
command module
v0.0.0-...-03d6fc4 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 23, 2019 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


Skia-Buildbot Repository

This repo contains infrastructure code for Skia.

Getting the Source Code

The main source code repository is a Git repository hosted at Although it is possible to check out this repository directly with git clone or using gclient fetch, it is preferred to use go get so that the code is arranged correctly for Go. If this is your first time working on Go code, read about the GOPATH environment variable. Make sure that $GOPATH/bin comes before /usr/bin in your PATH. If you have GOPATH set, run:

$ go get -u -t

This fetches the repository into your $GOPATH directory along with all the Go dependencies. Note: is a custom import path and will only work if used like the examples here.

Install Node.js (not as root) and add the bin dir to your path. Optionally run npm install npm -g, as suggested by the npm getting started doc.

Install other dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install python-django
$ go get -u \ \
$ npm install -g polylint bower

Build from GOPATH:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make all

Generated Code

Some code is generated using go generate with external binaries. First, install the version of protoc referenced in the asset creation script and ensure it is on your PATH before other versions of protoc.

Install the necessary go packages:

$ go get -u \ \ \

To generate code run in this directory:

$ go generate ./...

Database Setup for Testing

Tests which use the database package's testutils require you to have a MySQL instance running with a database named "sk_testing" and users called "readwrite" and "test_root" with appropriate permissions for sk_testing. The 'setup_test_db' script in 'go/database' is included for convenience in setting up this test database and user.

Go tests require a local installation of MySQL. For a Debian based distro:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server

Leave the root password blank.

Then, to set up local versions of the production databases:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./setup_test_db

Running unit tests

Install Cloud SDK.

The installed python-django version must be >= 1.7. Run the following to update:

$ sudo pip install Django --upgrade

Use this command to run the presubmit tests:

$ ./run_unittests --small


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
alert-to-pubsub accepts POST messages from Prometheus for alerts and publishes them to Google PubSub.
alert-to-pubsub accepts POST messages from Prometheus for alerts and publishes them to Google PubSub.
buildapi allows querying the Android Build API to find buildid's.
buildapi allows querying the Android Build API to find buildid's.
Package continuous periodically queries the android build api and looks for new buildids against a given list of branches and then updates poprepo with those new buildids.
Package continuous periodically queries the android build api and looks for new buildids against a given list of branches and then updates poprepo with those new buildids.
Package lookup provides ...
Package lookup provides ...
Parser parses incoming JSON files from Android Testing and converts them into a format acceptable to Skia Perf.
Parser parses incoming JSON files from Android Testing and converts them into a format acceptable to Skia Perf.
poprepo is a package for populating a git repo with commits that associate a git commit with a buildid, a monotonically increasing number maintained by a external build system.
poprepo is a package for populating a git repo with commits that associate a git commit with a buildid, a monotonically increasing number maintained by a external build system.
query_buidapi is a simple command-line application to test the androidbuildinternal API.
query_buidapi is a simple command-line application to test the androidbuildinternal API.
Package recent tracks the last 20 incoming JSON request.
Package recent tracks the last 20 incoming JSON request.
blamer searches through git history and does text searches on the full patch text and the commit message.
blamer searches through git history and does text searches on the full patch text and the commit message.
Package extract pulls comments and other useful info out of GM .cpp files.
Package extract pulls comments and other useful info out of GM .cpp files.
extract_comments is a command-line application to extract comments for GMs from C++ source code and consolidate them into a single JSON file.
extract_comments is a command-line application to extract comments for GMs from C++ source code and consolidate them into a single JSON file.
The CQ Watcher monitors the Skia CQ for Gerrit CLs.
The CQ Watcher monitors the Skia CQ for Gerrit CLs.
Utility that contains utility methods for interacting with adb.
Utility that contains utility methods for interacting with adb.
Functions and variables helping with communication with CT frontend.
Functions and variables helping with communication with CT frontend.
Application that builds chromium with or without patches and uploads the build to Google Storage.
Application that builds chromium with or without patches and uploads the build to Google Storage.
capture_archives_on_workers is an application that captures archives on all CT workers and uploads it to Google Storage.
capture_archives_on_workers is an application that captures archives on all CT workers and uploads it to Google Storage.
capture_skps_on_workers is an application that captures SKPs of the specified patchset type on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
capture_skps_on_workers is an application that captures SKPs of the specified patchset type on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
create_pagesets_on_workers is an application that creates pagesets on all CT workers and uploads it to Google Storage.
create_pagesets_on_workers is an application that creates pagesets on all CT workers and uploads it to Google Storage.
metrics_analysis_on_workers is an application that runs the analysis_metrics_ct benchmark on all CT workers and uploads results to Google Storage.
metrics_analysis_on_workers is an application that runs the analysis_metrics_ct benchmark on all CT workers and uploads results to Google Storage.
pixel_diff_on_workers is an application that captures screenshots of the specified patchset type on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
pixel_diff_on_workers is an application that captures screenshots of the specified patchset type on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_chromium_analysis_on_workers is an application that runs the specified telemetry benchmark on swarming bots and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_chromium_analysis_on_workers is an application that runs the specified telemetry benchmark on swarming bots and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_chromium_perf_on_workers is an application that runs the specified telemetry benchmark on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_chromium_perf_on_workers is an application that runs the specified telemetry benchmark on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_lua_on_workers is an application that runs the specified lua script on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
run_lua_on_workers is an application that runs the specified lua script on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage.
Utility to create and manage chromium builds.
Utility to create and manage chromium builds.
Application that builds the specified repo and stores output to Google Storage.
Application that builds the specified repo and stores output to Google Storage.
Application that captures webpage archives on a CT worker and uploads it to Google Storage.
Application that captures webpage archives on a CT worker and uploads it to Google Storage.
Application that captures SKPs from CT's webpage archives.
Application that captures SKPs from CT's webpage archives.
Application that creates pagesets on a CT worker and uploads it to Google Storage.
Application that creates pagesets on a CT worker and uploads it to Google Storage.
Application that builds and isolates telemetry.
Application that builds and isolates telemetry.
Application that does metrics analysis as described in the design doc: go/ct_metrics_analysis Can be tested locally with: $ go run go/worker_scripts/metrics_analysis/main.go --start_range=1 --num=3 --run_id=rmistry-test1 --benchmark_extra_args="--output-format=csv" --metric_name="loadingMetric" --logtostderr=true --local
Application that does metrics analysis as described in the design doc: go/ct_metrics_analysis Can be tested locally with: $ go run go/worker_scripts/metrics_analysis/main.go --start_range=1 --num=3 --run_id=rmistry-test1 --benchmark_extra_args="--output-format=csv" --metric_name="loadingMetric" --logtostderr=true --local
Application that does pixel diff using CT's webpage repository.
Application that does pixel diff using CT's webpage repository.
run_chromium_analysis is an application that runs the specified benchmark over CT's webpage archives.
run_chromium_analysis is an application that runs the specified benchmark over CT's webpage archives.
run_chromium_perf is an application that runs the specified benchmark over CT's webpage archives.
run_chromium_perf is an application that runs the specified benchmark over CT's webpage archives.
Application that runs lua scripts over the specified SKP repository.
Application that runs lua scripts over the specified SKP repository.
instances provides for running a bunch of skiaserve instances.
instances provides for running a bunch of skiaserve instances.
docserver is a super simple Markdown (CommonMark) server.
docserver is a super simple Markdown (CommonMark) server.
docset keeps track of checkouts of a repository of Markdown documents.
docset keeps track of checkouts of a repository of Markdown documents.
ssi implements a simple server side include mechanism that allows to replace special tags with the output of function calls.
ssi implements a simple server side include mechanism that allows to replace special tags with the output of function calls.
Common code for backing up datastore entities.
Common code for backing up datastore entities.
Trigger backups of Cloud Datastore entities to Cloud Storage using the datastore v1beta1 API.
Trigger backups of Cloud Datastore entities to Cloud Storage using the datastore v1beta1 API.
Trigger backups of Cloud Datastore entities to Cloud Storage using the datastore v1beta1 API.
Trigger backups of Cloud Datastore entities to Cloud Storage using the datastore v1beta1 API.
fiddle is the web server for fiddle.
fiddle is the web server for fiddle.
Command line app to process fiddles in bulk.
Command line app to process fiddles in bulk.
Compiles a fiddle and then runs the fiddle.
Compiles a fiddle and then runs the fiddle.
named is a utility for dealing with named fiddles.
named is a utility for dealing with named fiddles.
Functions for the last mile of a fiddle, i.e.
Functions for the last mile of a fiddle, i.e.
Does a simple sanity check on a locally running fiddler.
Does a simple sanity check on a locally running fiddler.
Keeps a cache of all the source image thumbnails.
Keeps a cache of all the source image thumbnails.
Stores and retrieves fiddles and associated assets in Google Storage.
Stores and retrieves fiddles and associated assets in Google Storage.
Runs "gcloud compute project-info describe --format=json" and parses the output to find the 'jwt_service_account' metadata, which is then written to a local file "service-account.json".
Runs "gcloud compute project-info describe --format=json" and parses the output to find the 'jwt_service_account' metadata, which is then written to a local file "service-account.json".
android_skia_checkout contains util methods for interacting with the Skia repository within Android.
android_skia_checkout contains util methods for interacting with the Skia repository within Android.
androidbuild implements a simple interface to look up skia git commit hashes from android buildIDs.
androidbuild implements a simple interface to look up skia git commit hashes from android buildIDs.
Package androidbuildinternal provides access to the .
Package androidbuildinternal provides access to the .
Package boltutil provides higher level primitives to work with bolt DB.
Package boltutil provides higher level primitives to work with bolt DB.
Package buildbucket provides tools for interacting with the buildbucket API.
Package buildbucket provides tools for interacting with the buildbucket API.
Utility functions for downloading, building, and compiling programs against Skia.
Utility functions for downloading, building, and compiling programs against Skia.
skia_build is a command line application to trigger or force builds of Skia that are done using go/buildskia.
skia_build is a command line application to trigger or force builds of Skia that are done using go/buildskia.
Lexer and parser for expressions of the form: f(g(h("foo"), i(3, "bar"))) Note that while it does understand strings and numbers, it doesn't do binary operators.
Lexer and parser for expressions of the form: f(g(h("foo"), i(3, "bar"))) Note that while it does understand strings and numbers, it doesn't do binary operators.
chatbot is a package for creating chatbots that interact via webhooks.
chatbot is a package for creating chatbots that interact via webhooks.
Common tool initialization.
Common tool initialization.
Package cq provides tools for interacting with the CQ tools.
Package cq provides tools for interacting with the CQ tools.
ds is a package for using Google Cloud Datastore.
ds is a package for using Google Cloud Datastore.
Runs through a three-legged OAuth 2.0 flow to create a client_token.json file which contains a refresh token.
Runs through a three-legged OAuth 2.0 flow to create a client_token.json file which contains a refresh token.
A wrapper around the os/exec package that supports timeouts and testing.
A wrapper around the os/exec package that supports timeouts and testing.
Client for interacting with the Google Container Registry.
Client for interacting with the Google Container Registry.
Package gs implements utility for accessing data in Google Storage.
Package gs implements utility for accessing data in Google Storage.
gitinfo enables querying info from a Git repository.
gitinfo enables querying info from a Git repository.
A Go implementation of
A Go implementation of
Package human provides human friendly display formats.
Package human provides human friendly display formats.
issues_helper is a simple command-line application for the monorail issue tracker.
issues_helper is a simple command-line application for the monorail issue tracker.
login handles logging in users.
login handles logging in users.
metrics2 is a client library for recording and reporting monitoring data.
metrics2 is a client library for recording and reporting monitoring data.
packages is utilities for working with Debian packages and package lists.
packages is utilities for working with Debian packages and package lists.
Package params provides Params and ParamSet.
Package params provides Params and ParamSet.
PDF Rasterizer
PDF Rasterizer
Package query provides tools for searching over structured keys.
Package query provides tools for searching over structured keys.
sktrace is an EXPERIMENTAL package with utility functions for the package.
sktrace is an EXPERIMENTAL package with utility functions for the package.
Code generated by mockery v1.0.0 (and then touched up by hand) Utilities for isolating and swarming.
Code generated by mockery v1.0.0 (and then touched up by hand) Utilities for isolating and swarming.
Convenience utilities for testing.
Convenience utilities for testing.
timer makes timing operations easier.
timer makes timing operations easier.
Package tracedb provides a datastore for efficiently storing and retrieving traces.
Package tracedb provides a datastore for efficiently storing and retrieving traces.
Some basic functions on slices of float32.
Some basic functions on slices of float32.
Utility methods for implementing authenticated webhooks.
Utility methods for implementing authenticated webhooks.
This program serves content that is mostly static and needs to be highly available.
This program serves content that is mostly static and needs to be highly available.
Simple command line app the applies our image diff library to two PNGs.
Simple command line app the applies our image diff library to two PNGs.
Simple command line tool that parses logs extracted from cloud-logging, extracts the query strings and prints them to stdout.
Simple command line tool that parses logs extracted from cloud-logging, extracts the query strings and prints them to stdout.
Simple command line app that compares the images based on their digests.
Simple command line app that compares the images based on their digests.
Queries a Gold instance and downloads all positive images for each tests.
Queries a Gold instance and downloads all positive images for each tests.
package baseline contains functions to gather the current baseline and write them to GCS.
package baseline contains functions to gather the current baseline and write them to GCS.
The bbstate package tracks the state of tryjobs in BuildBucket and loads issues from Gerrit to maintain consistent tryjob information in an instance of tryjobstore.TryjobStore.
The bbstate package tracks the state of tryjobs in BuildBucket and loads issues from Gerrit to maintain consistent tryjob information in an instance of tryjobstore.TryjobStore.
digesttools are utility functions for answering questions about digests.
digesttools are utility functions for answering questions about digests.
text is an image plain text file format encoder and decoder.
text is an image plain text file format encoder and decoder.
Package indexer continously creates an index of the test results as the tiles, expectations and ignores change.
Package indexer continously creates an index of the test results as the tiles, expectations and ignores change.
paramsets keeps a running summary of paramsets per test, digest pair.
paramsets keeps a running summary of paramsets per test, digest pair.
Package pdag allows to define a DAG of processing fuctions.
Package pdag allows to define a DAG of processing fuctions.
search contains the core functionality for searching for digests across a tile.
search contains the core functionality for searching for digests across a tile.
Package shared contains constants and functions shared by various backend servers and frontend clients like goldctl.
Package shared contains constants and functions shared by various backend servers and frontend clients like goldctl.
summary summarizes the current state of triaging.
summary summarizes the current state of triaging.
tally returns counts of digests for various views on a Tile.
tally returns counts of digests for various views on a Tile.
The tsuite package contains datastructures run tests on Firebase Testlab and process the results.
The tsuite package contains datastructures run tests on Firebase Testlab and process the results.
warmer makes sure we've pre-warmed the cache for normal queries.
warmer makes sure we've pre-warmed the cache for normal queries.
Serves the jsdoc's for both the elements-sk and common libraries.
Serves the jsdoc's for both the elements-sk and common libraries.
Stores and retrieves jsfiddles in Google Storage.
Stores and retrieves jsfiddles in Google Storage.
Prometheus doesn't handle authentication, so use a reverse proxy that requires login to protect it.
Prometheus doesn't handle authentication, so use a reverse proxy that requires login to protect it.
expand-and-reload is a simple app that watches for a configmap file to change and when it does it writes the file, after doing environment variable expansion, to --dst.
expand-and-reload is a simple app that watches for a configmap file to change and when it does it writes the file, after doing environment variable expansion, to --dst.
pushk pushes a new version of an app.
pushk pushes a new version of an app.
repo-sync syncs git repos, with the presumption that the destination repo is a Google Cloud source repository.
repo-sync syncs git repos, with the presumption that the destination repo is a Google Cloud source repository.
Used by the Leasing Server to interact with swarming.
Used by the Leasing Server to interact with swarming.
config is for reading the toml configuration file.
config is for reading the toml configuration file.
logmetrics runs queries over all the data store in Google Logging and then pushes those counts into metrics.
logmetrics runs queries over all the data store in Google Logging and then pushes those counts into metrics.
notifier takes POST'd JSON requests from various sources, such as Prometheus AlertManager and turns them into outgoing emails.
notifier takes POST'd JSON requests from various sources, such as Prometheus AlertManager and turns them into outgoing emails.
Package activitylog implements utility for activity logging into database.
Package activitylog implements utility for activity logging into database.
A command-line tool to add Shortcut values to every Regression in the Datastore.
A command-line tool to add Shortcut values to every Regression in the Datastore.
Save and retrieve alerts.Config's to/from a database.
Save and retrieve alerts.Config's to/from a database.
See for tiles and traces are stored in BigTable.
See for tiles and traces are stored in BigTable.
Example application using BitTableTraceStore.
Example application using BitTableTraceStore.
bug is a package for handling bug reporting URLs.
bug is a package for handling bug reporting URLs.
Package cid contains CommitID and utilities for working with them.
Package cid contains CommitID and utilities for working with them.
Package constants provides constants.
Package constants provides constants.
ctrace makes Traces into ClusterableTraces which can then be used in kmeans.
ctrace makes Traces into ClusterableTraces which can then be used in kmeans.
Package dataframe provides DataFrame which is a TraceSet with a calculated ParamSet and associated commit info.
Package dataframe provides DataFrame which is a TraceSet with a calculated ParamSet and associated commit info.
dryrun allows testing an Alert and seeing the regression it would find.
dryrun allows testing an Alert and seeing the regression it would find.
kmeans implements a generic k-means clustering algorithm.
kmeans implements a generic k-means clustering algorithm.
notify is a package for sending notification.
notify is a package for sending notification.
Copies Perf data from one project to another.
Copies Perf data from one project to another.
A command-line application that is used to trigger PubSub events for a given Perf config over a specific time range.
A command-line application that is used to trigger PubSub events for a given Perf config over a specific time range.
perf-ingest listens to a PubSub Topic for new files that appear in a storage bucket and then ingests those files into BigTable.
perf-ingest listens to a PubSub Topic for new files that appear in a storage bucket and then ingests those files into BigTable.
Package regression provides for tracking Perf regressions.
Package regression provides for tracking Perf regressions.
shortcut handles storing and retrieving shortcuts.
shortcut handles storing and retrieving shortcuts.
Utility that combines all probers.json5 documents into a single file allprobers.json5.
Utility that combines all probers.json5 documents into a single file allprobers.json5.
Prober is an HTTP prober that periodically sends out HTTP requests to specified endpoints and reports if the returned results match the expectations.
Prober is an HTTP prober that periodically sends out HTTP requests to specified endpoints and reports if the returned results match the expectations.
Utility that combines all probersk.json5 documents into a single file allprobersk.json5.
Utility that combines all probersk.json5 documents into a single file allprobersk.json5.
Proberk is an HTTP prober that periodically sends out HTTP requests to specified endpoints and reports if the returned results match the expectations.
Proberk is an HTTP prober that periodically sends out HTTP requests to specified endpoints and reports if the returned results match the expectations.
Command-line application that parses a Promethues alerts file and produces a second alerts file that checks for missing data for each of the input alerts.
Command-line application that parses a Promethues alerts file and produces a second alerts file that checks for missing data for each of the input alerts.
alertmanager parses the JSON alerts sent from the Prometheus AlertManager and produces formatted emails from the data.
alertmanager parses the JSON alerts sent from the Prometheus AlertManager and produces formatted emails from the data.
Neither Prometheus nor AlertManager handle authentication, so use a reverse proxy that requires login to protect both of them.
Neither Prometheus nor AlertManager handle authentication, so use a reverse proxy that requires login to protect both of them.
An application to create a new set of alerts from an existing set of alerts.
An application to create a new set of alerts from an existing set of alerts.
push is the web server for pushing debian packages.
push is the web server for pushing debian packages.
pushcli is a simple command-line application for pushing a package to head.
pushcli is a simple command-line application for pushing a package to head.
For a given time period, find all the bots that failed when a CL, that was later reverted, first landed.
For a given time period, find all the bots that failed when a CL, that was later reverted, first landed.
sheriff_emails is an application that emails the next sheriff every week.
sheriff_emails is an application that emails the next sheriff every week.
certpoller polls the current set of nginx SSL certs for this machine in Google Compute Project level metadata and updates the local copies if they change.
certpoller polls the current set of nginx SSL certs for this machine in Google Compute Project level metadata and updates the local copies if they change.
loadtest is a simple loadtesting tool.
loadtest is a simple loadtesting tool.
Package skmetadata provides helper functions to implement the meta data server for the Skolo.
Package skmetadata provides helper functions to implement the meta data server for the Skolo.
busywork is an end-to-end test for local_db.
busywork is an end-to-end test for local_db.
Read data from a local task scheduler DB file and output as JSON.
Read data from a local task scheduler DB file and output as JSON.
Implementation of backing up a DB to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Implementation of backing up a DB to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Read Job GOBs from GCS and write as JSON.
Read Job GOBs from GCS and write as JSON.
remote_db provides a client/server pair for accessing a db.RemoteDB over HTTP.
remote_db provides a client/server pair for accessing a db.RemoteDB over HTTP.
importtile allows importing a .gob based Tile into tracedb.
importtile allows importing a .gob based Tile into tracedb.
traceserver is a gRPC server for trace.service.
traceserver is a gRPC server for trace.service.
tracetool is a command-line tool for interrogating a tracedb server.
tracetool is a command-line tool for interrogating a tracedb server.

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