
v0.0.0-...-ea047a2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 19, 2024 License: Apache-2.0


Eventing Controller


The Eventing Controller components contain reconcilers for various CRDs related to Eventing in Kyma:

  • Subscription reconciler, which lays down the Eventing infrastructure in Business Event Bus (BEB) or NATS
  • Backend reconciler, which updates the status of the currently active Eventing backend

For eventing in NATS mode, Eventing Controller also acts as a dispatcher. It converts messages received from NATS to POST requests and forwards them to the configured sinks.


  • Install ko, which is used to build and deploy the controller during local development.

  • Install Kubebuilder, which is the base framework for this controller (currently used version: 3.1).

  • Install Kustomize, which lets you customize raw, template-free yaml files during local development.

  • Install lint on the local environment:

    curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin
  1. Delete any existing deployment for Eventing Controller from the Kyma cluster, because it could interfere with the reconciliation process.

  2. Make sure the environment variables are set. The make target set-up-local-env uses default values. Change them as needed. If you want to push your images to Docker Hub, set the env variable KO_DOCKER_REPO to index.docker.io/<docker_id>.

  3. To verify all the manifests after the processing by Kustomize without applying them to the cluster, use the make target deploy-dry-run:

    make DOMAIN=custom-domain.com deploy-dry-run
  4. When everything is set up as you need it, run:

    make DOMAIN=custom-domain.com deploy


Environment Variables

The Eventing Controller expects the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Description
For both
APP_LOG_FORMAT The format of the Application logs.
APP_LOG_LEVEL The level of the Application logs.
BACKEND_CR_NAMESPACE The namespace of the Backend Resource (CR).
BACKEND_CR_NAME The name of the Backend Resource (CR).
PUBLISHER_IMAGE The image of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY The pull-policy of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_PORT_NUM The port number of the Event Publisher Proxy itself.
PUBLISHER_METRICS_PORT_NUM The port number of the Event Publisher Proxy metrics.
PUBLISHER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT The service account of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_REPLICAS The number of replicas of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_REQUESTS_CPU The CPU requests of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_REQUESTS_MEMORY The memory requests of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_LIMITS_CPU The CPU limits of the Event Publisher Proxy.
PUBLISHER_LIMITS_MEMORY The memory limits of the Event Publisher Proxy.
NATS_URL The URL for the NATS server.
EVENT_TYPE_PREFIX The event type prefix for the NATS and BEB backend.
MAX_IDLE_CONNS The maximum number of idle connections for the HTTP transport of the NATS backend.
MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST The maximum connections per host for the HTTP transport of the NATS backend.
MAX_IDLE_CONNS_PER_HOST The maximum idle connections per host for the HTTP transport of the NATS backend.
IDLE_CONN_TIMEOUT The idle timeout duration for the HTTP transport of the NATS backend.
DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT_MESSAGES The maximum idle "in-flight messages" sent by NATS to the sink without waiting for a response.
DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_RETRY_PERIOD The retry period for resending an event to a sink, if the sink doesn't return 2XX.
DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_MAX_RETRIES The maximum number of retries to send an event to a sink in case of errors.
For NATS JetStream
JS_STREAM_NAME The name of the stream where all events are stored.
JS_STREAM_STORAGE_TYPE The storage type of the stream: memory or file.
JS_STREAM_RETENTION_POLICY The policy to delete events from the stream: limits or interest. See NATS: Stream Limits, Retention, and Policy.
JS_STREAM_MAX_MSGS The maximum number of messages in the stream. Used only when storage policy is set to limits.
JS_STREAM_MAX_BYTES The maximum size of the stream in bytes. Used only when storage policy is set to limits.
JS_CONSUMER_DELIVER_POLICY The policy to deliver events to consumers from the stream. Supported values are: all, last, last_per_subject, and new. See NATS: DeliverPolicy.
TOKEN_ENDPOINT The Authentication Server Endpoint to provide Access Tokens.
WEBHOOK_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT The timeout duration used for webhook activation to acquire Access Tokens for Kyma.
WEBHOOK_TOKEN_ENDPOINT The Kyma public endpoint to provide Access Tokens.
EXEMPT_HANDSHAKE The exemption handshake switch of the subscription protocol settings.
QOS The quality of service setting of the subscription protocol settings.
CONTENT_MODE The content mode of the subscription protocol settings.
DOMAIN The Kyma cluster public domain.
Command Line Arguments

The additional command line arguments are:

Flag Description Default Value Backend
metrics-addr The TCP address that the controller binds to for serving Prometheus metrics. :8080 Both
health-probe-bind-addr The TCP address that the controller binds to for serving health probes. :8080 Both
ready-check-endpoint The endpoint of the readiness probe. readyz Both
health-check-endpoint The endpoint of the health probe. healthz Both
reconcile-period The period between triggering of reconciling calls (BEB). 10 minutes BEB
max-reconnects The maximum number of reconnection attempts (NATS). 10 NATS
reconnect-wait Wait time between reconnection attempts (NATS). 1 second NATS
  • To install the CustomResourceDefinitions in a cluster, run:

    make install
  • To uninstall the CustomResourceDefinitions in a cluster, run:

    make uninstall
  • To install the sample custom resources in a cluster, run:

    make install-samples
  • To uninstall the sample custom resources in a cluster, run:

    make uninstall-samples


Before a commit, check the code quality:

$ make check-code
Project Setup

Before running the Eventing Controller component, run the following command once to pull software dependencies and run tests:

make test
## To download dependencies only
make resolve-local
Generate Code During Local Development

If you want to know more about scaffolding code with Kubebuilder, read Simplified Builder-Based Scaffolding.

  1. To add new APIs using Kubebuilder CLI followed by generating boilerplate code, run the following script:

    kubebuilder create api --group batch --version v1 --kind CronJob
    make manifests
  2. Update fields in the spec of an existing CRD by modifying the Go file for the type, that is, api/version/<crd>_types.go. For example, to adjust the Subscriptions CRD, modify api/v1alpha1/subscriptions_types.go. After that, run the following command to generate boilerplate code:

    make manifests
  3. To use the newly generated CRDs, copy them to installation folders of Kyma:

    make copy-crds
  4. After updating fields for an existing CRD, add the necessary changes manually in the sample custom resources inside the folder config/samples/. For example, for subscriptions, update the fields manually in config/samples/eventing_v1alpha1_subscriptioncomponents/eventing-controller/config/crd/bases/eventing.kyma-project.io_subscriptions.yaml

  5. The Kubebuilder bootstrapped files have been reduced to the bare minimum. If you need one of these files later (for example, for a webhook), get them either from this PR or create a sample Kubebuilder project and copy all required files from there:

    kubebuilder init --domain kyma-project.io
Set Up the Environment
Start the Controller Locally

CAUTION: Running the Eventing Controller in local developer mode is currently broken and needs adoption of the latest changes.

  1. Set up port forwarding for the in-cluster NATS instance:

    kubectl port-forward -n kyma-system svc/eventing-nats 4222
  2. Export the following environment variables:

    ENV VAR Description Optional Default Value
    KUBECONFIG Path to a local kubeconfig file. yes ~/.kube/config
    NATS_URL URL of the NATS server. no nats.nats.svc.cluster.local
    EVENT_TYPE_PREFIX The event type prefix for the NATS and BEB backend. yes sap.kyma.custom
    WEBHOOK_TOKEN_ENDPOINT The Kyma public endpoint to provide Access Tokens. yes WEBHOOK_TOKEN_ENDPOINT
    DOMAIN Domain. yes example.com
    export  NATS_URL=nats://localhost:4222
  3. Run the Eventing Controller:

    make run
  4. To run the controller using your IDE, specify the buildtag local.

    NOTE: We currently support the buildtag local to avoid setting incorrect OwnerRefs in the PublisherProxy deployment when running the controller on a developer's machine. Essentially, the PublisherProxy deployment remains in the cluster although the controller is removed due to no OwnerRef in the PublisherProxy deployment.


Path Synopsis
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the eventing v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true +groupName=eventing.kyma-project.io
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the eventing v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true +groupName=eventing.kyma-project.io
Package v1alpha2 contains API Schema definitions for the eventing v1alpha2 API group.
Package v1alpha2 contains API Schema definitions for the eventing v1alpha2 API group.
Package cloudevent provides an abstraction over the cloudvent sdk.
Package cloudevent provides an abstraction over the cloudvent sdk.

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