
v1.26.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 24, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 16 Imported by: 193


Elasticsearch Input Plugin

The elasticsearch plugin queries endpoints to obtain Node Stats and optionally Cluster-Health metrics.

In addition, the following optional queries are only made by the master node: Cluster Stats Indices Stats Shard Stats

Specific Elasticsearch endpoints that are queried:

  • Node: either /_nodes/stats or /_nodes/_local/stats depending on 'local' configuration setting
  • Cluster Heath: /_cluster/health?level=indices
  • Cluster Stats: /_cluster/stats
  • Indices Stats: /_all/_stats
  • Shard Stats: /_all/_stats?level=shards

Note that specific statistics information can change between Elasticsearch versions. In general, this plugin attempts to stay as version-generic as possible by tagging high-level categories only and using a generic json parser to make unique field names of whatever statistics names are provided at the mid-low level.

Global configuration options

In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc. See the CONFIGURATION.md for more details.


# Read stats from one or more Elasticsearch servers or clusters
  ## specify a list of one or more Elasticsearch servers
  ## you can add username and password to your url to use basic authentication:
  ## servers = ["http://user:pass@localhost:9200"]
  servers = ["http://localhost:9200"]

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests to the elastic search server(s)
  http_timeout = "5s"

  ## When local is true (the default), the node will read only its own stats.
  ## Set local to false when you want to read the node stats from all nodes
  ## of the cluster.
  local = true

  ## Set cluster_health to true when you want to obtain cluster health stats
  cluster_health = false

  ## Adjust cluster_health_level when you want to obtain detailed health stats
  ## The options are
  ##  - indices (default)
  ##  - cluster
  # cluster_health_level = "indices"

  ## Set cluster_stats to true when you want to obtain cluster stats.
  cluster_stats = false

  ## Only gather cluster_stats from the master node.
  ## To work this require local = true
  cluster_stats_only_from_master = true

  ## Indices to collect; can be one or more indices names or _all
  ## Use of wildcards is allowed. Use a wildcard at the end to retrieve index
  ## names that end with a changing value, like a date.
  indices_include = ["_all"]

  ## One of "shards", "cluster", "indices"
  ## Currently only "shards" is implemented
  indices_level = "shards"

  ## node_stats is a list of sub-stats that you want to have gathered.
  ## Valid options are "indices", "os", "process", "jvm", "thread_pool",
  ## "fs", "transport", "http", "breaker". Per default, all stats are gathered.
  # node_stats = ["jvm", "http"]

  ## HTTP Basic Authentication username and password.
  # username = ""
  # password = ""

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Sets the number of most recent indices to return for indices that are
  ## configured with a date-stamped suffix. Each 'indices_include' entry
  ## ending with a wildcard (*) or glob matching pattern will group together
  ## all indices that match it, and  sort them by the date or number after
  ## the wildcard. Metrics then are gathered for only the
  ## 'num_most_recent_indices' amount of most  recent indices.
  # num_most_recent_indices = 0


Emitted when cluster_health = true:

  • elasticsearch_cluster_health
    • tags:
      • name
    • fields:
      • active_primary_shards (integer)
      • active_shards (integer)
      • active_shards_percent_as_number (float)
      • delayed_unassigned_shards (integer)
      • initializing_shards (integer)
      • number_of_data_nodes (integer)
      • number_of_in_flight_fetch (integer)
      • number_of_nodes (integer)
      • number_of_pending_tasks (integer)
      • relocating_shards (integer)
      • status (string, one of green, yellow or red)
      • status_code (integer, green = 1, yellow = 2, red = 3),
      • task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis (integer)
      • timed_out (boolean)
      • unassigned_shards (integer)

Emitted when cluster_health = true and cluster_health_level = "indices":

  • elasticsearch_cluster_health_indices
    • tags:
      • index
      • name
    • fields:
      • active_primary_shards (integer)
      • active_shards (integer)
      • initializing_shards (integer)
      • number_of_replicas (integer)
      • number_of_shards (integer)
      • relocating_shards (integer)
      • status (string, one of green, yellow or red)
      • status_code (integer, green = 1, yellow = 2, red = 3),
      • unassigned_shards (integer)

Emitted when cluster_stats = true:

  • elasticsearch_clusterstats_indices

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_name
      • status
    • fields:
      • completion_size_in_bytes (float)
      • count (float)
      • docs_count (float)
      • docs_deleted (float)
      • fielddata_evictions (float)
      • fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • query_cache_cache_count (float)
      • query_cache_cache_size (float)
      • query_cache_evictions (float)
      • query_cache_hit_count (float)
      • query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • query_cache_miss_count (float)
      • query_cache_total_count (float)
      • segments_count (float)
      • segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float)
      • segments_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • shards_index_primaries_avg (float)
      • shards_index_primaries_max (float)
      • shards_index_primaries_min (float)
      • shards_index_replication_avg (float)
      • shards_index_replication_max (float)
      • shards_index_replication_min (float)
      • shards_index_shards_avg (float)
      • shards_index_shards_max (float)
      • shards_index_shards_min (float)
      • shards_primaries (float)
      • shards_replication (float)
      • shards_total (float)
      • store_size_in_bytes (float)
  • elasticsearch_clusterstats_nodes

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_name
      • status
    • fields:
      • count_coordinating_only (float)
      • count_data (float)
      • count_ingest (float)
      • count_master (float)
      • count_total (float)
      • fs_available_in_bytes (float)
      • fs_free_in_bytes (float)
      • fs_total_in_bytes (float)
      • jvm_max_uptime_in_millis (float)
      • jvm_mem_heap_max_in_bytes (float)
      • jvm_mem_heap_used_in_bytes (float)
      • jvm_threads (float)
      • jvm_versions_0_count (float)
      • jvm_versions_0_version (string)
      • jvm_versions_0_vm_name (string)
      • jvm_versions_0_vm_vendor (string)
      • jvm_versions_0_vm_version (string)
      • network_types_http_types_security4 (float)
      • network_types_transport_types_security4 (float)
      • os_allocated_processors (float)
      • os_available_processors (float)
      • os_mem_free_in_bytes (float)
      • os_mem_free_percent (float)
      • os_mem_total_in_bytes (float)
      • os_mem_used_in_bytes (float)
      • os_mem_used_percent (float)
      • os_names_0_count (float)
      • os_names_0_name (string)
      • os_pretty_names_0_count (float)
      • os_pretty_names_0_pretty_name (string)
      • process_cpu_percent (float)
      • process_open_file_descriptors_avg (float)
      • process_open_file_descriptors_max (float)
      • process_open_file_descriptors_min (float)
      • versions_0 (string)

Emitted when the appropriate node_stats options are set.

  • elasticsearch_transport

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • rx_count (float)
      • rx_size_in_bytes (float)
      • server_open (float)
      • tx_count (float)
      • tx_size_in_bytes (float)
  • elasticsearch_breakers

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • accounting_estimated_size_in_bytes (float)
      • accounting_limit_size_in_bytes (float)
      • accounting_overhead (float)
      • accounting_tripped (float)
      • fielddata_estimated_size_in_bytes (float)
      • fielddata_limit_size_in_bytes (float)
      • fielddata_overhead (float)
      • fielddata_tripped (float)
      • in_flight_requests_estimated_size_in_bytes (float)
      • in_flight_requests_limit_size_in_bytes (float)
      • in_flight_requests_overhead (float)
      • in_flight_requests_tripped (float)
      • parent_estimated_size_in_bytes (float)
      • parent_limit_size_in_bytes (float)
      • parent_overhead (float)
      • parent_tripped (float)
      • request_estimated_size_in_bytes (float)
      • request_limit_size_in_bytes (float)
      • request_overhead (float)
      • request_tripped (float)
  • elasticsearch_fs

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • data_0_available_in_bytes (float)
      • data_0_free_in_bytes (float)
      • data_0_total_in_bytes (float)
      • io_stats_devices_0_operations (float)
      • io_stats_devices_0_read_kilobytes (float)
      • io_stats_devices_0_read_operations (float)
      • io_stats_devices_0_write_kilobytes (float)
      • io_stats_devices_0_write_operations (float)
      • io_stats_total_operations (float)
      • io_stats_total_read_kilobytes (float)
      • io_stats_total_read_operations (float)
      • io_stats_total_write_kilobytes (float)
      • io_stats_total_write_operations (float)
      • timestamp (float)
      • total_available_in_bytes (float)
      • total_free_in_bytes (float)
      • total_total_in_bytes (float)
  • elasticsearch_http

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • current_open (float)
      • total_opened (float)
  • elasticsearch_indices

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • completion_size_in_bytes (float)
      • docs_count (float)
      • docs_deleted (float)
      • fielddata_evictions (float)
      • fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • flush_periodic (float)
      • flush_total (float)
      • flush_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_current (float)
      • get_exists_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_exists_total (float)
      • get_missing_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_missing_total (float)
      • get_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_total (float)
      • indexing_delete_current (float)
      • indexing_delete_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_delete_total (float)
      • indexing_index_current (float)
      • indexing_index_failed (float)
      • indexing_index_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_index_total (float)
      • indexing_noop_update_total (float)
      • indexing_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_current (float)
      • merges_current_docs (float)
      • merges_current_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total (float)
      • merges_total_auto_throttle_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_docs (float)
      • merges_total_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_stopped_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_throttled_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • query_cache_cache_count (float)
      • query_cache_cache_size (float)
      • query_cache_evictions (float)
      • query_cache_hit_count (float)
      • query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • query_cache_miss_count (float)
      • query_cache_total_count (float)
      • recovery_current_as_source (float)
      • recovery_current_as_target (float)
      • recovery_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • refresh_listeners (float)
      • refresh_total (float)
      • refresh_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • request_cache_evictions (float)
      • request_cache_hit_count (float)
      • request_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • request_cache_miss_count (float)
      • search_fetch_current (float)
      • search_fetch_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_fetch_total (float)
      • search_open_contexts (float)
      • search_query_current (float)
      • search_query_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_query_total (float)
      • search_scroll_current (float)
      • search_scroll_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_scroll_total (float)
      • search_suggest_current (float)
      • search_suggest_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_suggest_total (float)
      • segments_count (float)
      • segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float)
      • segments_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • store_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_earliest_last_modified_age (float)
      • translog_operations (float)
      • translog_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_operations (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_size_in_bytes (float)
      • warmer_current (float)
      • warmer_total (float)
      • warmer_total_time_in_millis (float)
  • elasticsearch_jvm

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • buffer_pools_direct_count (float)
      • buffer_pools_direct_total_capacity_in_bytes (float)
      • buffer_pools_direct_used_in_bytes (float)
      • buffer_pools_mapped_count (float)
      • buffer_pools_mapped_total_capacity_in_bytes (float)
      • buffer_pools_mapped_used_in_bytes (float)
      • classes_current_loaded_count (float)
      • classes_total_loaded_count (float)
      • classes_total_unloaded_count (float)
      • gc_collectors_old_collection_count (float)
      • gc_collectors_old_collection_time_in_millis (float)
      • gc_collectors_young_collection_count (float)
      • gc_collectors_young_collection_time_in_millis (float)
      • mem_heap_committed_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_heap_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_heap_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_heap_used_percent (float)
      • mem_non_heap_committed_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_non_heap_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_old_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_old_peak_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_old_peak_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_old_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_survivor_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_survivor_peak_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_survivor_peak_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_survivor_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_young_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_young_peak_max_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_young_peak_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_pools_young_used_in_bytes (float)
      • threads_count (float)
      • threads_peak_count (float)
      • timestamp (float)
      • uptime_in_millis (float)
  • elasticsearch_os

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • cgroup_cpu_cfs_period_micros (float)
      • cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_micros (float)
      • cgroup_cpu_stat_number_of_elapsed_periods (float)
      • cgroup_cpu_stat_number_of_times_throttled (float)
      • cgroup_cpu_stat_time_throttled_nanos (float)
      • cgroup_cpuacct_usage_nanos (float)
      • cpu_load_average_15m (float)
      • cpu_load_average_1m (float)
      • cpu_load_average_5m (float)
      • cpu_percent (float)
      • mem_free_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_free_percent (float)
      • mem_total_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_used_in_bytes (float)
      • mem_used_percent (float)
      • swap_free_in_bytes (float)
      • swap_total_in_bytes (float)
      • swap_used_in_bytes (float)
      • timestamp (float)
  • elasticsearch_process

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • cpu_percent (float)
      • cpu_total_in_millis (float)
      • max_file_descriptors (float)
      • mem_total_virtual_in_bytes (float)
      • open_file_descriptors (float)
      • timestamp (float)
  • elasticsearch_thread_pool

    • tags:
      • cluster_name
      • node_attribute_ml.enabled
      • node_attribute_ml.machine_memory
      • node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs
      • node_attribute_xpack.installed
      • node_host
      • node_id
      • node_name
    • fields:
      • analyze_active (float)
      • analyze_completed (float)
      • analyze_largest (float)
      • analyze_queue (float)
      • analyze_rejected (float)
      • analyze_threads (float)
      • ccr_active (float)
      • ccr_completed (float)
      • ccr_largest (float)
      • ccr_queue (float)
      • ccr_rejected (float)
      • ccr_threads (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_active (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_completed (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_largest (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_queue (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_rejected (float)
      • fetch_shard_started_threads (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_active (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_completed (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_largest (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_queue (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_rejected (float)
      • fetch_shard_store_threads (float)
      • flush_active (float)
      • flush_completed (float)
      • flush_largest (float)
      • flush_queue (float)
      • flush_rejected (float)
      • flush_threads (float)
      • force_merge_active (float)
      • force_merge_completed (float)
      • force_merge_largest (float)
      • force_merge_queue (float)
      • force_merge_rejected (float)
      • force_merge_threads (float)
      • generic_active (float)
      • generic_completed (float)
      • generic_largest (float)
      • generic_queue (float)
      • generic_rejected (float)
      • generic_threads (float)
      • get_active (float)
      • get_completed (float)
      • get_largest (float)
      • get_queue (float)
      • get_rejected (float)
      • get_threads (float)
      • index_active (float)
      • index_completed (float)
      • index_largest (float)
      • index_queue (float)
      • index_rejected (float)
      • index_threads (float)
      • listener_active (float)
      • listener_completed (float)
      • listener_largest (float)
      • listener_queue (float)
      • listener_rejected (float)
      • listener_threads (float)
      • management_active (float)
      • management_completed (float)
      • management_largest (float)
      • management_queue (float)
      • management_rejected (float)
      • management_threads (float)
      • ml_autodetect_active (float)
      • ml_autodetect_completed (float)
      • ml_autodetect_largest (float)
      • ml_autodetect_queue (float)
      • ml_autodetect_rejected (float)
      • ml_autodetect_threads (float)
      • ml_datafeed_active (float)
      • ml_datafeed_completed (float)
      • ml_datafeed_largest (float)
      • ml_datafeed_queue (float)
      • ml_datafeed_rejected (float)
      • ml_datafeed_threads (float)
      • ml_utility_active (float)
      • ml_utility_completed (float)
      • ml_utility_largest (float)
      • ml_utility_queue (float)
      • ml_utility_rejected (float)
      • ml_utility_threads (float)
      • refresh_active (float)
      • refresh_completed (float)
      • refresh_largest (float)
      • refresh_queue (float)
      • refresh_rejected (float)
      • refresh_threads (float)
      • rollup_indexing_active (float)
      • rollup_indexing_completed (float)
      • rollup_indexing_largest (float)
      • rollup_indexing_queue (float)
      • rollup_indexing_rejected (float)
      • rollup_indexing_threads (float)
      • search_active (float)
      • search_completed (float)
      • search_largest (float)
      • search_queue (float)
      • search_rejected (float)
      • search_threads (float)
      • search_throttled_active (float)
      • search_throttled_completed (float)
      • search_throttled_largest (float)
      • search_throttled_queue (float)
      • search_throttled_rejected (float)
      • search_throttled_threads (float)
      • security-token-key_active (float)
      • security-token-key_completed (float)
      • security-token-key_largest (float)
      • security-token-key_queue (float)
      • security-token-key_rejected (float)
      • security-token-key_threads (float)
      • snapshot_active (float)
      • snapshot_completed (float)
      • snapshot_largest (float)
      • snapshot_queue (float)
      • snapshot_rejected (float)
      • snapshot_threads (float)
      • warmer_active (float)
      • warmer_completed (float)
      • warmer_largest (float)
      • warmer_queue (float)
      • warmer_rejected (float)
      • warmer_threads (float)
      • watcher_active (float)
      • watcher_completed (float)
      • watcher_largest (float)
      • watcher_queue (float)
      • watcher_rejected (float)
      • watcher_threads (float)
      • write_active (float)
      • write_completed (float)
      • write_largest (float)
      • write_queue (float)
      • write_rejected (float)
      • write_threads (float)

Emitted when the appropriate indices_stats options are set.

  • elasticsearch_indices_stats_(primaries|total)
    • tags:
      • index_name
    • fields:
      • completion_size_in_bytes (float)
      • docs_count (float)
      • docs_deleted (float)
      • fielddata_evictions (float)
      • fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • flush_periodic (float)
      • flush_total (float)
      • flush_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_current (float)
      • get_exists_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_exists_total (float)
      • get_missing_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_missing_total (float)
      • get_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_total (float)
      • indexing_delete_current (float)
      • indexing_delete_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_delete_total (float)
      • indexing_index_current (float)
      • indexing_index_failed (float)
      • indexing_index_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_index_total (float)
      • indexing_is_throttled (float)
      • indexing_noop_update_total (float)
      • indexing_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_current (float)
      • merges_current_docs (float)
      • merges_current_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total (float)
      • merges_total_auto_throttle_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_docs (float)
      • merges_total_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_stopped_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_throttled_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • query_cache_cache_count (float)
      • query_cache_cache_size (float)
      • query_cache_evictions (float)
      • query_cache_hit_count (float)
      • query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • query_cache_miss_count (float)
      • query_cache_total_count (float)
      • recovery_current_as_source (float)
      • recovery_current_as_target (float)
      • recovery_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • refresh_external_total (float)
      • refresh_external_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • refresh_listeners (float)
      • refresh_total (float)
      • refresh_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • request_cache_evictions (float)
      • request_cache_hit_count (float)
      • request_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • request_cache_miss_count (float)
      • search_fetch_current (float)
      • search_fetch_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_fetch_total (float)
      • search_open_contexts (float)
      • search_query_current (float)
      • search_query_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_query_total (float)
      • search_scroll_current (float)
      • search_scroll_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_scroll_total (float)
      • search_suggest_current (float)
      • search_suggest_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_suggest_total (float)
      • segments_count (float)
      • segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float)
      • segments_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • store_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_earliest_last_modified_age (float)
      • translog_operations (float)
      • translog_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_operations (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_size_in_bytes (float)
      • warmer_current (float)
      • warmer_total (float)
      • warmer_total_time_in_millis (float)

Emitted when the appropriate shards_stats options are set.

  • elasticsearch_indices_stats_shards_total

    • fields:
      • failed (float)
      • successful (float)
      • total (float)
  • elasticsearch_indices_stats_shards

    • tags:
      • index_name
      • node_name
      • shard_name
      • type
    • fields:
      • commit_generation (float)
      • commit_num_docs (float)
      • completion_size_in_bytes (float)
      • docs_count (float)
      • docs_deleted (float)
      • fielddata_evictions (float)
      • fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • flush_periodic (float)
      • flush_total (float)
      • flush_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_current (float)
      • get_exists_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_exists_total (float)
      • get_missing_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_missing_total (float)
      • get_time_in_millis (float)
      • get_total (float)
      • indexing_delete_current (float)
      • indexing_delete_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_delete_total (float)
      • indexing_index_current (float)
      • indexing_index_failed (float)
      • indexing_index_time_in_millis (float)
      • indexing_index_total (float)
      • indexing_is_throttled (bool)
      • indexing_noop_update_total (float)
      • indexing_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_current (float)
      • merges_current_docs (float)
      • merges_current_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total (float)
      • merges_total_auto_throttle_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_docs (float)
      • merges_total_size_in_bytes (float)
      • merges_total_stopped_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_throttled_time_in_millis (float)
      • merges_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • query_cache_cache_count (float)
      • query_cache_cache_size (float)
      • query_cache_evictions (float)
      • query_cache_hit_count (float)
      • query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • query_cache_miss_count (float)
      • query_cache_total_count (float)
      • recovery_current_as_source (float)
      • recovery_current_as_target (float)
      • recovery_throttle_time_in_millis (float)
      • refresh_external_total (float)
      • refresh_external_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • refresh_listeners (float)
      • refresh_total (float)
      • refresh_total_time_in_millis (float)
      • request_cache_evictions (float)
      • request_cache_hit_count (float)
      • request_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float)
      • request_cache_miss_count (float)
      • retention_leases_primary_term (float)
      • retention_leases_version (float)
      • routing_state (int) (UNASSIGNED = 1, INITIALIZING = 2, STARTED = 3, RELOCATING = 4, other = 0)
      • search_fetch_current (float)
      • search_fetch_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_fetch_total (float)
      • search_open_contexts (float)
      • search_query_current (float)
      • search_query_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_query_total (float)
      • search_scroll_current (float)
      • search_scroll_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_scroll_total (float)
      • search_suggest_current (float)
      • search_suggest_time_in_millis (float)
      • search_suggest_total (float)
      • segments_count (float)
      • segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float)
      • segments_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float)
      • seq_no_global_checkpoint (float)
      • seq_no_local_checkpoint (float)
      • seq_no_max_seq_no (float)
      • shard_path_is_custom_data_path (bool)
      • store_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_earliest_last_modified_age (float)
      • translog_operations (float)
      • translog_size_in_bytes (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_operations (float)
      • translog_uncommitted_size_in_bytes (float)
      • warmer_current (float)
      • warmer_total (float)
      • warmer_total_time_in_millis (float)

Example Output




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type Elasticsearch

type Elasticsearch struct {
	Local                      bool            `toml:"local"`
	Servers                    []string        `toml:"servers"`
	HTTPTimeout                config.Duration `toml:"http_timeout"`
	ClusterHealth              bool            `toml:"cluster_health"`
	ClusterHealthLevel         string          `toml:"cluster_health_level"`
	ClusterStats               bool            `toml:"cluster_stats"`
	ClusterStatsOnlyFromMaster bool            `toml:"cluster_stats_only_from_master"`
	IndicesInclude             []string        `toml:"indices_include"`
	IndicesLevel               string          `toml:"indices_level"`
	NodeStats                  []string        `toml:"node_stats"`
	Username                   string          `toml:"username"`
	Password                   string          `toml:"password"`
	NumMostRecentIndices       int             `toml:"num_most_recent_indices"`

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Elasticsearch is a plugin to read stats from one or many Elasticsearch servers.

func NewElasticsearch

func NewElasticsearch() *Elasticsearch

NewElasticsearch return a new instance of Elasticsearch

func (*Elasticsearch) Gather

func (e *Elasticsearch) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error

Gather reads the stats from Elasticsearch and writes it to the Accumulator.

func (*Elasticsearch) Init added in v1.18.0

func (e *Elasticsearch) Init() error

Init the plugin.

func (*Elasticsearch) SampleConfig

func (*Elasticsearch) SampleConfig() string

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