
v0.4.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 9, 2021 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// StateChangeMove represents a move of the x and y for the mouse.
	ChangeTypeMove = "MOVE"
	// StateChangeDrag represents a move of the x and y for the mouse when clicked.
	ChangeTypeDrag = "DRAG"
	// ChangeTypeClick indicates that the stylus is touching the tablet.
	ChangeTypeClick = "CLICK"
	// ChangeTypeUnclick indicates the stylus is no longer touching the tablet.
	ChangeTypeUnclick = "UNCLICK"
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const (
	EV_VERSION                   = 0x010001
	ID_BUS                       = 0
	ID_VENDOR                    = 1
	ID_PRODUCT                   = 2
	ID_VERSION                   = 3
	BUS_PCI                      = 0x01
	BUS_ISAPNP                   = 0x02
	BUS_USB                      = 0x03
	BUS_HIL                      = 0x04
	BUS_BLUETOOTH                = 0x05
	BUS_VIRTUAL                  = 0x06
	BUS_ISA                      = 0x10
	BUS_I8042                    = 0x11
	BUS_XTKBD                    = 0x12
	BUS_RS232                    = 0x13
	BUS_GAMEPORT                 = 0x14
	BUS_PARPORT                  = 0x15
	BUS_AMIGA                    = 0x16
	BUS_ADB                      = 0x17
	BUS_I2C                      = 0x18
	BUS_HOST                     = 0x19
	BUS_GSC                      = 0x1A
	BUS_ATARI                    = 0x1B
	BUS_SPI                      = 0x1C
	BUS_RMI                      = 0x1D
	BUS_CEC                      = 0x1E
	BUS_INTEL_ISHTP              = 0x1F
	FF_STATUS_STOPPED            = 0x00
	FF_STATUS_PLAYING            = 0x01
	FF_STATUS_MAX                = 0x01
	FF_RUMBLE                    = 0x50
	FF_PERIODIC                  = 0x51
	FF_CONSTANT                  = 0x52
	FF_SPRING                    = 0x53
	FF_FRICTION                  = 0x54
	FF_DAMPER                    = 0x55
	FF_INERTIA                   = 0x56
	FF_RAMP                      = 0x57
	FF_EFFECT_MIN                = FF_RUMBLE
	FF_EFFECT_MAX                = FF_RAMP
	FF_SQUARE                    = 0x58
	FF_TRIANGLE                  = 0x59
	FF_SINE                      = 0x5a
	FF_SAW_UP                    = 0x5b
	FF_SAW_DOWN                  = 0x5c
	FF_CUSTOM                    = 0x5d
	FF_GAIN                      = 0x60
	FF_AUTOCENTER                = 0x61
	FF_MAX_EFFECTS               = FF_GAIN
	FF_MAX                       = 0x7f
	EV_SYN                       = 0x00
	EV_KEY                       = 0x01
	EV_REL                       = 0x02
	EV_ABS                       = 0x03
	EV_MSC                       = 0x04
	EV_SW                        = 0x05
	EV_LED                       = 0x11
	EV_SND                       = 0x12
	EV_REP                       = 0x14
	EV_FF                        = 0x15
	EV_PWR                       = 0x16
	EV_FF_STATUS                 = 0x17
	EV_MAX                       = 0x1f
	SYN_REPORT                   = 0
	SYN_CONFIG                   = 1
	SYN_MT_REPORT                = 2
	SYN_DROPPED                  = 3
	SYN_MAX                      = 0xf
	KEY_RESERVED                 = 0
	KEY_ESC                      = 1
	KEY_1                        = 2
	KEY_2                        = 3
	KEY_3                        = 4
	KEY_4                        = 5
	KEY_5                        = 6
	KEY_6                        = 7
	KEY_7                        = 8
	KEY_8                        = 9
	KEY_9                        = 10
	KEY_0                        = 11
	KEY_MINUS                    = 12
	KEY_EQUAL                    = 13
	KEY_BACKSPACE                = 14
	KEY_TAB                      = 15
	KEY_Q                        = 16
	KEY_W                        = 17
	KEY_E                        = 18
	KEY_R                        = 19
	KEY_T                        = 20
	KEY_Y                        = 21
	KEY_U                        = 22
	KEY_I                        = 23
	KEY_O                        = 24
	KEY_P                        = 25
	KEY_LEFTBRACE                = 26
	KEY_RIGHTBRACE               = 27
	KEY_ENTER                    = 28
	KEY_LEFTCTRL                 = 29
	KEY_A                        = 30
	KEY_S                        = 31
	KEY_D                        = 32
	KEY_F                        = 33
	KEY_G                        = 34
	KEY_H                        = 35
	KEY_J                        = 36
	KEY_K                        = 37
	KEY_L                        = 38
	KEY_SEMICOLON                = 39
	KEY_APOSTROPHE               = 40
	KEY_GRAVE                    = 41
	KEY_LEFTSHIFT                = 42
	KEY_BACKSLASH                = 43
	KEY_Z                        = 44
	KEY_X                        = 45
	KEY_C                        = 46
	KEY_V                        = 47
	KEY_B                        = 48
	KEY_N                        = 49
	KEY_M                        = 50
	KEY_COMMA                    = 51
	KEY_DOT                      = 52
	KEY_SLASH                    = 53
	KEY_RIGHTSHIFT               = 54
	KEY_KPASTERISK               = 55
	KEY_LEFTALT                  = 56
	KEY_SPACE                    = 57
	KEY_CAPSLOCK                 = 58
	KEY_F1                       = 59
	KEY_F2                       = 60
	KEY_F3                       = 61
	KEY_F4                       = 62
	KEY_F5                       = 63
	KEY_F6                       = 64
	KEY_F7                       = 65
	KEY_F8                       = 66
	KEY_F9                       = 67
	KEY_F10                      = 68
	KEY_NUMLOCK                  = 69
	KEY_SCROLLLOCK               = 70
	KEY_KP7                      = 71
	KEY_KP8                      = 72
	KEY_KP9                      = 73
	KEY_KPMINUS                  = 74
	KEY_KP4                      = 75
	KEY_KP5                      = 76
	KEY_KP6                      = 77
	KEY_KPPLUS                   = 78
	KEY_KP1                      = 79
	KEY_KP2                      = 80
	KEY_KP3                      = 81
	KEY_KP0                      = 82
	KEY_KPDOT                    = 83
	KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU           = 85
	KEY_102ND                    = 86
	KEY_F11                      = 87
	KEY_F12                      = 88
	KEY_RO                       = 89
	KEY_KATAKANA                 = 90
	KEY_HIRAGANA                 = 91
	KEY_HENKAN                   = 92
	KEY_MUHENKAN                 = 94
	KEY_KPJPCOMMA                = 95
	KEY_KPENTER                  = 96
	KEY_RIGHTCTRL                = 97
	KEY_KPSLASH                  = 98
	KEY_SYSRQ                    = 99
	KEY_RIGHTALT                 = 100
	KEY_LINEFEED                 = 101
	KEY_HOME                     = 102
	KEY_UP                       = 103
	KEY_PAGEUP                   = 104
	KEY_LEFT                     = 105
	KEY_RIGHT                    = 106
	KEY_END                      = 107
	KEY_DOWN                     = 108
	KEY_PAGEDOWN                 = 109
	KEY_INSERT                   = 110
	KEY_DELETE                   = 111
	KEY_MACRO                    = 112
	KEY_MUTE                     = 113
	KEY_VOLUMEDOWN               = 114
	KEY_VOLUMEUP                 = 115
	KEY_POWER                    = 116
	KEY_KPEQUAL                  = 117
	KEY_KPPLUSMINUS              = 118
	KEY_PAUSE                    = 119
	KEY_SCALE                    = 120
	KEY_KPCOMMA                  = 121
	KEY_HANGEUL                  = 122
	KEY_HANGUEL                  = KEY_HANGEUL
	KEY_HANJA                    = 123
	KEY_YEN                      = 124
	KEY_LEFTMETA                 = 125
	KEY_RIGHTMETA                = 126
	KEY_COMPOSE                  = 127
	KEY_STOP                     = 128
	KEY_AGAIN                    = 129
	KEY_PROPS                    = 130
	KEY_UNDO                     = 131
	KEY_FRONT                    = 132
	KEY_COPY                     = 133
	KEY_OPEN                     = 134
	KEY_PASTE                    = 135
	KEY_FIND                     = 136
	KEY_CUT                      = 137
	KEY_HELP                     = 138
	KEY_MENU                     = 139
	KEY_CALC                     = 140
	KEY_SETUP                    = 141
	KEY_SLEEP                    = 142
	KEY_WAKEUP                   = 143
	KEY_FILE                     = 144
	KEY_SENDFILE                 = 145
	KEY_DELETEFILE               = 146
	KEY_XFER                     = 147
	KEY_PROG1                    = 148
	KEY_PROG2                    = 149
	KEY_WWW                      = 150
	KEY_MSDOS                    = 151
	KEY_COFFEE                   = 152
	KEY_ROTATE_DISPLAY           = 153
	KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS             = 154
	KEY_MAIL                     = 155
	KEY_BOOKMARKS                = 156
	KEY_COMPUTER                 = 157
	KEY_BACK                     = 158
	KEY_FORWARD                  = 159
	KEY_CLOSECD                  = 160
	KEY_EJECTCD                  = 161
	KEY_EJECTCLOSECD             = 162
	KEY_NEXTSONG                 = 163
	KEY_PLAYPAUSE                = 164
	KEY_PREVIOUSSONG             = 165
	KEY_STOPCD                   = 166
	KEY_RECORD                   = 167
	KEY_REWIND                   = 168
	KEY_PHONE                    = 169
	KEY_ISO                      = 170
	KEY_CONFIG                   = 171
	KEY_HOMEPAGE                 = 172
	KEY_REFRESH                  = 173
	KEY_EXIT                     = 174
	KEY_MOVE                     = 175
	KEY_EDIT                     = 176
	KEY_SCROLLUP                 = 177
	KEY_SCROLLDOWN               = 178
	KEY_KPLEFTPAREN              = 179
	KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN             = 180
	KEY_NEW                      = 181
	KEY_REDO                     = 182
	KEY_F13                      = 183
	KEY_F14                      = 184
	KEY_F15                      = 185
	KEY_F16                      = 186
	KEY_F17                      = 187
	KEY_F18                      = 188
	KEY_F19                      = 189
	KEY_F20                      = 190
	KEY_F21                      = 191
	KEY_F22                      = 192
	KEY_F23                      = 193
	KEY_F24                      = 194
	KEY_PLAYCD                   = 200
	KEY_PAUSECD                  = 201
	KEY_PROG3                    = 202
	KEY_PROG4                    = 203
	KEY_DASHBOARD                = 204
	KEY_SUSPEND                  = 205
	KEY_CLOSE                    = 206
	KEY_PLAY                     = 207
	KEY_FASTFORWARD              = 208
	KEY_BASSBOOST                = 209
	KEY_PRINT                    = 210
	KEY_HP                       = 211
	KEY_CAMERA                   = 212
	KEY_SOUND                    = 213
	KEY_QUESTION                 = 214
	KEY_EMAIL                    = 215
	KEY_CHAT                     = 216
	KEY_SEARCH                   = 217
	KEY_CONNECT                  = 218
	KEY_FINANCE                  = 219
	KEY_SPORT                    = 220
	KEY_SHOP                     = 221
	KEY_ALTERASE                 = 222
	KEY_CANCEL                   = 223
	KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN           = 224
	KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP             = 225
	KEY_MEDIA                    = 226
	KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE           = 228
	KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN             = 229
	KEY_KBDILLUMUP               = 230
	KEY_SEND                     = 231
	KEY_REPLY                    = 232
	KEY_FORWARDMAIL              = 233
	KEY_SAVE                     = 234
	KEY_DOCUMENTS                = 235
	KEY_BATTERY                  = 236
	KEY_BLUETOOTH                = 237
	KEY_WLAN                     = 238
	KEY_UWB                      = 239
	KEY_UNKNOWN                  = 240
	KEY_VIDEO_NEXT               = 241
	KEY_VIDEO_PREV               = 242
	KEY_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO          = 244
	KEY_DISPLAY_OFF              = 245
	KEY_WWAN                     = 246
	KEY_WIMAX                    = KEY_WWAN
	KEY_RFKILL                   = 247
	KEY_MICMUTE                  = 248
	BTN_MISC                     = 0x100
	BTN_0                        = 0x100
	BTN_1                        = 0x101
	BTN_2                        = 0x102
	BTN_3                        = 0x103
	BTN_4                        = 0x104
	BTN_5                        = 0x105
	BTN_6                        = 0x106
	BTN_7                        = 0x107
	BTN_8                        = 0x108
	BTN_9                        = 0x109
	BTN_MOUSE                    = 0x110
	BTN_LEFT                     = 0x110
	BTN_RIGHT                    = 0x111
	BTN_MIDDLE                   = 0x112
	BTN_SIDE                     = 0x113
	BTN_EXTRA                    = 0x114
	BTN_FORWARD                  = 0x115
	BTN_BACK                     = 0x116
	BTN_TASK                     = 0x117
	BTN_JOYSTICK                 = 0x120
	BTN_TRIGGER                  = 0x120
	BTN_THUMB                    = 0x121
	BTN_THUMB2                   = 0x122
	BTN_TOP                      = 0x123
	BTN_TOP2                     = 0x124
	BTN_PINKIE                   = 0x125
	BTN_BASE                     = 0x126
	BTN_BASE2                    = 0x127
	BTN_BASE3                    = 0x128
	BTN_BASE4                    = 0x129
	BTN_BASE5                    = 0x12a
	BTN_BASE6                    = 0x12b
	BTN_DEAD                     = 0x12f
	BTN_GAMEPAD                  = 0x130
	BTN_SOUTH                    = 0x130
	BTN_A                        = BTN_SOUTH
	BTN_EAST                     = 0x131
	BTN_B                        = BTN_EAST
	BTN_C                        = 0x132
	BTN_NORTH                    = 0x133
	BTN_X                        = BTN_NORTH
	BTN_WEST                     = 0x134
	BTN_Y                        = BTN_WEST
	BTN_Z                        = 0x135
	BTN_TL                       = 0x136
	BTN_TR                       = 0x137
	BTN_TL2                      = 0x138
	BTN_TR2                      = 0x139
	BTN_SELECT                   = 0x13a
	BTN_START                    = 0x13b
	BTN_MODE                     = 0x13c
	BTN_THUMBL                   = 0x13d
	BTN_THUMBR                   = 0x13e
	BTN_DIGI                     = 0x140
	BTN_TOOL_PEN                 = 0x140
	BTN_TOOL_RUBBER              = 0x141
	BTN_TOOL_BRUSH               = 0x142
	BTN_TOOL_PENCIL              = 0x143
	BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH            = 0x144
	BTN_TOOL_FINGER              = 0x145
	BTN_TOOL_MOUSE               = 0x146
	BTN_TOOL_LENS                = 0x147
	BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP            = 0x148
	BTN_STYLUS3                  = 0x149
	BTN_TOUCH                    = 0x14a
	BTN_STYLUS                   = 0x14b
	BTN_STYLUS2                  = 0x14c
	BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP           = 0x14d
	BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP           = 0x14e
	BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP             = 0x14f
	BTN_WHEEL                    = 0x150
	BTN_GEAR_DOWN                = 0x150
	BTN_GEAR_UP                  = 0x151
	KEY_OK                       = 0x160
	KEY_SELECT                   = 0x161
	KEY_GOTO                     = 0x162
	KEY_CLEAR                    = 0x163
	KEY_POWER2                   = 0x164
	KEY_OPTION                   = 0x165
	KEY_INFO                     = 0x166
	KEY_TIME                     = 0x167
	KEY_VENDOR                   = 0x168
	KEY_ARCHIVE                  = 0x169
	KEY_PROGRAM                  = 0x16a
	KEY_CHANNEL                  = 0x16b
	KEY_FAVORITES                = 0x16c
	KEY_EPG                      = 0x16d
	KEY_PVR                      = 0x16e
	KEY_MHP                      = 0x16f
	KEY_LANGUAGE                 = 0x170
	KEY_TITLE                    = 0x171
	KEY_SUBTITLE                 = 0x172
	KEY_ANGLE                    = 0x173
	KEY_ZOOM                     = 0x174
	KEY_MODE                     = 0x175
	KEY_KEYBOARD                 = 0x176
	KEY_SCREEN                   = 0x177
	KEY_PC                       = 0x178
	KEY_TV                       = 0x179
	KEY_TV2                      = 0x17a
	KEY_VCR                      = 0x17b
	KEY_VCR2                     = 0x17c
	KEY_SAT                      = 0x17d
	KEY_SAT2                     = 0x17e
	KEY_CD                       = 0x17f
	KEY_TAPE                     = 0x180
	KEY_RADIO                    = 0x181
	KEY_TUNER                    = 0x182
	KEY_PLAYER                   = 0x183
	KEY_TEXT                     = 0x184
	KEY_DVD                      = 0x185
	KEY_AUX                      = 0x186
	KEY_MP3                      = 0x187
	KEY_AUDIO                    = 0x188
	KEY_VIDEO                    = 0x189
	KEY_DIRECTORY                = 0x18a
	KEY_LIST                     = 0x18b
	KEY_MEMO                     = 0x18c
	KEY_CALENDAR                 = 0x18d
	KEY_RED                      = 0x18e
	KEY_GREEN                    = 0x18f
	KEY_YELLOW                   = 0x190
	KEY_BLUE                     = 0x191
	KEY_CHANNELUP                = 0x192
	KEY_CHANNELDOWN              = 0x193
	KEY_FIRST                    = 0x194
	KEY_LAST                     = 0x195
	KEY_AB                       = 0x196
	KEY_NEXT                     = 0x197
	KEY_RESTART                  = 0x198
	KEY_SLOW                     = 0x199
	KEY_SHUFFLE                  = 0x19a
	KEY_BREAK                    = 0x19b
	KEY_PREVIOUS                 = 0x19c
	KEY_DIGITS                   = 0x19d
	KEY_TEEN                     = 0x19e
	KEY_TWEN                     = 0x19f
	KEY_VIDEOPHONE               = 0x1a0
	KEY_GAMES                    = 0x1a1
	KEY_ZOOMIN                   = 0x1a2
	KEY_ZOOMOUT                  = 0x1a3
	KEY_ZOOMRESET                = 0x1a4
	KEY_WORDPROCESSOR            = 0x1a5
	KEY_EDITOR                   = 0x1a6
	KEY_SPREADSHEET              = 0x1a7
	KEY_GRAPHICSEDITOR           = 0x1a8
	KEY_PRESENTATION             = 0x1a9
	KEY_DATABASE                 = 0x1aa
	KEY_NEWS                     = 0x1ab
	KEY_VOICEMAIL                = 0x1ac
	KEY_ADDRESSBOOK              = 0x1ad
	KEY_MESSENGER                = 0x1ae
	KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE            = 0x1af
	KEY_SPELLCHECK               = 0x1b0
	KEY_LOGOFF                   = 0x1b1
	KEY_DOLLAR                   = 0x1b2
	KEY_EURO                     = 0x1b3
	KEY_FRAMEBACK                = 0x1b4
	KEY_FRAMEFORWARD             = 0x1b5
	KEY_CONTEXT_MENU             = 0x1b6
	KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT             = 0x1b7
	KEY_10CHANNELSUP             = 0x1b8
	KEY_10CHANNELSDOWN           = 0x1b9
	KEY_IMAGES                   = 0x1ba
	KEY_DEL_EOL                  = 0x1c0
	KEY_DEL_EOS                  = 0x1c1
	KEY_INS_LINE                 = 0x1c2
	KEY_DEL_LINE                 = 0x1c3
	KEY_FN                       = 0x1d0
	KEY_FN_ESC                   = 0x1d1
	KEY_FN_F1                    = 0x1d2
	KEY_FN_F2                    = 0x1d3
	KEY_FN_F3                    = 0x1d4
	KEY_FN_F4                    = 0x1d5
	KEY_FN_F5                    = 0x1d6
	KEY_FN_F6                    = 0x1d7
	KEY_FN_F7                    = 0x1d8
	KEY_FN_F8                    = 0x1d9
	KEY_FN_F9                    = 0x1da
	KEY_FN_F10                   = 0x1db
	KEY_FN_F11                   = 0x1dc
	KEY_FN_F12                   = 0x1dd
	KEY_FN_1                     = 0x1de
	KEY_FN_2                     = 0x1df
	KEY_FN_D                     = 0x1e0
	KEY_FN_E                     = 0x1e1
	KEY_FN_F                     = 0x1e2
	KEY_FN_S                     = 0x1e3
	KEY_FN_B                     = 0x1e4
	KEY_BRL_DOT1                 = 0x1f1
	KEY_BRL_DOT2                 = 0x1f2
	KEY_BRL_DOT3                 = 0x1f3
	KEY_BRL_DOT4                 = 0x1f4
	KEY_BRL_DOT5                 = 0x1f5
	KEY_BRL_DOT6                 = 0x1f6
	KEY_BRL_DOT7                 = 0x1f7
	KEY_BRL_DOT8                 = 0x1f8
	KEY_BRL_DOT9                 = 0x1f9
	KEY_BRL_DOT10                = 0x1fa
	KEY_NUMERIC_0                = 0x200
	KEY_NUMERIC_1                = 0x201
	KEY_NUMERIC_2                = 0x202
	KEY_NUMERIC_3                = 0x203
	KEY_NUMERIC_4                = 0x204
	KEY_NUMERIC_5                = 0x205
	KEY_NUMERIC_6                = 0x206
	KEY_NUMERIC_7                = 0x207
	KEY_NUMERIC_8                = 0x208
	KEY_NUMERIC_9                = 0x209
	KEY_NUMERIC_STAR             = 0x20a
	KEY_NUMERIC_POUND            = 0x20b
	KEY_NUMERIC_A                = 0x20c
	KEY_NUMERIC_B                = 0x20d
	KEY_NUMERIC_C                = 0x20e
	KEY_NUMERIC_D                = 0x20f
	KEY_CAMERA_FOCUS             = 0x210
	KEY_WPS_BUTTON               = 0x211
	KEY_TOUCHPAD_TOGGLE          = 0x212
	KEY_TOUCHPAD_ON              = 0x213
	KEY_TOUCHPAD_OFF             = 0x214
	KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMIN            = 0x215
	KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMOUT           = 0x216
	KEY_CAMERA_UP                = 0x217
	KEY_CAMERA_DOWN              = 0x218
	KEY_CAMERA_LEFT              = 0x219
	KEY_CAMERA_RIGHT             = 0x21a
	KEY_ATTENDANT_ON             = 0x21b
	KEY_ATTENDANT_OFF            = 0x21c
	KEY_ATTENDANT_TOGGLE         = 0x21d
	KEY_LIGHTS_TOGGLE            = 0x21e
	BTN_DPAD_UP                  = 0x220
	BTN_DPAD_DOWN                = 0x221
	BTN_DPAD_LEFT                = 0x222
	BTN_DPAD_RIGHT               = 0x223
	KEY_ALS_TOGGLE               = 0x230
	KEY_BUTTONCONFIG             = 0x240
	KEY_TASKMANAGER              = 0x241
	KEY_JOURNAL                  = 0x242
	KEY_CONTROLPANEL             = 0x243
	KEY_APPSELECT                = 0x244
	KEY_SCREENSAVER              = 0x245
	KEY_VOICECOMMAND             = 0x246
	KEY_ASSISTANT                = 0x247
	KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MIN           = 0x250
	KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MAX           = 0x251
	KEY_RIGHT_UP                 = 0x266
	KEY_RIGHT_DOWN               = 0x267
	KEY_LEFT_UP                  = 0x268
	KEY_LEFT_DOWN                = 0x269
	KEY_ROOT_MENU                = 0x26a
	KEY_MEDIA_TOP_MENU           = 0x26b
	KEY_NUMERIC_11               = 0x26c
	KEY_NUMERIC_12               = 0x26d
	KEY_AUDIO_DESC               = 0x26e
	KEY_3D_MODE                  = 0x26f
	KEY_NEXT_FAVORITE            = 0x270
	KEY_STOP_RECORD              = 0x271
	KEY_PAUSE_RECORD             = 0x272
	KEY_VOD                      = 0x273
	KEY_UNMUTE                   = 0x274
	KEY_FASTREVERSE              = 0x275
	KEY_SLOWREVERSE              = 0x276
	KEY_DATA                     = 0x277
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY            = 0x2c0
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1           = 0x2c0
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2           = 0x2c1
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3           = 0x2c2
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4           = 0x2c3
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY5           = 0x2c4
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY6           = 0x2c5
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY7           = 0x2c6
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY8           = 0x2c7
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY9           = 0x2c8
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY10          = 0x2c9
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY11          = 0x2ca
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY12          = 0x2cb
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY13          = 0x2cc
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY14          = 0x2cd
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY15          = 0x2ce
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY16          = 0x2cf
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY17          = 0x2d0
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY18          = 0x2d1
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY19          = 0x2d2
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY20          = 0x2d3
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY21          = 0x2d4
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY22          = 0x2d5
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY23          = 0x2d6
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY24          = 0x2d7
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY25          = 0x2d8
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY26          = 0x2d9
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY27          = 0x2da
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY28          = 0x2db
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY29          = 0x2dc
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY30          = 0x2dd
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY31          = 0x2de
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY32          = 0x2df
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY33          = 0x2e0
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY34          = 0x2e1
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY35          = 0x2e2
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY36          = 0x2e3
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY37          = 0x2e4
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY38          = 0x2e5
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY39          = 0x2e6
	BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY40          = 0x2e7
	KEY_MAX                      = 0x2ff
	REL_X                        = 0x00
	REL_Y                        = 0x01
	REL_Z                        = 0x02
	REL_RX                       = 0x03
	REL_RY                       = 0x04
	REL_RZ                       = 0x05
	REL_HWHEEL                   = 0x06
	REL_DIAL                     = 0x07
	REL_WHEEL                    = 0x08
	REL_MISC                     = 0x09
	REL_MAX                      = 0x0f
	ABS_X                        = 0x00
	ABS_Y                        = 0x01
	ABS_Z                        = 0x02
	ABS_RX                       = 0x03
	ABS_RY                       = 0x04
	ABS_RZ                       = 0x05
	ABS_THROTTLE                 = 0x06
	ABS_RUDDER                   = 0x07
	ABS_WHEEL                    = 0x08
	ABS_GAS                      = 0x09
	ABS_BRAKE                    = 0x0a
	ABS_HAT0X                    = 0x10
	ABS_HAT0Y                    = 0x11
	ABS_HAT1X                    = 0x12
	ABS_HAT1Y                    = 0x13
	ABS_HAT2X                    = 0x14
	ABS_HAT2Y                    = 0x15
	ABS_HAT3X                    = 0x16
	ABS_HAT3Y                    = 0x17
	ABS_PRESSURE                 = 0x18
	ABS_DISTANCE                 = 0x19
	ABS_TILT_X                   = 0x1a
	ABS_TILT_Y                   = 0x1b
	ABS_TOOL_WIDTH               = 0x1c
	ABS_VOLUME                   = 0x20
	ABS_MISC                     = 0x28
	ABS_RESERVED                 = 0x2e
	ABS_MT_SLOT                  = 0x2f
	ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR           = 0x30
	ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR           = 0x31
	ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR           = 0x32
	ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR           = 0x33
	ABS_MT_ORIENTATION           = 0x34
	ABS_MT_POSITION_X            = 0x35
	ABS_MT_POSITION_Y            = 0x36
	ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE             = 0x37
	ABS_MT_BLOB_ID               = 0x38
	ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID           = 0x39
	ABS_MT_PRESSURE              = 0x3a
	ABS_MT_DISTANCE              = 0x3b
	ABS_MT_TOOL_X                = 0x3c
	ABS_MT_TOOL_Y                = 0x3d
	ABS_MAX                      = 0x3f
	SW_LID                       = 0x00
	SW_TABLET_MODE               = 0x01
	SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT          = 0x02
	SW_RFKILL_ALL                = 0x03
	SW_RADIO                     = SW_RFKILL_ALL
	SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT         = 0x04
	SW_DOCK                      = 0x05
	SW_LINEOUT_INSERT            = 0x06
	SW_VIDEOOUT_INSERT           = 0x08
	SW_CAMERA_LENS_COVER         = 0x09
	SW_KEYPAD_SLIDE              = 0x0a
	SW_FRONT_PROXIMITY           = 0x0b
	SW_ROTATE_LOCK               = 0x0c
	SW_LINEIN_INSERT             = 0x0d
	SW_MUTE_DEVICE               = 0x0e
	SW_PEN_INSERTED              = 0x0f
	SW_MAX                       = 0x0f
	MSC_SERIAL                   = 0x00
	MSC_PULSELED                 = 0x01
	MSC_GESTURE                  = 0x02
	MSC_RAW                      = 0x03
	MSC_SCAN                     = 0x04
	MSC_TIMESTAMP                = 0x05
	MSC_MAX                      = 0x07
	LED_NUML                     = 0x00
	LED_CAPSL                    = 0x01
	LED_SCROLLL                  = 0x02
	LED_COMPOSE                  = 0x03
	LED_KANA                     = 0x04
	LED_SLEEP                    = 0x05
	LED_SUSPEND                  = 0x06
	LED_MUTE                     = 0x07
	LED_MISC                     = 0x08
	LED_MAIL                     = 0x09
	LED_CHARGING                 = 0x0a
	LED_MAX                      = 0x0f
	REP_DELAY                    = 0x00
	REP_PERIOD                   = 0x01
	REP_MAX                      = 0x01
	SND_CLICK                    = 0x00
	SND_BELL                     = 0x01
	SND_TONE                     = 0x02
	SND_MAX                      = 0x07

Generated using Linux 5.0.0-31-generic x86_64. Generated at 2019-10-17T00:10:35-05:00. Generated from /usr/include/linux/input.h, /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h.

View Source
const (
	// DefaultTabletHeight is the standard max height value that can be measured
	// on a remarkable tablet. Height is the measure of the maximum x coordinate
	// value of the tablet screen. The tablet screen is actually oriented
	// horizontally with the origin in the upper left corner when the top of the
	// device (power button) is on the right. Note that this magic number value
	// is not documented anywhere but was discovered by printing out the X value
	// events from evdev and using the stylus to draw a line to the edge of the
	// device screen.
	DefaultTabletHeight = 15725
	// DefaultTabletWidth is the standard max width value that can be measured
	// on a remarkable tablet. Width is the measure of the maximum y coordinate
	// value of the tablet screen. The tablet screen is actually oriented
	// horizontally with the origin in the upper left corner when the top of the
	// device (power button) is on the right. Note that this magic number value
	// is not documented anywhere but was discovered by printing out the X value
	// events from evdev and using the stylus to draw a line to the edge of the
	// device screen.
	DefaultTabletWidth = 20967


View Source
var ABSMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "ABS_X", 0x01: "ABS_Y", 0x02: "ABS_Z", 0x03: "ABS_RX", 0x04: "ABS_RY", 0x05: "ABS_RZ", 0x06: "ABS_THROTTLE", 0x07: "ABS_RUDDER", 0x08: "ABS_WHEEL", 0x09: "ABS_GAS", 0x0a: "ABS_BRAKE", 0x10: "ABS_HAT0X", 0x11: "ABS_HAT0Y", 0x12: "ABS_HAT1X", 0x13: "ABS_HAT1Y", 0x14: "ABS_HAT2X", 0x15: "ABS_HAT2Y", 0x16: "ABS_HAT3X", 0x17: "ABS_HAT3Y", 0x18: "ABS_PRESSURE", 0x19: "ABS_DISTANCE", 0x1a: "ABS_TILT_X", 0x1b: "ABS_TILT_Y", 0x1c: "ABS_TOOL_WIDTH", 0x20: "ABS_VOLUME", 0x28: "ABS_MISC", 0x2e: "ABS_RESERVED", 0x2f: "ABS_MT_SLOT", 0x30: "ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR", 0x31: "ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR", 0x32: "ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR", 0x33: "ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR", 0x34: "ABS_MT_ORIENTATION", 0x35: "ABS_MT_POSITION_X", 0x36: "ABS_MT_POSITION_Y", 0x37: "ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE", 0x38: "ABS_MT_BLOB_ID", 0x39: "ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID", 0x3a: "ABS_MT_PRESSURE", 0x3b: "ABS_MT_DISTANCE", 0x3c: "ABS_MT_TOOL_X", 0x3d: "ABS_MT_TOOL_Y"}
View Source
var BTNMap = map[uint16]string{} /* 108 elements not displayed */
View Source
var BUSMap = map[uint16]string{0x01: "BUS_PCI", 0x02: "BUS_ISAPNP", 0x03: "BUS_USB", 0x04: "BUS_HIL", 0x05: "BUS_BLUETOOTH", 0x06: "BUS_VIRTUAL", 0x10: "BUS_ISA", 0x11: "BUS_I8042", 0x12: "BUS_XTKBD", 0x13: "BUS_RS232", 0x14: "BUS_GAMEPORT", 0x15: "BUS_PARPORT", 0x16: "BUS_AMIGA", 0x17: "BUS_ADB", 0x18: "BUS_I2C", 0x19: "BUS_HOST", 0x1A: "BUS_GSC", 0x1B: "BUS_ATARI", 0x1C: "BUS_SPI", 0x1D: "BUS_RMI", 0x1E: "BUS_CEC", 0x1F: "BUS_INTEL_ISHTP"}
View Source
var EVMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "EV_SYN", 0x01: "EV_KEY", 0x02: "EV_REL", 0x03: "EV_ABS", 0x04: "EV_MSC", 0x05: "EV_SW", 0x11: "EV_LED", 0x12: "EV_SND", 0x14: "EV_REP", 0x15: "EV_FF", 0x16: "EV_PWR", 0x17: "EV_FF_STATUS"}
View Source
var FFMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "FF_STATUS_STOPPED", 0x01: "FF_STATUS_PLAYING", 0x50: "FF_RUMBLE", 0x51: "FF_PERIODIC", 0x52: "FF_CONSTANT", 0x53: "FF_SPRING", 0x54: "FF_FRICTION", 0x55: "FF_DAMPER", 0x56: "FF_INERTIA", 0x57: "FF_RAMP", 0x58: "FF_SQUARE", 0x59: "FF_TRIANGLE", 0x5a: "FF_SINE", 0x5b: "FF_SAW_UP", 0x5c: "FF_SAW_DOWN", 0x5d: "FF_CUSTOM", 0x60: "FF_GAIN", 0x61: "FF_AUTOCENTER"}
View Source
var IDMap = map[uint16]string{0: "ID_BUS", 1: "ID_VENDOR", 2: "ID_PRODUCT", 3: "ID_VERSION"}
View Source
var KEYMap = map[uint16]string{} /* 435 elements not displayed */
View Source
var LEDMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "LED_NUML", 0x01: "LED_CAPSL", 0x02: "LED_SCROLLL", 0x03: "LED_COMPOSE", 0x04: "LED_KANA", 0x05: "LED_SLEEP", 0x06: "LED_SUSPEND", 0x07: "LED_MUTE", 0x08: "LED_MISC", 0x09: "LED_MAIL", 0x0a: "LED_CHARGING"}
View Source
var MSCMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "MSC_SERIAL", 0x01: "MSC_PULSELED", 0x02: "MSC_GESTURE", 0x03: "MSC_RAW", 0x04: "MSC_SCAN", 0x05: "MSC_TIMESTAMP"}
View Source
var RELMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "REL_X", 0x01: "REL_Y", 0x02: "REL_Z", 0x03: "REL_RX", 0x04: "REL_RY", 0x05: "REL_RZ", 0x06: "REL_HWHEEL", 0x07: "REL_DIAL", 0x08: "REL_WHEEL", 0x09: "REL_MISC"}
View Source
var REPMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "REP_DELAY", 0x01: "REP_PERIOD"}
View Source
var SNDMap = map[uint16]string{0x00: "SND_CLICK", 0x01: "SND_BELL", 0x02: "SND_TONE"}
View Source
View Source
var SYNMap = map[uint16]string{0: "SYN_REPORT", 1: "SYN_CONFIG", 2: "SYN_MT_REPORT", 3: "SYN_DROPPED"}


func CodeString

func CodeString(etype uint16, code uint16) string


type DraggingEvdevStateMachine added in v0.4.0

type DraggingEvdevStateMachine struct {

func (*DraggingEvdevStateMachine) Next added in v0.4.0

func (it *DraggingEvdevStateMachine) Next() bool

Next consumes from the raw event iterator until a new state is achieved.

type Driver

type Driver interface {
	MoveMouse(x int, y int) error
	DragMouse(x int, y int) error
	Click() error
	Unclick() error
	GetSize() (width int, height int, err error)

Driver is used to control a host system.

type EvdevEvent

type EvdevEvent struct {
	// Time of the event
	Time time.Time
	// Type is one of the EV_* named constants in evdevcodes.go
	Type uint16
	// Code is the relevant event constant from evdevcodes.go
	Code uint16
	// Numeric value of the event. Dependent on the event type.
	Value int32

EvdevEvent is a container type for raw evdev events. It is structured such that it can be used with the encoding/binary package to unmarshal raw events from the binary format.

type EvdevIterator

type EvdevIterator interface {
	// Next progresses the iterator. It returns false when there are no more
	// elements to iterate or when the iterator encountered an error.
	Next() bool
	// Current returns the active element of the iterator. This should only be
	// called if Next() returned a true.
	Current() EvdevEvent
	// Close must be called before discarding the iterator. If the iterator
	// exited cleanly then the error is nil. The error is non-nil if either the
	// iterator encountered an internal error and stopped early or if it failed
	// to close.
	Close() error

EvdevIterator represents a source of EvdevEvent instances. This is generally sourced from a /dev/input/event* file but may have alternative implementations for special use cases. For example, alternatives may be streaming events from a network source or replaying of static data for testing.

type EvdevStateMachine

type EvdevStateMachine struct {
	Iterator          EvdevIterator
	PressureThreshold int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EvdevStateMachine converts and EvdevIterator into significant state events.

func (*EvdevStateMachine) Close

func (it *EvdevStateMachine) Close() error

Close the underlying source and return any errors.

func (*EvdevStateMachine) Current

func (it *EvdevStateMachine) Current() StateChange

Current returns the iterator value.

func (*EvdevStateMachine) Next

func (it *EvdevStateMachine) Next() bool

Next consumes from the raw event iterator until a new state is achieved.

type FileEvdevIterator

type FileEvdevIterator struct {
	Source io.ReadCloser
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FileEvdevIterator implements the EvdevIterator interface by consuming from an io.ReadCloser.

func (*FileEvdevIterator) Close

func (it *FileEvdevIterator) Close() error

Close the underlying source and return any errors.

func (*FileEvdevIterator) Current

func (it *FileEvdevIterator) Current() EvdevEvent

Current returns the iterator value.

func (*FileEvdevIterator) Next

func (it *FileEvdevIterator) Next() bool

Next reads an event from the file source.

type FilteringEvdevIterator

type FilteringEvdevIterator struct {
	Wrapped EvdevIterator
	Filter  []uint16
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FilteringEvdevIterator reduces an iterator output to all but a selection of top-level event types.

func (*FilteringEvdevIterator) Close

func (it *FilteringEvdevIterator) Close() error

Close proxies to the wrapped instance.

func (*FilteringEvdevIterator) Current

func (it *FilteringEvdevIterator) Current() EvdevEvent

Current returns the active element.

func (*FilteringEvdevIterator) Next

func (it *FilteringEvdevIterator) Next() bool

Next continually calls the wrapped Next() until it either returns a value that matches the filter criteria or it returns a false.

type LeftPositionScaler

type LeftPositionScaler struct {
	TabletWidth  int
	TabletHeight int
	ScreenWidth  int
	ScreenHeight int

LeftPositionScaler converts points from a left-horizontally positioned tablet to a differently sized screen.

func (*LeftPositionScaler) ScalePosition

func (s *LeftPositionScaler) ScalePosition(x int, y int) (int, int)

ScalePosition resolves based on a hoizontal position of the tablet.

type PositionScaler

type PositionScaler interface {
	ScalePosition(x int, y int) (int, int)

PositionScaler implements scaling rules for converting x/y coordinates between differently sized screens.

type RightPositionScaler

type RightPositionScaler struct {
	TabletWidth  int
	TabletHeight int
	ScreenWidth  int
	ScreenHeight int

RightPositionScaler converts points from a right-horizontally positioned tablet to a differently sized screen.

func (*RightPositionScaler) ScalePosition

func (s *RightPositionScaler) ScalePosition(x int, y int) (int, int)

ScalePosition resolves based on a hoizontal position of the tablet.

type RobotgoDriver

type RobotgoDriver struct{}

RobotgoDriver implements Driver using the robotgo cgo library.

func (*RobotgoDriver) Click

func (*RobotgoDriver) Click() error

Click and hold the mouse button down.

func (*RobotgoDriver) DragMouse added in v0.4.0

func (*RobotgoDriver) DragMouse(x int, y int) error

DragMouse sets the mouse to a specified location while dragging a screen element.

func (*RobotgoDriver) GetSize

func (*RobotgoDriver) GetSize() (int, int, error)

GetSize returns the width and height of the host screen.

func (*RobotgoDriver) MoveMouse

func (*RobotgoDriver) MoveMouse(x int, y int) error

MoveMouse sets the mouse to a specified location.

func (*RobotgoDriver) Unclick

func (*RobotgoDriver) Unclick() error

Unclick and release the mouse button.

type Runtime

type Runtime struct {
	StateMachine   StateMachine
	PositionScaler PositionScaler
	Driver         Driver
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Runtime binds the various domain elements into an application.

func (*Runtime) Close

func (r *Runtime) Close() error

Close the runtime and any internal resources.

func (*Runtime) Next

func (r *Runtime) Next() bool

Next executes one step of the runtime loop.

type SelectingEvdevIterator

type SelectingEvdevIterator struct {
	Wrapped   EvdevIterator
	Selection []uint16
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SelectingEvdevIterator reduces an iterator output to a selection of top-level event types.

func (*SelectingEvdevIterator) Close

func (it *SelectingEvdevIterator) Close() error

Close proxies to the wrapped instance.

func (*SelectingEvdevIterator) Current

func (it *SelectingEvdevIterator) Current() EvdevEvent

Current returns the active element.

func (*SelectingEvdevIterator) Next

func (it *SelectingEvdevIterator) Next() bool

Next continually calls the wrapped Next() until it either returns a value that matches the selection criteria or it returns a false.

type StateChange

type StateChange interface {
	Type() string

StateChange is a type for switching on the kind of change in order to convert the generic change type into a specific change type.

type StateChangeClick

type StateChangeClick struct{}

StateChangeClick contains mouse click data.

func (*StateChangeClick) Type

func (*StateChangeClick) Type() string

Type returns the specific change type.

type StateChangeDrag added in v0.4.0

type StateChangeDrag struct {
	X int
	Y int

StateChangeDrag contains mouse movement data when clicked.

func (*StateChangeDrag) Type added in v0.4.0

func (*StateChangeDrag) Type() string

Type returns the specific change type.

type StateChangeMove

type StateChangeMove struct {
	X int
	Y int

StateChangeMove contains mouse movement data.

func (*StateChangeMove) Type

func (*StateChangeMove) Type() string

Type returns the specific change type.

type StateChangeUnclick

type StateChangeUnclick struct{}

StateChangeUnclick contains mouse click data.

func (*StateChangeUnclick) Type

func (*StateChangeUnclick) Type() string

Type returns the specific change type.

type StateMachine

type StateMachine interface {
	// Next progresses the iterator. It returns false when there are no more
	// elements to iterate or when the iterator encountered an error.
	Next() bool
	// Current returns the active element of the iterator. This should only be
	// called if Next() returned a true.
	Current() StateChange
	// Close must be called before discarding the iterator. If the iterator
	// exited cleanly then the error is nil. The error is non-nil if either the
	// iterator encountered an internal error and stopped early or if it failed
	// to close.
	Close() error

StateMachine is a specialized version of the EvdevIterator that only emits events on significant changes of the machine.

type VerticalPositionScaler

type VerticalPositionScaler struct {
	TabletWidth  int
	TabletHeight int
	ScreenWidth  int
	ScreenHeight int

VerticalPositionScaler converts points from a vertically positioned tablet to a differently sized screen.

func (*VerticalPositionScaler) ScalePosition

func (s *VerticalPositionScaler) ScalePosition(x int, y int) (int, int)

ScalePosition resolves based on a vertical position of the tablet.


Path Synopsis
Package main generates a Go source file that contains a mapping of all evdev codes by extracting them from the linux source code files.
Package main generates a Go source file that contains a mapping of all evdev codes by extracting them from the linux source code files.
Package robotgo Go native cross-platform system automation.
Package robotgo Go native cross-platform system automation.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL