
Siren provides alerting on metrics of your applications using Cortex metrics in a simple
DIY configuration. With Siren, you can define templates(using go templates standard), and create/edit/enable/disable
prometheus rules on demand. It also gives flexibility to manage bulk of rules via YAML files. Siren can be integrated
with any client such as CI/CD pipelines, Self-Serve UI, microservices etc.

Key Features
- Rule Templates: Siren provides a way to define templates over alerting rule which can be reused to create multiple instances of the same rule with configurable thresholds.
- Subscriptions: Siren can be used to subscribe to notifications (with desired matching conditions) via the channel of your choice.
- Multi-tenancy: Rules created with Siren are by default multi-tenancy aware.
- DIY Interface: Siren can be used to easily create/edit alerting rules. It also provides soft-delete (disable) so that you can preserve thresholds in case you need to reuse the same alert.
- Managing bulk rules: Siren enables users to manage bulk alerting rules using YAML files in specified format with simple CLI.
- Receivers: Siren can be used to send out notifications to several channels (slack, pagerduty, email etc).
- Alert History: Siren can store alerts triggered by monitoring & alerting provider e.g. Cortex Alertmanager, which can be used for audit purposes.
To know more, follow the detailed documentation
Explore the following resources to get started with Siren:
- Guides provides guidance on usage.
- Concepts describes all important Siren concepts including system architecture.
- Reference contains the details about configurations and other aspects of Siren.
- Contribute contains resources for anyone who wants to contribute to Siren.
Run with Kubernetes
- Create a siren deployment using the helm chart available here
Running locally
Siren requires the following dependencies:
- Docker
- Golang (version 1.18 or above)
- Git
Run the application dependencies using Docker:
$ docker-compose up
Update the configs(db credentials etc.) as per your dev machine and docker configs.
Run the following commands to compile from source
$ git clone
$ cd siren
$ go build main.go
Running tests
# To run tests locally
$ make test
# To run tests locally with coverage
$ make test-coverage
Generate Server Configuration
# To generate server configuration
$ go run main.go server init
This will generate a file ./config.yaml
Running Server
# To run server locally
$ go run main.go server start
To view swagger docs of HTTP APIs visit /documentation
route on the server.
e.g. http://localhost:3000/documentation
Development of Siren happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and
improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving Siren.
Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose
bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to Siren.
To help you get your feet wet and get you familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of
good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively
limited scope. This is a great place to get started.
This project exists thanks to all the contributors.
Siren is Apache 2.0 licensed.