
v1.0.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 25, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 16 Imported by: 0



Package crisp provides an implementation (client, server) of the compressed incremental sat protocol (CRISP), version 1.0.


CRISP is a protocol designed for efficient communication of incremental SAT solving accross a wire. It is designed to be small, simple, and easy to deploy.

The main goals of the protocol is to minimize small round-trips for communicating data and have a compact representation of the data while enabling incremental solving. One important goal is to make it so that real applications can talk the protocol instead of linking against a solver without significant loss of performance, even for easy problems.

Another goal of the protocol is be easily extensible to address problems such as distributed proof representation, quantifiers, scheduling, problem partitioning, etc. These goals are however longer term and likely best addressed by extensions.

Wire Data

The basic unit of communication is encoding into unsigned 32bit integers. Every piece of data communicated between the client and the server takes the logical form of a uint32.

This space houses literals and communication instructions/directives between the client and the server. These instructions/directives are called protocol points in the following.

We only use about a dozen protocol points, but to enable extensions, we reserve 256 integers for protocol points, at the high end of the range representable by uint32. The rest of the space is used to house variables and literals, coded in the tradition of SAT solvers (see Adding below).

Flow Overview

The protocol works as follows

  1. client negotiates connection with server

  2. client then requests (<add> or <assume>) as many times as it likes. The server does not respond to these requests.

  3. client then requests <solve>. This enters a loop between the client and the server on the same connection as follows: a. client: <solve> b. server: <unknown|sat|unsat|end> c. client: <continue|end>

  4. client sends (<model> or <modelfor> or <failed> or <failedfor>) as many times as it likes. Each time it sends one of these operations, the server responds with the requested data.

  5. Optionally, client sends <reset> and flow goes to state 2.

  6. client sends <quit>, both ends disconnect.

In the above, step 3,

(b,c) repeats until server sends <sat>, <unsat>, or <end>;

Thus step 3 can be represented by the regular expresion

client:<solve> (server:<unknown> client:<continue>)* \
  (server:<unknown> client:<end>)? \

The meaning of a server sending <end> is that it is not willing or unable to make more progress on solving the problem and does not know the answer. The meaning of the server sending <unknown> is that it doesn't know the answer and is willing and able to make more progress solving the problem.

In this loop, the client does not need to wait between reads and writes, since presumably the server is doing the solving and may want to throttle the round trips accordingly on non-trivial problems.

If we call the regular expression above S, the allowable overall (error-free) flow interactions can be represented by the regular expression

1 ((2* S 4*)* 5?)* 6

There are also error conditions, which simply abort the sequence and cause a disconnect; these are not represented in this overview but are detailed below.

Varuint Encoding

The wire format then uses var-uint encoding (a stream of bytes each of which indicates whether it is the last with 1 bit and uses 7bits to encode the non-zero LSBs of the value). This works as follows.

Let u[i] for i in 0..31 be the bits of an unsigned 32 bit int u.  The encoding
of u is a slice of bytes e.
  e[0]&127 houses the 7 most LSB of u: u[0:7].
    If u >> 7 == 0, then the length of e is 1.
  Otherwise e[1]&127 houses u[7:14].
    If u >> 14 == 0, then the length of e is 2.
  Otherwise e[2]&127 houses u[14:21].

This continues for all 32 bits. Also,

For every element e[i] of e except the last, e[i]&128 != 0.

Decoding. The server may decode a stream of varuint32 data and then, for each value v, test whether it is a command/code point by testing

v >= 0xffffffff - 256

if true, v is a command, if false, v is a literal.

Rational: We distinguish the special value '0' as a literal to zero-terminate clauses and lists of assumptions or lists of failed literals. This is conventional and only requires 1 byte in varuint format. Commands happen with much less frequency in the protocol when there is a potential need to send lots of data fast (eg loading a big dimacs). Commands are large values and hence have larger varuint size.

Protocol Points

We reserve 256 code points for extensions to learning, optimisation, etc. In this proposal we have only the following op codes


The remaining protocol points are for extensions.

Variables and Literals

Variables are Boolean (can be either true/false) and each variable is associated with a uint32. A "literal" in propositional logic is just a variable or the logical negation of a variable. CRISP uses standard SAT-solver encoding of variables and literals.

If a variable is indicated by some uint32, say x, then a literal m over x is

  1. (x<<1) if m is positive
  2. (x<<1) | 1 if m is negative

Since we have uint32 coding, and 256 coding points, the maximum variable representable in the protocol is

(0xffffffff - 256) >> 1

or equivalently


Connection negotiation

Upon connecting, the server replies with "CRISP" (as 5 uint32s) followed by a uint32 "v" indicating the protocol version number which is comprised of a major version and a minor version. The major version is the upper 8 MSB of "v" and the minor protocol version is the 24 LSB of "v".

Some servers may want to protect access by requring a key. If they do this, then they can simply wait for the first op from the client. If the first op is not <key>, then the server can disconnect the client.

Clients connecting to <key>-passed servers can send the <key> op followed by the key length in terms of uint32 atoms (it must be 4-byte aligned). Then the client sends the key.

After receiving the key, the server could just disconnect if it doesn't accept the client.


Adding adds permanent constraints to the solver on the server side. Each constraint is in the form of a clause, which is a disjunction of literals.

When the client adds clauses, it sends the <add> op followed by a list of clauses, where each clause is a null-terminated list of literals. When it is done adding clauses, it sends a <end>.

The server does not respond to <add> or <end> ops.


When the client makes assumptions, it sends the <assume> op followed by a null terminated list of literals. The server does not respond to this op.

The server takes into account the assumptions temporarily, only for the next call to solve. Subsequent calls to solve after the next call are not effected.


Solving is the only part of the protocol which involves several round trips between the client and the server.

After the client sends <solve>, it reads from the server in a blocking read until the server sends a response. The response is either <sat>, <unsat>, <unknown>, or <end>.

If the response is <unknown>, then the client must respond with either
<continue> or <end>.  If the client sends <continue>,  the protocol enters
the same state as if the client had just sent <solve>.  If the client sends
<end>, the protocol exits the <solve> state; the client can add more clauses
or make more assumptions and try to solve again (or quit).

If the server response is <sat>,<unsat>, or <end> then client must not respond
with <continue> or <end>.  Instead, the client may optionally request models
if the response was <sat>, or optionally request failed assumptions if the
response was <unsat>.  In any event, the client may continue to <add> or
<assume> or may <quit>.


Models are valuations of variables in a problem which satisfy the permanent constraints and assumptions in the previous <solve> interaction. CRISP supports 2 mechanisms for models: partial and complete models, corresponding respectively to the <modelfor> and <model> operators.

The <model> and <modelfor> operators can only be sent if the previous <solve> operator ended with a <sat> operator from the server and no <add> or <assume> has taken place since. Otherwise, the server sends <error> and disconnectes.

Complete models are obtained using the <model> operator. The client sends <model> and the server responds with a truth value for every variable, in the order of variable index/id 1,2,3,.... up until the maximum variable used in any added clause or assumption.

The encoding of the truth values is the same for partial and complete models, and is described below.

Partial models are obtained by using the <modelfor> operator. The client sends <modelfor> followed by a null terminated list of literals. The server responds with the truth value for each of these literals in the same order specified specified by the client.

In both <model> and <modelfor>, the list of truth values is encoded by the server as follows. First, the server sends a uint32 indicating how many uint32s are to be sent subsequently to communicate the model. Then:

Let N be the length of the list, and let let M = N%32 == 0 ? N : N + (32 - N%32).
Then M/32 uint32 values are sent by the server.  Let u[i] be the i'th value.
The truth value for element j of the list is

   u[j/32] & (1 << j%32) != 0

Failed Assumptions

Failed assumptions are a subset of the assumptions from the last <solve> sequence which are sufficient to render the problem unsat. Like the <model> and <modelfor> operators, there are 2 failed operators, <failed> and <failedfor>.

<failed> retrieves a sufficient subset of all previously assumed literals to render the last problem posed to <solve> unsat.

<failedfor> specifies a list of assumptions which are of interest to the client. The server responds with the maximal subset of this list which intersects what would be returned by <failed>.

Thus, when the client sends <failedfor> it follows this operator with a null terminated list of literals. But when the client sends <failed> it immediately waits the response from the server.

In both cases, the server replies with a null terminated list of literals. If the server replies to <failedfor>, the list of literals in the response from the server must respect the order of the list provided by the client in <failedfor>.

Error Conditions

Errors are always sent from the server to the client. Each <error> op is followed by a single uint32 value, which encodes more information about the error.

Anytime the server responds with an <error>, the server subsequently closes the connection.

The following are common errors:

If the varuint encoding encodes a number outside the uint32 range then the server responds with an error.

If the client has this error reading from the server, then it must disconnect.

If a client requests a model or partial model and the previous solve dis not end with <sat>, the server responds with an error, (ErrNotSat)

If a client requests failed assumptions and the previous solve was not unsat, the server responds with an error (ErrNotUnsat)

If a client requests failed assumptions or model and an <add> or an <assume> has taken place since the last <solve>, the server responds with an error whose code is (ErrOutOfOrder)

Other generic server errors are called "internal server errors", and have error code ErrInternal.


I imagine that <learn> which adds a clause known to be redundant w.r.t. added clauses will become useful for distributed solving, but let's keep things simple first...

This leaves space for developers and researchers to extend the protocol in the future for many possible means (DRAT, optimisation, learning, quantifiers, ...) without needing to re-engineer the wire protocol.

Copyright 2016 The Gini Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a license that can be found in the License file.



View Source
const (
	Top          ProtoPoint = 0xffffffff
	MinProto                = Top - 255
	NumExtProtos            = Reset - MinProto
View Source
const (
	V = Version(1 << 23)
View Source
const (
	VarUintMask = uint32((1 << 7) - 1)


This section is empty.


func ListenAndServe

func ListenAndServe(addr string) error

ListenAndServer starts a CRISP server


type Addr

type Addr struct {
	Network string
	NetAddr string

Type Addr is a the type of a CRISP address

CRISP addresses are either pathnames prefixed by '@' (for unix domain sockets) or tcp addresses, such as 'localhost:6060' or ''.

func ParseAddr

func ParseAddr(s string) *Addr

ParseAddr parses an address, determining whether is a unix socket or a tcp address.

func (*Addr) String

func (a *Addr) String() string

String puts the address back in the format provided to ParseAddr.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Type Client is a concrete Solver which communicates using the gini sat protocol.

func Dial

func Dial(addr string) (*Client, error)

Dial creates a new Gini protocol client, implementing an error-augmented version the Solver interface, for reporting underlying protocol/network errors.

func (*Client) Add

func (c *Client) Add(m z.Lit) error

Add adds a literal to the clause constraints in the solver. To terminate the clause, m should 0.

func (*Client) Assume

func (c *Client) Assume(ms ...z.Lit) error

Assume adds an assumption to the solver for the next call to Solver()

func (*Client) Close

func (c *Client) Close() error

Close closes the connection to the server.

func (*Client) Dimacs

func (c *Client) Dimacs(r io.Reader) error

Dimacs takes a dimacs formatted file and loads it to the server, returning an error if there was a problem

func (*Client) ExtOp

func (c *Client) ExtOp(i int, o uint32) ProtoPoint

ExtOp returns the runtime opcode of the o'th opcode of extension with runtime id i.

func (*Client) GetExts

func (c *Client) GetExts() (int, error)

GetExts queries the server for extensions. Each extension has a unique id and a number of op codes GetExts returns the number of extensions retrieved.

func (*Client) GoSolve

func (c *Client) GoSolve() gnet.Solve

GoSolve returns a connection to a solve proces in the background.

func (*Client) Hello

func (c *Client) Hello() error

Hello reads a greating from a CRISP server.

func (*Client) MaxVar

func (c *Client) MaxVar() z.Var

MaxVar returns the max var which has been Added or Assumed.

func (*Client) Model

func (c *Client) Model(vs []bool) ([]bool, error)

Model returns a model of the formula if the last Solve() was satisfiable.

func (*Client) ModelFor

func (c *Client) ModelFor(dst []bool, ms []z.Lit) ([]bool, error)

ModelFor returns a partial model of the

func (*Client) Quit

func (c *Client) Quit() error

Quit signals to the server that no further operations will take place.

func (*Client) Reset

func (c *Client) Reset() error

Reset requests the server forget all added clauses and assumptions and continue as if we just connected.

func (*Client) Solve

func (c *Client) Solve() (int, error)

Solve attempts to solve the current set of constraints under the current assumptions. Solve returns

1  if the problem is satisfiable

0  if the the problem was not solved due to some error or
   if the server asked to stop.

-1 if the problem is unsatisfiable

func (*Client) Value

func (c *Client) Value(m z.Lit) (bool, error)

Value implements the inter.NetModel interface

func (*Client) Why

func (c *Client) Why(ms []z.Lit) ([]z.Lit, error)

Why retrieves a list of failed assumptions from the server and places them in ms.

func (*Client) WhySelect

func (c *Client) WhySelect(dst []z.Lit, ms []z.Lit) ([]z.Lit, error)

WhySelect retrieves a sub-list of failed assumptions from the server selected from ms and placed in dst. The literals in dst respect the order of the literals in ms.

type Extn

type Extn struct {
	Id  uint16
	N   uint8
	Off uint32

Type Extn encapsulates what client and server need to implement a given extension at runtime.

func (Extn) Op

func (e Extn) Op(o uint32) ProtoPoint

Op returns the op code installed on the server

func (*Extn) String

func (e *Extn) String() string

String produces a pretty string for an installed extension

type Exts

type Exts struct {
	D   []Extn
	Off uint32

Type Exts encapsulates installing and getting op codes for extensions

func NewExts

func NewExts() *Exts

NewExts returns a new extension manager.

func (*Exts) Id

func (e *Exts) Id(i int) uint16

Id Returns the persistent id of the extension with local id i.

func (*Exts) Install

func (e *Exts) Install(id uint16, n uint8) (int, error)

Install installs an extension into the Exts structure and returns an identifier for it local to the client or server using the structure. It returns a non-nil error if the offset (total number of opcodes installed) overflows. This should not exceed NumExtProtos

func (*Exts) Op

func (e *Exts) Op(i int, o uint32) ProtoPoint

Op returns the op code for the o'th op code of extension with local id i

func (*Exts) String

func (e *Exts) String() string

String returns a string for exts

type Handler

type Handler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Type Handler holds state for managing a single connection

func (*Handler) Crisp

func (h *Handler) Crisp() error

func (*Handler) Error

func (h *Handler) Error(e ProtoErr) error

func (*Handler) Hello

func (h *Handler) Hello() error

type ProtoErr

type ProtoErr uint32
const (
	ErrVarUint ProtoErr = 1 + iota

func (ProtoErr) Error

func (pe ProtoErr) Error() string

func (ProtoErr) String

func (pe ProtoErr) String() string

type ProtoPoint

type ProtoPoint uint32
const (
	Key ProtoPoint = Top - iota

func (ProtoPoint) IsVarLen

func (p ProtoPoint) IsVarLen() bool

func (ProtoPoint) String

func (p ProtoPoint) String() string

String gives human readable english representation of protocol points.

type Server

type Server struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Type Server houses state for a server.

func NewServer

func NewServer(addr string) (*Server, error)

NewServer creates a new Gini protocol server n may be one of "tcp" or "unix".

func (*Server) Serve

func (s *Server) Serve() error

Serve runs the server in a loop, accepting connections, generating a solver for each connection and binding them

func (*Server) Shutdown

func (s *Server) Shutdown() error

Shutdown stops listening for connections

func (*Server) Trace

func (s *Server) Trace(b bool)

Trace tells the server whether to trace

type Version

type Version uint32

func (Version) Major

func (v Version) Major() int

func (Version) Minor

func (v Version) Minor() int

func (Version) String

func (v Version) String() string

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