Example godog framework setup with step library gdutils
This repository contains skeleton that allow to write End-2-End tests with use of framework godog that implements 🥒gherkin/cucumber syntax using step library gdutils.
Why ?
No more need for long and time-consuming framework setup. This project cuts initial time & allows setting up e2e test framework with plenty of utility methods (for testing HTTP(s) API) in just few steps.
- short time from set-up to writing actual E2E tests (see gif below ⬇),
- 25+ well-documented, coupled in logical groups methods useful for testing HTTP(s) API,
- support for using templated values as in text/template package,
- support for querying JSON tree with two json-path engines (oliveagle, qjson),
- very customisable (ability to inject your own implementation of services),
- friendly for custom steps development because of exported internal services.
Test suite
Feature: Adding new user
User's CRUD API binary and it's documentation can be found in assets/test_server/ directory.
It is simple web server with endpoints:
- POST /users - creates new user
- GET /users - retrieve all users
- GET /users/{user_id} - retrieve user by user_id
- PUT /users/{user_id} - replace user by user_id
- DELETE /users/{user_id} - delete user by user_id
This section runs before every Scenario.
Its main purpose is to generate:
- first name,
- last name,
- age.
and save it under provided key in scenario cache.
Given I save "application/json" as "CONTENT_TYPE_JSON"
Given I generate a random word having from "5" to "10" of "russian" characters and save it as "RANDOM_FIRST_NAME"
Given I generate a random word having from "5" to "15" of "UNICODE" characters and save it as "RANDOM_LAST_NAME"
Given I generate a random "int" in the range from "18" to "48" and save it as "RANDOM_AGE"
Scenario: Create user v1
As application user
I would like to store random user's data
# We send HTTP(s) request with pre-generated data (in Background section) to create new user.
# Accessing saved data from scenario cache is done through template syntax from text/template package.
# Docstring may be in YAML or JSON format and should have "body" and "headers" keys.
When I send "POST" request to "{{.MY_APP_URL}}/users" with body and headers:
"body": {
"firstName": "{{.RANDOM_FIRST_NAME}}",
"lastName": "{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}",
"age": {{.RANDOM_AGE}}
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "{{.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}}"
Then the response status code should be 201
And the response should have header "Content-Length"
And the response should have header "Content-Type" of value "{{.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}}; charset=UTF-8"
And the response body should have type "JSON"
And time between last request and response should be less than or equal to "2s"
# uncommenting next line will print last HTTP(s) response body to console
# Given I print last response body
# This waiting is unnecessary, just added for demonstration
And I wait "2ms"
# We validate response body with json schema from assets/test_server/doc/schema/user/get_user.json
# environment variable GODOG_JSON_SCHEMA_DIR from .env file should contain relative path to schemas dir,
# then step argument may be: relative or full OS path
And the response body should be valid according to JSON schema "user/get_user.json"
# or URL pointing at JSON schema
And the response body should be valid according to JSON schema ""
# or raw schema definition passed in Docstring
And the response body should be valid according to JSON schema:
"$schema": "",
"title": "create user",
"description": "Valid response from create user endpoint",
"type": "object"
# Here, we check assertions against response body
# node expression should be pattern valid to one of following libraries:
# - data.user[0].firstName or $.data.user[0].firstName - {"data": [{"firstName": "abc", "lastName": "cdf", age:30}, {...}]}
# - root[0].city[1].size - [{"name": "Lublin", "size": 10000}, {"name": "Warsaw", "size": 20000}]
# - firstName or $.firstName - {"firstName": "abc", "lastName": "cdf", age:30},
# data type should be one of: string|int|float|bool
# node value may be fixed or obtained from cache using syntax from go text/template package
And the JSON node "firstName" should be "string" of value "{{.RANDOM_FIRST_NAME}}"
And the JSON node "$.lastName" should be "string" of value "{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}"
And the JSON node "age" should be "int" of value "{{.RANDOM_AGE}}"
Documentation & installation(setup)
See project ⭆ wiki ⭅
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