
v1.5.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 15, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 31 Imported by: 0




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type Config added in v1.2.1

type Config struct {
	// Client ID of the Azure AD application
	// +required
	AzureClientId string `env:"AZURECLIENTID" yaml:"azureClientId"`

	// Tenant ID of the Azure AD application.
	// +required
	AzureTenantId string `env:"AZURETENANTID" yaml:"azureTenantId"`

	// Client secret of the Azure AD application, for using confidential clients.
	// This is optional, but recommended when not using Federated Identity Credentials.
	AzureClientSecret string `env:"AZURECLIENTSECRET" yaml:"azureClientSecret"`

	// Enables the usage of Federated Identity Credentials to obtain assertions for confidential clients for Azure AD applications.
	// This is an alternative to using client secrets, when the application is running in Azure in an environment that supports Managed Identity, or in an environment that supports Workload Identity Federation with Azure AD.
	// Currently, these values are supported:
	// - `ManagedIdentity`: uses a system-assigned managed identity
	// - `ManagedIdentity=client-id`: uses a user-assigned managed identity with client id "client-id" (e.g. "ManagedIdentity=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
	// - `WorkloadIdentity`: uses workload identity, e.g. for Kubernetes
	AzureFederatedIdentity string `env:"AZUREFEDERATEDIDENTITY" yaml:"azureFederatedIdentity"`

	// Endpoint of the webhook, where notifications are sent to.
	// +required
	WebhookUrl string `env:"WEBHOOKURL" yaml:"webhookUrl"`

	// The format for the webhook.
	// Currently, these values are supported:
	// - `plain`: sends a webhook with content type `text/plain`, where the request's body is the entire message
	// - `slack`: for usage with Slack or Slack-compatible endpoints
	// - `discord`: for usage with Discord (sends Slack-compatible messages)
	// +default "plain"
	WebhookFormat string `env:"WEBHOOKFORMAT" yaml:"webhookFormat"`

	// Value for the Authorization header send with the webhook request. Set this if your webhook requires it.
	WebhookKey string `env:"WEBHOOKKEY" yaml:"webhookKey"`

	// The URL your application can be reached at. This is used in the links that are sent in webhook notifications.
	// This is optional, but recommended.
	// +default `https://localhost:<port>` if TLS is enabled, or `http://localhost:<port>` otherwise
	BaseUrl string `env:"BASEURL" yaml:"baseUrl"`

	// Port to bind to.
	// +default 8080
	Port int `env:"PORT" yaml:"port"`

	// Address/interface to bind to.
	// +default ""
	Bind string `env:"BIND" yaml:"bind"`

	// Path where to load TLS certificates from. Within the folder, the files must be named `tls-cert.pem` and `tls-key.pem`. Revaulter watches for changes in this folder and automatically reloads the TLS certificates when they're updated.
	// If empty, certificates are loaded from the same folder where the loaded `config.yaml` is located.
	// +default the same folder as the `config.yaml` file
	TLSPath string `env:"TLSPATH" yaml:"tlsPath"`

	// Full, PEM-encoded TLS certificate. Using `tlsCertPEM` and `tlsKeyPEM` is an alternative method of passing TLS certificates than using `tlsPath`.
	TLSCertPEM string `env:"TLSCERTPEM" yaml:"tlsCertPEM"`

	// Full, PEM-encoded TLS key. Using `tlsCertPEM` and `tlsKeyPEM` is an alternative method of passing TLS certificates than using `tlsPath`.
	TLSKeyPEM string `env:"TLSKEYPEM" yaml:"tlsKeyPEM"`

	// If set, allows connections to the APIs only from the IPs or ranges set here. You can set individual IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) or ranges in the CIDR notation, and you can add multiple values separated by commas. For example, to allow connections from localhost and IPs in the `10.x.x.x` range only, set this to: `,`.
	// Note that this value is used to restrict connections to the `/request` endpoints only. It does not restrict the endpoints used by administrators to confirm (or deny) requests.
	AllowedIPs []string `env:"ALLOWEDIPS" yaml:"allowedIps"`

	// If set, clients need to provide this shared key in calls made to the `/request` endpoints, in the `Authorization` header.
	// Note that this option only applies to calls to the `/request` endpoints. It does not apply to the endpoints used by administrators to confirm (or deny) requests.
	RequestKey string `env:"REQUESTKEY" yaml:"requestKey"`

	// If set, allows requests targeting only the Azure Key Vaults named in the list.
	// Values can be formatted as:
	// - The address of the vault, such as "https://<name>" (could be a different format if using different clouds or private endpoints)
	// - The FQDN of the vault, such as "<name>" (or another domain if using different clouds or private endpoints)
	// - Only the name of the vault, which will be formatted for ""
	AllowedVaults []string `env:"ALLOWEDVAULTS" yaml:"allowedVaults"`

	// Lists of origins that are allowed for CORS. This should be a list of all URLs admins can access Revaulter at. Alternatively, set this to `*` to allow any origin (not recommended).
	// +default equal to the value of `baseUrl`
	Origins []string `env:"ORIGINS" yaml:"origins"`

	// Timeout for sessions before having to authenticate again, as a Go duration. This cannot be more than 1 hour.
	// +default 5m
	SessionTimeout time.Duration `env:"SESSIONTIMEOUT" yaml:"sessionTimeout"`

	// Default timeout for wrap and unwrap requests, as a Go duration. This is the default value, and can be overridden in each request.
	// +default 5m
	RequestTimeout time.Duration `env:"REQUESTTIMEOUT" yaml:"requestTimeout"`

	// String with the name of a header (or multiple, comma-separated values) to trust as containing the client IP. This is usually necessary when Vault is served through a proxy service and/or CDN.
	// This option should not be set if the application is exposed directly, without a proxy or CDN.
	// Common values include:
	// - `X-Forwarded-For,X-Real-Ip`: `X-Forwarded-For` is the [de-facto standard]( set by proxies; some set `X-Real-Ip`
	// - `CF-Connecting-IP`: when the application is served by a [Cloudflare CDN](
	TrustedForwardedIPHeader string `env:"TRUSTEDFORWARDEDIPHEADER" yaml:"trustedForwardedIPHeader"`

	// Enable metrics collection.
	// Metrics can then be exposed via a Prometheus-compatible endpoint by enabling `metricsServerEnabled`.
	// Alternatively, metrics can be sent to an OpenTelemetry Collector; see `metricsOtelCollectorEndpoint`.
	// +default false
	EnableMetrics bool `env:"ENABLEMETRICS" yaml:"enableMetrics"`

	// Enable the metrics server, which exposes a Prometheus-compatible endpoint `/metrics`.
	// Metrics must be enabled for this to be effective
	// +default false
	MetricsServerEnabled bool `env:"METRICSSERVERENABLED" yaml:"metricsServerEnabled"`

	// Port for the metrics server to bind to.
	// +default 2112
	MetricsServerPort int `env:"METRICSSERVERPORT" yaml:"metricsServerPort"`

	// Address/interface for the metrics server to bind to.
	// +default ""
	MetricsServerBind string `env:"METRICSSERVERBIND" yaml:"metricsServerBind"`

	// OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint for sending metrics, for example: `<http(s)-or-grpc(s)>://<otel-collector-address>:<otel-collector-port>/v1/metrics`
	// If metrics are enabled and `metricsOtelCollectorEndpoint` is set, metrics are sent to the collector
	// This value can also be set using the environmental variables `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_ENDPOINT` or `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT` ("/v1/metrics" is appended for HTTP), and optionally `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL` ("http/protobuf", the default, or "grpc")
	MetricsOtelCollectorEndpoint string `env:"METRICSOTELCOLLECTORENDPOINT" yaml:"metricsOtelCollectorEndpoint"`

	// If true, calls to the healthcheck endpoint (`/healthz`) are not included in the logs.
	// +default false
	OmitHealthCheckLogs bool `env:"OMITHEALTHCHECKLOGS" yaml:"omitHealthCheckLogs"`

	// String used as key to sign state tokens. If left empty, it will be randomly generated every time the app starts (recommended, unless you need user sessions to persist after the application is restarted).
	// +default randomly-generated when the application starts
	TokenSigningKey string `env:"TOKENSIGNINGKEY" yaml:"tokenSigningKey"`

	// String used as key to encrypt cookies. If left empty, it will be randomly generated every time the app starts (recommended, unless you need user sessions to persist after the application is restarted).
	// +default randomly-generated when the application starts
	CookieEncryptionKey string `env:"COOKIEENCRYPTIONKEY" yaml:"cookieEncryptionKey"`

	// String with the name of a header to trust as ID of each request. The ID is included in logs and in responses as `X-Request-ID` header.
	// Common values can include:
	// - `X-Request-ID`: a [de-facto standard]( ) that's vendor agnostic
	// - `CF-Ray`: when the application is served by a [Cloudflare CDN](
	// If this option is empty, or if it contains the name of a header that is not found in an incoming request, a random UUID is generated as request ID.
	TrustedRequestIdHeader string `env:"TRUSTEDREQUESTIDHEADER" yaml:"trustedRequestIdHeader"`

	// If true, forces all cookies to be set with the "secure" option, so they are only sent by clients on HTTPS requests.
	// When false (the default), cookies are set as "secure" only if the current request being served is using HTTPS.
	// When Revaulter is running behind a proxy that performs TLS termination, this option should normally be set to true.
	// +default false
	ForceSecureCookies bool `env:"FORCESECURECOOKIES" yaml:"forceSecureCookies"`

	// Controls log level and verbosity. Supported values: `debug`, `info` (default), `warn`, `error`.
	// +default "info"
	LogLevel string `env:"LOGLEVEL" yaml:"logLevel"`

	// If true, emits logs formatted as JSON, otherwise uses a text-based structured log format.
	// +default false if a TTY is attached (e.g. in development); true otherwise.
	LogAsJSON bool `env:"LOGASJSON" yaml:"logAsJson"`

	// OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint for sending logs, for example: `<http(s)>://<otel-collector-address>:<otel-collector-port>/v1/logs`.
	// If configured,logs are sent to the collector at the given address.
	// This value can also be set using the environmental variables `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_LOGS_ENDPOINT` or `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT` ("/v1/logs" is appended for HTTP), and optionally `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL` ("http/protobuf", the default, or "grpc").
	LogsOtelCollectorEndpoint string `env:"LOGSOTELCOLLECTORENDPOINT" yaml:"logsOtelCollectorEndpoint"`

	// If true, enables tracing with OpenTelemetry.
	// Traces can be sent to an OpenTelemetry Collector or Zipkin server.
	// If tracing is enabled, one of `tracingOtelCollectorEndpoint` or `tracingZipkinEndpoint` is required.
	// +default false
	EnableTracing bool `env:"ENABLETRACING" yaml:"enableTracing"`

	// Sampling rate for traces, as a float.
	// The default value is 1, sampling all requests.
	// +default 1
	TracingSampling float64 `env:"TRACINGSAMPLING" yaml:"tracingSampling"`

	// OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint for sending traces, for example: `<http(s)-or-grpc(s)>://<otel-collector-address>:<otel-collector-port>/v1/traces`.
	// If tracing is enabled, one of `tracingOtelCollectorEndpoint` or `tracingZipkinEndpoint` is required.
	// This value can also be set using the environmental variables `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT` or `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT` ("/v1/traces" is appended for HTTP), and optionally `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL` ("http/protobuf", the default, or "grpc").
	TracingOtelCollectorEndpoint string `env:"TRACINGOTELCOLLECTORENDPOINT" yaml:"tracingOtelCollectorEndpoint"`

	// Zipkin endpoint for sending traces, for example: `http://<zipkin-address>:<zipkin-port>/api/v2/spans`.
	// If tracing is enabled, one of `tracingOtelCollectorEndpoint` or `tracingZipkinEndpoint` is required.
	TracingZipkinEndpoint string `env:"TRACINGZIPKINENDPOINT" yaml:"tracingZipkinEndpoint"`

	// Dev is meant for development only; it's undocumented
	Dev Dev `yaml:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config is the struct containing configuration

func Get added in v1.2.1

func Get() *Config

Get returns the singleton instance

func GetDefaultConfig added in v1.2.1

func GetDefaultConfig() *Config

GetDefaultConfig returns the default configuration.

func (*Config) GetCookieEncryptionKey added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) GetCookieEncryptionKey() jwk.Key

GetCookieEncryptionKey returns the (parsed) cookie encryption key

func (*Config) GetCookieSigningKey added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) GetCookieSigningKey() jwk.Key

GetCookieSigningKey returns the (parsed) cookie signing key

func (*Config) GetInstanceID added in v1.3.0

func (c *Config) GetInstanceID() string

GetInstanceID returns the instance ID.

func (*Config) GetLoadedConfigPath added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) GetLoadedConfigPath() string

GetLoadedConfigPath returns the path to the config file that was loaded

func (Config) GetLogsExporter added in v1.3.0

func (c Config) GetLogsExporter(ctx context.Context) (exp logSdk.Exporter, logFn func(log *slog.Logger), err error)

GetLogsExporter returns the OpenTelemetry log Exporter if configured Note that since the logger isn't configured when this method is invoked, we don't log anything, but return a function that can emit the log

func (Config) GetMetricsExporter added in v1.3.0

func (c Config) GetMetricsExporter(ctx context.Context, log *slog.Logger) (exp metricSdk.Exporter, err error)

GetMetricsExporter returns the metrics exporter for the OpenTelemetry collector

func (Config) GetOtelResource added in v1.3.0

func (c Config) GetOtelResource(name string) *resource.Resource

GetOtelResource returns the OpenTelemetry Resource object

func (*Config) GetTokenSigningKey added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) GetTokenSigningKey() []byte

GetTokenSigningKey returns the (parsed) token signing key

func (Config) GetTraceExporter added in v1.3.0

func (c Config) GetTraceExporter(ctx context.Context, log *slog.Logger) (exp traceSdk.SpanExporter, err error)

GetTraceExporter returns the trace exporter, either for the OpenTelemetry Collector or Zipkin

func (*Config) SetCookieKeys added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) SetCookieKeys(logger *slog.Logger) (err error)

SetCookieKeys sets the cookie encryption and signing keys.

func (*Config) SetLoadedConfigPath added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) SetLoadedConfigPath(filePath string)

SetLoadedConfigPath sets the path to the config file that was loaded

func (*Config) SetTokenSigningKey added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) SetTokenSigningKey(logger *slog.Logger) (err error)

SetTokenSigningKey parses the token signing key. If it's empty, will generate a new one.

func (*Config) String added in v1.3.0

func (c *Config) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer and is used for debugging Returns the entire configuration as JSON

func (*Config) Validate added in v1.2.1

func (c *Config) Validate(logger *slog.Logger) error

Validates the configuration and performs some sanitization

type Dev added in v1.2.1

type Dev struct {
	ClientProxyServer string

Dev includes options using during development only

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