Quicksearch is a lightweight search engine which deploys and runs as a single binary. It's inspired by Zinc but it use Bleve as underlying indexing library. It just supports local storage now.
Getting Started
If you have installed golang, just run following:
// if go version >= 1.16
go install
// or `go get -u` for go < 1.16
This will generate binary in your $GOPATH/bin
. Or you can get the prebuild binary
from Releases.
To run the quicksearch. Copy the example config.
// run quicksearch
quicksearch -c config.yaml
API Reference
Index API
- Create Index
POST /<index>
"settings": <Index Settings>,
"mappings": <Index Mappings>
The request boby can be ignored which use default.
<Index Settings>
is an object which contains index's setting
"number_of_shards": int
<Index Mappings>
is an object which defines index's mapping
"types": {
"Document Type": <Documnet Mapping>,
"Document Type": <Documnet Mapping>
"default_mapping": <Documnet Mapping>,
"type_field": string,
"default_type": string,
"default_analyzer": string
<Documnet Mapping>
is an object which defines document's mapping
"disabled": bool, # disable this documnet mapping
"properties": {
"name": <Documnet Mapping>, # this enables nested json
"name": <Documnet Mapping>
"fields": <Field Mapping>,
"default_analyzer": string
<Field Mapping>
is an array which defines field level mapping
# you can define one more field mapping for one field, that's why its array {
"type": string, # support "keyword", "text", "datetime", "number", "boolean", "geopoint", "IP"
"analyzer": string, # specifies the name of the analyzer to use for this field
"store": bool, # indicates whether to store field values in the index
"index": bool # indicates whether to analyze the field }
- Update Index Mapping
PUT /<index>/_mapping
<Index Mapping>
- Get Index Detail
GET /<index>
- Open Index
POST /<index>/_open
- Close Index
POST /<index>/_close
- Clone Index
POST /<index>/_clone/<cloned index>
- List Indices
GET /_all
- Delete Index
DELETE /<index>
Document API
- Index Document
POST /<index>/_doc
<document json object>
# or with custom documnet id
POST /<index>/_doc/<docID>
<document json object>
If index a document with same docID, the newer one will cover old fully.
- Bulk
POST /_bulk POST /<index>/_bulk
<Action Line>
<optional document json object>
<Action Line>
<optional document json object>
<Action Line>
is an obejct defines which operation to execute
# <Action> can be `create`, `delete`, `index`, `update`
<Action>: {
"_index": string,
"_id": string
- Update Document
PUT /<index>/_doc/<docID>
"fieldName": any
This can update part fields of document.
- Get Document
GET /<index>/_doc/<docID>
- Delete Document
DELETE /<index>/_doc/<docID>
Search API
POST /<index>/_search
GET /<index>/_search
POST /_search
GET /_search
"query": <Query>,
"size": int,
"from": int,
"highlight": bool,
"fields": []string,
"facets": {
<facet name>: {
"size": int,
"field": string,
"numeric_ranges": [
"name": string,
"min": float64,
"max": float64
"date_ranges": [
"name": string,
"start": datetime, # RFC3339
"end": datetime # RFC3339
"explain": bool,
"sort": []sting,
"includeLocations": bool,
"search_after": []sting,
"search_before": []string
indicates different query
- Query String Query
"query": string,
"boost": int
This is the simplest query for search, see full query language specification.
Run or build from source
To run the quicksearch
from source, clone the repo firstly.
git clone
# or use 'git clone' if you don't set SSH key.
Then download the dependencies.
cd quicksearch && go mod tidy -compat=1.17 # go version >= 1.17
Run the following command to start the quicksearch
go run -c configs/config.yaml
Or build the binary like this:
go build -o bin/quicksearch
Run binary:
bin/quicksearch -c configs/config.yaml
The test use some testdata which stores with git-lfs. After you have installed the git-lfs, you can run
git lfs pull
in the project root to fetch the large test file.
Then run
go run
The above command will generate test/testdata/zhwiki-20220601-abstract.json
, you can open it to see the content.
In the end, just run all the tests by:
go test -timeout 0 ./...
If everything works well, an ok
wiill appear at the end of output.