Network Observability Operator (NOO)

An OpenShift / Kubernetes operator for network observability. It deploys a flow collector (IPFIX standard), an OpenShift console plugin (if working with OpenShift) and it configures the OpenShift Cluster Network Operator to enable flow exports. The OVN-Kubernetes
CNI is required.
A Grafana dashboard is also provided.
It is also possible to use without OpenShift:
- Using the upstream ovn-kubernetes with any supported Kubernetes flavour (see below for enabling IPFIX exports on ovn-kubernetes).
- If you don't use ovn-kubernetes but still can manage having IPFIX exports by a different mean, you're more on your own, but still should be able to use this operator. You will need to configure the IPFIX export to push flows to the
service deployed by this operator. You could also consider using goflow-kube directly.
The operator itself is deployed in the namespace "network-observability", whereas managed components are deployed in a namespace configured via a Custom Resource (see FlowCollector custom resource section below).
Deploy an existing image
Images are built and pushed through CI to
The operator isn't yet bundled for OLM or Openshift Operator Hub, so you need to clone this repo and deploy from there at the moment.
To refer to the latest version of the main
branch, use
or simply VERSION=main
. To refer to older versions, use the commit short-SHA as the image tag. By default, main
will be used.
E.g. to deploy the latest build:
make deploy
You must then install the custom resource, e.g.:
kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/flows_v1alpha1_flowcollector.yaml
Build / push / deploy
The repository
is only writable by the CI, so you need to use another repository (such as your own one) if you want to use your own build.
For instance, to build from a pull-request, checkout that PR (e.g. using github CLI or git fetch upstream pull/99/head:pr-99 && git checkout pr-99
(replace 99
with the PR ID)), then run:
IMG="" make image-build image-push deploy
Note, the default image pull policy is IfNotPresent
, so if you previously deployed the operator on a cluster and then create another build with the same image name/tag, it won't be pulled in the cluster registry. So you need either to provide a different image name/tag for every build, or modify manager.yaml to set imagePullPolicy: Always
, then re-deploy.
Then, you can deploy a custom resource, e.g.:
kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/flows_v1alpha1_flowcollector.yaml
# or using make
make deploy-sample-cr
Deploy as bundle
For more details, refer to the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) bundle quickstart documentation.
This task should be automatically done by the CI/CD pipeline. However, if you want to deploy as
bundle for local testing, you should execute the following commands:
export USER=<container-registry-username>
export VERSION=0.0.1
make image-build image-push
make bundle bundle-build bundle-push
Optionally, you might validate the bundle:
operator-sdk bundle validate $BUNDLE_IMG
Note: the base64 logo can be generated with: base64 -w 0 <image file>
Deploy as bundle from command line
This mode is recommended to quickly test the operator during its development:
operator-sdk run bundle $BUNDLE_IMG
Deploy as bundle from the Console's OperatorHub page
This mode is recommended when you want to test the customer experience of navigating through the
operators' catalog and installing/configuring it manually through the UI.
First, create and push a catalog image:
make catalog-build catalog-push catalog-deploy
The Netobserv Operator should be now available in the OperatorHub items.
Publish on central OperatorHub
We target two distincts repositories for OperatorHub: one for generic community (non-OpenShift) and one for OpenShift / OKD community.
Assuming the components release images are already pushed and tagged, you can then publish the new version on the operator hubs. Make sure you have forked/cloned/fetched each of the two repos mentioned above, then run:
# Adapt version (without "v" prefix, e.g. version="0.1.5")
# Adapt to your local path:
path_hubs=("../community-operators" "../community-operators-okd")
VERSION="$version" IMAGE_TAG_BASE="" make bundle bundle-build bundle-push
for hub in "${path_hubs[@]}"; do
mkdir -p $hub/operators/netobserv-operator/$version && \
cp "bundle.Dockerfile" "$hub/operators/netobserv-operator/$version" && \
cp -r "bundle/manifests" "$hub/operators/netobserv-operator/$version" && \
cp -r "bundle/metadata" "$hub/operators/netobserv-operator/$version"
for hub in "${path_hubs[@]}"; do
cd $hub && \
git add -A && \
git commit -m "operators netobserv-operator ($version)" && \
git push origin HEAD:bump-$version
Then go to github and open a new PR for each repo.
(See also hack/
FlowCollector custom resource
The FlowCollector
custom resource is used to configure the operator and its managed components. You can read its full documentation and check this sample file that you can copy, edit and install.
Note that the FlowCollector
resource must be unique and must be named cluster
. It applies to the whole cluster.
Enabling OVS IPFIX export
If you use OpenShift 4.10, you don't have anything to do: the operator will configure OVS via the Cluster Network Operator. Else, some manual steps are still required:
With upstream ovn-kubernetes (e.g. using KIND)
GF_IP=`kubectl get svc goflow-kube -n network-observability -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'` && echo $GF_IP
kubectl set env daemonset/ovnkube-node -c ovnkube-node -n ovn-kubernetes OVN_IPFIX_TARGETS="$GF_IP:2055"
On older OpenShift with OVN-Kubernetes CNI
In OpenShift, a difference with the upstream ovn-kubernetes
is that the flows export config is managed by the ClusterNetworkOperator
GF_IP=`oc get svc goflow-kube -n network-observability -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'` && echo $GF_IP
oc patch cluster --type='json' -p "[{'op': 'add', 'path': '/spec', 'value': {'exportNetworkFlows': {'ipfix': { 'collectors': ['$GF_IP:2055']}}}}]"
Installing Loki
Loki is used to store the flows, however its installation is not managed directly by the operator. There are several options to install Loki, like using the loki-operator
or the helm charts. Get some help about it on this page.
Once Loki is setup, you may have to update the flowcollector
CR to update the Loki URL (use an URL that is accessible in-cluster by the goflow-kube
pods; default is http://loki:3100/
Enabling the console plugin
The operator automatically deploys a console dynamic plugin when used in OpenShift.
The plugin then needs to be enabled through the console configuration:
- network-observability-plugin
To do so, you can apply this patch:
oc patch cluster --type='json' -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plugins", "value": ["network-observability-plugin"]}]'
It provides new views in the OpenShift Console: a new submenu Network Traffic in Observe, and new tabs in several details views (Pods, Deployments, Services...).
Main view
Pod traffic
Grafana dashboard
Grafana can be used to retrieve and show the collected flows from Loki. You can find here some help to install Grafana if needed.
Then import this dashboard in Grafana. It includes a table of the flows and some graphs showing the volumetry per source or destination namespaces or workload: