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Published: Jul 26, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 60 Imported by: 0



Package api provides REST-API authentication and request handlers.

Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 PhotoPrism UG. All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under Version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (the "AGPL"):

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

The AGPL is supplemented by our Trademark and Brand Guidelines,
which describe how our Brand Assets may be used:

Feel free to send an email to hello@photoprism.app if you have questions, want to support our work, or just want to say hello.

Additional information can be found in our Developer Guide: <https://docs.photoprism.app/developer-guide/>



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const (
	UploadPath = "/upload"


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var AbortNotFound = func(c *gin.Context) {
	conf := get.Config()

	switch c.NegotiateFormat(gin.MIMEHTML, gin.MIMEJSON) {
	case gin.MIMEJSON:
		c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": i18n.Msg(i18n.ErrNotFound)})
		var redirect string

		if root, path := conf.BaseUri("/"), c.Request.URL.Path; path != "" && path != root {
			redirect = root

		values := gin.H{
			"signUp":   config.SignUp,
			"config":   conf.ClientPublic(),
			"error":    i18n.Msg(i18n.ErrNotFound),
			"code":     http.StatusNotFound,
			"redirect": redirect,

		c.HTML(http.StatusNotFound, "404.gohtml", values)


AbortNotFound renders a "404 Not Found" error page or JSON response.


func Abort

func Abort(c *gin.Context, code int, id i18n.Message, params ...interface{})

func AbortAlbumNotFound

func AbortAlbumNotFound(c *gin.Context)

AbortAlbumNotFound aborts with status code 404.

func AbortBadRequest

func AbortBadRequest(c *gin.Context)

func AbortBusy

func AbortBusy(c *gin.Context)

func AbortDeleteFailed

func AbortDeleteFailed(c *gin.Context)

func AbortEntityNotFound

func AbortEntityNotFound(c *gin.Context)

AbortEntityNotFound aborts with status code 404.

func AbortFeatureDisabled

func AbortFeatureDisabled(c *gin.Context)

func AbortForbidden

func AbortForbidden(c *gin.Context)

AbortForbidden aborts with status code 403.

func AbortInvalidCredentials

func AbortInvalidCredentials(c *gin.Context)

func AbortSaveFailed

func AbortSaveFailed(c *gin.Context)

func AbortUnauthorized

func AbortUnauthorized(c *gin.Context)

AbortUnauthorized aborts with status code 401.

func AbortUnexpectedError

func AbortUnexpectedError(c *gin.Context)

func ActivateUserPasscode

func ActivateUserPasscode(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ActivateUserPasscode activates two-factor authentication if a passcode has been created and verified.

@Tags	Users
@Router	/api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/activate [post]

func AddAuthTokenHeader

func AddAuthTokenHeader(c *gin.Context, authToken string)

AddAuthTokenHeader adds an X-Auth-Token header to the response.

func AddCacheHeader

func AddCacheHeader(c *gin.Context, maxAge ttl.Duration, public bool)

AddCacheHeader adds a cache control header to the response.

func AddContentTypeHeader

func AddContentTypeHeader(c *gin.Context, contentType string)

AddContentTypeHeader adds a content type header to the response.

func AddCountHeader

func AddCountHeader(c *gin.Context, count int)

AddCountHeader adds the actual result count to the response.

func AddCoverCacheHeader

func AddCoverCacheHeader(c *gin.Context)

AddCoverCacheHeader adds cover image cache control headers to the response.

func AddDownloadHeader

func AddDownloadHeader(c *gin.Context, fileName string)

AddDownloadHeader adds a header indicating the response is expected to be downloaded.

func AddFileCountHeaders

func AddFileCountHeaders(c *gin.Context, filesCount, foldersCount int)

AddFileCountHeaders adds file and folder counts to the response.

func AddImmutableCacheHeader

func AddImmutableCacheHeader(c *gin.Context)

AddImmutableCacheHeader adds cache control headers to the response for immutable content like thumbnails.

func AddLimitHeader

func AddLimitHeader(c *gin.Context, limit int)

AddLimitHeader adds the max result count to the response.

func AddOffsetHeader

func AddOffsetHeader(c *gin.Context, offset int)

AddOffsetHeader adds the result offset to the response.

func AddPhotoLabel

func AddPhotoLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

AddPhotoLabel adds a label to a photo.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API

    @Tags Photos @Router /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label [post]

func AddPhotosToAlbum

func AddPhotosToAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

AddPhotosToAlbum adds photos to an album.

@Summary	adds photos to an album
@Id			AddPhotosToAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	gin.H
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Param		uid		path		string			true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid}/photos [post]

func AddService

func AddService(router *gin.RouterGroup)

AddService creates a new remote account configuration.

@Tags	Services
@Router	/api/v1/services [post]

func AddTokenHeaders

func AddTokenHeaders(c *gin.Context, s *entity.Session)

AddTokenHeaders adds preview token headers to the response.

func AddVideoCacheHeader

func AddVideoCacheHeader(c *gin.Context, cdn bool)

AddVideoCacheHeader adds video cache control headers to the response.

func AlbumCover

func AlbumCover(router *gin.RouterGroup)

AlbumCover returns an album cover image.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string album uid
  • token: string security token (see config)
  • size: string thumb type, see photoprism.ThumbnailTypes

GET /api/v1/albums/:uid/t/:token/:size

func ApprovePhoto

func ApprovePhoto(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ApprovePhoto marks a photo in review as approved.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API

    @Tags Photos @Router /api/v1/photos/{uid}/approve [post]

func Auth

func Auth(c *gin.Context, resource acl.Resource, perm acl.Permission) *entity.Session

Auth checks if the user is authorized to access a resource with the given permission and returns the session or nil otherwise.

func AuthAny

func AuthAny(c *gin.Context, resource acl.Resource, perms acl.Permissions) (s *entity.Session)

AuthAny checks if the user is authorized to access a resource with any of the specified permissions and returns the session or nil otherwise.

func AuthToken

func AuthToken(c *gin.Context) string

AuthToken returns the client authentication token from the request context if one was found, or an empty string if no supported request header value was provided.

func BatchAlbumsDelete

func BatchAlbumsDelete(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchAlbumsDelete permanently removes multiple albums.

@Summary	permanently removes multiple albums
@Id			BatchAlbumsDelete
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		albums	body		form.Selection	true	"Album Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/albums/delete [post]

func BatchLabelsDelete

func BatchLabelsDelete(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchLabelsDelete deletes multiple labels.

@Summary	deletes multiple labels
@Id			BatchLabelsDelete
@Tags		Labels
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		labels	body		form.Selection	true	"Label Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/labels/delete [post]

func BatchPhotosApprove

func BatchPhotosApprove(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchPhotosApprove approves multiple photos that are currently under review.

@Summary	approves multiple photos that are currently under review
@Id			BatchPhotosApprove
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/photos/approve [post]

func BatchPhotosArchive

func BatchPhotosArchive(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchPhotosArchive moves multiple photos to the archive.

@Summary	moves multiple photos to the archive
@Id			BatchPhotosArchive
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/photos/archive [post]

func BatchPhotosDelete

func BatchPhotosDelete(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchPhotosDelete permanently removes multiple photos from the archive.

@Summary	permanently removes multiple or all photos from the archive
@Id			BatchPhotosDelete
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"All or Photo Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/photos/delete [post]

func BatchPhotosPrivate

func BatchPhotosPrivate(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchPhotosPrivate toggles private state of multiple photos.

@Summary	toggles private state of multiple photos
@Id			BatchPhotosPrivate
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/photos/private [post]

func BatchPhotosRestore

func BatchPhotosRestore(router *gin.RouterGroup)

BatchPhotosRestore restores multiple photos from the archive.

@Summary	restores multiple photos from the archive
@Id			BatchPhotosRestore
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	i18n.Response
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos	body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Router		/api/v1/batch/photos/restore [post]

func CacheKey

func CacheKey(ns, uid, name string) string

CacheKey returns a cache key string based on namespace, uid and name.

func CancelImport

func CancelImport(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CancelImport stops the current import operation.

DELETE /api/v1/import

func CancelIndexing

func CancelIndexing(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CancelIndexing stops indexing media files in the "originals" folder.

DELETE /api/v1/index

func ChangeFileOrientation

func ChangeFileOrientation(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ChangeFileOrientation changes the orientation of a file.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Photo UID as returned by the API
  • file_uid: string File UID as returned by the API

PUT /api/v1/photos/:uid/files/:file_uid/orientation

func ClearMarkerSubject

func ClearMarkerSubject(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ClearMarkerSubject removes an existing marker subject association.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Photo UID as returned by the API
  • file_uid: string File UID as returned by the API
  • id: int Marker ID as returned by the API

DELETE /api/v1/markers/:marker_uid/subject

func ClientIP

func ClientIP(c *gin.Context) (ip string)

ClientIP returns the client IP address from the request context or a placeholder if it is unknown.

func CloneAlbums

func CloneAlbums(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CloneAlbums creates a new album containing pictures from other albums.

@Summary	creates a new album containing pictures from other albums
@Id			CloneAlbums
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	gin.H
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		albums	body		form.Selection	true	"Album Selection"
@Param		uid		path		string			true	"UID of the album to which the pictures are to be added"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid}/clone [post]

func ConfirmUserPasscode

func ConfirmUserPasscode(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ConfirmUserPasscode checks a new passcode and flags it as verified so that it can be activated.

@Tags	Users
@Router	/api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/confirm [post]

func Connect

func Connect(router *gin.RouterGroup)

Connect confirms external service accounts using a token.

PUT /api/v1/connect/:name

func CreateAlbum

func CreateAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CreateAlbum creates a new album.

@Summary	creates a new album
@Id			CreateAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	entity.Album
@Failure	400,401,403,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		album	body		form.Album	true	"properties of the album to be created (currently supports Title and Favorite)"
@Router		/api/v1/albums [post]
func CreateAlbumLink(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CreateAlbumLink adds a new album share link and return it as JSON.

@Tags Links, Albums
@Router	/api/v1/albums/{uid}/links [post]
func CreateLink(c *gin.Context)

CreateLink adds a new share link and return it as JSON.

@Tags Links
@Router	/api/v1/{entity}/{uid}/links [post]

func CreateMarker

func CreateMarker(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CreateMarker adds a new file area marker to assign faces or other subjects.

See internal/form/marker.go for the values required to create a new marker.

@Tags Files
@Router	/api/v1/markers [post]

func CreateSession

func CreateSession(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CreateSession creates a new client session and returns it as JSON if authentication was successful.

@Tags	Authentication
@Router	/api/v1/session [post]
@Router	/api/v1/sessions [post]

func CreateSessionError

func CreateSessionError(code int, err error) gin.H

CreateSessionError returns an authentication error response.

func CreateSessionResponse

func CreateSessionResponse(authToken string, sess *entity.Session, conf config.ClientConfig) gin.H

CreateSessionResponse returns the authentication response data for POST requests based on the session and configuration.

func CreateUserPasscode

func CreateUserPasscode(router *gin.RouterGroup)

CreateUserPasscode sets up a new two-factor authentication passcode.

@Tags	Users
@Router	/api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode [post]

func DeactivateUserPasscode

func DeactivateUserPasscode(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeactivateUserPasscode disables removes a passcode key to disable two-factor authentication.

@Tags	Users
@Router	/api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/deactivate [post]

func DeleteAlbum

func DeleteAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteAlbum deletes an existing album.

@Summary	deletes an existing album
@Id			Delete Album
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Failure	401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid} [delete]
func DeleteAlbumLink(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteAlbumLink deletes an album share link.

DELETE /api/v1/albums/:uid/links/:link

func DeleteErrors

func DeleteErrors(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteErrors removes all entries from the error logs.

DELETE /api/v1/errors

func DeleteFile

func DeleteFile(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteFile removes a file from storage.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Photo UID as returned by the API
  • file_uid: string File UID as returned by the API

DELETE /api/v1/photos/:uid/files/:file_uid

func DeleteLink(c *gin.Context)

DeleteLink deletes a share link.

DELETE /api/v1/:entity/:uid/links/:link

func DeleteService

func DeleteService(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteService removes a remote account configuration.

DELETE /api/v1/services/:id

func DeleteSession

func DeleteSession(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DeleteSession deletes an existing client session (logout).

DELETE /api/v1/session DELETE /api/v1/session/:id DELETE /api/v1/sessions/:id

func DeleteSessionResponse

func DeleteSessionResponse(id string) gin.H

DeleteSessionResponse returns a confirmation response for DELETE requests.

func DislikeAlbum

func DislikeAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DislikeAlbum removes the favorite flag from an album.

@Summary	removes the favorite flag from an album
@Id			DislikeAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Failure	401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid}/like [delete]

func DislikeLabel

func DislikeLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DislikeLabel removes the favorite flag from a label.

@Summary	removes favorite flag from a label
@Id			DislikeLabel
@Tags		Labels
@Produce	json
@Failure	401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Label UID"
@Router		/api/v1/labels/{uid}/like [delete]

func DislikePhoto

func DislikePhoto(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DislikePhoto removes the favorite flags from a photo.

DELETE /api/v1/photos/:uid/like

func DislikeSubject

func DislikeSubject(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DislikeSubject removes the favorite flag from a subject.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Subject UID

DELETE /api/v1/subjects/:uid/like

func DownloadAlbum

func DownloadAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

DownloadAlbum streams the album contents as zip archive.

GET /api/v1/albums/:uid/dl

func DownloadName

func DownloadName(c *gin.Context) customize.DownloadName

DownloadName returns the download file name type.

func Echo

func Echo(router *gin.RouterGroup)

Echo returns the request and response headers as JSON if debug mode is enabled.

The supported request methods are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

ANY /api/v1/echo

func Error

func Error(c *gin.Context, code int, err error, id i18n.Message, params ...interface{})

func FindUserSessions

func FindUserSessions(router *gin.RouterGroup)

FindUserSessions finds user sessions and returns them as JSON.

@Tags	Users, Authentication
@Router /api/v1/users/{uid}/sessions [get]

func FlushCoverCache

func FlushCoverCache()

FlushCoverCache clears the complete cover cache.

func FolderCover

func FolderCover(router *gin.RouterGroup)

FolderCover returns a folder cover image.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string folder uid
  • token: string url security token, see config
  • size: string thumb type, see thumb.Sizes

GET /api/v1/folders/t/:hash/:token/:size

func GetAlbum

func GetAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetAlbum returns album details as JSON.

@Summary	returns album details as JSON
@Id			GetAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200	{object}	entity.Album
@Failure	401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid} [get]
func GetAlbumLinks(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetAlbumLinks returns all share links for the given UID as JSON.

GET /api/v1/albums/:uid/links

func GetClientConfig

func GetClientConfig(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetClientConfig returns the client configuration values as JSON.

GET /api/v1/config

func GetConfigOptions

func GetConfigOptions(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetConfigOptions returns backend config options.

GET /api/v1/config/options

func GetDownload

func GetDownload(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetDownload returns the raw file data.

The request parameters are:

  • hash: string The file hash as returned by the files/photos endpoint

GET /api/v1/dl/:hash

func GetErrors

func GetErrors(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetErrors searches the error logs and returns the results as JSON.

GET /api/v1/errors

func GetFace

func GetFace(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetFace returns a face as JSON.

GET /api/v1/faces/:id

func GetFile

func GetFile(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetFile returns file details as JSON.

The request parameters are:

  • hash (string) SHA-1 hash of the file

GET /api/v1/files/:hash

func GetMetrics

func GetMetrics(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetMetrics provides a prometheus-compatible metrics endpoint for monitoring.

GET /api/v1/metrics

func GetMomentsTime

func GetMomentsTime(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetMomentsTime returns monthly albums as JSON.

GET /api/v1/moments/time

func GetPhoto

func GetPhoto(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetPhoto returns picture details as JSON.

@Summary	returns picture details as JSON
@Id			GetPhoto
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200	{object}	entity.Photo
@Failure	404	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Photo UID"
@Router		/api/v1/photos/{uid} [get]

func GetPhotoDownload

func GetPhotoDownload(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetPhotoDownload returns the primary file matching that belongs to the photo.

Route :GET /api/v1/photos/:uid/dl

The request parameters are:

  • uid (string) PhotoUID as returned by the API

func GetPhotoYaml

func GetPhotoYaml(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetPhotoYaml returns picture details as YAML.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API

GET /api/v1/photos/:uid/yaml

func GetService

func GetService(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetService returns an account as JSON.

GET /api/v1/services/:id

func GetServiceFolders

func GetServiceFolders(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetServiceFolders returns folders that belong to an account as JSON.

GET /api/v1/services/:id/folders

func GetSession

func GetSession(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetSession returns the session data as JSON if authentication was successful.

GET /api/v1/session GET /api/v1/session/:id GET /api/v1/sessions/:id

func GetSessionResponse

func GetSessionResponse(authToken string, sess *entity.Session, conf config.ClientConfig) gin.H

GetSessionResponse returns the authentication response data for GET requests based on the session and configuration.

func GetSettings

func GetSettings(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetSettings returns the user app settings as JSON.

GET /api/v1/settings

func GetStatus

func GetStatus(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetStatus reports if the server is operational.

GET /api/v1/status

func GetSubject

func GetSubject(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetSubject returns a subject as JSON.

GET /api/v1/subjects/:uid

func GetSvg

func GetSvg(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetSvg returns SVG placeholder symbols.

GET /api/v1/svg/*

func GetThumb

func GetThumb(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetThumb returns a thumbnail image matching the file hash, crop area, and type.

@Summary	returns a thumbnail image with the requested size
@Id			GetThumb
@Produce	image/jpeg
@Tags		Images, Files
@Param		thumb path string true "SHA1 file hash, optionally with a crop area suffixed, e.g. '-016014058037'"
@Param		token path string true "user-specific security token provided with session"
@Param		size path string true "thumbnail size"
@Router		/api/v1/t/{hash}/{token}/{size} [get]

func GetVideo

func GetVideo(router *gin.RouterGroup)

GetVideo returns a video, optionally limited to a byte range for streaming.

@Summary	returns a video, optionally limited to a byte range for streaming
@Id			GetVideo
@Produce	video/mp4
@Tags		Files, Videos
@Param		thumb path string true "SHA1 video file hash"
@Param		token path string true "user-specific security token provided with session"
@Param		format path string true "video format, e.g. mp4"
@Router		/api/v1/videos/{hash}/{token}/{format} [get]

func InvalidDownloadToken

func InvalidDownloadToken(c *gin.Context) bool

InvalidDownloadToken checks if the token found in the request is valid for file downloads.

func InvalidPreviewToken

func InvalidPreviewToken(c *gin.Context) bool

InvalidPreviewToken checks if the token found in the request is valid for image thumbnails and video streams.

func LabelCover

func LabelCover(router *gin.RouterGroup)

LabelCover returns a label cover image.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string label uid
  • token: string security token (see config)
  • size: string thumb type, see photoprism.ThumbnailTypes

GET /api/v1/labels/:uid/t/:token/:size

func LikeAlbum

func LikeAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

LikeAlbum sets the favorite flag for an album.

@Summary	sets the favorite flag for an album
@Id			LikeAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Failure	401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid}/like [post]

func LikeLabel

func LikeLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

LikeLabel flags a label as favorite.

@Summary	sets favorite flag for a label
@Id			LikeLabel
@Tags		Labels
@Produce	json
@Failure	401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid	path		string	true	"Label UID"
@Router		/api/v1/labels/{uid}/like [post]

func LikePhoto

func LikePhoto(router *gin.RouterGroup)

LikePhoto flags a photo as favorite.

@Tags	Photos
@Router	/api/v1/photos/{uid}/like [post]

func LikeSubject

func LikeSubject(router *gin.RouterGroup)

LikeSubject flags a subject as favorite.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Subject UID

    @Tags Subjects @Router /api/v1/subjects/{uid}/like [post]

func OAuthAuthorize

func OAuthAuthorize(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OAuthAuthorize should gather consent and authorization from resource owners when using the Authorization Code Grant flow, see https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues/4368.

GET /api/v1/oauth/authorize

func OAuthRevoke

func OAuthRevoke(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OAuthRevoke takes an access token and deletes it. A client may only delete its own tokens.

@Tags	Authentication
@Router	/api/v1/oauth/revoke [post]

func OAuthToken

func OAuthToken(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OAuthToken creates a new access token for clients that authenticate with valid OAuth2 client credentials.

@Tags	Authentication
@Router	/api/v1/oauth/token [post]

func OAuthUserinfo

func OAuthUserinfo(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OAuthUserinfo should return information about the authenticated user, see https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues/4369.

GET /api/v1/oauth/userinfo

func OIDCLogin

func OIDCLogin(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OIDCLogin redirects a browser to the login page of the configured OpenID Connect provider, if any.

GET /api/v1/oidc/login

func OIDCRedirect

func OIDCRedirect(router *gin.RouterGroup)

OIDCRedirect creates a new API access token when a user has been successfully authenticated via OIDC, and then redirects the browser back to the app.

GET /api/v1/oidc/redirect

func PhotoPrimary

func PhotoPrimary(router *gin.RouterGroup)

PhotoPrimary sets the primary file for a photo.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API
  • file_uid: string File UID as returned by the API

POST /photos/:uid/files/:file_uid/primary

func PhotoUnstack

func PhotoUnstack(router *gin.RouterGroup)

PhotoUnstack removes a file from an existing photo stack.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string Photo UID as returned by the API

  • file_uid: string File UID as returned by the API

    @Tags Photos @Router /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{file_uid}/unstack [post]

func ProcessUserUpload

func ProcessUserUpload(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ProcessUserUpload triggers processing once all files have been uploaded.

PUT /users/:uid/upload/:token

func PublishAlbumEvent

func PublishAlbumEvent(ev Event, uid string, c *gin.Context)

PublishAlbumEvent publishes updated album data after changes have been made.

func PublishLabelEvent

func PublishLabelEvent(ev Event, uid string, c *gin.Context)

PublishLabelEvent publishes updated label data after changes have been made.

func PublishPhotoEvent

func PublishPhotoEvent(ev Event, uid string, c *gin.Context)

PublishPhotoEvent publishes updated photo data after changes have been made.

func PublishSubjectEvent

func PublishSubjectEvent(ev Event, uid string, c *gin.Context)

PublishSubjectEvent publishes updated subject data after changes have been made.

func RemoveFromAlbumCoverCache

func RemoveFromAlbumCoverCache(uid string)

RemoveFromAlbumCoverCache removes covers by album UID e.g. after adding or removing photos.

func RemoveFromFolderCache

func RemoveFromFolderCache(rootName string)

RemoveFromFolderCache removes an item from the folder cache e.g. after indexing.

func RemovePhotoLabel

func RemovePhotoLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

RemovePhotoLabel removes a label from a photo.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API
  • id: int LabelId as returned by the API

DELETE /api/v1/photos/:uid/label/:id

func RemovePhotosFromAlbum

func RemovePhotosFromAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

RemovePhotosFromAlbum removes photos from an album.

@Summary	removes photos from an album
@Id			RemovePhotosFromAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200					{object}	gin.H
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		photos				body		form.Selection	true	"Photo Selection"
@Param		uid					path		string			true	"Album UID"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid}/photos [delete]

func SaveAlbumYaml

func SaveAlbumYaml(album entity.Album)

SaveAlbumYaml saves the album metadata to a YAML backup file.

func SaveConfigOptions

func SaveConfigOptions(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SaveConfigOptions updates backend config options.

@Tags Settings
@Router	/api/v1/config/options [post]

func SaveSettings

func SaveSettings(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SaveSettings saved the user app settings.

@Tags Settings
@Router	/api/v1/settings [post]

func SaveSidecarYaml

func SaveSidecarYaml(photo *entity.Photo)

SaveSidecarYaml saves the photo metadata to a YAML sidecar file.

func SearchAlbums

func SearchAlbums(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchAlbums finds albums and returns them as JSON.

@Summary	finds albums and returns them as JSON
@Id			SearchAlbums
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	search.AlbumResults
@Failure	400,404	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		count	query		int		true	"maximum number of results"	minimum(1)	maximum(100000)
@Param		offset	query		int		false	"search result offset"		minimum(0)	maximum(100000)
@Param		order	query		string	false	"sort order"				Enums(favorites, name, title, added, edited)
@Param		q		query		string	false	"search query"
@Router		/api/v1/albums [get]

func SearchFaces

func SearchFaces(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchFaces finds and returns faces as JSON.

GET /api/v1/faces

func SearchFolders

func SearchFolders(router *gin.RouterGroup, urlPath, rootName, rootPath string)

SearchFolders is a reusable request handler for directory listings (GET /api/v1/folders/*).

func SearchFoldersImport

func SearchFoldersImport(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchFoldersImport returns import folders as JSON.

GET /api/v1/folders/import

func SearchFoldersOriginals

func SearchFoldersOriginals(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchFoldersOriginals returns folders in originals as JSON.

GET /api/v1/folders/originals

func SearchGeo

func SearchGeo(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchGeo finds photos and returns results as JSON, so they can be displayed on a map or in a viewer. See form.SearchPhotosGeo for supported search params and data types.

GET /api/v1/geo

func SearchLabels

func SearchLabels(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchLabels finds and returns labels as JSON.

GET /api/v1/labels

func SearchPhotos

func SearchPhotos(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchPhotos finds pictures and returns them as JSON.

@Summary	finds pictures and returns them as JSON
@Id			SearchPhotos
@Tags		Photos
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	search.PhotoResults
@Failure	400,404	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		count	query		int		true	"maximum number of files"	minimum(1)	maximum(100000)
@Param		offset	query		int		false	"file offset"				minimum(0)	maximum(100000)
@Param		order	query		string	false	"sort order"				Enums(favorites, name, title, added, edited)
@Param		merged	query		bool	false	"groups consecutive files that belong to the same photo"
@Param		q	query			string	false	"search query"
@Router		/api/v1/photos [get]

func SearchServices

func SearchServices(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchServices finds account settings and returns them as JSON.

GET /api/v1/services

func SearchSubjects

func SearchSubjects(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SearchSubjects finds and returns subjects as JSON.

GET /api/v1/subjects

func SendFeedback

func SendFeedback(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SendFeedback sends a feedback message.

POST /api/v1/feedback

func Session

func Session(clientIp, authToken string) (sess *entity.Session)

Session finds the client session for the specified auth token, or returns nil if not found.

func SharePreview

func SharePreview(router *gin.RouterGroup)

SharePreview returns a preview image for the given share uid if the token is valid.

GET /s/:token/:shared/preview TODO: Proof of concept, needs refactoring.

func Shares

func Shares(router *gin.RouterGroup)

Shares handles link share

GET /s/:token/...

func StartImport

func StartImport(router *gin.RouterGroup)

StartImport imports media files from a directory and converts/indexes them as needed.

@Tags Library
@Router	/api/v1/import/{path} [post]

func StartIndexing

func StartIndexing(router *gin.RouterGroup)

StartIndexing indexes media files in the "originals" folder.

@Tags	Library
@Router	/api/v1/index [post]

func StopServer

func StopServer(router *gin.RouterGroup)

StopServer shuts down the server.

POST /api/v1/server/stop

func UpdateAlbum

func UpdateAlbum(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateAlbum updates album metadata like title and description.

@Summary	updates album metadata like title and description
@Id			UpdateAlbum
@Tags		Albums
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	entity.Album
@Failure	400,401,403,404,429,500	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid		path		string		true	"Album UID"
@Param		album	body		form.Album	true	"properties to be updated"
@Router		/api/v1/albums/{uid} [put]
func UpdateAlbumLink(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateAlbumLink updates an album share link and return it as JSON.

PUT /api/v1/albums/:uid/links/:link

func UpdateClientConfig

func UpdateClientConfig()

UpdateClientConfig publishes updated client configuration values over the websocket connections.

func UpdateFace

func UpdateFace(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateFace updates face properties.

PUT /api/v1/faces/:id

func UpdateLabel

func UpdateLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateLabel updates label properties.

PUT /api/v1/labels/:uid

@Summary	updates label name
@Id			UpdateLabel
@Tags		Labels
@Produce	json
@Success	200		{object}	entity.Label
@Failure	401,403,404,429	{object}	i18n.Response
@Param		uid		path		string		true	"Label UID"
@Param		label	body		form.Label	true	"Label Name"
@Router		/api/v1/labels/{uid} [put]
func UpdateLink(c *gin.Context)

UpdateLink updates a share link and return it as JSON.

PUT /api/v1/:entity/:uid/links/:link

func UpdateMarker

func UpdateMarker(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateMarker updates an existing file area marker to assign faces or other subjects.

The request parameters are:

  • marker_uid: string Marker UID as returned by the API

PUT /api/v1/markers/:marker_uid

func UpdatePhoto

func UpdatePhoto(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdatePhoto updates picture details and returns them as JSON.

PUT /api/v1/photos/:uid

func UpdatePhotoLabel

func UpdatePhotoLabel(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdatePhotoLabel changes a photo labels.

The request parameters are:

  • uid: string PhotoUID as returned by the API
  • id: int LabelId as returned by the API

PUT /api/v1/photos/:uid/label/:id

func UpdateService

func UpdateService(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateService updates a remote account configuration.

PUT /api/v1/services/:id

func UpdateSubject

func UpdateSubject(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateSubject updates subject properties.

PUT /api/v1/subjects/:uid

func UpdateUser

func UpdateUser(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateUser updates the profile information of the currently authenticated user.

@Tags	Users
@Router /api/v1/users/{uid} [put]

func UpdateUserPassword

func UpdateUserPassword(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UpdateUserPassword changes the password of the currently authenticated user.

@Tags	Users, Authentication
@Router /api/v1/users/{uid}/password [put]

func UploadToService

func UploadToService(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UploadToService uploads files to the selected account.

GET /api/v1/services/:id/upload

func UploadUserAvatar

func UploadUserAvatar(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UploadUserAvatar updates the avatar image of the currently authenticated user.

@Tags	Users
@Router	/api/v1/users/{uid}/avatar [post]

func UploadUserFiles

func UploadUserFiles(router *gin.RouterGroup)

UploadUserFiles adds files to the user upload folder, from where they can be moved and indexed.

@Tags	Users, Files
@Router /users/{uid}/upload/{token} [post]

func UserAgent

func UserAgent(c *gin.Context) string

UserAgent returns the user agent from the request context or an empty string if it is unknown.

func WebSocket

func WebSocket(router *gin.RouterGroup)

WebSocket registers the /ws endpoint for establishing websocket connections.

func ZipCreate

func ZipCreate(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ZipCreate creates a zip file archive for download.

@Tags	Download
@Router	/api/v1/zip [post]

func ZipDownload

func ZipDownload(router *gin.RouterGroup)

ZipDownload downloads a zip file archive.

GET /api/v1/zip/:filename


type ByteCache

type ByteCache struct {
	Data []byte

type Event

type Event string

Event represents an api event type.

const (
	StatusCreated Event = "created"
	StatusUpdated Event = "updated"
	StatusDeleted Event = "deleted"
	StatusSuccess Event = "success"
	StatusFailed  Event = "failed"

func (Event) String

func (ev Event) String() string

String returns the event type as string.

type FoldersResponse

type FoldersResponse struct {
	Root      string          `json:"root,omitempty"`
	Folders   []entity.Folder `json:"folders"`
	Files     []entity.File   `json:"files,omitempty"`
	Recursive bool            `json:"recursive,omitempty"`
	Cached    bool            `json:"cached,omitempty"`

FoldersResponse represents the folders API response.

type Response

type Response struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Err     string `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Msg     string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Details string `json:"details,omitempty"`

Response represents a server status response.

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(code int, err error, details string) Response

NewResponse creates a new server status response.

type ThumbCache

type ThumbCache struct {
	FileName  string
	ShareName string

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