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Published: Jul 15, 2020 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0


Terraform Provider for ArgoCD

Acceptance Tests



I thought ArgoCD already allowed for 100% declarative configuration?

While that is true through the use of ArgoCD Kubernetes Custom Resources, there are some resources that simply cannot be managed using Kubernetes manifests, such as project roles JWTs whose respective lifecycles are better handled by a tool like Terraform. Even more so when you need to export these JWTs to another external system using Terraform, like a CI platform.

Wouldn't using a Kubernetes provider to handle ArgoCD configuration be enough?

Existing Kubernetes providers do not patch arrays of objects, losing project role JWTs when doing small project changes just happen.

ArgoCD Kubernetes admission webhook controller is not as exhaustive as ArgoCD API validation, this can be seen with RBAC policies, where no validation occur when creating/patching a project.

Using Terraform to manage Kubernetes Custom Resource becomes increasingly difficult the further you use HCL2 DSL to merge different data structures and want to preserve type safety.

Whatever the Kubernetes CRD provider you are using, you will probably end up using locals and the yamlencode function which does not preserve the values' type. In these cases, not only the readability of your Terraform plan will worsen, but you will also be losing some safeties that Terraform provides in the process.


  • From binary releases: Get the latest release, or adapt and run the following:

    curl -LO https://github.com/oboukili/terraform-provider-argocd/releases/download/v0.1.0/terraform-provider-argocd_v0.1.0_linux_amd64.gz
    gunzip -N terraform-provider-argocd_v0.1.0_linux_amd64.gz
    mv terraform-provider-argocd_v0.1.0 ~/.terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64/
    chmod +x ~/.terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-argocd_v0.1.0
  • From source: Follow the 'contributing' build instructions.


provider "argocd" {
  server_addr = "argocd.local:443" # env ARGOCD_SERVER
  auth_token  = "1234..."          # env ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN
  # username  = "admin"            # env ARGOCD_AUTH_USERNAME
  # password  = "foo"              # env ARGOCD_AUTH_PASSWORD
  insecure    = false              # env ARGOCD_INSECURE

resource "argocd_repository" "nginx_helm" {
  repo = "https://helm.nginx.com/stable"
  name = "nginx-stable"
  type = "helm"

resource "argocd_project" "myproject" {
  metadata {
    name      = "myproject"
    namespace = "argocd"
    labels = {
      acceptance = "true"
    annotations = {
      "this.is.a.really.long.nested.key" = "yes, really!"

  spec {
    description  = "simple project"
    source_repos = ["*"]

    destination {
      server    = "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
      namespace = "default"
    destination {
      server    = "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
      namespace = "foo"
    cluster_resource_whitelist {
      group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
      kind  = "ClusterRoleBinding"
    cluster_resource_whitelist {
      group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
      kind  = "ClusterRole"
    namespace_resource_blacklist {
      group = "networking.k8s.io"
      kind  = "Ingress"
    orphaned_resources = {
      warn = true
    role {
      name = "testrole"
      policies = [
        "p, proj:%s:testrole, applications, override, %s/*, allow",
        "p, proj:%s:testrole, applications, sync, %s/*, allow",
    role {
      name = "anotherrole"
      policies = [
        "p, proj:%s:testrole, applications, get, %s/*, allow",
        "p, proj:%s:testrole, applications, sync, %s/*, deny",
    sync_window {
      kind         = "allow"
      applications = ["api-*"]
      clusters     = ["*"]
      namespaces   = ["*"]
      duration     = "3600s"
      schedule     = "10 1 * * *"
      manual_sync  = true
    sync_window {
      kind         = "deny"
      applications = ["foo"]
      clusters     = ["in-cluster"]
      namespaces   = ["default"]
      duration     = "12h"
      schedule     = "22 1 5 * *"
      manual_sync  = false

resource "argocd_project_token" "secret" {
  count        = 20
  project      = argocd_project.myproject.metadata.0.name
  role         = "foobar"
  description  = "short lived token"
  expires_in   = "1h"
  renew_before = "30m"

resource "argocd_application" "kustomize" {
  metadata {
    name      = "kustomize-app"
    namespace = "argocd"
    labels = {
      test = "true"

  spec {
    project = argocd_project.myproject.metadata.0.name

    source {
      repo_url        = "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize"
      path            = "examples/helloWorld"
      target_revision = "master"
      kustomize {
        name_prefix = "foo-"
        name_suffix = "-bar"
        images      = ["hashicorp/terraform:light"]
        common_labels = {
          "this.is.a.common" = "la-bel"
          "another.io/one"   = "true" 

    destination {
      server    = "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
      namespace = "foo"

    sync_policy {
      automated = {
        prune     = true
        self_heal = true
      # Only available from ArgoCD 1.5.0 onwards
      sync_options = ["Validate=false"]

    ignore_difference {
      group         = "apps"
      kind          = "Deployment"
      json_pointers = ["/spec/replicas"]

    ignore_difference {
      group         = "apps"
      kind          = "StatefulSet"
      name          = "someStatefulSet"
      json_pointers = [

resource "argocd_application" "helm" {
  metadata {
    name      = "helm-app"
    namespace = "argocd"
    labels = {
      test = "true"

  spec {
    source {
      repo_url        = "https://some.chart.repo.io"
      chart           = "mychart"
      target_revision = "1.2.3"
      helm {
        parameter {
          name  = "image.tag"
          value = "1.2.3"
        parameter {
          name  = "someotherparameter"
          value = "true"
        value_files = ["values-test.yml"]
        values      = <<EOT
  enabled: true
  - foo
  - bar    
        release_name = "testing"

    destination {
      server    = "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
      namespace = "default"


Contributions are welcome! You'll first need a working installation of Go 1.14+. Just as a reminder. you will also need to correctly setup a GOPATH.


Clone the repository within your GOPATH

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/oboukili; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/oboukili
git clone git@github.com:oboukili/terraform-provider-argocd

Then build the provider

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/oboukili/terraform-provider-argocd
go build
Running tests

The acceptance tests run against a disposable ArgoCD installation within a Kind cluster. You will only need to have a running Docker daemon running as an additional prerequisite.

make testacc_prepare_env
make testacc
make testacc_clean_env


Thanks to Keplr for allowing me to contribute to this side-project of mine during paid work hours.


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There is no documentation for this package.


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