Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( Amazon = 0x00 Sorceress = 0x01 Necromancer = 0x02 Paladin = 0x03 Barbarian = 0x04 Druid = 0x05 Assassin = 0x06 )
Mapper of the hex values of classes.
const ( // Armor AlphaHelm string = "dr6" AncientArmor string = "aar" Antlers string = "dr3" ArchonPlate string = "utp" Armet string = "ulm" AssaultHelmet string = "ba4" AvengerGuard string = "ba5" BalrogSkin string = "upl" Basinet string = "xhl" BattleBelt string = "ztb" BattleBoots string = "xtb" BattleGauntlets string = "xtg" Belt string = "mbl" BloodSpirit string = "drb" BoneHelm string = "bhm" BoneVisage string = "uh9" Boneweave string = "uhn" BoneweaveBoots string = "umb" Bracers string = "mgl" BrambleMitts string = "ulg" BreastPlate string = "brs" Cap string = "cap" CarnageHelm string = "bab" Casque string = "xlm" ChainBoots string = "mbt" ChainMail string = "chn" ChaosArmor string = "xul" Circlet string = "ci0" ColossusGirdle string = "uhc" ConquerorCrown string = "bae" Corona string = "urn" Coronet string = "ci1" Crown string = "crn" CrusaderGauntlets string = "utg" Cuirass string = "xrs" DeathMask string = "xsk" Demonhead string = "usk" DemonhideArmor string = "xla" DemonhideBoots string = "xlb" DemonhideGloves string = "xlg" DemonhideSash string = "zlb" DestroyerHelm string = "bad" Diadem string = "ci3" DiamondMail string = "ung" DreamSpirit string = "drf" DuskShroud string = "uui" EarthSpirit string = "drd" EmbossedPlate string = "xth" FalconMask string = "dr4" FangedHelm string = "ba2" FieldPlate string = "fld" FullHelm string = "fhl" PlateMail string = "plt" FullPlateMail string = "ful" FuryVisor string = "bac" Gauntlets string = "hgl" GhostArmor string = "xui" GiantConch string = "uhl" Girdle string = "hbl" Gloves string = "lgl" GothicPlate string = "gth" GrandCrown string = "xrn" GreatHauberk string = "urs" GreatHelm string = "ghm" GriffonHeadress string = "dr7" GrimHelm string = "xh9" GuardianCrown string = "baf" HardLeatherArmor string = "hla" HawkHelm string = "dr2" HeavyBelt string = "tbl" HeavyBoots string = "vbt" HeavyBracers string = "xmg" HeavyGloves string = "vgl" HellforgedPlate string = "ult" Helm string = "hlm" HornedHelm string = "ba3" HuntersGuise string = "dr8" Hydraskull string = "ukp" Hyperion string = "urg" JawboneCap string = "ba1" JawboneVisor string = "ba6" KrakenShell string = "uld" LacqueredPlate string = "uth" LeatherArmor string = "lea" LeatherBoots string = "lbt" LightBelt string = "vbl" LightGauntlets string = "tgl" LightPlate string = "ltp" LightPlatedBoots string = "tbt" LinkedMail string = "xng" LionHelm string = "ba7" LoricatedMail string = "ucl" MagePlate string = "xtp" Mask string = "msk" MeshArmor string = "xhn" MeshBelt string = "zmb" MeshBoots string = "xmb" MirroredBoots string = "utb" MithrilCoil string = "umc" MyrmidonGreaves string = "uhb" OgreGauntlets string = "uhg" OrnatePlate string = "xar" PlateBoots string = "hbt" QuiltedArmor string = "qui" RageMask string = "ba8" RingMail string = "rng" RussetArmor string = "xpl" SacredArmor string = "uar" SacredFeathers string = "dr9" Sallet string = "xkp" Sash string = "lbl" SavageHelmet string = "ba9" ScaleMail string = "scl" ScarabHusk string = "ula" ScarabshellBoots string = "uvb" SerpentskinArmor string = "xea" ShadowPlate string = "uul" Shako string = "uap" SharkskinBelt string = "zvb" SharkskinBoots string = "xvb" SharkskinGloves string = "xvg" SharktoothArmor string = "xld" SkullCap string = "skp" SkySpirit string = "dre" SlayerGuard string = "baa" SpiderwebSash string = "ulc" SpiredHelm string = "uhm" SpiritMask string = "dr5" SplintMail string = "spl" StuddedLeather string = "stu" SunSpirit string = "drc" TemplarCoat string = "xlt" Tiara string = "ci2" TigulatedMail string = "xcl" TotemicMask string = "dra" TrellisedArmor string = "xtu" TrollBelt string = "utc" Vambraces string = "umg" VampireboneGloves string = "uvg" VampirefangBelt string = "uvc" WarBelt string = "zhb" WarBoots string = "xhb" WarGauntlets string = "xhg" WarHat string = "xap" WingedHelm string = "xhm" WireFleece string = "utu" WolfHead string = "dr1" Wyrmhide string = "uea" WyrmhideBoots string = "ulb" // Misc Amethyst string = "gsv" AmnRune string = "r11" Amulet string = "amu" AntidotePotion string = "yps" Arrows string = "aqv" BaalsEye string = "bey" BarkScroll string = "bks" BerRune string = "r30" Bolts string = "cqv" BookofSkill string = "ass" BurningEssenceofTerror string = "bet" ChamRune string = "r32" ChargedEssenceofHatred string = "ceh" GrandCharm string = "cm3" LargeCharm string = "cm2" SmallCharm string = "cm1" ChippedAmethyst string = "gcv" ChippedDiamond string = "gcw" ChippedEmerald string = "gcg" ChippedRuby string = "gcr" ChippedSapphire string = "gcb" ChippedSkull string = "skc" ChippedTopaz string = "gcy" DecipheredBarkScroll string = "bkd" DiablosHorn string = "dhn" Diamond string = "gsw" DolRune string = "r14" ElRune string = "r01" EldRune string = "r02" Elixir string = "elx" Emerald string = "gsg" EthRune string = "r05" FalRune string = "r19" FesteringEssenceofDestruction string = "fed" FlawedAmethyst string = "gfv" FlawedDiamond string = "gfw" FlawedEmerald string = "gfg" FlawedRuby string = "gfr" FlawedSapphire string = "gfb" FlawedSkull string = "skf" FlawedTopaz string = "gfy" FlawlessAmethyst string = "gzv" FlawlessDiamond string = "glw" FlawlessEmerald string = "glg" FlawlessRuby string = "glr" FlawlessSapphire string = "glb" FlawlessSkull string = "skl" FlawlessTopaz string = "gly" FullHealingPotion string = "hpf" FullManaPotion string = "mpf" FullRejuvenationPotion string = "rvl" Gold string = "gld" GoldBird string = "g34" GreaterHealingPotion string = "hp5" GreaterManaPotion string = "mp5" GulRune string = "r25" HealingPotion string = "hp3" HealingPotionMid string = "hpo" HelRune string = "r15" Herb string = "hrb" HoradricCube string = "box" IdentifyBook string = "ibk" IdentifyScroll string = "isc" IoRune string = "r16" IstRune string = "r24" IthRune string = "r06" JadeFigurine string = "j34" JahRune string = "r31" Jewel string = "jew" KeyofDestruction string = "pk3" KeyofHate string = "pk2" KeyofTerror string = "pk1" KhalimsBrain string = "qbr" KhalimsEye string = "qey" KhalimsHeart string = "qhr" KoRune string = "r18" LamEsensTome string = "bbb" LargeBluePotion string = "bpl" LargeRedPotion string = "rpl" LemRune string = "r20" LesserHealingPotion string = "hp1" LesserManaPotion string = "mp1" LightHealingPotion string = "hp2" LightManaPotion string = "mp2" LoRune string = "r28" LumRune string = "r17" Maguffin string = "ice" MalRune string = "r23" ManaPotion string = "mp3" ManaPotionMid string = "mpo" MephistosBrain string = "mbr" MephistoKey string = "luv" MephistoSoulStone string = "mss" NefRune string = "r04" OhmRune string = "r27" OrtRune string = "r09" PerfectAmethyst string = "gpv" PerfectDiamond string = "gpw" PerfectEmerald string = "gpg" PerfectRuby string = "gpr" PerfectSapphire string = "gpb" PerfectSkull string = "skz" PerfectTopaz string = "gpy" PlayerEar string = "ear" PulRune string = "r21" RalRune string = "r08" RejuvenationPotion string = "rvs" Ring string = "rin" Ruby string = "gsr" Sapphire string = "gsb" Scroll string = "0sc" ScrollofHoradric string = "tr1" ScrollofMalah string = "tr2" PotionofLife string = "xyz" ShaelRune string = "r13" SkeletonKey string = "key" Skull string = "sku" SmallBluePotion string = "bps" SmallRedPotion string = "rps" SolRune string = "r12" StaminaPotion string = "vps" StandardofHeroes string = "std" StrongHealingPotion string = "hp4" StrongManaPotion string = "mp4" SurRune string = "r29" TalRune string = "r07" ThawingPotion string = "wms" ThulRune string = "r10" TirRune string = "r03" TokenofAbsolution string = "toa" Topaz string = "gsy" Torch string = "tch" TownPortalBook string = "tbk" TownPortalScroll string = "tsc" TwistedEssenceofSuffering string = "tes" UmRune string = "r22" VexRune string = "r26" ViperAmulet string = "vip" ZodRune string = "r33" // Shields Aegis string = "uow" AerinShield string = "pa4" AkaranRondache string = "pa7" AkaranTarge string = "pa6" KurastShield string = "pad" AncientShield string = "xts" BarbedShield string = "xpk" BladeBarrier string = "upk" BloodlordSkull string = "nef" BoneShield string = "bsh" Buckler string = "buc" CantorTrophy string = "ne9" CrownShield string = "pa5" Defender string = "xuc" DemonHead string = "ne5" DragonShield string = "xit" FetishTrophy string = "ne7" GargoyleHead string = "ne4" GothicShield string = "gts" GrimShield string = "xsh" GildedShield string = "pa9" HeirophantTrophy string = "nea" Heater string = "uuc" HellspawnSkull string = "neg" HeraldicShield string = "pa3" KiteShield string = "kit" LargeShield string = "lrg" Luna string = "uml" MinionSkull string = "neb" Monarch string = "uit" MummifiedTrophy string = "ne6" OverseerSkull string = "ned" Pavise string = "xow" PreservedHead string = "ne1" ProtectorShield string = "pa8" Rondache string = "pa2" RoundShield string = "xml" RoyalShield string = "paa" SacredRondache string = "pac" SacredTarge string = "pab" Scutum string = "xrg" SextonTrophy string = "ne8" SmallShield string = "sml" SpikedShield string = "spk" SuccubusSkull string = "nee" Targe string = "pa1" TowerShield string = "tow" TrollNest string = "ush" UnravellerHead string = "ne3" VortexShield string = "paf" Ward string = "uts" ZakarumShield string = "pae" ZombieHead string = "ne2" // Weapons AncientAxe string = "9gi" AncientSword string = "9wd" Arbalest string = "8lx" ArchonStaff string = "6ws" AshwoodBow string = "am6" Ataghan string = "7sm" Axe string = "axe" BalancedAxe string = "bal" BalancedKnife string = "bkf" Balista string = "8hx" BalrogBlade string = "7gs" BalrogSpear string = "7s7" BarbedClub string = "9sp" Bardiche string = "bar" BastardSword string = "bsw" BattleAxe string = "btx" BattleCestus string = "7cs" BattleDart string = "9tk" BattleHammer string = "9wh" BattleScythe string = "9s8" BattleStaff string = "bst" BattleSword string = "9bs" BeardedAxe string = "9ba" BecDeCorbin string = "9h9" BerserkerAxe string = "7wa" Bill string = "9vo" Blade string = "bld" BladeBow string = "6hb" BladeTalons string = "btl" BoneKnife string = "7dg" BoneWand string = "bwn" Brandistock string = "brn" BroadAxe string = "bax" BroadSword string = "bsd" BurntWand string = "9wn" Caduceus string = "7ws" CedarBow string = "8lb" CedarStaff string = "8cs" CeremonialBow string = "am7" CeremonialJavelin string = "ama" CeremonialPike string = "am9" CeremonialSpear string = "am8" Cestus string = "ces" ChampionAxe string = "7ga" ChampionSword string = "7b7" ChokingGasPotion string = "gpm" ChuKoNu string = "8rx" Cinquedeas string = "9kr" ClaspedOrb string = "ob4" Claws string = "clw" Claymore string = "clm" Cleaver string = "9ax" CloudySphere string = "ob8" Club string = "clb" ColossalSword string = "7fb" ColossalBlade string = "7gd" ColossusCrossbow string = "6hx" ColossusVoulge string = "7vo" CompositeBow string = "cbw" ConquestSword string = "7bs" Crossbow string = "mxb" Crowbill string = "9mp" CrusaderBow string = "6l7" CrypticAxe string = "7pa" CrypticSword string = "7ls" CrystalSword string = "crs" CrystallineGlobe string = "ob7" Cudgel string = "9cl" Cutlass string = "9sm" DacianFalx string = "9cm" Dagger string = "dgr" Decapitator string = "7bt" DecoyDagger string = "d33" DemonCrossbow string = "6rx" DemonHeart string = "obd" DevilStar string = "7mt" DiamondBow string = "6s7" DimensionalBlade string = "9cr" DimensionalShard string = "obf" Dirk string = "dir" DivineScepter string = "9ws" DoubleAxe string = "2ax" DoubleBow string = "8cb" DragonStone string = "ob5" EableOrb string = "ob1" EdgeBow string = "8sb" ElderStaff string = "6cs" EldritchOrb string = "obc" ElegantBlade string = "7sb" Espadon string = "92h" EttinAxe string = "72a" ExecutionerSword string = "9gd" ExplodingPotion string = "opm" Falcata string = "7ss" Falchion string = "flc" FangedKnife string = "7kr" Fascia string = "9xf" FeralAxe string = "7la" FeralClaws string = "7lw" Flail string = "fla" Flamberge string = "flb" FlangedMace string = "9ma" FlyingAxe string = "7ta" FlyingKnife string = "7tk" Francisca string = "9ta" FulmatingPotion string = "opl" Fuscina string = "9tr" GhostGlaive string = "7gl" GhostSpear string = "7st" GhostWand string = "7yw" GiantAxe string = "gix" GiantSword string = "gis" GiantThresher string = "7wc" Gidbinn string = "g33" Gladius string = "9ss" Glaive string = "glv" GloriousAxe string = "7gi" GlowingOrb string = "ob6" GnarledStaff string = "cst" GorgonCrossbow string = "6mx" GothicAxe string = "9ga" GothicBow string = "8lw" GothicStaff string = "8bs" GothicSword string = "9b9" GrandMatronBow string = "amc" GrandScepter string = "gsc" GraveWand string = "9gw" GreatAxe string = "gax" GreatBow string = "6cb" GreatMaul string = "gma" GreatPilum string = "9pi" GreatPoleaxe string = "7h7" GreatSword string = "gsd" GreaterClaws string = "9lw" GreaterTalons string = "9tw" GrimScythe string = "9wc" GrimWand string = "gwn" Halberd string = "hal" HandAxe string = "hax" HandScythe string = "9cs" Harpoon string = "9ts" Hatchet string = "9ha" HatchetHands string = "axf" HeavenlyStone string = "obb" HeavyCrossbow string = "hxb" HellforgeHammer string = "hfh" HighlandBlade string = "7cm" HolyWaterSprinkler string = "9qs" HoradricMalus string = "hdm" HoradricStaff string = "hst" HuntersBow string = "hbw" Hurlbat string = "9b8" HydraBow string = "6lw" HydraEdge string = "7fc" HyperionJavelin string = "7ja" HyperionSpear string = "7sr" JaggedStar string = "9mt" Javelin string = "jav" JoStaff string = "8ss" Katar string = "ktr" KhalimFlail string = "qf1" Knout string = "9fl" Kriss string = "kri" Lance string = "9p9" LargeAxe string = "lax" LegendSpike string = "7bl" LegendSword string = "72h" LegendaryMallet string = "7wh" LichWand string = "7bw" LightCrossbow string = "lxb" LochaberAxe string = "9b7" LongBattleBow string = "lbb" LongBow string = "lbw" LongSiegeBow string = "8l8" LongStaff string = "lst" LongSword string = "lsd" LongWarBow string = "lwb" Mace string = "mac" MaidenJavelin string = "am5" MaidenPike string = "am4" MaidenSpear string = "am3" Mancatcher string = "7br" MarteldeFer string = "9gm" MatriarchalBow string = "amb" MatriarchalPike string = "ame" MatriarchalSpear string = "amd" MatriarchalJavelin string = "amf" Maul string = "mau" MightyScepter string = "7sc" MilitaryAxe string = "9la" MilitaryPick string = "mpi" MithralPoint string = "7di" MorningStar string = "mst" MythicalSword string = "7wd" Naga string = "9wa" OgreAxe string = "7o7" OgreMaul string = "7m7" OilPotion string = "ops" Partizan string = "9pa" PelletBow string = "6lx" PetrifiedWand string = "9yw" PhaseBlade string = "7cr" Pike string = "pik" Pilum string = "pil" Poignard string = "9dg" Poleaxe string = "pax" PolishedWand string = "7wn" QuarterStaff string = "8ls" Quhab string = "9ar" RancidGasPotion string = "gps" RazorBow string = "8hb" ReflexBow string = "am2" ReinforcedMace string = "7ma" RepeatingCrossbow string = "rxb" Rondel string = "9di" RuneBow string = "8sw" RuneScepter string = "9sc" RuneStaff string = "8ws" RuneSword string = "9ls" RunicTalons string = "7tw" Sabre string = "sbr" SacredGlobe string = "ob2" Scepter string = "scp" Scimitar string = "scm" ScissorsKatar string = "skr" ScissorsQuhab string = "9qr" ScissorsSuwayyah string = "7qr" Scourge string = "7fl" Scythe string = "scy" SeraphRod string = "7qs" ShadowBow string = "6lb" Shamshir string = "9sb" Shillelah string = "6bs" ShortBattleBow string = "sbb" ShortBow string = "sbw" ShortSiegeBow string = "8s8" ShortSpear string = "ssp" ShortStaff string = "sst" ShortSword string = "ssd" ShortWarBow string = "swb" SiegeCrossbow string = "8mx" SilverEdgedAxe string = "7ba" Simbilan string = "9s9" SmallCrescent string = "7ax" SmokedSphere string = "ob3" SparklingBall string = "ob9" Spear string = "spr" Spetum string = "spt" Spiculum string = "9gl" SpiderBow string = "6sb" SpikedClub string = "spc" StaffOfTheKings string = "msf" StagBow string = "am1" Stalagmite string = "6ls" Stilleto string = "9bl" StranglingGasPotion string = "gpl" StygianPike string = "7tr" StygianPilum string = "7pi" SuperKhalimFlail string = "qf2" Suwayyah string = "7ar" SwirlingCrystal string = "oba" Tabar string = "9bt" Thresher string = "7s8" ThrowingAxe string = "tax" ThrowingKnife string = "tkf" ThrowingSpear string = "tsp" ThunderMaul string = "7gm" Tomahawk string = "7ha" TombWand string = "9bw" Trident string = "tri" Truncheon string = "7cl" Tulwar string = "9fc" TuskSword string = "9gs" TwinAxe string = "92a" TwoHandedSword string = "2hs" TyrantClub string = "7sp" UnearthedWand string = "7gw" VortexOrb string = "obe" Voulge string = "vou" WalkingStick string = "6ss" Wand string = "wnd" WarAxe string = "wax" WarClub string = "9m9" WarDart string = "9bk" WarFist string = "7xf" WarFork string = "9br" WarHammer string = "whm" WarJavelin string = "9ja" WarPike string = "7p7" WarScepter string = "wsp" WarScythe string = "wsc" WarSpear string = "9sr" WarSpike string = "7mp" WarStaff string = "wst" WarSword string = "wsd" WardBow string = "6sw" WingedAxe string = "7b8" WingedHarpoon string = "7ts" WingedKnife string = "7bk" WirtsLeg string = "leg" WristBlade string = "wrb" WristSpike string = "9wb" WristSword string = "7wb" Yari string = "9st" YewWand string = "ywn" Zweihander string = "9fb" )
Item code value constant used as an internal reference or "ID".
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Attributes ¶
type Attributes struct { Strength uint64 `json:"strength"` Energy uint64 `json:"energy"` Dexterity uint64 `json:"dexterity"` Vitality uint64 `json:"vitality"` UnusedStats uint64 `json:"unused_stats"` UnusedSkillPoints uint64 `json:"unused_skill_points"` CurrentHP uint64 `json:"current_hp"` MaxHP uint64 `json:"max_hp"` CurrentMana uint64 `json:"current_mana"` MaxMana uint64 `json:"max_mana"` CurrentStamina uint64 `json:"current_stamina"` MaxStamina uint64 `json:"max_stamina"` Level uint64 `json:"level"` Experience uint64 `json:"experience"` Gold uint64 `json:"gold"` StashedGold uint64 `json:"stashed_gold"` }
Attributes are the different type of attributes a character can have.
type Character ¶
type Character struct { Header Header `json:"header"` Attributes Attributes `json:"attributes"` Skills []Skill `json:"skills"` Items []Item `json:"items"` CorpseItems []Item `json:"corpse_items"` MercItems []Item `json:"merc_items"` GolemItem *Item `json:"golem_item"` IsDead uint16 `json:"is_dead"` }
Character represents all the d2s character data.
func ParseFromContent ¶
ParseFromContent will read the character from a byte slice.
type Header ¶
type Header struct { Identifier uint32 `json:"identifier"` Version uint32 `json:"version"` FileSize uint32 `json:"filesize"` CheckSum uint32 `json:"checksum"` ActiveArms uint32 `json:"active_arms"` Name name `json:"name"` Status status `json:"status"` Progression progression `json:"progression"` Class class `json:"class"` Level byte `json:"level"` LastPlayed uint32 `json:"last_played"` AssignedSkills [16]uint32 `json:"assigned_skills"` LeftSkill uint32 `json:"left_skill"` RightSkill uint32 `json:"right_skill"` LeftSwapSkill uint32 `json:"left_swap_skill"` RightSwapSkill uint32 `json:"right_swap_skill"` CurrentDifficulty difficulty `json:"difficulty"` MapID uint32 `json:"map_id"` DeadMerc uint16 `json:"dead_merc"` MercID uint32 `json:"merc_id"` MercNameID uint16 `json:"merc_name_id"` MercType uint16 `json:"merc_type"` MercExp uint32 `json:"merc_experience"` QuestHeader [4]byte `json:"-"` QuestsNormal quests `json:"quests_normal"` QuestsNm quests `json:"quests_nm"` QuestsHell quests `json:"quests_hell"` WaypointHeader [2]byte `json:"-"` WaypointsNormal [24]byte `json:"-"` WaypointsNm [24]byte `json:"-"` WaypointsHell [24]byte `json:"-"` WaypointTrailer byte `json:"-"` NPCHeader [2]byte `json:"-"` NPCIntroNormal [5]byte `json:"-"` NPCIntroNm [5]byte `json:"-"` NPCIntroHell [5]byte `json:"-"` NPCReturnNorm [4]byte `json:"-"` NPCReturnNm [4]byte `json:"-"` NPCReturnHell [4]byte `json:"-"` StatHeader [2]byte `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Header determines the header data of a d2s file.
type Item ¶
type Item struct { Identified uint64 `json:"identified"` Socketed uint64 `json:"socketed"` New uint64 `json:"new"` IsEar uint64 `json:"is_ear"` StarterItem uint64 `json:"starter_item"` SimpleItem uint64 `json:"simple_item"` Ethereal uint64 `json:"ethereal"` Personalized uint64 `json:"personalized"` PersonalizedName string `json:"personalized_name,omitempty"` GivenRuneword uint64 `json:"given_runeword"` Version uint64 `json:"version"` LocationID uint64 `json:"location_id"` EquippedID uint64 `json:"equipped_id,omitempty"` PositionX uint64 `json:"position_x"` PositionY uint64 `json:"position_y"` AltPositionID uint64 `json:"alt_position_id"` Type string `json:"type"` TypeID uint64 `json:"type_id"` TypeName string `json:"type_name"` NrOfItemsInSockets uint64 `json:"nr_of_items_in_sockets"` ID uint64 `json:"id"` Level uint64 `json:"level"` Quality uint64 `json:"quality"` MultiplePictures uint64 `json:"multiple_pictures"` PictureID uint64 `json:"picture_id"` ClassSpecific uint64 `json:"class_specific"` LowQualityID uint64 `json:"low_quality_id"` Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"` EarAttributes earAttributes `json:"ear_attributes"` DefenseRating int64 `json:"defense_rating,omitempty"` MaxDurability uint64 `json:"max_durability,omitempty"` CurrentDurability uint64 `json:"current_durability,omitempty"` TotalNrOfSockets uint64 `json:"total_nr_of_sockets"` Quantity uint64 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` MagicPrefix uint64 `json:"magic_prefix,omitempty"` MagicPrefixName string `json:"magic_prefix_name,omitempty"` MagicSuffix uint64 `json:"magic_suffix,omitempty"` MagicSuffixName string `json:"magic_suffix_name,omitempty"` RunewordID uint64 `json:"runeword_id,omitempty"` RunewordName string `json:"runeword_name,omitempty"` RunewordAttributes []MagicAttribute `json:"runeword_attributes"` SetID uint64 `json:"set_id"` SetName string `json:"set_name,omitempty"` SetListCount uint64 `json:"set_list_count"` SetAttributes [][]MagicAttribute `json:"set_attributes"` SetAttributesNumReq []uint `json:"set_attributes_num_req,omitempty"` SetAttributesIDsReq []uint64 `json:"set_attributes_ids_req,omitempty"` RareName string `json:"rare_name,omitempty"` RareName2 string `json:"rare_name2,omitempty"` MagicalNameIDs []uint64 `json:"magical_name_ids,omitempty"` UniqueID uint64 `json:"unique_id"` UniqueName string `json:"unique_name,omitempty"` MagicAttributes []MagicAttribute `json:"magic_attributes"` SocketedItems []Item `json:"socketed_items"` BaseDamage *WeaponDamage `json:"base_damage,omitempty"` }
Item describes any type of item and all it's data.
func ParseItemList ¶ added in v1.3.0
func ParseItemList(byteReader io.ByteReader, itemCount int) ([]Item, error)
type MagicAttribute ¶ added in v1.2.1
type MagicAttribute struct { ID uint64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Values []int64 `json:"values"` }
MagicAttribute describes one of potentially many attributes on an item.
The values array is replaced into the name string using the value's own array index wrapped in curly braces, e.g., `{i}`. Some values will need to be denormalized before replacing, such as class names, and various calculations.
Note the values array is of the type int64, this is because some properties contain negative values, such as - % requirements.
type MagicalProperty ¶ added in v1.2.1
MagicalProperty describes a string template, bias, and bit length for a particular kind of magical property, such as bonuses to all resistences or magic item finding.
type WeaponDamage ¶ added in v1.2.1
type WeaponDamage struct { Min int `json:"min,omitempty"` Max int `json:"max,omitempty"` TwoMin int `json:"twohand_min,omitempty"` TwoMax int `json:"twohand_max,omitempty"` }
WeaponDamage contains integer ranges for any weapon's one-handed, two-handed (and maybe soon throwing as well?) damage.