
command module
v3.3.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 11, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Micro License Go Report Card

Micro is a cloud platform for API development.


A community fork and extension of micro with great hornor.

Micro addresses the key requirements for building services in the cloud. It leverages the microservices architecture pattern and provides a set of services which act as the building blocks of a platform. Micro deals with the complexity of distributed systems and provides simpler programmable abstractions to build on.


  • Introduction - A high level introduction to Micro
  • Getting Started - The hello-world quick-start guide
  • Upgrade Guide - Update your go-micro project to use micro v3.
  • Architecture - Describes the architecture, design and tradeoffs
  • Reference - In-depth reference for Micro CLI and services
  • Resources - External resources and contributions
  • Roadmap - Stuff on our agenda over the long haul
  • Users - Developers and companies using Micro in production
  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions


Find the cloud hosted services at m3o.com Below are the core components that make up Micro.


Micro is built as a microservices architecture and abstracts away the complexity of the underlying infrastructure. We compose this as a single logical server to the user but decompose that into the various building block primitives that can be plugged into any underlying system.

The server is composed of the following services.

  • API - HTTP Gateway which dynamically maps http/json requests to RPC using path based resolution
  • Auth - Authentication and authorization out of the box using jwt tokens and rule based access control.
  • Broker - Ephemeral pubsub messaging for asynchronous communication and distributing notifications
  • Config - Dynamic configuration and secrets management for service level config without the need to restart
  • Events - Event streaming with ordered messaging, replay from offsets and persistent storage
  • Network - Inter-service networking, isolation and routing plane for all internal request traffic
  • Proxy - An identity aware proxy used for remote access and any external grpc request traffic
  • Runtime - Service lifecycle and process management with support for source to running auto build
  • Registry - Centralized service discovery and API endpoint explorer with feature rich metadata
  • Store - Key-Value storage with TTL expiry and persistent crud to keep microservices stateless


Micro additionally now contains the incredibly popular Go Micro framework built in for service development. The Go framework makes it drop dead simple to write your services without having to piece together lines and lines of boilerplate. Auto configured and initialized by default, just import and get started quickly.

Command Line

Micro brings not only a rich architectural model but a command line experience tailored for that need. The command line interface includes dynamic command mapping for all services running on the platform. Turns any service instantly into a CLI command along with flag parsing for inputs. Includes support for multiple environments and namespaces, automatic refreshing of auth credentials, creating and running services, status info and log streaming, plus much, much more.


Finally Micro bakes in the concept of Environments and multi-tenancy through Namespaces. Run your server locally for development and in the cloud for staging and production, seamlessly switch between them using the CLI commands micro env set [environment] and micro user set [namespace].


From Source

go get github.com/micro-community/micro/v3

Using Docker

strong recommended on windows details check

# install
docker pull crazybber/micro

# run it
docker run -p 8080-8081:8080-8081/tcp crazybber/micro server

Helm Chart

helm repo add micro https://micro.github.io/helm
helm install micro micro/micro

Release binaries

# MacOS
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro-community/micro/master/scripts/install.sh | /bin/bash

# Linux
wget -q  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro-community/micro/master/scripts/install.sh -O - | /bin/bash

# Windows
powershell -Command "iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro-community/micro/master/scripts/install.ps1 | iex"

Getting Started

Run the server locally(Recommended on Linux&Mac)

micro server

Set the environment to local (

micro env set local

Login to the server

# user: admin pass: micro
micro login

Create a service

# generate a service (follow instructions in output)
micro new helloworld

# run the service
micro run helloworld

# check the status
micro status

# list running services
micro services

# call the service
micro helloworld --name=Alice

# curl via the api
curl -d '{"name": "Alice"}' http://localhost:8080/helloworld

Example Service

Micro includes a Go framework for writing services wrapping gRPC for the core IDL and transport.

Define services in proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package helloworld;

service Helloworld {
	rpc Call(Request) returns (Response) {}

message Request {
	string name = 1;

message Response {
	string msg = 1;

Write them using Go:

package main

import (
	pb "github.com/micro/services/helloworld/proto"

type Helloworld struct{}

// Call is a single request handler called via client.Call or the generated client code
func (h *Helloworld) Call(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Request, rsp *pb.Response) error {
	logger.Info("Received Helloworld.Call request")
	rsp.Msg = "Hello " + req.Name
	return nil

func main() {
	// Create service
	srv := service.New(

	// Register Handler

	// Run the service
	if err := srv.Run(); err != nil {

Call with the client:

import (
	pb "github.com/micro/services/helloworld/proto"

// create a new helloworld service client
helloworld := pb.NewHelloworldService("helloworld", client.DefaultClient) 

// call the endpoint Helloworld.Call
rsp, err := helloworld.Call(context.Background(), &pb.Request{Name: "Alice"})

Curl it via the API

curl http://localhost:8080/helloworld?name=Alice


See the docs for detailed information on the architecture, installation and use of the platform.


See LICENSE which makes use of Apache 2.0

Join us on GitHub Discussions.

Repo Clone for CN

following cmd:

git clone https://hub.fastgit.org/micro-community/micro.git
cd micro
git remote remove orign
git remote add origin https://github.com/micro-community/micro.git


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package api provides a micro api client
Package api provides a micro api client
Package cli is a command line interface
Package cli is a command line interface
Package init gen provides the micro gen command which simply runs go generate
Package init gen provides the micro gen command which simply runs go generate
Package init provides the micro init command for initializing plugins and profiles
Package init provides the micro init command for initializing plugins and profiles
Package new generates micro service templates
Package new generates micro service templates
Package runtime is the micro runtime Package runtime is the micro runtime
Package runtime is the micro runtime Package runtime is the micro runtime
Package cli implements the `micro store` subcommands for example: micro store snapshot micro store restore micro store sync
Package cli implements the `micro store` subcommands for example: micro store snapshot micro store restore micro store sync
Package token contains CLI client token related helpers tToken files consist of one line per token, each token having the structure of `micro://envAddress/namespace[/id]:token`, ie.
Package token contains CLI client token related helpers tToken files consist of one line per token, each token having the structure of `micro://envAddress/namespace[/id]:token`, ie.
Package user handles the user cli command
Package user handles the user cli command
Package util contains methods used across all cli commands @todo: get rid of os.Exits and use errors instread
Package util contains methods used across all cli commands @todo: get rid of os.Exits and use errors instread
protoc-gen-micro is a plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler to generate Go code.
protoc-gen-micro is a plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler to generate Go code.
The code generator for the plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler.
The code generator for the plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler.
Package server is the micro server which runs the whole system
Package server is the micro server which runs the whole system
Package service provides micro service commands
Package service provides micro service commands
Package usage tracks micro usage
Package usage tracks micro usage
Package profile is for specific profiles @todo this package is the definition of cruft and should be rewritten in a more elegant way
Package profile is for specific profiles @todo this package is the definition of cruft and should be rewritten in a more elegant way
Package handler provides http handlers
Package handler provides http handlers
Package api provides an http-rpc handler which provides the entire http request over rpc
Package api provides an http-rpc handler which provides the entire http request over rpc
Package event provides a handler which publishes an event
Package event provides a handler which publishes an event
Package http is a http reverse proxy handler
Package http is a http reverse proxy handler
Package rpc is a go-micro rpc handler.
Package rpc is a go-micro rpc handler.
Package web contains the web handler including websocket support
Package web contains the web handler including websocket support
Package resolver resolves a http request to an endpoint
Package resolver resolves a http request to an endpoint
Package grpc resolves a grpc service like /greeter.Say/Hello to greeter service
Package grpc resolves a grpc service like /greeter.Say/Hello to greeter service
Package host resolves using http host
Package host resolves using http host
Package path resolves using http path
Package path resolves using http path
Package subdomain is a resolver which uses the subdomain to determine the domain to route to.
Package subdomain is a resolver which uses the subdomain to determine the domain to route to.
Package vpath resolves using http path and recognised versioned urls
Package vpath resolves using http path and recognised versioned urls
Package router provides api service routing
Package router provides api service routing
Package registry provides a dynamic api service router
Package registry provides a dynamic api service router
Package server is an API Gateway
Package server is an API Gateway
Package http provides a http server with features; acme, cors, etc
Package http provides a http server with features; acme, cors, etc
Package jwt is a jwt implementation of the auth interface
Package jwt is a jwt implementation of the auth interface
Package broker is the micro broker
Package broker is the micro broker
Package memory provides a memory broker
Package memory provides a memory broker
Package tar is a wrapper around archive/tar, it's used for archiving and unarchiving source from and into folders on the host.
Package tar is a wrapper around archive/tar, it's used for archiving and unarchiving source from and into folders on the host.
Package zip is a wrapper around archive/zip, it's used for archiving and unarchiving source from and into folders on the host.
Package zip is a wrapper around archive/zip, it's used for archiving and unarchiving source from and into folders on the host.
Package client is an interface for an RPC client
Package client is an interface for an RPC client
Package grpc provides a gRPC client Package grpc provides a gRPC options
Package grpc provides a gRPC client Package grpc provides a gRPC options
Package mucp provides a transport agnostic RPC client
Package mucp provides a transport agnostic RPC client
Package config is an interface for dynamic configuration.
Package config is an interface for dynamic configuration.
Package env provides config from environment variables
Package env provides config from environment variables
Package context provides a context for accessing services
Package context provides a context for accessing services
Package metadata is a way of defining message headers
Package metadata is a way of defining message headers
Package handler implements service debug handler embedded in go-micro services
Package handler implements service debug handler embedded in go-micro services
Package log provides debug logging
Package log provides debug logging
Package kubernetes is a logger implementing (github.com/micro/go-micro/v3/debug/log).Log
Package kubernetes is a logger implementing (github.com/micro/go-micro/v3/debug/log).Log
Package memory provides an in memory log buffer
Package memory provides an in memory log buffer
Package profile is for profilers
Package profile is for profilers
Package http enables the http profiler
Package http enables the http profiler
Package pprof provides a pprof profiler which writes output to /tmp/[name].{cpu,mem}.pprof
Package pprof provides a pprof profiler which writes output to /tmp/[name].{cpu,mem}.pprof
Package stats provides runtime stats
Package stats provides runtime stats
Package trace provides an interface for distributed tracing
Package trace provides an interface for distributed tracing
Package errors provides a way to return detailed information for an RPC request error.
Package errors provides a way to return detailed information for an RPC request error.
Package events is for event streaming and storage
Package events is for event streaming and storage
Package log provides a log interface
Package log provides a log interface
Package metrics is for instrumentation and debugging
Package metrics is for instrumentation and debugging
Package model implements convenience methods for managing indexes on top of the Store.
Package model implements convenience methods for managing indexes on top of the Store.
Package network implements micro network node
Package network implements micro network node
Package resolver resolves network names to addresses
Package resolver resolves network names to addresses
Package dns resolves names to dns records
Package dns resolves names to dns records
Package dns srv resolves names to dns srv records
Package dns srv resolves names to dns srv records
Package http resolves names to network addresses using a http request
Package http resolves names to network addresses using a http request
Package noop is a noop resolver
Package noop is a noop resolver
Package registry resolves names using the go-micro registry
Package registry resolves names using the go-micro registry
Package static is a static resolver
Package static is a static resolver
Package transport is an interface for synchronous connection based communication
Package transport is an interface for synchronous connection based communication
Package grpc provides a grpc transport
Package grpc provides a grpc transport
Package memory is an in-memory transport
Package memory is an in-memory transport
Package tunnel provides gre network tunnelling
Package tunnel provides gre network tunnelling
Package broker is a tunnel broker
Package broker is a tunnel broker
Package transport provides a tunnel transport
Package transport provides a tunnel transport
Package proxy is a transparent proxy built on the go-micro/server Package proxy is a transparent proxy built on the go-micro/server
Package proxy is a transparent proxy built on the go-micro/server Package proxy is a transparent proxy built on the go-micro/server
Package grpc is a grpc proxy built for the go-micro/server
Package grpc is a grpc proxy built for the go-micro/server
Package http provides a micro rpc to http proxy
Package http provides a micro rpc to http proxy
Package mucp transparently forwards the incoming request using a go-micro client.
Package mucp transparently forwards the incoming request using a go-micro client.
Package proxy is a proxy for grpc/http/mucp
Package proxy is a proxy for grpc/http/mucp
Package registry is the micro registry
Package registry is the micro registry
Package cache provides a registry cache
Package cache provides a registry cache
Package mdns provides a multicast dns registry
Package mdns provides a multicast dns registry
Package memory provides an in-memory registry
Package memory provides an in-memory registry
Package noop is a registry which does nothing
Package noop is a registry which does nothing
Package kubernetes is a kubernetes router which uses the service name and network to route
Package kubernetes is a kubernetes router which uses the service name and network to route
Package mdns is an mdns router
Package mdns is an mdns router
Package static is a static router which returns the service name as the address + port
Package static is a static router which returns the service name as the address + port
Package runtime is a service runtime manager Package runtime is a service runtime manager
Package runtime is a service runtime manager Package runtime is a service runtime manager
Package kubernetes implements kubernetes micro runtime
Package kubernetes implements kubernetes micro runtime
Package client provides an implementation of a restricted subset of kubernetes API client
Package client provides an implementation of a restricted subset of kubernetes API client
Package process executes a binary
Package process executes a binary
Package os runs processes locally Package os runs processes locally
Package os runs processes locally Package os runs processes locally
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package main is used to test the local runtime, specifically the entrypoint function
Package source retrieves source code
Package source retrieves source code
Package golang is a source for Go
Package golang is a source for Go
Package grpc provides a grpc server
Package grpc provides a grpc server
Package mucp provides a transport agnostic RPC server
Package mucp provides a transport agnostic RPC server
Package store is an interface for distributed data storage.
Package store is an interface for distributed data storage.
Package local is a file system backed store
Package local is a file system backed store
Package memory is a in-memory store store
Package memory is a in-memory store store
Package web is a web dashboard
Package web is a web dashboard
Code generated by counterfeiter.
Code generated by counterfeiter.
Package acme abstracts away various ACME libraries
Package acme abstracts away various ACME libraries
Package autocert is the ACME provider from golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert This provider does not take any config.
Package autocert is the ACME provider from golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert This provider does not take any config.
Package certmagic is the ACME provider from github.com/caddyserver/certmagic
Package certmagic is the ACME provider from github.com/caddyserver/certmagic
Package backoff provides backoff functionality
Package backoff provides backoff functionality
Package codec is an interface for encoding messages
Package codec is an interface for encoding messages
Package bytes provides a bytes codec which does not encode or decode anything
Package bytes provides a bytes codec which does not encode or decode anything
Package grpc provides a grpc codec
Package grpc provides a grpc codec
Package json provides a json codec
Package json provides a json codec
Package jsonrpc provides a json-rpc 1.0 codec
Package jsonrpc provides a json-rpc 1.0 codec
Package proto provides a proto codec
Package proto provides a proto codec
Protorpc provides a net/rpc proto-rpc codec.
Protorpc provides a net/rpc proto-rpc codec.
Package text reads any text/* content-type
Package text reads any text/* content-type
Package config contains helper methods for client side config management (`~/.micro/config.json` file).
Package config contains helper methods for client side config management (`~/.micro/config.json` file).
Package muxer provides proxy muxing
Package muxer provides proxy muxing
Package pool is a connection pool
Package pool is a connection pool
Package qson implements decoding of URL query params into JSON and Go values (using JSON struct tags).
Package qson implements decoding of URL query params into JSON and Go values (using JSON struct tags).
Package report contains CLI error reporting and handling and cleanup methods.
Package report contains CLI error reporting and handling and cleanup methods.
Package ring provides a simple ring buffer for storing local data
Package ring provides a simple ring buffer for storing local data
Package selector is for node selection and load balancing
Package selector is for node selection and load balancing
Package socket provides a pseudo socket
Package socket provides a pseudo socket
Package sync is an interface for distributed synchronization
Package sync is an interface for distributed synchronization
Package memory provides a sync.Mutex implementation of the lock for local use
Package memory provides a sync.Mutex implementation of the lock for local use
Package version for version
Package version for version

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL