GO lang package for NanoHat OLED display
Display wiki description NanoHat OLED display
- Very basic but easy to use
- Allow rotate screen, display up to 6 lines of text in horizontal view mode, basic shapes - line, rectangle
- Buttons controll implemented
- Tested with NanoPi NEO 2

- Start with "go get"
- Don't forget allow i2c0 in armbian-config (or other OS config)
- Application must run in sudo
package main
import (
var testCounter int
func main() {
nanoHat, err := nanohatoled.Open()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error: ", err)
defer nanoHat.Close()
nanoHat.New(90) // Create new empty image, rotation 0,90,180,270.
nanoHat.Text(10, 30, "START", true) // X, Y, string to write, color (true-white, false-black)
nanoHat.Send() // Send image to screen
time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond)
nanoHat.Clear() // Clear Image buffer and screen
nanoHat.New(0) // Create new empty image, rotation 0,90,180,270.
cursorY := 25
for cursorY >= 0 {
nanoHat.Rect(3, cursorY, 125, cursorY+12, false) // Clear previous text
nanoHat.Text(3, cursorY, "Hello World!!!", true) // X, Y, string, color (true-white, false-black)
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
nanoHat.LineH(0, 25, 128, true) // X, Y, length - Horizontal line, color (true-white, false-black)
nanoHat.Rect(5, 30, 125, 50, true) // Create frame using rectangles
nanoHat.Rect(7, 32, 123, 48, false)
nanoHat.LineV(5, 55, 20, true) // X, Y, length - Vertical line, color (true-white, false-black)
nanoHat.Text(10, 55, "C:", true)
nanoHat.Text(60, 55, "Prog:", true)
nanoHat.LineV(125, 55, 20, true)
go showProgress(nanoHat)
// Watch buttons state
go watchBtn(nanoHat, 0)
go watchBtn(nanoHat, 1)
go watchBtn(nanoHat, 2)
nanoHat.Text(3, 11, "TIME: ", true)
nanoHat.Pixel(124, 18, true) //X, Y, (0-black, 1White)
var timeBuffer string
for {
if timeBuffer != time.Now().Format("15:04:05") {
timeBuffer = time.Now().Format("15:04:05")
nanoHat.Rect(50, 11, 120, 22, false) // Clear time area before showing new
nanoHat.Text(50, 11, time.Now().Format("15:04:05"), true)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func showProgress(nanoHat *nanohatoled.NanoOled) {
progress := 0
for {
progress = progress + 2
if progress >= 100 {
nanoHat.Rect(10, 35, 115, 45, false) // Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax, true=White, false=Black color
progress = 0
nanoHat.Rect(10, 35, progress+15, 45, true) // Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax, true=White, false=Black color
nanoHat.Rect(105, 55, 120, 61, false) // Clean progress bar from image
nanoHat.Text(105, 55, strconv.Itoa(progress), true)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Watch buttons state and update counter on change
func watchBtn(nanoHat *nanohatoled.NanoOled, button int) {
for {
if button == 0 {
nanoHat.Rect(37, 55, 54, 64, false) // Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax, true=White, false=Black color
nanoHat.Text(37, 55, strconv.Itoa(testCounter), true)
if button == 1 {
nanoHat.Rect(37, 55, 54, 64, false) // Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax, true=White, false=Black color
nanoHat.Text(37, 55, strconv.Itoa(testCounter), true)
if button == 2 {
testCounter = 0
nanoHat.Rect(37, 55, 54, 64, false) // Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax, true=White, false=Black color
nanoHat.Text(37, 55, "0", true)
fmt.Printf("-> %s\n", nanoHat.Btn[button])
Example video

Menu example video