
package module
v1.5.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 20, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 12 Imported by: 2,709


CLI Color

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A command-line color library with 16/256/True color support, universal API methods and Windows support.


Basic color preview:


Now, 256 colors and RGB colors have also been supported to work in Windows CMD and PowerShell:



  • Simple to use, zero dependencies
  • Supports rich color output: 16-color (4-bit), 256-color (8-bit), true color (24-bit, RGB)
    • 16-color output is the most commonly used and most widely supported, working on any Windows version
    • Since v1.2.4 the 256-color (8-bit), true color (24-bit) support windows CMD and PowerShell
    • See this gist for information on true color support
  • Support converts HEX HSL value to RGB color
  • Generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf
  • Supports HTML tag-style color rendering, such as <green>message</> <fg=red;bg=blue>text</>.
    • In addition to using built-in tags, it also supports custom color attributes
    • Custom color attributes support the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
    • Support working on Windows cmd and powerShell terminal
  • Basic colors: Bold, Black, White, Gray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan
  • Additional styles: Info, Note, Light, Error, Danger, Notice, Success, Comment, Primary, Warning, Question, Secondary
  • Support by set NO_COLOR for disable color or use FORCE_COLOR for force open color render.
  • Support Rgb, 256, 16 color conversion



go get

Quick start

package main

import (


func main() {
	// quick use package func
	color.Redp("Simple to use color")
	color.Redln("Simple to use color")
	color.Greenp("Simple to use color\n")
	color.Cyanln("Simple to use color")
	color.Yellowln("Simple to use color")

	// quick use like fmt.Print*
	color.Red.Println("Simple to use color")
	color.Green.Print("Simple to use color\n")
	color.Cyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
	color.Yellow.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

	// use like func
	red := color.FgRed.Render
	green := color.FgGreen.Render
	fmt.Printf("%s line %s library\n", red("Command"), green("color"))

	// custom color
	color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack).Println("custom color style")

	// can also:
	color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")

	// internal theme/style:

	// use style tag
	color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>\n")
	// Custom label attr: Supports the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
	color.Println("<fg=11aa23>he</><bg=120,35,156>llo</>, <fg=167;bg=232>wel</><fg=red>come</>")

	// apply a style tag
	color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")

	// prompt message
	color.Info.Prompt("prompt style message")
	color.Warn.Prompt("prompt style message")

	// tips message
	color.Info.Tips("tips style message")
	color.Warn.Tips("tips style message")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/demo.go


Basic/16 color

Supported on any Windows version. Provide generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf

color.Bold.Println("bold message")
color.Cyan.Println("yellow message")
color.Yellow.Println("yellow message")
color.Magenta.Println("yellow message")

// Only use foreground color
color.FgCyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
// Only use background color
color.BgRed.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_16.go


Custom build color
// Full custom: foreground, background, option
myStyle := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack, color.OpBold)
myStyle.Println("custom color style")

// can also:
color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")

custom set console settings:

// set console color

// print message

// reset console settings
Additional styles

provide generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf

print message use defined style:

color.Info.Println("Info message")
color.Notice.Println("Notice message")
color.Error.Println("Error message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_basic.go


Tips style

color.Info.Tips("Info tips message")
color.Notice.Tips("Notice tips message")
color.Error.Tips("Error tips message")
color.Secondary.Tips("Secondary tips message")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_tips.go


Prompt Style

color.Info.Prompt("Info prompt message")
color.Notice.Prompt("Notice prompt message")
color.Error.Prompt("Error prompt message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_prompt.go


Block Style

color.Danger.Block("Danger block message")
color.Warn.Block("Warn block message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_block.go


256-color usage

256 colors support Windows CMD, PowerShell environment after v1.2.4

Set the foreground or background color
  • color.C256(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256
c := color.C256(132) // fg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c := color.C256(132, true) // bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")
256-color style

Can be used to set foreground and background colors at the same time.

  • S256(fgAndBg ...uint8) *Style256
s := color.S256(32, 203)
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

with options:

s := color.S256(32, 203)

s.Println("style with options")
s.Printf("style with %s\n", "options")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_256.go


RGB/True color

RGB colors support Windows CMD, PowerShell environment after v1.2.4


Run demo: Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_rgb.go



color.RGB(30, 144, 255).Println("message. use RGB number")

color.HEX("#D50000", true).Println("red-accent. use HEX style")

color.RGBStyleFromString("213,0,0").Println("red-accent. use RGB number")
color.HEXStyle("eee", "D50000").Println("deep-purple color")
Set the foreground or background color
  • color.RGB(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
c := color.RGB(30,144,255) // fg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c := color.RGB(30,144,255, true) // bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

Create a style from an hexadecimal color string:

  • color.HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
c := color.HEX("ccc") // can also: "cccccc" "#cccccc"
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c = color.HEX("aabbcc", true) // as bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")
RGB color style

Can be used to set the foreground and background colors at the same time.

  • color.NewRGBStyle(fg RGBColor, bg ...RGBColor) *RGBStyle
s := color.NewRGBStyle(RGB(20, 144, 234), RGB(234, 78, 23))
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

Create a style from an hexadecimal color string:

  • color.HEXStyle(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle
s := color.HEXStyle("11aa23", "eee")
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

with options:

s := color.HEXStyle("11aa23", "eee")

s.Println("style with options")
s.Printf("style with %s\n", "options")

HTML-like tag usage

Print,Printf,Println functions support auto parse and render color tags.

	text := `
     A <green>command-line</> 
     <cyan>color library</> with <fg=167;bg=232>256-color</>
     and <fg=11aa23;op=bold>True-color</> support,
     <fg=mga;op=i>universal API</> methods
     and <cyan>Windows</> support.

Preview, code please see _examples/demo_tag.go:


Tag formats:

  • Use built in tags: <TAG_NAME>CONTENT</> e.g: <info>message</>
  • Custom tag attributes: <fg=VALUE;bg=VALUE;op=VALUES>CONTENT</> e.g: <fg=167;bg=232>wel</>

Supported on Windows cmd.exe PowerShell.


// use style tag
color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>")

// custom color attributes
color.Print("<fg=yellow;bg=black;op=underscore;>hello, welcome</>\n")

// Custom label attr: Supports the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
color.Println("<fg=11aa23>he</><bg=120,35,156>llo</>, <fg=167;bg=232>wel</><fg=red>come</>")
Tag attributes

tag attributes format:

attr format:
 // VALUE please see var: FgColors, BgColors, AllOptions

16 color:
 "op=bold,underscore" // option is allow multi value

256 color:
True color:
 // hex
 // r,g,b

tag attributes parse please see func ParseCodeFromAttr()

Built-in tags

Built-in tags please see var colorTags in color_tag.go

// use style tag
color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_tag.go


Use color.Tag build message:

// set a style tag
color.Tag("info").Print("info style text")
color.Tag("info").Printf("%s style text", "info")
color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")

Color convert

Supports conversion between Rgb, 256, 16 colors, Rgb <=> 256 <=> 16

basic := color.Red
basic.Println("basic color")

c256 := color.Red.C256()
c256.Println("256 color")
c256.C16().Println("basic color")

rgb := color.Red.RGB()
rgb.Println("rgb color")
rgb.C256().Println("256 color")
Convert utils

color has many built-in color conversion utility functions.

func Basic2hex(val uint8) string

func Bg2Fg(val uint8) uint8
func Fg2Bg(val uint8) uint8

func C256ToRgb(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)
func C256ToRgbV1(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)

func Hex2basic(hex string, asBg ...bool) uint8
func Hex2rgb(hex string) []int
func HexToRGB(hex string) []int
func HexToRgb(hex string) (rgb []int)

func HslIntToRgb(h, s, l int) (rgb []uint8)
func HslToRgb(h, s, l float64) (rgb []uint8)
func HsvToRgb(h, s, v int) (rgb []uint8)

func Rgb2ansi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func Rgb2basic(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func Rgb2hex(rgb []int) string
func Rgb2short(r, g, b uint8) uint8
func RgbTo256(r, g, b uint8) uint8
func RgbTo256Table() map[string]uint8
func RgbToAnsi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func RgbToHex(rgb []int) string
func RgbToHsl(r, g, b uint8) []float64
func RgbToHslInt(r, g, b uint8) []int

Convert to RGBColor:

  • func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func RGBFromString(rgb string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HSL(h, s, l float64, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HSLInt(h, s, l int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Util functions

There are some useful functions reference

  • Disable() disable color render
  • SetOutput(io.Writer) custom set the colored text output writer
  • ForceOpenColor() force open color render
  • Colors2code(colors ...Color) string Convert colors to code. return like "32;45;3"
  • ClearCode(str string) string Use for clear color codes
  • ClearTag(s string) string clear all color html-tag for a string
  • IsConsole(w io.Writer) Determine whether w is one of stderr, stdout, stdin

More useful func please see

Detect color level

color automatically checks the color levels supported by the current environment.

// Level is the color level supported by a terminal.
type Level = terminfo.ColorLevel

// terminal color available level alias of the terminfo.ColorLevel*
const (
	LevelNo  = terminfo.ColorLevelNone     // not support color.
	Level16  = terminfo.ColorLevelBasic    // basic - 3/4 bit color supported
	Level256 = terminfo.ColorLevelHundreds // hundreds - 8-bit color supported
	LevelRgb = terminfo.ColorLevelMillions // millions - (24 bit)true color supported
  • func SupportColor() bool Whether the current environment supports color output
  • func Support256Color() bool Whether the current environment supports 256-color output
  • func SupportTrueColor() bool Whether the current environment supports (RGB)True-color output
  • func TermColorLevel() Level Get the currently supported color level

Projects using color

Check out these projects, which use :

Gookit packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/slog Concise and extensible go log library
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More, please see

See also





Package color is command line color library. Support rich color rendering output, universal API method, compatible with Windows system

Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:

More usage please see README and tests.

// quick use like fmt.Print*
Red.Println("Simple to use color")
Green.Print("Simple to use color")
Cyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
Gray.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
Blue.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
Yellow.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
Magenta.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

// use like func
red := FgRed.Render
green := FgGreen.Render
fmt.Printf("%s line %s library\n", red("Command"), green("color"))

// custom color
New(FgWhite, BgBlack).Println("custom color style")

// can also:
Style{FgCyan, OpBold}.Println("custom color style")

// internal theme/style:
Info.Println("info message")
Warn.Println("warning message")
Error.Println("error message")
Danger.Println("danger message")

// use style tag
Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>\n")

// apply a style tag
Tag("info").Println("info style text")

// prompt message
Info.Prompt("prompt style message")
Warn.Prompt("prompt style message")

// tips message
Info.Tips("tips style message")
Warn.Tips("tips style message")




View Source
const (
	// StartSet chars
	StartSet = "\x1b["
	// ResetSet close all properties.
	ResetSet = "\x1b[0m"
	// SettingTpl string.
	SettingTpl = "\x1b[%sm"
	// FullColorTpl for build color code
	FullColorTpl = "\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m"
	// CodeSuffix string for color code.
	CodeSuffix = "[0m"

color render templates

ESC 操作的表示:

"\033"(Octal 8进制) = "\x1b"(Hexadecimal 16进制) = 27 (10进制)
View Source
const (
	// OptMax max option value. range: 0 - 9
	OptMax = 10
	// DiffFgBg diff foreground and background color
	DiffFgBg = 10
View Source
const (
	FgBase uint8 = 30
	FgMax  uint8 = 37
	BgBase uint8 = 40
	BgMax  uint8 = 47

	HiFgBase uint8 = 90
	HiFgMax  uint8 = 97
	HiBgBase uint8 = 100
	HiBgMax  uint8 = 107

Boundary value for foreground/background color 16

  • base: fg 30~37, bg 40~47
  • light: fg 90~97, bg 100~107
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const (
	Red     = FgRed
	Cyan    = FgCyan
	Gray    = FgDarkGray // is light Black
	Blue    = FgBlue
	Black   = FgBlack
	Green   = FgGreen
	White   = FgWhite
	Yellow  = FgYellow
	Magenta = FgMagenta

	Bold   = OpBold
	Normal = FgDefault

	LightRed     = FgLightRed
	LightCyan    = FgLightCyan
	LightBlue    = FgLightBlue
	LightGreen   = FgLightGreen
	LightWhite   = FgLightWhite
	LightYellow  = FgLightYellow
	LightMagenta = FgLightMagenta

	HiRed     = FgLightRed
	HiCyan    = FgLightCyan
	HiBlue    = FgLightBlue
	HiGreen   = FgLightGreen
	HiWhite   = FgLightWhite
	HiYellow  = FgLightYellow
	HiMagenta = FgLightMagenta

	BgHiRed     = BgLightRed
	BgHiCyan    = BgLightCyan
	BgHiBlue    = BgLightBlue
	BgHiGreen   = BgLightGreen
	BgHiWhite   = BgLightWhite
	BgHiYellow  = BgLightYellow
	BgHiMagenta = BgLightMagenta

There are basic and light foreground color aliases

View Source
const (
	TplFg256 = "38;5;%d"
	TplBg256 = "48;5;%d"
	Fg256Pfx = "38;5;"
	Bg256Pfx = "48;5;"

tpl for 8 bit 256 color(`2^8`)


	ESC[ … 38;5;<n> … m // 选择前景色
 ESC[ … 48;5;<n> … m // 选择背景色


fg "\x1b[38;5;242m"
bg "\x1b[48;5;208m"
both "\x1b[38;5;242;48;5;208m"

View Source
const (
	TplFgRGB = "38;2;%d;%d;%d"
	TplBgRGB = "48;2;%d;%d;%d"
	FgRGBPfx = "38;2;"
	BgRGBPfx = "48;2;"

24 bit RGB color RGB:

R 0-255 G 0-255 B 0-255
R 00-FF G 00-FF B 00-FF (16进制)


ESC[ … 38;2;<r>;<g>;<b> … m // Select RGB foreground color
ESC[ … 48;2;<r>;<g>;<b> … m // Choose RGB background color



fg: \x1b[38;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
bg: \x1b[48;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
both: \x1b[38;2;233;90;203;48;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
View Source
const (
	AsFg uint8 = iota

mark color is fg or bg.

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const (
	// MatchExpr regex to match color tags
	// Notice: golang 不支持反向引用. 即不支持使用 \1 引用第一个匹配 ([a-z=;]+)
	// MatchExpr = `<([a-z=;]+)>(.*?)<\/\1>`
	// 所以调整一下 统一使用 `</>` 来结束标签,例如 "<info>some text</>"
	// allow custom attrs, eg: "<fg=white;bg=blue;op=bold>content</>"
	// (?s:...) s - 让 "." 匹配换行
	MatchExpr = `<([0-9a-zA-Z_=,;]+)>(?s:(.*?))<\/>`

	// AttrExpr regex to match custom color attributes
	// eg: "<fg=white;bg=blue;op=bold>content</>"
	AttrExpr = `(fg|bg|op)[\s]*=[\s]*([0-9a-zA-Z,]+);?`

	// StripExpr regex used for removing color tags
	// StripExpr = `<[\/]?[a-zA-Z=;]+>`
	// 随着上面的做一些调整
	StripExpr = `<[\/]?[0-9a-zA-Z_=,;]*>`

output colored text like use html tag. (not support windows cmd)

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const (
	LevelNo  = terminfo.ColorLevelNone     // not support color.
	Level16  = terminfo.ColorLevelBasic    // basic - 3/4 bit color supported
	Level256 = terminfo.ColorLevelHundreds // hundreds - 8-bit color supported
	LevelRgb = terminfo.ColorLevelMillions // millions - (24 bit)true color supported

terminal color available level alias of the terminfo.ColorLevel*

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const CodeExpr = `\033\[[\d;?]+m`

CodeExpr regex to clear color codes eg "\033[1;36mText\x1b[0m"


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var (
	// Enable switch color render and display
	// if ENV: NO_COLOR is not empty, will disable color render.
	Enable = os.Getenv("NO_COLOR") == ""
	// RenderTag render HTML tag on call color.Xprint, color.PrintX
	RenderTag = true
View Source
var (
	// Info color style
	Info = &Theme{"info", Style{OpReset, FgGreen}}
	// Note color style
	Note = &Theme{"note", Style{OpBold, FgLightCyan}}
	// Warn color style
	Warn = &Theme{"warning", Style{OpBold, FgYellow}}
	// Light color style
	Light = &Theme{"light", Style{FgLightWhite, BgBlack}}
	// Error color style
	Error = &Theme{"error", Style{FgLightWhite, BgRed}}
	// Danger color style
	Danger = &Theme{"danger", Style{OpBold, FgRed}}
	// Debug color style
	Debug = &Theme{"debug", Style{OpReset, FgCyan}}
	// Notice color style
	Notice = &Theme{"notice", Style{OpBold, FgCyan}}
	// Comment color style
	Comment = &Theme{"comment", Style{OpReset, FgYellow}}
	// Success color style
	Success = &Theme{"success", Style{OpBold, FgGreen}}
	// Primary color style
	Primary = &Theme{"primary", Style{OpReset, FgBlue}}
	// Question color style
	Question = &Theme{"question", Style{OpReset, FgMagenta}}
	// Secondary color style
	Secondary = &Theme{"secondary", Style{FgDarkGray}}

internal themes(like bootstrap style) Usage:

color.Info.Printf("a %s message", "test")
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var AllOptions = map[string]Color{
	"reset":      OpReset,
	"bold":       OpBold,
	"fuzzy":      OpFuzzy,
	"italic":     OpItalic,
	"underscore": OpUnderscore,
	"blink":      OpBlink,
	"reverse":    OpReverse,
	"concealed":  OpConcealed,

AllOptions color options map

View Source
var BgColors = map[string]Color{
	"black":   BgBlack,
	"red":     BgRed,
	"green":   BgGreen,
	"yellow":  BgYellow,
	"blue":    BgBlue,
	"magenta": BgMagenta,
	"cyan":    BgCyan,
	"white":   BgWhite,
	"default": BgDefault,

BgColors background colors map

View Source
var ExBgColors = map[string]Color{
	"darkGray":     BgDarkGray,
	"lightRed":     BgLightRed,
	"lightGreen":   BgLightGreen,
	"lightYellow":  BgLightYellow,
	"lightBlue":    BgLightBlue,
	"lightMagenta": BgLightMagenta,
	"lightCyan":    BgLightCyan,
	"lightWhite":   BgLightWhite,

ExBgColors extra background colors map

View Source
var ExFgColors = map[string]Color{
	"darkGray":     FgDarkGray,
	"lightRed":     FgLightRed,
	"lightGreen":   FgLightGreen,
	"lightYellow":  FgLightYellow,
	"lightBlue":    FgLightBlue,
	"lightMagenta": FgLightMagenta,
	"lightCyan":    FgLightCyan,
	"lightWhite":   FgLightWhite,

ExFgColors extra foreground colors map

View Source
var FgColors = map[string]Color{
	"black":   FgBlack,
	"red":     FgRed,
	"green":   FgGreen,
	"yellow":  FgYellow,
	"blue":    FgBlue,
	"magenta": FgMagenta,
	"cyan":    FgCyan,
	"white":   FgWhite,
	"default": FgDefault,

FgColors foreground colors map

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var Options = AllOptions

Options color options map

Deprecated: please use AllOptions instead.

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var Styles = map[string]Style{
	"info":  {OpReset, FgGreen},
	"note":  {OpBold, FgLightCyan},
	"light": {FgLightWhite, BgRed},
	"error": {FgLightWhite, BgRed},

	"danger":  {OpBold, FgRed},
	"notice":  {OpBold, FgCyan},
	"success": {OpBold, FgGreen},
	"comment": {OpReset, FgMagenta},
	"primary": {OpReset, FgBlue},
	"warning": {OpBold, FgYellow},

	"question":  {OpReset, FgMagenta},
	"secondary": {FgDarkGray},

Styles internal defined styles, like bootstrap styles. Usage:

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var Themes = map[string]*Theme{
	"info":  Info,
	"note":  Note,
	"light": Light,
	"error": Error,

	"debug":   Debug,
	"danger":  Danger,
	"notice":  Notice,
	"success": Success,
	"comment": Comment,
	"primary": Primary,
	"warning": Warn,

	"question":  Question,
	"secondary": Secondary,

Themes internal defined themes. Usage:



func AddStyle

func AddStyle(name string, s Style)

AddStyle add a style

func AddTheme added in v1.1.1

func AddTheme(name string, style Style)

AddTheme add a theme and style

func ApplyTag

func ApplyTag(tag string, a ...any) string

ApplyTag for messages

func Basic2hex added in v1.4.2

func Basic2hex(val uint8) string

Basic2hex convert basic color to hex string.

func Basic2nameMap added in v1.4.2

func Basic2nameMap() map[uint8]string

Basic2nameMap data

func BasicToHex added in v1.5.4

func BasicToHex(val uint8) string

BasicToHex convert basic color to hex string.

func Bg2Fg added in v1.5.0

func Bg2Fg(val uint8) uint8

Bg2Fg bg color value to fg value

func Bluef added in v1.5.1

func Bluef(format string, a ...any)

Bluef print message with Blue color

func Blueln added in v1.0.1

func Blueln(a ...any)

Blueln print message line with Blue color

func Bluep added in v1.4.2

func Bluep(a ...any)

Bluep print message with Blue color

func C256ToRgb added in v1.3.4

func C256ToRgb(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)

C256ToRgb convert an 256 color code to RGB numbers

func C256ToRgbV1 added in v1.3.4

func C256ToRgbV1(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)

C256ToRgbV1 convert an 256 color code to RGB numbers refer

func ClearCode

func ClearCode(str string) string

ClearCode clear color codes.


"\033[36;1mText\x1b[0m" -> "Text"

func ClearTag

func ClearTag(s string) string

ClearTag clear all tag for a string

func Colors2code added in v1.3.3

func Colors2code(colors ...Color) string

Colors2code convert colors to code. return like "32;45;3"

func Cyanf added in v1.5.1

func Cyanf(format string, a ...any)

Cyanf print message with Cyan color

func Cyanln added in v1.0.1

func Cyanln(a ...any)

Cyanln print message line with Cyan color

func Cyanp added in v1.4.2

func Cyanp(a ...any)

Cyanp print message with Cyan color

func Disable

func Disable() bool

Disable disable color output

func Errorf added in v1.2.6

func Errorf(format string, a ...any)

Errorf print message with Error style

func Errorln added in v1.0.1

func Errorln(a ...any)

Errorln print message with Error style

func Errorp added in v1.5.1

func Errorp(a ...any)

Errorp print message with Error color

func Fg2Bg added in v1.5.0

func Fg2Bg(val uint8) uint8

Fg2Bg fg color value to bg value

func ForceColor added in v1.2.8

func ForceColor() terminfo.ColorLevel

ForceColor force open color render

func ForceOpenColor added in v1.1.11

func ForceOpenColor() terminfo.ColorLevel

ForceOpenColor force open color render

func ForceSetColorLevel added in v1.4.0

func ForceSetColorLevel(level terminfo.ColorLevel) terminfo.ColorLevel

ForceSetColorLevel force open color render

func Fprint

func Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...any)

Fprint print rendered messages to writer

Notice: will ignore print error

func Fprintf

func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...any)

Fprintf print format and rendered messages to writer. Notice: will ignore print error

func Fprintln

func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...any)

Fprintln print rendered messages line to writer Notice: will ignore print error

func GetColorTags

func GetColorTags() map[string]string

GetColorTags get all internal color tags

func GetTagCode added in v1.1.2

func GetTagCode(name string) string

GetTagCode get color code by tag name

func Grayf added in v1.5.1

func Grayf(format string, a ...any)

Grayf print message with Gray color

func Grayln added in v1.0.1

func Grayln(a ...any)

Grayln print message line with Gray color

func Grayp added in v1.4.2

func Grayp(a ...any)

Grayp print message with Gray color

func Greenf added in v1.5.1

func Greenf(format string, a ...any)

Greenf print message with Green color

func Greenln added in v1.0.1

func Greenln(a ...any)

Greenln print message line with Green color

func Greenp added in v1.4.2

func Greenp(a ...any)

Greenp print message with Green color

func Hex2basic added in v1.4.2

func Hex2basic(hex string, asBg ...bool) uint8

Hex2basic convert hex string to basic color code.

func Hex2rgb added in v1.2.6

func Hex2rgb(hex string) []int

Hex2rgb alias of the HexToRgb()

func HexToRGB added in v1.1.2

func HexToRGB(hex string) []int

HexToRGB alias of the HexToRgb()

func HexToRgb added in v1.2.6

func HexToRgb(hex string) (rgb []int)

HexToRgb convert hex color string to RGB numbers


rgb := HexToRgb("ccc") // rgb: [204 204 204]
rgb := HexToRgb("aabbcc") // rgb: [170 187 204]
rgb := HexToRgb("#aabbcc") // rgb: [170 187 204]
rgb := HexToRgb("0xad99c0") // rgb: [170 187 204]

func HslIntToRgb added in v1.5.0

func HslIntToRgb(h, s, l int) (rgb []uint8)

HslIntToRgb Converts an HSL color value to RGB Assumes h: 0-360, s: 0-100, l: 0-100 returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].


HslIntToRgb(0, 100, 50) // red
HslIntToRgb(120, 100, 50) // lime
HslIntToRgb(120, 100, 25) // dark green
HslIntToRgb(120, 100, 75) // light green

func HslToRgb added in v1.5.0

func HslToRgb(h, s, l float64) (rgb []uint8)

HslToRgb Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1] returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].


rgbVals := HslToRgb(0, 1, 0.5) // red

func HsvToRgb added in v1.5.0

func HsvToRgb(h, s, v int) (rgb []uint8)

HsvToRgb Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes h: 0-360, s: 0-100, l: 0-100 returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].

func Infof added in v1.2.6

func Infof(format string, a ...any)

Infof print message with Info style

func Infoln added in v1.0.1

func Infoln(a ...any)

Infoln print message with Info style

func Infop added in v1.5.1

func Infop(a ...any)

Infop print message with Info color

func InnerErrs added in v1.4.0

func InnerErrs() []error

InnerErrs info

func IsConsole added in v1.1.2

func IsConsole(w io.Writer) bool

IsConsole Determine whether w is one of stderr, stdout, stdin

func IsDefinedTag

func IsDefinedTag(name string) bool

IsDefinedTag is defined tag name

func IsLikeInCmd deprecated added in v1.2.6

func IsLikeInCmd() bool

IsLikeInCmd check result

Deprecated: please don't use

func IsMSys added in v1.1.2

func IsMSys() bool

IsMSys msys(MINGW64) environment, does not necessarily support color

func IsSupport16Color added in v1.4.0

func IsSupport16Color() bool

IsSupport16Color check current console is support color.

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

func IsSupport256Color added in v1.1.2

func IsSupport256Color() bool

IsSupport256Color render check

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want to get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

func IsSupportColor added in v1.1.2

func IsSupportColor() bool

IsSupportColor check current console is support color.

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

func IsSupportRGBColor added in v1.3.8

func IsSupportRGBColor() bool

IsSupportRGBColor check. alias of the IsSupportTrueColor()

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

func IsSupportTrueColor added in v1.2.1

func IsSupportTrueColor() bool

IsSupportTrueColor render check.

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

ENV: "COLORTERM=truecolor" "COLORTERM=24bit"

func IsTerminal added in v1.1.11

func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool

IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal.



func IsWindows added in v1.4.0

func IsWindows() bool

IsWindows OS env

func Lprint added in v1.2.3

func Lprint(l *log.Logger, a ...any)

Lprint passes colored messages to a log.Logger for printing. Notice: should be goroutine safe

func Magentaf added in v1.5.1

func Magentaf(format string, a ...any)

Magentaf print message with Magenta color

func Magentaln added in v1.0.1

func Magentaln(a ...any)

Magentaln print message line with Magenta color

func Magentap added in v1.4.2

func Magentap(a ...any)

Magentap print message with Magenta color

func NotRenderTag added in v1.2.8

func NotRenderTag()

NotRenderTag on call color.Xprint, color.PrintX

func ParseCodeFromAttr

func ParseCodeFromAttr(attr string) (code string)

ParseCodeFromAttr parse color attributes.

attr format:

// VALUE please see var: FgColors, BgColors, AllOptions

16 color:

"op=bold,underscore" // option is allow multi value

256 color:


True color:

// hex
// r,g,b

func Print

func Print(a ...any)

Print render color tag and print messages

func Printf

func Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print messages

func Println

func Println(a ...any)

Println messages with new line

func Redf added in v1.5.1

func Redf(format string, a ...any)

Redf print message with Red color

func Redln added in v1.0.1

func Redln(a ...any)

Redln print message line with Red color

func Redp added in v1.4.2

func Redp(a ...any)

Redp print message with Red color

func Render

func Render(a ...any) string

Render parse color tags, return rendered string.


text := Render("<info>hello</> <cyan>world</>!")

func RenderCode added in v1.1.2

func RenderCode(code string, args ...any) string

RenderCode render message by color code.


msg := RenderCode("3;32;45", "some", "message")

func RenderString added in v1.1.2

func RenderString(code string, str string) string

RenderString render a string with color code.


msg := RenderString("3;32;45", "a message")

func RenderWithSpaces added in v1.1.11

func RenderWithSpaces(code string, args ...any) string

RenderWithSpaces Render code with spaces. If the number of args is > 1, a space will be added between the args

func ReplaceTag

func ReplaceTag(str string) string

ReplaceTag parse string, replace color tag and return rendered string

func Reset

func Reset() (int, error)

Reset reset console color attributes

func ResetOptions added in v1.2.8

func ResetOptions()

ResetOptions reset all package option setting

func ResetOutput added in v1.2.0

func ResetOutput()

ResetOutput reset output

func ResetTerminal added in v1.4.2

func ResetTerminal() error

ResetTerminal terminal setting.

func Rgb2ansi added in v1.3.3

func Rgb2ansi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8

Rgb2ansi convert RGB-code to 16-code, alias of the RgbToAnsi()

func Rgb2basic added in v1.4.2

func Rgb2basic(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8

Rgb2basic alias of the RgbToAnsi()

func Rgb2hex added in v1.2.6

func Rgb2hex(rgb []int) string

Rgb2hex alias of the RgbToHex()

func Rgb2short added in v1.3.3

func Rgb2short(r, g, b uint8) uint8

Rgb2short convert RGB-code to 256-code

func RgbTo256 added in v1.4.0

func RgbTo256(r, g, b uint8) uint8

RgbTo256 convert RGB-code to 256-code

func RgbTo256Table added in v1.3.4

func RgbTo256Table() map[string]uint8

RgbTo256Table mapping data

func RgbToAnsi added in v1.3.3

func RgbToAnsi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8

RgbToAnsi convert RGB-code to 16-code refer

func RgbToHex added in v1.2.6

func RgbToHex(rgb []int) string

RgbToHex convert RGB-code to hex-code


hex := RgbToHex([]int{170, 187, 204}) // hex: "aabbcc"

func RgbToHsl added in v1.5.0

func RgbToHsl(r, g, b uint8) []float64

RgbToHsl Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula

adapted from

Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and returns h, s, and l in the set [0, 1].

func RgbToHslInt added in v1.5.0

func RgbToHslInt(r, g, b uint8) []int

RgbToHslInt Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and returns [h,s,l] h: 0-360, s: 0-100, l: 0-100.

func Set

func Set(colors ...Color) (int, error)

Set console color attributes

func SetOutput added in v1.2.0

func SetOutput(w io.Writer)

SetOutput set default colored text output

func SetTerminal added in v1.4.2

func SetTerminal(code string) error

SetTerminal by given code.

func Sprint added in v1.1.1

func Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint parse color tags, return rendered string

func Sprintf added in v1.1.1

func Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf format and return rendered string

func String added in v1.1.1

func String(s string) string

String alias of the ReplaceTag

func Successf added in v1.5.2

func Successf(format string, a ...any)

Successf print message with success style

func Successln added in v1.0.1

func Successln(a ...any)

Successln print message with success style

func Successp added in v1.5.2

func Successp(a ...any)

Successp print message with success color

func Support256Color added in v1.4.0

func Support256Color() bool

Support256Color Whether the current environment supports 256-color output

func SupportColor added in v1.3.5

func SupportColor() bool

SupportColor Whether the current environment supports color output

func SupportTrueColor added in v1.4.0

func SupportTrueColor() bool

SupportTrueColor Whether the current environment supports (RGB)True-color output

func Text added in v1.1.2

func Text(s string) string

Text alias of the ReplaceTag

func Warnf added in v1.2.6

func Warnf(format string, a ...any)

Warnf print message with Warn style

func Warnln added in v1.0.1

func Warnln(a ...any)

Warnln print message with Warn style

func Warnp added in v1.5.1

func Warnp(a ...any)

Warnp print message with Warn color

func WrapTag

func WrapTag(s string, tag string) string

WrapTag wrap a tag for a string "<tag>content</>"

func Yellowf added in v1.5.1

func Yellowf(format string, a ...any)

Yellowf print message with Yellow color

func Yellowln added in v1.0.1

func Yellowln(a ...any)

Yellowln print message line with Yellow color

func Yellowp added in v1.4.2

func Yellowp(a ...any)

Yellowp print message with Yellow color


type Basic added in v1.4.2

type Basic = Color // alias of Color

type Bit8Color added in v1.4.2

type Bit8Color = Color256 // alias

type Color

type Color uint8

Color Color16, 16 color value type 3(2^3=8) OR 4(2^4=16) bite color.

const (
	FgBlack Color = iota + 30
	FgMagenta // 品红
	FgCyan    // 青色
	// FgDefault revert default FG
	FgDefault Color = 39

Foreground colors. basic foreground colors 30 - 37

const (
	FgDarkGray Color = iota + 90 // 亮黑(灰)
	// FgGray is alias of FgDarkGray
	FgGray Color = 90 // 亮黑(灰)

Extra foreground color 90 - 97(非标准)

const (
	BgBlack Color = iota + 40
	BgYellow // BgBrown like yellow
	// BgDefault revert default BG
	BgDefault Color = 49

Background colors. basic background colors 40 - 47

const (
	BgDarkGray Color = iota + 100
	// BgGray is alias of BgDarkGray
	BgGray Color = 100

Extra background color 100 - 107 (non-standard)

const (
	OpReset         Color = iota // 0 重置所有设置
	OpBold                       // 1 加粗
	OpFuzzy                      // 2 模糊(不是所有的终端仿真器都支持)
	OpItalic                     // 3 斜体(不是所有的终端仿真器都支持)
	OpUnderscore                 // 4 下划线
	OpBlink                      // 5 闪烁
	OpFastBlink                  // 6 快速闪烁(未广泛支持)
	OpReverse                    // 7 颠倒的 交换背景色与前景色
	OpConcealed                  // 8 隐匿的
	OpStrikethrough              // 9 删除的,删除线(未广泛支持)

Option settings. range: 0 - 9

func Bit4 added in v1.3.4

func Bit4(code uint8) Color

Bit4 a method for create Color

func (Color) C256 added in v1.4.2

func (c Color) C256() Color256

C256 convert 16 color to 256-color code.

func (Color) Code added in v1.1.11

func (c Color) Code() string

Code convert to code string. eg "35"

func (Color) Darken added in v1.1.4

func (c Color) Darken() Color

Darken current color. eg. 96(FgLightCyan) -> 36(FgCyan)


cyan := LightCyan.Darken()

func (Color) IsBg added in v1.5.4

func (c Color) IsBg() bool

IsBg check is background color

func (Color) IsFg added in v1.5.4

func (c Color) IsFg() bool

IsFg check is foreground color

func (Color) IsOption added in v1.5.4

func (c Color) IsOption() bool

IsOption check is option code: 0-9

func (Color) IsValid

func (c Color) IsValid() bool

IsValid color value

func (Color) Light added in v1.1.4

func (c Color) Light() Color

Light current color. eg: 36(FgCyan) -> 96(FgLightCyan).


lightCyan := Cyan.Light()

func (Color) Name added in v1.4.2

func (c Color) Name() string

Name get color code name.

func (Color) Print

func (c Color) Print(args ...any)

Print messages.




green := color.FgGreen.Print

func (Color) Printf

func (c Color) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print messages.


color.Cyan.Printf("string %s", "arg0")

func (Color) Println

func (c Color) Println(a ...any)

Println messages with new line

func (Color) RGB added in v1.4.2

func (c Color) RGB() RGBColor

RGB convert 16 color to 256-color code.

func (Color) Render

func (c Color) Render(a ...any) string

Render messages by color setting


green := color.FgGreen.Render

func (Color) Renderln added in v1.1.11

func (c Color) Renderln(a ...any) string

Renderln messages by color setting. like Println, will add spaces for each argument


green := color.FgGreen.Renderln

func (Color) Sprint added in v1.1.2

func (c Color) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint render messages by color setting. is alias of the Render()

func (Color) Sprintf added in v1.1.2

func (c Color) Sprintf(format string, args ...any) string

Sprintf format and render message.


	green := color.Green.Sprintf
 colored := green("message")

func (Color) String

func (c Color) String() string

String convert to code string. eg "35"

func (Color) Text added in v1.1.2

func (c Color) Text(message string) string

Text render a text message

func (Color) ToBg added in v1.5.0

func (c Color) ToBg() Color

ToBg always convert bg

func (Color) ToFg added in v1.5.0

func (c Color) ToFg() Color

ToFg always convert fg

type Color256 added in v1.1.2

type Color256 [2]uint8

Color256 256 color (8 bit), uint8 range at 0 - 255. Support 256 color on windows CMD, PowerShell

颜色值使用10进制和16进制都可 0x98 = 152

The color consists of two uint8:

0: color value
1: color type; Fg=0, Bg=1, >1: unset value


fg color: [152, 0]
bg color: [152, 1]

lint warn - Name starts with package name

func Bit8 added in v1.1.2

func Bit8(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256

Bit8 create a color256

func C256 added in v1.1.2

func C256(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256

C256 create a color256

func (Color256) Basic added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) Basic() Color

Basic convert color-256 to basic 16 color.

func (Color256) C16 added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) C16() Color

C16 convert color-256 to 16 color.

func (Color256) Code added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) Code() string

Code convert to color code string. eg: "12"

func (Color256) FullCode added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) FullCode() string

FullCode convert to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;5;12"

func (Color256) IsBg added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) IsBg() bool

IsBg color

func (Color256) IsEmpty added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty value

func (Color256) IsFg added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) IsFg() bool

IsFg color

func (Color256) Print added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Print(a ...any)

Print print message

func (Color256) Printf added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print message

func (Color256) Println added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Println(a ...any)

Println print message with newline

func (Color256) RGB added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) RGB() RGBColor

RGB convert color-256 to RGB color.

func (Color256) RGBColor added in v1.3.4

func (c Color256) RGBColor() RGBColor

RGBColor convert color-256 to RGB color.

func (Color256) Reset added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) Reset() error

Reset terminal. alias of the ResetTerminal()

func (Color256) Set added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) Set() error

Set terminal by 256 color code

func (Color256) Sprint added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint returns rendered message

func (Color256) Sprintf added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf returns format and rendered message

func (Color256) String added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) String() string

String convert to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;5;12"

func (Color256) ToBg added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) ToBg() Color256

ToBg 256 color

func (Color256) ToFg added in v1.4.2

func (c Color256) ToFg() Color256

ToFg 256 color

func (Color256) Value added in v1.1.2

func (c Color256) Value() uint8

Value return color value

type Level added in v1.3.8

type Level = terminfo.ColorLevel

Level is the color level supported by a terminal.

func DetectColorLevel added in v1.4.0

func DetectColorLevel() Level

DetectColorLevel for current env

NOTICE: The method will detect terminal info each times,

if only want to get current color level, please direct call SupportColor() or TermColorLevel()

func TermColorLevel added in v1.4.0

func TermColorLevel() Level

TermColorLevel Get the currently supported color level

type Opts added in v1.3.2

type Opts []Color

Opts basic color options. code: 0 - 9

func (*Opts) Add added in v1.3.2

func (o *Opts) Add(ops ...Color)

Add option value

func (Opts) IsEmpty added in v1.3.2

func (o Opts) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty options

func (Opts) IsValid added in v1.3.2

func (o Opts) IsValid() bool

IsValid options

func (Opts) String added in v1.3.2

func (o Opts) String() string

String options to string. eg: "1;3"

type Printer added in v1.1.3

type Printer struct {
	// NoColor disable color.
	NoColor bool
	// Code color code string. eg "32;45;3"
	Code string

Printer a generic color message printer.


p := &Printer{Code: "32;45;3"}

func NewPrinter added in v1.1.4

func NewPrinter(colorCode string) *Printer

NewPrinter instance

func (*Printer) IsEmpty added in v1.1.4

func (p *Printer) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty color code

func (*Printer) Print added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) Print(a ...any)

Print rendering colored messages

func (*Printer) Printf added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and rendering colored messages

func (*Printer) Println added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) Println(a ...any)

Println rendering colored messages with newline

func (*Printer) Sprint added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint returns rendering colored messages

func (*Printer) Sprintf added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf returns format and rendering colored messages

func (*Printer) String added in v1.1.3

func (p *Printer) String() string

String returns color code string. eg: "32;45;3"

type PrinterFace added in v1.1.3

type PrinterFace interface {
	Sprint(a ...any) string
	Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string
	Print(a ...any)
	Printf(format string, a ...any)
	Println(a ...any)

PrinterFace interface

type RGBColor added in v1.1.2

type RGBColor [4]uint8

RGBColor definition. Support RGB color on Windows CMD, PowerShell

The first to third digits represent the color value. The last digit represents the foreground(0), background(1), >1 is unset value


// 0, 1, 2 is R,G,B.
// 3rd: Fg=0, Bg=1, >1: unset value
RGBColor{30,144,255, 0}
RGBColor{30,144,255, 1}

func Bit24 added in v1.3.4

func Bit24(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Bit24 alias of the RGB()

func HEX added in v1.1.2

func HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

HEX create RGB color from a HEX color string.


c := HEX("ccc") // rgb: [204 204 204]
c := HEX("aabbcc") // rgb: [170 187 204]
c := HEX("#aabbcc")
c := HEX("0xaabbcc")

func HSL added in v1.5.0

func HSL(h, s, l float64, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

HSL create RGB color from a hsl value. more see HslToRgb()

func HSLInt added in v1.5.0

func HSLInt(h, s, l int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

HSLInt create RGB color from a hsl int value. more see HslIntToRgb()

func Hex added in v1.3.4

func Hex(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Hex alias of the HEX()

func Hsl added in v1.5.0

func Hsl(h, s, l float64, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Hsl alias of the HSL()

func HslInt added in v1.5.0

func HslInt(h, s, l int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

HslInt alias of the HSLInt()

func RGB added in v1.1.2

func RGB(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RGB color create.


c := RGB(30,144,255)
c := RGB(30,144,255, true)

func RGBFromHEX added in v1.5.2

func RGBFromHEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RGBFromHEX quick RGBColor from hex string, alias of HEX()

func RGBFromSlice added in v1.3.4

func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RGBFromSlice quick RGBColor from slice

func RGBFromString added in v1.1.3

func RGBFromString(rgb string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RGBFromString create RGB color from a string. Support use color name in the {namedRgbMap}


c := RGBFromString("170,187,204")

c := RGBFromString("brown")
c.Print("message with color brown")

func Rgb added in v1.3.4

func Rgb(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Rgb alias of the RGB()

func RgbFromInt added in v1.5.0

func RgbFromInt(r, g, b int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RgbFromInt create instance from int r,g,b value

func RgbFromInts added in v1.5.0

func RgbFromInts(rgb []int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

RgbFromInts create instance from []int r,g,b value

func (RGBColor) Basic added in v1.4.2

func (c RGBColor) Basic() Color

Basic returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color

func (RGBColor) C16 added in v1.3.3

func (c RGBColor) C16() Color

C16 returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color

func (RGBColor) C256 added in v1.2.6

func (c RGBColor) C256() Color256

C256 returns the closest approximate 256 (8 bit) color

func (RGBColor) Code added in v1.1.11

func (c RGBColor) Code() string

Code to color code string without prefix. eg: "204;123;56"

func (RGBColor) Color added in v1.4.2

func (c RGBColor) Color() Color

Color returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color

func (RGBColor) FullCode added in v1.4.2

func (c RGBColor) FullCode() string

FullCode to color code string with prefix

func (RGBColor) Hex added in v1.4.1

func (c RGBColor) Hex() string

Hex color rgb to hex string. as in "ff0080".

func (RGBColor) IsEmpty added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty value

func (RGBColor) Print added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Print(a ...any)

Print print message

func (RGBColor) Printf added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print message

func (RGBColor) Println added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Println(a ...any)

Println print message with newline

func (RGBColor) Reset added in v1.4.2

func (c RGBColor) Reset() error

Reset terminal. alias of the ResetTerminal()

func (RGBColor) RgbString added in v1.5.0

func (c RGBColor) RgbString() string

RgbString to color code string without prefix. eg: "204,123,56"

func (RGBColor) Set added in v1.4.2

func (c RGBColor) Set() error

Set terminal by rgb/true color code

func (RGBColor) Sprint added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint returns rendered message

func (RGBColor) Sprintf added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf returns format and rendered message

func (RGBColor) String added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) String() string

String to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;2;204;123;56"

func (RGBColor) ToBg added in v1.5.4

func (c RGBColor) ToBg() RGBColor

ToBg convert to background color

func (RGBColor) ToFg added in v1.5.4

func (c RGBColor) ToFg() RGBColor

ToFg convert to foreground color

func (RGBColor) Values added in v1.1.2

func (c RGBColor) Values() []int

Values to RGB values

type RGBStyle added in v1.1.2

type RGBStyle struct {
	// Name of the style
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RGBStyle supports set foreground and background color

All are composed of 4 digits uint8, the first three digits are the color value; The last bit is different from RGBColor, here it indicates whether the value is set.

1    Has been set
^1   Not set

func HEXStyle added in v1.1.3

func HEXStyle(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle

HEXStyle create a RGBStyle from HEX color string.


s := HEXStyle("aabbcc", "eee")

func NewRGBStyle added in v1.1.3

func NewRGBStyle(fg RGBColor, bg ...RGBColor) *RGBStyle

NewRGBStyle create a RGBStyle.

func RGBStyleFromString added in v1.1.3

func RGBStyleFromString(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle

RGBStyleFromString create a RGBStyle from color value string.


s := RGBStyleFromString("170,187,204", "70,87,4")

func (*RGBStyle) AddOpts added in v1.3.2

func (s *RGBStyle) AddOpts(opts ...Color) *RGBStyle

AddOpts add options

func (*RGBStyle) Code added in v1.1.11

func (s *RGBStyle) Code() string

Code convert to color code string

func (*RGBStyle) FullCode added in v1.4.2

func (s *RGBStyle) FullCode() string

FullCode convert to color code string

func (*RGBStyle) IsEmpty added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty style

func (*RGBStyle) Print added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Print(a ...any)

Print print message

func (*RGBStyle) Printf added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print message

func (*RGBStyle) Println added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Println(a ...any)

Println print message with newline

func (*RGBStyle) Set added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Set(fg, bg RGBColor, opts ...Color) *RGBStyle

Set fg and bg color, can also with color options

func (*RGBStyle) SetBg added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) SetBg(bg RGBColor) *RGBStyle

SetBg set bg color

func (*RGBStyle) SetFg added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) SetFg(fg RGBColor) *RGBStyle

SetFg set fg color

func (*RGBStyle) SetOpts added in v1.3.2

func (s *RGBStyle) SetOpts(opts Opts) *RGBStyle

SetOpts set color options

func (*RGBStyle) Sprint added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint returns rendered message

func (*RGBStyle) Sprintf added in v1.1.3

func (s *RGBStyle) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf returns format and rendered message

func (*RGBStyle) String added in v1.1.2

func (s *RGBStyle) String() string

String convert to color code string

type Scheme added in v1.3.8

type Scheme struct {
	Name   string
	Styles map[string]Style

Scheme struct

func NewDefaultScheme added in v1.3.8

func NewDefaultScheme(name string) *Scheme

NewDefaultScheme create an defuault color Scheme

func NewScheme added in v1.3.8

func NewScheme(name string, styles map[string]Style) *Scheme

NewScheme create new Scheme

func (*Scheme) Errorf added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Errorf(format string, a ...any)

Errorf message print

func (*Scheme) Errorln added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Errorln(v ...any)

Errorln message print

func (*Scheme) Infof added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Infof(format string, a ...any)

Infof message print

func (*Scheme) Infoln added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Infoln(v ...any)

Infoln message print

func (*Scheme) Style added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Style(name string) Style

Style get by name

func (*Scheme) Warnf added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Warnf(format string, a ...any)

Warnf message print

func (*Scheme) Warnln added in v1.3.8

func (s *Scheme) Warnln(v ...any)

Warnln message print

type SimplePrinter added in v1.3.8

type SimplePrinter struct{}

SimplePrinter use for quick use color print on inject to struct

func (*SimplePrinter) Errorf added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Errorf(format string, a ...any)

Errorf message

func (*SimplePrinter) Errorln added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Errorln(a ...any)

Errorln message

func (*SimplePrinter) Infof added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Infof(format string, a ...any)

Infof message

func (*SimplePrinter) Infoln added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Infoln(a ...any)

Infoln message

func (*SimplePrinter) Print added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Print(v ...any)

Print message

func (*SimplePrinter) Printf added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Printf(format string, v ...any)

Printf message

func (*SimplePrinter) Println added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Println(v ...any)

Println message

func (*SimplePrinter) Successf added in v1.5.3

func (s *SimplePrinter) Successf(format string, a ...any)

Successf message

func (*SimplePrinter) Successln added in v1.5.3

func (s *SimplePrinter) Successln(a ...any)

Successln message

func (*SimplePrinter) Warnf added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Warnf(format string, a ...any)

Warnf message

func (*SimplePrinter) Warnln added in v1.3.8

func (s *SimplePrinter) Warnln(a ...any)

Warnln message

type Style

type Style []Color

Style a 16 color style. can add: fg color, bg color, color options



func GetStyle

func GetStyle(name string) Style

GetStyle get defined style by name

func New

func New(colors ...Color) Style

New create a custom style


equals to:

func (*Style) Add added in v1.4.1

func (s *Style) Add(cs ...Color)

Add to global styles map

func (Style) Code added in v1.1.11

func (s Style) Code() string

Code convert to code string. returns like "32;45;3"

func (Style) IsEmpty added in v1.1.0

func (s Style) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty style

func (Style) Print

func (s Style) Print(a ...any)

Print render and Print text

func (Style) Printf

func (s Style) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf render and print text

func (Style) Println

func (s Style) Println(a ...any)

Println render and print text line

func (Style) Render

func (s Style) Render(a ...any) string

Render colored text


color.New(color.FgGreen, color.BgBlack, color.OpBold).Render("text")

func (Style) Renderln added in v1.1.11

func (s Style) Renderln(a ...any) string

Renderln render text with newline. like Println, will add spaces for each argument


color.New(color.FgGreen).Renderln("text", "more")
color.New(color.FgGreen, color.BgBlack, color.OpBold).Render("text", "more")

func (Style) Save

func (s Style) Save(name string)

Save to global styles map

func (Style) Sprint added in v1.1.0

func (s Style) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint is alias of the 'Render'

func (Style) Sprintf added in v1.1.3

func (s Style) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf format and render message.

func (Style) String added in v1.1.2

func (s Style) String() string

String convert to code string. returns like "32;45;3"

type Style256 added in v1.1.2

type Style256 struct {
	// Name of the style
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Style256 definition

前/背景色 都是由两位uint8组成, 第一位是色彩值; 第二位与 Bit8Color 不一样的是,在这里表示是否设置了值 0 未设置 !=0 已设置

func S256 added in v1.1.2

func S256(fgAndBg ...uint8) *Style256

S256 create a color256 style


s := color.S256()
s := color.S256(132) // fg
s := color.S256(132, 203) // fg and bg

func (*Style256) AddOpts added in v1.3.2

func (s *Style256) AddOpts(opts ...Color) *Style256

AddOpts add options

func (*Style256) Code added in v1.1.11

func (s *Style256) Code() string

Code convert to color code string

func (*Style256) Print added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Print(a ...any)

Print message

func (*Style256) Printf added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print message

func (*Style256) Println added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Println(a ...any)

Println print message with newline

func (*Style256) Set added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Set(fgVal, bgVal uint8, opts ...Color) *Style256

Set fg and bg color value, can also with color options

func (*Style256) SetBg added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) SetBg(bgVal uint8) *Style256

SetBg set bg color value

func (*Style256) SetFg added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) SetFg(fgVal uint8) *Style256

SetFg set fg color value

func (*Style256) SetOpts added in v1.3.2

func (s *Style256) SetOpts(opts Opts) *Style256

SetOpts set options

func (*Style256) Sprint added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint returns rendered message

func (*Style256) Sprintf added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf returns format and rendered message

func (*Style256) String added in v1.1.2

func (s *Style256) String() string

String convert to color code string

type Tag

type Tag string

Tag value is a defined style name Usage:


func (Tag) Print

func (tg Tag) Print(a ...any)

Print messages

func (Tag) Printf

func (tg Tag) Printf(format string, a ...any)

Printf format and print messages

func (Tag) Println

func (tg Tag) Println(a ...any)

Println messages line

func (Tag) Sprint added in v1.1.0

func (tg Tag) Sprint(a ...any) string

Sprint render messages

func (Tag) Sprintf added in v1.1.4

func (tg Tag) Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string

Sprintf format and render messages

type TagParser added in v1.4.2

type TagParser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TagParser struct

func NewTagParser added in v1.4.2

func NewTagParser() *TagParser

NewTagParser create

func (*TagParser) Parse added in v1.4.2

func (tp *TagParser) Parse(str string) string

Parse given string, replace color tag and return rendered string

Use built in tags:

// e.g: `<info>message</>`

Custom tag attributes:

// e.g: `<fg=167;bg=232>wel</>`

func (*TagParser) ParseByEnv added in v1.4.2

func (tp *TagParser) ParseByEnv(str string) string

ParseByEnv parse given string. will check package setting.

type Theme added in v1.1.1

type Theme struct {
	// Name theme name
	Name string
	// Style for the theme

Theme definition. extends from Style

func GetTheme added in v1.1.1

func GetTheme(name string) *Theme

GetTheme get defined theme by name

func NewTheme added in v1.1.1

func NewTheme(name string, style Style) *Theme

NewTheme instance

func (*Theme) Block added in v1.1.1

func (t *Theme) Block(format string, a ...any)

Block like Prompt, but will wrap a empty line

func (*Theme) Prompt added in v1.1.1

func (t *Theme) Prompt(format string, a ...any)

Prompt use name as title, and apply style for message

func (*Theme) Save added in v1.1.2

func (t *Theme) Save()

Save to themes map

func (*Theme) Tips added in v1.1.1

func (t *Theme) Tips(format string, a ...any)

Tips use name as title, only apply style for name


Path Synopsis
Package colorp provide some functions for quick print colored text.
Package colorp provide some functions for quick print colored text.

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