Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddTimeout(t float64, fn func())
- func AreTooltipsEnabled() bool
- func Awake(fn func()) bool
- func AwakeNullMessage()
- func Check()
- func ChoiceDialog(message string, options ...string) int
- func ChooseFile(message, pattern, initialFilename string, relative bool) (string, bool)
- func CopyToClipboard(text string)
- func CopyToSelectionBuffer(text string)
- func DisableTooltips()
- func DragAndDrop()
- func Draw(text string, x, y, w, h int, align Align)
- func DrawArc(x, y, w, h int, a1, a2 float64)
- func DrawArc2(x, y, r, start, end float64)
- func DrawArrow(x, y, w, h int, arr ArrowType, orient Orientation, col Color)
- func DrawBox(boxType BoxType, x, y, w, h int, color Color)
- func DrawCheck(x, y, w, h int, col Color)
- func DrawCirlce(x, y, r float64)
- func DrawFocusRect(x, y, w, h int)
- func DrawLine(x, y, x1, y1 int)
- func DrawLine2(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
- func DrawLoop(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
- func DrawLoop2(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 int)
- func DrawPie(x, y, w, h int, a1, a2 float64)
- func DrawPoint(x, y int)
- func DrawPolygon(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
- func DrawPolygon2(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 int)
- func DrawRect(x, y, w, h int)
- func DrawRectWithColor(x, y, w, h int, col Color)
- func DrawRectf(x, y, w, h int)
- func DrawRectfWithColor(x, y, w, h int, col Color)
- func DrawRtl(text string, x, y int)
- func DrawTextAngled(text string, x, y, angle int)
- func DrawXyLine(x, y, x1 int)
- func DrawXyLine2(x, y, x1, y2 int)
- func DrawXyLine3(x, y, x1, y2, x3 int)
- func DrawYxLine(x, y, y1 int)
- func DrawYxLine2(x, y, y1, x2 int)
- func DrawYxLine3(x, y, y1, x2, y3 int)
- func EnableTooltips()
- func EventButton1() bool
- func EventClicks() int
- func EventDX() int
- func EventDY() int
- func EventIsClick() bool
- func EventKey() int
- func EventState() int
- func EventText() string
- func EventX() int
- func EventXRoot() int
- func EventY() int
- func EventYRoot() int
- func GetFont(font Font) string
- func InitStyles()
- func Lock() bool
- func MeasureText(text string, draw_symbols bool) (int, int)
- func MenuLinespacing() int
- func MessageBox(title, message string)
- func PopClip()
- func PushClip(x, y, w, h int)
- func PushNoClip()
- func RepeatTimeout(t float64, fn func())
- func Run() int
- func ScreenCount() int
- func ScreenDPI(screenNum int) (float32, float32)
- func ScreenNum(x, y int) int
- func ScreenScale(screenNum int) float32
- func ScreenWorkArea(screenNum int) (int, int, int, int)
- func ScrollbarSize() int
- func SetBackground2Color(r, g, b uint8)
- func SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b uint8)
- func SetBoxType(b BoxType, d func(int, int, int, int, Color), o
- func SetColor(col Color, r, g, b uint8)
- func SetDrawColor(color Color)
- func SetDrawFont(font Font, size int)
- func SetEventClicks(i int)
- func SetFont(fontNumber Font, fontName string)
- func SetFont2(font Font, font2 Font)
- func SetFonts(xstarname ...string) int
- func SetForegroundColor(r, g, b uint8)
- func SetKeyboardScreenScaling(value bool)
- func SetLineStyle(style LineStyle, width int)
- func SetMenuLinespacing(size int)
- func SetScheme(scheme string) int
- func SetScreenScale(screenNum int, scale float32)
- func SetScrollbarSize(size int)
- func SetTooltipDelay(delay float32)
- func TestShortcut(shortcut int) bool
- func TextExtents(text string) (int, int, int, int)
- func TooltipDelay() float32
- func TooltipEnterArea(wi Widget, x, y, w, h int, tip string)
- func Unlock()
- func Version() string
- func VersionByFltk() string
- func Wait(duration ...float64)
- type Align
- type ArrowType
- type BmpImage
- func (i *BmpImage) Count() int
- func (i *BmpImage) D() int
- func (i *BmpImage) DataH() int
- func (i *BmpImage) DataW() int
- func (i *BmpImage) Destroy()
- func (i *BmpImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *BmpImage) H() int
- func (i *BmpImage) Inactive()
- func (i *BmpImage) Ld() int
- func (i *BmpImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *BmpImage) W() int
- type Box
- func (w *Box) Activate()
- func (w *Box) Align() Align
- func (w *Box) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Box) Changed() uint
- func (w *Box) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Box) Color() Color
- func (w *Box) Deactivate()
- func (w *Box) Destroy()
- func (w *Box) H() int
- func (w *Box) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Box) Hide()
- func (w *Box) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Box) Label() string
- func (w *Box) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Box) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Box) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Box) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Box) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Box) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Box) Redraw()
- func (w *Box) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Box) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Box) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Box) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Box) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Box) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Box) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Box) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Box) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Box) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Box) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Box) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Box) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Box) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Box) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Box) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Box) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Box) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Box) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Box) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Box) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Box) Show()
- func (w *Box) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Box) Type() uint8
- func (w *Box) Visible() bool
- func (w *Box) W() int
- func (w *Box) X() int
- func (w *Box) Y() int
- type BoxType
- type Browser
- func (w *Browser) Activate()
- func (b *Browser) Add(str string)
- func (b *Browser) AddWithData(str string, data interface{})
- func (w *Browser) Align() Align
- func (w *Browser) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Browser) Changed() uint
- func (b *Browser) Clear()
- func (w *Browser) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Browser) Color() Color
- func (b *Browser) ColumnChar() rune
- func (b *Browser) ColumnWidths() []int
- func (b *Browser) Data(line int) interface{}
- func (w *Browser) Deactivate()
- func (w *Browser) Destroy()
- func (b *Browser) Displayed(line int) bool
- func (b *Browser) FormatChar() rune
- func (w *Browser) H() int
- func (w *Browser) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Browser) Hide()
- func (b *Browser) HideLine(line int) error
- func (b *Browser) Icon(line int) Image
- func (w *Browser) IsActive() bool
- func (b *Browser) IsSelected(line int) bool
- func (w *Browser) Label() string
- func (w *Browser) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Browser) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Browser) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Browser) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Browser) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Browser) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Browser) Redraw()
- func (b *Browser) Remove(line int) error
- func (w *Browser) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Browser) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Browser) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (b *Browser) SetBottomLine(line int) error
- func (w *Browser) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Browser) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Browser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Browser) SetColor(color Color)
- func (b *Browser) SetColumnChar(r rune)
- func (b *Browser) SetColumnWidths(widths
- func (w *Browser) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Browser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Browser) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (b *Browser) SetFormatChar(r rune)
- func (b *Browser) SetIcon(line int, i Image)
- func (w *Browser) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Browser) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Browser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Browser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Browser) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Browser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (b *Browser) SetMiddleLine(line int) error
- func (w *Browser) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Browser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (b *Browser) SetSelected(line int, val bool) bool
- func (w *Browser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Browser) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (b *Browser) SetTopLine(line int) error
- func (w *Browser) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (b *Browser) SetValue(line int)
- func (w *Browser) Show()
- func (b *Browser) Size() int
- func (w *Browser) TakeFocus() int
- func (b *Browser) Text(line int) string
- func (b *Browser) TopLine() int
- func (w *Browser) Type() uint8
- func (b *Browser) Value() int
- func (w *Browser) Visible() bool
- func (w *Browser) W() int
- func (w *Browser) X() int
- func (w *Browser) Y() int
- type Button
- func (w *Button) Activate()
- func (w *Button) Align() Align
- func (w *Button) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Button) Changed() uint
- func (w *Button) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Button) Color() Color
- func (w *Button) Deactivate()
- func (w *Button) Destroy()
- func (w *Button) H() int
- func (w *Button) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Button) Hide()
- func (w *Button) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Button) Label() string
- func (w *Button) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Button) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Button) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Button) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Button) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Button) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Button) Redraw()
- func (w *Button) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Button) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Button) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Button) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Button) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Button) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Button) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Button) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (b *Button) SetDownBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Button) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Button) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Button) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Button) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Button) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Button) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Button) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Button) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Button) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Button) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Button) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (b *Button) SetShortcut(shortcut int)
- func (w *Button) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Button) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (b *Button) SetValue(val bool)
- func (b *Button) Shortcut() int
- func (w *Button) Show()
- func (w *Button) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Button) Type() uint8
- func (b *Button) Value() bool
- func (w *Button) Visible() bool
- func (w *Button) W() int
- func (w *Button) X() int
- func (w *Button) Y() int
- type CallbackCondition
- type Chart
- func (w *Chart) Activate()
- func (c *Chart) Add(val float64, col Color, text ...string)
- func (w *Chart) Align() Align
- func (c *Chart) Autosize() bool
- func (c *Chart) Bounds() (float64, float64)
- func (w *Chart) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Chart) Changed() uint
- func (c *Chart) Clear()
- func (w *Chart) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Chart) Color() Color
- func (w *Chart) Deactivate()
- func (w *Chart) Destroy()
- func (w *Chart) H() int
- func (w *Chart) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Chart) Hide()
- func (c *Chart) Insert(index int, val float64, col Color, text ...string)
- func (w *Chart) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Chart) Label() string
- func (w *Chart) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Chart) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Chart) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Chart) LabelType() LabelType
- func (c *Chart) MaxSize() int
- func (w *Chart) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Chart) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Chart) Redraw()
- func (c *Chart) Replace(index int, val float64, col Color, text ...string)
- func (w *Chart) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Chart) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Chart) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (c *Chart) SetAutosize(flag bool)
- func (c *Chart) SetBounds(a, b float64)
- func (w *Chart) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Chart) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Chart) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Chart) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Chart) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Chart) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Chart) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Chart) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Chart) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Chart) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Chart) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Chart) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Chart) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (c *Chart) SetMaxSize(m int)
- func (w *Chart) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Chart) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Chart) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (c *Chart) SetSize(W, H int)
- func (c *Chart) SetTextColor(color Color)
- func (c *Chart) SetTextFont(font Font)
- func (c *Chart) SetTextSize(size int)
- func (w *Chart) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Chart) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Chart) Show()
- func (c *Chart) Size() int
- func (w *Chart) TakeFocus() int
- func (c *Chart) TextColor() Color
- func (c *Chart) TextFont() Font
- func (c *Chart) TextSize() int
- func (w *Chart) Type() uint8
- func (w *Chart) Visible() bool
- func (w *Chart) W() int
- func (w *Chart) X() int
- func (w *Chart) Y() int
- type CheckBrowser
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Activate()
- func (b *CheckBrowser) Add(s string, checked bool)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Align() Align
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Box() BoxType
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Changed() uint
- func (b *CheckBrowser) CheckedCount() int
- func (b *CheckBrowser) Clear()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Color() Color
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Deactivate()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Destroy()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) H() int
- func (w *CheckBrowser) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Hide()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) IsActive() bool
- func (b *CheckBrowser) IsChecked(item int) bool
- func (b *CheckBrowser) ItemCount() int
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Label() string
- func (w *CheckBrowser) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *CheckBrowser) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *CheckBrowser) LabelSize() int
- func (w *CheckBrowser) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *CheckBrowser) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Parent() *Group
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Redraw()
- func (b *CheckBrowser) Remove(item int)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (b *CheckBrowser) SetChecked(item int, checked bool)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Show()
- func (w *CheckBrowser) TakeFocus() int
- func (b *CheckBrowser) Text(item int) string
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Type() uint8
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Visible() bool
- func (w *CheckBrowser) W() int
- func (w *CheckBrowser) X() int
- func (w *CheckBrowser) Y() int
- type CheckButton
- func (w *CheckButton) Activate()
- func (w *CheckButton) Align() Align
- func (w *CheckButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *CheckButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *CheckButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *CheckButton) Color() Color
- func (w *CheckButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *CheckButton) Destroy()
- func (w *CheckButton) H() int
- func (w *CheckButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *CheckButton) Hide()
- func (w *CheckButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *CheckButton) Label() string
- func (w *CheckButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *CheckButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *CheckButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *CheckButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *CheckButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *CheckButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *CheckButton) Redraw()
- func (w *CheckButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *CheckButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *CheckButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *CheckButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *CheckButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *CheckButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *CheckButton) Show()
- func (w *CheckButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *CheckButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *CheckButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *CheckButton) W() int
- func (w *CheckButton) X() int
- func (w *CheckButton) Y() int
- type Choice
- func (m *Choice) Add(label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *Choice) AddEx(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *Choice) AddExWithIcon(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int, img Image) int
- func (m *Choice) Clear()
- func (m *Choice) Destroy()
- func (m *Choice) FindIndex(label string) int
- func (m *Choice) Insert(index int, label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *Choice) InsertEx(index int, label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *Choice) Remove(index int)
- func (m *Choice) Replace(index int, label string)
- func (m *Choice) SelectedText() string
- func (m *Choice) SetValue(value int)
- func (m *Choice) Size() int
- func (m *Choice) Text(index int) string
- func (m *Choice) Value() int
- type Color
- type Cursor
- type Event
- type FileChooser
- type FileChooserType
- type Flex
- func (w *Flex) Activate()
- func (w *Flex) Align() Align
- func (w *Flex) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Flex) Changed() uint
- func (w *Flex) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Flex) Color() Color
- func (w *Flex) Deactivate()
- func (w *Flex) Destroy()
- func (f *Flex) End()
- func (f *Flex) Fixed(w Widget, size int)
- func (w *Flex) H() int
- func (w *Flex) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Flex) Hide()
- func (w *Flex) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Flex) Label() string
- func (w *Flex) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Flex) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Flex) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Flex) LabelType() LabelType
- func (f *Flex) Layout()
- func (f *Flex) Margin() int
- func (w *Flex) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Flex) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Flex) Redraw()
- func (w *Flex) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Flex) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Flex) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Flex) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Flex) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Flex) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Flex) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Flex) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Flex) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Flex) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (f *Flex) SetGap(spacing int)
- func (w *Flex) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Flex) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Flex) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Flex) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Flex) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Flex) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (f *Flex) SetMargin(margin int, gap
- func (w *Flex) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Flex) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Flex) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (f *Flex) SetSpacing(spacing int)
- func (w *Flex) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (f *Flex) SetType(flexType FlexType)
- func (w *Flex) Show()
- func (f *Flex) Spacing() int
- func (w *Flex) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Flex) Type() uint8
- func (w *Flex) Visible() bool
- func (w *Flex) W() int
- func (w *Flex) X() int
- func (w *Flex) Y() int
- type FlexType
- type FloatInput
- func (w *FloatInput) Activate()
- func (w *FloatInput) Align() Align
- func (w *FloatInput) Box() BoxType
- func (w *FloatInput) Changed() uint
- func (w *FloatInput) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *FloatInput) Color() Color
- func (w *FloatInput) Deactivate()
- func (w *FloatInput) Destroy()
- func (w *FloatInput) H() int
- func (w *FloatInput) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *FloatInput) Hide()
- func (w *FloatInput) IsActive() bool
- func (w *FloatInput) Label() string
- func (w *FloatInput) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *FloatInput) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *FloatInput) LabelSize() int
- func (w *FloatInput) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *FloatInput) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *FloatInput) Parent() *Group
- func (w *FloatInput) Redraw()
- func (w *FloatInput) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *FloatInput) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *FloatInput) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *FloatInput) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *FloatInput) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *FloatInput) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *FloatInput) Show()
- func (w *FloatInput) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *FloatInput) Type() uint8
- func (w *FloatInput) Visible() bool
- func (w *FloatInput) W() int
- func (w *FloatInput) X() int
- func (w *FloatInput) Y() int
- type Font
- type GlWindow
- func (w *GlWindow) Activate()
- func (w *GlWindow) Align() Align
- func (w *GlWindow) Box() BoxType
- func (w *GlWindow) CanDo() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) Changed() uint
- func (w *GlWindow) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *GlWindow) Color() Color
- func (w *GlWindow) ContextValid() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) Deactivate()
- func (w *GlWindow) Destroy()
- func (w *GlWindow) H() int
- func (w *GlWindow) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) Hide()
- func (w *GlWindow) IsActive() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) Label() string
- func (w *GlWindow) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *GlWindow) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *GlWindow) LabelSize() int
- func (w *GlWindow) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *GlWindow) MakeCurrent()
- func (w *GlWindow) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *GlWindow) Parent() *Group
- func (w *GlWindow) Redraw()
- func (w *GlWindow) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *GlWindow) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *GlWindow) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *GlWindow) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *GlWindow) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetMode(mode int)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *GlWindow) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *GlWindow) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *GlWindow) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *GlWindow) Type() uint8
- func (w *GlWindow) Valid() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) Visible() bool
- func (w *GlWindow) W() int
- func (w *GlWindow) X() int
- func (w *GlWindow) Y() int
- type Grid
- func (w *Grid) Activate()
- func (w *Grid) Align() Align
- func (w *Grid) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Grid) Changed() uint
- func (w *Grid) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Grid) Color() Color
- func (g *Grid) ColumnGap(column int) int
- func (g *Grid) ColumnWeight(column int) int
- func (w *Grid) Deactivate()
- func (w *Grid) Destroy()
- func (w *Grid) H() int
- func (w *Grid) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Grid) Hide()
- func (w *Grid) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Grid) Label() string
- func (w *Grid) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Grid) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Grid) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Grid) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Grid) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Grid) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Grid) Redraw()
- func (w *Grid) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (g *Grid) RowGap(row int) int
- func (g *Grid) RowWeight(row int) int
- func (w *Grid) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Grid) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Grid) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Grid) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Grid) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Grid) SetColor(color Color)
- func (g *Grid) SetColumnGap(column, gap int)
- func (g *Grid) SetColumnWeight(column, weight int)
- func (w *Grid) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Grid) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Grid) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Grid) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Grid) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Grid) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Grid) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Grid) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Grid) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (g *Grid) SetLayout(rows, columns, margin, gap int)
- func (w *Grid) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Grid) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (g *Grid) SetRowGap(row, gap int)
- func (g *Grid) SetRowWeight(row, weight int)
- func (w *Grid) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (g *Grid) SetShowGrid(show bool)
- func (g *Grid) SetShowGridAndColor(show bool, color Color)
- func (w *Grid) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Grid) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (g *Grid) SetWidget(w Widget, row, column int, align GridAlign)
- func (g *Grid) SetWidgetWithSpan(w Widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan int, align GridAlign)
- func (w *Grid) Show()
- func (w *Grid) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Grid) Type() uint8
- func (w *Grid) Visible() bool
- func (w *Grid) W() int
- func (w *Grid) X() int
- func (w *Grid) Y() int
- type GridAlign
- type Group
- func (w *Group) Activate()
- func (g *Group) Add(w Widget)
- func (w *Group) Align() Align
- func (g *Group) Begin()
- func (w *Group) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Group) Changed() uint
- func (g *Group) Child(index int) *widget
- func (g *Group) ChildCount() int
- func (g *Group) Children() []*widget
- func (w *Group) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Group) Color() Color
- func (w *Group) Deactivate()
- func (w *Group) Destroy()
- func (g *Group) DrawChildren()
- func (g *Group) End()
- func (w *Group) H() int
- func (w *Group) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Group) Hide()
- func (w *Group) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Group) Label() string
- func (w *Group) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Group) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Group) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Group) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Group) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Group) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Group) Redraw()
- func (g *Group) Remove(w Widget)
- func (g *Group) Resizable(w Widget)
- func (w *Group) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Group) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Group) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Group) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Group) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Group) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Group) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Group) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Group) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Group) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Group) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Group) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Group) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Group) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Group) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Group) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Group) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Group) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Group) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Group) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Group) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Group) Show()
- func (w *Group) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Group) Type() uint8
- func (w *Group) Visible() bool
- func (w *Group) W() int
- func (w *Group) X() int
- func (w *Group) Y() int
- type HelpView
- func (w *HelpView) Activate()
- func (w *HelpView) Align() Align
- func (w *HelpView) Box() BoxType
- func (w *HelpView) Changed() uint
- func (w *HelpView) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *HelpView) Color() Color
- func (w *HelpView) Deactivate()
- func (w *HelpView) Destroy()
- func (h *HelpView) Directory() string
- func (h *HelpView) Filename() string
- func (h *HelpView) Find(str string, i int
- func (w *HelpView) H() int
- func (w *HelpView) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *HelpView) Hide()
- func (w *HelpView) IsActive() bool
- func (w *HelpView) Label() string
- func (w *HelpView) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *HelpView) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *HelpView) LabelSize() int
- func (w *HelpView) LabelType() LabelType
- func (h *HelpView) LeftLine() int
- func (h *HelpView) Load(f string)
- func (w *HelpView) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *HelpView) Parent() *Group
- func (w *HelpView) Redraw()
- func (w *HelpView) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *HelpView) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *HelpView) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *HelpView) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *HelpView) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *HelpView) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *HelpView) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *HelpView) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *HelpView) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *HelpView) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *HelpView) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *HelpView) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *HelpView) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *HelpView) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *HelpView) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *HelpView) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (h *HelpView) SetLeftLine(i int)
- func (w *HelpView) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *HelpView) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *HelpView) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *HelpView) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (h *HelpView) SetTopLine(i int)
- func (h *HelpView) SetTopLineString(str string)
- func (w *HelpView) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (h *HelpView) SetValue(str string)
- func (w *HelpView) Show()
- func (w *HelpView) TakeFocus() int
- func (h *HelpView) TextColor(col Color)
- func (h *HelpView) TextFont(font Font)
- func (h *HelpView) TextSize(size int)
- func (h *HelpView) TopLine() int
- func (w *HelpView) Type() uint8
- func (h *HelpView) Value() string
- func (w *HelpView) Visible() bool
- func (w *HelpView) W() int
- func (w *HelpView) X() int
- func (w *HelpView) Y() int
- type HoldBrowser
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Activate()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Align() Align
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Box() BoxType
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Changed() uint
- func (w *HoldBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Color() Color
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Deactivate()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Destroy()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) H() int
- func (w *HoldBrowser) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Hide()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) IsActive() bool
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Label() string
- func (w *HoldBrowser) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *HoldBrowser) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *HoldBrowser) LabelSize() int
- func (w *HoldBrowser) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *HoldBrowser) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Parent() *Group
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Redraw()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Show()
- func (w *HoldBrowser) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Type() uint8
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Visible() bool
- func (w *HoldBrowser) W() int
- func (w *HoldBrowser) X() int
- func (w *HoldBrowser) Y() int
- type Image
- type Input
- func (w *Input) Activate()
- func (w *Input) Align() Align
- func (w *Input) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Input) Changed() uint
- func (w *Input) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Input) Color() Color
- func (w *Input) Deactivate()
- func (w *Input) Destroy()
- func (w *Input) H() int
- func (w *Input) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Input) Hide()
- func (i *Input) InsertPosition() int
- func (w *Input) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Input) Label() string
- func (w *Input) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Input) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Input) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Input) LabelType() LabelType
- func (i *Input) Mark() int
- func (w *Input) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Input) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Input) Redraw()
- func (i *Input) Resize(x int, y int, w int, h int)
- func (w *Input) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Input) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Input) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Input) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Input) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Input) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Input) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Input) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Input) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Input) SetImage(i Image)
- func (i *Input) SetInsertPosition(pos, mark int)
- func (w *Input) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Input) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Input) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Input) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Input) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Input) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Input) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Input) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Input) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Input) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (i *Input) SetValue(value string) bool
- func (w *Input) Show()
- func (w *Input) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Input) Type() uint8
- func (i *Input) Value() string
- func (w *Input) Visible() bool
- func (w *Input) W() int
- func (w *Input) X() int
- func (w *Input) Y() int
- type InputChoice
- func (w *InputChoice) Activate()
- func (w *InputChoice) Align() Align
- func (w *InputChoice) Box() BoxType
- func (w *InputChoice) Changed() uint
- func (c *InputChoice) Clear()
- func (w *InputChoice) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *InputChoice) Color() Color
- func (w *InputChoice) Deactivate()
- func (w *InputChoice) Destroy()
- func (w *InputChoice) H() int
- func (w *InputChoice) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *InputChoice) Hide()
- func (c *InputChoice) Input() *Input
- func (w *InputChoice) IsActive() bool
- func (w *InputChoice) Label() string
- func (w *InputChoice) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *InputChoice) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *InputChoice) LabelSize() int
- func (w *InputChoice) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *InputChoice) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (c *InputChoice) MenuButton() *MenuButton
- func (w *InputChoice) Parent() *Group
- func (w *InputChoice) Redraw()
- func (w *InputChoice) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *InputChoice) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *InputChoice) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *InputChoice) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *InputChoice) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *InputChoice) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *InputChoice) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (c *InputChoice) SetValue(label string)
- func (c *InputChoice) SetValueIndex(index int)
- func (w *InputChoice) Show()
- func (w *InputChoice) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *InputChoice) Type() uint8
- func (c *InputChoice) UpdateMenuButton() bool
- func (c *InputChoice) Value() string
- func (w *InputChoice) Visible() bool
- func (w *InputChoice) W() int
- func (w *InputChoice) X() int
- func (w *InputChoice) Y() int
- type JpegImage
- func (i *JpegImage) Count() int
- func (i *JpegImage) D() int
- func (i *JpegImage) DataH() int
- func (i *JpegImage) DataW() int
- func (i *JpegImage) Destroy()
- func (i *JpegImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *JpegImage) H() int
- func (i *JpegImage) Inactive()
- func (i *JpegImage) Ld() int
- func (i *JpegImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *JpegImage) W() int
- type LabelType
- type LightButton
- func (w *LightButton) Activate()
- func (w *LightButton) Align() Align
- func (w *LightButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *LightButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *LightButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *LightButton) Color() Color
- func (w *LightButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *LightButton) Destroy()
- func (w *LightButton) H() int
- func (w *LightButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *LightButton) Hide()
- func (w *LightButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *LightButton) Label() string
- func (w *LightButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *LightButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *LightButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *LightButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *LightButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *LightButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *LightButton) Redraw()
- func (w *LightButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *LightButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *LightButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *LightButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *LightButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *LightButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *LightButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *LightButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *LightButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *LightButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *LightButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *LightButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *LightButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *LightButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *LightButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *LightButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *LightButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *LightButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *LightButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *LightButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *LightButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *LightButton) Show()
- func (w *LightButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *LightButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *LightButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *LightButton) W() int
- func (w *LightButton) X() int
- func (w *LightButton) Y() int
- type LineStyle
- type MenuBar
- func (m *MenuBar) Add(label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *MenuBar) AddEx(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *MenuBar) AddExWithIcon(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int, img Image) int
- func (m *MenuBar) Clear()
- func (m *MenuBar) Destroy()
- func (m *MenuBar) FindIndex(label string) int
- func (m *MenuBar) Insert(index int, label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *MenuBar) InsertEx(index int, label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *MenuBar) Remove(index int)
- func (m *MenuBar) Replace(index int, label string)
- func (m *MenuBar) SelectedText() string
- func (m *MenuBar) SetValue(value int)
- func (m *MenuBar) Size() int
- func (m *MenuBar) Text(index int) string
- func (m *MenuBar) Value() int
- type MenuButton
- func (m *MenuButton) Add(label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *MenuButton) AddEx(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *MenuButton) AddExWithIcon(label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int, img Image) int
- func (m *MenuButton) Clear()
- func (m *MenuButton) Destroy()
- func (m *MenuButton) FindIndex(label string) int
- func (m *MenuButton) Insert(index int, label string, callback func()) int
- func (m *MenuButton) InsertEx(index int, label string, shortcut int, callback func(), flags int) int
- func (m *MenuButton) Popup()
- func (m *MenuButton) Remove(index int)
- func (m *MenuButton) Replace(index int, label string)
- func (m *MenuButton) SelectedText() string
- func (m *MenuButton) SetType(menuType MenuType)
- func (m *MenuButton) SetValue(value int)
- func (m *MenuButton) Size() int
- func (m *MenuButton) Text(index int) string
- func (m *MenuButton) Value() int
- type MenuType
- type MouseButton
- type MultiBrowser
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Activate()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Align() Align
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Box() BoxType
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Changed() uint
- func (w *MultiBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Color() Color
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Deactivate()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Destroy()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) H() int
- func (w *MultiBrowser) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Hide()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) IsActive() bool
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Label() string
- func (w *MultiBrowser) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *MultiBrowser) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *MultiBrowser) LabelSize() int
- func (w *MultiBrowser) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *MultiBrowser) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Parent() *Group
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Redraw()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Show()
- func (w *MultiBrowser) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Type() uint8
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Visible() bool
- func (w *MultiBrowser) W() int
- func (w *MultiBrowser) X() int
- func (w *MultiBrowser) Y() int
- type NativeFileChooser
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Count() int
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Destroy()
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Directory() string
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Filenames() []string
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Filter() string
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) FilterCount() int
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) FilterValue() int
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Options() int
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) PresetFile() string
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetDirectory(directory string)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetFilter(filter string)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetFilterValue(v int)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetOptions(options int)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetPresetFile(presetFile string)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetTitle(title string)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetType(typ NativeFileChooserType)
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Show() int
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Title() string
- func (c *NativeFileChooser) Type() NativeFileChooserType
- type NativeFileChooserType
- type Offscreen
- type Orientation
- type Output
- func (w *Output) Activate()
- func (w *Output) Align() Align
- func (w *Output) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Output) Changed() uint
- func (w *Output) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Output) Color() Color
- func (w *Output) Deactivate()
- func (w *Output) Destroy()
- func (w *Output) H() int
- func (w *Output) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Output) Hide()
- func (w *Output) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Output) Label() string
- func (w *Output) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Output) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Output) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Output) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Output) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Output) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Output) Redraw()
- func (w *Output) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Output) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Output) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Output) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Output) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Output) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Output) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Output) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Output) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Output) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Output) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Output) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Output) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Output) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Output) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Output) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Output) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Output) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Output) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Output) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Output) Show()
- func (w *Output) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Output) Type() uint8
- func (w *Output) Visible() bool
- func (w *Output) W() int
- func (w *Output) X() int
- func (w *Output) Y() int
- type Overflow
- type Pack
- func (w *Pack) Activate()
- func (w *Pack) Align() Align
- func (w *Pack) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Pack) Changed() uint
- func (w *Pack) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Pack) Color() Color
- func (w *Pack) Deactivate()
- func (w *Pack) Destroy()
- func (w *Pack) H() int
- func (w *Pack) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Pack) Hide()
- func (w *Pack) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Pack) Label() string
- func (w *Pack) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Pack) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Pack) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Pack) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Pack) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Pack) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Pack) Redraw()
- func (w *Pack) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Pack) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Pack) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Pack) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Pack) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Pack) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Pack) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Pack) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Pack) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Pack) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Pack) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Pack) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Pack) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Pack) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Pack) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Pack) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Pack) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Pack) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Pack) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (p *Pack) SetSpacing(spacing int)
- func (w *Pack) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (p *Pack) SetType(packType PackType)
- func (w *Pack) Show()
- func (p *Pack) Spacing() int
- func (w *Pack) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Pack) Type() uint8
- func (w *Pack) Visible() bool
- func (w *Pack) W() int
- func (w *Pack) X() int
- func (w *Pack) Y() int
- type PackType
- type PngImage
- func (i *PngImage) Count() int
- func (i *PngImage) D() int
- func (i *PngImage) DataH() int
- func (i *PngImage) DataW() int
- func (i *PngImage) Destroy()
- func (i *PngImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *PngImage) H() int
- func (i *PngImage) Inactive()
- func (i *PngImage) Ld() int
- func (i *PngImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *PngImage) W() int
- type Progress
- func (w *Progress) Activate()
- func (w *Progress) Align() Align
- func (w *Progress) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Progress) Changed() uint
- func (w *Progress) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Progress) Color() Color
- func (w *Progress) Deactivate()
- func (w *Progress) Destroy()
- func (w *Progress) H() int
- func (w *Progress) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Progress) Hide()
- func (w *Progress) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Progress) Label() string
- func (w *Progress) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Progress) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Progress) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Progress) LabelType() LabelType
- func (p *Progress) Maximum() float64
- func (w *Progress) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (p *Progress) Minimum() float64
- func (w *Progress) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Progress) Redraw()
- func (w *Progress) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Progress) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Progress) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Progress) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Progress) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Progress) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Progress) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Progress) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Progress) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Progress) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Progress) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Progress) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Progress) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Progress) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Progress) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Progress) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (p *Progress) SetMaximum(max float64)
- func (p *Progress) SetMinimum(max float64)
- func (w *Progress) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Progress) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Progress) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Progress) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Progress) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (p *Progress) SetValue(value float64)
- func (w *Progress) Show()
- func (w *Progress) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Progress) Type() uint8
- func (p *Progress) Value() float64
- func (w *Progress) Visible() bool
- func (w *Progress) W() int
- func (w *Progress) X() int
- func (w *Progress) Y() int
- type RadioButton
- func (w *RadioButton) Activate()
- func (w *RadioButton) Align() Align
- func (w *RadioButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *RadioButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *RadioButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *RadioButton) Color() Color
- func (w *RadioButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *RadioButton) Destroy()
- func (w *RadioButton) H() int
- func (w *RadioButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *RadioButton) Hide()
- func (w *RadioButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *RadioButton) Label() string
- func (w *RadioButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *RadioButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *RadioButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *RadioButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *RadioButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *RadioButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *RadioButton) Redraw()
- func (w *RadioButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *RadioButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *RadioButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *RadioButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *RadioButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *RadioButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *RadioButton) Show()
- func (w *RadioButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *RadioButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *RadioButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *RadioButton) W() int
- func (w *RadioButton) X() int
- func (w *RadioButton) Y() int
- type RadioRoundButton
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Activate()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Align() Align
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Color() Color
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Destroy()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) H() int
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Hide()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Label() string
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Redraw()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Show()
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) W() int
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) X() int
- func (w *RadioRoundButton) Y() int
- type ReturnButton
- func (w *ReturnButton) Activate()
- func (w *ReturnButton) Align() Align
- func (w *ReturnButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *ReturnButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *ReturnButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *ReturnButton) Color() Color
- func (w *ReturnButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *ReturnButton) Destroy()
- func (w *ReturnButton) H() int
- func (w *ReturnButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *ReturnButton) Hide()
- func (w *ReturnButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *ReturnButton) Label() string
- func (w *ReturnButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *ReturnButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *ReturnButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *ReturnButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *ReturnButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *ReturnButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *ReturnButton) Redraw()
- func (w *ReturnButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *ReturnButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *ReturnButton) Show()
- func (w *ReturnButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *ReturnButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *ReturnButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *ReturnButton) W() int
- func (w *ReturnButton) X() int
- func (w *ReturnButton) Y() int
- type RgbImage
- func (i *RgbImage) Count() int
- func (i *RgbImage) D() int
- func (i *RgbImage) DataH() int
- func (i *RgbImage) DataW() int
- func (i *RgbImage) Destroy()
- func (i *RgbImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *RgbImage) H() int
- func (i *RgbImage) Inactive()
- func (i *RgbImage) Ld() int
- func (i *RgbImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *RgbImage) W() int
- type Roller
- type RowSelectMode
- type Scroll
- func (w *Scroll) Activate()
- func (w *Scroll) Align() Align
- func (w *Scroll) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Scroll) Changed() uint
- func (w *Scroll) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Scroll) Color() Color
- func (w *Scroll) Deactivate()
- func (w *Scroll) Destroy()
- func (w *Scroll) H() int
- func (w *Scroll) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Scroll) Hide()
- func (w *Scroll) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Scroll) Label() string
- func (w *Scroll) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Scroll) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Scroll) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Scroll) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Scroll) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Scroll) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Scroll) Redraw()
- func (w *Scroll) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (s *Scroll) ScrollTo(x, y int)
- func (w *Scroll) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Scroll) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Scroll) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Scroll) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Scroll) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Scroll) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Scroll) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Scroll) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Scroll) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Scroll) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Scroll) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Scroll) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Scroll) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Scroll) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Scroll) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Scroll) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Scroll) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Scroll) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Scroll) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (s *Scroll) SetType(scrollType ScrollType)
- func (w *Scroll) Show()
- func (w *Scroll) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Scroll) Type() uint8
- func (w *Scroll) Visible() bool
- func (w *Scroll) W() int
- func (w *Scroll) X() int
- func (s *Scroll) XPosition() int
- func (w *Scroll) Y() int
- func (s *Scroll) YPosition() int
- type ScrollType
- type SelectBrowser
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Activate()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Align() Align
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Box() BoxType
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Changed() uint
- func (w *SelectBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Color() Color
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Deactivate()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Destroy()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) H() int
- func (w *SelectBrowser) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Hide()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) IsActive() bool
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Label() string
- func (w *SelectBrowser) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *SelectBrowser) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *SelectBrowser) LabelSize() int
- func (w *SelectBrowser) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *SelectBrowser) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Parent() *Group
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Redraw()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Show()
- func (w *SelectBrowser) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Type() uint8
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Visible() bool
- func (w *SelectBrowser) W() int
- func (w *SelectBrowser) X() int
- func (w *SelectBrowser) Y() int
- type SelectionFlag
- type SharedImage
- func (i *SharedImage) Count() int
- func (i *SharedImage) D() int
- func (i *SharedImage) DataH() int
- func (i *SharedImage) DataW() int
- func (i *SharedImage) Destroy()
- func (i *SharedImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *SharedImage) H() int
- func (i *SharedImage) Inactive()
- func (i *SharedImage) Ld() int
- func (i *SharedImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *SharedImage) W() int
- type Slider
- type SliderType
- type Spinner
- func (w *Spinner) Activate()
- func (w *Spinner) Align() Align
- func (w *Spinner) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Spinner) Changed() uint
- func (w *Spinner) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Spinner) Color() Color
- func (w *Spinner) Deactivate()
- func (w *Spinner) Destroy()
- func (w *Spinner) H() int
- func (w *Spinner) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Spinner) Hide()
- func (w *Spinner) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Spinner) Label() string
- func (w *Spinner) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Spinner) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Spinner) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Spinner) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Spinner) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Spinner) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Spinner) Redraw()
- func (w *Spinner) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Spinner) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Spinner) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Spinner) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Spinner) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Spinner) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Spinner) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Spinner) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Spinner) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Spinner) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Spinner) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Spinner) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Spinner) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Spinner) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Spinner) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Spinner) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (s *Spinner) SetMaximum(max float64)
- func (s *Spinner) SetMinimum(min float64)
- func (w *Spinner) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Spinner) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Spinner) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (s *Spinner) SetStep(step float64)
- func (w *Spinner) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (s *Spinner) SetType(inputType SpinnerInputType)
- func (s *Spinner) SetValue(val float64)
- func (w *Spinner) Show()
- func (w *Spinner) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Spinner) Type() uint8
- func (s *Spinner) Value() float64
- func (w *Spinner) Visible() bool
- func (w *Spinner) W() int
- func (w *Spinner) X() int
- func (w *Spinner) Y() int
- type SpinnerInputType
- type StyleTableEntry
- type SvgImage
- func (i *SvgImage) Count() int
- func (i *SvgImage) D() int
- func (i *SvgImage) DataH() int
- func (i *SvgImage) DataW() int
- func (i *SvgImage) Destroy()
- func (i *SvgImage) Draw(x, y, w, h int)
- func (i *SvgImage) H() int
- func (i *SvgImage) Inactive()
- func (i *SvgImage) Ld() int
- func (i *SvgImage) Scale(width int, height int, proportional bool, can_expand bool)
- func (i *SvgImage) W() int
- type TableContext
- type TableRow
- func (t *TableRow) AllowColumnResizing()
- func (t *TableRow) AllowRowResizing()
- func (t *TableRow) CallbackColumn() int
- func (t *TableRow) CallbackContext() TableContext
- func (t *TableRow) CallbackRow() int
- func (t *TableRow) ColumnHeaderHeight() int
- func (t *TableRow) Destroy()
- func (t *TableRow) DisableColumnHeaders()
- func (t *TableRow) DisableRowHeaders()
- func (t *TableRow) DisallowColumnResizing()
- func (t *TableRow) DisallowRowResizing()
- func (t *TableRow) EnableColumnHeaders()
- func (t *TableRow) EnableRowHeaders()
- func (t *TableRow) FindCell(ctx TableContext, row int, col int) (int, int, int, int, error)
- func (t *TableRow) IsRowSelected(row int) bool
- func (t *TableRow) RowAndColumnFromCursor() (row, col int)
- func (t *TableRow) RowCount() int
- func (t *TableRow) RowHeaderWidth() int
- func (t *TableRow) ScrollbarSize() int
- func (t *TableRow) SelectAllRows(flag SelectionFlag)
- func (t *TableRow) SelectRow(row int, flag SelectionFlag)
- func (t *TableRow) Selection() (int, int, int, int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetColumnCount(columnCount int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetColumnHeaderHeight(size int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetColumnWidth(column, width int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetColumnWidthAll(width int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetDrawCellCallback(callback func(TableContext, int, int, int, int, int, int))
- func (t *TableRow) SetRowCount(rowCount int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeaderWidth(size int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeight(row, height int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeightAll(height int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetScrollbarSize(size int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetTopRow(row int)
- func (t *TableRow) SetType(tableType RowSelectMode)
- func (t *TableRow) TopRow() int
- func (t *TableRow) VisibleCells() (int, int, int, int)
- type Tabs
- func (w *Tabs) Activate()
- func (w *Tabs) Align() Align
- func (w *Tabs) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Tabs) Changed() uint
- func (w *Tabs) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Tabs) Color() Color
- func (w *Tabs) Deactivate()
- func (w *Tabs) Destroy()
- func (w *Tabs) H() int
- func (w *Tabs) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Tabs) Hide()
- func (w *Tabs) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Tabs) Label() string
- func (w *Tabs) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Tabs) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Tabs) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Tabs) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Tabs) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Tabs) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Tabs) Redraw()
- func (w *Tabs) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Tabs) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Tabs) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Tabs) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Tabs) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Tabs) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Tabs) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Tabs) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Tabs) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Tabs) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Tabs) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Tabs) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Tabs) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Tabs) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Tabs) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Tabs) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (t *Tabs) SetOverflow(overflow Overflow)
- func (w *Tabs) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Tabs) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Tabs) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Tabs) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Tabs) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (t *Tabs) SetValue(value int)
- func (w *Tabs) Show()
- func (w *Tabs) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Tabs) Type() uint8
- func (t *Tabs) Value() int
- func (w *Tabs) Visible() bool
- func (w *Tabs) W() int
- func (w *Tabs) X() int
- func (w *Tabs) Y() int
- type TextBuffer
- func (b *TextBuffer) AddModifyCallback(cb func(int, int, int, int, string))
- func (b *TextBuffer) Append(txt string)
- func (b *TextBuffer) CharAt(pos int) rune
- func (b *TextBuffer) CountLines(start, end int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) Destroy()
- func (b *TextBuffer) GetSelectionPosition() (int, int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) GetSelectionText() string
- func (b *TextBuffer) GetTabWidth() int
- func (b *TextBuffer) GetTextRange(start, end int) string
- func (b *TextBuffer) Highlight(start, end int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) Insert(pos int, txt string)
- func (b *TextBuffer) IsSelected() bool
- func (b *TextBuffer) Length() int
- func (b *TextBuffer) LineEnd(pos int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) LineStart(pos int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) LineText(pos int) string
- func (b *TextBuffer) NextChar(pos int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) PrevChar(pos int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) Remove(start, end int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) ReplaceRange(start, end int, txt string)
- func (b *TextBuffer) ReplaceSelection(txt string)
- func (b *TextBuffer) RewindLines(start, nLines int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) Search(start int, searchStr string, searchBackward, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) SearchBackward(start int, searchStr string, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) SearchForward(start int, searchStr string, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) Select(start, end int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
- func (b *TextBuffer) SetText(txt string)
- func (b *TextBuffer) SkipLines(start, nLines int) int
- func (b *TextBuffer) Text() string
- func (b *TextBuffer) UnHighlight()
- func (b *TextBuffer) UnSelect()
- type TextDisplay
- func (w *TextDisplay) Activate()
- func (w *TextDisplay) Align() Align
- func (w *TextDisplay) Box() BoxType
- func (t *TextDisplay) Buffer() *TextBuffer
- func (w *TextDisplay) Changed() uint
- func (w *TextDisplay) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *TextDisplay) Color() Color
- func (w *TextDisplay) Deactivate()
- func (w *TextDisplay) Destroy()
- func (t *TextDisplay) GetInsertPosition() int
- func (w *TextDisplay) H() int
- func (w *TextDisplay) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *TextDisplay) Hide()
- func (t *TextDisplay) HideCursor()
- func (t *TextDisplay) InsertText(txt string)
- func (w *TextDisplay) IsActive() bool
- func (w *TextDisplay) Label() string
- func (w *TextDisplay) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *TextDisplay) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *TextDisplay) LabelSize() int
- func (w *TextDisplay) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *TextDisplay) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (t *TextDisplay) MoveDown() bool
- func (t *TextDisplay) MoveLeft() bool
- func (t *TextDisplay) MoveRight() bool
- func (t *TextDisplay) MoveUp() bool
- func (t *TextDisplay) Overstrike(txt string)
- func (w *TextDisplay) Parent() *Group
- func (t *TextDisplay) PositionToXY(pos int) (int, int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) Redraw()
- func (w *TextDisplay) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetBuffer(buf *TextBuffer)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetHighlightData(buf *TextBuffer, entries []StyleTableEntry)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetImage(i Image)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetInsertPosition(newPos int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberAlign(align Align)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberBgcolor(color Color)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFgcolor(color Color)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFont(font Font)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberSize(s int)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberWidth(w int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextColor(color Color)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextFont(font Font)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextSize(size int)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *TextDisplay) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (t *TextDisplay) SetWrapMode(wrap WrapMode, wrapMargin
- func (w *TextDisplay) Show()
- func (t *TextDisplay) ShowInsertPosition()
- func (w *TextDisplay) TakeFocus() int
- func (t *TextDisplay) TextColor() Color
- func (t *TextDisplay) TextFont() Font
- func (t *TextDisplay) TextSize() int
- func (w *TextDisplay) Type() uint8
- func (w *TextDisplay) Visible() bool
- func (w *TextDisplay) W() int
- func (w *TextDisplay) X() int
- func (t *TextDisplay) XYToPosition(x, y int) int
- func (w *TextDisplay) Y() int
- type TextEditor
- func (w *TextEditor) Activate()
- func (w *TextEditor) Align() Align
- func (w *TextEditor) Box() BoxType
- func (w *TextEditor) Changed() uint
- func (w *TextEditor) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *TextEditor) Color() Color
- func (t *TextEditor) Copy()
- func (t *TextEditor) Cut()
- func (w *TextEditor) Deactivate()
- func (t *TextEditor) Delete()
- func (w *TextEditor) Destroy()
- func (w *TextEditor) H() int
- func (w *TextEditor) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *TextEditor) Hide()
- func (t *TextEditor) Insert()
- func (w *TextEditor) IsActive() bool
- func (w *TextEditor) Label() string
- func (w *TextEditor) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *TextEditor) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *TextEditor) LabelSize() int
- func (w *TextEditor) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *TextEditor) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *TextEditor) Parent() *Group
- func (t *TextEditor) Paste()
- func (t *TextEditor) Redo() bool
- func (w *TextEditor) Redraw()
- func (w *TextEditor) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (t *TextEditor) SelectAll()
- func (w *TextEditor) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *TextEditor) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *TextEditor) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *TextEditor) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *TextEditor) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *TextEditor) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *TextEditor) Show()
- func (w *TextEditor) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *TextEditor) Type() uint8
- func (t *TextEditor) Undo() bool
- func (w *TextEditor) Visible() bool
- func (w *TextEditor) W() int
- func (w *TextEditor) X() int
- func (w *TextEditor) Y() int
- type Tile
- func (w *Tile) Activate()
- func (w *Tile) Align() Align
- func (w *Tile) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Tile) Changed() uint
- func (w *Tile) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Tile) Color() Color
- func (w *Tile) Deactivate()
- func (w *Tile) Destroy()
- func (w *Tile) H() int
- func (w *Tile) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Tile) Hide()
- func (w *Tile) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Tile) Label() string
- func (w *Tile) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Tile) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Tile) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Tile) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Tile) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Tile) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Tile) Redraw()
- func (w *Tile) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Tile) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Tile) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Tile) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Tile) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Tile) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Tile) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Tile) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Tile) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Tile) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Tile) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Tile) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Tile) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Tile) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Tile) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Tile) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Tile) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Tile) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Tile) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Tile) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Tile) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Tile) Show()
- func (w *Tile) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Tile) Type() uint8
- func (w *Tile) Visible() bool
- func (w *Tile) W() int
- func (w *Tile) X() int
- func (w *Tile) Y() int
- type ToggleButton
- func (w *ToggleButton) Activate()
- func (w *ToggleButton) Align() Align
- func (w *ToggleButton) Box() BoxType
- func (w *ToggleButton) Changed() uint
- func (w *ToggleButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *ToggleButton) Color() Color
- func (w *ToggleButton) Deactivate()
- func (w *ToggleButton) Destroy()
- func (w *ToggleButton) H() int
- func (w *ToggleButton) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *ToggleButton) Hide()
- func (w *ToggleButton) IsActive() bool
- func (w *ToggleButton) Label() string
- func (w *ToggleButton) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *ToggleButton) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *ToggleButton) LabelSize() int
- func (w *ToggleButton) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *ToggleButton) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *ToggleButton) Parent() *Group
- func (w *ToggleButton) Redraw()
- func (w *ToggleButton) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *ToggleButton) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *ToggleButton) Show()
- func (w *ToggleButton) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *ToggleButton) Type() uint8
- func (w *ToggleButton) Visible() bool
- func (w *ToggleButton) W() int
- func (w *ToggleButton) X() int
- func (w *ToggleButton) Y() int
- type Tree
- func (w *Tree) Activate()
- func (t *Tree) Add(path string) TreeItem
- func (w *Tree) Align() Align
- func (w *Tree) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Tree) Changed() uint
- func (t *Tree) Clear()
- func (t *Tree) ClearChildren(item TreeItem)
- func (w *Tree) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Tree) Color() Color
- func (w *Tree) Deactivate()
- func (w *Tree) Destroy()
- func (w *Tree) H() int
- func (w *Tree) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Tree) Hide()
- func (w *Tree) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Tree) Label() string
- func (w *Tree) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Tree) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Tree) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Tree) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Tree) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Tree) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Tree) Redraw()
- func (t *Tree) Remove(item TreeItem) bool
- func (w *Tree) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Tree) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Tree) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Tree) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Tree) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Tree) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Tree) SetColor(color Color)
- func (t *Tree) SetConnectorStyle(style TreeConnector)
- func (w *Tree) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Tree) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Tree) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Tree) SetImage(i Image)
- func (t *Tree) SetItemDrawMode(drawMode TreeItemDrawMode)
- func (w *Tree) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Tree) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Tree) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Tree) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Tree) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Tree) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Tree) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (t *Tree) SetSelectMode(selectMode TreeSelect)
- func (w *Tree) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (t *Tree) SetShowRoot(show bool)
- func (w *Tree) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Tree) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Tree) Show()
- func (w *Tree) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Tree) Type() uint8
- func (w *Tree) Visible() bool
- func (w *Tree) W() int
- func (w *Tree) X() int
- func (w *Tree) Y() int
- type TreeConnector
- type TreeItem
- type TreeItemDrawMode
- type TreeSelect
- type ValueSlider
- func (v *ValueSlider) SetMaximum(value float64)
- func (v *ValueSlider) SetMinimum(value float64)
- func (v *ValueSlider) SetStep(value float64)
- func (s *ValueSlider) SetTextFont(font Font)
- func (s *ValueSlider) SetTextSize(size int)
- func (v *ValueSlider) SetValue(value float64)
- func (v *ValueSlider) Value() float64
- type Widget
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Activate()
- func (w *Window) Align() Align
- func (w *Window) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Window) Changed() uint
- func (w *Window) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Window) Color() Color
- func (w *Window) Deactivate()
- func (w *Window) Destroy()
- func (w *Window) FullscreenActive() bool
- func (w *Window) H() int
- func (w *Window) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Window) Hide()
- func (w *Window) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Window) IsShown() bool
- func (w *Window) Label() string
- func (w *Window) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Window) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Window) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Window) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Window) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Window) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Window) Redraw()
- func (w *Window) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Window) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Window) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Window) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Window) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Window) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Window) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Window) SetCursor(cursor Cursor)
- func (w *Window) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Window) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Window) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Window) SetFullscreen(flag bool)
- func (w *Window) SetIcons(icons []*RgbImage)
- func (w *Window) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Window) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Window) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Window) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Window) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Window) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Window) SetModal()
- func (w *Window) SetNonModal()
- func (w *Window) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Window) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Window) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Window) SetSizeRange(minW, minH, maxW, maxH, deltaX, deltaY int, aspectRatio bool)
- func (w *Window) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Window) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Window) SetXClass(wmclass string)
- func (w *Window) Show()
- func (w *Window) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Window) Type() uint8
- func (w *Window) Visible() bool
- func (w *Window) W() int
- func (w *Window) X() int
- func (w *Window) XRoot() int
- func (w *Window) Y() int
- func (w *Window) YRoot() int
- type Wizard
- func (w *Wizard) Activate()
- func (w *Wizard) Align() Align
- func (w *Wizard) Box() BoxType
- func (w *Wizard) Changed() uint
- func (w *Wizard) ClearVisibleFocus()
- func (w *Wizard) Color() Color
- func (w *Wizard) Deactivate()
- func (w *Wizard) Destroy()
- func (w *Wizard) H() int
- func (w *Wizard) HasFocus() bool
- func (w *Wizard) Hide()
- func (w *Wizard) IsActive() bool
- func (w *Wizard) Label() string
- func (w *Wizard) LabelColor() Color
- func (w *Wizard) LabelFont() Font
- func (w *Wizard) LabelSize() int
- func (w *Wizard) LabelType() LabelType
- func (w *Wizard) MeasureLabel() (int, int)
- func (w *Wizard) Next()
- func (w *Wizard) Parent() *Group
- func (w *Wizard) Prev()
- func (w *Wizard) Redraw()
- func (w *Wizard) Resize(x, y, width, height int)
- func (w *Wizard) SelectionColor() Color
- func (w *Wizard) SetAlign(align Align)
- func (w *Wizard) SetBox(box BoxType)
- func (w *Wizard) SetCallback(f func())
- func (w *Wizard) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
- func (w *Wizard) SetColor(color Color)
- func (w *Wizard) SetDeimage(i Image)
- func (w *Wizard) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
- func (w *Wizard) SetEventHandler(handler func(Event) bool)
- func (w *Wizard) SetImage(i Image)
- func (w *Wizard) SetLabel(label string)
- func (w *Wizard) SetLabelColor(col Color)
- func (w *Wizard) SetLabelFont(font Font)
- func (w *Wizard) SetLabelSize(size int)
- func (w *Wizard) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
- func (w *Wizard) SetPosition(x, y int)
- func (w *Wizard) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
- func (w *Wizard) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
- func (w *Wizard) SetTooltip(text string)
- func (w *Wizard) SetType(widgetType uint8)
- func (w *Wizard) SetValue(widget Widget)
- func (w *Wizard) Show()
- func (w *Wizard) TakeFocus() int
- func (w *Wizard) Type() uint8
- func (w *Wizard) Value() *widget
- func (w *Wizard) Visible() bool
- func (w *Wizard) W() int
- func (w *Wizard) X() int
- func (w *Wizard) Y() int
- type WrapMode
Constants ¶
const ( BAR_CHART = iota /* Bar Chart variant */ HORBAR_CHART = iota /* Horizontal Bar Chart variant */ LINE_CHART = iota /* Line Chart variant */ FILLED_CHART = iota /* Fill Line Chart variant */ SPIKE_CHART = iota /* Spike Chart variant */ PIE_CHART = iota /* Pie Chart variant */ SPECIALPIE_CHART = iota /* Special Pie Chart variant */ )
const ( NO_BOX = BoxType(0) FLAT_BOX = BoxType(1) UP_BOX = BoxType(2) DOWN_BOX = BoxType(3) UP_FRAME = BoxType(4) DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(5) THIN_UP_BOX = BoxType(6) THIN_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(7) THIN_UP_FRAME = BoxType(8) THIN_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(9) ENGRAVED_BOX = BoxType(10) EMBOSSED_BOX = BoxType(11) ENGRAVED_FRAME = BoxType(12) EMBOSSED_FRAME = BoxType(13) BORDER_BOX = BoxType(14) SHADOW_BOX = BoxType(15) BORDER_FRAME = BoxType(16) SHADOW_FRAME = BoxType(17) ROUNDED_BOX = BoxType(18) RSHADOW_BOX = BoxType(19) ROUNDED_FRAME = BoxType(20) RFLAT_BOX = BoxType(21) ROUND_UP_BOX = BoxType(22) ROUND_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(23) DIAMOND_UP_BOX = BoxType(24) DIAMOND_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(25) OVAL_BOX = BoxType(26) OSHADOW_BOX = BoxType(27) OVAL_FRAME = BoxType(28) OFLAT_BOX = BoxType(29) PLASTIC_UP_BOX = BoxType(30) PLASTIC_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(31) PLASTIC_UP_FRAME = BoxType(32) PLASTIC_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(33) PLASTIC_THIN_UP_BOX = BoxType(34) PLASTIC_THIN_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(35) PLASTIC_ROUND_UP_BOX = BoxType(36) PLASTIC_ROUND_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(37) GTK_UP_BOX = BoxType(38) GTK_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(39) GTK_UP_FRAME = BoxType(40) GTK_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(41) GTK_THIN_UP_BOX = BoxType(42) GTK_THIN_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(43) GTK_THIN_UP_FRAME = BoxType(44) GTK_THIN_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(45) GTK_ROUND_UP_FRAME = BoxType(46) GTK_ROUND_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(47) GLEAM_UP_BOX = BoxType(48) GLEAM_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(49) GLEAM_UP_FRAME = BoxType(50) GLEAM_DOWN_FRAME = BoxType(51) GLEAM_THIN_UP_BOX = BoxType(52) GLEAM_THIN_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(53) GLEAM_ROUND_UP_BOX = BoxType(54) GLEAM_ROUND_DOWN_BOX = BoxType(55) FREE_BOXTYPE = BoxType(56) )
const ( WRAP_NONE = WrapMode(0) WRAP_AT_COLUMN = WrapMode(1) WRAP_AT_PIXEL = WrapMode(2) WRAP_AT_BOUNDS = WrapMode(3) )
Variables ¶
var ( ALIGN_CENTER = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_CENTER) // en: Center alignment, zh-cn: 中心对齐 ALIGN_TOP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_TOP) // en: Top alignment, zh-cn: 顶部对齐 ALIGN_BOTTOM = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) // en: Bottom alignment, zh-cn: 底部对齐 ALIGN_LEFT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_LEFT) // en: Left alignment, zh-cn: 左对齐 ALIGN_RIGHT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) // en: Right alignment, zh-cn: 右对齐 ALIGN_INSIDE = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_INSIDE) // en: Align inside, zh-cn: 内部对齐 ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE) // en: Text over image, zh-cn: 文本在图像上 ALIGN_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT) // en: Image over text, zh-cn: 图像在文本上 ALIGN_CLIP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_CLIP) // en: Clip alignment, zh-cn: 裁剪对齐 ALIGN_WRAP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_WRAP) // en: Wrap alignment, zh-cn: 自动换行对齐 ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT) // en: Image next to text, zh-cn: 图像在文本旁 ALIGN_TEXT_NEXT_TO_IMAGE = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_TEXT_NEXT_TO_IMAGE) // en: Text next to image, zh-cn: 文本在图像旁 ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP) // en: Image backdrop, zh-cn: 图像背景 ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT) // en: Top-left alignment, zh-cn: 左上对齐 ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT) // en: Top-right alignment, zh-cn: 右上对齐 ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT) // en: Bottom-left alignment, zh-cn: 左下对齐 ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT) // en: Bottom-right alignment, zh-cn: 右下对齐 ALIGN_LEFT_TOP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_LEFT_TOP) // en: Left-top alignment, zh-cn: 左上角对齐 ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP) // en: Right-top alignment, zh-cn: 右上角对齐 ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM) // en: Left-bottom alignment, zh-cn: 左下角对齐 ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM) // en: Right-bottom alignment, zh-cn: 右下角对齐 ALIGN_NOWRAP = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_NOWRAP) // en: No-wrap alignment, zh-cn: 不换行对齐 ALIGN_POSITION_MASK = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_POSITION_MASK) // en: Position mask alignment, zh-cn: 位置掩码对齐 ALIGN_IMAGE_MASK = Align(C.go_FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_MASK) // en: Image mask alignment, zh-cn: 图像掩码对齐 )
var ( ORIENT_NONE = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_NONE) ORIENT_RIGHT = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_RIGHT) ORIENT_NE = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_NE) ORIENT_UP = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_UP) ORIENT_NW = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_NW) ORIENT_LEFT = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_LEFT) ORIENT_SW = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_SW) ORIENT_DOWN = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_DOWN) ORIENT_SE = Orientation(C.go_FL_ORIENT_SE) )
var ( HELVETICA = Font(C.go_FL_HELVETICA) // en: Helvetica, zh-cn: 黑体 HELVETICA_BOLD = Font(C.go_FL_HELVETICA_BOLD) // en: Helvetica Bold, zh-cn: 黑体粗体 HELVETICA_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_HELVETICA_ITALIC) // en: Helvetica Italic, zh-cn: 黑体斜体 HELVETICA_BOLD_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_HELVETICA_BOLD_ITALIC) // en: Helvetica Bold Italic, zh-cn: 黑体粗斜体 COURIER = Font(C.go_FL_COURIER) // en: Courier, zh-cn: 宋体 COURIER_BOLD = Font(C.go_FL_COURIER_BOLD) // en: Courier Bold, zh-cn: 宋体粗体 COURIER_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_COURIER_ITALIC) // en: Courier Italic, zh-cn: 宋体斜体 COURIER_BOLD_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_COURIER_BOLD_ITALIC) // en: Courier Bold Italic, zh-cn: 宋体粗斜体 TIMES = Font(C.go_FL_TIMES) // en: Times, zh-cn: Times 字体 TIMES_BOLD = Font(C.go_FL_TIMES_BOLD) // en: Times Bold, zh-cn: Times 粗体 TIMES_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_TIMES_ITALIC) // en: Times Italic, zh-cn: Times 斜体 TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC) // en: Times Bold Italic, zh-cn: Times 粗斜体 SYMBOL = Font(C.go_FL_SYMBOL) // en: Symbol, zh-cn: 符号 SCREEN = Font(C.go_FL_SCREEN) // en: Screen, zh-cn: 屏幕字体 SCREEN_BOLD = Font(C.go_FL_SCREEN_BOLD) // en: Screen Bold, zh-cn: 屏幕粗体 ZAPF_DINGBATS = Font(C.go_FL_ZAPF_DINGBATS) // en: Zapf Dingbats, zh-cn: Zapf Dingbats 字体 FREE_FONT = Font(C.go_FL_FREE_FONT) // en: Free font, zh-cn: 自由字体 BOLD = Font(C.go_FL_BOLD) // en: Bold, zh-cn: 粗体 ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_ITALIC) // en: Italic, zh-cn: 斜体 BOLD_ITALIC = Font(C.go_FL_BOLD_ITALIC) // en: Bold Italic, zh-cn: 粗斜体 )
var ( NORMAL_LABEL = LabelType(C.go_FL_NORMAL_LABEL) NO_LABEL = LabelType(C.go_FL_NO_LABEL) )
var ( WhenNever = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_NEVER) WhenChanged = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_CHANGED) WhenNotChanged = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED) WhenRelease = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_RELEASE) WhenReleaseAlways = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS) WhenEnterKey = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY) WhenEnterKeyAlways = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_ALWAYS) WhenEnterKeyChanged = CallbackCondition(C.go_FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_CHANGED) )
var ( RGB = int(C.go_FL_RGB) INDEX = int(C.go_FL_INDEX) SINGLE = int(C.go_FL_SINGLE) DOUBLE = int(C.go_FL_DOUBLE) ACCUM = int(C.go_FL_ACCUM) ALPHA = int(C.go_FL_ALPHA) DEPTH = int(C.go_FL_DEPTH) STENCIL = int(C.go_FL_STENCIL) RGB8 = int(C.go_FL_RGB8) MULTISAMPLE = int(C.go_FL_MULTISAMPLE) STEREO = int(C.go_FL_STEREO) FAKE_SINGLE = int(C.go_FL_FAKE_SINGLE) OPENGL3 = int(C.go_FL_OPENGL3) )
var ( FOREGROUND_COLOR = Color(C.go_FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR) // en: Foreground color, zh-cn: 前景色 BACKGROUND2_COLOR = Color(C.go_FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR) // en: Background2 color, zh-cn: 背景色2 INACTIVE_COLOR = Color(C.go_FL_INACTIVE_COLOR) // en: Inactive color, zh-cn: 非活动色 SELECTION_COLOR = Color(C.go_FL_SELECTION_COLOR) // en: Selection color, zh-cn: 选择色 GRAY0 = Color(C.go_FL_GRAY0) // en: Gray0, zh-cn: 灰色0 DARK3 = Color(C.go_FL_DARK3) // en: Dark3, zh-cn: 深色3 DARK2 = Color(C.go_FL_DARK2) // en: Dark2, zh-cn: 深色2 DARK1 = Color(C.go_FL_DARK1) // en: Dark1, zh-cn: 深色1 BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color(C.go_FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR) // en: Background color, zh-cn: 背景色 LIGHT1 = Color(C.go_FL_LIGHT1) // en: Light1, zh-cn: 浅色1 LIGHT2 = Color(C.go_FL_LIGHT2) // en: Light2, zh-cn: 浅色2 LIGHT3 = Color(C.go_FL_LIGHT3) // en: Light3, zh-cn: 浅色3 BLACK = Color(C.go_FL_BLACK) // en: Black, zh-cn: 黑色 RED = Color(C.go_FL_RED) // en: Red, zh-cn: 红色 GREEN = Color(C.go_FL_GREEN) // en: Green, zh-cn: 绿色 YELLOW = Color(C.go_FL_YELLOW) // en: Yellow, zh-cn: 黄色 BLUE = Color(C.go_FL_BLUE) // en: Blue, zh-cn: 蓝色 MAGENTA = Color(C.go_FL_MAGENTA) // en: Magenta, zh-cn: 洋红色 CYAN = Color(C.go_FL_CYAN) // en: Cyan, zh-cn: 青色 DARK_RED = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_RED) // en: Dark red, zh-cn: 深红色 DARK_GREEN = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_GREEN) // en: Dark green, zh-cn: 深绿色 DARK_YELLOW = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_YELLOW) // en: Dark yellow, zh-cn: 深黄色 DARK_BLUE = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_BLUE) // en: Dark blue, zh-cn: 深蓝色 DARK_MAGENTA = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_MAGENTA) // en: Dark magenta, zh-cn: 深洋红色 DARK_CYAN = Color(C.go_FL_DARK_CYAN) // en: Dark cyan, zh-cn: 深青色 WHITE = Color(C.go_FL_WHITE) // en: White, zh-cn: 白色 )
var ( SOLID = LineStyle(0) DASH = LineStyle(1) Dot = LineStyle(2) DASH_DOT = LineStyle(3) DASH_DOT_DOT = LineStyle(4) CAP_FLAT = LineStyle(100) CAP_ROUND = LineStyle(200) CAP_SQUARE = LineStyle(300) JOIN_MITER = LineStyle(1000) JOIN_ROUND = LineStyle(2000) JOIN_BEVEL = LineStyle(3000) )
var ( ESCAPE = int(C.go_FL_ESCAPE) TAB = int(C.go_FL_TAB) ENTER_KEY = int(C.go_FL_ENTER_KEY) HOME = int(C.go_FL_HOME) LEFT = int(C.go_FL_LEFT) UP = int(C.go_FL_UP) RIGHT = int(C.go_FL_RIGHT) DOWN = int(C.go_FL_DOWN) PAGE_UP = int(C.go_FL_PAGE_UP) PAGE_DOWN = int(C.go_FL_PAGE_DOWN) END = int(C.go_FL_END) MENU = int(C.go_FL_MENU) HELP = int(C.go_FL_HELP) F1 = int(C.go_FL_F1) F2 = int(C.go_FL_F2) F3 = int(C.go_FL_F3) F4 = int(C.go_FL_F4) F5 = int(C.go_FL_F5) F6 = int(C.go_FL_F6) F7 = int(C.go_FL_F7) F8 = int(C.go_FL_F8) F9 = int(C.go_FL_F9) F10 = int(C.go_FL_F10) F11 = int(C.go_FL_F11) F12 = int(C.go_FL_F12) DELETE = int(C.go_FL_DELETE) BACKSPACE = int(C.go_FL_BACKSPACE) INSERT = int(C.go_FL_INSERT) )
var ( LeftMouse = MouseButton(C.go_FL_LEFT_MOUSE) MiddleMouse = MouseButton(C.go_FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE) RightMouse = MouseButton(C.go_FL_RIGHT_MOUSE) )
var ( SHIFT = int(C.go_FL_SHIFT) CAPS_LOCK = int(C.go_FL_CAPS_LOCK) CTRL = int(C.go_FL_CTRL) ALT = int(C.go_FL_ALT) NUM_LOCK = int(C.go_FL_NUM_LOCK) META = int(C.go_FL_META) SCROLL_LOCK = int(C.go_FL_SCROLL_LOCK) BUTTON1 = int(C.go_FL_BUTTON1) BUTTON2 = int(C.go_FL_BUTTON2) BUTTON3 = int(C.go_FL_BUTTON3) )
var ( FileChooser_SINGLE = FileChooserType(C.go_FL_FileChooser_SINGLE) FileChooser_MULTI = FileChooserType(C.go_FL_FileChooser_MULTI) FileChooser_CREATE = FileChooserType(C.go_FL_FileChooser_CREATE) FileChooser_DIRECTORY = FileChooserType(C.go_FL_FileChooser_DIRECTORY) )
var ( // NativeFileChooser options NativeFileChooser_NO_OPTIONS = int(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_NO_OPTIONS) NativeFileChooser_SAVEAS_CONFIRM = int(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_SAVEAS_CONFIRM) NativeFileChooser_NEW_FOLDER = int(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_NEW_FOLDER) NativeFileChooser_PREVIEW = int(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_PREVIEW) NativeFileChooser_USE_FILTER_EXT = int(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_USE_FILTER_EXT) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_FILE = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_FILE) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_DIRECTORY = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_DIRECTORY) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_MULTI_FILE = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_MULTI_FILE) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_SAVE_FILE = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_SAVE_FILE) NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY = NativeFileChooserType(C.go_FL_NativeFileChooser_BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY) )
var ( COLUMN = FlexType(C.go_FL_FLEX_COLUMN) ROW = FlexType(C.go_FL_FLEX_ROW) )
var ( GridBottom = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_BOTTOM) GridBottomLeft = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_BOTTOM_LEFT) GridBottomRight = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_BOTTOM_RIGHT) GridCenter = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_CENTER) GridFill = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_FILL) GridHorizontal = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_HORIZONTAL) GridLeft = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_LEFT) GridProportional = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_PROPORTIONAL) GridRight = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_RIGHT) GridTop = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_TOP) GridTopLeft = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_TOP_LEFT) GridTopRight = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_TOP_RIGHT) GridVertical = GridAlign(C.go_FL_GRID_VERTICAL) )
var ( POPUP1 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP1) POPUP2 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP2) POPUP12 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP12) POPUP3 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP3) POPUP13 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP13) POPUP23 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP23) POPUP123 = MenuType(C.go_FL_POPUP123) )
var ( ContextNone = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_NONE) ContextStartPage = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_STARTPAGE) ContextEndPage = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_ENDPAGE) ContextRowHeader = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER) ContextColHeader = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_COL_HEADER) ContextCell = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_CELL) ContextTable = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_TABLE) ContextRCResize = TableContext(C.go_FL_CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE) )
var ( Deselect = SelectionFlag(C.go_FL_DESELECT) Select = SelectionFlag(C.go_FL_SELECT) ToggleSelection = SelectionFlag(C.go_FL_TOGGLE_SELECTION) )
var ( SelectNone = RowSelectMode(C.go_FL_SELECT_NONE) SelectSingle = RowSelectMode(C.go_FL_SELECT_SINGLE) SelectMulti = RowSelectMode(C.go_FL_SELECT_MULTI) )
var ( OverflowCompress = Overflow(C.go_FL_OVERFLOW_COMPRESS) OverflowClip = Overflow(C.go_FL_OVERFLOW_CLIP) OverflowPulldown = Overflow(C.go_FL_OVERFLOW_PULLDOWN) OverflowDrag = Overflow(C.go_FL_OVERFLOW_DRAG) )
var ( TreeItemDrawDefault = TreeItemDrawMode(C.go_FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_DEFAULT) TreeItemDrawLabelAndWidget = TreeItemDrawMode(C.go_FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_LABEL_AND_WIDGET) TreeItemHeightFromWidget = TreeItemDrawMode(C.go_FL_TREE_ITEM_HEIGHT_FROM_WIDGET) )
var ( TreeConnectorNone = TreeConnector(C.go_FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_NONE) TreeConnectorDotted = TreeConnector(C.go_FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_DOTTED) TreeConnectorSolid = TreeConnector(C.go_FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_SOLID) )
var ( TreeSelectNone = TreeSelect(C.go_FL_TREE_SELECT_NONE) TreeSelectSingle = TreeSelect(C.go_FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE) TreeSelectMulti = TreeSelect(C.go_FL_TREE_SELECT_MULTI) TreeSelectSingleDraggable = TreeSelect(C.go_FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE_DRAGGABLE) )
var ErrDestroyed = errors.New("widget is destroyed")
var ErrFileChooserDestroyed = errors.New("file chooser is destroyed")
var ErrImageDataTooShort = errors.New("image data too short")
var ErrImageDecodingFailed = errors.New("image decoding failed")
var ErrImageDestroyed = errors.New("image is destroyed")
var ErrImageFileAccess = errors.New("image file access error")
var ErrImageMemoryAccess = errors.New("invalid memory access by image decoder")
var (
ErrInvalidLine = errors.New("line doesn't exist")
var ErrNativeFileChooserDestroyed = errors.New("native file chooser is destroyed")
var ErrNoImage = errors.New("no image was found")
var ErrNoTextBufferAssociated = errors.New("there is no text buffer associated")
var ErrTextBufferDestroyed = errors.New("text buffer is destroyed")
var SPINNER_INT_INPUT = SpinnerInputType(C.go_FL_INT_INPUT)
Functions ¶
func AddTimeout ¶
func AddTimeout(t float64, fn func())
AddTimeout adds a one-shot timeout callback. The function will be called by
Fl::wait() at t seconds after this function is called. If you need more accurate, repeated timeouts, use RepeatTimeout() to reschedule the subsequent timeouts.
func AreTooltipsEnabled ¶
func AreTooltipsEnabled() bool
func AwakeNullMessage ¶
func AwakeNullMessage()
func ChoiceDialog ¶
func ChooseFile ¶
func CopyToClipboard ¶
func CopyToClipboard(text string)
func CopyToSelectionBuffer ¶
func CopyToSelectionBuffer(text string)
func DisableTooltips ¶
func DisableTooltips()
func DragAndDrop ¶
func DragAndDrop()
func DrawCirlce ¶
func DrawCirlce(x, y, r float64)
func DrawFocusRect ¶
func DrawFocusRect(x, y, w, h int)
func DrawPolygon ¶
func DrawPolygon(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
func DrawPolygon2 ¶
func DrawPolygon2(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 int)
func DrawRectWithColor ¶
func DrawRectfWithColor ¶
func DrawTextAngled ¶
func DrawXyLine ¶
func DrawXyLine(x, y, x1 int)
func DrawXyLine2 ¶
func DrawXyLine2(x, y, x1, y2 int)
func DrawXyLine3 ¶
func DrawXyLine3(x, y, x1, y2, x3 int)
func DrawYxLine ¶
func DrawYxLine(x, y, y1 int)
func DrawYxLine2 ¶
func DrawYxLine2(x, y, y1, x2 int)
func DrawYxLine3 ¶
func DrawYxLine3(x, y, y1, x2, y3 int)
func EnableTooltips ¶
func EnableTooltips()
func EventButton1 ¶
func EventButton1() bool
func EventClicks ¶
func EventClicks() int
func EventIsClick ¶
func EventIsClick() bool
func EventState ¶
func EventState() int
func EventXRoot ¶
func EventXRoot() int
func EventYRoot ¶
func EventYRoot() int
func InitStyles ¶
func InitStyles()
func MeasureText ¶
en: Measure the length and width of a string in fltk_go in UI pixels;; zh-CN: 测量字符串在`fltk_go`中的 所占用UI像素的 长度和宽度; @params [☑]text en: text sting type; zh-CN: `sting`格式; @params [☑]draw_symbols en: Whether to handle special symbols in strings; zh-CN: 是否处理字符串中的特殊符号; @return [☑]width int,high int en: Returns the font height and width; zh-CN: 返回字体高和宽;
func MenuLinespacing ¶
func MenuLinespacing() int
func MessageBox ¶
func MessageBox(title, message string)
func PushNoClip ¶
func PushNoClip()
func RepeatTimeout ¶
func RepeatTimeout(t float64, fn func())
RepeatTimeout repeats a timeout callback from the expiration of the
previous timeout, allowing for more accurate timing. You may only call this method inside a timeout callback of the same timer or at least a closely related timer, otherwise the timing accuracy can't be improved and the behavior is undefined.
func ScreenNum ¶
ScreenNum gets the screen number of a screen that contains the specified screen position x, y.
func ScreenScale ¶
ScreenScale gets current value of the GUI scaling factor for the given screen.
func ScreenWorkArea ¶
ScreenWorkArea gets the bounding box of the work area of the given screen.
func ScrollbarSize ¶
func ScrollbarSize() int
func SetBackground2Color ¶
func SetBackground2Color(r, g, b uint8)
func SetBackgroundColor ¶
func SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b uint8)
func SetDrawColor ¶
func SetDrawColor(color Color)
func SetDrawFont ¶
func SetEventClicks ¶
func SetEventClicks(i int)
func SetForegroundColor ¶
func SetForegroundColor(r, g, b uint8)
func SetKeyboardScreenScaling ¶
func SetKeyboardScreenScaling(value bool)
SetKeyboardScreenScaling controls the possibility to scale all windows by ctrl/+/-/0/ or cmd/+/-/0/
func SetLineStyle ¶
func SetMenuLinespacing ¶
func SetMenuLinespacing(size int)
func SetScreenScale ¶
SetScreenScale sets the value of the GUI scaling factor for the given screen.
func SetScrollbarSize ¶
func SetScrollbarSize(size int)
func SetTooltipDelay ¶
func SetTooltipDelay(delay float32)
SetTooltipDelay sets the tooltip delay in seconds
func TestShortcut ¶
func TextExtents ¶
returns the dx, dy, w, h of the string
func TooltipDelay ¶
func TooltipDelay() float32
func TooltipEnterArea ¶
func Version ¶
func Version() string
Version [☑]Option
en: Get `fltk_go` version; zh-CN: 获取`fltk_go`版本; @return [☑]string en: version string;zh-CN: 版本字符串;
func VersionByFltk ¶ added in v0.0.21
func VersionByFltk() string
VersionByFltk [☑]Option
en: Get `fltk` binding version; zh-CN: 获取绑定的`fltk`版本; @return [☑]string en: version string;zh-CN: 版本字符串;
Types ¶
type BmpImage ¶
type BmpImage struct {
func NewBmpImageFromData ¶
func NewBmpImageLoad ¶
type Box ¶
type Box struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Box) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Box) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Box) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Box) Deactivate()
func (*Box) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Box) LabelColor() Color
func (*Box) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Box) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Box) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Box) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Box) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Box) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Box) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Box) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Box) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Box) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Box) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Box) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Box) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Box) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Box) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Box) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Box) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Box) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Box) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Box) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Box) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Box) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Box) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Box) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Box) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Box) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Box) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Box) SetTooltip(text string)
type Browser ¶
type Browser struct { Group // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBrowser ¶
func (*Browser) AddWithData ¶
func (*Browser) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Browser) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Browser) ColumnChar ¶
func (*Browser) ColumnWidths ¶
Store column widths in Go instead of calling from C++ as it's complex and expensive to convert between them
func (*Browser) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Browser) Deactivate()
func (*Browser) FormatChar ¶
func (*Browser) IsSelected ¶
func (*Browser) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Browser) LabelColor() Color
func (*Browser) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Browser) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Browser) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Browser) SetBottomLine ¶
func (*Browser) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Browser) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Browser) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Browser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Browser) SetColumnChar ¶
func (*Browser) SetColumnWidths ¶
func (*Browser) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Browser) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Browser) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Browser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Browser) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Browser) SetFormatChar ¶
func (*Browser) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Browser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Browser) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Browser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Browser) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Browser) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Browser) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Browser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Browser) SetMiddleLine ¶
func (*Browser) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Browser) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Browser) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Browser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Browser) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Browser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Browser) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Browser) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*Browser) SetTopLine ¶
type Button ¶
type Button struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Button) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Button) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Button) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Button) Deactivate()
func (*Button) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Button) LabelColor() Color
func (*Button) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Button) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Button) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Button) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Button) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Button) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Button) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Button) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Button) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Button) SetDownBox ¶
func (*Button) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Button) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Button) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Button) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Button) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Button) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Button) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Button) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Button) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Button) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Button) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Button) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Button) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Button) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Button) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Button) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Button) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Button) SetShortcut ¶
func (*Button) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Button) SetTooltip(text string)
type CallbackCondition ¶
type CallbackCondition int
type Chart ¶
type Chart struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Chart) Add ¶
Add the data value val with optional label text and color col to the chart. When color not needed just pass zero
func (*Chart) Autosize ¶
Autosize gets whether the chart will automatically adjust the bounds of the chart.
func (*Chart) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Chart) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Chart) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Chart) Deactivate()
func (*Chart) Insert ¶
Insert inserts a data value val at the given position ind.
Position 1 is the first data value.
func (*Chart) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Chart) LabelColor() Color
func (*Chart) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Chart) Replace ¶
Replace replace a data value val at the given position index.
Position 1 is the first data value.
func (*Chart) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Chart) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Chart) SetAutosize ¶
SetAutosize sets whether the chart will automatically adjust the bounds of the chart.
func (*Chart) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Chart) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Chart) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Chart) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Chart) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Chart) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Chart) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Chart) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Chart) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Chart) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Chart) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Chart) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Chart) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Chart) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Chart) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Chart) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Chart) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Chart) SetMaxSize ¶
SetMaxSize sets the maximum number of data values for a chart.
If you do not call this method then the chart will be allowed to grow to any size depending on available memory.
func (*Chart) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Chart) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Chart) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Chart) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Chart) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Chart) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Chart) SetTextColor ¶
SetTextColor sets the chart's text color to color
func (*Chart) SetTextFont ¶
SetTextFont sets the chart's text font to font.
func (*Chart) SetTextSize ¶
SetTextSize sets the chart's text font to size.
func (*Chart) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Chart) SetTooltip(text string)
type CheckBrowser ¶
type CheckBrowser struct { Group // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCheckBrowser ¶
func NewCheckBrowser(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *CheckBrowser
func (*CheckBrowser) Add ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) Add(s string, checked bool)
func (*CheckBrowser) CheckedCount ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) CheckedCount() int
func (*CheckBrowser) Clear ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) Clear()
func (*CheckBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*CheckBrowser) Deactivate ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) Deactivate()
func (*CheckBrowser) IsChecked ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) IsChecked(item int) bool
func (*CheckBrowser) ItemCount ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) ItemCount() int
func (*CheckBrowser) LabelColor ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) LabelColor() Color
func (*CheckBrowser) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*CheckBrowser) Remove ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) Remove(item int)
func (*CheckBrowser) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
func (*CheckBrowser) SetCallback ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
func (*CheckBrowser) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetChecked ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) SetChecked(item int, checked bool)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*CheckBrowser) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*CheckBrowser) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetPosition ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*CheckBrowser) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*CheckBrowser) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *CheckBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*CheckBrowser) Text ¶
func (b *CheckBrowser) Text(item int) string
type CheckButton ¶
type CheckButton struct {
func NewCheckButton ¶
func NewCheckButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *CheckButton
func (*CheckButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *CheckButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*CheckButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Deactivate()
func (*CheckButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *CheckButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*CheckButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*CheckButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*CheckButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*CheckButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*CheckButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*CheckButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*CheckButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*CheckButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*CheckButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*CheckButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*CheckButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*CheckButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*CheckButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*CheckButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*CheckButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type Choice ¶
type Choice struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Choice) Add ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label that when chosen will execute the given callback. Returns the new item's index.
func (*Choice) AddEx ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label and shortcut that when chosen (or when the shortcut is pressed) will execute the given callback. Set flags to fltk_go.MENU_DIVIDER to create a separator after this menu item. Returns the new item's index.
func (*Choice) AddExWithIcon ¶
func (*Choice) Remove ¶
func (m *Choice) Remove(index int)
Removes removes the menu item at the given index position.
func (*Choice) SelectedText ¶
func (m *Choice) SelectedText() string
SelectedText returns the title of the last item chosen by the user.
type FileChooser ¶
type FileChooser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFileChooser ¶
func NewFileChooser(pathname, pattern string, fctype FileChooserType, title string) *FileChooser
func (*FileChooser) Destroy ¶
func (c *FileChooser) Destroy()
func (*FileChooser) Popup ¶
func (c *FileChooser) Popup()
func (*FileChooser) Selection ¶
func (c *FileChooser) Selection() []string
func (*FileChooser) SetCallback ¶
func (c *FileChooser) SetCallback(callback func())
func (*FileChooser) SetPreview ¶
func (c *FileChooser) SetPreview(enable bool)
func (*FileChooser) Show ¶
func (c *FileChooser) Show()
func (*FileChooser) Shown ¶
func (c *FileChooser) Shown() bool
type FileChooserType ¶
type FileChooserType int
type Flex ¶
type Flex struct {
func (*Flex) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Flex) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Flex) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Flex) Deactivate()
func (*Flex) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Flex) LabelColor() Color
func (*Flex) Layout ¶
func (f *Flex) Layout()
Layout calculates the layout of the widget and redraws it.
func (*Flex) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Flex) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Flex) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Flex) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Flex) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Flex) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Flex) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Flex) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Flex) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Flex) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Flex) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Flex) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Flex) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Flex) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Flex) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Flex) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Flex) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Flex) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Flex) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Flex) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Flex) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Flex) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Flex) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Flex) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Flex) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Flex) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Flex) SetSpacing ¶
func (*Flex) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Flex) SetTooltip(text string)
type FloatInput ¶
type FloatInput struct {
func NewFloatInput ¶
func NewFloatInput(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *FloatInput
func NewIntInput ¶
func NewIntInput(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *FloatInput
func (*FloatInput) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *FloatInput) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*FloatInput) Deactivate ¶
func (w *FloatInput) Deactivate()
func (*FloatInput) LabelColor ¶
func (w *FloatInput) LabelColor() Color
func (*FloatInput) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*FloatInput) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SelectionColor() Color
func (*FloatInput) SetCallback ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetCallback(f func())
func (*FloatInput) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*FloatInput) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*FloatInput) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*FloatInput) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*FloatInput) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*FloatInput) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*FloatInput) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*FloatInput) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*FloatInput) SetPosition ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*FloatInput) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*FloatInput) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*FloatInput) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *FloatInput) SetTooltip(text string)
type Font ¶
type Font int
Font en: Font enums, zh-cn: 字体枚举
func GetFontName ¶
GetFontName Returs human readable font name and a font attribute (BOLD, ITALIC or BOLD_ITALIC).
type GlWindow ¶
type GlWindow struct { Window // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGlWindow ¶
func (*GlWindow) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *GlWindow) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*GlWindow) ContextValid ¶
func (*GlWindow) Deactivate ¶
func (w *GlWindow) Deactivate()
func (*GlWindow) LabelColor ¶
func (w *GlWindow) LabelColor() Color
func (*GlWindow) MakeCurrent ¶
func (w *GlWindow) MakeCurrent()
func (*GlWindow) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*GlWindow) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SelectionColor() Color
func (*GlWindow) SetCallback ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetCallback(f func())
func (*GlWindow) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*GlWindow) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*GlWindow) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*GlWindow) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*GlWindow) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*GlWindow) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*GlWindow) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*GlWindow) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*GlWindow) SetPosition ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*GlWindow) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*GlWindow) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*GlWindow) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *GlWindow) SetTooltip(text string)
type Grid ¶
type Grid struct {
func (*Grid) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Grid) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Grid) ColumnWeight ¶
func (*Grid) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Grid) Deactivate()
func (*Grid) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Grid) LabelColor() Color
func (*Grid) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Grid) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Grid) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Grid) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Grid) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Grid) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Grid) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Grid) SetColumnGap ¶
func (*Grid) SetColumnWeight ¶
func (*Grid) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Grid) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Grid) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Grid) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Grid) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Grid) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Grid) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Grid) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Grid) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Grid) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Grid) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Grid) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Grid) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Grid) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Grid) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Grid) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Grid) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Grid) SetRowWeight ¶
func (*Grid) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Grid) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Grid) SetShowGrid ¶
func (*Grid) SetShowGridAndColor ¶
func (*Grid) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Grid) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*Grid) SetWidgetWithSpan ¶
type Group ¶
type Group struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Group) ChildCount ¶
func (*Group) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Group) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Group) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Group) Deactivate()
func (*Group) DrawChildren ¶
func (g *Group) DrawChildren()
func (*Group) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Group) LabelColor() Color
func (*Group) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Group) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Group) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Group) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Group) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Group) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Group) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Group) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Group) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Group) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Group) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Group) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Group) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Group) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Group) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Group) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Group) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Group) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Group) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Group) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Group) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Group) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Group) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Group) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Group) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Group) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Group) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Group) SetTooltip(text string)
type HelpView ¶
type HelpView struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHelpView ¶
func (*HelpView) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *HelpView) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*HelpView) Deactivate ¶
func (w *HelpView) Deactivate()
func (*HelpView) LabelColor ¶
func (w *HelpView) LabelColor() Color
func (*HelpView) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*HelpView) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *HelpView) SelectionColor() Color
func (*HelpView) SetCallback ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetCallback(f func())
func (*HelpView) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*HelpView) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*HelpView) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*HelpView) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*HelpView) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*HelpView) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*HelpView) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*HelpView) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*HelpView) SetLeftLine ¶
func (*HelpView) SetPosition ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*HelpView) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*HelpView) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*HelpView) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *HelpView) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*HelpView) SetTopLine ¶
func (*HelpView) SetTopLineString ¶
type HoldBrowser ¶
type HoldBrowser struct {
func NewHoldBrowser ¶
func NewHoldBrowser(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *HoldBrowser
func (*HoldBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*HoldBrowser) Deactivate ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) Deactivate()
func (*HoldBrowser) LabelColor ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) LabelColor() Color
func (*HoldBrowser) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*HoldBrowser) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
func (*HoldBrowser) SetCallback ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
func (*HoldBrowser) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*HoldBrowser) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*HoldBrowser) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetPosition ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*HoldBrowser) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*HoldBrowser) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *HoldBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
type Input ¶
type Input struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Input) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Input) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Input) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Input) Deactivate()
func (*Input) InsertPosition ¶
func (*Input) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Input) LabelColor() Color
func (*Input) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Input) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Input) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Input) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Input) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Input) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Input) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Input) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Input) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Input) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Input) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Input) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Input) SetInsertPosition ¶
func (*Input) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Input) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Input) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Input) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Input) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Input) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Input) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Input) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Input) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Input) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Input) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Input) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Input) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Input) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Input) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Input) SetTooltip(text string)
type InputChoice ¶
type InputChoice struct { Group // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewInputChoice ¶
func NewInputChoice(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *InputChoice
func (*InputChoice) Clear ¶
func (c *InputChoice) Clear()
func (*InputChoice) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *InputChoice) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*InputChoice) Deactivate ¶
func (w *InputChoice) Deactivate()
func (*InputChoice) Input ¶
func (c *InputChoice) Input() *Input
func (*InputChoice) LabelColor ¶
func (w *InputChoice) LabelColor() Color
func (*InputChoice) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*InputChoice) MenuButton ¶
func (c *InputChoice) MenuButton() *MenuButton
func (*InputChoice) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SelectionColor() Color
func (*InputChoice) SetCallback ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetCallback(f func())
func (*InputChoice) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*InputChoice) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*InputChoice) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*InputChoice) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*InputChoice) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*InputChoice) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*InputChoice) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*InputChoice) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*InputChoice) SetPosition ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*InputChoice) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*InputChoice) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*InputChoice) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *InputChoice) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*InputChoice) SetValue ¶
func (c *InputChoice) SetValue(label string)
func (*InputChoice) SetValueIndex ¶
func (c *InputChoice) SetValueIndex(index int)
func (*InputChoice) UpdateMenuButton ¶
func (c *InputChoice) UpdateMenuButton() bool
func (*InputChoice) Value ¶
func (c *InputChoice) Value() string
type JpegImage ¶
type JpegImage struct {
func NewJpegImageFromData ¶
func NewJpegImageLoad ¶
type LightButton ¶
type LightButton struct {
func NewLightButton ¶
func NewLightButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *LightButton
func (*LightButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *LightButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*LightButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *LightButton) Deactivate()
func (*LightButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *LightButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*LightButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*LightButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *LightButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*LightButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*LightButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*LightButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*LightButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*LightButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*LightButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*LightButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*LightButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*LightButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*LightButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*LightButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*LightButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*LightButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *LightButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type MenuBar ¶
type MenuBar struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMenuBar ¶
func (*MenuBar) Add ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label that when chosen will execute the given callback. Returns the new item's index.
func (*MenuBar) AddEx ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label and shortcut that when chosen (or when the shortcut is pressed) will execute the given callback. Set flags to fltk_go.MENU_DIVIDER to create a separator after this menu item. Returns the new item's index.
func (*MenuBar) AddExWithIcon ¶
func (*MenuBar) Remove ¶
func (m *MenuBar) Remove(index int)
Removes removes the menu item at the given index position.
func (*MenuBar) SelectedText ¶
func (m *MenuBar) SelectedText() string
SelectedText returns the title of the last item chosen by the user.
type MenuButton ¶
type MenuButton struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMenuButton ¶
func NewMenuButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *MenuButton
func (*MenuButton) Add ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label that when chosen will execute the given callback. Returns the new item's index.
func (*MenuButton) AddEx ¶
Add adds a new menu item with the given label and shortcut that when chosen (or when the shortcut is pressed) will execute the given callback. Set flags to fltk_go.MENU_DIVIDER to create a separator after this menu item. Returns the new item's index.
func (*MenuButton) AddExWithIcon ¶
func (*MenuButton) Destroy ¶
func (m *MenuButton) Destroy()
func (*MenuButton) Popup ¶
func (m *MenuButton) Popup()
func (*MenuButton) Remove ¶
func (m *MenuButton) Remove(index int)
Removes removes the menu item at the given index position.
func (*MenuButton) SelectedText ¶
func (m *MenuButton) SelectedText() string
SelectedText returns the title of the last item chosen by the user.
func (*MenuButton) SetType ¶
func (m *MenuButton) SetType(menuType MenuType)
type MultiBrowser ¶
type MultiBrowser struct {
func NewMultiBrowser ¶
func NewMultiBrowser(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *MultiBrowser
func (*MultiBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*MultiBrowser) Deactivate ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) Deactivate()
func (*MultiBrowser) LabelColor ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) LabelColor() Color
func (*MultiBrowser) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*MultiBrowser) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
func (*MultiBrowser) SetCallback ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
func (*MultiBrowser) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*MultiBrowser) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*MultiBrowser) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetPosition ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*MultiBrowser) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*MultiBrowser) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *MultiBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
type NativeFileChooser ¶
type NativeFileChooser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNativeFileChooser ¶
func NewNativeFileChooser() *NativeFileChooser
func (*NativeFileChooser) Count ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Count() int
func (*NativeFileChooser) Destroy ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Destroy()
func (*NativeFileChooser) Directory ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Directory() string
func (*NativeFileChooser) Filenames ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Filenames() []string
func (*NativeFileChooser) Filter ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Filter() string
func (*NativeFileChooser) FilterCount ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) FilterCount() int
func (*NativeFileChooser) FilterValue ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) FilterValue() int
func (*NativeFileChooser) Options ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Options() int
func (*NativeFileChooser) PresetFile ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) PresetFile() string
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetDirectory ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetDirectory(directory string)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetFilter ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetFilter(filter string)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetFilterValue ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetFilterValue(v int)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetOptions ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetOptions(options int)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetPresetFile ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetPresetFile(presetFile string)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetTitle ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetTitle(title string)
func (*NativeFileChooser) SetType ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) SetType(typ NativeFileChooserType)
func (*NativeFileChooser) Show ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Show() int
func (*NativeFileChooser) Title ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Title() string
func (*NativeFileChooser) Type ¶
func (c *NativeFileChooser) Type() NativeFileChooserType
type NativeFileChooserType ¶
type NativeFileChooserType int
type Offscreen ¶
type Offscreen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOffscreen ¶
type Orientation ¶
type Orientation int
type Output ¶
type Output struct {
func (*Output) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Output) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Output) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Output) Deactivate()
func (*Output) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Output) LabelColor() Color
func (*Output) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Output) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Output) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Output) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Output) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Output) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Output) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Output) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Output) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Output) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Output) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Output) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Output) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Output) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Output) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Output) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Output) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Output) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Output) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Output) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Output) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Output) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Output) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Output) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Output) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Output) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Output) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Output) SetTooltip(text string)
type Pack ¶
type Pack struct {
func (*Pack) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Pack) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Pack) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Pack) Deactivate()
func (*Pack) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Pack) LabelColor() Color
func (*Pack) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Pack) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Pack) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Pack) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Pack) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Pack) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Pack) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Pack) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Pack) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Pack) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Pack) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Pack) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Pack) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Pack) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Pack) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Pack) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Pack) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Pack) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Pack) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Pack) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Pack) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Pack) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Pack) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Pack) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Pack) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Pack) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Pack) SetSpacing ¶
func (*Pack) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Pack) SetTooltip(text string)
type PngImage ¶
type PngImage struct {
func NewPngImageFromData ¶
func NewPngImageLoad ¶
type Progress ¶
type Progress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProgress ¶
func (*Progress) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Progress) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Progress) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Progress) Deactivate()
func (*Progress) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Progress) LabelColor() Color
func (*Progress) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Progress) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Progress) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Progress) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Progress) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Progress) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Progress) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Progress) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Progress) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Progress) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Progress) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Progress) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Progress) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Progress) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Progress) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Progress) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Progress) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Progress) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Progress) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Progress) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Progress) SetMaximum ¶
func (*Progress) SetMinimum ¶
func (*Progress) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Progress) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Progress) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Progress) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Progress) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Progress) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Progress) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Progress) SetTooltip(text string)
type RadioButton ¶
type RadioButton struct {
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *RadioButton
func (*RadioButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *RadioButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*RadioButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Deactivate()
func (*RadioButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *RadioButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*RadioButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*RadioButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*RadioButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*RadioButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*RadioButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*RadioButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*RadioButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*RadioButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*RadioButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*RadioButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*RadioButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*RadioButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*RadioButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*RadioButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*RadioButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type RadioRoundButton ¶
type RadioRoundButton struct {
func NewRadioRoundButton ¶
func NewRadioRoundButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *RadioRoundButton
func (*RadioRoundButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*RadioRoundButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) Deactivate()
func (*RadioRoundButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*RadioRoundButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*RadioRoundButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*RadioRoundButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *RadioRoundButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type ReturnButton ¶
type ReturnButton struct {
func NewReturnButton ¶
func NewReturnButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *ReturnButton
func (*ReturnButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*ReturnButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) Deactivate()
func (*ReturnButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*ReturnButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*ReturnButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*ReturnButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*ReturnButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*ReturnButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*ReturnButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*ReturnButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*ReturnButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*ReturnButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*ReturnButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*ReturnButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*ReturnButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*ReturnButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*ReturnButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*ReturnButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *ReturnButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type RgbImage ¶
type RgbImage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Roller ¶
type Roller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Roller) SetMaximum ¶
func (v *Roller) SetMaximum(value float64)
func (*Roller) SetMinimum ¶
func (v *Roller) SetMinimum(value float64)
type RowSelectMode ¶
type RowSelectMode int
type Scroll ¶
type Scroll struct {
func (*Scroll) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Scroll) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Scroll) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Scroll) Deactivate()
func (*Scroll) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Scroll) LabelColor() Color
func (*Scroll) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Scroll) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Scroll) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Scroll) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Scroll) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Scroll) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Scroll) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Scroll) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Scroll) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Scroll) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Scroll) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Scroll) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Scroll) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Scroll) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Scroll) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Scroll) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Scroll) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*Scroll) SetType ¶
func (s *Scroll) SetType(scrollType ScrollType)
type ScrollType ¶
type ScrollType uint8
type SelectBrowser ¶
type SelectBrowser struct {
func NewSelectBrowser ¶
func NewSelectBrowser(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *SelectBrowser
func (*SelectBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*SelectBrowser) Deactivate ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) Deactivate()
func (*SelectBrowser) LabelColor ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) LabelColor() Color
func (*SelectBrowser) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*SelectBrowser) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SelectionColor() Color
func (*SelectBrowser) SetCallback ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetCallback(f func())
func (*SelectBrowser) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*SelectBrowser) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*SelectBrowser) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetPosition ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*SelectBrowser) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*SelectBrowser) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *SelectBrowser) SetTooltip(text string)
type SelectionFlag ¶
type SelectionFlag int
type SharedImage ¶
type SharedImage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSharedImageLoad ¶
func NewSharedImageLoad(path string) (*SharedImage, error)
type Slider ¶
type Slider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Slider) SetMaximum ¶
func (v *Slider) SetMaximum(value float64)
func (*Slider) SetMinimum ¶
func (v *Slider) SetMinimum(value float64)
func (*Slider) SetType ¶
func (s *Slider) SetType(sliderType SliderType)
type SliderType ¶
type SliderType uint8
type Spinner ¶
type Spinner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSpinner ¶
func (*Spinner) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Spinner) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Spinner) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Spinner) Deactivate()
func (*Spinner) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Spinner) LabelColor() Color
func (*Spinner) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Spinner) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Spinner) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Spinner) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Spinner) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Spinner) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Spinner) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Spinner) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Spinner) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Spinner) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Spinner) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Spinner) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Spinner) SetMaximum ¶
func (*Spinner) SetMinimum ¶
func (*Spinner) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Spinner) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Spinner) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Spinner) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Spinner) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*Spinner) SetType ¶
func (s *Spinner) SetType(inputType SpinnerInputType)
type SpinnerInputType ¶
type SpinnerInputType uint8
type StyleTableEntry ¶
type SvgImage ¶
type SvgImage struct {
func NewSvgImageFromString ¶
func NewSvgImageLoad ¶
type TableContext ¶
type TableContext int
type TableRow ¶
type TableRow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTableRow ¶
func (*TableRow) AllowColumnResizing ¶
func (t *TableRow) AllowColumnResizing()
func (*TableRow) AllowRowResizing ¶
func (t *TableRow) AllowRowResizing()
func (*TableRow) CallbackColumn ¶
func (t *TableRow) CallbackColumn() int
func (*TableRow) CallbackContext ¶
func (t *TableRow) CallbackContext() TableContext
func (*TableRow) CallbackRow ¶
func (t *TableRow) CallbackRow() int
func (*TableRow) ColumnHeaderHeight ¶
func (t *TableRow) ColumnHeaderHeight() int
func (*TableRow) DisableColumnHeaders ¶
func (t *TableRow) DisableColumnHeaders()
func (*TableRow) DisableRowHeaders ¶
func (t *TableRow) DisableRowHeaders()
func (*TableRow) DisallowColumnResizing ¶
func (t *TableRow) DisallowColumnResizing()
func (*TableRow) DisallowRowResizing ¶
func (t *TableRow) DisallowRowResizing()
func (*TableRow) EnableColumnHeaders ¶
func (t *TableRow) EnableColumnHeaders()
func (*TableRow) EnableRowHeaders ¶
func (t *TableRow) EnableRowHeaders()
func (*TableRow) IsRowSelected ¶
func (*TableRow) RowAndColumnFromCursor ¶
func (t *TableRow) RowAndColumnFromCursor() (row, col int)
func (*TableRow) RowHeaderWidth ¶
func (t *TableRow) RowHeaderWidth() int
func (*TableRow) ScrollbarSize ¶
func (t *TableRow) ScrollbarSize() int
func (*TableRow) SelectAllRows ¶
func (t *TableRow) SelectAllRows(flag SelectionFlag)
func (*TableRow) SelectRow ¶
func (t *TableRow) SelectRow(row int, flag SelectionFlag)
func (*TableRow) SetColumnCount ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetColumnCount(columnCount int)
func (*TableRow) SetColumnHeaderHeight ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetColumnHeaderHeight(size int)
func (*TableRow) SetColumnWidth ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetColumnWidth(column, width int)
func (*TableRow) SetColumnWidthAll ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetColumnWidthAll(width int)
func (*TableRow) SetDrawCellCallback ¶
func (*TableRow) SetRowCount ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetRowCount(rowCount int)
func (*TableRow) SetRowHeaderWidth ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeaderWidth(size int)
func (*TableRow) SetRowHeight ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeight(row, height int)
func (*TableRow) SetRowHeightAll ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetRowHeightAll(height int)
func (*TableRow) SetScrollbarSize ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetScrollbarSize(size int)
func (*TableRow) SetType ¶
func (t *TableRow) SetType(tableType RowSelectMode)
type Tabs ¶
type Tabs struct {
func (*Tabs) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Tabs) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Tabs) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Tabs) Deactivate()
func (*Tabs) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Tabs) LabelColor() Color
func (*Tabs) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Tabs) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tabs) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Tabs) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Tabs) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Tabs) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Tabs) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Tabs) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Tabs) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Tabs) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Tabs) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Tabs) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Tabs) SetOverflow ¶
func (*Tabs) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Tabs) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Tabs) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Tabs) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Tabs) SetTooltip(text string)
type TextBuffer ¶
type TextBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTextBuffer ¶
func NewTextBuffer() *TextBuffer
func (*TextBuffer) AddModifyCallback ¶
func (*TextBuffer) Append ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Append(txt string)
func (*TextBuffer) CharAt ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) CharAt(pos int) rune
func (*TextBuffer) CountLines ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) CountLines(start, end int) int
func (*TextBuffer) Destroy ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Destroy()
func (*TextBuffer) GetSelectionPosition ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) GetSelectionPosition() (int, int)
GetSelectionPosition gets position (start, end) of the currently selected text
func (*TextBuffer) GetSelectionText ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) GetSelectionText() string
GetSelectionText returns the text within the current selection
func (*TextBuffer) GetTabWidth ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) GetTabWidth() int
func (*TextBuffer) GetTextRange ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) GetTextRange(start, end int) string
GetTextRange - get text from start and end position
func (*TextBuffer) Highlight ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Highlight(start, end int)
Highlight - highlight text from start and end position
func (*TextBuffer) Insert ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Insert(pos int, txt string)
func (*TextBuffer) IsSelected ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) IsSelected() bool
IsSelected checks if any text is selected
func (*TextBuffer) Length ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Length() int
func (*TextBuffer) LineEnd ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) LineEnd(pos int) int
func (*TextBuffer) LineStart ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) LineStart(pos int) int
func (*TextBuffer) LineText ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) LineText(pos int) string
func (*TextBuffer) NextChar ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) NextChar(pos int) int
func (*TextBuffer) PrevChar ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) PrevChar(pos int) int
func (*TextBuffer) Remove ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Remove(start, end int)
func (*TextBuffer) ReplaceRange ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) ReplaceRange(start, end int, txt string)
ReplaceRange - replace text within the start, end range with text
func (*TextBuffer) ReplaceSelection ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) ReplaceSelection(txt string)
ReplaceSelection - replace text within current selection with text
func (*TextBuffer) RewindLines ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) RewindLines(start, nLines int) int
func (*TextBuffer) Search ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Search(start int, searchStr string, searchBackward, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
Search - search text in the buffer for string searchStr. Return the position found or -1
func (*TextBuffer) SearchBackward ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) SearchBackward(start int, searchStr string, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
SearchBackward - search backward for searchStr from position start. return the position if found otherwise -1
func (*TextBuffer) SearchForward ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) SearchForward(start int, searchStr string, matchCase bool) (foundPos int)
SearchForward - search forward for searchStr from position start. return the position if found otherwise -1
func (*TextBuffer) Select ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Select(start, end int)
Select text between start and end
func (*TextBuffer) SetTabWidth ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
SetTabWidth sets the TAB distance (width)
func (*TextBuffer) SetText ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) SetText(txt string)
func (*TextBuffer) SkipLines ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) SkipLines(start, nLines int) int
func (*TextBuffer) Text ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) Text() string
func (*TextBuffer) UnHighlight ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) UnHighlight()
UnHighlight all highlighted text
func (*TextBuffer) UnSelect ¶
func (b *TextBuffer) UnSelect()
UnSelect unselects any selections in the buffer
type TextDisplay ¶
type TextDisplay struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTextDisplay ¶
func NewTextDisplay(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *TextDisplay
func (*TextDisplay) Buffer ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) Buffer() *TextBuffer
func (*TextDisplay) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*TextDisplay) Deactivate ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) Deactivate()
func (*TextDisplay) GetInsertPosition ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) GetInsertPosition() int
GetInsertPosition - return the current insert position.
func (*TextDisplay) HideCursor ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) HideCursor()
HideCursor hides the text cursor.
func (*TextDisplay) InsertText ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) InsertText(txt string)
InsertText - Insert text at the cursor position.
func (*TextDisplay) LabelColor ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) LabelColor() Color
func (*TextDisplay) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*TextDisplay) MoveDown ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) MoveDown() bool
MoveDown moves the current insert position down one line.
func (*TextDisplay) MoveLeft ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) MoveLeft() bool
MoveLeft moves the current insert position left one character.
func (*TextDisplay) MoveRight ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) MoveRight() bool
MoveRight moves the current insert position right one character. Returns true if the cursor moved, false if the end of the text was reached
func (*TextDisplay) MoveUp ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) MoveUp() bool
MoveUp moves the current insert position up one line.
func (*TextDisplay) Overstrike ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) Overstrike(txt string)
Overstrike - Not sure what it does, the fltk doc does not match with the name meaning
func (*TextDisplay) PositionToXY ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) PositionToXY(pos int) (int, int)
Convert a character index into a pixel position.
func (*TextDisplay) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SelectionColor() Color
func (*TextDisplay) SetBuffer ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetBuffer(buf *TextBuffer)
func (*TextDisplay) SetCallback ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetCallback(f func())
func (*TextDisplay) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*TextDisplay) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*TextDisplay) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*TextDisplay) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*TextDisplay) SetHighlightData ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetHighlightData(buf *TextBuffer, entries []StyleTableEntry)
func (*TextDisplay) SetInsertPosition ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetInsertPosition(newPos int)
SetInsertPosition set the insert position to a new position.
func (*TextDisplay) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*TextDisplay) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*TextDisplay) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*TextDisplay) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberAlign ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberAlign(align Align)
SetLinenumberAlign sets the alignment used for line numbers (if enabled; see SetLinenumberWidth).
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberBgcolor ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberBgcolor(color Color)
SetLinenumberBgcolor sets the background color used for line numbers (if enabled; see SetLinenumberWidth).
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFgcolor ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFgcolor(color Color)
SetLinenumberFgcolor sets the foreground color used for line numbers (if enabled; see SetLinenumberWidth).
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFont ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberFont(font Font)
SetLinenumberFont sets the font used for line numbers (if enabled; see SetLinenumberWidth).
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberSize ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberSize(s int)
SetLinenumberSize sets the font size used for line numbers (if enabled; see SetLinenumberWidth).
func (*TextDisplay) SetLinenumberWidth ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetLinenumberWidth(w int)
SetLinenumberWidth enabled/disables and sets the width used by line numbers.
A width of 0 pixels disables line numbers. A width > 0 enables line numbers and sets that as the width to be used.
func (*TextDisplay) SetPosition ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*TextDisplay) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*TextDisplay) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*TextDisplay) SetTextColor ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextColor(color Color)
SetTextColor sets the default color of text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) SetTextFont ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextFont(font Font)
SetTextFont sets the default font used when drawing text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) SetTextSize ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetTextSize(size int)
SetTextSize sets the default size of text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *TextDisplay) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*TextDisplay) SetWrapMode ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) SetWrapMode(wrap WrapMode, wrapMargin
wrapMargin is not needed if WrapMode is WRAP_NONE or WRAP_AT_BOUNDS
func (*TextDisplay) ShowInsertPosition ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) ShowInsertPosition()
ShowInsertPosition scrolls the text buffer to show the current insert position.
func (*TextDisplay) TextColor ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) TextColor() Color
TextColor gets the default color of text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) TextFont ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) TextFont() Font
TextFont gets the default font used when drawing text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) TextSize ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) TextSize() int
TextSize gets the default size of text in the widget.
func (*TextDisplay) XYToPosition ¶
func (t *TextDisplay) XYToPosition(x, y int) int
Translate a pixel position into a character index.
type TextEditor ¶
type TextEditor struct {
func NewTextEditor ¶
func NewTextEditor(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *TextEditor
NewTextEditor returns a TextEditor.
textBuffer := fltk_go.NewTextBuffer() textEditor := fltk_go.NewTextEditor(x, y, width, height) textEditor.SetBuffer(textBuffer) textBuffer.SetText("Initial Text") fmt.Println(textBuffer.Text()) // Prints: Initial Text
Note that the text buffer pointer must be kept around for as long as the text editor is in use.
func (*TextEditor) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *TextEditor) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*TextEditor) Copy ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Copy()
Copy copy of selected text or the current character in the current buffer of the editor (kf_copy)
func (*TextEditor) Cut ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Cut()
Cut cuts the selected text from the editor's buffer into the clipboard.
func (*TextEditor) Deactivate ¶
func (w *TextEditor) Deactivate()
func (*TextEditor) Delete ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Delete()
Delete deletes the selected text from the editor's buffer.
func (*TextEditor) Insert ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Insert()
Insert toggles the insert mode (kf_insert)
func (*TextEditor) LabelColor ¶
func (w *TextEditor) LabelColor() Color
func (*TextEditor) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*TextEditor) Paste ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Paste()
Paste pastes the clipboard's text into the editor's buffer at the insertion point.
func (*TextEditor) Redo ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Redo() bool
Redo redoes the last undone edit. Returns true iff any change was made.
func (*TextEditor) SelectAll ¶
func (t *TextEditor) SelectAll()
SelectAll selects all the editor's text.
func (*TextEditor) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SelectionColor() Color
func (*TextEditor) SetCallback ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetCallback(f func())
func (*TextEditor) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*TextEditor) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*TextEditor) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*TextEditor) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*TextEditor) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*TextEditor) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*TextEditor) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*TextEditor) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*TextEditor) SetPosition ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*TextEditor) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*TextEditor) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*TextEditor) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *TextEditor) SetTooltip(text string)
func (*TextEditor) Undo ¶
func (t *TextEditor) Undo() bool
Undo undoes the last edit. Returns true iff any change was made.
type Tile ¶
type Tile struct {
func (*Tile) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Tile) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Tile) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Tile) Deactivate()
func (*Tile) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Tile) LabelColor() Color
func (*Tile) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Tile) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tile) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Tile) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Tile) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Tile) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Tile) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Tile) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Tile) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Tile) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Tile) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Tile) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Tile) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Tile) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Tile) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Tile) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Tile) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Tile) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Tile) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Tile) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Tile) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Tile) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Tile) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Tile) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Tile) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tile) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Tile) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Tile) SetTooltip(text string)
type ToggleButton ¶
type ToggleButton struct {
func NewToggleButton ¶
func NewToggleButton(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *ToggleButton
func (*ToggleButton) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*ToggleButton) Deactivate ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) Deactivate()
func (*ToggleButton) LabelColor ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) LabelColor() Color
func (*ToggleButton) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*ToggleButton) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SelectionColor() Color
func (*ToggleButton) SetCallback ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetCallback(f func())
func (*ToggleButton) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*ToggleButton) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*ToggleButton) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*ToggleButton) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*ToggleButton) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*ToggleButton) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*ToggleButton) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*ToggleButton) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*ToggleButton) SetPosition ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*ToggleButton) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*ToggleButton) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*ToggleButton) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *ToggleButton) SetTooltip(text string)
type Tree ¶
type Tree struct {
func (*Tree) ClearChildren ¶
func (*Tree) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Tree) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Tree) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Tree) Deactivate()
func (*Tree) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Tree) LabelColor() Color
func (*Tree) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Tree) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tree) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Tree) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Tree) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Tree) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Tree) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Tree) SetConnectorStyle ¶
func (t *Tree) SetConnectorStyle(style TreeConnector)
func (*Tree) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Tree) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Tree) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Tree) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Tree) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Tree) SetItemDrawMode ¶
func (t *Tree) SetItemDrawMode(drawMode TreeItemDrawMode)
func (*Tree) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Tree) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Tree) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Tree) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Tree) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Tree) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Tree) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Tree) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Tree) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Tree) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Tree) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Tree) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Tree) SetSelectMode ¶
func (t *Tree) SetSelectMode(selectMode TreeSelect)
func (*Tree) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Tree) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Tree) SetShowRoot ¶
func (*Tree) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Tree) SetTooltip(text string)
type TreeConnector ¶
type TreeConnector int
type TreeItemDrawMode ¶
type TreeItemDrawMode uint
type TreeSelect ¶
type TreeSelect int
type ValueSlider ¶
type ValueSlider struct {
func NewValueSlider ¶
func NewValueSlider(x, y, w, h int, text ...string) *ValueSlider
func (*ValueSlider) SetMaximum ¶
func (v *ValueSlider) SetMaximum(value float64)
func (*ValueSlider) SetMinimum ¶
func (v *ValueSlider) SetMinimum(value float64)
func (*ValueSlider) SetTextFont ¶
func (s *ValueSlider) SetTextFont(font Font)
func (*ValueSlider) SetTextSize ¶
func (s *ValueSlider) SetTextSize(size int)
type Window ¶
type Window struct { Group // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewWindowWithPosition ¶
func (*Window) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Window) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Window) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Window) Deactivate()
func (*Window) FullscreenActive ¶
func (*Window) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Window) LabelColor() Color
func (*Window) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Window) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Window) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Window) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Window) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Window) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Window) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Window) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Window) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Window) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Window) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Window) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Window) SetFullscreen ¶
func (*Window) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Window) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Window) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Window) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Window) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Window) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Window) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Window) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Window) SetNonModal ¶
func (w *Window) SetNonModal()
func (*Window) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Window) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Window) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Window) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Window) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Window) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Window) SetSizeRange ¶
func (*Window) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Window) SetTooltip(text string)
type Wizard ¶
type Wizard struct {
func (*Wizard) ClearVisibleFocus ¶
func (w *Wizard) ClearVisibleFocus()
func (*Wizard) Deactivate ¶
func (w *Wizard) Deactivate()
func (*Wizard) LabelColor ¶
func (w *Wizard) LabelColor() Color
func (*Wizard) MeasureLabel ¶
func (*Wizard) SelectionColor ¶
func (w *Wizard) SelectionColor() Color
func (*Wizard) SetCallback ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetCallback(f func())
func (*Wizard) SetCallbackCondition ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetCallbackCondition(when CallbackCondition)
func (*Wizard) SetDeimage ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetDeimage(i Image)
func (*Wizard) SetDrawHandler ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetDrawHandler(handler func(func()))
SetDrawHandler specifies the function that will be used to draw the widget. The parameter to this function is another function which, when called draws this widget as if not draw handler was specified.
func (*Wizard) SetEventHandler ¶
func (*Wizard) SetLabelColor ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetLabelColor(col Color)
func (*Wizard) SetLabelFont ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetLabelFont(font Font)
func (*Wizard) SetLabelSize ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetLabelSize(size int)
func (*Wizard) SetLabelType ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetLabelType(ltype LabelType)
func (*Wizard) SetPosition ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetPosition(x, y int)
func (*Wizard) SetResizeHandler ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetResizeHandler(handler func())
func (*Wizard) SetSelectionColor ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetSelectionColor(color Color)
func (*Wizard) SetTooltip ¶
func (w *Wizard) SetTooltip(text string)
Source Files
- box.go
- browser.go
- button.go
- callbacks.go
- cgo_linux_amd64.go
- chart.go
- choice.go
- dialogs.go
- drawings.go
- enumerations.go
- events.go
- file_chooser.go
- flex.go
- fltk-build-invoke.go
- fltk_go.go
- gl_window.go
- grid.go
- group.go
- helpview.go
- image.go
- input.go
- input_choice.go
- menu.go
- pack.go
- progress.go
- roller.go
- scroll.go
- slider.go
- spinner.go
- table.go
- tabs.go
- text.go
- tile.go
- tooltip.go
- tree.go
- valuator.go
- widget.go
- window.go
- wizard.go