This directory contains files and scripts for building custom Docker images that
are used in our demos.
Builds the buoyantio/helloworld
image, which provides a go script for running the hello and world services.
These two services function together to make a highly scalable, "hello world"
microservice (where the hello service, naturally, calls the world service to
complete its request). For more information, see:
Builds the buoyantio/jenkins-plus
image, which provides the base jenkins image, along with the kubectl and
namerctl binaries that we need, as well as additional plugins and a
pre-configured pipeline job that we can use to run blue-green deployments. For
more information, see:
Builds the buoyantio/nginx image,
which provides the base nginx image, along with pre-installed modules that are
useful when using nginx to proxy requests to linkerd. For more information, see:
The k8s-daemonset
examples make use of a
kubectl Docker container, hosted
in the buoyantio DockerHub repo. To build
this container yourself, follow the instructions in the
Kubernetes Repo.