CoffeeMachine Rest API and Console APP implementation in GoLang used for learning GoLang and some devops techniques.
Endpoints and Commands
Endpoints V3 REST API version CoffeeMachine has endpoint:
Administrator endpoints are protected with Bearer token that you can get with /coffeemachine/login endpoint
with login from pre-seeded account at startup from config.yaml
CoffeeMachine has endpoint (L means locked behind bearer token):
- to get bearer token used in authorized only endpoints
- /coffeemachine/login
- for initializing
- /coffeemachine L
- for checking status of ingredient and updating Ingredient model
- /coffeemachine/ingredient L
- for checking status of money and updating money based on Denomination model
- /coffeemachine/money L
- for checking all available drinks, adding them and consuming them
- /coffeemachine/drinks
- utility
- /metrics
- for statistics of application
- /coffeemachine/statistics L
- for statistics of coffeemachine
- /coffeemachine/health
- for liveness probe
- /coffeemachine/swagger/index.html swagger endpoint in restapiv3
Console APP version CoffeeMachine has command structure:
- for initializing
- coffeemachine subcommand
- for checking status of ingredient and updating Ingredient model
- ingredient subcommand
- for checking status of money and updating money based on Denomination model
- money subcommand
- for checking all available drinks, adding them and consuming them
- drinks subcommand
Running CoffeeMachineRestApi
Config structure
example for docker:
type: "postgresql"
host: ""
user: "postgres"
password: "password"
port: "5432"
parameters: "sslmode=disable TimeZone=Europe/Zagreb"
dbname_ingredient: "ingredient"
dbname_denomination: "denomination"
dbname_drinks: "drinks"
initialized: "false"
level: "debug"
username: "admin"
password: "mypass"
Dockerfile is in deployments/apiVersion/Dockerfile
Run BuildDocker.ps1 in api folder to automatically build docker image - if you previously set: "Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted" or just run BuildDocker.bat
After that you can run this docker image for example on some other port like this:
docker run -p 3000:3000 --env auth_password=newpass
restapiv3.0 is running in production mode by default
Docker Compose
Docker Compose file is set in deployment/DockerCompose
Edit .env file to change variables from docker-compose file and then to run in detached mode run first command and to stop second command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml down
More in in DockerCompose folder
HELM chart
CoffeeMachineChart is Kubernetes set of yamls with own rules how to deploy to local or external cluster. Edit HELM/CoffeeMachineChart/values.yaml for more options and run or delete release with:
helm install my-release .
helm delete my-release
More in in HELM/CoffeeMachineChart folder
Same is for CoffeeMachineRestApiV1 and CoffeeMachineRestApiV3
Run command in cmd/CoffeeMachineRestApi
go build -o coffeeMachine.exe main.go
and run coffeeMachine.exe
API is running in localhost:3000
(port will be customizable in future refactor)
Postman collection can be used for testing or just go to swagger endpoint in CoffeeMachineRestApiV3.
Metrics endpoint is exposed on /metrics
Health endpoint is exposed on /coffeemachine/health
Logging level can be set with environment variable "LOG_LEVEL" in runtime
Running CoffeeMachineConsole
Run command in cmd/CoffeeMachineConsoleV1 or cmd/CoffeeMachineConsoleV3
go build -o coffeeMachine.exe main.go
and run coffeeMachine.exe
APP is running in local a console, commands are shown in console (or from help command in v3)
and example jsons for commands can be taken from postman collection
Models for V3 - DBModels have additional info and are backwards compatible.
Older models are still used because of in-memory part of V3 API and older models are for frontend REST API itself.
DB models uses additional GORM fields and have tenantName and Name field.
Models have tests inside their folder/package which can be run with command:
go test internal\models
//model used for initializing machine
cofeeMachineController struct {
Ingredients models.Ingredient
Money models.Denomination
//model used for adding Ingredient to the machine and internally consuming it
type Ingredient struct {
Water int
Milk int
Sugar int
CoffeeBeans int
TeaBeans int
Cups int
//model used for adding drinks
Drink struct {
Water int
Milk int
Sugar int
CoffeeBeans int
TeaBeans int
Cups int
Money float64
//model used for updating money and consuming drink
Denomination struct {
Half int
One int
Two int
Five int
Ten int
Total float64
With low usage max MEM usage is around 30Mi and up to 1% CPU. GC doesnt seem to be active on low usage.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details or check LICENSE
file in root of this repository.