_from_python
func helloFromPython() int32 {
msg := "An argument to send to Python"
mem := pdk.AllocateString(msg)
defer mem.Free()
ptr := aPythonFunc(mem.Offset())
rmem := pdk.FindMemory(ptr)
response := string(rmem.ReadBytes())
return 0
Testing it out
We can't really test this from the Extism CLI as something must provide the
implementation. So let's write out the Python side here. Check out the
docs for Host SDKs to implement a
host function in a language of your choice.
from extism import host_fn, Plugin
def a_python_func(input: str) -> str:
# just printing this out to prove we're in Python land
print("Hello from Python!")
# let's just add "!" to the input string
# but you could imagine here we could add some
# applicaiton code like query or manipulate the database
# or our application APIs
return input + "!"
Now when we load the plug-in we pass the host function:
manifest = {"wasm": [{"path": "/path/to/plugin.wasm"}]}
plugin = Plugin(manifest, functions=[a_python_func], wasi=True)
result = plugin.call('hello_from_python', b'').decode('utf-8')
python3 app.py
# => Hello from Python!
# => An argument to send to Python!
Reactor modules
Since TinyGo version 0.34.0, the compiler has native support for
Reactor modules.
Make sure you invoke the compiler with the -buildmode=c-shared
so that libc and the Go runtime are properly initialized:
cd example/reactor
tinygo build -target wasip1 -buildmode=c-shared -o reactor.wasm ./tiny_main.go
extism call ./reactor.wasm read_file --input "./test.txt" --allow-path . --wasi --log-level info
# => Hello World!
Note on TinyGo 0.33.0 and earlier
TinyGo versions below 0.34.0 do not support
Reactor modules.
If you want to use WASI inside your Reactor module functions (exported functions other
than main
). You can however import the wasi-reactor
module to ensure that libc
and go runtime are initialized as expected:
Moreover, older versions may not provide the special //go:wasmexport
directive, and instead use //export
package main
import (
_ "github.com/extism/go-pdk/wasi-reactor"
//export read_file
func read_file() {
name := pdk.InputString()
content, err := os.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
pdk.Log(pdk.LogError, err.Error())
func main() {}
tinygo build -target wasip1 -o reactor.wasm ./tiny_main.go
extism call ./reactor.wasm read_file --input "./test.txt" --allow-path . --wasi --log-level info
# => Hello World!
Note: this is not required if you only have the main
Generating Bindings
It's often very useful to define a schema to describe the function signatures
and types you want to use between Extism SDK and PDK languages.
XTP Bindgen is an open source
framework to generate PDK bindings for Extism plug-ins. It's used by the
XTP Platform, but can be used outside of the platform
to define any Extism compatible plug-in system.
1. Install the xtp
See installation instructions
2. Create a schema using our OpenAPI-inspired IDL:
version: v1-draft
type: string
contentType: text/plain; charset=utf-8
$ref: "#/components/schemas/VowelReport"
contentType: application/json
# components.schemas defined in example-schema.yaml...
See an example in example-schema.yaml, or a full
"kitchen sink" example on
the docs page.
3. Generate bindings to use from your plugins:
xtp plugin init --schema-file ./example-schema.yaml
1. TypeScript
> 2. Go
3. Rust
4. Python
5. C#
6. Zig
7. C++
8. GitHub Template
9. Local Template
This will create an entire boilerplate plugin project for you to get started
package main
// returns VowelReport (The result of counting vowels on the Vowels input.)
func CountVowels(input string) (VowelReport, error) {
// TODO: fill out your implementation here
panic("Function not implemented.")
Implement the empty function(s), and run xtp plugin build
to compile your
For more information about XTP Bindgen, see the
dylibso/xtp-bindgen repository and
the official
XTP Schema documentation.
Reach Out!
Have a question or just want to drop in and say hi?
Hop on the Discord!