
v0.0.0-...-c30bc72 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Apr 21, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 37 Imported by: 0




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const (
	SocketName = "/tmp/emp3r0r.socket"

	// for stupid goconst
	LOG  = "log"
	CMD  = "cmd"
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const (
	// Temp where we save temp files
	Temp = "/tmp/emp3r0r/"

	// WWWRoot host static files for agent
	WWWRoot = Temp + "www/"

	// UtilsArchive host utils.tar.xz for agent
	UtilsArchive = WWWRoot + "utils.tar.xz"
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const (
	PromptName = "emp3r0r"
	ClearTerm  = "\033[2J"
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const AgentsJSON = "agents.json"
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const HELP = "help" // fuck goconst


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var (
	// DebugLevel what kind fof logs do we want to see
	// 3 (DEBUG) -> 2 (INFO) -> 1 (WARN)
	DebugLevel = 2

	// IsAPIEnabled Indicate whether we are in headless mode
	IsAPIEnabled = false

	// Prefix /usr or /usr/local, can be set through $EMP3R0R_PREFIX
	Prefix = ""

	// EmpWorkSpace workspace directory of emp3r0r
	EmpWorkSpace = ""

	// EmpDataDir prefix/lib/emp3r0r
	EmpDataDir = ""

	// EmpBuildDir prefix/lib/emp3r0r/build
	EmpBuildDir = ""

	// FileGetDir where we save #get files
	FileGetDir = ""

	// EmpConfigFile emp3r0r.json
	EmpConfigFile = ""

	// Targets target list, with control (tun) interface
	Targets      = make(map[*emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo]*Control)
	TargetsMutex = sync.RWMutex{}

	// certs
	CACrtFile     string
	CAKeyFile     string
	ServerCrtFile string
	ServerKeyFile string
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var (
	// CliCompleter holds all command completions
	CliCompleter = readline.NewPrefixCompleter()

	// CmdCompls completions for readline
	CmdCompls []readline.PrefixCompleterInterface

	// InitCmdCompls initial completions for readline, so we can roll back
	InitCmdCompls []readline.PrefixCompleterInterface

	// EmpReadLine : our commandline
	EmpReadLine *readline.Instance

	// EmpPrompt : the prompt string
	EmpPrompt = color.HiCyanString(PromptName + " > ")
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var (
	// ModuleDir stores modules
	ModuleDirs []string

	// CurrentMod selected module
	CurrentMod = "<blank>"

	// CurrentTarget selected target
	CurrentTarget *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo

	// Options currently available options for `set`
	Options = make(map[string]*Option)

	// ShellHelpInfo provide utilities like ps, kill, etc
	// deprecated
	ShellHelpInfo = map[string]string{
		HELP:    "Display this help",
		"#ps":   "List processes: `ps`",
		"#kill": "Kill process: `kill <PID>`",
		"#net":  "Show network info",
		"put":   "Put a file from CC to agent: `put <local file> <remote path>`",
		"get":   "Get a file from agent: `get <remote file>`",

	// ModuleHelpers a map of module helpers
	ModuleHelpers = map[string]func(){
		emp3r0r_data.ModGenAgent:     modGenAgent,
		emp3r0r_data.ModCMD_EXEC:     moduleCmd,
		emp3r0r_data.ModSHELL:        moduleShell,
		emp3r0r_data.ModPROXY:        moduleProxy,
		emp3r0r_data.ModPORT_FWD:     modulePortFwd,
		emp3r0r_data.ModLPE_SUGGEST:  moduleLPE,
		emp3r0r_data.ModGET_ROOT:     moduleGetRoot,
		emp3r0r_data.ModCLEAN_LOG:    moduleLogCleaner,
		emp3r0r_data.ModPERSISTENCE:  modulePersistence,
		emp3r0r_data.ModVACCINE:      moduleVaccine,
		emp3r0r_data.ModINJECTOR:     moduleInjector,
		emp3r0r_data.ModBring2CC:     moduleBring2CC,
		emp3r0r_data.ModGDB:          moduleGDB,
		emp3r0r_data.ModStager:       modStager,
		emp3r0r_data.ModSSHHarvester: module_ssh_harvester,
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var (
	EmpTLSServer       *http.Server
	EmpTLSServerCtx    context.Context
	EmpTLSServerCancel context.CancelFunc
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var (
	// RShellStream reverse shell handler
	RShellStream = &StreamHandler{H2x: nil, BufSize: emp3r0r_data.RShellBufSize, Buf: make(chan []byte)}

	// ProxyStream proxy handler
	ProxyStream = &StreamHandler{H2x: nil, BufSize: emp3r0r_data.ProxyBufSize, Buf: make(chan []byte)}

	// FTPStreams file transfer handlers
	FTPStreams = make(map[string]*StreamHandler)

	// FTPMutex lock
	FTPMutex = &sync.Mutex{}

	// RShellStreams rshell handlers
	RShellStreams = make(map[string]*StreamHandler)

	// RShellMutex lock
	RShellMutex = &sync.Mutex{}

	// PortFwds port mappings/forwardings: { sessionID:StreamHandler }
	PortFwds = make(map[string]*PortFwdSession)

	// PortFwdsMutex lock
	PortFwdsMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
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var (
	// TermWidth
	TermWidth int

	// TermHeight
	TermHeight int

	// home tmux window
	HomeWindow string

	// Console titled "Command"
	CommandPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// Displays system info of selected agent
	AgentInfoPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// Displays agent output, separated from logs
	AgentOutputPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// Displays agent list
	AgentListPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// Displays bash shell for selected agent
	AgentShellPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// SFTP shell for selected agent
	AgentSFTPPane *Emp3r0rPane

	// Put all windows in this map
	TmuxPanes = make(map[string]*Emp3r0rPane)

	// CAT use this cat to replace /bin/cat
	CAT = "emp3r0r-cat"
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var APIConn net.Conn
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var Arch_List = []string{
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var Arch_List_All = []string{
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var Arch_List_Windows = []string{
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var CmdFuncs = map[string]func(){
	"ls_targets":    ls_targets,
	"ls_modules":    ListModules,
	"ls_port_fwds":  ListPortFwds,
	"info":          CliListOptions,
	"run":           ModuleRun,
	"screenshot":    TakeScreenshot,
	"file_manager":  OpenFileManager,
	"upgrade_agent": UpgradeAgent,
	"suicide":       Suicide,

CmdFuncs holds a map of helper functions

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var CmdFuncsWithArgs = map[string]func(string){
	"ls":              FSNoArgCmd,
	"pwd":             FSNoArgCmd,
	"cd":              FSSingleArgCmd,
	"mv":              FSDoubleArgCmd,
	"cp":              FSDoubleArgCmd,
	"rm":              FSSingleArgCmd,
	"mkdir":           FSSingleArgCmd,
	"put":             UploadToAgent,
	"get":             DownloadFromAgent,
	"ps":              FSNoArgCmd,
	"kill":            FSSingleArgCmd,
	"delete_port_fwd": DeletePortFwdSession,
	"debug":           setDebugLevel,
	"search":          ModuleSearch,
	"set":             setOptVal,
	"label":           setTargetLabel,
	"target":          setCurrentTarget,

CmdFuncsWithArgs commands that accept a single string parameter

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var CmdResults = make(map[string]string)

CmdResults receive response from agent and cache them

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var CmdResultsMutex = &sync.Mutex{}


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var CmdTime = make(map[string]string)

CmdTime Record the time spent on each command

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var CmdTimeMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
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var CommandHelp = map[string]string{
	HELP:              "Print this help, 'help <module>' gives help for a module",
	"target":          "Set target. eg. `target <index>`",
	"file_manager":    "Browse remote files in your local file manager with SFTP protocol",
	"set":             "Set an option. eg. `set <option> <val>`",
	"use":             "Use a module. eg. `use <module_name>`",
	"run":             "Run selected module, make sure you have set required options",
	"info":            "What options do we have?",
	"upgrade_agent":   "Upgrade agent on selected target",
	"ls":              "List current directory of selected agent",
	"mv":              "Move a file to another location on selected target",
	"cp":              "Copy a file to another location on selected target",
	"cd":              "Change current working directory of selected agent",
	"rm":              "Delete a file/directory on selected agent",
	"mkdir":           "Create new directory on selected agent",
	"pwd":             "Current working directory of selected agent",
	"ps":              "Process list of selected agent",
	"kill":            "Terminate a process on selected agent: eg. `kill <pid>`",
	"get":             "Download a file from selected agent",
	"put":             "Upload a file to selected agent",
	"screenshot":      "Take a screenshot of selected agent",
	"suicide":         "Kill agent process, delete agent root directory",
	"ls_targets":      "List all targets",
	"ls_modules":      "List all modules",
	"search":          "Search modules",
	"ls_port_fwds":    "List all port mappings",
	"debug":           "Set debug level: -1 (least verbose) to 1 (most verbose)",
	"delete_port_fwd": "Delete a port mapping",
	"exit":            "Exit",

CommandHelp holds all commands and their help string, command: help

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var LPEHelperURLs = map[string]string{
	"lpe_les":         "",
	"lpe_lse":         "",
	"lpe_linpeas":     "",
	"lpe_winpeas.ps1": "",
	"lpe_winpeas.bat": "",
	"lpe_winpeas.exe": "",

LPEHelperURLs scripts that help you get root

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var LsDir []string

LsDir cache items in current directory

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var ModuleConfigs = make(map[string]ModConfig, 1)

stores module configs

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var ModuleNames = []string{}

stores module names

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var RShellStatus = make(map[string]error)

RShellStatus stores errors from reverseBash

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var RuntimeConfig = &emp3r0r_data.Config{}
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var SSHShellPort = make(map[string]string)

shell - port mapping one port for one shell

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var Stagers = []string{





func APIListen

func APIListen()

listen on a unix socket users can send commands to this socket as if they were using a console

func APIMain

func APIMain()

func AdaptiveTable

func AdaptiveTable(tableString string)

automatically resize CommandPane according to table width

func CliAlert

func CliAlert(textColor color.Attribute, format string, a ...interface{})

CliAlert print log in blinking text

func CliAsk

func CliAsk(prompt string, allow_empty bool) (answer string)

CliAsk prompt for an answer from user

func CliBanner

func CliBanner() error

CliBanner prints banner

func CliFatalError

func CliFatalError(format string, a ...interface{})

CliFatalError print log in red, and exit

func CliListCmds

func CliListCmds(w io.Writer)

CliListCmds list all commands in tree format

func CliListOptions

func CliListOptions()

CliListOptions list currently available options for `set`

func CliMain

func CliMain()

CliMain launches the commandline UI

func CliMsg

func CliMsg(format string, a ...interface{})

CliMsg print log in bold cyan, regardless of debug level

func CliPrettyPrint

func CliPrettyPrint(header1, header2 string, map2write *map[string]string)

CliPrettyPrint prints two-column help info

func CliPrint

func CliPrint(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrint print in bold cyan without logging prefix, regardless of debug level

func CliPrintDebug

func CliPrintDebug(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrintDebug print log in blue

func CliPrintError

func CliPrintError(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrintError print log in red

func CliPrintInfo

func CliPrintInfo(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrintInfo print log in hiblue

func CliPrintSuccess

func CliPrintSuccess(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrintSuccess print log in green

func CliPrintWarning

func CliPrintWarning(format string, a ...interface{})

CliPrintWarning print log in hiyellow

func CliYesNo

func CliYesNo(prompt string) bool

CliYesNo prompt for a y/n answer from user

func CmdHandler

func CmdHandler(cmd string) (err error)

CmdHandler processes user commands

func CmdHelp

func CmdHelp(mod string)

CmdHelp prints help in two columns print help for modules

func CopyToClipboard

func CopyToClipboard(data []byte)

CopyToClipboard copy data to clipboard using xsel -b

func CreateVaccineArchive

func CreateVaccineArchive() (err error)

func DeletePortFwdSession

func DeletePortFwdSession(cmd string)

DeletePortFwdSession delete a port mapping session by ID

func DownloadFile

func DownloadFile(url, path string) (err error)

DownloadFile download file using default http client

func DownloadFromAgent

func DownloadFromAgent(cmd string)

func FSDoubleArgCmd

func FSDoubleArgCmd(cmd string)

func FSNoArgCmd

func FSNoArgCmd(cmd string)

func FSSingleArgCmd

func FSSingleArgCmd(cmd string)

func FitPanes

func FitPanes(output_pane_x int)

FitPanes adjust width of panes to fit them in the terminal window triggered by agent output

func GenC2Certs

func GenC2Certs(hosts []string) (err error)

GenC2Certs generate certificates for CA and emp3r0r C2 server

func GetDateTime

func GetDateTime() (datetime string)

GetDateTime get current date and time, for logging

func GetFile

func GetFile(filepath string, a *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) error

GetFile get file from agent

func GetTargetDetails

func GetTargetDetails(target *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo)

func GetTargetFromH2Conn

func GetTargetFromH2Conn(conn *h2conn.Conn) (target *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo)

GetTargetFromH2Conn find target from Targets via HTTP2 connection ID, return nil if not found

func GetTargetFromIndex

func GetTargetFromIndex(index int) (target *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo)

GetTargetFromIndex find target from Targets via control index, return nil if not found

func GetTargetFromTag

func GetTargetFromTag(tag string) (target *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo)

GetTargetFromTag find target from Targets via tag, return nil if not found

func InitConfig

func InitConfig() (err error)

InitConfig set workspace, module directories, etc

func InitConfigFile

func InitConfigFile(cc_host string) (err error)

func InitModules

func InitModules()

scan custom modules in ModuleDir, and update ModuleHelpers, ModuleDocs

func IsAgentExist

func IsAgentExist(t *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) bool

IsAgentExist is agent already in target list?

func IsAgentExistByTag

func IsAgentExistByTag(tag string) bool

IsAgentExistByTag is agent already in target list?

func IsCCRunning

func IsCCRunning() bool

IsCCRunning check if CC is already running

func KCPListenAndServe

func KCPListenAndServe()

KCPListenAndServe KCP server for Shadowsocks

func ListModules

func ListModules()

ListModules list all available modules

func ListPortFwds

func ListPortFwds()

ListPortFwds list currently active port mappings

func ListTargets

func ListTargets()

ListTargets list currently connected agents

func LoadCACrt

func LoadCACrt() error

LoadCACrt load CA cert from file

func MakeConfig

func MakeConfig() (err error)

func ModuleDetails

func ModuleDetails(modName string)

Print module meta data

func ModuleRun

func ModuleRun()

ModuleRun run current module

func ModuleSearch

func ModuleSearch(cmd string)

search modules, powered by fuzzysearch

func OpenFileManager

func OpenFileManager()

func OpenInNewTerminalWindow

func OpenInNewTerminalWindow(name, cmd string) error

OpenInNewTerminalWindow run a command in new terminal emulator window

func PackAgentBinary

func PackAgentBinary()

PackAgentBinary pack agent ELF binary with Packer()

func Packer

func Packer(inputELF string) (err error)

Packer compress and encrypt ELF, append it to packer_stub.exe encryption key is generated from MagicString

func PutFile

func PutFile(lpath, rpath string, a *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) error

PutFile put file to agent

func SSHClient

func SSHClient(shell, args, port string, split bool) (err error)

SSHClient ssh to sshd server, with shell access in a new tmux window shell: the executable to run, eg. bash, python port: serve this shell on agent side

func SelectCurrentTarget

func SelectCurrentTarget() (target *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo)

SelectCurrentTarget check if current target is set and alive

func Send2Agent

func Send2Agent(data *emp3r0r_data.MsgTunData, agent *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) (err error)

Send2Agent send MsgTunData to agent

func SendCmd

func SendCmd(cmd, cmd_id string, a *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) error

SendCmd send command to agent

func SendCmdToCurrentTarget

func SendCmdToCurrentTarget(cmd, cmd_id string) error

SendCmdToCurrentTarget send a command to currently selected agent

func SetAgentLabel

func SetAgentLabel(a *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) (label string)

SetAgentLabel if an agent is already labeled, we can set its label in later sessions

func SetDynamicPrompt

func SetDynamicPrompt()

SetDynamicPrompt set prompt with module and target info

func SetOption

func SetOption(args []string)

SetOption set an option to value, `set` command

func ShadowsocksServer

func ShadowsocksServer()

Start Shadowsocks proxy server with a random password (RuntimeConfig.ShadowsocksPassword), listening on RuntimeConfig.ShadowsocksPort You can use the offical Shadowsocks program to start the same Shadowsocks server on any host that you find convenient

func StatFile

func StatFile(filepath string, a *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo) (fi *util.FileStat, err error)

StatFile Get stat info of a file on agent

func Suicide

func Suicide()

func TLSServer

func TLSServer()

TLSServer start HTTPS server

func TakeScreenshot

func TakeScreenshot()

TakeScreenshot take a screenshot of selected target, and download it open the picture if possible

func TermClear

func TermClear()

TermClear clear screen

func TermSize

func TermSize() (width, height int, err error)

TermSize Get terminal size

func TmuxCurrentPane

func TmuxCurrentPane() (pane_id string)

returns the index of current pane returns -1 when error occurs

func TmuxCurrentWindow

func TmuxCurrentWindow() (id string)

All panes live in this tmux window, returns the unique ID of the window returns "" when error occurs

func TmuxDeinitWindows

func TmuxDeinitWindows()

TmuxDeinitWindows close previously opened tmux windows

func TmuxDisplay

func TmuxDisplay(msg string) (res string)

func TmuxInitWindows

func TmuxInitWindows() (err error)

TmuxInitWindows split current terminal into several windows/panes - command output window - current agent info

func TmuxKillWindow

func TmuxKillWindow(id string) (err error)

func TmuxNewWindow

func TmuxNewWindow(name, cmd string) error

TmuxNewWindow split tmux window, and run command in the new pane

func TmuxSetOpt

func TmuxSetOpt(index, opt string) (err error)

Set tmux option of current tmux window

func TmuxSetPaneTitle

func TmuxSetPaneTitle(title, pane_id string) error

func TmuxSplit

func TmuxSplit(hV, cmd string) error

TmuxSplit split tmux window, and run command in the new pane

func TmuxSwitchWindow

func TmuxSwitchWindow(window_id string) (res bool)

func TmuxUpdatePane

func TmuxUpdatePane(pane *Emp3r0rPane)

Sync changes of a pane

func TmuxUpdatePanes

func TmuxUpdatePanes()

func TmuxWindowSize

func TmuxWindowSize() (x, y int)

TmuxWindowSize size in chars, of the current tmux window/tab

func UnlockDownloads

func UnlockDownloads() error

UnlockDownloads if there are incomplete file downloads that are "locked", unlock them unless CC is actually running/downloading

func UpdateOptions

func UpdateOptions(modName string) (exist bool)

UpdateOptions add new options according to current module

func UpgradeAgent

func UpgradeAgent()

func UploadToAgent

func UploadToAgent(cmd string)

func VimEdit

func VimEdit(filepath string) (err error)

VimEdit launch local vim to edit files


type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	Cmd     string // user cmd
	MsgType string // log/json/cmd, tells frontend where to put it
	MsgData []byte // data payload, can be a JSON string or ordinary string
	Alert   bool   // whether to alert the frontend user

APIResponse what the frontend sees, in JSON

type Control

type Control struct {
	Index  int          // index of a connected agent
	Label  string       // custom label for an agent
	Conn   *h2conn.Conn // h2 connection of an agent
	Ctx    context.Context
	Cancel context.CancelFunc

Control controller interface of a target

type Emp3r0rPane

type Emp3r0rPane struct {
	Alive    bool   // indicates that pane is not dead
	ID       string // tmux pane unique ID
	WindowID string // tmux window unique ID, indicates the window that the pane lives in
	Title    string // title of pane
	Name     string // intial title of pane, doesn't change even if pane is dead
	TTY      string // eg. /dev/pts/1, write to this file to get your message displayed on this pane
	PID      int    // PID of the process running in tmux pane
	Cmd      string // cmdline of the process
	Width    int    // width of pane, number of chars
	Height   int    // height of pane, number of chars

Emp3r0rPane a tmux window/pane that makes emp3r0r CC's interface

func TmuxNewPane

func TmuxNewPane(title, hV string, target_pane_id string, size int, cmd string) (pane *Emp3r0rPane, err error)

TmuxNewPane split tmux window, and run command in the new pane hV: horizontal or vertical split target_pane: target_pane tmux index, split this pane size: percentage, do not append %

func (*Emp3r0rPane) ClearPane

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) ClearPane() (err error)

func (*Emp3r0rPane) KillPane

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) KillPane() (err error)

func (*Emp3r0rPane) PaneDetails

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) PaneDetails() (
	is_alive bool,
	title string,
	tty string,
	pid int,
	cmd string,
	width int,
	height int)

PaneDetails Get details of a tmux pane

func (*Emp3r0rPane) Printf

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) Printf(clear bool, format string, a ...interface{})

Printf like printf, but prints to a tmux pane/window id: pane unique id

func (*Emp3r0rPane) ResizePane

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) ResizePane(direction string, lines int) (err error)

ResizePane resize pane in x/y to number of lines

func (*Emp3r0rPane) Respawn

func (pane *Emp3r0rPane) Respawn() (err error)

type LabeledAgent

type LabeledAgent struct {
	Tag   string `json:"tag"`
	Label string `json:"label"`

type ModConfig

type ModConfig struct {
	Name          string `json:"name"`        // Display as this name
	Exec          string `json:"exec"`        // Run this executable file
	Platform      string `json:"platform"`    // targeting which OS? Linux/Windows
	IsInteractive bool   `json:"interactive"` // whether run as a shell or not, eg. python, bettercap
	Author        string `json:"author"`      // by whom
	Date          string `json:"date"`        // when did you write it
	Comment       string `json:"comment"`     // describe your module in one line
	Path          string `json:"path"`        // where is this module stored? eg. ~/.emp3r0r/modules

	// option: [value, help]
	// eg.
	// "option you see in emp3r0r console": ["a parameter of your module", "describe how to use this parameter"]
	Options map[string][]string `json:"options"`

ModConfig config.json of a module Example

    "name": "LES",
    "exec": "",
    "platform": "Linux",
    "interactive": false,
    "author": "jm33-ng",
    "date": "2022-01-12",
    "comment": "",
    "options": {
        "args": ["--checksec", "run with this commandline arg"]

type Option

type Option struct {
	Name string   // like `module`, `target`, `cmd_to_exec`
	Val  string   // the value to use
	Vals []string // possible values

Option all necessary info of an option

type PortFwdSession

type PortFwdSession struct {
	Protocol    string       // TCP or UDP
	Lport       string       // listen_port
	To          string       // to address
	Description string       // fmt.Sprintf("%s (Local) -> %s (Agent)", listenPort, to_addr)
	Reverse     bool         // from agent to cc or cc to agent
	Listener    *net.UDPConn // if mapping is UDP, we need its listener
	Timeout     int          // timeout in seconds

	Agent  *emp3r0r_data.AgentSystemInfo // agent who holds this port mapping session
	Sh     map[string]*StreamHandler     // related to HTTP handler
	Ctx    context.Context               // PortFwd context
	Cancel context.CancelFunc            // PortFwd cancel

PortFwdSession holds controller interface of a port-fwd session

func (*PortFwdSession) InitReversedPortFwd

func (pf *PortFwdSession) InitReversedPortFwd() (err error)

InitReversedPortFwd send portfwd command to agent and set up a reverse port mapping

func (*PortFwdSession) RunPortFwd

func (pf *PortFwdSession) RunPortFwd() (err error)

RunPortFwd forward from ccPort to dstPort on agent, via h2conn as if the dstPort is listening on CC machine

func (*PortFwdSession) RunReversedPortFwd

func (pf *PortFwdSession) RunReversedPortFwd(sh *StreamHandler) (err error)

RunReversedPortFwd expose service on CC side to agent, via h2conn as if the service is listening on agent machine

type StreamHandler

type StreamHandler struct {
	H2x     *emp3r0r_data.H2Conn // h2conn with context
	Buf     chan []byte          // buffer for receiving data
	Token   string               // token string, for agent auth
	BufSize int                  // buffer size for reverse shell should be 1

StreamHandler allow the http handler to use H2Conn

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL