Index ¶
- func QAudioDecoder_Tr(s string) string
- func QAudioDecoder_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAudioDecoder_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAudioInput_Tr(s string) string
- func QAudioInput_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAudioInput_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAudioOutput_Tr(s string) string
- func QAudioOutput_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAudioOutput_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAudioSink_Tr(s string) string
- func QAudioSink_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAudioSink_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAudioSource_Tr(s string) string
- func QAudioSource_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAudioSource_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QCamera_Tr(s string) string
- func QCamera_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QCamera_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QGraphicsVideoItem_Tr(s string) string
- func QGraphicsVideoItem_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QGraphicsVideoItem_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QImageCapture_FileFormatDescription(c QImageCapture__FileFormat) string
- func QImageCapture_FileFormatName(c QImageCapture__FileFormat) string
- func QImageCapture_Tr(s string) string
- func QImageCapture_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QImageCapture_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QMediaCaptureSession_Tr(s string) string
- func QMediaCaptureSession_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QMediaCaptureSession_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QMediaDevices_Tr(s string) string
- func QMediaDevices_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QMediaDevices_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecDescription(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec) string
- func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecName(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec) string
- func QMediaFormat_FileFormatDescription(fileFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat) string
- func QMediaFormat_FileFormatName(fileFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat) string
- func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecDescription(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec) string
- func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecName(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec) string
- func QMediaMetaData_MetaDataKeyToString(k QMediaMetaData__Key) string
- func QMediaPlayer_Tr(s string) string
- func QMediaPlayer_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QMediaPlayer_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QMediaRecorder_Tr(s string) string
- func QMediaRecorder_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QMediaRecorder_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSoundEffect_SupportedMimeTypes() []string
- func QSoundEffect_Tr(s string) string
- func QSoundEffect_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QSoundEffect_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QVideoFrameFormat_ImageFormatFromPixelFormat(format QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat) qt6.QImage__Format
- func QVideoFrameFormat_PixelFormatToString(pixelFormat QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat) string
- func QVideoSink_Tr(s string) string
- func QVideoSink_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QVideoSink_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QVideoWidget_Tr(s string) string
- func QVideoWidget_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QVideoWidget_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWaveDecoder_HeaderLength() int64
- func QWaveDecoder_Tr(s string) string
- func QWaveDecoder_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWaveDecoder_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- type QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer() *QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer2(other *QAudioBuffer) *QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer3(data []byte, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer4(numFrames int, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer5(data []byte, format *QAudioFormat, startTime int64) *QAudioBuffer
- func NewQAudioBuffer6(numFrames int, format *QAudioFormat, startTime int64) *QAudioBuffer
- func UnsafeNewQAudioBuffer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioBuffer
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) ByteCount() int64
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) Detach()
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) Duration() int64
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) Format() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) FrameCount() int64
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) OperatorAssign(other *QAudioBuffer)
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) SampleCount() int64
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) StartTime() int64
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) Swap(other *QAudioBuffer)
- func (this *QAudioBuffer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QAudioDecoder
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) AudioFormat() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailable() bool
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailableChanged(param1 bool)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferReady()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Duration() int64
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) DurationChanged(duration int64)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Error() QAudioDecoder__Error
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) ErrorWithError(error QAudioDecoder__Error)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Finished()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) FormatChanged(format *QAudioFormat)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsDecoding() bool
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsDecodingChanged(param1 bool)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsSupported() bool
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnBufferAvailableChanged(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnBufferReady(slot func())
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnErrorWithError(slot func(error QAudioDecoder__Error))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnFinished(slot func())
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnFormatChanged(slot func(format *QAudioFormat))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnIsDecodingChanged(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnPositionChanged(slot func(position int64))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnSourceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Position() int64
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) PositionChanged(position int64)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Read() *QAudioBuffer
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetAudioFormat(format *QAudioFormat)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetSource(fileName *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetSourceDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Source() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SourceChanged()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) SourceDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Start()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) Stop()
- func (this *QAudioDecoder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QAudioDecoder__Error
- type QAudioDevice
- func NewQAudioDevice() *QAudioDevice
- func NewQAudioDevice2(other *QAudioDevice) *QAudioDevice
- func QMediaDevices_AudioInputs() []QAudioDevice
- func QMediaDevices_AudioOutputs() []QAudioDevice
- func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioInput() *QAudioDevice
- func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioOutput() *QAudioDevice
- func UnsafeNewQAudioDevice(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioDevice
- func (this *QAudioDevice) ChannelConfiguration() QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
- func (this *QAudioDevice) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioDevice) Description() string
- func (this *QAudioDevice) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioDevice) Id() []byte
- func (this *QAudioDevice) IsDefault() bool
- func (this *QAudioDevice) IsFormatSupported(format *QAudioFormat) bool
- func (this *QAudioDevice) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QAudioDevice) MaximumChannelCount() int
- func (this *QAudioDevice) MaximumSampleRate() int
- func (this *QAudioDevice) MinimumChannelCount() int
- func (this *QAudioDevice) MinimumSampleRate() int
- func (this *QAudioDevice) Mode() QAudioDevice__Mode
- func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorAssign(other *QAudioDevice)
- func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorEqual(other *QAudioDevice) bool
- func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorNotEqual(other *QAudioDevice) bool
- func (this *QAudioDevice) PreferredFormat() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioDevice) SupportedSampleFormats() []QAudioFormat__SampleFormat
- func (this *QAudioDevice) Swap(other *QAudioDevice)
- func (this *QAudioDevice) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QAudioDevice__Mode
- type QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesForDuration(microseconds int64) int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesForFrames(frameCount int) int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesPerFrame() int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesPerSample() int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelConfig() QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
- func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelCount() int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelOffset(channel QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition) int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioFormat) DurationForBytes(byteCount int) int64
- func (this *QAudioFormat) DurationForFrames(frameCount int) int64
- func (this *QAudioFormat) FramesForBytes(byteCount int) int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) FramesForDuration(microseconds int64) int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioFormat) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QAudioFormat) NormalizedSampleValue(sample unsafe.Pointer) float32
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SampleFormat() QAudioFormat__SampleFormat
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SampleRate() int
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SetChannelConfig(config QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig)
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SetChannelCount(channelCount int)
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SetSampleFormat(f QAudioFormat__SampleFormat)
- func (this *QAudioFormat) SetSampleRate(sampleRate int)
- func (this *QAudioFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition
- type QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
- type QAudioFormat__SampleFormat
- type QAudioInput
- func (this *QAudioInput) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioInput) Device() *QAudioDevice
- func (this *QAudioInput) DeviceChanged()
- func (this *QAudioInput) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioInput) IsMuted() bool
- func (this *QAudioInput) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAudioInput) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAudioInput) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioInput) MutedChanged(muted bool)
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnDeviceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnMutedChanged(slot func(muted bool))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAudioInput) OnVolumeChanged(slot func(volume float32))
- func (this *QAudioInput) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAudioInput) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAudioInput) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAudioInput) SetDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
- func (this *QAudioInput) SetMuted(muted bool)
- func (this *QAudioInput) SetVolume(volume float32)
- func (this *QAudioInput) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioInput) Volume() float32
- func (this *QAudioInput) VolumeChanged(volume float32)
- type QAudioOutput
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Device() *QAudioDevice
- func (this *QAudioOutput) DeviceChanged()
- func (this *QAudioOutput) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioOutput) IsMuted() bool
- func (this *QAudioOutput) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAudioOutput) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioOutput) MutedChanged(muted bool)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnDeviceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnMutedChanged(slot func(muted bool))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) OnVolumeChanged(slot func(volume float32))
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAudioOutput) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAudioOutput) SetDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) SetMuted(muted bool)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) SetVolume(volume float32)
- func (this *QAudioOutput) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioOutput) Volume() float32
- func (this *QAudioOutput) VolumeChanged(volume float32)
- type QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink() *QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink2(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice) *QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink3(format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink4(format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink5(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSink
- func NewQAudioSink6(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSink
- func UnsafeNewQAudioSink(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioSink
- func (this *QAudioSink) BufferSize() int64
- func (this *QAudioSink) BytesFree() int64
- func (this *QAudioSink) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioSink) ElapsedUSecs() int64
- func (this *QAudioSink) Error() QAudio__Error
- func (this *QAudioSink) Format() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioSink) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioSink) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QAudioSink) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAudioSink) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAudioSink) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnStateChanged(slot func(state QAudio__State))
- func (this *QAudioSink) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSink) ProcessedUSecs() int64
- func (this *QAudioSink) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAudioSink) Reset()
- func (this *QAudioSink) Resume()
- func (this *QAudioSink) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAudioSink) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAudioSink) SetBufferSize(bytes int64)
- func (this *QAudioSink) SetVolume(volume float64)
- func (this *QAudioSink) Start(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QAudioSink) Start2() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QAudioSink) State() QAudio__State
- func (this *QAudioSink) StateChanged(state QAudio__State)
- func (this *QAudioSink) Stop()
- func (this *QAudioSink) Suspend()
- func (this *QAudioSink) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioSink) Volume() float64
- type QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource() *QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource2(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice) *QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource3(format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource4(format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource5(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSource
- func NewQAudioSource6(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSource
- func UnsafeNewQAudioSource(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioSource
- func (this *QAudioSource) BufferSize() int64
- func (this *QAudioSource) BytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QAudioSource) Delete()
- func (this *QAudioSource) ElapsedUSecs() int64
- func (this *QAudioSource) Error() QAudio__Error
- func (this *QAudioSource) Format() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QAudioSource) GoGC()
- func (this *QAudioSource) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QAudioSource) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAudioSource) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAudioSource) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnStateChanged(slot func(state QAudio__State))
- func (this *QAudioSource) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAudioSource) ProcessedUSecs() int64
- func (this *QAudioSource) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAudioSource) Reset()
- func (this *QAudioSource) Resume()
- func (this *QAudioSource) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAudioSource) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAudioSource) SetBufferSize(bytes int64)
- func (this *QAudioSource) SetVolume(volume float64)
- func (this *QAudioSource) Start(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QAudioSource) Start2() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QAudioSource) State() QAudio__State
- func (this *QAudioSource) StateChanged(state QAudio__State)
- func (this *QAudioSource) Stop()
- func (this *QAudioSource) Suspend()
- func (this *QAudioSource) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAudioSource) Volume() float64
- type QAudio__Error
- type QAudio__State
- type QAudio__VolumeScale
- type QCamera
- func NewQCamera() *QCamera
- func NewQCamera2(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice) *QCamera
- func NewQCamera3(position QCameraDevice__Position) *QCamera
- func NewQCamera4(parent *qt6.QObject) *QCamera
- func NewQCamera5(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QCamera
- func NewQCamera6(position QCameraDevice__Position, parent *qt6.QObject) *QCamera
- func UnsafeNewQCamera(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCamera
- func (this *QCamera) ActiveChanged(param1 bool)
- func (this *QCamera) BrightnessChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) CameraDevice() *QCameraDevice
- func (this *QCamera) CameraDeviceChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) CameraFormat() *QCameraFormat
- func (this *QCamera) CameraFormatChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
- func (this *QCamera) ColorTemperature() int
- func (this *QCamera) ColorTemperatureChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) ContrastChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) CustomFocusPoint() *qt6.QPointF
- func (this *QCamera) CustomFocusPointChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) Delete()
- func (this *QCamera) Error() QCamera__Error
- func (this *QCamera) ErrorChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) ErrorOccurred(error QCamera__Error, errorString string)
- func (this *QCamera) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureCompensation() float32
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureCompensationChanged(param1 float32)
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureMode() QCamera__ExposureMode
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureModeChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureTime() float32
- func (this *QCamera) ExposureTimeChanged(speed float32)
- func (this *QCamera) FlashMode() QCamera__FlashMode
- func (this *QCamera) FlashModeChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) FlashReady(param1 bool)
- func (this *QCamera) FocusDistance() float32
- func (this *QCamera) FocusDistanceChanged(param1 float32)
- func (this *QCamera) FocusMode() QCamera__FocusMode
- func (this *QCamera) FocusModeChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) FocusPoint() *qt6.QPointF
- func (this *QCamera) FocusPointChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) GoGC()
- func (this *QCamera) HueChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) IsActive() bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsAvailable() bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsExposureModeSupported(mode QCamera__ExposureMode) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsFlashModeSupported(mode QCamera__FlashMode) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsFlashReady() bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsFocusModeSupported(mode QCamera__FocusMode) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsTorchModeSupported(mode QCamera__TorchMode) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsWhiteBalanceModeSupported(mode QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode) bool
- func (this *QCamera) IsoSensitivity() int
- func (this *QCamera) IsoSensitivityChanged(param1 int)
- func (this *QCamera) ManualExposureTime() float32
- func (this *QCamera) ManualExposureTimeChanged(speed float32)
- func (this *QCamera) ManualIsoSensitivity() int
- func (this *QCamera) ManualIsoSensitivityChanged(param1 int)
- func (this *QCamera) MaximumExposureTime() float32
- func (this *QCamera) MaximumIsoSensitivity() int
- func (this *QCamera) MaximumZoomFactor() float32
- func (this *QCamera) MaximumZoomFactorChanged(param1 float32)
- func (this *QCamera) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QCamera) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCamera) MinimumExposureTime() float32
- func (this *QCamera) MinimumIsoSensitivity() int
- func (this *QCamera) MinimumZoomFactor() float32
- func (this *QCamera) MinimumZoomFactorChanged(param1 float32)
- func (this *QCamera) OnActiveChanged(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QCamera) OnBrightnessChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnCameraDeviceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnCameraFormatChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QCamera) OnColorTemperatureChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QCamera) OnContrastChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QCamera) OnCustomFocusPointChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QCamera) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QCamera__Error, errorString string))
- func (this *QCamera) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QCamera) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QCamera) OnExposureCompensationChanged(slot func(param1 float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnExposureModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnExposureTimeChanged(slot func(speed float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnFlashModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnFlashReady(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QCamera) OnFocusDistanceChanged(slot func(param1 float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnFocusModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnFocusPointChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnHueChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnIsoSensitivityChanged(slot func(param1 int))
- func (this *QCamera) OnManualExposureTimeChanged(slot func(speed float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnManualIsoSensitivityChanged(slot func(param1 int))
- func (this *QCamera) OnMaximumZoomFactorChanged(slot func(param1 float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnMinimumZoomFactorChanged(slot func(param1 float32))
- func (this *QCamera) OnSaturationChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnSupportedFeaturesChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QCamera) OnTorchModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnWhiteBalanceModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QCamera) OnZoomFactorChanged(slot func(param1 float32))
- func (this *QCamera) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QCamera) SaturationChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QCamera) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QCamera) SetActive(active bool)
- func (this *QCamera) SetAutoExposureTime()
- func (this *QCamera) SetAutoIsoSensitivity()
- func (this *QCamera) SetCameraDevice(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice)
- func (this *QCamera) SetCameraFormat(format *QCameraFormat)
- func (this *QCamera) SetColorTemperature(colorTemperature int)
- func (this *QCamera) SetCustomFocusPoint(point *qt6.QPointF)
- func (this *QCamera) SetExposureCompensation(ev float32)
- func (this *QCamera) SetExposureMode(mode QCamera__ExposureMode)
- func (this *QCamera) SetFlashMode(mode QCamera__FlashMode)
- func (this *QCamera) SetFocusDistance(d float32)
- func (this *QCamera) SetFocusMode(mode QCamera__FocusMode)
- func (this *QCamera) SetManualExposureTime(seconds float32)
- func (this *QCamera) SetManualIsoSensitivity(iso int)
- func (this *QCamera) SetTorchMode(mode QCamera__TorchMode)
- func (this *QCamera) SetWhiteBalanceMode(mode QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode)
- func (this *QCamera) SetZoomFactor(factor float32)
- func (this *QCamera) Start()
- func (this *QCamera) Stop()
- func (this *QCamera) SupportedFeatures() QCamera__Feature
- func (this *QCamera) SupportedFeaturesChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) TorchMode() QCamera__TorchMode
- func (this *QCamera) TorchModeChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCamera) WhiteBalanceMode() QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode
- func (this *QCamera) WhiteBalanceModeChanged()
- func (this *QCamera) ZoomFactor() float32
- func (this *QCamera) ZoomFactorChanged(param1 float32)
- func (this *QCamera) ZoomTo(zoom float32, rate float32)
- type QCameraDevice
- func (this *QCameraDevice) Delete()
- func (this *QCameraDevice) Description() string
- func (this *QCameraDevice) GoGC()
- func (this *QCameraDevice) Id() []byte
- func (this *QCameraDevice) IsDefault() bool
- func (this *QCameraDevice) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorAssign(other *QCameraDevice)
- func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorEqual(other *QCameraDevice) bool
- func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCameraDevice) bool
- func (this *QCameraDevice) PhotoResolutions() []qt6.QSize
- func (this *QCameraDevice) Position() QCameraDevice__Position
- func (this *QCameraDevice) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCameraDevice) VideoFormats() []QCameraFormat
- type QCameraDevice__Position
- type QCameraFormat
- func (this *QCameraFormat) Delete()
- func (this *QCameraFormat) GoGC()
- func (this *QCameraFormat) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCameraFormat) MaxFrameRate() float32
- func (this *QCameraFormat) MinFrameRate() float32
- func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorAssign(other *QCameraFormat)
- func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorEqual(other *QCameraFormat) bool
- func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCameraFormat) bool
- func (this *QCameraFormat) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
- func (this *QCameraFormat) Resolution() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QCameraFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCamera__Error
- type QCamera__ExposureMode
- type QCamera__Feature
- type QCamera__FlashMode
- type QCamera__FocusMode
- type QCamera__TorchMode
- type QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode
- type QGraphicsVideoItem
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) AddToIndex()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) AspectRatioMode() qt6.AspectRatioMode
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) BoundingRect() *qt6.QRectF
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Delete()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) GoGC()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSize() *qt6.QSizeF
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSizeChanged(size *qt6.QSizeF)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Offset() *qt6.QPointF
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnAdvance(slot func(super func(phase int), phase int))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt6.QRectF) *qt6.QRectF)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithItem(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithPath(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnContains(slot func(super func(point *qt6.QPointF) bool, point *qt6.QPointF) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnEvent(slot func(super func(ev *qt6.QEvent) bool, ev *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnExtension(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnIsObscuredBy(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnItemChange(slot func(...) *qt6.QVariant)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnNativeSizeChanged(slot func(size *qt6.QSizeF))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnOpaqueArea(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainterPath) *qt6.QPainterPath)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnPaint(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSceneEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSceneEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSetExtension(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnShape(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainterPath) *qt6.QPainterPath)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSupportsExtension(slot func(super func(extension qt6.QGraphicsItem__Extension) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Paint(painter *qt6.QPainter, option *qt6.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, ...)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) PrepareGeometryChange()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) RemoveFromIndex()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetOffset(offset *qt6.QPointF)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetSize(size *qt6.QSizeF)
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Size() *qt6.QSizeF
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Type() int
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) UpdateMicroFocus()
- func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
- type QGraphicsVideoItem__
- type QImageCapture
- func (this *QImageCapture) AddMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
- func (this *QImageCapture) Capture() int
- func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
- func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureToFile() int
- func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureToFile1(location string) int
- func (this *QImageCapture) Delete()
- func (this *QImageCapture) Error() QImageCapture__Error
- func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorChanged()
- func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorOccurred(id int, error QImageCapture__Error, errorString string)
- func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QImageCapture) FileFormat() QImageCapture__FileFormat
- func (this *QImageCapture) FileFormatChanged()
- func (this *QImageCapture) GoGC()
- func (this *QImageCapture) ImageAvailable(id int, frame *QVideoFrame)
- func (this *QImageCapture) ImageCaptured(id int, preview *qt6.QImage)
- func (this *QImageCapture) ImageExposed(id int)
- func (this *QImageCapture) ImageMetadataAvailable(id int, metaData *QMediaMetaData)
- func (this *QImageCapture) ImageSaved(id int, fileName string)
- func (this *QImageCapture) IsAvailable() bool
- func (this *QImageCapture) IsReadyForCapture() bool
- func (this *QImageCapture) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QImageCapture) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QImageCapture) MetaDataChanged()
- func (this *QImageCapture) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QImageCapture) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(id int, error QImageCapture__Error, errorString string))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnFileFormatChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageAvailable(slot func(id int, frame *QVideoFrame))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageCaptured(slot func(id int, preview *qt6.QImage))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageExposed(slot func(id int))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageMetadataAvailable(slot func(id int, metaData *QMediaMetaData))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageSaved(slot func(id int, fileName string))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnQualityChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnReadyForCaptureChanged(slot func(ready bool))
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnResolutionChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QImageCapture) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QImageCapture) Quality() QImageCapture__Quality
- func (this *QImageCapture) QualityChanged()
- func (this *QImageCapture) ReadyForCaptureChanged(ready bool)
- func (this *QImageCapture) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QImageCapture) Resolution() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QImageCapture) ResolutionChanged()
- func (this *QImageCapture) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QImageCapture) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QImageCapture) SetFileFormat(format QImageCapture__FileFormat)
- func (this *QImageCapture) SetMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
- func (this *QImageCapture) SetQuality(quality QImageCapture__Quality)
- func (this *QImageCapture) SetResolution(resolution *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QImageCapture) SetResolution2(width int, height int)
- func (this *QImageCapture) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QImageCapture__Error
- type QImageCapture__FileFormat
- type QImageCapture__Quality
- type QMediaCaptureSession
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInput() *QAudioInput
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInputChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutput() *QAudioOutput
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutputChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Camera() *QCamera
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) CameraChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCapture() *QImageCapture
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCaptureChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioInputChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioOutputChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnCameraChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnImageCaptureChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnRecorderChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnVideoOutputChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Recorder() *QMediaRecorder
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) RecorderChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioInput(input *QAudioInput)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioOutput(output *QAudioOutput)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetCamera(camera *QCamera)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetImageCapture(imageCapture *QImageCapture)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetRecorder(recorder *QMediaRecorder)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoOutput(output *qt6.QObject)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoSink(sink *QVideoSink)
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutput() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutputChanged()
- func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
- type QMediaDevices
- func (this *QMediaDevices) AudioInputsChanged()
- func (this *QMediaDevices) AudioOutputsChanged()
- func (this *QMediaDevices) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaDevices) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaDevices) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QMediaDevices) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QMediaDevices) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnAudioInputsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnAudioOutputsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QMediaDevices) OnVideoInputsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaDevices) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QMediaDevices) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaDevices) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QMediaDevices) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaDevices) VideoInputsChanged()
- type QMediaFormat
- func (this *QMediaFormat) AudioCodec() QMediaFormat__AudioCodec
- func (this *QMediaFormat) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaFormat) FileFormat() QMediaFormat__FileFormat
- func (this *QMediaFormat) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaFormat) IsSupported(mode QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) bool
- func (this *QMediaFormat) MimeType() *qt6.QMimeType
- func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorAssign(other *QMediaFormat)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorEqual(other *QMediaFormat) bool
- func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorNotEqual(other *QMediaFormat) bool
- func (this *QMediaFormat) ResolveForEncoding(flags QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SetAudioCodec(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SetFileFormat(f QMediaFormat__FileFormat)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SetVideoCodec(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedAudioCodecs(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__AudioCodec
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedFileFormats(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__FileFormat
- func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedVideoCodecs(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__VideoCodec
- func (this *QMediaFormat) Swap(other *QMediaFormat)
- func (this *QMediaFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaFormat) VideoCodec() QMediaFormat__VideoCodec
- type QMediaFormat__AudioCodec
- type QMediaFormat__ConversionMode
- type QMediaFormat__FileFormat
- type QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags
- type QMediaFormat__VideoCodec
- type QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Clear()
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Insert(k QMediaMetaData__Key, value *qt6.QVariant)
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) IsEmpty() bool
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Keys() []QMediaMetaData__Key
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) OperatorSubscript(k QMediaMetaData__Key) *qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Remove(k QMediaMetaData__Key)
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) StringValue(k QMediaMetaData__Key) string
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaMetaData) Value(k QMediaMetaData__Key) *qt6.QVariant
- type QMediaMetaData__Key
- type QMediaPlayer
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveAudioTrack() int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveSubtitleTrack() int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveTracksChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveVideoTrack() int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioOutput() *QAudioOutput
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioOutputChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioTracks() []QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferProgress() float32
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferProgressChanged(progress float32)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferedTimeRange() *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Duration() int64
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) DurationChanged(duration int64)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Error() QMediaPlayer__Error
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorOccurred(error QMediaPlayer__Error, errorString string)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasAudio() bool
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasAudioChanged(available bool)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasVideo() bool
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasVideoChanged(videoAvailable bool)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsAvailable() bool
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsSeekable() bool
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Loops() int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) LoopsChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) MediaStatus() QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) MediaStatusChanged(status QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaDataChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnActiveTracksChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnAudioOutputChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnBufferProgressChanged(slot func(progress float32))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QMediaPlayer__Error, errorString string))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnHasAudioChanged(slot func(available bool))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnHasVideoChanged(slot func(videoAvailable bool))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnLoopsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnMediaStatusChanged(slot func(status QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackRateChanged(slot func(rate float64))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackStateChanged(slot func(newState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPositionChanged(slot func(position int64))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnSeekableChanged(slot func(seekable bool))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnSourceChanged(slot func(media *qt6.QUrl))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnTracksChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnVideoOutputChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Pause()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Play()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRate() float64
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRateChanged(rate float64)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackState() QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackStateChanged(newState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Position() int64
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) PositionChanged(position int64)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SeekableChanged(seekable bool)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveAudioTrack(index int)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveSubtitleTrack(index int)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveVideoTrack(index int)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetAudioOutput(output *QAudioOutput)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetLoops(loops int)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetPlaybackRate(rate float64)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetPosition(position int64)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSource(source *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice2(device *qt6.QIODevice, sourceUrl *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetVideoOutput(videoOutput *qt6.QObject)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetVideoSink(sink *QVideoSink)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Source() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SourceChanged(media *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SourceDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) Stop()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) SubtitleTracks() []QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) TracksChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoOutput() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoOutputChanged()
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
- func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoTracks() []QMediaMetaData
- type QMediaPlayer__Error
- type QMediaPlayer__Loops
- type QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus
- type QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState
- type QMediaRecorder
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) ActualLocation() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) ActualLocationChanged(location *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AddMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRate() int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRateChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCount() int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCountChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRate() int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRateChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Duration() int64
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) DurationChanged(duration int64)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncoderSettingsChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncodingMode() QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncodingModeChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Error() QMediaRecorder__Error
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorOccurred(error QMediaRecorder__Error, errorString string)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) IsAvailable() bool
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) MediaFormat() *QMediaFormat
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) MediaFormatChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaDataChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnActualLocationChanged(slot func(location *qt6.QUrl))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioBitRateChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioChannelCountChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioSampleRateChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEncoderSettingsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEncodingModeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QMediaRecorder__Error, errorString string))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnMediaFormatChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnQualityChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnRecorderStateChanged(slot func(state QMediaRecorder__RecorderState))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoBitRateChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoFrameRateChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoResolutionChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) OutputLocation() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Pause()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Quality() QMediaRecorder__Quality
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) QualityChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Record()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) RecorderState() QMediaRecorder__RecorderState
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) RecorderStateChanged(state QMediaRecorder__RecorderState)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioBitRate(bitRate int)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioChannelCount(channels int)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioSampleRate(sampleRate int)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetEncodingMode(encodingMode QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetMediaFormat(format *QMediaFormat)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetOutputLocation(location *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetQuality(quality QMediaRecorder__Quality)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoBitRate(bitRate int)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoFrameRate(frameRate float64)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution(videoResolution *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution2(width int, height int)
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) Stop()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRate() int
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRateChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRate() float64
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRateChanged()
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoResolution() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoResolutionChanged()
- type QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode
- type QMediaRecorder__Error
- type QMediaRecorder__Quality
- type QMediaRecorder__RecorderState
- type QMediaTimeRange
- func NewQMediaTimeRange() *QMediaTimeRange
- func NewQMediaTimeRange2(start int64, end int64) *QMediaTimeRange
- func NewQMediaTimeRange3(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
- func NewQMediaTimeRange4(rangeVal *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
- func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddInterval(start int64, end int64)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddIntervalWithInterval(interval *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddTimeRange(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Clear()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Contains(time int64) bool
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Detach()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) EarliestTime() int64
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Intervals() []QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) IsContinuous() bool
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) IsEmpty() bool
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) LatestTime() int64
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveInterval(start int64, end int64)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveIntervalWithInterval(interval *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveTimeRange(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Swap(other *QMediaTimeRange)
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval() *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval2(start int64, end int64) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval3(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange__Interval(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Contains(time int64) bool
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Delete()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) End() int64
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) GoGC()
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) IsNormal() bool
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Normalized() *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Start() int64
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Translated(offset int64) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
- func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSoundEffect
- func (this *QSoundEffect) AudioDevice() *QAudioDevice
- func (this *QSoundEffect) AudioDeviceChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Delete()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) GoGC()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) IsLoaded() bool
- func (this *QSoundEffect) IsMuted() bool
- func (this *QSoundEffect) IsPlaying() bool
- func (this *QSoundEffect) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QSoundEffect) LoadedChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopCount() int
- func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopCountChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopsRemaining() int
- func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopsRemainingChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSoundEffect) MutedChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnAudioDeviceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoadedChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoopCountChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoopsRemainingChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnMutedChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnPlayingChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnSourceChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnStatusChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QSoundEffect) OnVolumeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Play()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) PlayingChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SetAudioDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SetLoopCount(loopCount int)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SetMuted(muted bool)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SetSource(url *qt6.QUrl)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SetVolume(volume float32)
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Source() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QSoundEffect) SourceChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Status() QSoundEffect__Status
- func (this *QSoundEffect) StatusChanged()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Stop()
- func (this *QSoundEffect) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSoundEffect) Volume() float32
- func (this *QSoundEffect) VolumeChanged()
- type QSoundEffect__Loop
- type QSoundEffect__Status
- type QVideoFrame
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Bits(plane int) *byte
- func (this *QVideoFrame) BitsWithPlane(plane int) *byte
- func (this *QVideoFrame) BytesPerLine(plane int) int
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Delete()
- func (this *QVideoFrame) EndTime() int64
- func (this *QVideoFrame) GoGC()
- func (this *QVideoFrame) HandleType() QVideoFrame__HandleType
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Height() int
- func (this *QVideoFrame) IsMapped() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) IsReadable() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) IsWritable() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Map(mode QVideoFrame__MapMode) bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) MapMode() QVideoFrame__MapMode
- func (this *QVideoFrame) MappedBytes(plane int) int
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Mirrored() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorAssign(other *QVideoFrame)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorEqual(other *QVideoFrame) bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorNotEqual(other *QVideoFrame) bool
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Paint(painter *qt6.QPainter, rect *qt6.QRectF, options *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
- func (this *QVideoFrame) PlaneCount() int
- func (this *QVideoFrame) RotationAngle() QVideoFrame__RotationAngle
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SetEndTime(time int64)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SetMirrored(mirrored bool)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SetRotationAngle(rotationAngle QVideoFrame__RotationAngle)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SetStartTime(time int64)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SetSubtitleText(text string)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Size() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QVideoFrame) StartTime() int64
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SubtitleText() string
- func (this *QVideoFrame) SurfaceFormat() *QVideoFrameFormat
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Swap(other *QVideoFrame)
- func (this *QVideoFrame) ToImage() *qt6.QImage
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Unmap()
- func (this *QVideoFrame) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoFrame) Width() int
- type QVideoFrameFormat
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorRange() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorSpace() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorTransfer() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Delete()
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Detach()
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FragmentShaderFileName() string
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameHeight() int
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameRate() float64
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameSize() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameWidth() int
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) GoGC()
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) IsMirrored() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) MaxLuminance() float32
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorAssign(format *QVideoFrameFormat)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorEqual(format *QVideoFrameFormat) bool
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorNotEqual(format *QVideoFrameFormat) bool
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) PlaneCount() int
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ScanLineDirection() QVideoFrameFormat__Direction
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorRange(rangeVal QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorSpace(colorSpace QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorTransfer(colorTransfer QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameRate(rate float64)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize(size *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize2(width int, height int)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetMaxLuminance(lum float32)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetMirrored(mirrored bool)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetScanLineDirection(direction QVideoFrameFormat__Direction)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetViewport(viewport *qt6.QRect)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetYCbCrColorSpace(colorSpace QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Swap(other *QVideoFrameFormat)
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) VertexShaderFileName() string
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Viewport() *qt6.QRect
- func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) YCbCrColorSpace() QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace
- type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange
- type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace
- type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer
- type QVideoFrameFormat__Direction
- type QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
- type QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace
- type QVideoFrame__HandleType
- type QVideoFrame__MapMode
- type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions
- type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions__PaintFlag
- type QVideoFrame__RotationAngle
- type QVideoSink
- func (this *QVideoSink) Delete()
- func (this *QVideoSink) GoGC()
- func (this *QVideoSink) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QVideoSink) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QVideoSink) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnSubtitleTextChanged(slot func(subtitleText string))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnVideoFrameChanged(slot func(frame *QVideoFrame))
- func (this *QVideoSink) OnVideoSizeChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QVideoSink) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QVideoSink) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QVideoSink) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QVideoSink) SetSubtitleText(subtitle string)
- func (this *QVideoSink) SetVideoFrame(frame *QVideoFrame)
- func (this *QVideoSink) SubtitleText() string
- func (this *QVideoSink) SubtitleTextChanged(subtitleText string)
- func (this *QVideoSink) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoSink) VideoFrame() *QVideoFrame
- func (this *QVideoSink) VideoFrameChanged(frame *QVideoFrame)
- func (this *QVideoSink) VideoSize() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QVideoSink) VideoSizeChanged()
- type QVideoWidget
- func (this *QVideoWidget) AspectRatioMode() qt6.AspectRatioMode
- func (this *QVideoWidget) AspectRatioModeChanged(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Create()
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Delete()
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Destroy()
- func (this *QVideoWidget) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QVideoWidget) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QVideoWidget) FullScreenChanged(fullScreen bool)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) GoGC()
- func (this *QVideoWidget) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QVideoWidget) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnAspectRatioModeChanged(slot func(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QCloseEvent), event *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFullScreenChanged(slot func(fullScreen bool))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QResizeEvent), event *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QShowEvent), event *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QVideoWidget) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QVideoWidget) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QVideoWidget) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) SetFullScreen(fullScreen bool)
- func (this *QVideoWidget) SizeHint() *qt6.QSize
- func (this *QVideoWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QVideoWidget) UpdateMicroFocus()
- func (this *QVideoWidget) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
- type QWaveDecoder
- func NewQWaveDecoder(device *qt6.QIODevice) *QWaveDecoder
- func NewQWaveDecoder2(device *qt6.QIODevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QWaveDecoder
- func NewQWaveDecoder3(device *qt6.QIODevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QWaveDecoder
- func NewQWaveDecoder4(device *qt6.QIODevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QWaveDecoder
- func UnsafeNewQWaveDecoder(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWaveDecoder
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) AudioFormat() *QAudioFormat
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) BytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Close()
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Delete()
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Duration() int
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) FormatKnown()
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) GetDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) GoGC()
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) IsSequential() bool
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnFormatKnown(slot func())
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnParsingError(slot func())
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSkipData(slot func(super func(maxSize int64) int64, maxSize int64) int64)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Open(mode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag) bool
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) ParsingError()
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Pos() int64
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Seek(pos int64) bool
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) SetOpenMode(openMode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) Size() int64
- func (this *QWaveDecoder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func QAudioDecoder_Tr ¶
func QAudioDecoder_Tr2 ¶
func QAudioInput_Tr ¶
func QAudioInput_Tr2 ¶
func QAudioOutput_Tr ¶
func QAudioOutput_Tr2 ¶
func QAudioSink_Tr ¶
func QAudioSink_Tr2 ¶
func QAudioSource_Tr ¶
func QAudioSource_Tr2 ¶
func QCamera_Tr ¶
func QCamera_Tr2 ¶
func QGraphicsVideoItem_Tr ¶
func QGraphicsVideoItem_Tr2 ¶
func QImageCapture_FileFormatDescription ¶
func QImageCapture_FileFormatDescription(c QImageCapture__FileFormat) string
func QImageCapture_FileFormatName ¶
func QImageCapture_FileFormatName(c QImageCapture__FileFormat) string
func QImageCapture_Tr ¶
func QImageCapture_Tr2 ¶
func QMediaCaptureSession_Tr ¶
func QMediaDevices_Tr ¶
func QMediaDevices_Tr2 ¶
func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecDescription ¶
func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecDescription(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec) string
func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecName ¶
func QMediaFormat_AudioCodecName(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec) string
func QMediaFormat_FileFormatDescription ¶
func QMediaFormat_FileFormatDescription(fileFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat) string
func QMediaFormat_FileFormatName ¶
func QMediaFormat_FileFormatName(fileFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat) string
func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecDescription ¶
func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecDescription(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec) string
func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecName ¶
func QMediaFormat_VideoCodecName(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec) string
func QMediaMetaData_MetaDataKeyToString ¶
func QMediaMetaData_MetaDataKeyToString(k QMediaMetaData__Key) string
func QMediaPlayer_Tr ¶
func QMediaPlayer_Tr2 ¶
func QMediaRecorder_Tr ¶
func QMediaRecorder_Tr2 ¶
func QSoundEffect_SupportedMimeTypes ¶
func QSoundEffect_SupportedMimeTypes() []string
func QSoundEffect_Tr ¶
func QSoundEffect_Tr2 ¶
func QVideoFrameFormat_ImageFormatFromPixelFormat ¶
func QVideoFrameFormat_ImageFormatFromPixelFormat(format QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat) qt6.QImage__Format
func QVideoFrameFormat_PixelFormatToString ¶
func QVideoFrameFormat_PixelFormatToString(pixelFormat QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat) string
func QVideoSink_Tr ¶
func QVideoSink_Tr2 ¶
func QVideoWidget_Tr ¶
func QVideoWidget_Tr2 ¶
func QWaveDecoder_HeaderLength ¶
func QWaveDecoder_HeaderLength() int64
func QWaveDecoder_Tr ¶
func QWaveDecoder_Tr2 ¶
Types ¶
type QAudioBuffer ¶
type QAudioBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQAudioBuffer ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer() *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func NewQAudioBuffer2 ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer2(other *QAudioBuffer) *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer2 constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func NewQAudioBuffer3 ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer3(data []byte, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer3 constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func NewQAudioBuffer4 ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer4(numFrames int, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer4 constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func NewQAudioBuffer5 ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer5(data []byte, format *QAudioFormat, startTime int64) *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer5 constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func NewQAudioBuffer6 ¶
func NewQAudioBuffer6(numFrames int, format *QAudioFormat, startTime int64) *QAudioBuffer
NewQAudioBuffer6 constructs a new QAudioBuffer object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioBuffer ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioBuffer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioBuffer
UnsafeNewQAudioBuffer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioBuffer) ByteCount ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) ByteCount() int64
func (*QAudioBuffer) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioBuffer) Detach ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) Detach()
func (*QAudioBuffer) Duration ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) Duration() int64
func (*QAudioBuffer) Format ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) Format() *QAudioFormat
func (*QAudioBuffer) FrameCount ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) FrameCount() int64
func (*QAudioBuffer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioBuffer) IsValid ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) IsValid() bool
func (*QAudioBuffer) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) OperatorAssign(other *QAudioBuffer)
func (*QAudioBuffer) SampleCount ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) SampleCount() int64
func (*QAudioBuffer) StartTime ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) StartTime() int64
func (*QAudioBuffer) Swap ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) Swap(other *QAudioBuffer)
func (*QAudioBuffer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioBuffer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QAudioDecoder ¶
func NewQAudioDecoder ¶
func NewQAudioDecoder() *QAudioDecoder
NewQAudioDecoder constructs a new QAudioDecoder object.
func NewQAudioDecoder2 ¶
func NewQAudioDecoder2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioDecoder
NewQAudioDecoder2 constructs a new QAudioDecoder object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioDecoder ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioDecoder(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioDecoder
UnsafeNewQAudioDecoder constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioDecoder) AudioFormat ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) AudioFormat() *QAudioFormat
func (*QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailable ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailable() bool
func (*QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailableChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferAvailableChanged(param1 bool)
func (*QAudioDecoder) BufferReady ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) BufferReady()
func (*QAudioDecoder) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioDecoder) Duration ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Duration() int64
func (*QAudioDecoder) DurationChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) DurationChanged(duration int64)
func (*QAudioDecoder) Error ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Error() QAudioDecoder__Error
func (*QAudioDecoder) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) ErrorString() string
func (*QAudioDecoder) ErrorWithError ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) ErrorWithError(error QAudioDecoder__Error)
func (*QAudioDecoder) Finished ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Finished()
func (*QAudioDecoder) FormatChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) FormatChanged(format *QAudioFormat)
func (*QAudioDecoder) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioDecoder) IsDecoding ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsDecoding() bool
func (*QAudioDecoder) IsDecodingChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsDecodingChanged(param1 bool)
func (*QAudioDecoder) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAudioDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioDecoder) IsSupported ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) IsSupported() bool
func (*QAudioDecoder) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnBufferAvailableChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnBufferAvailableChanged(slot func(param1 bool))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnBufferReady ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnBufferReady(slot func())
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnDurationChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnErrorWithError ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnErrorWithError(slot func(error QAudioDecoder__Error))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnFinished ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnFinished(slot func())
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnFormatChanged(slot func(format *QAudioFormat))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnIsDecodingChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnIsDecodingChanged(slot func(param1 bool))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnPositionChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnPositionChanged(slot func(position int64))
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnSourceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnSourceChanged(slot func())
func (*QAudioDecoder) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAudioDecoder) Position ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Position() int64
func (*QAudioDecoder) PositionChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) PositionChanged(position int64)
func (*QAudioDecoder) Read ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Read() *QAudioBuffer
func (*QAudioDecoder) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAudioDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioDecoder) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAudioDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioDecoder) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAudioDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioDecoder) SetAudioFormat ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetAudioFormat(format *QAudioFormat)
func (*QAudioDecoder) SetSource ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetSource(fileName *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QAudioDecoder) SetSourceDevice ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SetSourceDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QAudioDecoder) Source ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Source() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QAudioDecoder) SourceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SourceChanged()
func (*QAudioDecoder) SourceDevice ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) SourceDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QAudioDecoder) Start ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Start()
func (*QAudioDecoder) Stop ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) Stop()
func (*QAudioDecoder) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioDecoder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QAudioDecoder__Error ¶
type QAudioDecoder__Error int
const ( QAudioDecoder__NoError QAudioDecoder__Error = 0 QAudioDecoder__ResourceError QAudioDecoder__Error = 1 QAudioDecoder__FormatError QAudioDecoder__Error = 2 QAudioDecoder__AccessDeniedError QAudioDecoder__Error = 3 QAudioDecoder__NotSupportedError QAudioDecoder__Error = 4 )
type QAudioDevice ¶
type QAudioDevice struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQAudioDevice ¶
func NewQAudioDevice() *QAudioDevice
NewQAudioDevice constructs a new QAudioDevice object.
func NewQAudioDevice2 ¶
func NewQAudioDevice2(other *QAudioDevice) *QAudioDevice
NewQAudioDevice2 constructs a new QAudioDevice object.
func QMediaDevices_AudioInputs ¶
func QMediaDevices_AudioInputs() []QAudioDevice
func QMediaDevices_AudioOutputs ¶
func QMediaDevices_AudioOutputs() []QAudioDevice
func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioInput ¶
func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioInput() *QAudioDevice
func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioOutput ¶
func QMediaDevices_DefaultAudioOutput() *QAudioDevice
func UnsafeNewQAudioDevice ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioDevice(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioDevice
UnsafeNewQAudioDevice constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioDevice) ChannelConfiguration ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) ChannelConfiguration() QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
func (*QAudioDevice) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioDevice) Description ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) Description() string
func (*QAudioDevice) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioDevice) Id ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) Id() []byte
func (*QAudioDevice) IsDefault ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) IsDefault() bool
func (*QAudioDevice) IsFormatSupported ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) IsFormatSupported(format *QAudioFormat) bool
func (*QAudioDevice) IsNull ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) IsNull() bool
func (*QAudioDevice) MaximumChannelCount ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) MaximumChannelCount() int
func (*QAudioDevice) MaximumSampleRate ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) MaximumSampleRate() int
func (*QAudioDevice) MinimumChannelCount ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) MinimumChannelCount() int
func (*QAudioDevice) MinimumSampleRate ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) MinimumSampleRate() int
func (*QAudioDevice) Mode ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) Mode() QAudioDevice__Mode
func (*QAudioDevice) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorAssign(other *QAudioDevice)
func (*QAudioDevice) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorEqual(other *QAudioDevice) bool
func (*QAudioDevice) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) OperatorNotEqual(other *QAudioDevice) bool
func (*QAudioDevice) PreferredFormat ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) PreferredFormat() *QAudioFormat
func (*QAudioDevice) SupportedSampleFormats ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) SupportedSampleFormats() []QAudioFormat__SampleFormat
func (*QAudioDevice) Swap ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) Swap(other *QAudioDevice)
func (*QAudioDevice) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioDevice) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QAudioDevice__Mode ¶
type QAudioDevice__Mode int
const ( QAudioDevice__Null QAudioDevice__Mode = 0 QAudioDevice__Input QAudioDevice__Mode = 1 QAudioDevice__Output QAudioDevice__Mode = 2 )
type QAudioFormat ¶
type QAudioFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQAudioFormat ¶
func NewQAudioFormat() *QAudioFormat
NewQAudioFormat constructs a new QAudioFormat object.
func NewQAudioFormat2 ¶
func NewQAudioFormat2(param1 *QAudioFormat) *QAudioFormat
NewQAudioFormat2 constructs a new QAudioFormat object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioFormat ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioFormat(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioFormat
UnsafeNewQAudioFormat constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioFormat) BytesForDuration ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesForDuration(microseconds int64) int
func (*QAudioFormat) BytesForFrames ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesForFrames(frameCount int) int
func (*QAudioFormat) BytesPerFrame ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesPerFrame() int
func (*QAudioFormat) BytesPerSample ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) BytesPerSample() int
func (*QAudioFormat) ChannelConfig ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelConfig() QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
func (*QAudioFormat) ChannelCount ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelCount() int
func (*QAudioFormat) ChannelOffset ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) ChannelOffset(channel QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition) int
func (*QAudioFormat) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioFormat) DurationForBytes ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) DurationForBytes(byteCount int) int64
func (*QAudioFormat) DurationForFrames ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) DurationForFrames(frameCount int) int64
func (*QAudioFormat) FramesForBytes ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) FramesForBytes(byteCount int) int
func (*QAudioFormat) FramesForDuration ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) FramesForDuration(microseconds int64) int
func (*QAudioFormat) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioFormat) IsValid ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) IsValid() bool
func (*QAudioFormat) NormalizedSampleValue ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) NormalizedSampleValue(sample unsafe.Pointer) float32
func (*QAudioFormat) SampleFormat ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SampleFormat() QAudioFormat__SampleFormat
func (*QAudioFormat) SampleRate ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SampleRate() int
func (*QAudioFormat) SetChannelConfig ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SetChannelConfig(config QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig)
func (*QAudioFormat) SetChannelCount ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SetChannelCount(channelCount int)
func (*QAudioFormat) SetSampleFormat ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SetSampleFormat(f QAudioFormat__SampleFormat)
func (*QAudioFormat) SetSampleRate ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) SetSampleRate(sampleRate int)
func (*QAudioFormat) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition ¶
type QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition int
const ( QAudioFormat__UnknownPosition QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 0 QAudioFormat__FrontLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 1 QAudioFormat__FrontRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 2 QAudioFormat__FrontCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 3 QAudioFormat__LFE QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 4 QAudioFormat__BackLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 5 QAudioFormat__BackRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 6 QAudioFormat__FrontLeftOfCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 7 QAudioFormat__FrontRightOfCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 8 QAudioFormat__BackCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 9 QAudioFormat__SideLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 10 QAudioFormat__SideRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 11 QAudioFormat__TopCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 12 QAudioFormat__TopFrontLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 13 QAudioFormat__TopFrontCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 14 QAudioFormat__TopFrontRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 15 QAudioFormat__TopBackLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 16 QAudioFormat__TopBackCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 17 QAudioFormat__TopBackRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 18 QAudioFormat__LFE2 QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 19 QAudioFormat__TopSideLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 20 QAudioFormat__TopSideRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 21 QAudioFormat__BottomFrontCenter QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 22 QAudioFormat__BottomFrontLeft QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 23 QAudioFormat__BottomFrontRight QAudioFormat__AudioChannelPosition = 24 )
type QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig ¶
type QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig uint
const ( QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigUnknown QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 0 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigMono QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 8 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigStereo QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 6 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig2Dot1 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 22 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig3Dot0 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 14 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig3Dot1 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 30 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigSurround5Dot0 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 110 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigSurround5Dot1 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 126 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigSurround7Dot0 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 3182 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfigSurround7Dot1 QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig = 3198 )
func QAudioFormat_DefaultChannelConfigForChannelCount ¶
func QAudioFormat_DefaultChannelConfigForChannelCount(channelCount int) QAudioFormat__ChannelConfig
type QAudioFormat__SampleFormat ¶
type QAudioFormat__SampleFormat uint16
const ( QAudioFormat__Unknown QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 0 QAudioFormat__UInt8 QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 1 QAudioFormat__Int16 QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 2 QAudioFormat__Int32 QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 3 QAudioFormat__Float QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 4 QAudioFormat__NSampleFormats QAudioFormat__SampleFormat = 5 )
type QAudioInput ¶
func NewQAudioInput ¶
func NewQAudioInput() *QAudioInput
NewQAudioInput constructs a new QAudioInput object.
func NewQAudioInput2 ¶
func NewQAudioInput2(deviceInfo *QAudioDevice) *QAudioInput
NewQAudioInput2 constructs a new QAudioInput object.
func NewQAudioInput3 ¶
func NewQAudioInput3(parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioInput
NewQAudioInput3 constructs a new QAudioInput object.
func NewQAudioInput4 ¶
func NewQAudioInput4(deviceInfo *QAudioDevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioInput
NewQAudioInput4 constructs a new QAudioInput object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioInput ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioInput(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioInput
UnsafeNewQAudioInput constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioInput) Device ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) Device() *QAudioDevice
func (*QAudioInput) DeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) DeviceChanged()
func (*QAudioInput) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioInput) IsMuted ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) IsMuted() bool
func (*QAudioInput) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioInput) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAudioInput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioInput) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAudioInput) MutedChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) MutedChanged(muted bool)
func (*QAudioInput) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAudioInput) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioInput) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAudioInput) OnDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnDeviceChanged(slot func())
func (*QAudioInput) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioInput) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAudioInput) OnMutedChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnMutedChanged(slot func(muted bool))
func (*QAudioInput) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAudioInput) OnVolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) OnVolumeChanged(slot func(volume float32))
func (*QAudioInput) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioInput) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAudioInput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioInput) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioInput) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAudioInput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioInput) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioInput) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAudioInput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioInput) SetDevice ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) SetDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
func (*QAudioInput) SetMuted ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) SetMuted(muted bool)
func (*QAudioInput) SetVolume ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) SetVolume(volume float32)
func (*QAudioInput) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAudioInput) Volume ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) Volume() float32
func (*QAudioInput) VolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioInput) VolumeChanged(volume float32)
type QAudioOutput ¶
func NewQAudioOutput ¶
func NewQAudioOutput() *QAudioOutput
NewQAudioOutput constructs a new QAudioOutput object.
func NewQAudioOutput2 ¶
func NewQAudioOutput2(device *QAudioDevice) *QAudioOutput
NewQAudioOutput2 constructs a new QAudioOutput object.
func NewQAudioOutput3 ¶
func NewQAudioOutput3(parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioOutput
NewQAudioOutput3 constructs a new QAudioOutput object.
func NewQAudioOutput4 ¶
func NewQAudioOutput4(device *QAudioDevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioOutput
NewQAudioOutput4 constructs a new QAudioOutput object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioOutput ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioOutput(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioOutput
UnsafeNewQAudioOutput constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioOutput) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioOutput) Device ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) Device() *QAudioDevice
func (*QAudioOutput) DeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) DeviceChanged()
func (*QAudioOutput) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioOutput) IsMuted ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) IsMuted() bool
func (*QAudioOutput) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioOutput) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAudioOutput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioOutput) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAudioOutput) MutedChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) MutedChanged(muted bool)
func (*QAudioOutput) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnDeviceChanged(slot func())
func (*QAudioOutput) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAudioOutput) OnMutedChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnMutedChanged(slot func(muted bool))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAudioOutput) OnVolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) OnVolumeChanged(slot func(volume float32))
func (*QAudioOutput) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioOutput) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAudioOutput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioOutput) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioOutput) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAudioOutput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioOutput) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioOutput) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAudioOutput that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioOutput) SetDevice ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) SetDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
func (*QAudioOutput) SetMuted ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) SetMuted(muted bool)
func (*QAudioOutput) SetVolume ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) SetVolume(volume float32)
func (*QAudioOutput) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAudioOutput) Volume ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) Volume() float32
func (*QAudioOutput) VolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioOutput) VolumeChanged(volume float32)
type QAudioSink ¶
func NewQAudioSink ¶
func NewQAudioSink() *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func NewQAudioSink2 ¶
func NewQAudioSink2(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice) *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink2 constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func NewQAudioSink3 ¶
func NewQAudioSink3(format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink3 constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func NewQAudioSink4 ¶
func NewQAudioSink4(format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink4 constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func NewQAudioSink5 ¶
func NewQAudioSink5(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink5 constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func NewQAudioSink6 ¶
func NewQAudioSink6(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSink
NewQAudioSink6 constructs a new QAudioSink object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioSink ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioSink(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioSink
UnsafeNewQAudioSink constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioSink) BufferSize ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) BufferSize() int64
func (*QAudioSink) BytesFree ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) BytesFree() int64
func (*QAudioSink) ElapsedUSecs ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) ElapsedUSecs() int64
func (*QAudioSink) Error ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Error() QAudio__Error
func (*QAudioSink) Format ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Format() *QAudioFormat
func (*QAudioSink) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioSink) IsNull ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) IsNull() bool
func (*QAudioSink) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSink) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAudioSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSink) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAudioSink) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAudioSink) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioSink) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAudioSink) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioSink) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAudioSink) OnStateChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnStateChanged(slot func(state QAudio__State))
func (*QAudioSink) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAudioSink) ProcessedUSecs ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) ProcessedUSecs() int64
func (*QAudioSink) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSink) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAudioSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSink) Reset ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Reset()
func (*QAudioSink) Resume ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Resume()
func (*QAudioSink) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSink) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAudioSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSink) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSink) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAudioSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSink) SetBufferSize ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) SetBufferSize(bytes int64)
func (*QAudioSink) SetVolume ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) SetVolume(volume float64)
func (*QAudioSink) Start ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Start(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QAudioSink) Start2 ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Start2() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QAudioSink) State ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) State() QAudio__State
func (*QAudioSink) StateChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) StateChanged(state QAudio__State)
func (*QAudioSink) Stop ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Stop()
func (*QAudioSink) Suspend ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Suspend()
func (*QAudioSink) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAudioSink) Volume ¶
func (this *QAudioSink) Volume() float64
type QAudioSource ¶
func NewQAudioSource ¶
func NewQAudioSource() *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func NewQAudioSource2 ¶
func NewQAudioSource2(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice) *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource2 constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func NewQAudioSource3 ¶
func NewQAudioSource3(format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource3 constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func NewQAudioSource4 ¶
func NewQAudioSource4(format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource4 constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func NewQAudioSource5 ¶
func NewQAudioSource5(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource5 constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func NewQAudioSource6 ¶
func NewQAudioSource6(audioDeviceInfo *QAudioDevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QAudioSource
NewQAudioSource6 constructs a new QAudioSource object.
func UnsafeNewQAudioSource ¶
func UnsafeNewQAudioSource(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAudioSource
UnsafeNewQAudioSource constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAudioSource) BufferSize ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) BufferSize() int64
func (*QAudioSource) BytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) BytesAvailable() int64
func (*QAudioSource) Delete ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAudioSource) ElapsedUSecs ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) ElapsedUSecs() int64
func (*QAudioSource) Error ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Error() QAudio__Error
func (*QAudioSource) Format ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Format() *QAudioFormat
func (*QAudioSource) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAudioSource) IsNull ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) IsNull() bool
func (*QAudioSource) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSource) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAudioSource that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSource) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAudioSource) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAudioSource) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioSource) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAudioSource) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAudioSource) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAudioSource) OnStateChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnStateChanged(slot func(state QAudio__State))
func (*QAudioSource) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAudioSource) ProcessedUSecs ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) ProcessedUSecs() int64
func (*QAudioSource) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSource) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAudioSource that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSource) Reset ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Reset()
func (*QAudioSource) Resume ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Resume()
func (*QAudioSource) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSource) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAudioSource that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSource) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAudioSource) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAudioSource that was directly constructed.
func (*QAudioSource) SetBufferSize ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) SetBufferSize(bytes int64)
func (*QAudioSource) SetVolume ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) SetVolume(volume float64)
func (*QAudioSource) Start ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Start(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QAudioSource) Start2 ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Start2() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QAudioSource) State ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) State() QAudio__State
func (*QAudioSource) StateChanged ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) StateChanged(state QAudio__State)
func (*QAudioSource) Stop ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Stop()
func (*QAudioSource) Suspend ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Suspend()
func (*QAudioSource) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAudioSource) Volume ¶
func (this *QAudioSource) Volume() float64
type QAudio__Error ¶
type QAudio__Error int
const ( QAudio__NoError QAudio__Error = 0 QAudio__OpenError QAudio__Error = 1 QAudio__IOError QAudio__Error = 2 QAudio__UnderrunError QAudio__Error = 3 QAudio__FatalError QAudio__Error = 4 )
type QAudio__State ¶
type QAudio__State int
const ( QAudio__ActiveState QAudio__State = 0 QAudio__SuspendedState QAudio__State = 1 QAudio__StoppedState QAudio__State = 2 QAudio__IdleState QAudio__State = 3 )
type QAudio__VolumeScale ¶
type QAudio__VolumeScale int
const ( QAudio__LinearVolumeScale QAudio__VolumeScale = 0 QAudio__CubicVolumeScale QAudio__VolumeScale = 1 QAudio__LogarithmicVolumeScale QAudio__VolumeScale = 2 QAudio__DecibelVolumeScale QAudio__VolumeScale = 3 )
type QCamera ¶
func NewQCamera2 ¶
func NewQCamera2(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice) *QCamera
NewQCamera2 constructs a new QCamera object.
func NewQCamera3 ¶
func NewQCamera3(position QCameraDevice__Position) *QCamera
NewQCamera3 constructs a new QCamera object.
func NewQCamera4 ¶
NewQCamera4 constructs a new QCamera object.
func NewQCamera5 ¶
func NewQCamera5(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QCamera
NewQCamera5 constructs a new QCamera object.
func NewQCamera6 ¶
func NewQCamera6(position QCameraDevice__Position, parent *qt6.QObject) *QCamera
NewQCamera6 constructs a new QCamera object.
func UnsafeNewQCamera ¶
UnsafeNewQCamera constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCamera) ActiveChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) BrightnessChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) BrightnessChanged()
func (*QCamera) CameraDevice ¶
func (this *QCamera) CameraDevice() *QCameraDevice
func (*QCamera) CameraDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) CameraDeviceChanged()
func (*QCamera) CameraFormat ¶
func (this *QCamera) CameraFormat() *QCameraFormat
func (*QCamera) CameraFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) CameraFormatChanged()
func (*QCamera) CaptureSession ¶
func (this *QCamera) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
func (*QCamera) ColorTemperature ¶
func (*QCamera) ColorTemperatureChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) ColorTemperatureChanged()
func (*QCamera) ContrastChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) ContrastChanged()
func (*QCamera) CustomFocusPoint ¶
func (*QCamera) CustomFocusPointChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) CustomFocusPointChanged()
func (*QCamera) Error ¶
func (this *QCamera) Error() QCamera__Error
func (*QCamera) ErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) ErrorChanged()
func (*QCamera) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QCamera) ErrorOccurred(error QCamera__Error, errorString string)
func (*QCamera) ErrorString ¶
func (*QCamera) ExposureCompensation ¶
func (*QCamera) ExposureCompensationChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) ExposureMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) ExposureMode() QCamera__ExposureMode
func (*QCamera) ExposureModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) ExposureModeChanged()
func (*QCamera) ExposureTime ¶
func (*QCamera) ExposureTimeChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) FlashMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) FlashMode() QCamera__FlashMode
func (*QCamera) FlashModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) FlashModeChanged()
func (*QCamera) FlashReady ¶
func (*QCamera) FocusDistance ¶
func (*QCamera) FocusDistanceChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) FocusMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) FocusMode() QCamera__FocusMode
func (*QCamera) FocusModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) FocusModeChanged()
func (*QCamera) FocusPoint ¶
func (*QCamera) FocusPointChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) FocusPointChanged()
func (*QCamera) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCamera) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCamera) HueChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) HueChanged()
func (*QCamera) IsAvailable ¶
func (*QCamera) IsExposureModeSupported ¶
func (this *QCamera) IsExposureModeSupported(mode QCamera__ExposureMode) bool
func (*QCamera) IsFlashModeSupported ¶
func (this *QCamera) IsFlashModeSupported(mode QCamera__FlashMode) bool
func (*QCamera) IsFlashReady ¶
func (*QCamera) IsFocusModeSupported ¶
func (this *QCamera) IsFocusModeSupported(mode QCamera__FocusMode) bool
func (*QCamera) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QCamera) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QCamera that was directly constructed.
func (*QCamera) IsTorchModeSupported ¶
func (this *QCamera) IsTorchModeSupported(mode QCamera__TorchMode) bool
func (*QCamera) IsWhiteBalanceModeSupported ¶
func (this *QCamera) IsWhiteBalanceModeSupported(mode QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode) bool
func (*QCamera) IsoSensitivity ¶
func (*QCamera) IsoSensitivityChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) ManualExposureTime ¶
func (*QCamera) ManualExposureTimeChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) ManualIsoSensitivity ¶
func (*QCamera) ManualIsoSensitivityChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) MaximumExposureTime ¶
func (*QCamera) MaximumIsoSensitivity ¶
func (*QCamera) MaximumZoomFactor ¶
func (*QCamera) MaximumZoomFactorChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QCamera) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QCamera) MinimumExposureTime ¶
func (*QCamera) MinimumIsoSensitivity ¶
func (*QCamera) MinimumZoomFactor ¶
func (*QCamera) MinimumZoomFactorChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnActiveChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnBrightnessChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnBrightnessChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnCameraDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnCameraDeviceChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnCameraFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnCameraFormatChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QCamera) OnColorTemperatureChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnColorTemperatureChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QCamera) OnContrastChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnContrastChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (*QCamera) OnCustomFocusPointChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnCustomFocusPointChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QCamera) OnErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QCamera__Error, errorString string))
func (*QCamera) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QCamera) OnExposureCompensationChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnExposureModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnExposureModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnExposureTimeChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnFlashModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnFlashModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnFlashReady ¶
func (*QCamera) OnFocusDistanceChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnFocusModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnFocusModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnFocusPointChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnFocusPointChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnHueChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnHueChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnIsoSensitivityChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnManualExposureTimeChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnManualIsoSensitivityChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnMaximumZoomFactorChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnMinimumZoomFactorChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) OnSaturationChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnSaturationChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnSupportedFeaturesChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnSupportedFeaturesChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QCamera) OnTorchModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnTorchModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnWhiteBalanceModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) OnWhiteBalanceModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QCamera) OnZoomFactorChanged ¶
func (*QCamera) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
Receivers can only be called from a QCamera that was directly constructed.
func (*QCamera) SaturationChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) SaturationChanged()
func (*QCamera) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
Sender can only be called from a QCamera that was directly constructed.
func (*QCamera) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QCamera that was directly constructed.
func (*QCamera) SetAutoExposureTime ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetAutoExposureTime()
func (*QCamera) SetAutoIsoSensitivity ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetAutoIsoSensitivity()
func (*QCamera) SetCameraDevice ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetCameraDevice(cameraDevice *QCameraDevice)
func (*QCamera) SetCameraFormat ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetCameraFormat(format *QCameraFormat)
func (*QCamera) SetColorTemperature ¶
func (*QCamera) SetCustomFocusPoint ¶
func (*QCamera) SetExposureCompensation ¶
func (*QCamera) SetExposureMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetExposureMode(mode QCamera__ExposureMode)
func (*QCamera) SetFlashMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetFlashMode(mode QCamera__FlashMode)
func (*QCamera) SetFocusDistance ¶
func (*QCamera) SetFocusMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetFocusMode(mode QCamera__FocusMode)
func (*QCamera) SetManualExposureTime ¶
func (*QCamera) SetManualIsoSensitivity ¶
func (*QCamera) SetTorchMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetTorchMode(mode QCamera__TorchMode)
func (*QCamera) SetWhiteBalanceMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) SetWhiteBalanceMode(mode QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode)
func (*QCamera) SetZoomFactor ¶
func (*QCamera) SupportedFeatures ¶
func (this *QCamera) SupportedFeatures() QCamera__Feature
func (*QCamera) SupportedFeaturesChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) SupportedFeaturesChanged()
func (*QCamera) TorchMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) TorchMode() QCamera__TorchMode
func (*QCamera) TorchModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) TorchModeChanged()
func (*QCamera) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QCamera) WhiteBalanceMode ¶
func (this *QCamera) WhiteBalanceMode() QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode
func (*QCamera) WhiteBalanceModeChanged ¶
func (this *QCamera) WhiteBalanceModeChanged()
func (*QCamera) ZoomFactor ¶
func (*QCamera) ZoomFactorChanged ¶
type QCameraDevice ¶
type QCameraDevice struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCameraDevice ¶
func NewQCameraDevice() *QCameraDevice
NewQCameraDevice constructs a new QCameraDevice object.
func NewQCameraDevice2 ¶
func NewQCameraDevice2(other *QCameraDevice) *QCameraDevice
NewQCameraDevice2 constructs a new QCameraDevice object.
func QMediaDevices_DefaultVideoInput ¶
func QMediaDevices_DefaultVideoInput() *QCameraDevice
func QMediaDevices_VideoInputs ¶
func QMediaDevices_VideoInputs() []QCameraDevice
func UnsafeNewQCameraDevice ¶
func UnsafeNewQCameraDevice(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCameraDevice
UnsafeNewQCameraDevice constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCameraDevice) Delete ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCameraDevice) Description ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) Description() string
func (*QCameraDevice) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCameraDevice) Id ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) Id() []byte
func (*QCameraDevice) IsDefault ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) IsDefault() bool
func (*QCameraDevice) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) IsNull() bool
func (*QCameraDevice) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorAssign(other *QCameraDevice)
func (*QCameraDevice) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorEqual(other *QCameraDevice) bool
func (*QCameraDevice) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCameraDevice) bool
func (*QCameraDevice) PhotoResolutions ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) PhotoResolutions() []qt6.QSize
func (*QCameraDevice) Position ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) Position() QCameraDevice__Position
func (*QCameraDevice) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QCameraDevice) VideoFormats ¶
func (this *QCameraDevice) VideoFormats() []QCameraFormat
type QCameraDevice__Position ¶
type QCameraDevice__Position int
const ( QCameraDevice__UnspecifiedPosition QCameraDevice__Position = 0 QCameraDevice__BackFace QCameraDevice__Position = 1 QCameraDevice__FrontFace QCameraDevice__Position = 2 )
type QCameraFormat ¶
type QCameraFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCameraFormat ¶
func NewQCameraFormat() *QCameraFormat
NewQCameraFormat constructs a new QCameraFormat object.
func NewQCameraFormat2 ¶
func NewQCameraFormat2(other *QCameraFormat) *QCameraFormat
NewQCameraFormat2 constructs a new QCameraFormat object.
func UnsafeNewQCameraFormat ¶
func UnsafeNewQCameraFormat(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCameraFormat
UnsafeNewQCameraFormat constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCameraFormat) Delete ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCameraFormat) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCameraFormat) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) IsNull() bool
func (*QCameraFormat) MaxFrameRate ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) MaxFrameRate() float32
func (*QCameraFormat) MinFrameRate ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) MinFrameRate() float32
func (*QCameraFormat) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorAssign(other *QCameraFormat)
func (*QCameraFormat) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorEqual(other *QCameraFormat) bool
func (*QCameraFormat) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCameraFormat) bool
func (*QCameraFormat) PixelFormat ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
func (*QCameraFormat) Resolution ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) Resolution() *qt6.QSize
func (*QCameraFormat) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCameraFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCamera__Error ¶
type QCamera__Error int
const ( QCamera__NoError QCamera__Error = 0 QCamera__CameraError QCamera__Error = 1 )
type QCamera__ExposureMode ¶
type QCamera__ExposureMode int
const ( QCamera__ExposureAuto QCamera__ExposureMode = 0 QCamera__ExposureManual QCamera__ExposureMode = 1 QCamera__ExposurePortrait QCamera__ExposureMode = 2 QCamera__ExposureNight QCamera__ExposureMode = 3 QCamera__ExposureSports QCamera__ExposureMode = 4 QCamera__ExposureSnow QCamera__ExposureMode = 5 QCamera__ExposureBeach QCamera__ExposureMode = 6 QCamera__ExposureAction QCamera__ExposureMode = 7 QCamera__ExposureLandscape QCamera__ExposureMode = 8 QCamera__ExposureNightPortrait QCamera__ExposureMode = 9 QCamera__ExposureTheatre QCamera__ExposureMode = 10 QCamera__ExposureSunset QCamera__ExposureMode = 11 QCamera__ExposureSteadyPhoto QCamera__ExposureMode = 12 QCamera__ExposureFireworks QCamera__ExposureMode = 13 QCamera__ExposureParty QCamera__ExposureMode = 14 QCamera__ExposureCandlelight QCamera__ExposureMode = 15 QCamera__ExposureBarcode QCamera__ExposureMode = 16 )
type QCamera__Feature ¶
type QCamera__Feature int
const ( QCamera__ColorTemperature QCamera__Feature = 1 QCamera__ExposureCompensation QCamera__Feature = 2 QCamera__IsoSensitivity QCamera__Feature = 4 QCamera__ManualExposureTime QCamera__Feature = 8 QCamera__CustomFocusPoint QCamera__Feature = 16 QCamera__FocusDistance QCamera__Feature = 32 )
type QCamera__FlashMode ¶
type QCamera__FlashMode int
const ( QCamera__FlashOff QCamera__FlashMode = 0 QCamera__FlashOn QCamera__FlashMode = 1 QCamera__FlashAuto QCamera__FlashMode = 2 )
type QCamera__FocusMode ¶
type QCamera__FocusMode int
const ( QCamera__FocusModeAuto QCamera__FocusMode = 0 QCamera__FocusModeAutoNear QCamera__FocusMode = 1 QCamera__FocusModeAutoFar QCamera__FocusMode = 2 QCamera__FocusModeHyperfocal QCamera__FocusMode = 3 QCamera__FocusModeInfinity QCamera__FocusMode = 4 QCamera__FocusModeManual QCamera__FocusMode = 5 )
type QCamera__TorchMode ¶
type QCamera__TorchMode int
const ( QCamera__TorchOff QCamera__TorchMode = 0 QCamera__TorchOn QCamera__TorchMode = 1 QCamera__TorchAuto QCamera__TorchMode = 2 )
type QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode ¶
type QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode int
const ( QCamera__WhiteBalanceAuto QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 0 QCamera__WhiteBalanceManual QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 1 QCamera__WhiteBalanceSunlight QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 2 QCamera__WhiteBalanceCloudy QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 3 QCamera__WhiteBalanceShade QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 4 QCamera__WhiteBalanceTungsten QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 5 QCamera__WhiteBalanceFluorescent QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 6 QCamera__WhiteBalanceFlash QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 7 QCamera__WhiteBalanceSunset QCamera__WhiteBalanceMode = 8 )
type QGraphicsVideoItem ¶
type QGraphicsVideoItem struct { *qt6.QGraphicsObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQGraphicsVideoItem ¶
func NewQGraphicsVideoItem() *QGraphicsVideoItem
NewQGraphicsVideoItem constructs a new QGraphicsVideoItem object.
func NewQGraphicsVideoItem2 ¶
func NewQGraphicsVideoItem2(parent *qt6.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsVideoItem
NewQGraphicsVideoItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsVideoItem object.
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsVideoItem ¶
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsVideoItem(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsVideoItem
UnsafeNewQGraphicsVideoItem constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) AddToIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) AddToIndex()
AddToIndex can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) AspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) AspectRatioMode() qt6.AspectRatioMode
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) BoundingRect ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) BoundingRect() *qt6.QRectF
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Delete ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) GoGC ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Metacast ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSize ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSize() *qt6.QSizeF
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSizeChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) NativeSizeChanged(size *qt6.QSizeF)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Offset ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Offset() *qt6.QPointF
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnAdvance ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnAdvance(slot func(super func(phase int), phase int))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnBoundingRect ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt6.QRectF) *qt6.QRectF)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithItem ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithItem(slot func(super func(other *qt6.QGraphicsItem, mode qt6.ItemSelectionMode) bool, other *qt6.QGraphicsItem, mode qt6.ItemSelectionMode) bool)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithPath ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCollidesWithPath(slot func(super func(path *qt6.QPainterPath, mode qt6.ItemSelectionMode) bool, path *qt6.QPainterPath, mode qt6.ItemSelectionMode) bool)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnContains ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnContextMenuEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDropEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnExtension ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusInEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusOutEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnHoverMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), event *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodQuery ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(query qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, query qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnIsObscuredBy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnIsObscuredBy(slot func(super func(item *qt6.QGraphicsItem) bool, item *qt6.QGraphicsItem) bool)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnItemChange ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnItemChange(slot func(super func(change qt6.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt6.QVariant) *qt6.QVariant, change qt6.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt6.QVariant) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyPressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMousePressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnNativeSizeChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnNativeSizeChanged(slot func(size *qt6.QSizeF))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnOpaqueArea ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnOpaqueArea(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainterPath) *qt6.QPainterPath)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnPaint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnPaint(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter, option *qt6.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt6.QWidget), painter *qt6.QPainter, option *qt6.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt6.QWidget))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSceneEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSceneEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSceneEventFilter(slot func(super func(watched *qt6.QGraphicsItem, event *qt6.QEvent) bool, watched *qt6.QGraphicsItem, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSetExtension ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSetExtension(slot func(super func(extension qt6.QGraphicsItem__Extension, variant *qt6.QVariant), extension qt6.QGraphicsItem__Extension, variant *qt6.QVariant))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnShape ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnShape(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainterPath) *qt6.QPainterPath)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSupportsExtension ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnSupportsExtension(slot func(super func(extension qt6.QGraphicsItem__Extension) bool, extension qt6.QGraphicsItem__Extension) bool)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnType ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) OnWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent), event *qt6.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent))
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Paint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Paint(painter *qt6.QPainter, option *qt6.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt6.QWidget)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) PrepareGeometryChange ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) PrepareGeometryChange()
PrepareGeometryChange can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) RemoveFromIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) RemoveFromIndex()
RemoveFromIndex can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) SetAspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) SetOffset ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetOffset(offset *qt6.QPointF)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) SetSize ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) SetSize(size *qt6.QSizeF)
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Size ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Size() *qt6.QSizeF
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) Type ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) Type() int
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QGraphicsVideoItem that was directly constructed.
func (*QGraphicsVideoItem) VideoSink ¶
func (this *QGraphicsVideoItem) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
type QGraphicsVideoItem__ ¶
type QGraphicsVideoItem__ int
const (
QGraphicsVideoItem__Type QGraphicsVideoItem__ = 14
type QImageCapture ¶
func NewQImageCapture ¶
func NewQImageCapture() *QImageCapture
NewQImageCapture constructs a new QImageCapture object.
func NewQImageCapture2 ¶
func NewQImageCapture2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QImageCapture
NewQImageCapture2 constructs a new QImageCapture object.
func UnsafeNewQImageCapture ¶
func UnsafeNewQImageCapture(h unsafe.Pointer) *QImageCapture
UnsafeNewQImageCapture constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QImageCapture) AddMetaData ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) AddMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
func (*QImageCapture) Capture ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) Capture() int
func (*QImageCapture) CaptureSession ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
func (*QImageCapture) CaptureToFile ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureToFile() int
func (*QImageCapture) CaptureToFile1 ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) CaptureToFile1(location string) int
func (*QImageCapture) Delete ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QImageCapture) Error ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) Error() QImageCapture__Error
func (*QImageCapture) ErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorChanged()
func (*QImageCapture) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorOccurred(id int, error QImageCapture__Error, errorString string)
func (*QImageCapture) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ErrorString() string
func (*QImageCapture) FileFormat ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) FileFormat() QImageCapture__FileFormat
func (*QImageCapture) FileFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) FileFormatChanged()
func (*QImageCapture) GoGC ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QImageCapture) ImageAvailable ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ImageAvailable(id int, frame *QVideoFrame)
func (*QImageCapture) ImageCaptured ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ImageCaptured(id int, preview *qt6.QImage)
func (*QImageCapture) ImageExposed ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ImageExposed(id int)
func (*QImageCapture) ImageMetadataAvailable ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ImageMetadataAvailable(id int, metaData *QMediaMetaData)
func (*QImageCapture) ImageSaved ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ImageSaved(id int, fileName string)
func (*QImageCapture) IsAvailable ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) IsAvailable() bool
func (*QImageCapture) IsReadyForCapture ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) IsReadyForCapture() bool
func (*QImageCapture) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QImageCapture) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QImageCapture that was directly constructed.
func (*QImageCapture) MetaData ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
func (*QImageCapture) MetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) MetaDataChanged()
func (*QImageCapture) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QImageCapture) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QImageCapture) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QImageCapture) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QImageCapture) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QImageCapture) OnErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
func (*QImageCapture) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(id int, error QImageCapture__Error, errorString string))
func (*QImageCapture) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QImageCapture) OnFileFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnFileFormatChanged(slot func())
func (*QImageCapture) OnImageAvailable ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageAvailable(slot func(id int, frame *QVideoFrame))
func (*QImageCapture) OnImageCaptured ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageCaptured(slot func(id int, preview *qt6.QImage))
func (*QImageCapture) OnImageExposed ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageExposed(slot func(id int))
func (*QImageCapture) OnImageMetadataAvailable ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageMetadataAvailable(slot func(id int, metaData *QMediaMetaData))
func (*QImageCapture) OnImageSaved ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnImageSaved(slot func(id int, fileName string))
func (*QImageCapture) OnMetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
func (*QImageCapture) OnQualityChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnQualityChanged(slot func())
func (*QImageCapture) OnReadyForCaptureChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnReadyForCaptureChanged(slot func(ready bool))
func (*QImageCapture) OnResolutionChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnResolutionChanged(slot func())
func (*QImageCapture) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QImageCapture) Quality ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) Quality() QImageCapture__Quality
func (*QImageCapture) QualityChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) QualityChanged()
func (*QImageCapture) ReadyForCaptureChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ReadyForCaptureChanged(ready bool)
func (*QImageCapture) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QImageCapture) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QImageCapture that was directly constructed.
func (*QImageCapture) Resolution ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) Resolution() *qt6.QSize
func (*QImageCapture) ResolutionChanged ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) ResolutionChanged()
func (*QImageCapture) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QImageCapture) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QImageCapture that was directly constructed.
func (*QImageCapture) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QImageCapture) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QImageCapture that was directly constructed.
func (*QImageCapture) SetFileFormat ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) SetFileFormat(format QImageCapture__FileFormat)
func (*QImageCapture) SetMetaData ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) SetMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
func (*QImageCapture) SetQuality ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) SetQuality(quality QImageCapture__Quality)
func (*QImageCapture) SetResolution ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) SetResolution(resolution *qt6.QSize)
func (*QImageCapture) SetResolution2 ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) SetResolution2(width int, height int)
func (*QImageCapture) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QImageCapture) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QImageCapture__Error ¶
type QImageCapture__Error int
const ( QImageCapture__NoError QImageCapture__Error = 0 QImageCapture__NotReadyError QImageCapture__Error = 1 QImageCapture__ResourceError QImageCapture__Error = 2 QImageCapture__OutOfSpaceError QImageCapture__Error = 3 QImageCapture__NotSupportedFeatureError QImageCapture__Error = 4 QImageCapture__FormatError QImageCapture__Error = 5 )
type QImageCapture__FileFormat ¶
type QImageCapture__FileFormat int
const ( QImageCapture__UnspecifiedFormat QImageCapture__FileFormat = 0 QImageCapture__JPEG QImageCapture__FileFormat = 1 QImageCapture__PNG QImageCapture__FileFormat = 2 QImageCapture__WebP QImageCapture__FileFormat = 3 QImageCapture__Tiff QImageCapture__FileFormat = 4 QImageCapture__LastFileFormat QImageCapture__FileFormat = 4 )
func QImageCapture_SupportedFormats ¶
func QImageCapture_SupportedFormats() []QImageCapture__FileFormat
type QImageCapture__Quality ¶
type QImageCapture__Quality int
const ( QImageCapture__VeryLowQuality QImageCapture__Quality = 0 QImageCapture__LowQuality QImageCapture__Quality = 1 QImageCapture__NormalQuality QImageCapture__Quality = 2 QImageCapture__HighQuality QImageCapture__Quality = 3 QImageCapture__VeryHighQuality QImageCapture__Quality = 4 )
type QMediaCaptureSession ¶
func NewQMediaCaptureSession ¶
func NewQMediaCaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
NewQMediaCaptureSession constructs a new QMediaCaptureSession object.
func NewQMediaCaptureSession2 ¶
func NewQMediaCaptureSession2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QMediaCaptureSession
NewQMediaCaptureSession2 constructs a new QMediaCaptureSession object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaCaptureSession ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaCaptureSession(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaCaptureSession
UnsafeNewQMediaCaptureSession constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInput() *QAudioInput
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioInputChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutput() *QAudioOutput
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) AudioOutputChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Camera ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Camera() *QCamera
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) CameraChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) CameraChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCapture ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCapture() *QImageCapture
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCaptureChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) ImageCaptureChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QMediaCaptureSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Metacast ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioInputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioInputChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnAudioOutputChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnCameraChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnCameraChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnImageCaptureChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnImageCaptureChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnRecorderChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnRecorderChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) OnVideoOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) OnVideoOutputChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QMediaCaptureSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Recorder ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Recorder() *QMediaRecorder
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) RecorderChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) RecorderChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QMediaCaptureSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QMediaCaptureSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioInput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioInput(input *QAudioInput)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetAudioOutput(output *QAudioOutput)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetCamera ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetCamera(camera *QCamera)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetImageCapture ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetImageCapture(imageCapture *QImageCapture)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetRecorder ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetRecorder(recorder *QMediaRecorder)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoOutput(output *qt6.QObject)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoSink ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) SetVideoSink(sink *QVideoSink)
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutput() *qt6.QObject
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoOutputChanged()
func (*QMediaCaptureSession) VideoSink ¶
func (this *QMediaCaptureSession) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
type QMediaDevices ¶
func NewQMediaDevices ¶
func NewQMediaDevices() *QMediaDevices
NewQMediaDevices constructs a new QMediaDevices object.
func NewQMediaDevices2 ¶
func NewQMediaDevices2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QMediaDevices
NewQMediaDevices2 constructs a new QMediaDevices object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaDevices ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaDevices(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaDevices
UnsafeNewQMediaDevices constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaDevices) AudioInputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) AudioInputsChanged()
func (*QMediaDevices) AudioOutputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) AudioOutputsChanged()
func (*QMediaDevices) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaDevices) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaDevices) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaDevices) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QMediaDevices that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaDevices) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QMediaDevices) OnAudioInputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnAudioInputsChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaDevices) OnAudioOutputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnAudioOutputsChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaDevices) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QMediaDevices) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaDevices) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QMediaDevices) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaDevices) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QMediaDevices) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QMediaDevices) OnVideoInputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) OnVideoInputsChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaDevices) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaDevices) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QMediaDevices that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaDevices) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaDevices) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QMediaDevices that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaDevices) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaDevices) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QMediaDevices that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaDevices) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaDevices) VideoInputsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaDevices) VideoInputsChanged()
type QMediaFormat ¶
type QMediaFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQMediaFormat ¶
func NewQMediaFormat() *QMediaFormat
NewQMediaFormat constructs a new QMediaFormat object.
func NewQMediaFormat2 ¶
func NewQMediaFormat2(other *QMediaFormat) *QMediaFormat
NewQMediaFormat2 constructs a new QMediaFormat object.
func NewQMediaFormat3 ¶
func NewQMediaFormat3(format QMediaFormat__FileFormat) *QMediaFormat
NewQMediaFormat3 constructs a new QMediaFormat object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaFormat ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaFormat(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaFormat
UnsafeNewQMediaFormat constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaFormat) AudioCodec ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) AudioCodec() QMediaFormat__AudioCodec
func (*QMediaFormat) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaFormat) FileFormat ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) FileFormat() QMediaFormat__FileFormat
func (*QMediaFormat) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaFormat) IsSupported ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) IsSupported(mode QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) bool
func (*QMediaFormat) MimeType ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) MimeType() *qt6.QMimeType
func (*QMediaFormat) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorAssign(other *QMediaFormat)
func (*QMediaFormat) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorEqual(other *QMediaFormat) bool
func (*QMediaFormat) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) OperatorNotEqual(other *QMediaFormat) bool
func (*QMediaFormat) ResolveForEncoding ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) ResolveForEncoding(flags QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags)
func (*QMediaFormat) SetAudioCodec ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SetAudioCodec(codec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec)
func (*QMediaFormat) SetFileFormat ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SetFileFormat(f QMediaFormat__FileFormat)
func (*QMediaFormat) SetVideoCodec ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SetVideoCodec(codec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec)
func (*QMediaFormat) SupportedAudioCodecs ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedAudioCodecs(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__AudioCodec
func (*QMediaFormat) SupportedFileFormats ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedFileFormats(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__FileFormat
func (*QMediaFormat) SupportedVideoCodecs ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) SupportedVideoCodecs(m QMediaFormat__ConversionMode) []QMediaFormat__VideoCodec
func (*QMediaFormat) Swap ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) Swap(other *QMediaFormat)
func (*QMediaFormat) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaFormat) VideoCodec ¶
func (this *QMediaFormat) VideoCodec() QMediaFormat__VideoCodec
type QMediaFormat__AudioCodec ¶
type QMediaFormat__AudioCodec int
const ( QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__Unspecified QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = -1 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__MP3 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 0 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__AAC QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 1 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__AC3 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 2 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__EAC3 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 3 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__FLAC QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 4 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__DolbyTrueHD QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 5 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__Opus QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 6 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__Vorbis QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 7 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__Wave QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 8 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__WMA QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 9 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__ALAC QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 10 QMediaFormat__AudioCodec__LastAudioCodec QMediaFormat__AudioCodec = 10 )
type QMediaFormat__ConversionMode ¶
type QMediaFormat__ConversionMode int
const ( QMediaFormat__Encode QMediaFormat__ConversionMode = 0 QMediaFormat__Decode QMediaFormat__ConversionMode = 1 )
type QMediaFormat__FileFormat ¶
type QMediaFormat__FileFormat int
const ( QMediaFormat__FileFormat__UnspecifiedFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat = -1 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__WMV QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 0 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__AVI QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 1 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__Matroska QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 2 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__MPEG4 QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 3 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__Ogg QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 4 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__QuickTime QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 5 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__WebM QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 6 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__Mpeg4Audio QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 7 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__AAC QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 8 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__WMA QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 9 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__MP3 QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 10 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__FLAC QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 11 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__Wave QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 12 QMediaFormat__FileFormat__LastFileFormat QMediaFormat__FileFormat = 12 )
type QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags ¶
type QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags int
const ( QMediaFormat__NoFlags QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags = 0 QMediaFormat__RequiresVideo QMediaFormat__ResolveFlags = 1 )
type QMediaFormat__VideoCodec ¶
type QMediaFormat__VideoCodec int
const ( QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__Unspecified QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = -1 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__MPEG1 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 0 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__MPEG2 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 1 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__MPEG4 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 2 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__H264 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 3 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__H265 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 4 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__VP8 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 5 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__VP9 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 6 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__AV1 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 7 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__Theora QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 8 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__WMV QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 9 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__MotionJPEG QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 10 QMediaFormat__VideoCodec__LastVideoCodec QMediaFormat__VideoCodec = 10 )
type QMediaMetaData ¶
type QMediaMetaData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQMediaMetaData ¶
func NewQMediaMetaData(param1 *QMediaMetaData) *QMediaMetaData
NewQMediaMetaData constructs a new QMediaMetaData object.
func NewQMediaMetaData2 ¶
func NewQMediaMetaData2() *QMediaMetaData
NewQMediaMetaData2 constructs a new QMediaMetaData object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaMetaData ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaMetaData(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaMetaData
UnsafeNewQMediaMetaData constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaMetaData) Clear ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Clear()
func (*QMediaMetaData) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaMetaData) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaMetaData) Insert ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Insert(k QMediaMetaData__Key, value *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QMediaMetaData) IsEmpty ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QMediaMetaData) Keys ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Keys() []QMediaMetaData__Key
func (*QMediaMetaData) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) OperatorSubscript(k QMediaMetaData__Key) *qt6.QVariant
func (*QMediaMetaData) Remove ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Remove(k QMediaMetaData__Key)
func (*QMediaMetaData) StringValue ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) StringValue(k QMediaMetaData__Key) string
func (*QMediaMetaData) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaMetaData) Value ¶
func (this *QMediaMetaData) Value(k QMediaMetaData__Key) *qt6.QVariant
type QMediaMetaData__Key ¶
type QMediaMetaData__Key int
const ( QMediaMetaData__Title QMediaMetaData__Key = 0 QMediaMetaData__Author QMediaMetaData__Key = 1 QMediaMetaData__Comment QMediaMetaData__Key = 2 QMediaMetaData__Description QMediaMetaData__Key = 3 QMediaMetaData__Genre QMediaMetaData__Key = 4 QMediaMetaData__Date QMediaMetaData__Key = 5 QMediaMetaData__Language QMediaMetaData__Key = 6 QMediaMetaData__Publisher QMediaMetaData__Key = 7 QMediaMetaData__Copyright QMediaMetaData__Key = 8 QMediaMetaData__Url QMediaMetaData__Key = 9 QMediaMetaData__Duration QMediaMetaData__Key = 10 QMediaMetaData__MediaType QMediaMetaData__Key = 11 QMediaMetaData__FileFormat QMediaMetaData__Key = 12 QMediaMetaData__AudioBitRate QMediaMetaData__Key = 13 QMediaMetaData__AudioCodec QMediaMetaData__Key = 14 QMediaMetaData__VideoBitRate QMediaMetaData__Key = 15 QMediaMetaData__VideoCodec QMediaMetaData__Key = 16 QMediaMetaData__VideoFrameRate QMediaMetaData__Key = 17 QMediaMetaData__AlbumTitle QMediaMetaData__Key = 18 QMediaMetaData__AlbumArtist QMediaMetaData__Key = 19 QMediaMetaData__ContributingArtist QMediaMetaData__Key = 20 QMediaMetaData__TrackNumber QMediaMetaData__Key = 21 QMediaMetaData__Composer QMediaMetaData__Key = 22 QMediaMetaData__LeadPerformer QMediaMetaData__Key = 23 QMediaMetaData__ThumbnailImage QMediaMetaData__Key = 24 QMediaMetaData__CoverArtImage QMediaMetaData__Key = 25 QMediaMetaData__Orientation QMediaMetaData__Key = 26 QMediaMetaData__Resolution QMediaMetaData__Key = 27 )
type QMediaPlayer ¶
func NewQMediaPlayer ¶
func NewQMediaPlayer() *QMediaPlayer
NewQMediaPlayer constructs a new QMediaPlayer object.
func NewQMediaPlayer2 ¶
func NewQMediaPlayer2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QMediaPlayer
NewQMediaPlayer2 constructs a new QMediaPlayer object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaPlayer ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaPlayer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaPlayer
UnsafeNewQMediaPlayer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaPlayer) ActiveAudioTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveAudioTrack() int
func (*QMediaPlayer) ActiveSubtitleTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveSubtitleTrack() int
func (*QMediaPlayer) ActiveTracksChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveTracksChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) ActiveVideoTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ActiveVideoTrack() int
func (*QMediaPlayer) AudioOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioOutput() *QAudioOutput
func (*QMediaPlayer) AudioOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioOutputChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) AudioTracks ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) AudioTracks() []QMediaMetaData
func (*QMediaPlayer) BufferProgress ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferProgress() float32
func (*QMediaPlayer) BufferProgressChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferProgressChanged(progress float32)
func (*QMediaPlayer) BufferedTimeRange ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) BufferedTimeRange() *QMediaTimeRange
func (*QMediaPlayer) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaPlayer) Duration ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Duration() int64
func (*QMediaPlayer) DurationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) DurationChanged(duration int64)
func (*QMediaPlayer) Error ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Error() QMediaPlayer__Error
func (*QMediaPlayer) ErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorOccurred(error QMediaPlayer__Error, errorString string)
func (*QMediaPlayer) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) ErrorString() string
func (*QMediaPlayer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaPlayer) HasAudio ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasAudio() bool
func (*QMediaPlayer) HasAudioChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasAudioChanged(available bool)
func (*QMediaPlayer) HasVideo ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasVideo() bool
func (*QMediaPlayer) HasVideoChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) HasVideoChanged(videoAvailable bool)
func (*QMediaPlayer) IsAvailable ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsAvailable() bool
func (*QMediaPlayer) IsSeekable ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsSeekable() bool
func (*QMediaPlayer) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaPlayer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QMediaPlayer that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaPlayer) Loops ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Loops() int
func (*QMediaPlayer) LoopsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) LoopsChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) MediaStatus ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) MediaStatus() QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus
func (*QMediaPlayer) MediaStatusChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) MediaStatusChanged(status QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus)
func (*QMediaPlayer) MetaData ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
func (*QMediaPlayer) MetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaDataChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnActiveTracksChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnActiveTracksChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnAudioOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnAudioOutputChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnBufferProgressChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnBufferProgressChanged(slot func(progress float32))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnDurationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QMediaPlayer__Error, errorString string))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnHasAudioChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnHasAudioChanged(slot func(available bool))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnHasVideoChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnHasVideoChanged(slot func(videoAvailable bool))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnLoopsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnLoopsChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnMediaStatusChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnMediaStatusChanged(slot func(status QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnMetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackRateChanged(slot func(rate float64))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackStateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPlaybackStateChanged(slot func(newState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnPositionChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnPositionChanged(slot func(position int64))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnSeekableChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnSeekableChanged(slot func(seekable bool))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnSourceChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnSourceChanged(slot func(media *qt6.QUrl))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnTracksChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnTracksChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) OnVideoOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) OnVideoOutputChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaPlayer) Pause ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Pause()
func (*QMediaPlayer) Play ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Play()
func (*QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRate ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRate() float64
func (*QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackRateChanged(rate float64)
func (*QMediaPlayer) PlaybackState ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackState() QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState
func (*QMediaPlayer) PlaybackStateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) PlaybackStateChanged(newState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState)
func (*QMediaPlayer) Position ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Position() int64
func (*QMediaPlayer) PositionChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) PositionChanged(position int64)
func (*QMediaPlayer) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QMediaPlayer that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaPlayer) SeekableChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SeekableChanged(seekable bool)
func (*QMediaPlayer) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QMediaPlayer that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaPlayer) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QMediaPlayer that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetActiveAudioTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveAudioTrack(index int)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetActiveSubtitleTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveSubtitleTrack(index int)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetActiveVideoTrack ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetActiveVideoTrack(index int)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetAudioOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetAudioOutput(output *QAudioOutput)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetLoops ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetLoops(loops int)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetPlaybackRate ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetPlaybackRate(rate float64)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetPosition ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetPosition(position int64)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetSource ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSource(source *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice2 ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetSourceDevice2(device *qt6.QIODevice, sourceUrl *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetVideoOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetVideoOutput(videoOutput *qt6.QObject)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SetVideoSink ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SetVideoSink(sink *QVideoSink)
func (*QMediaPlayer) Source ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Source() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QMediaPlayer) SourceChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SourceChanged(media *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QMediaPlayer) SourceDevice ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SourceDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QMediaPlayer) Stop ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) Stop()
func (*QMediaPlayer) SubtitleTracks ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) SubtitleTracks() []QMediaMetaData
func (*QMediaPlayer) TracksChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) TracksChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaPlayer) VideoOutput ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoOutput() *qt6.QObject
func (*QMediaPlayer) VideoOutputChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoOutputChanged()
func (*QMediaPlayer) VideoSink ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
func (*QMediaPlayer) VideoTracks ¶
func (this *QMediaPlayer) VideoTracks() []QMediaMetaData
type QMediaPlayer__Error ¶
type QMediaPlayer__Error int
const ( QMediaPlayer__NoError QMediaPlayer__Error = 0 QMediaPlayer__ResourceError QMediaPlayer__Error = 1 QMediaPlayer__FormatError QMediaPlayer__Error = 2 QMediaPlayer__NetworkError QMediaPlayer__Error = 3 QMediaPlayer__AccessDeniedError QMediaPlayer__Error = 4 )
type QMediaPlayer__Loops ¶
type QMediaPlayer__Loops int
const ( QMediaPlayer__Infinite QMediaPlayer__Loops = -1 QMediaPlayer__Once QMediaPlayer__Loops = 1 )
type QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus ¶
type QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus int
const ( QMediaPlayer__NoMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 0 QMediaPlayer__LoadingMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 1 QMediaPlayer__LoadedMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 2 QMediaPlayer__StalledMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 3 QMediaPlayer__BufferingMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 4 QMediaPlayer__BufferedMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 5 QMediaPlayer__EndOfMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 6 QMediaPlayer__InvalidMedia QMediaPlayer__MediaStatus = 7 )
type QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState ¶
type QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState int
const ( QMediaPlayer__StoppedState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState = 0 QMediaPlayer__PlayingState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState = 1 QMediaPlayer__PausedState QMediaPlayer__PlaybackState = 2 )
type QMediaRecorder ¶
func NewQMediaRecorder ¶
func NewQMediaRecorder() *QMediaRecorder
NewQMediaRecorder constructs a new QMediaRecorder object.
func NewQMediaRecorder2 ¶
func NewQMediaRecorder2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QMediaRecorder
NewQMediaRecorder2 constructs a new QMediaRecorder object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaRecorder ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaRecorder(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaRecorder
UnsafeNewQMediaRecorder constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaRecorder) ActualLocation ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) ActualLocation() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QMediaRecorder) ActualLocationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) ActualLocationChanged(location *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QMediaRecorder) AddMetaData ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AddMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRate() int
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioBitRateChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCount ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCount() int
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCountChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioChannelCountChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRate() int
func (*QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) AudioSampleRateChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) CaptureSession ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) CaptureSession() *QMediaCaptureSession
func (*QMediaRecorder) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaRecorder) Duration ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Duration() int64
func (*QMediaRecorder) DurationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) DurationChanged(duration int64)
func (*QMediaRecorder) EncoderSettingsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncoderSettingsChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) EncodingMode ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncodingMode() QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode
func (*QMediaRecorder) EncodingModeChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) EncodingModeChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) Error ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Error() QMediaRecorder__Error
func (*QMediaRecorder) ErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorOccurred(error QMediaRecorder__Error, errorString string)
func (*QMediaRecorder) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) ErrorString() string
func (*QMediaRecorder) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaRecorder) IsAvailable ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) IsAvailable() bool
func (*QMediaRecorder) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaRecorder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QMediaRecorder that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaRecorder) MediaFormat ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) MediaFormat() *QMediaFormat
func (*QMediaRecorder) MediaFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) MediaFormatChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) MetaData ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaData() *QMediaMetaData
func (*QMediaRecorder) MetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaDataChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QMediaRecorder) Metacast ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnActualLocationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnActualLocationChanged(slot func(location *qt6.QUrl))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnAudioBitRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioBitRateChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnAudioChannelCountChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioChannelCountChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnAudioSampleRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnAudioSampleRateChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnDurationChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnDurationChanged(slot func(duration int64))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnEncoderSettingsChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEncoderSettingsChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnEncodingModeChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnEncodingModeChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnErrorChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnErrorChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(error QMediaRecorder__Error, errorString string))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnMediaFormatChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnMediaFormatChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnMetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnQualityChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnQualityChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnRecorderStateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnRecorderStateChanged(slot func(state QMediaRecorder__RecorderState))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnVideoBitRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoBitRateChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnVideoFrameRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoFrameRateChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OnVideoResolutionChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OnVideoResolutionChanged(slot func())
func (*QMediaRecorder) OutputLocation ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) OutputLocation() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QMediaRecorder) Pause ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Pause()
func (*QMediaRecorder) Quality ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Quality() QMediaRecorder__Quality
func (*QMediaRecorder) QualityChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) QualityChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QMediaRecorder that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaRecorder) Record ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Record()
func (*QMediaRecorder) RecorderState ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) RecorderState() QMediaRecorder__RecorderState
func (*QMediaRecorder) RecorderStateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) RecorderStateChanged(state QMediaRecorder__RecorderState)
func (*QMediaRecorder) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QMediaRecorder that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaRecorder) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QMediaRecorder that was directly constructed.
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetAudioBitRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioBitRate(bitRate int)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetAudioChannelCount ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioChannelCount(channels int)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetAudioSampleRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetAudioSampleRate(sampleRate int)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetEncodingMode ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetEncodingMode(encodingMode QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetMediaFormat ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetMediaFormat(format *QMediaFormat)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetMetaData ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetMetaData(metaData *QMediaMetaData)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetOutputLocation ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetOutputLocation(location *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetQuality ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetQuality(quality QMediaRecorder__Quality)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetVideoBitRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoBitRate(bitRate int)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetVideoFrameRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoFrameRate(frameRate float64)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution(videoResolution *qt6.QSize)
func (*QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution2 ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) SetVideoResolution2(width int, height int)
func (*QMediaRecorder) Stop ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) Stop()
func (*QMediaRecorder) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRate() int
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoBitRateChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRate ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRate() float64
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRateChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoFrameRateChanged()
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoResolution ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoResolution() *qt6.QSize
func (*QMediaRecorder) VideoResolutionChanged ¶
func (this *QMediaRecorder) VideoResolutionChanged()
type QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode ¶
type QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode int
const ( QMediaRecorder__ConstantQualityEncoding QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode = 0 QMediaRecorder__ConstantBitRateEncoding QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode = 1 QMediaRecorder__AverageBitRateEncoding QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode = 2 QMediaRecorder__TwoPassEncoding QMediaRecorder__EncodingMode = 3 )
type QMediaRecorder__Error ¶
type QMediaRecorder__Error int
const ( QMediaRecorder__NoError QMediaRecorder__Error = 0 QMediaRecorder__ResourceError QMediaRecorder__Error = 1 QMediaRecorder__FormatError QMediaRecorder__Error = 2 QMediaRecorder__OutOfSpaceError QMediaRecorder__Error = 3 QMediaRecorder__LocationNotWritable QMediaRecorder__Error = 4 )
type QMediaRecorder__Quality ¶
type QMediaRecorder__Quality int
const ( QMediaRecorder__VeryLowQuality QMediaRecorder__Quality = 0 QMediaRecorder__LowQuality QMediaRecorder__Quality = 1 QMediaRecorder__NormalQuality QMediaRecorder__Quality = 2 QMediaRecorder__HighQuality QMediaRecorder__Quality = 3 QMediaRecorder__VeryHighQuality QMediaRecorder__Quality = 4 )
type QMediaRecorder__RecorderState ¶
type QMediaRecorder__RecorderState int
const ( QMediaRecorder__StoppedState QMediaRecorder__RecorderState = 0 QMediaRecorder__RecordingState QMediaRecorder__RecorderState = 1 QMediaRecorder__PausedState QMediaRecorder__RecorderState = 2 )
type QMediaTimeRange ¶
type QMediaTimeRange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQMediaTimeRange ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange() *QMediaTimeRange
NewQMediaTimeRange constructs a new QMediaTimeRange object.
func NewQMediaTimeRange2 ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange2(start int64, end int64) *QMediaTimeRange
NewQMediaTimeRange2 constructs a new QMediaTimeRange object.
func NewQMediaTimeRange3 ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange3(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
NewQMediaTimeRange3 constructs a new QMediaTimeRange object.
func NewQMediaTimeRange4 ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange4(rangeVal *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
NewQMediaTimeRange4 constructs a new QMediaTimeRange object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaTimeRange
UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaTimeRange) AddInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddInterval(start int64, end int64)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) AddIntervalWithInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddIntervalWithInterval(interval *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) AddTimeRange ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) AddTimeRange(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Clear ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Clear()
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Contains ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Contains(time int64) bool
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Detach ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Detach()
func (*QMediaTimeRange) EarliestTime ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) EarliestTime() int64
func (*QMediaTimeRange) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Intervals ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Intervals() []QMediaTimeRange__Interval
func (*QMediaTimeRange) IsContinuous ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) IsContinuous() bool
func (*QMediaTimeRange) IsEmpty ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QMediaTimeRange) LatestTime ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) LatestTime() int64
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorMinusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssign(param1 *QMediaTimeRange) *QMediaTimeRange
func (*QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) OperatorPlusAssignWithQMediaTimeRangeInterval(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange
func (*QMediaTimeRange) RemoveInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveInterval(start int64, end int64)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) RemoveIntervalWithInterval ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveIntervalWithInterval(interval *QMediaTimeRange__Interval)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) RemoveTimeRange ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) RemoveTimeRange(param1 *QMediaTimeRange)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) Swap ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) Swap(other *QMediaTimeRange)
func (*QMediaTimeRange) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QMediaTimeRange__Interval ¶
type QMediaTimeRange__Interval struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval() *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval constructs a new QMediaTimeRange::Interval object.
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval2 ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval2(start int64, end int64) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval2 constructs a new QMediaTimeRange::Interval object.
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval3 ¶
func NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval3(param1 *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
NewQMediaTimeRange__Interval3 constructs a new QMediaTimeRange::Interval object.
func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange__Interval ¶
func UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange__Interval(h unsafe.Pointer) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
UnsafeNewQMediaTimeRange__Interval constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Contains ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Contains(time int64) bool
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Delete ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) End ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) End() int64
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) GoGC ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) IsNormal ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) IsNormal() bool
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Normalized ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Normalized() *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Start ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Start() int64
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Translated ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) Translated(offset int64) *QMediaTimeRange__Interval
func (*QMediaTimeRange__Interval) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QMediaTimeRange__Interval) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QSoundEffect ¶
func NewQSoundEffect ¶
func NewQSoundEffect() *QSoundEffect
NewQSoundEffect constructs a new QSoundEffect object.
func NewQSoundEffect2 ¶
func NewQSoundEffect2(audioDevice *QAudioDevice) *QSoundEffect
NewQSoundEffect2 constructs a new QSoundEffect object.
func NewQSoundEffect3 ¶
func NewQSoundEffect3(parent *qt6.QObject) *QSoundEffect
NewQSoundEffect3 constructs a new QSoundEffect object.
func NewQSoundEffect4 ¶
func NewQSoundEffect4(audioDevice *QAudioDevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QSoundEffect
NewQSoundEffect4 constructs a new QSoundEffect object.
func UnsafeNewQSoundEffect ¶
func UnsafeNewQSoundEffect(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSoundEffect
UnsafeNewQSoundEffect constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSoundEffect) AudioDevice ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) AudioDevice() *QAudioDevice
func (*QSoundEffect) AudioDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) AudioDeviceChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) Delete ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSoundEffect) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSoundEffect) IsLoaded ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) IsLoaded() bool
func (*QSoundEffect) IsMuted ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) IsMuted() bool
func (*QSoundEffect) IsPlaying ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) IsPlaying() bool
func (*QSoundEffect) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSoundEffect) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QSoundEffect that was directly constructed.
func (*QSoundEffect) LoadedChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) LoadedChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) LoopCount ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopCount() int
func (*QSoundEffect) LoopCountChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopCountChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) LoopsRemaining ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopsRemaining() int
func (*QSoundEffect) LoopsRemainingChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) LoopsRemainingChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QSoundEffect) MutedChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) MutedChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) OnAudioDeviceChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnAudioDeviceChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QSoundEffect) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSoundEffect) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QSoundEffect) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSoundEffect) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QSoundEffect) OnLoadedChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoadedChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnLoopCountChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoopCountChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnLoopsRemainingChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnLoopsRemainingChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnMutedChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnMutedChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnPlayingChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnPlayingChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnSourceChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnSourceChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnStatusChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnStatusChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QSoundEffect) OnVolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) OnVolumeChanged(slot func())
func (*QSoundEffect) Play ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Play()
func (*QSoundEffect) PlayingChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) PlayingChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSoundEffect) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QSoundEffect that was directly constructed.
func (*QSoundEffect) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSoundEffect) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QSoundEffect that was directly constructed.
func (*QSoundEffect) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSoundEffect) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QSoundEffect that was directly constructed.
func (*QSoundEffect) SetAudioDevice ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SetAudioDevice(device *QAudioDevice)
func (*QSoundEffect) SetLoopCount ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SetLoopCount(loopCount int)
func (*QSoundEffect) SetMuted ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SetMuted(muted bool)
func (*QSoundEffect) SetSource ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SetSource(url *qt6.QUrl)
func (*QSoundEffect) SetVolume ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SetVolume(volume float32)
func (*QSoundEffect) Source ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Source() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QSoundEffect) SourceChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) SourceChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) Status ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Status() QSoundEffect__Status
func (*QSoundEffect) StatusChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) StatusChanged()
func (*QSoundEffect) Stop ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Stop()
func (*QSoundEffect) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSoundEffect) Volume ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) Volume() float32
func (*QSoundEffect) VolumeChanged ¶
func (this *QSoundEffect) VolumeChanged()
type QSoundEffect__Loop ¶
type QSoundEffect__Loop int
const (
QSoundEffect__Infinite QSoundEffect__Loop = -2
type QSoundEffect__Status ¶
type QSoundEffect__Status int
const ( QSoundEffect__Null QSoundEffect__Status = 0 QSoundEffect__Loading QSoundEffect__Status = 1 QSoundEffect__Ready QSoundEffect__Status = 2 QSoundEffect__Error QSoundEffect__Status = 3 )
type QVideoFrame ¶
type QVideoFrame struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQVideoFrame ¶
func NewQVideoFrame() *QVideoFrame
NewQVideoFrame constructs a new QVideoFrame object.
func NewQVideoFrame2 ¶
func NewQVideoFrame2(format *QVideoFrameFormat) *QVideoFrame
NewQVideoFrame2 constructs a new QVideoFrame object.
func NewQVideoFrame3 ¶
func NewQVideoFrame3(other *QVideoFrame) *QVideoFrame
NewQVideoFrame3 constructs a new QVideoFrame object.
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrame ¶
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrame(h unsafe.Pointer) *QVideoFrame
UnsafeNewQVideoFrame constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QVideoFrame) Bits ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Bits(plane int) *byte
func (*QVideoFrame) BitsWithPlane ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) BitsWithPlane(plane int) *byte
func (*QVideoFrame) BytesPerLine ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) BytesPerLine(plane int) int
func (*QVideoFrame) EndTime ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) EndTime() int64
func (*QVideoFrame) GoGC ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QVideoFrame) HandleType ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) HandleType() QVideoFrame__HandleType
func (*QVideoFrame) Height ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Height() int
func (*QVideoFrame) IsMapped ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) IsMapped() bool
func (*QVideoFrame) IsReadable ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) IsReadable() bool
func (*QVideoFrame) IsValid ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) IsValid() bool
func (*QVideoFrame) IsWritable ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) IsWritable() bool
func (*QVideoFrame) Map ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Map(mode QVideoFrame__MapMode) bool
func (*QVideoFrame) MapMode ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) MapMode() QVideoFrame__MapMode
func (*QVideoFrame) MappedBytes ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) MappedBytes(plane int) int
func (*QVideoFrame) Mirrored ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Mirrored() bool
func (*QVideoFrame) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorAssign(other *QVideoFrame)
func (*QVideoFrame) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorEqual(other *QVideoFrame) bool
func (*QVideoFrame) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) OperatorNotEqual(other *QVideoFrame) bool
func (*QVideoFrame) Paint ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Paint(painter *qt6.QPainter, rect *qt6.QRectF, options *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions)
func (*QVideoFrame) PixelFormat ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
func (*QVideoFrame) PlaneCount ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) PlaneCount() int
func (*QVideoFrame) RotationAngle ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) RotationAngle() QVideoFrame__RotationAngle
func (*QVideoFrame) SetEndTime ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SetEndTime(time int64)
func (*QVideoFrame) SetMirrored ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SetMirrored(mirrored bool)
func (*QVideoFrame) SetRotationAngle ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SetRotationAngle(rotationAngle QVideoFrame__RotationAngle)
func (*QVideoFrame) SetStartTime ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SetStartTime(time int64)
func (*QVideoFrame) SetSubtitleText ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SetSubtitleText(text string)
func (*QVideoFrame) Size ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Size() *qt6.QSize
func (*QVideoFrame) StartTime ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) StartTime() int64
func (*QVideoFrame) SubtitleText ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SubtitleText() string
func (*QVideoFrame) SurfaceFormat ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) SurfaceFormat() *QVideoFrameFormat
func (*QVideoFrame) Swap ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Swap(other *QVideoFrame)
func (*QVideoFrame) ToImage ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) ToImage() *qt6.QImage
func (*QVideoFrame) Unmap ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Unmap()
func (*QVideoFrame) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QVideoFrame) Width ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame) Width() int
type QVideoFrameFormat ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQVideoFrameFormat ¶
func NewQVideoFrameFormat() *QVideoFrameFormat
NewQVideoFrameFormat constructs a new QVideoFrameFormat object.
func NewQVideoFrameFormat2 ¶
func NewQVideoFrameFormat2(size *qt6.QSize, pixelFormat QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat) *QVideoFrameFormat
NewQVideoFrameFormat2 constructs a new QVideoFrameFormat object.
func NewQVideoFrameFormat3 ¶
func NewQVideoFrameFormat3(format *QVideoFrameFormat) *QVideoFrameFormat
NewQVideoFrameFormat3 constructs a new QVideoFrameFormat object.
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrameFormat ¶
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrameFormat(h unsafe.Pointer) *QVideoFrameFormat
UnsafeNewQVideoFrameFormat constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) ColorRange ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorRange() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) ColorSpace ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorSpace() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) ColorTransfer ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ColorTransfer() QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) Delete ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) Detach ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Detach()
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) FragmentShaderFileName ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FragmentShaderFileName() string
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) FrameHeight ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameHeight() int
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) FrameRate ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameRate() float64
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) FrameSize ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameSize() *qt6.QSize
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) FrameWidth ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) FrameWidth() int
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) GoGC ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) IsMirrored ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) IsMirrored() bool
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) IsValid ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) IsValid() bool
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) MaxLuminance ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) MaxLuminance() float32
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorAssign(format *QVideoFrameFormat)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorEqual(format *QVideoFrameFormat) bool
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) OperatorNotEqual(format *QVideoFrameFormat) bool
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) PixelFormat ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) PixelFormat() QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) PlaneCount ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) PlaneCount() int
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) ScanLineDirection ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) ScanLineDirection() QVideoFrameFormat__Direction
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorRange ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorRange(rangeVal QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorSpace ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorSpace(colorSpace QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorTransfer ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetColorTransfer(colorTransfer QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameRate ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameRate(rate float64)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize(size *qt6.QSize)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize2 ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetFrameSize2(width int, height int)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetMaxLuminance ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetMaxLuminance(lum float32)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetMirrored ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetMirrored(mirrored bool)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetScanLineDirection ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetScanLineDirection(direction QVideoFrameFormat__Direction)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetViewport ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetViewport(viewport *qt6.QRect)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) SetYCbCrColorSpace ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) SetYCbCrColorSpace(colorSpace QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) Swap ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Swap(other *QVideoFrameFormat)
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) VertexShaderFileName ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) VertexShaderFileName() string
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) Viewport ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) Viewport() *qt6.QRect
func (*QVideoFrameFormat) YCbCrColorSpace ¶
func (this *QVideoFrameFormat) YCbCrColorSpace() QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange_Unknown QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange_Video QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange = 1 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange_Full QVideoFrameFormat__ColorRange = 2 )
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace_Undefined QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace_BT601 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace = 1 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace_BT709 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace = 2 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace_AdobeRgb QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace = 5 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace_BT2020 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorSpace = 6 )
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_Unknown QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_BT709 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 1 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_BT601 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 2 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_Linear QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 3 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_Gamma22 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 4 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_Gamma28 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 5 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_ST2084 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 6 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer_STD_B67 QVideoFrameFormat__ColorTransfer = 7 )
type QVideoFrameFormat__Direction ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__Direction int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__TopToBottom QVideoFrameFormat__Direction = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__BottomToTop QVideoFrameFormat__Direction = 1 )
type QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__Format_Invalid QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_ARGB8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 1 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_ARGB8888_Premultiplied QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 2 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_XRGB8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 3 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_BGRA8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 4 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_BGRA8888_Premultiplied QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 5 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_BGRX8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 6 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_ABGR8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 7 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_XBGR8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 8 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_RGBA8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 9 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_RGBX8888 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 10 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_AYUV QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 11 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_AYUV_Premultiplied QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 12 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_YUV420P QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 13 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_YUV422P QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 14 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_YV12 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 15 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_UYVY QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 16 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_YUYV QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 17 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_NV12 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 18 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_NV21 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 19 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_IMC1 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 20 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_IMC2 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 21 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_IMC3 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 22 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_IMC4 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 23 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_Y8 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 24 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_Y16 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 25 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_P010 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 26 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_P016 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 27 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_SamplerExternalOES QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 28 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_Jpeg QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 29 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_SamplerRect QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 30 QVideoFrameFormat__Format_YUV420P10 QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat = 31 )
func QVideoFrameFormat_PixelFormatFromImageFormat ¶
func QVideoFrameFormat_PixelFormatFromImageFormat(format qt6.QImage__Format) QVideoFrameFormat__PixelFormat
type QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace ¶
type QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace int
const ( QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_Undefined QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 0 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_BT601 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 1 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_BT709 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 2 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_xvYCC601 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 3 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_xvYCC709 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 4 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_JPEG QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 5 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCr_BT2020 QVideoFrameFormat__YCbCrColorSpace = 6 )
type QVideoFrame__HandleType ¶
type QVideoFrame__HandleType int
const ( QVideoFrame__NoHandle QVideoFrame__HandleType = 0 QVideoFrame__RhiTextureHandle QVideoFrame__HandleType = 1 )
type QVideoFrame__MapMode ¶
type QVideoFrame__MapMode int
const ( QVideoFrame__NotMapped QVideoFrame__MapMode = 0 QVideoFrame__ReadOnly QVideoFrame__MapMode = 1 QVideoFrame__WriteOnly QVideoFrame__MapMode = 2 QVideoFrame__ReadWrite QVideoFrame__MapMode = 3 )
type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions ¶
type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrame__PaintOptions ¶
func UnsafeNewQVideoFrame__PaintOptions(h unsafe.Pointer) *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions
UnsafeNewQVideoFrame__PaintOptions constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) Delete ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) GoGC ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QVideoFrame__PaintOptions) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions__PaintFlag ¶
type QVideoFrame__PaintOptions__PaintFlag int
const (
QVideoFrame__PaintOptions__DontDrawSubtitles QVideoFrame__PaintOptions__PaintFlag = 1
type QVideoFrame__RotationAngle ¶
type QVideoFrame__RotationAngle int
const ( QVideoFrame__Rotation0 QVideoFrame__RotationAngle = 0 QVideoFrame__Rotation90 QVideoFrame__RotationAngle = 90 QVideoFrame__Rotation180 QVideoFrame__RotationAngle = 180 QVideoFrame__Rotation270 QVideoFrame__RotationAngle = 270 )
type QVideoSink ¶
func NewQVideoSink ¶
func NewQVideoSink() *QVideoSink
NewQVideoSink constructs a new QVideoSink object.
func NewQVideoSink2 ¶
func NewQVideoSink2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QVideoSink
NewQVideoSink2 constructs a new QVideoSink object.
func UnsafeNewQVideoSink ¶
func UnsafeNewQVideoSink(h unsafe.Pointer) *QVideoSink
UnsafeNewQVideoSink constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QVideoSink) GoGC ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QVideoSink) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoSink) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QVideoSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoSink) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QVideoSink) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QVideoSink) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QVideoSink) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QVideoSink) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QVideoSink) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QVideoSink) OnSubtitleTextChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnSubtitleTextChanged(slot func(subtitleText string))
func (*QVideoSink) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QVideoSink) OnVideoFrameChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnVideoFrameChanged(slot func(frame *QVideoFrame))
func (*QVideoSink) OnVideoSizeChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) OnVideoSizeChanged(slot func())
func (*QVideoSink) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoSink) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QVideoSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoSink) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoSink) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QVideoSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoSink) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoSink) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QVideoSink that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoSink) SetSubtitleText ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) SetSubtitleText(subtitle string)
func (*QVideoSink) SetVideoFrame ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) SetVideoFrame(frame *QVideoFrame)
func (*QVideoSink) SubtitleText ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) SubtitleText() string
func (*QVideoSink) SubtitleTextChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) SubtitleTextChanged(subtitleText string)
func (*QVideoSink) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QVideoSink) VideoFrame ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) VideoFrame() *QVideoFrame
func (*QVideoSink) VideoFrameChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) VideoFrameChanged(frame *QVideoFrame)
func (*QVideoSink) VideoSize ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) VideoSize() *qt6.QSize
func (*QVideoSink) VideoSizeChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoSink) VideoSizeChanged()
type QVideoWidget ¶
func NewQVideoWidget ¶
func NewQVideoWidget(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QVideoWidget
NewQVideoWidget constructs a new QVideoWidget object.
func NewQVideoWidget2 ¶
func NewQVideoWidget2() *QVideoWidget
NewQVideoWidget2 constructs a new QVideoWidget object.
func UnsafeNewQVideoWidget ¶
func UnsafeNewQVideoWidget(h unsafe.Pointer) *QVideoWidget
UnsafeNewQVideoWidget constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QVideoWidget) AspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) AspectRatioMode() qt6.AspectRatioMode
func (*QVideoWidget) AspectRatioModeChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) AspectRatioModeChanged(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
func (*QVideoWidget) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) Create()
Create can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) Delete ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QVideoWidget) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) FullScreenChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) FullScreenChanged(fullScreen bool)
func (*QVideoWidget) GoGC ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QVideoWidget) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QVideoWidget) OnActionEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnAspectRatioModeChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnAspectRatioModeChanged(slot func(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QCloseEvent), event *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), event *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDevType ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QVideoWidget) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnFullScreenChanged ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnFullScreenChanged(slot func(fullScreen bool))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnInitPainter ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnNativeEvent ¶
func (*QVideoWidget) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnPaintEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QResizeEvent), event *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QShowEvent), event *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QVideoWidget) OnTabletEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QVideoWidget) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) SetAspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt6.AspectRatioMode)
func (*QVideoWidget) SetFullScreen ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) SetFullScreen(fullScreen bool)
func (*QVideoWidget) SizeHint ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) SizeHint() *qt6.QSize
func (*QVideoWidget) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QVideoWidget) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QVideoWidget) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QVideoWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QVideoWidget) VideoSink ¶
func (this *QVideoWidget) VideoSink() *QVideoSink
type QWaveDecoder ¶
func NewQWaveDecoder ¶
func NewQWaveDecoder(device *qt6.QIODevice) *QWaveDecoder
NewQWaveDecoder constructs a new QWaveDecoder object.
func NewQWaveDecoder2 ¶
func NewQWaveDecoder2(device *qt6.QIODevice, format *QAudioFormat) *QWaveDecoder
NewQWaveDecoder2 constructs a new QWaveDecoder object.
func NewQWaveDecoder3 ¶
func NewQWaveDecoder3(device *qt6.QIODevice, parent *qt6.QObject) *QWaveDecoder
NewQWaveDecoder3 constructs a new QWaveDecoder object.
func NewQWaveDecoder4 ¶
func NewQWaveDecoder4(device *qt6.QIODevice, format *QAudioFormat, parent *qt6.QObject) *QWaveDecoder
NewQWaveDecoder4 constructs a new QWaveDecoder object.
func UnsafeNewQWaveDecoder ¶
func UnsafeNewQWaveDecoder(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWaveDecoder
UnsafeNewQWaveDecoder constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWaveDecoder) AudioFormat ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) AudioFormat() *QAudioFormat
func (*QWaveDecoder) BytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) BytesAvailable() int64
func (*QWaveDecoder) Close ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Close()
func (*QWaveDecoder) Delete ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWaveDecoder) Duration ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Duration() int
func (*QWaveDecoder) FormatKnown ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) FormatKnown()
func (*QWaveDecoder) GetDevice ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) GetDevice() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QWaveDecoder) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWaveDecoder) IsSequential ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) IsSequential() bool
func (*QWaveDecoder) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnClose ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnFormatKnown ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnFormatKnown(slot func())
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnIsSequential ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag) bool, mode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnParsingError ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnParsingError(slot func())
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnPos ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnReadLineData ¶
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnReset ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnSeek ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnSize ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnSkipData ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnSkipData(slot func(super func(maxSize int64) int64, maxSize int64) int64)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QWaveDecoder) Open ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Open(mode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag) bool
func (*QWaveDecoder) ParsingError ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) ParsingError()
func (*QWaveDecoder) Pos ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Pos() int64
func (*QWaveDecoder) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) Seek ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Seek(pos int64) bool
func (*QWaveDecoder) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QWaveDecoder) SetOpenMode(openMode qt6.QIODeviceBase__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QWaveDecoder that was directly constructed.
func (*QWaveDecoder) Size ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) Size() int64
func (*QWaveDecoder) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWaveDecoder) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
Source Files
- cflags.go
- gen_qaudio.go
- gen_qaudiobuffer.go
- gen_qaudiodecoder.go
- gen_qaudiodevice.go
- gen_qaudioformat.go
- gen_qaudioinput.go
- gen_qaudiooutput.go
- gen_qaudiosink.go
- gen_qaudiosource.go
- gen_qcamera.go
- gen_qcameradevice.go
- gen_qgraphicsvideoitem.go
- gen_qimagecapture.go
- gen_qmediacapturesession.go
- gen_qmediadevices.go
- gen_qmediaformat.go
- gen_qmediametadata.go
- gen_qmediaplayer.go
- gen_qmediarecorder.go
- gen_qmediatimerange.go
- gen_qsoundeffect.go
- gen_qvideoframe.go
- gen_qvideoframeformat.go
- gen_qvideosink.go
- gen_qvideowidget.go
- gen_qwavedecoder.go