Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AlignedCoverages(vid1, vid2 *WrappedTx) (uint64, uint64)
- func DisposeVertexArray256(arr []*WrappedTx)
- func IsPreferredMilestoneAgainstTheOther(vid1, vid2 *WrappedTx, preferYounger bool) bool
- func TTLDuration() time.Duration
- func VerticesLines(vertices []*WrappedTx, prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func WrappedOutputsShortLines(wOuts []WrappedOutput) *lines.Lines
- type Flags
- type FlagsPastCone
- type MutationStats
- type PastCone
- func (pc *PastCone) AddVirtuallyConsumedOutput(wOut WrappedOutput, stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) *WrappedOutput
- func (pc *PastCone) AppendPastCone(pcb *PastConeBase, getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader)
- func (pc *PastCone) Assertf(cond bool, format string, args ...any)
- func (pc *PastCone) BeginDelta()
- func (pc *PastCone) CalculateSlotInflation() (ret uint64)
- func (pc *PastCone) Check(stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) (conflict *WrappedOutput)
- func (pc *PastCone) CheckAndClean(stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) (conflict *WrappedOutput)
- func (pc *PastCone) CheckFinalPastCone(getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader) (err error)
- func (pc *PastCone) CloneForDebugOnly(env global.Logging, name string) *PastCone
- func (pc *PastCone) CommitDelta()
- func (pc *PastCone) ContainsUndefined() bool
- func (pc *PastCone) CoverageAndDelta() (coverage, delta uint64)
- func (pc *PastCone) DisposeAll()
- func (pc *PastCone) Flags(vid *WrappedTx) FlagsPastCone
- func (pc *PastCone) IsComplete() bool
- func (pc *PastCone) IsInTheState(vid *WrappedTx) (rooted bool)
- func (pc *PastCone) IsKnown(vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (pc *PastCone) IsKnownDefined(vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (pc *PastCone) LedgerCoverage() uint64
- func (pc *PastCone) Lines(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (pc *PastCone) LinesShort(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (pc *PastCone) MakeGraph() graph.Graph[string, string]
- func (pc *PastCone) MarkVertexKnown(vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (pc *PastCone) MustMarkVertexNotInTheState(vid *WrappedTx)
- func (pc *PastCone) Mutations(slot ledger.Slot) (muts *multistate.Mutations, stats MutationStats)
- func (pc *PastCone) NumVertices() int
- func (pc *PastCone) RollbackDelta()
- func (pc *PastCone) SaveGraph(fname string)
- func (pc *PastCone) SetBaseline(vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (pc *PastCone) SetFlagsDown(vid *WrappedTx, f FlagsPastCone)
- func (pc *PastCone) SetFlagsUp(vid *WrappedTx, f FlagsPastCone)
- func (pc *PastCone) Tip() *WrappedTx
- func (pc *PastCone) UnReferenceAll()
- func (pc *PastCone) UndefinedList() []*WrappedTx
- func (pc *PastCone) UndefinedListLines(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- type PastConeBase
- type Status
- type TxIDStatus
- type TxIDStatusJSONAble
- type UnwrapOptions
- type UnwrapOptionsForTraverse
- type Vertex
- func (v *Vertex) Dispose()
- func (v *Vertex) ForEachEndorsement(fun func(i byte, vidEndorsed *WrappedTx) bool)
- func (v *Vertex) ForEachInputDependency(fun func(i byte, vidInput *WrappedTx) bool)
- func (v *Vertex) GetConsumedOutput(i byte) (ret *ledger.Output)
- func (v *Vertex) InputLoaderByIndex(i byte) (*ledger.Output, error)
- func (v *Vertex) Lines(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (v *Vertex) MissingInputTxIDSet() set.Set[ledger.TransactionID]
- func (v *Vertex) MissingInputTxIDString() string
- func (v *Vertex) NumMissingInputs() (missingInputs int, missingEndorsements int)
- func (v *Vertex) ReferenceEndorsement(i byte, vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (v *Vertex) ReferenceInput(i byte, vid *WrappedTx) bool
- func (v *Vertex) SequencerInputIndex() byte
- func (v *Vertex) SetOfInputTransactions() set.Set[*WrappedTx]
- func (v *Vertex) StemInputIndex() byte
- func (v *Vertex) TimeSlot() ledger.Slot
- func (v *Vertex) UnReferenceDependencies()
- func (v *Vertex) ValidateConstraints(traceOption error
- func (v *Vertex) Wrap() *WrappedTx
- type VirtualTransaction
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) OutputAt(idx byte) (*ledger.Output, bool)
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullNeeded() bool
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullPatienceExpired(maxPullAttempts int) bool
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullRulesDefined() bool
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) SequencerOutputs() (*ledger.Output, *ledger.Output)
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) SetPullHappened(repeatAfter time.Duration)
- func (v *VirtualTransaction) SetPullNeeded()
- type WrappedOutput
- func (o *WrappedOutput) DecodeID() *ledger.OutputID
- func (o *WrappedOutput) IDHasFragment(frag string) bool
- func (o *WrappedOutput) IDShortString() string
- func (o *WrappedOutput) IsAvailable() (available bool)
- func (o *WrappedOutput) Lock() ledger.Lock
- func (o *WrappedOutput) LockName() string
- func (o *WrappedOutput) Output() (ret *ledger.Output)
- func (o *WrappedOutput) OutputWithID() *ledger.OutputWithID
- func (o *WrappedOutput) Slot() ledger.Slot
- func (o *WrappedOutput) Timestamp() ledger.Time
- func (o *WrappedOutput) ValidID() bool
- type WrappedTx
- func (vid *WrappedTx) AddConsumer(outputIndex byte, consumer *WrappedTx)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) BaselineBranch() (baselineBranch *WrappedTx)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Before(vid1 *WrappedTx) bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) ConsumersOf(outIdx byte) set.Set[*WrappedTx]
- func (vid *WrappedTx) ConvertToVirtualTx()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) ConvertVirtualTxToVertexNoLock(v *Vertex)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) DoPruningIfRelevant(nowis time.Time) (markedForDeletion, unreferencedPastCone bool, references uint32)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) EnsureOutputWithID(o *ledger.OutputWithID) (err error)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) FindChainOutput(chainID *ledger.ChainID) (ret *ledger.OutputWithID)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) FlagsNoLock() Flags
- func (vid *WrappedTx) FlagsUp(f Flags) bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) FlagsUpNoLock(f Flags) bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetAttachmentDepthNoLock() int
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetError() error
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetErrorNoLock() error
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverage() uint64
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageNoLock() *uint64
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageP() *uint64
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageString() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetPastConeNoLock() *PastConeBase
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetTxStatus() Status
- func (vid *WrappedTx) GetTxStatusNoLock() Status
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IDHasFragment(frag ...string) bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IDShortString() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IDVeryShort() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) InflationAmount() (ret uint64)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IsBadOrDeleted() bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IsBranchTransaction() bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IsContainingBranchOf(vid1 *WrappedTx, getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader) bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IsSequencerMilestone() bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) IsVirtualTx() (ret bool)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Lines(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (vid *WrappedTx) LinesNoLock(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (vid *WrappedTx) LinesTx(prefix ...string) *lines.Lines
- func (vid *WrappedTx) MustOutputAt(idx byte) *ledger.Output
- func (vid *WrappedTx) MustOutputWithIDAt(idx byte) (ret ledger.OutputWithID)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) MustReference()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) MustSequencerIDAndStemID() (seqID ledger.ChainID, stemID ledger.OutputID)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) NotConsumedOutputIndices(allConsumers set.Set[*WrappedTx]) []byte
- func (vid *WrappedTx) NumConsumers() (numConsumedOutputs, numConflictSets int)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) NumInputs() int
- func (vid *WrappedTx) NumProducedOutputs() int
- func (vid *WrappedTx) NumReferences() int
- func (vid *WrappedTx) OnPoke(fun func())
- func (vid *WrappedTx) OutputAt(idx byte) (*ledger.Output, error)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) OutputID(idx byte) (ret ledger.OutputID)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) OutputWithIDAt(idx byte) (ledger.OutputWithID, error)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) PanicAccessDeleted()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Poke()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) RUnwrap(opt UnwrapOptions)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Reference() bool
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SequencerIDStringVeryShort() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SequencerName() (ret string)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SequencerPredecessor() (ret *WrappedTx)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SequencerWrappedOutput() (ret WrappedOutput)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetAttachmentDepthNoLock(depth int)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetFlagsUpNoLock(f Flags)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetSequencerAttachmentFinished()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetTxStatusBad(reason error)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetTxStatusBadNoLock(reason error)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) SetTxStatusGood(pastCone *PastConeBase, coverage uint64)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) ShortString() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Slot() ledger.Slot
- func (vid *WrappedTx) StemWrappedOutput() (ret WrappedOutput)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) String() (ret string)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) StringNoLock() string
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Timestamp() ledger.Time
- func (vid *WrappedTx) TraversePastConeDepthFirst(opt UnwrapOptionsForTraverse, visited ...set.Set[*WrappedTx])
- func (vid *WrappedTx) UnReference()
- func (vid *WrappedTx) Unwrap(opt UnwrapOptions)
- func (vid *WrappedTx) UnwrapVirtualTx(unwrapFun func(v *VirtualTransaction))
- func (vid *WrappedTx) WithConsumersRLock(fun func())
- func (vid *WrappedTx) WrappedInputs() (ret []WrappedOutput)
Constants ¶
const ( FlagPastConeVertexKnown = FlagsPastCone(0b00000001) // each vertex of consideration has this flag on FlagPastConeVertexDefined = FlagsPastCone(0b00000010) // means vertex is 'defined', i.e. its validity is checked FlagPastConeVertexCheckedInTheState = FlagsPastCone(0b00000100) // means vertex has been checked if it is in the state (it may or may not be there) FlagPastConeVertexInTheState = FlagsPastCone(0b00001000) // means vertex is definitely in the state (must be checked before) FlagPastConeVertexEndorsementsSolid = FlagsPastCone(0b00010000) // means all endorsements were validated FlagPastConeVertexInputsSolid = FlagsPastCone(0b00100000) // means all consumed inputs are checked and valid FlagPastConeVertexAskedForPoke = FlagsPastCone(0b01000000) // )
const ( FlagVertexDefined = Flags(0b00000001) FlagVertexConstraintsValid = Flags(0b00000010) FlagVertexTxAttachmentStarted = Flags(0b00000100) FlagVertexTxAttachmentFinished = Flags(0b00001000) FlagVertexIgnoreAbsenceOfPastCone = Flags(0b00010000) )
const ( Undefined = Status(iota) Good Bad )
Variables ¶
var ErrDeletedVertexAccessed = errors.New("deleted vertex should not be accessed")
ErrDeletedVertexAccessed exception is raised by PanicAccessDeleted handler of RUnwrap vertex so that could be caught if necessary
Functions ¶
func AlignedCoverages ¶
AlignedCoverages shifts one of coverages, if necessary, so that to make them comparable
func DisposeVertexArray256 ¶
func DisposeVertexArray256(arr []*WrappedTx)
func IsPreferredMilestoneAgainstTheOther ¶
IsPreferredMilestoneAgainstTheOther returns if vid1 is strongly better than vid2 'better' means aligned coverage is bigger, or, if equal, transaction ID is smaller
func TTLDuration ¶
func WrappedOutputsShortLines ¶
func WrappedOutputsShortLines(wOuts []WrappedOutput) *lines.Lines
Types ¶
type FlagsPastCone ¶
type FlagsPastCone byte
func (FlagsPastCone) FlagsUp ¶
func (f FlagsPastCone) FlagsUp(fl FlagsPastCone) bool
func (FlagsPastCone) String ¶
func (f FlagsPastCone) String() string
type MutationStats ¶
type PastCone ¶
type PastCone struct { global.Logging *PastConeBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPastCone ¶
func (*PastCone) AddVirtuallyConsumedOutput ¶
func (pc *PastCone) AddVirtuallyConsumedOutput(wOut WrappedOutput, stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) *WrappedOutput
func (*PastCone) AppendPastCone ¶
func (pc *PastCone) AppendPastCone(pcb *PastConeBase, getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader)
AppendPastCone appends deterministic past cone to the current one. Does not check for conflicts
func (*PastCone) BeginDelta ¶
func (pc *PastCone) BeginDelta()
func (*PastCone) CalculateSlotInflation ¶
func (*PastCone) Check ¶
func (pc *PastCone) Check(stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) (conflict *WrappedOutput)
Check returns double-spent output (conflict), or nil if past cone is consistent The complexity is O(NxM) where N is number of vertices and M is average number of conflicts in the UTXO tangle Practically, it is linear wrt number of vertices because M is 1 or close to 1. for optimization, latest time value can be specified
func (*PastCone) CheckAndClean ¶
func (pc *PastCone) CheckAndClean(stateReader multistate.IndexedStateReader) (conflict *WrappedOutput)
CheckAndClean iterates past cone, checks for conflicts and removes those vertices which has consumers and all consumers are already in the state
func (*PastCone) CheckFinalPastCone ¶
func (pc *PastCone) CheckFinalPastCone(getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader) (err error)
CheckFinalPastCone check determinism consistency of the past cone If rootVid == nil, past cone must be fully deterministic
func (*PastCone) CloneForDebugOnly ¶
func (*PastCone) CommitDelta ¶
func (pc *PastCone) CommitDelta()
func (*PastCone) ContainsUndefined ¶
func (*PastCone) CoverageAndDelta ¶
func (*PastCone) DisposeAll ¶
func (pc *PastCone) DisposeAll()
func (*PastCone) Flags ¶
func (pc *PastCone) Flags(vid *WrappedTx) FlagsPastCone
func (*PastCone) IsComplete ¶
func (*PastCone) IsInTheState ¶
IsInTheState is definitely known it is in the state
func (*PastCone) IsKnownDefined ¶
func (*PastCone) LedgerCoverage ¶
func (*PastCone) MarkVertexKnown ¶
func (*PastCone) MustMarkVertexNotInTheState ¶
MustMarkVertexNotInTheState is marked definitely not rooted
func (*PastCone) Mutations ¶
func (pc *PastCone) Mutations(slot ledger.Slot) (muts *multistate.Mutations, stats MutationStats)
func (*PastCone) NumVertices ¶
func (*PastCone) RollbackDelta ¶
func (pc *PastCone) RollbackDelta()
func (*PastCone) SetBaseline ¶
func (*PastCone) SetFlagsDown ¶
func (pc *PastCone) SetFlagsDown(vid *WrappedTx, f FlagsPastCone)
func (*PastCone) SetFlagsUp ¶
func (pc *PastCone) SetFlagsUp(vid *WrappedTx, f FlagsPastCone)
func (*PastCone) UnReferenceAll ¶
func (pc *PastCone) UnReferenceAll()
func (*PastCone) UndefinedList ¶
type PastConeBase ¶
type PastConeBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPastConeBase ¶
func NewPastConeBase(baseline *WrappedTx) *PastConeBase
func (*PastConeBase) CloneImmutable ¶
func (pb *PastConeBase) CloneImmutable() *PastConeBase
func (*PastConeBase) Dispose ¶
func (pb *PastConeBase) Dispose()
func (*PastConeBase) Len ¶
func (pb *PastConeBase) Len() int
type TxIDStatus ¶
type TxIDStatus struct { ID ledger.TransactionID OnDAG bool InStorage bool VirtualTx bool Deleted bool Status Status Flags Flags Coverage *uint64 Err error }
func (*TxIDStatus) JSONAble ¶
func (s *TxIDStatus) JSONAble() (ret TxIDStatusJSONAble)
type TxIDStatusJSONAble ¶
type TxIDStatusJSONAble struct { ID string `json:"id"` OnDAG bool `json:"on_dag"` InStorage bool `json:"in_storage"` VirtualTx bool `json:"virtual_tx"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Status string `json:"status"` Flags byte `json:"flags"` Coverage uint64 `json:"coverage,omitempty"` Err error `json:"err"` }
func (*TxIDStatusJSONAble) Parse ¶
func (s *TxIDStatusJSONAble) Parse() (*TxIDStatus, error)
type UnwrapOptions ¶
type UnwrapOptions struct { Vertex func(v *Vertex) VirtualTx func(v *VirtualTransaction) Deleted func() }
type UnwrapOptionsForTraverse ¶
type UnwrapOptionsForTraverse struct { Vertex func(vidCur *WrappedTx, v *Vertex) bool VirtualTx func(vidCur *WrappedTx, v *VirtualTransaction) bool TxID func(txid *ledger.TransactionID) Deleted func(vidCur *WrappedTx) bool }
type Vertex ¶
type Vertex struct { Tx *transaction.Transaction Inputs []*WrappedTx Endorsements []*WrappedTx BaselineBranch *WrappedTx }
Vertex is a transaction with past cone dependencies
func New ¶
func New(tx *transaction.Transaction) (ret *Vertex)
func (*Vertex) ForEachEndorsement ¶
func (*Vertex) ForEachInputDependency ¶
func (*Vertex) GetConsumedOutput ¶
GetConsumedOutput return produced output, is available. Returns nil if unavailable for any reason
func (*Vertex) InputLoaderByIndex ¶
InputLoaderByIndex returns consumed output at index i or nil (if input is orphaned or inaccessible in the virtualTx)
func (*Vertex) MissingInputTxIDSet ¶
func (v *Vertex) MissingInputTxIDSet() set.Set[ledger.TransactionID]
MissingInputTxIDSet returns set of txids for the missing inputs and endorsements
func (*Vertex) MissingInputTxIDString ¶
func (*Vertex) NumMissingInputs ¶
func (*Vertex) ReferenceEndorsement ¶
func (*Vertex) ReferenceInput ¶
ReferenceInput puts new input and references it. If referencing fails, no change happens and returns false
func (*Vertex) SequencerInputIndex ¶
func (*Vertex) SetOfInputTransactions ¶
func (*Vertex) StemInputIndex ¶
func (*Vertex) UnReferenceDependencies ¶
func (v *Vertex) UnReferenceDependencies()
UnReferenceDependencies un-references all not nil inputs and endorsements and invalidates vertex structure
func (*Vertex) ValidateConstraints ¶
ValidateConstraints creates full transaction context from the (solid) vertex data and runs validation of all constraints in the context
type VirtualTransaction ¶
VirtualTransaction is a collection of produced outputs
func (*VirtualTransaction) OutputAt ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) OutputAt(idx byte) (*ledger.Output, bool)
OutputAt return output at the index and true, or nil, false if output is not available in the virtual tx
func (*VirtualTransaction) PullNeeded ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullNeeded() bool
func (*VirtualTransaction) PullPatienceExpired ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullPatienceExpired(maxPullAttempts int) bool
func (*VirtualTransaction) PullRulesDefined ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) PullRulesDefined() bool
func (*VirtualTransaction) SequencerOutputs ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) SequencerOutputs() (*ledger.Output, *ledger.Output)
SequencerOutputs returns <seq output>, <stem output> or respective nils
func (*VirtualTransaction) SetPullHappened ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) SetPullHappened(repeatAfter time.Duration)
SetPullHappened increases pull counter and sets nex pull deadline
func (*VirtualTransaction) SetPullNeeded ¶
func (v *VirtualTransaction) SetPullNeeded()
type WrappedOutput ¶
func (*WrappedOutput) DecodeID ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) DecodeID() *ledger.OutputID
func (*WrappedOutput) IDHasFragment ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) IDHasFragment(frag string) bool
func (*WrappedOutput) IDShortString ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) IDShortString() string
func (*WrappedOutput) IsAvailable ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) IsAvailable() (available bool)
func (*WrappedOutput) Lock ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) Lock() ledger.Lock
func (*WrappedOutput) LockName ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) LockName() string
func (*WrappedOutput) Output ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) Output() (ret *ledger.Output)
func (*WrappedOutput) OutputWithID ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) OutputWithID() *ledger.OutputWithID
func (*WrappedOutput) Slot ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) Slot() ledger.Slot
func (*WrappedOutput) Timestamp ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) Timestamp() ledger.Time
func (*WrappedOutput) ValidID ¶
func (o *WrappedOutput) ValidID() bool
type WrappedTx ¶
type WrappedTx struct { // immutable ID. It does not change with the change of the underlying wrapped vertex type ID ledger.TransactionID // sequencer ID not nil for sequencer transactions only. Once it is set not nil, it is immutable since. // It is set whenever transaction becomes available SequencerID atomic.Pointer[ledger.ChainID] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WrappedTx value of *WrappedTx is used as transaction identity on the UTXO tangle, a vertex Behind this identity can be wrapped usual vertex or virtual transactions
func GetVertexArray256 ¶
func WrapBranchDataAsVirtualTx ¶
func WrapBranchDataAsVirtualTx(branchData *multistate.BranchData) *WrappedTx
WrapBranchDataAsVirtualTx branch vertex immediately becomes 'good'
func WrapTxID ¶
func WrapTxID(txid ledger.TransactionID) *WrappedTx
WrapTxID creates VID with virtualTx which only contains txid. Also sets solidification deadline, after which IsPullDeadlineDue will start returning true The pull deadline will be dropped after transaction will become available and virtualTx will be converted to full vertex
func (*WrappedTx) AddConsumer ¶
AddConsumer stores consumer of the vid[outputIndex] consumed output. Function checkConflicts checks if new consumer conflicts with already existing ones
func (*WrappedTx) BaselineBranch ¶
BaselineBranch baseline branch of the vertex Will return nil for virtual transaction
func (*WrappedTx) ConvertToVirtualTx ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) ConvertToVirtualTx()
ConvertToVirtualTx detaches past cone and leaves only a collection of produced outputs
func (*WrappedTx) ConvertVirtualTxToVertexNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) DoPruningIfRelevant ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) DoPruningIfRelevant(nowis time.Time) (markedForDeletion, unreferencedPastCone bool, references uint32)
DoPruningIfRelevant either marks vertex deleted (counter = 0), or, if it already deleted (counter=0) with TTL matured, un-references its past cone this way helping to prune other older vertices This trick is necessary in order to avoid deadlock between global state of the memeDAG and the local state of the wrappedTx. When trying to modify both atomically will lead to deadlock
func (*WrappedTx) EnsureOutputWithID ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) EnsureOutputWithID(o *ledger.OutputWithID) (err error)
func (*WrappedTx) FindChainOutput ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) FindChainOutput(chainID *ledger.ChainID) (ret *ledger.OutputWithID)
func (*WrappedTx) FlagsNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) FlagsUpNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetAttachmentDepthNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetErrorNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverage ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageP ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetLedgerCoverageString ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetPastConeNoLock ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) GetPastConeNoLock() *PastConeBase
func (*WrappedTx) GetTxStatus ¶
func (*WrappedTx) GetTxStatusNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IDHasFragment ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IDShortString ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IDVeryShort ¶
func (*WrappedTx) InflationAmount ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IsBadOrDeleted ¶
IsBadOrDeleted non-deterministic
func (*WrappedTx) IsBranchTransaction ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IsContainingBranchOf ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) IsContainingBranchOf(vid1 *WrappedTx, getStateReader func() multistate.IndexedStateReader) bool
func (*WrappedTx) IsSequencerMilestone ¶
func (*WrappedTx) IsVirtualTx ¶
func (*WrappedTx) MustOutputWithIDAt ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) MustOutputWithIDAt(idx byte) (ret ledger.OutputWithID)
func (*WrappedTx) MustReference ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) MustReference()
func (*WrappedTx) MustSequencerIDAndStemID ¶
func (*WrappedTx) NotConsumedOutputIndices ¶
func (*WrappedTx) NumConsumers ¶
NumConsumers returns: - number of consumed outputs - number of conflict sets
func (*WrappedTx) NumProducedOutputs ¶
func (*WrappedTx) NumReferences ¶
func (*WrappedTx) OutputAt ¶
OutputAt return output at index, if available. err != nil indicates wrong index nil, nil means output not available, but no error (orphaned)
func (*WrappedTx) OutputWithIDAt ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) OutputWithIDAt(idx byte) (ledger.OutputWithID, error)
func (*WrappedTx) PanicAccessDeleted ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) PanicAccessDeleted()
func (*WrappedTx) RUnwrap ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) RUnwrap(opt UnwrapOptions)
func (*WrappedTx) Reference ¶
Reference increments reference counter for the vertex which is not deleted yet (counter > 0). It also updates TTL for the vertex
func (*WrappedTx) SequencerIDStringVeryShort ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SequencerName ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SequencerPredecessor ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SequencerWrappedOutput ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) SequencerWrappedOutput() (ret WrappedOutput)
func (*WrappedTx) SetAttachmentDepthNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SetFlagsUpNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SetSequencerAttachmentFinished ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) SetSequencerAttachmentFinished()
func (*WrappedTx) SetTxStatusBad ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SetTxStatusBadNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) SetTxStatusGood ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) SetTxStatusGood(pastCone *PastConeBase, coverage uint64)
SetTxStatusGood sets 'good' status and past cone
func (*WrappedTx) ShortString ¶
func (*WrappedTx) StemWrappedOutput ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) StemWrappedOutput() (ret WrappedOutput)
func (*WrappedTx) StringNoLock ¶
func (*WrappedTx) TraversePastConeDepthFirst ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) TraversePastConeDepthFirst(opt UnwrapOptionsForTraverse, visited ...set.Set[*WrappedTx])
TraversePastConeDepthFirst performs depth-first traverse of the MemDAG. Visiting once each node and calling vertex-type specific function if provided on each. If function returns false, the traverse is cancelled globally. The traverse stops at terminal dag. The vertex is terminal if it either is not-full vertex i.e. (booked, orphaned, deleted) or it belongs to 'visited' set If 'visited' set is provided at call, it is mutable. In the end it contains all initial dag plus all dag visited during the traverse
func (*WrappedTx) UnReference ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) UnReference()
UnReference decrements reference counter down to 1. It panics if counter value 1 is decremented because the value 0 is reserved for the deleted vertices (handled by DoPruningIfRelevant)
func (*WrappedTx) Unwrap ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) Unwrap(opt UnwrapOptions)
func (*WrappedTx) UnwrapVirtualTx ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) UnwrapVirtualTx(unwrapFun func(v *VirtualTransaction))
UnwrapVirtualTx calls callback only if it is virtualTx
func (*WrappedTx) WithConsumersRLock ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) WithConsumersRLock(fun func())
func (*WrappedTx) WrappedInputs ¶
func (vid *WrappedTx) WrappedInputs() (ret []WrappedOutput)