
package module
v0.12.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 5, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 24


go-optional .github/workflows/check.yml codecov GoDoc

A library that provides Go Generics friendly "optional" features.


some := optional.Some[int](123)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsSome()) // => true
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsNone()) // => false

v, err := some.Take()
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil) // => err is nil: true
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v) // => 123

mapped := optional.Map(some, func (v int) int {
    return v * 2
fmt.Printf("%v\n", mapped.IsSome()) // => true

mappedValue, _ := some.Take()
fmt.Printf("%d\n", mappedValue) // => 246
none := optional.None[int]()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsSome()) // => false
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsNone()) // => true

_, err := none.Take()
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil) // => err is nil: false
// the error must be `ErrNoneValueTaken`

mapped := optional.Map(none, func (v int) int {
    return v * 2
fmt.Printf("%v\n", mapped.IsNone()) // => true

and more detailed examples are here: ./examples_test.go.



Supported Operations
Value Factory Methods
Option value handler methods
nil == None[T]

This library deals with nil as same as None[T]. So it works with like the following example:

var nilValue Option[int] = nil
fmt.Printf("%v\n", nilValue.IsNone()) // => true
fmt.Printf("%v\n", nilValue.IsSome()) // => false
JSON marshal/unmarshal support

This Option[T] type supports JSON marshal and unmarshal.

If the value wanted to marshal is Some[T] then it marshals that value into the JSON bytes simply, and in unmarshaling, if the given JSON string/bytes has the actual value on corresponded property, it unmarshals that value into Some[T] value.


type JSONStruct struct {
	Val Option[int] `json:"val"`

some := Some[int](123)
jsonStruct := &JSONStruct{Val: some}

marshal, err := json.Marshal(jsonStruct)
if err != nil {
	return err
fmt.Printf("%s\n", marshal) // => {"val":123}

var unmarshalJSONStruct JSONStruct
err = json.Unmarshal(marshal, &unmarshalJSONStruct)
if err != nil {
	return err
// unmarshalJSONStruct.Val == Some[int](123)

Elsewise, when the value is None[T], the marshaller serializes that value as null. And if the unmarshaller gets the JSON null value on a property corresponding to the Optional[T] value, or the value of a property is missing, that deserializes that value as None[T].


type JSONStruct struct {
	Val Option[int] `json:"val"`

none := None[int]()
jsonStruct := &JSONStruct{Val: none}

marshal, err := json.Marshal(jsonStruct)
if err != nil {
	return err
fmt.Printf("%s\n", marshal) // => {"val":null}

var unmarshalJSONStruct JSONStruct
err = json.Unmarshal(marshal, &unmarshalJSONStruct)
if err != nil {
	return err
// unmarshalJSONStruct.Val == None[int]()

And this also supports omitempty option for JSON unmarshaling. If the value of the property is None[T] and that property has omitempty option, it omits that property.


The "omitempty" option specifies that the field should be omitted from the encoding if the field has an empty value, defined as false, 0, a nil pointer, a nil interface value, and any empty array, slice, map, or string. https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json#Marshal


type JSONStruct struct {
	OmitemptyVal Option[string] `json:"omitemptyVal,omitempty"` // this should be omitted

jsonStruct := &JSONStruct{OmitemptyVal: None[string]()}
marshal, err := json.Marshal(jsonStruct)
if err != nil {
	return err
fmt.Printf("%s\n", marshal) // => {}
SQL Driver Support

Option[T] satisfies sql/driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner, so this type can be used by SQL interface on Golang.

example of the primitive usage:


tx, _ := db.Begin()
func() {
    stmt, _ := tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO tbl(id, name) values(?, ?)")
    defer stmt.Close()
    stmt.Exec(1, "foo")
func() {
    stmt, _ := tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO tbl(id) values(?)")
    defer stmt.Close()
    stmt.Exec(2) // name is NULL

var maybeName Option[string]

row := db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM tbl WHERE id = 1")
fmt.Println(maybeName) // Some[foo]

row := db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM tbl WHERE id = 2")
fmt.Println(maybeName) // None[]

Known Issues

The runtime raises a compile error like "methods cannot have type parameters", so Map(), MapOr(), MapWithError(), MapOrWithError(), Zip(), ZipWith(), Unzip() and UnzipWith() have been providing as functions. Basically, it would be better to provide them as the methods, but currently, it compromises with the limitation.


moznion (moznion@mail.moznion.net)





This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ErrNoneValueTaken represents the error that is raised when None value is taken.
	ErrNoneValueTaken = errors.New("none value taken")


func FlatMapOr added in v0.4.0

func FlatMapOr[T, U any](option Option[T], fallbackValue U, mapper func(v T) Option[U]) U

FlatMapOr converts given Option value to another *actual* value according to the mapper function. The difference from the MapOr is the mapper function returns an Option value instead of the bare value. If given Option value is None or mapper function returns None, this returns fallbackValue.

mapper := func(v int) Option[string] {
	return Some[string](fmt.Sprintf("%d", v))

some := Some[int](1)
mapped := FlatMapOr(some, "N/A", mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

none := None[int]()
mapped = FlatMapOr(none, "N/A", mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)


func FlatMapOrWithError added in v0.4.0

func FlatMapOrWithError[T, U any](option Option[T], fallbackValue U, mapper func(v T) (Option[U], error)) (U, error)

FlatMapOrWithError converts given Option value to another *actual* value according to the mapper function that has the ability to return the value with an error. The difference from the MapOrWithError is the mapper function returns an Option value instead of the bare value. If given Option value is None, this returns (fallbackValue, nil). Else if the mapper returns an error then returns ($zero_value_of_type, error). Unless of them, i.e. given Option value is Some and the mapper doesn't return the error, this returns (U, nil).

mapperWithNoError := func(v int) (Option[string], error) {
	return Some[string](fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)), nil

some := Some[int](1)
mapped, err := FlatMapOrWithError(some, "N/A", mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

none := None[int]()
mapped, err = FlatMapOrWithError(none, "N/A", mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

mapperWithError := func(v int) (Option[string], error) {
	return Some[string]("<ignore-me>"), errors.New("something wrong")
mapped, err = FlatMapOrWithError(some, "N/A", mapperWithError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

err is nil: true
err is nil: true
err is nil: false

func MapOr

func MapOr[T, U any](option Option[T], fallbackValue U, mapper func(v T) U) U

MapOr converts given Option value to another *actual* value according to the mapper function. If given Option value is None, this returns fallbackValue.

mapper := func(v int) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)

some := Some[int](1)
mapped := MapOr(some, "N/A", mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

none := None[int]()
mapped = MapOr(none, "N/A", mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)


func MapOrWithError added in v0.1.0

func MapOrWithError[T, U any](option Option[T], fallbackValue U, mapper func(v T) (U, error)) (U, error)

MapOrWithError converts given Option value to another *actual* value according to the mapper function that has the ability to return the value with an error. If given Option value is None, this returns (fallbackValue, nil). Else if the mapper returns an error then returns (_, error). Unless of them, i.e. given Option value is Some and the mapper doesn't return the error, this returns (U, nil).

mapperWithNoError := func(v int) (string, error) {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v), nil

some := Some[int](1)
mapped, err := MapOrWithError(some, "N/A", mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

none := None[int]()
mapped, err = MapOrWithError(none, "N/A", mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

mapperWithError := func(v int) (string, error) {
	return "<ignore-me>", errors.New("something wrong")
mapped, err = MapOrWithError(some, "N/A", mapperWithError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", mapped)

err is nil: true
err is nil: true
err is nil: false

func Unzip

func Unzip[T, U any](zipped Option[Pair[T, U]]) (Option[T], Option[U])

Unzip extracts the values from a Pair and pack them into each Option value. If the given zipped value is None, this returns None for all return values.

// see also ExampleZip()

pair := Pair[int, string]{
	Value1: 123,
	Value2: "foo",

o1, o2 := Unzip(Some[Pair[int, string]](pair))
fmt.Printf("%d\n", o1.TakeOr(0))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", o2.TakeOr(""))

o1, o2 = Unzip(None[Pair[int, string]]())
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", o1.IsNone())
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", o2.IsNone())

is none => true
is none => true

func UnzipWith

func UnzipWith[T, U, V any](zipped Option[V], unzipper func(zipped V) (T, U)) (Option[T], Option[U])

UnzipWith extracts the values from the given value according to the unzipper function and pack the into each Option value. If the given zipped value is None, this returns None for all return values.

// see also ExampleZipWith()

type Data struct {
	A int
	B string

unzipper := func(d Data) (int, string) {
	return d.A, d.B

o1, o2 := UnzipWith(Some[Data](Data{
	A: 123,
	B: "foo",
}), unzipper)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", o1.TakeOr(0))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", o2.TakeOr(""))

o1, o2 = UnzipWith(None[Data](), unzipper)
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", o1.IsNone())
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", o2.IsNone())

is none => true
is none => true


type Option

type Option[T any] []T

Option is a data type that must be Some (i.e. having a value) or None (i.e. doesn't have a value). This type implements database/sql/driver.Valuer and database/sql.Scanner.

func FlatMap added in v0.4.0

func FlatMap[T, U any](option Option[T], mapper func(v T) Option[U]) Option[U]

FlatMap converts give Option value to another Option value according to the mapper function. The difference from the Map is the mapper function returns an Option value instead of the bare value. If given Option value is None, this also returns None.

mapper := func(v int) Option[string] {
	return Some[string](fmt.Sprintf("%d", v))

some := Some[int](1)
opt := FlatMap(some, mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

none := None[int]()
opt = FlatMap(none, mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))


func FlatMapWithError added in v0.4.0

func FlatMapWithError[T, U any](option Option[T], mapper func(v T) (Option[U], error)) (Option[U], error)

FlatMapWithError converts given Option value to another Option value according to the mapper function that has the ability to return the value with an error. The difference from the MapWithError is the mapper function returns an Option value instead of the bare value. If given Option value is None, this returns (None, nil). Else if the mapper returns an error then this returns (None, error). Unless of them, i.e. given Option value is Some and the mapper doesn't return the error, this returns (Some[U], nil).

mapperWithNoError := func(v int) (Option[string], error) {
	return Some[string](fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)), nil

some := Some[int](1)
opt, err := FlatMapWithError(some, mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

none := None[int]()
opt, err = FlatMapWithError(none, mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

mapperWithError := func(v int) (Option[string], error) {
	return Some[string](""), errors.New("something wrong")
opt, err = FlatMapWithError(some, mapperWithError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

err is nil: true
err is nil: true
err is nil: false

func FromNillable added in v0.7.0

func FromNillable[T any](v *T) Option[T]

FromNillable is a function to make an Option type value with the nillable value with value de-referencing. If the given value is not nil, this returns Some[T] value. On the other hand, if the value is nil, this returns None[T]. This function does "dereference" for the value on packing that into Option value. If this value is not preferable, please consider using PtrFromNillable() instead.

func Map

func Map[T, U any](option Option[T], mapper func(v T) U) Option[U]

Map converts given Option value to another Option value according to the mapper function. If given Option value is None, this also returns None.

mapper := func(v int) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)

some := Some[int](1)
opt := Map(some, mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

none := None[int]()
opt = Map(none, mapper)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))


func MapWithError added in v0.1.0

func MapWithError[T, U any](option Option[T], mapper func(v T) (U, error)) (Option[U], error)

MapWithError converts given Option value to another Option value according to the mapper function that has the ability to return the value with an error. If given Option value is None, this returns (None, nil). Else if the mapper returns an error then this returns (None, error). Unless of them, i.e. given Option value is Some and the mapper doesn't return the error, this returns (Some[U], nil).

mapperWithNoError := func(v int) (string, error) {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v), nil

some := Some[int](1)
opt, err := MapWithError(some, mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

none := None[int]()
opt, err = MapWithError(none, mapperWithNoError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

mapperWithError := func(v int) (string, error) {
	return "", errors.New("something wrong")
opt, err = MapWithError(some, mapperWithError)
fmt.Printf("err is nil: %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", opt.TakeOr("N/A"))

err is nil: true
err is nil: true
err is nil: false

func None

func None[T any]() Option[T]

None is a function to make an Option type value that doesn't have a value.

func PtrFromNillable added in v0.7.0

func PtrFromNillable[T any](v *T) Option[*T]

PtrFromNillable is a function to make an Option type value with the nillable value without value de-referencing. If the given value is not nil, this returns Some[*T] value. On the other hand, if the value is nil, this returns None[*T]. This function doesn't "dereference" the value on packing that into the Option value; in other words, this puts the as-is pointer value into the Option envelope. This behavior contrasts with the FromNillable() function's one.

func Some

func Some[T any](v T) Option[T]

Some is a function to make an Option type value with the actual value.

func Zip

func Zip[T, U any](opt1 Option[T], opt2 Option[U]) Option[Pair[T, U]]

Zip zips two Options into a Pair that has each Option's value. If either one of the Options is None, this also returns None.

maybePair := Zip(Some[int](1), Some[string]("foo"))
pair, err := maybePair.Take()
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybePair.IsNone())
fmt.Printf("err is nil => %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%d %s\n", pair.Value1, pair.Value2)

maybePair = Zip(Some[int](1), None[string]())
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybePair.IsNone())

maybePair = Zip(None[int](), Some[string]("foo"))
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybePair.IsNone())

maybePair = Zip(None[int](), None[string]())
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybePair.IsNone())

is none => false
err is nil => true
1 foo
is none => true
is none => true
is none => true

func ZipWith

func ZipWith[T, U, V any](opt1 Option[T], opt2 Option[U], zipper func(opt1 T, opt2 U) V) Option[V]

ZipWith zips two Options into a typed value according to the zipper function. If either one of the Options is None, this also returns None.

type Data struct {
	A int
	B string

zipper := func(v1 int, v2 string) Data {
	return Data{
		A: v1,
		B: v2,

maybeData := ZipWith(Some[int](1), Some[string]("foo"), zipper)
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybeData.IsNone())
d, err := maybeData.Take()
fmt.Printf("err is nil => %v\n", err == nil)
fmt.Printf("%d %s\n", d.A, d.B)

maybeData = ZipWith(Some[int](1), None[string](), zipper)
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybeData.IsNone())
maybeData = ZipWith(None[int](), Some[string]("foo"), zipper)
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybeData.IsNone())
maybeData = ZipWith(None[int](), None[string](), zipper)
fmt.Printf("is none => %v\n", maybeData.IsNone())

is none => false
err is nil => true
1 foo
is none => true
is none => true
is none => true

func (Option[T]) Filter

func (o Option[T]) Filter(predicate func(v T) bool) Option[T]

Filter returns self if the Option has a value and the value matches the condition of the predicate function. In other cases (i.e. it doesn't match with the predicate or the Option is None), this returns None value.

isEven := func(v int) bool {
	return v%2 == 0

some := Some[int](2)
opt := some.Filter(isEven)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", opt.TakeOr(0))

some = Some[int](1)
opt = some.Filter(isEven)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", opt.TakeOr(0))

none := None[int]()
opt = none.Filter(isEven)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", opt.TakeOr(0))


func (Option[T]) IfNone added in v0.2.0

func (o Option[T]) IfNone(f func())

IfNone calls given function if the receiver value is None.

None[string]().IfNone(func() {
	fmt.Println("value is none")

Some("foo").IfNone(func() {
	fmt.Println("do not show this message")

value is none

func (Option[T]) IfNoneWithError added in v0.2.0

func (o Option[T]) IfNoneWithError(f func() error) error

IfNoneWithError calls given function if the receiver value is None. This method propagates the error of given function, and if the receiver value is Some, this returns nil error.

err := None[string]().IfNoneWithError(func() error {
	fmt.Println("value is none")
	return nil
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // no error

err = None[string]().IfNoneWithError(func() error {
	fmt.Println("value is none!!")
	return errors.New("^^^ error occurred")
if err != nil {

err = Some("foo").IfNoneWithError(func() error {
	return errors.New("do not show this error")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // must not show this error

value is none
value is none!!
^^^ error occurred

func (Option[T]) IfSome added in v0.2.0

func (o Option[T]) IfSome(f func(v T))

IfSome calls given function with the value of Option if the receiver value is Some.

Some("foo").IfSome(func(val string) {

None[string]().IfSome(func(val string) {
	fmt.Println("do not show this message")


func (Option[T]) IfSomeWithError added in v0.2.0

func (o Option[T]) IfSomeWithError(f func(v T) error) error

IfSomeWithError calls given function with the value of Option if the receiver value is Some. This method propagates the error of given function, and if the receiver value is None, this returns nil error.

err := Some("foo").IfSomeWithError(func(val string) error {
	return nil
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // no error

err = Some("bar").IfSomeWithError(func(val string) error {
	return errors.New("^^^ error occurred")
if err != nil {

err = None[string]().IfSomeWithError(func(val string) error {
	return errors.New("do not show this error")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // must not show this error

^^^ error occurred

func (Option[T]) IsNone

func (o Option[T]) IsNone() bool

IsNone returns whether the Option *doesn't* have a value or not.

some := Some[int](1)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsNone())
none := None[int]()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsNone())

num := 123
some = FromNillable[int](&num)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsNone())
none = FromNillable[int](nil)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsNone())

ptrSome := PtrFromNillable[int](&num)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ptrSome.IsNone())
ptrNone := PtrFromNillable[int](nil)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ptrNone.IsNone())

var nilValue Option[int] = nil
fmt.Printf("%v\n", nilValue.IsNone())


func (Option[T]) IsSome

func (o Option[T]) IsSome() bool

IsSome returns whether the Option has a value or not.

some := Some[int](1)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsSome())
none := None[int]()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsSome())

num := 123
some = FromNillable[int](&num)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", some.IsSome())
none = FromNillable[int](nil)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", none.IsSome())

ptrSome := PtrFromNillable[int](&num)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ptrSome.IsSome())
ptrNone := PtrFromNillable[int](nil)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ptrNone.IsSome())

var nilValue Option[int] = nil
fmt.Printf("%v\n", nilValue.IsSome())


func (Option[T]) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o Option[T]) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Option[T]) Or added in v0.10.0

func (o Option[T]) Or(fallbackOptionValue Option[T]) Option[T]

Or returns the Option value according to the actual value existence. If the receiver's Option value is Some, this function pass-through that to return. Otherwise, this value returns the `fallbackOptionValue`.

fallback := Some[string]("fallback")

some := Some[string]("actual")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", some.Or(fallback))

none := None[string]()
fmt.Printf("%s\n", none.Or(fallback))


func (Option[T]) OrElse added in v0.9.0

func (o Option[T]) OrElse(fallbackOptionFunc func() Option[T]) Option[T]

OrElse returns the Option value according to the actual value existence. If the receiver's Option value is Some, this function pass-through that to return. Otherwise, this executes `fallbackOptionFunc` and returns the result value of that function.

fallbackFunc := func() Option[string] { return Some[string]("fallback") }

some := Some[string]("actual")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", some.OrElse(fallbackFunc))

none := None[string]()
fmt.Printf("%s\n", none.OrElse(fallbackFunc))


func (*Option[T]) Scan added in v0.11.0

func (o *Option[T]) Scan(src any) error

Scan assigns a value from a database driver. This method is required from database/sql.Scanner interface.

func (Option[T]) String added in v0.8.0

func (o Option[T]) String() string

func (Option[T]) Take

func (o Option[T]) Take() (T, error)

Take takes the contained value in Option. If Option value is Some, this returns the value that is contained in Option. On the other hand, this returns an ErrNoneValueTaken as the second return value.

some := Some[int](1)
v, err := some.Take()
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err == nil)

none := None[int]()
_, err = none.Take()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err == nil)


func (Option[T]) TakeOr

func (o Option[T]) TakeOr(fallbackValue T) T

TakeOr returns the actual value if the Option has a value. On the other hand, this returns fallbackValue.

some := Some[int](1)
v := some.TakeOr(666)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)

none := None[int]()
v = none.TakeOr(666)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)


func (Option[T]) TakeOrElse

func (o Option[T]) TakeOrElse(fallbackFunc func() T) T

TakeOrElse returns the actual value if the Option has a value. On the other hand, this executes fallbackFunc and returns the result value of that function.

some := Some[int](1)
v := some.TakeOrElse(func() int {
	return 666
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)

none := None[int]()
v = none.TakeOrElse(func() int {
	return 666
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)


func (*Option[T]) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o *Option[T]) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Option[T]) Unwrap added in v0.3.0

func (o Option[T]) Unwrap() T

Unwrap returns the value regardless of Some/None status. If the Option value is Some, this method returns the actual value. On the other hand, if the Option value is None, this method returns the *default* value according to the type.

fmt.Printf("%v\n", Some[int](12345).Unwrap())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", None[int]().Unwrap())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", None[*int]().Unwrap())

num := 123
fmt.Printf("%v\n", FromNillable[int](&num).Unwrap())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", FromNillable[int](nil).Unwrap())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", *PtrFromNillable[int](&num).Unwrap()) // NOTE: this dereferences tha unwrapped value
fmt.Printf("%v\n", PtrFromNillable[int](nil).Unwrap())


func (Option[T]) UnwrapAsPtr added in v0.11.0

func (o Option[T]) UnwrapAsPtr() *T

UnwrapAsPtr returns the contained value in receiver Option as a pointer. This is similar to `Unwrap()` method but the difference is this method returns a pointer value instead of the actual value. If the receiver Option value is None, this method returns nil.

fmt.Printf("%v\n", *Some[int](12345).UnwrapAsPtr())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", None[int]().UnwrapAsPtr())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", None[*int]().UnwrapAsPtr())

num := 123
fmt.Printf("%v\n", *FromNillable[int](&num).UnwrapAsPtr())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", FromNillable[int](nil).UnwrapAsPtr())
fmt.Printf("%v\n", **PtrFromNillable[int](&num).UnwrapAsPtr()) // NOTE: this dereferences tha unwrapped value
fmt.Printf("%v\n", PtrFromNillable[int](nil).UnwrapAsPtr())


func (Option[T]) Value added in v0.11.0

func (o Option[T]) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value returns a driver Value. This method is required from database/sql/driver.Valuer interface.

type Pair

type Pair[T, U any] struct {
	Value1 T
	Value2 U

Pair is a data type that represents a tuple that has two elements.

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