a small CLI that can be used to update a plugins.txt file for installing plugins into a jenkins docker image.
To Install
brew tap jenkins-infra/tap
brew install uc
This can be used a docker container with the following:
docker run -it jenkins-infra/uc
Update Plugins to the latest version
Update plugins.txt to the latest plugin versions, no changes will be made to the file, updates will be pushed to stdout
uc update --path plugins.txt
Update plugins.txt to the latest plugin versions for the specified jenkins version, no changes will be made to the file, updates will be pushed to stdout
uc update --path plugins.txt --jenkins-version 2.263.2
Update plugins.txt to the latest plugin versions and automatically update the file
uc update --path plugins.txt -w
Only apply security updates
uc update --path plugins.txt --security-updates
Determine the Jenkins version from a Dockerfile
will attempt to determine the Jenkins version from the parent of the Docker image:
uc update --path plugins.txt --determine-version-from-dockerfile --dockerfile-path /path/to/Dockerfile
Check for security vulnerabilities
uc check --path plugins.txt
This will display all known security vulnerabilities for the plugin versions listed:
| github-branch-source | SECURITY-806 | https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-06-04/#SECURITY-806 |
More indepth documentation can be found here
To build the application:
make build
To test:
make test