Index ¶
- func AnalyzeTilemap(mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, filename, picturePath string, in image.Image, ...) error
- func ApplyImages(in []*image.NRGBA, cfg *config.MartineConfig, palette color.Palette, ...) ([][]byte, []*image.NRGBA, color.Palette, error)
- func ApplyOneImage(in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, palette color.Palette, mode uint8) ([]byte, *image.NRGBA, color.Palette, int, error)
- func ApplyOneImageAndExport(in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, filename, picturePath string, ...) error
- func DoDithering(in *image.NRGBA, p color.Palette, ditheringAlgo int, ...) (*image.NRGBA, color.Palette)
- func DoTransformation(in *image.NRGBA, p color.Palette, screenMode uint8, ...) ([]*image.NRGBA, error)
- func ExportImpdrawTilemap(analyze *transformation.AnalyzeBoard, filename string, palette color.Palette, ...) (err error)
- func ExportRawImage(in image.Image, palette color.Palette, cfg *config.MartineConfig, ...) error
- func ExportTilemap(analyze *transformation.AnalyzeBoard, filename string, palette color.Palette, ...) (err error)
- func ExportTilemapClassical(m image.Image, filename string, palette color.Palette, ...) error
- func InternalTransform(in *image.NRGBA, p color.Palette, size constants.Size, ...) []byte
- func Tilemap(mode uint8, filename, picturePath string, size constants.Size, in image.Image, ...) error
- func TilemapClassical(mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, filename, picturePath string, ...) (*transformation.AnalyzeBoard, [][]image.Image, color.Palette)
- func TilemapRaw(mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, size constants.Size, in image.Image, ...) (*transformation.AnalyzeBoard, [][]image.Image, color.Palette, error)
- func Transform(in *image.NRGBA, p color.Palette, size constants.Size, filepath string, ...) error
- func TransformRawCpcData(data, palette []int, width, height int, mode int, isPlus bool) (*image.NRGBA, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AnalyzeTilemap ¶
func AnalyzeTilemap(mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, filename, picturePath string, in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, criteria common.AnalyseTilemapOption) error
nolint: funlen, gocognit
func ApplyImages ¶
func ApplyOneImage ¶
func ApplyOneImage(in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, palette color.Palette, mode uint8, ) ([]byte, *image.NRGBA, color.Palette, int, error)
nolint: funlen, gocognit
func ApplyOneImageAndExport ¶
func ApplyOneImageAndExport(in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, filename, picturePath string, mode uint8, ) error
nolint:funlen, gocognit
func DoDithering ¶
func DoTransformation ¶
func DoTransformation(in *image.NRGBA, p color.Palette, screenMode uint8, rollMode, rotationMode, rotation3DMode bool, rotationRlaBit, rotationSlaBit, rotationRraBit, rotationSraBit, rotationKeephighBit, rotationLosthighBit, rotationKeeplowBit, rotationLostlowBit, rotationIterations, rollIterations int, rotation3DX0, rotation3DY0 int, rotation3DType config.Rotation3d, resizingAlgo imaging.ResampleFilter, size constants.Size, ) ([]*image.NRGBA, error)
nolint: funlen
func ExportImpdrawTilemap ¶
func ExportImpdrawTilemap(analyze *transformation.AnalyzeBoard, filename string, palette color.Palette, mode uint8, size constants.Size, in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig) (err error)
nolint: funlen, gocognit
func ExportRawImage ¶
func ExportTilemap ¶
func ExportTilemap(analyze *transformation.AnalyzeBoard, filename string, palette color.Palette, mode uint8, in image.Image, flatExport bool, cfg *config.MartineConfig) (err error)
nolint: funlen
func ExportTilemapClassical ¶
func ExportTilemapClassical(m image.Image, filename string, palette color.Palette, board *transformation.AnalyzeBoard, size constants.Size, cfg *config.MartineConfig) error
func InternalTransform ¶
func Tilemap ¶
func Tilemap(mode uint8, filename, picturePath string, size constants.Size, in image.Image, cfg *config.MartineConfig, tilesHistoric *sprite.TilesHistorical) error
nolint: funlen, gocognit
func TilemapClassical ¶
func TilemapClassical( mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, filename, picturePath string, palette color.Palette, in image.Image, size constants.Size, cfg *config.MartineConfig, tilesHistoric *sprite.TilesHistorical) (*transformation.AnalyzeBoard, [][]image.Image, color.Palette)
func TilemapRaw ¶
func TilemapRaw( mode uint8, isCpcPlus bool, size constants.Size, in image.Image, palette color.Palette, cfg *config.MartineConfig, tilesHistoric *sprite.TilesHistorical) (*transformation.AnalyzeBoard, [][]image.Image, color.Palette, error)
nolint: funlen
Types ¶
This section is empty.
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