
v1.15.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Sep 7, 2018 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 62 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ClassicNet = InstanceNetWork("classic")
	VpcNet     = InstanceNetWork("vpc")
View Source
const (
	PrePaid  = PayType("PrePaid")
	PostPaid = PayType("PostPaid")
	Prepaid  = PayType("Prepaid")
	Postpaid = PayType("Postpaid")
View Source
const (
	Internet = NetType("Internet")
	Intranet = NetType("Intranet")
View Source
const (
	Classic = NetworkType("Classic")
	Vpc     = NetworkType("Vpc")
View Source
const (
	Hour  = TimeType("Hour")
	Day   = TimeType("Day")
	Week  = TimeType("Week")
	Month = TimeType("Month")
	Year  = TimeType("Year")
View Source
const (
	Pending     = Status("Pending")
	Creating    = Status("Creating")
	Running     = Status("Running")
	Available   = Status("Available")
	Unavailable = Status("Unavailable")
	Modifying   = Status("Modifying")
	Deleting    = Status("Deleting")
	Starting    = Status("Starting")
	Stopping    = Status("Stopping")
	Stopped     = Status("Stopped")
	Normal      = Status("Normal")
	Changing    = Status("Changing")

	Associating   = Status("Associating")
	Unassociating = Status("Unassociating")
	InUse         = Status("InUse")
	DiskInUse     = Status("In_use")

	Active   = Status("Active")
	Inactive = Status("Inactive")
	Idle     = Status("Idle")

	SoldOut = Status("SoldOut")

	InService      = Status("InService")
	Removing       = Status("Removing")
	DisabledStatus = Status("Disabled")
View Source
const (
	Inner   = IPType("Inner")
	Private = IPType("Private")
	Public  = IPType("Public")
View Source
const (
	ResourceTypeInstance = ResourceType("Instance")
	ResourceTypeDisk     = ResourceType("Disk")
	ResourceTypeVSwitch  = ResourceType("VSwitch")
	ResourceTypeRds      = ResourceType("Rds")
	IoOptimized          = ResourceType("IoOptimized")
	ResourceTypeRkv      = ResourceType("KVStore")
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const (
	PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("PayByBandwidth")
	PayByTraffic   = InternetChargeType("PayByTraffic")
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const (
	PageSizeSmall  = 10
	PageSizeMedium = 20
	PageSizeLarge  = 50
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const (
	Http  = Protocol("http")
	Https = Protocol("https")
	Tcp   = Protocol("tcp")
	Udp   = Protocol("udp")
	All   = Protocol("all")
	Icmp  = Protocol("icmp")
	Gre   = Protocol("gre")

Constants of protocol definition

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const (
	IOOptimized   = OptimizedType("optimized")
	NoneOptimized = OptimizedType("none")
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const (
	TagResourceImage    = TagResourceType("image")
	TagResourceInstance = TagResourceType("instance")
	TagResourceSnapshot = TagResourceType("snapshot")
	TagResourceDisk     = TagResourceType("disk")
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const (
	ECSCode     = ServiceCode("ECS")
	ESSCode     = ServiceCode("ESS")
	RAMCode     = ServiceCode("RAM")
	VPCCode     = ServiceCode("VPC")
	SLBCode     = ServiceCode("SLB")
	RDSCode     = ServiceCode("RDS")
	OSSCode     = ServiceCode("OSS")
	CONTAINCode = ServiceCode("CS")
	DOMAINCode  = ServiceCode("DOMAIN")
	CDNCode     = ServiceCode("CDN")
	CMSCode     = ServiceCode("CMS")
	KMSCode     = ServiceCode("KMS")
	OTSCode     = ServiceCode("OTS")
	PVTZCode    = ServiceCode("PVTZ")
	LOGCode     = ServiceCode("LOG")
	FCCode      = ServiceCode("FC")
	DDSCode     = ServiceCode("DDS")
	STSCode     = ServiceCode("STS")
	CENCode     = ServiceCode("CEN")
	KVSTORECode = ServiceCode("KVSTORE")
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const (
	ECSDomain = CommonRequestDomain("")
	ESSDomain = CommonRequestDomain("")
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const (
	// common
	NotFound       = "NotFound"
	WaitForTimeout = "WaitForTimeout"
	// ecs
	InstanceNotFound        = "Instance.Notfound"
	MessageInstanceNotFound = "instance is not found"
	EcsThrottling           = "Throttling"
	EcsInternalError        = "InternalError"
	// disk
	InternalError       = "InternalError"
	DependencyViolation = "DependencyViolation"
	// eip
	EipIncorrectStatus         = "IncorrectEipStatus"
	InstanceIncorrectStatus    = "IncorrectInstanceStatus"
	HaVipIncorrectStatus       = "IncorrectHaVipStatus"
	// slb
	LoadBalancerNotFound        = "InvalidLoadBalancerId.NotFound"
	UnsupportedProtocalPort     = "UnsupportedOperationonfixedprotocalport"
	ListenerNotFound            = "The specified resource does not exist"
	ListenerAlreadyExists       = "ListenerAlreadyExists"
	SlbOrderFailed              = "OrderFailed"
	VServerGroupNotFoundMessage = "The specified VServerGroupId does not exist"
	RspoolVipExist              = "RspoolVipExist"
	InvalidParameter            = "InvalidParameter"
	InvalidRuleIdNotFound       = "InvalidRuleId.NotFound"
	RuleDomainExist             = "DomainExist"
	BackendServerConfiguring    = "BackendServer.configuring"
	// security_group
	InvalidInstanceIdAlreadyExists = "InvalidInstanceId.AlreadyExists"
	InvalidSecurityGroupIdNotFound = "InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound"
	SgDependencyViolation          = "DependencyViolation"

	//Nat gateway
	NatGatewayInvalidRegionId            = "Invalid.RegionId"
	DependencyViolationBandwidthPackages = "DependencyViolation.BandwidthPackages"
	VswitchStatusError                   = "VswitchStatusError"
	EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY                   = "EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY"
	InvalidNatGatewayIdNotFound          = "InvalidNatGatewayId.NotFound"
	// vpc
	VpcQuotaExceeded     = "QuotaExceeded.Vpc"
	InvalidVpcIDNotFound = "InvalidVpcID.NotFound"
	ForbiddenVpcNotFound = "Forbidden.VpcNotFound"
	Throttling           = "Throttling"

	// vswitch
	VswitcInvalidRegionId    = "InvalidRegionId.NotFound"
	InvalidVswitchIDNotFound = "InvalidVswitchID.NotFound"
	//vroute entry
	IncorrectRouteEntryStatus            = "IncorrectRouteEntryStatus"
	InvalidStatusRouteEntry              = "InvalidStatus.RouteEntry"
	TaskConflict                         = "TaskConflict"
	RouterEntryForbbiden                 = "Forbbiden"
	RouterEntryConflictDuplicated        = "RouterEntryConflict.Duplicated"
	InvalidCidrBlockOverlapped           = "InvalidCidrBlock.Overlapped"
	IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfoNotSet = "IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfo.NotSet"
	InvalidSnatTableIdNotFound           = "InvalidSnatTableId.NotFound"
	// Forward
	InvalidIpNotInNatgw           = "InvalidIp.NotInNatgw"
	InvalidForwardTableIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardTableId.NotFound"
	InvalidForwardEntryIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardEntryId.NotFound"

	// ess
	InvalidScalingGroupIdNotFound               = "InvalidScalingGroupId.NotFound"
	IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState = "IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState"
	IncorrectScalingGroupStatus                 = "IncorrectScalingGroupStatus"
	IncorrectCapacityMaxSize                    = "IncorrectCapacity.MaxSize"
	IncorrectCapacityMinSize                    = "IncorrectCapacity.MinSize"
	ScalingActivityInProgress                   = "ScalingActivityInProgress"
	EssThrottling                               = "Throttling"
	InvalidScalingRuleIdNotFound                = "InvalidScalingRuleId.NotFound"
	InvalidLifecycleHookIdNotFound              = "InvalidLifecycleHookId.NotExist"
	InvalidEssAlarmTaskNotFound                 = "404"

	// rds
	InvalidDBInstanceIdNotFound            = "InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound"
	InvalidDBNameNotFound                  = "InvalidDBName.NotFound"
	InvalidDBInstanceNameNotFound          = "InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound"
	InvalidCurrentConnectionStringNotFound = "InvalidCurrentConnectionString.NotFound"
	NetTypeExists                          = "NetTypeExists"
	InvalidAccountNameDuplicate            = "InvalidAccountName.Duplicate"
	InvalidAccountNameNotFound             = "InvalidAccountName.NotFound"
	InvalidConnectionStringDuplicate       = "InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate"
	AtLeastOneNetTypeExists                = "AtLeastOneNetTypeExists"
	ConnectionOperationDenied              = "OperationDenied"
	ConnectionConflictMessage              = "The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones"
	DBInternalError                        = "InternalError"
	// oss
	OssBucketNotFound          = "NoSuchBucket"
	OssBodyNotFound            = "404 Not Found"
	NoSuchCORSConfiguration    = "NoSuchCORSConfiguration"
	NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration = "NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration"

	// RAM Instance Not Found
	RamInstanceNotFound   = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"
	AliyunGoClientFailure = "AliyunGoClientFailure"

	// dns
	RecordForbiddenDNSChange    = "RecordForbidden.DNSChange"
	FobiddenNotEmptyGroup       = "Fobidden.NotEmptyGroup"
	DomainRecordNotBelongToUser = "DomainRecordNotBelongToUser"
	InvalidDomainNotFound       = "InvalidDomain.NotFound"
	InvalidDomainNameNoExist    = "InvalidDomainName.NoExist"

	// ram user
	DeleteConflictUserGroup        = "DeleteConflict.User.Group"
	DeleteConflictUserAccessKey    = "DeleteConflict.User.AccessKey"
	DeleteConflictUserLoginProfile = "DeleteConflict.User.LoginProfile"
	DeleteConflictUserMFADevice    = "DeleteConflict.User.MFADevice"
	DeleteConflictUserPolicy       = "DeleteConflict.User.Policy"

	// ram mfa
	DeleteConflictVirtualMFADeviceUser = "DeleteConflict.VirtualMFADevice.User"

	// ram group
	DeleteConflictGroupUser   = "DeleteConflict.Group.User"
	DeleteConflictGroupPolicy = "DeleteConflict.Group.Policy"

	// ram role
	DeleteConflictRolePolicy = "DeleteConflict.Role.Policy"

	// ram policy
	DeleteConflictPolicyUser    = "DeleteConflict.Policy.User"
	DeleteConflictPolicyGroup   = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Group"
	DeleteConflictPolicyVersion = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Version"

	//unknown Error
	UnknownError = "UnknownError"

	// Keypair error
	KeyPairNotFound           = "InvalidKeyPair.NotFound"
	KeyPairServiceUnavailable = "ServiceUnavailable"

	// Container
	ErrorClusterNotFound = "ErrorClusterNotFound"

	// cdn
	ServiceBusy = "ServiceBusy"

	// KMS
	ForbiddenKeyNotFound = "Forbidden.KeyNotFound"
	// RAM
	InvalidRamRoleNotFound       = "InvalidRamRole.NotFound"
	RoleAttachmentUnExpectedJson = "unexpected end of JSON input"
	InvalidInstanceIdNotFound    = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound"

	RouterInterfaceIncorrectStatus                        = "IncorrectStatus"
	DependencyViolationRouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry = "DependencyViolation.RouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry"

	// CS
	ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist = "ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist"
	ApplicationNotFound          = "Not Found"
	ApplicationErrorIgnore       = "Unable to reach primary cluster manager"
	ApplicationConfirmConflict   = "Conflicts with unconfirmed updates for operation"

	// privatezone
	ZoneNotExists    = "Zone.NotExists"
	ZoneVpcNotExists = "ZoneVpc.NotExists.VpcId"
	// log
	ProjectNotExist      = "ProjectNotExist"
	IndexConfigNotExist  = "IndexConfigNotExist"
	IndexAlreadyExist    = "IndexAlreadyExist"
	LogStoreNotExist     = "LogStoreNotExist"
	InternalServerError  = "InternalServerError"
	GroupNotExist        = "GroupNotExist"
	MachineGroupNotExist = "MachineGroupNotExist"

	// OTS
	OTSObjectNotExist = "OTSObjectNotExist"

	// FC
	ServiceNotFound  = "ServiceNotFound"
	FunctionNotFound = "FunctionNotFound"
	TriggerNotFound  = "TriggerNotFound"
	AccessDenied     = "AccessDenied"

	// Vpn
	VpnNotFound              = "InvalidVpnGatewayInstanceId.NotFound"
	VpnForbidden             = "Forbidden"
	VpnForbiddenRelease      = "ForbiddenRelease"
	VpnForbiddenSubUser      = "Forbbiden.SubUser"
	CgwNotFound              = "InvalidCustomerGatewayInstanceId.NotFound"
	ResQuotaFull             = "Resource.QuotaFull"
	VpnConnNotFound          = "InvalidVpnConnectionInstanceId.NotFound"
	InvalidIpAddress         = "InvalidIpAddress.AlreadyExist"
	SslVpnServerNotFound     = "InvalidSslVpnServerId.NotFound"
	SslVpnClientCertNotFound = "InvalidSslVpnClientCertId.NotFound"
	VpnConfiguring           = "VpnGateway.Configuring"
	VpnInvalidSpec           = "InvalidSpec.NotFound"
	VpnEnable                = "enable"
	// CEN
	OperationBlocking              = "Operation.Blocking"
	ParameterCenInstanceIdNotExist = "ParameterCenInstanceId"
	CenQuotaExceeded               = "QuotaExceeded.CenCountExceeded"
	// kv-store
	InvalidKVStoreInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound"
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const (
	Average = "Average"
	Minimum = "Minimum"
	Maximum = "Maximum"
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const (
	MoreThan        = ">"
	MoreThanOrEqual = ">="
	LessThan        = "<"
	LessThanOrEqual = "<="
	Equal           = "=="
	NotEqual        = "!="
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const (
	GroupRuleInternet = GroupRuleNicType("internet")
	GroupRuleIntranet = GroupRuleNicType("intranet")
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const (
	DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress")
	DirectionEgress  = Direction("egress")
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const (
	GroupRulePolicyAccept = GroupRulePolicy("accept")
	GroupRulePolicyDrop   = GroupRulePolicy("drop")
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const (
	GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept")
	GroupInnerDrop   = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop")
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const (
	NoSpot             = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot")
	SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit")
	SpotAsPriceGo      = SpotStrategyType("SpotAsPriceGo")

Constants of SpotStrategyType

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const (
	ZoneResource         = DestinationResource("Zone")
	IoOptimizedResource  = DestinationResource("IoOptimized")
	InstanceTypeResource = DestinationResource("InstanceType")
	SystemDiskResource   = DestinationResource("SystemDisk")
	DataDiskResource     = DestinationResource("DataDisk")
	NetworkResource      = DestinationResource("Network")
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const (
	KubernetesImageId      = "centos_7"
	KubernetesMasterNumber = 3
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const (
	RenewAutoRenewal = RenewalStatus("AutoRenewal")
	RenewNormal      = RenewalStatus("Normal")
	RenewNotRenewal  = RenewalStatus("NotRenewal")
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const (
	DiskTypeAll    = DiskType("all")
	DiskTypeSystem = DiskType("system")
	DiskTypeData   = DiskType("data")
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const (
	DiskAll             = DiskCategory("all") //Default
	DiskCloud           = DiskCategory("cloud")
	DiskEphemeralSSD    = DiskCategory("ephemeral_ssd")
	DiskCloudEfficiency = DiskCategory("cloud_efficiency")
	DiskCloudSSD        = DiskCategory("cloud_ssd")
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const (
	ImageOwnerSystem      = ImageOwnerAlias("system")
	ImageOwnerSelf        = ImageOwnerAlias("self")
	ImageOwnerOthers      = ImageOwnerAlias("others")
	ImageOwnerMarketplace = ImageOwnerAlias("marketplace")
	ImageOwnerDefault     = ImageOwnerAlias("") //Return the values for system, self, and others
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const (
	Gt  = ComparisonOperator(">")
	Gte = ComparisonOperator(">=")
	Lt  = ComparisonOperator("<")
	Lte = ComparisonOperator("<=")
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const (
	Avg = Statistics("Average")
	Min = Statistics("Minimum")
	Max = Statistics("Maximum")
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const (
	OneMinite     = Period(60)
	TwoMinite     = Period(120)
	FiveMinite    = Period(300)
	FifteenMinite = Period(900)
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const (
	System = MetricType("system")
	Custom = MetricType("custom")
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const (
	Continue = ActionResult("CONTINUE")
	Abandon  = ActionResult("ABANDON")
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const (
	ScaleOut = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_OUT")
	ScaleIn  = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_IN")
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const (
	QuantityChangeInCapacity = AdjustmentType("QuantityChangeInCapacity")
	PercentChangeInCapacity  = AdjustmentType("PercentChangeInCapacity")
	TotalCapacity            = AdjustmentType("TotalCapacity")
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const (
	Daily   = RecurrenceType("Daily")
	Weekly  = RecurrenceType("Weekly")
	Monthly = RecurrenceType("Monthly")
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const (
	AutoCreated = InstanceCreationType("AutoCreated")
	Attached    = InstanceCreationType("Attached")
View Source
const (
	Enabled         = KeyState("Enabled")
	Disabled        = KeyState("Disabled")
	PendingDeletion = KeyState("PendingDeletion")
View Source
const (
	TextType   = IndexFiledType("text")
	LongType   = IndexFiledType("long")
	DoubleType = IndexFiledType("double")
	JsonType   = IndexFiledType("json")
View Source
const (
	ExpirationStatusEnabled  = LifecycleRuleStatus("Enabled")
	ExpirationStatusDisabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Disabled")
View Source
const (
	IntegerType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Integer")
	StringType  = PrimaryKeyTypeString("String")
	BinaryType  = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Binary")
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const (
	AnyNetwork   = InstanceAccessedByType("Any")
	VpcOnly      = InstanceAccessedByType("Vpc")
	VpcOrConsole = InstanceAccessedByType("ConsoleOrVpc")
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const (
	OtsCapacity        = OtsInstanceType("Capacity")
	OtsHighPerformance = OtsInstanceType("HighPerformance")
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const (
	MySQL      = Engine("MySQL")
	SQLServer  = Engine("SQLServer")
	PPAS       = Engine("PPAS")
	PostgreSQL = Engine("PostgreSQL")
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const (
	ReadOnly  = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadOnly")
	ReadWrite = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadWrite")
View Source
const (
	DBAccountNormal = DBAccountType("Normal")
	DBAccountSuper  = DBAccountType("Super")
View Source
const (
	WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr")
	WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc")
View Source
const (
	OnFlag  = FlagType("on")
	OffFlag = FlagType("off")
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const (
	InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert")
	ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server")
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const (
	HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx")
	HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx")
	HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx")
	HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx")
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const (
	TCPHealthCheckType  = HealthCheckType("tcp")
	HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http")
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const (
	S1Small  = "slb.s1.small"
	S2Small  = "slb.s2.small"
	S2Medium = "slb.s2.medium"
	S3Small  = "slb.s3.small"
	S3Medium = "slb.s3.medium"
	S3Large  = "slb.s3.large"
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const (
	NatGatewaySmallSpec  = NatGatewaySpec("Small")
	NatGatewayMiddleSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Middle")
	NatGatewayLargeSpec  = NatGatewaySpec("Large")
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const (
	EcsInstance = "EcsInstance"
	SlbInstance = "SlbInstance"
	Nat         = "Nat"
	HaVip       = "HaVip"
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const (
	VRouter = RouterType("VRouter")
	VBR     = RouterType("VBR")

	InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide")
	AcceptingSide  = Role("AcceptingSide")

	Mini2   = Spec("Mini.2")
	Mini5   = Spec("Mini.5")
	Small1  = Spec("Small.1")
	Small2  = Spec("Small.2")
	Small5  = Spec("Small.5")
	Middle1 = Spec("Middle.1")
	Middle2 = Spec("Middle.2")
	Middle5 = Spec("Middle.5")
	Large1  = Spec("Large.1")
	Large2  = Spec("Large.2")
	Large5  = Spec("Large.5")
	Xlarge1 = Spec("Xlarge.1")

	Negative = Spec(("Negative"))
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const (
	NextHopIntance         = NextHopType("Instance") //Default
	NextHopTunnel          = NextHopType("Tunnel")
	NextHopRouterInterface = NextHopType("RouterInterface")
	NextHopHaVip           = NextHopType("HaVip")
	NextHopVpnGateway      = NextHopType("VpnGateway")
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const (
	Ssl_Cert_Expiring = Status("expiring-soon")
	Ssl_Cert_Normal   = Status("normal")
	Ssl_Cert_Expired  = Status("expired")
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const (
	IKE_VERSION_1       = string("ikev1")
	IKE_VERSION_2       = string("ikev2")
	IKE_MODE_MAIN       = string("main")
	IKE_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = string("aggressive")
	VPN_ENC_AES         = string("aes")
	VPN_ENC_AES_192     = string("aes192")
	VPN_ENC_AES_256     = string("aes256")
	VPN_ENC_AES_DES     = string("des")
	VPN_ENC_AES_3DES    = string("3des")
	VPN_AUTH_MD5        = string("md5")
	VPN_AUTH_SHA        = string("sha1")
	VPN_PFS_G1          = string("group1")
	VPN_PFS_G2          = string("group2")
	VPN_PFS_G5          = string("group5")
	VPN_PFS_G14         = string("group14")
	VPN_PFS_G24         = string("group24")
	VPN_UDP_PROTO       = string("UDP")
	VPN_TCP_PROTO       = string("TCP")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_128 = string("AES-128-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("AES-192-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("AES-256-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_NONE    = string("none")
View Source
const (
	SlbSpecification  = RegionalFeature("SLB_SPECIFICATION")
	SlbPayByBandwidth = RegionalFeature("SLB_PAY_BY_BANDWIDTH")
	FunctionCompute   = RegionalFeature("FUNCTION_COMPUTE")
	PrivateZone       = RegionalFeature("PRIVATE_ZONE")
	RdsMultiAZ        = RegionalFeature("RDS_MULTI_AZ")
	ClassicNetwork    = RegionalFeature("CLASSIC_NETWORK")
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const AllPortRange = "-1/-1"
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const ApiVersion20140515 = "2014-05-15"
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const ApiVersion20140526 = "2014-05-26"
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const ApiVersion20140828 = "2014-08-28"
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const ApiVersion20160428 = "2016-04-28"
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const ApiVersion20160815 = "2016-08-15"
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const BackendServerPort = -520
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const BusinessInfoKey = "Terraform"
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const CharityPageUrl = ""
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const DBConnectionSuffix = ""
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default connect port of db

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const DEFAULT_REGION = "cn-beijing"

default region for all resource

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const DOT_SEPARATED = "."
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const DefaultIntervalLong = 20
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const DefaultIntervalMedium = 10
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const DefaultIntervalShort = 5
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const DefaultLongTimeout = 1000

timeout for long time progerss product, rds e.g.

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const DefaultTimeout = 120

timeout for common product, ecs e.g.

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const DefaultTimeoutMedium = 500
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const GenerationFour = "ecs-4"
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const GenerationOne = "ecs-1"
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const GenerationThree = "ecs-3"
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const GenerationTwo = "ecs-2"
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const INT_MAX = 2147483647
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const LOCAL_HOST_IP = ""
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symbol of multiIZ

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const ScalingGroup = "scaling_group"
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const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 = "AES256"
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const UserId = "userId"


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var BACKUP_TIME = []string{
	"00:00Z-01:00Z", "01:00Z-02:00Z", "02:00Z-03:00Z", "03:00Z-04:00Z", "04:00Z-05:00Z",
	"05:00Z-06:00Z", "06:00Z-07:00Z", "07:00Z-08:00Z", "08:00Z-09:00Z", "09:00Z-10:00Z",
	"10:00Z-11:00Z", "11:00Z-12:00Z", "12:00Z-13:00Z", "13:00Z-14:00Z", "14:00Z-15:00Z",
	"15:00Z-16:00Z", "16:00Z-17:00Z", "17:00Z-18:00Z", "18:00Z-19:00Z", "19:00Z-20:00Z",
	"20:00Z-21:00Z", "21:00Z-22:00Z", "22:00Z-23:00Z", "23:00Z-24:00Z",
View Source
var CHARACTER_SET_NAME = []string{
	"utf8", "gbk", "latin1", "utf8mb4",
	"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", "Chinese_PRC_CS_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS", "Chinese_PRC_BIN",
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var ClientErrorCatcher = Catcher{AliyunGoClientFailure, 10, 5}
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var DiskInvalidOperation = []string{"IncorrectDiskStatus", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "OperationConflict", InternalError, "InvalidOperation.Conflict", "IncorrectDiskStatus.Initializing"}
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var EcsNotFound = []string{"InvalidInstanceId.NotFound", "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"}
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var HalfIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.s2": "", "ecs.s3": "", "ecs.m1": "", "ecs.m2": "", "ecs.c1": "", "ecs.c2": ""}
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var NoneIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.t1": "", "ecs.t2": "", "ecs.s1": ""}
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var NoneIoOptimizedInstanceType = map[string]string{"ecs.s2.small": ""}
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var OperationDeniedDBStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.DBStatus", "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus", DBInternalError}
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var OutdatedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{
	DiskCloud: DiskCloud}
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var ServiceBusyCatcher = Catcher{"ServiceUnavailable", 10, 5}
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var SlbIsBusy = []string{"SystemBusy", "OperationBusy", "ServiceIsStopping", "BackendServer.configuring", "ServiceIsConfiguring"}
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var SupportedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{
	DiskCloudSSD:        DiskCloudSSD,
	DiskCloudEfficiency: DiskCloudEfficiency,
	DiskEphemeralSSD:    DiskEphemeralSSD,
	DiskCloud:           DiskCloud,
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var ThrottlingCatcher = Catcher{Throttling, 10, 10}
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var ValidProtocols = []Protocol{Http, Https, Tcp, Udp}

ValidProtocols network protocol list

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var WEEK_ENUM = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}


func AddTags

func AddTags(client *ecs.Client, args *AddTagsArgs) error

func AssembleIkeConfig added in v1.14.0

func AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)

func AssembleIpsecConfig added in v1.14.0

func AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)

func AssembleNetworkSubnetToString added in v1.14.0

func AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string

func AssemblePolicyDocument added in v1.2.0

func AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func AssembleRolePolicyDocument added in v1.2.0

func AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func BoolPointer added in v1.10.0

func BoolPointer(b bool) *bool

func BuildCmsCommonRequest added in v1.9.1

func BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest

func CommonRequestInit added in v1.9.4

func CommonRequestInit(region string, code ServiceCode, domain CommonRequestDomain) *requests.CommonRequest

func CompareJsonTemplateAreEquivalent added in v1.9.6

func CompareJsonTemplateAreEquivalent(tem1, tem2 string) (bool, error)

func CompareYmalTemplateAreEquivalent added in v1.9.6

func CompareYmalTemplateAreEquivalent(tem1, tem2 string) (bool, error)

func ConvertIntegerToInt added in v1.9.4

func ConvertIntegerToInt(value requests.Integer) (v int, err error)

func EssCommonRequestInit added in v1.9.4

func EssCommonRequestInit(region string, code ServiceCode, domain CommonRequestDomain) *requests.CommonRequest

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec added in v0.1.1

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)

func GetIntersection added in v1.2.0

func GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetNotFoundMessage added in v1.8.1

func GetNotFoundMessage(product, id string) string

func GetTimeErrorFromString added in v1.8.1

func GetTimeErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetTimeoutMessage added in v1.8.1

func GetTimeoutMessage(product, status string) string

func GetUserHomeDir added in v1.9.4

func GetUserHomeDir() (string, error)

func Int32Pointer added in v1.10.0

func Int32Pointer(i int32) *int32

func IsExceptedError added in v0.1.1

func IsExceptedError(err error, expectCode string) bool

func IsExceptedErrors added in v1.9.2

func IsExceptedErrors(err error, expectCodes []string) bool

func LoadEndpoint added in v1.9.2

func LoadEndpoint(region string, serviceCode ServiceCode) string

func NotFoundDBInstance added in v1.8.0

func NotFoundDBInstance(err error) bool

func NotFoundError added in v0.1.1

func NotFoundError(err error) bool

func ParseIkeConfig added in v1.14.0

func ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})

func ParseIpsecConfig added in v1.14.0

func ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})

func ParsePolicyDocument added in v1.2.0

func ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)

func Provider

func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider

Provider returns a schema.Provider for alicloud

func RamEntityNotExist added in v1.2.0

func RamEntityNotExist(err error) bool

func RemoveTags

func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error

func String

func String(v string) *string

func StringPointer added in v1.10.0

func StringPointer(s string) *string

func TransformPeriod2Time

func TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)

turn period to TimeType

func TransformTime2Period

func TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)

turn TimeType to Period

func Trim added in v1.7.2

func Trim(v string) string

Remove useless blank in the string.

func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes added in v1.7.2

func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error


type ActionResult added in v1.13.0

type ActionResult string

type AddTagsArgs

type AddTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type AdjustmentType added in v1.9.4

type AdjustmentType string

type AliyunClient

type AliyunClient struct {
	Region   common.Region
	RegionId string
	//In order to build ots table client, add accesskey and secretkey in aliyunclient temporarily.
	AccessKey       string
	SecretKey       string
	SecurityToken   string
	OtsInstanceName string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AliyunClient of aliyun

func (*AliyunClient) AccountId added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) AccountId() (string, error)

func (*AliyunClient) ActivateRouterInterface added in v1.12.0

func (client *AliyunClient) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) ActiveScalingConfigurationById

func (client *AliyunClient) ActiveScalingConfigurationById(sgId, configId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) AllocateDBPublicConnection

func (client *AliyunClient) AllocateDBPublicConnection(instanceId, prefix, port string) error

func (*AliyunClient) AttachKeyPair added in v1.11.0

func (client *AliyunClient) AttachKeyPair(keyname string, instanceIds []interface{}) error

func (*AliyunClient) BuildCmsAlarmRequest added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*AliyunClient) BuildSlbCommonRequest added in v1.12.0

func (client *AliyunClient) BuildSlbCommonRequest() *requests.CommonRequest

func (*AliyunClient) BuildVpcCommonRequest added in v1.12.0

func (client *AliyunClient) BuildVpcCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*AliyunClient) DeactivateRouterInterface added in v1.12.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) DeleteOtsTable added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DeleteOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (bool, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DeleteScalingGroupById

func (client *AliyunClient) DeleteScalingGroupById(sgId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) DeleteScalingRuleById

func (client *AliyunClient) DeleteScalingRuleById(ruleId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) DeleteScheduleById

func (client *AliyunClient) DeleteScheduleById(scheduleId string) error

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeAlarm added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInListAlarm, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeAvailableResources added in v1.9.3

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeBackupPolicy added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeBackupPolicy(instanceId string) (policy *rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeCenInstance added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeCenInstance(cenId string) (c cbn.Cen, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeContainerApplication added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeCustomerGateway added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeCustomerGateway(cgwId string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceById

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceById(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
_______________                      _______________                       _______________
|              | ______param______\  |              |  _____request_____\  |              |
|   Business   |                     |    Service   |                      |    SDK/API   |
|              | __________________  |              |  __________________  |              |
|______________| \    (obj, err)     |______________|  \ (status, cont)    |______________|
                    |                                    |
                    |A. {instance, nil}                  |a. {200, content}
                    |B. {nil, error}                     |b. {200, nil}
               					  |c. {4xx, nil}

The API return 200 for resource not found. When getInstance is empty, then throw InstanceNotfound error. That the business layer only need to check error.

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoByIpType added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoByIpType(instanceId string, ipType IPType) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfos added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfos(instanceId string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDBSecurityIps

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDatabaseAccount added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDatabaseAccount(instanceId, accountName string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDatabaseByName

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDatabaseByName(instanceId, dbName string) (ds *rds.Database, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDiskById added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDiskById(instanceId, diskId string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeDisksByType added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeDisksByType(instanceId string, diskType DiskType) (disk []ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeEipAddress

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeEipAddress(allocationId string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeEndpointByCode added in v1.12.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeEndpointByCode(region string, code ServiceCode) (string, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeEssAlarmById added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeEssAlarmById(alarmTaskId string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeFcFunction added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeFcFunction(service, name string) (function *fc.GetFunctionOutput, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeFcService added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeFcService(name string) (service *fc.GetServiceOutput, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeFcTrigger added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeFcTrigger(service, function, name string) (trigger *fc.GetTriggerOutput, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeForwardEntry

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeForwardEntry(forwardTableId string, forwardEntryId string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeImageById added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeInstanceAttribute added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeInstanceById(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeKeyPair added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeKeyPair(keyName string) (keypair ecs.KeyPair, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLifecycleHookById added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLifecycleHookById(hookId string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute(slbId string) (loadBalancer *slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttribute added in v1.11.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int, protocol Protocol) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleAttribute added in v1.9.6

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleAttribute(ruleId string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleId added in v1.7.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleId(slbId string, port int, domain, url string) (string, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLogMachineGroup added in v1.9.5

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLogMachineGroup(projectName, groupName string) (group *sls.MachineGroup, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLogProject added in v1.9.5

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLogProject(name string) (project *sls.LogProject, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLogStore added in v1.9.5

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLogStore(projectName, name string) (store *sls.LogStore, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeLogStoreIndex added in v1.9.5

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeLogStoreIndex(projectName, name string) (index *sls.Index, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeMultiIZByRegion

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)

return multiIZ list of current region

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeNatGateway

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeNatGateway(natGatewayId string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeOtsInstance added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeOtsInstance(name string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeOtsTable added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (table *tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribePvtzZoneInfo added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribePvtzZoneInfo(zoneId string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeRKVInstanceById added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeRKVInstanceById(id string) (instance *r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeRKVInstancebackupPolicy added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeRKVInstancebackupPolicy(id string) (policy *r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeRouterInterface added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceTypeInDescribeRouterInterfaces, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScalingConfifurations added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScalingConfifurations(groupId string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScalingConfigurationById

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScalingConfigurationById(configId string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScalingGroupById

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScalingGroupById(sgId string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScalingInstances added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScalingInstances(groupId, configurationId string, instanceIds []string, creationType string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScalingRuleById

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScalingRuleById(sgId, ruleId string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeScheduleById

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeScheduleById(scheduleId string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute(securityGroupId string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSecurityGroupRule

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(groupId, direction, ipProtocol, portRange, nicType, cidr_ip, policy string, priority int) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSlbVServerGroupAttribute added in v1.9.6

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSlbVServerGroupAttribute(groupId string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSnatEntry

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSnatEntry(snatTableId string, snatEntryId string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSslVpnClientCert added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeSslVpnServer added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeSslVpnServer(sslId string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeTags added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeVpc

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeVpc(vpcId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpcAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeVpnConnection added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeVpnGateway added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeVpnGateway(vpnId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeVswitch added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeVswitch(vswitchId string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeZone

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeZone(zoneID string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)

DescribeZone validate zoneId is valid in region

func (*AliyunClient) DescribeZoneRecord added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) DescribeZoneRecord(recordId int, zoneId string) (record pvtz.Record, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) DiskAvailable

func (client *AliyunClient) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error

func (*AliyunClient) EssRemoveInstances added in v1.7.0

func (client *AliyunClient) EssRemoveInstances(groupId string, instanceIds []string) error

func (*AliyunClient) Fcconn added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) Fcconn() (*fc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetApplicationClientByClusterName added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) GetApplicationClientByClusterName(name string) (c *cs.ProjectClient, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetCallerIdentity added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) GetCallerIdentity() (*sts.GetCallerIdentityResponse, error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetContainerClusterByName added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetSecurityIps

func (client *AliyunClient) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)

func (*AliyunClient) GrantAccountPrivilege added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) GrantAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName, privilege string) error

func (*AliyunClient) InstanceTypeValidation added in v1.9.3

func (client *AliyunClient) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error

func (*AliyunClient) JoinSecurityGroups

func (client *AliyunClient) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*AliyunClient) JudgeRegionValidation added in v0.1.1

func (client *AliyunClient) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error

func (*AliyunClient) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal added in v1.2.0

func (client *AliyunClient) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error

Judge whether the role policy contains service ""

func (*AliyunClient) LeaveSecurityGroups

func (client *AliyunClient) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*AliyunClient) ModifyDBBackupPolicy added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(instanceId, backupTime, backupPeriod, retentionPeriod, backupLog, LogBackupRetentionPeriod string) error

func (*AliyunClient) ModifyDBSecurityIps

func (client *AliyunClient) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error

func (*AliyunClient) QueryInstanceSystemDisk

func (client *AliyunClient) QueryInstanceSystemDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair added in v0.1.1

func (client *AliyunClient) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair(instanceIdsStr, keypair string) (instanceIds []string, instances []ecs.Instance, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) QueryOssBucketById added in v0.1.1

func (client *AliyunClient) QueryOssBucketById(id string) (info *oss.BucketInfo, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) QueryRouteEntry

func (client *AliyunClient) QueryRouteEntry(routeTableId, cidrBlock, nextHopType, nextHopId string) (rn vpc.RouteEntry, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) QueryRouteTableById

func (client *AliyunClient) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)

func (*AliyunClient) ReleaseDBPublicConnection added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error

func (*AliyunClient) ResourceAvailable

func (client *AliyunClient) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error

ResourceAvailable check resource available for zone

func (*AliyunClient) RevokeAccountPrivilege added in v1.5.0

func (client *AliyunClient) RevokeAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName string) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForAccount added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForAccount(instanceId string, accountName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForAccountPrivilege added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForAccountPrivilege(instanceId, accountName, dbName, privilege string, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(instanceId, accountName, dbName string, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForAllRouteEntries added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForAllRouteEntries(routeTableId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForCenInstance added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForCenInstance(cenId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForCmsAlarm added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForContainerApplication added in v1.9.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForCustomerGateway added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForDBConnection added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForDBConnection(instanceId string, netType IPType, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForDBInstance added in v1.8.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForDBInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForEcsDisk added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForEcsDisk(diskId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForEcsInstance added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForEip added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForEip(allocationId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForListener added in v1.11.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForListener(loadBalancerId string, port int, protocol Protocol, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForLoadBalancer added in v1.11.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForOtsInstance added in v1.10.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForOtsInstance(name string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForRKVInstance added in v1.15.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForRKVInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForRouterInterface added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForScalingGroup added in v1.9.4

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForScalingGroup(groupId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForScalingGroup waits for group to given status

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForSslVpnClientCert added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForVSwitch added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForVSwitch(vswitchId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForVpc added in v1.8.1

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForVpc(vpcId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AliyunClient) WaitForVpn added in v1.13.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WaitForVpn(vpnId string, status Status, timeout int) error

type Catcher added in v1.9.6

type Catcher struct {
	Reason           string
	RetryCount       int
	RetryWaitSeconds int

type CommonRequestDomain added in v1.9.4

type CommonRequestDomain string

type ComparisonOperator added in v1.15.0

type ComparisonOperator string

type Config

type Config struct {
	AccessKey       string
	SecretKey       string
	Region          common.Region
	RegionId        string
	SecurityToken   string
	OtsInstanceName string
	LogEndpoint     string
	AccountId       string
	FcEndpoint      string

Config of aliyun

func (*Config) Client

func (c *Config) Client() (*AliyunClient, error)

Client for AliyunClient

type DBAccountPrivilege added in v1.8.0

type DBAccountPrivilege string

type DBAccountType added in v1.8.0

type DBAccountType string

type DestinationResource added in v1.9.3

type DestinationResource string

type Direction added in v1.9.4

type Direction string

type DiskCategory added in v1.9.4

type DiskCategory string

type DiskType added in v1.9.4

type DiskType string

type Effect added in v1.2.0

type Effect string
const (
	Allow Effect = "Allow"
	Deny  Effect = "Deny"

type Endpoint added in v1.9.2

type Endpoint struct {
	Name      string    `xml:"name,attr"`
	RegionIds RegionIds `xml:"RegionIds"`
	Products  Products  `xml:"Products"`

type Endpoints added in v1.9.2

type Endpoints struct {
	Endpoint []Endpoint `xml:"Endpoint"`


type Engine added in v1.8.0

type Engine string

type FlagType added in v1.11.0

type FlagType string

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy added in v1.9.4

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string

type GroupRuleNicType

type GroupRuleNicType string

type GroupRulePolicy

type GroupRulePolicy string

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType added in v1.11.0

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string

type HealthCheckType added in v1.11.0

type HealthCheckType string

type IPType added in v1.8.0

type IPType string

type IkeConfig added in v1.14.0

type IkeConfig struct {
	IkeAuthAlg  string
	IkeEncAlg   string
	IkeLifetime int
	IkeMode     string
	IkePfs      string
	IkeVersion  string
	LocalId     string
	RemoteId    string
	Psk         string

type ImageOwnerAlias added in v1.9.4

type ImageOwnerAlias string

type IndexFiledType added in v1.9.5

type IndexFiledType string

type InstanceAccessedByType added in v1.10.0

type InstanceAccessedByType string

type InstanceCreationType added in v1.9.4

type InstanceCreationType string

type InstanceNetWork

type InstanceNetWork string

type InternetChargeType added in v1.8.1

type InternetChargeType string

type Invoker added in v1.9.6

type Invoker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoker added in v1.9.6

func NewInvoker() Invoker

func (*Invoker) AddCatcher added in v1.9.6

func (a *Invoker) AddCatcher(catcher Catcher)

func (*Invoker) Run added in v1.9.6

func (a *Invoker) Run(f func() error) error

type IpsecConfig added in v1.14.0

type IpsecConfig struct {
	IpsecAuthAlg  string
	IpsecEncAlg   string
	IpsecLifetime int
	IpsecPfs      string

type KeyState added in v1.7.0

type KeyState string

type LifecycleRuleStatus added in v0.1.1

type LifecycleRuleStatus string

type LifecycleTransition added in v1.13.0

type LifecycleTransition string

type ListenerErr

type ListenerErr struct {
	ErrType string
	Err     error

func (*ListenerErr) Error

func (e *ListenerErr) Error() string

type LoadBalancerSpecType added in v1.11.0

type LoadBalancerSpecType string

type MetricType added in v1.15.0

type MetricType string

type NatGatewaySpec added in v1.8.1

type NatGatewaySpec string

type NetType added in v1.8.0

type NetType string

type NetworkType added in v1.8.0

type NetworkType string

type NextHopType added in v1.9.4

type NextHopType string

type OptimizedType added in v1.9.3

type OptimizedType string

type OtsInstanceType added in v1.10.0

type OtsInstanceType string

type PayType added in v1.8.0

type PayType string

type Period added in v1.15.0

type Period int

type Policy added in v1.2.0

type Policy struct {
	Statement []PolicyStatement
	Version   string

type PolicyStatement added in v1.2.0

type PolicyStatement struct {
	Effect   Effect
	Action   interface{}
	Resource interface{}

type PrimaryKeyTypeString added in v1.9.2

type PrimaryKeyTypeString string

type Principal added in v1.2.0

type Principal struct {
	Service []string
	RAM     []string

type Product added in v1.9.2

type Product struct {
	ProductName string `xml:"ProductName"`
	DomainName  string `xml:"DomainName"`

type Products added in v1.9.2

type Products struct {
	Product []Product `xml:"Product"`

type Protocol

type Protocol string

Protocol represents network protocol

type ProviderError added in v1.8.1

type ProviderError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An Error represents a custom error for Terraform failure response

func (*ProviderError) Error added in v1.8.1

func (e *ProviderError) Error() string

func (*ProviderError) ErrorCode added in v1.8.1

func (err *ProviderError) ErrorCode() string

func (*ProviderError) Message added in v1.8.1

func (err *ProviderError) Message() string

type RecurrenceType added in v1.9.4

type RecurrenceType string

type RegionIds added in v1.9.2

type RegionIds struct {
	RegionId string `xml:"RegionId"`

type RegionalFeature added in v1.14.0

type RegionalFeature string

type RemoveTagsArgs

type RemoveTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type RenewalStatus added in v1.9.3

type RenewalStatus string

type ResourceType added in v1.8.0

type ResourceType string

type Role added in v1.8.1

type Role string

type RolePolicy added in v1.2.0

type RolePolicy struct {
	Statement []RolePolicyStatement
	Version   string

func ParseRolePolicyDocument added in v1.2.0

func ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)

type RolePolicyStatement added in v1.2.0

type RolePolicyStatement struct {
	Effect    Effect
	Action    string
	Principal Principal

type RouterType added in v1.8.1

type RouterType string

type SchedulerType added in v1.11.0

type SchedulerType string

type SecurityGroup added in v1.9.0

type SecurityGroup struct {
	Attributes   ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse
	CreationTime string

type ServiceCode added in v1.9.2

type ServiceCode string

Load endpoints from endpoints.xml or environment variables to meet specified application scenario, like private cloud.

type Spec added in v1.8.1

type Spec string

type SpotStrategyType added in v1.9.4

type SpotStrategyType string

type Statistics added in v1.15.0

type Statistics string

type Status added in v1.8.0

type Status string

type StickySessionType added in v1.11.0

type StickySessionType string

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

type TagResourceType added in v1.9.4

type TagResourceType string

type TimeType added in v1.8.0

type TimeType string

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