
v0.1.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 21, 2018 License: Apache-2.0


Quebic - FaaS Framework

Quebic is a framework for writing serverless functions to run on Kubernetes. Currently it supports for Python, Java and NodeJS programming models to write functions.



Getting Started

Install Docker
  • If you have already setup docker on your environment ,skip this step.
  • Install Docker
Getting Binaries
For Linux Users
  • Download binaries from here. Save and extract it into preferred location.
  • After extract, you can see quebic-mgr and quebic cli inside that dir.
For Windows Users
  • Install golang into your environment.
  • Get govendor tool.
  • Run govendor fetch. This will download all the required dependencies for quebic.
  • Run for build quebic-mgr go install quebic-faas/quebic-faas-mgr
  • Run for build quebic cli go install quebic-faas/quebic-faas-cli
  • Congrats !!! Now you can find your binaries from $GOPATH/bin dir.
Run quebic-manager
  • Jump into quebic binaries location. Then run this quebic-mgr
  • You can use quebic cli or quebic-mgr-dashboard ui to communicate with quebic-manager.
  • By default quebic-mgr-dashboard ui is running localhost:8000

Function Runtimes

Python Runtime
Programming Model
  • Write your logic inside the handler.
def handler(payload, context, callback):
    def m_callback(r):
        callback(None, 'success', 201)

    def m_error_callback(err):
        callback(None, 'failed', 403)

         {'id': payload}, 
  • Context have these methods.
context.base_event # return event details comes into this function
context.messenger() # return messenger instance
context.logger() # return logger instance
  • CallBack provides way to reply.
callback(); # reply 200 status code with empty data
callback(null, "success")  # reply 200 status code with data
callback(null, "success", 201)  # reply 201 status code with data
callback(error) # reply 500 status code with with error-data
callback(error, null, 401) # reply 401 status code with with error-data 
  • Messenger provides way to publish events.
    "users.UserValidate", # event id 
    user, # payload
    callback, # success callback(result)
    error_callback, # err callback(err) 
    1000 * 8 # timeout (ms)

  • Logger provides way to attach logs for particular request context. We will discuss more about this logger in later section.
context.logger().info("log info")
context.logger().error("log error")
context.logger().warn("log warn")
Deployment Spec
  • Deployment .yml spec file by describing how you want to deploy your functions into quebic.
  • Package your whole nodejs project dir into .tar file. Then set your .tar file location into source field in deployment spec.
  • If your handler is just a single python file. Then just set your .py file location into source field. No need to package it. Then handler field will be like this index.handler. here handler is the function
  • runtime will be python_2.7 or python_3.6
   name: hello-function # function name 
   source: /functions/hello-function.tar # tar package location
   handler: index.handler # request handler 
   runtime: python_2.7 # function runtime
   replicas: 2 # replicas count
   events: # function going to listen these events
     - users.UserValidate
Java Runtime
Programming Model
RequestHandler<Request, Response>
  • RequestHandler is an interface which comes with quebic-runtime-java library. You can add your logic inside it's handle() method.
  • The Request Type and Response Type can be any Primitive data type or Object.
public class HelloFunction implements RequestHandler<Request, Response>{
 public void handle(Request request, CallBack<Response> callback, Context context) {
	 callback.success(new Response(1, "reply success"));
  • Context have these methods.
BaseEvent baseEvent(); // return event details comes into this function
Messenger messenger(); // return messenger instance
Logger logger(); // return logger instance
  • CallBack provides way to reply.
callback.success(); //reply 200 status code with empty data
callback.success("reply success"); //reply 200 status code with data
callback.success(201, "reply success"); //reply 201 status code with data

callBack.failure("Error occurred"); //reply 500 status code with err-data
callBack.failure(401, "Error occurred"); //reply 401 status code with error-data
  • Messenger provides way to publish events.
  • void publish(String eventID, Object eventPayload, MessageHandler successHandler,ErrorHandler errorHandler,int timeout)throws MessengerException;
context.messenger().publish("users.UserValidate", user, s->{
  callBack.success(201, user);
}, e->{
  callBack.failure(e.statuscode(), e.error());
}, 1000 * 8);

  • Logger provides way to attach logs for particular request context. We will discuss more about this logger in later section.
context.logger().info("log info");
context.logger().error("log error");
context.logger().warn("log warn");
Create .jar artifact
  • Create new maven project.
  • Add this dependency and repository into .pom file.

  • Run mvn clean package
Deployment Spec
  • Deployment .yml spec file by describing how you want to deploy your functions into quebic. This is code snippet for deployment spec
 name: hello-function # function name 
 source: /functions/hello-function.jar # jar artifact location
 handler: com.quebicfaas.examples.HelloFunction # request handler java class
 runtime: java # function runtime
 events: # function going to listen these events
   - users.UserCreate
   - users.UserUpdate

 requestMethod: POST
 url: /users
   - eventAttribute: eID
     requestAttribute: id
NodeJS Runtime
Programming Model
  • Write your logic inside the handler.
exports.validationHandler = function(payload, context, callback){
        callback(null, true, 200);


        callback(new Error('Not a valid e-mail address'), null, 400);


  • CallBack provides way to reply.
callback(); //reply 200 status code with empty data
callback(null, "success");  //reply 200 status code with data
callback(null, "success", 201);  //reply 201 status code with data
callback(error); //reply 500 status code with with error-data
callback(error, null, 401); //reply 401 status code with with error-data 
Deployment Spec
  • Deployment .yml spec file by describing how you want to deploy your functions into quebic.
  • Package your whole nodejs project dir into .tar file. Then set your .tar file location into source field in deployment spec.
  • If the handler file app.js then handler file needs to set like this app.helloHandler
  • If you are working on single javascript file. Then just set your .js file location into source field. No need to package.
   name: hello-function # function name 
   source: /functions/hello-function.tar # tar package location
   handler: app.helloHandler # request handler 
   runtime: nodejs # function runtime
   replicas: 2 # replicas count
   events: # function going to listen these events
     - users.UserValidate
Manage your functions with quebic cli
Create function
  • quebic function create --file [deployment spec file]
Update function
  • quebic function update --file [deployment spec file]
Upgrade / Downgrade function
  • quebic function deploy --name [function name] --version [version]
Scale function
  • quebic function scale --name [function name] --replicas [count]
Delete function
  • quebic function delete --name [function name]
List all functions
  • quebic function ls
Inspect function details
  • quebic function inspect --name [function name]
Test function
  • quebic function test --name [function name] --payload '{"message":"hello"}'

Function Container

  • You can decide spin up mechanism of your function container.
  • By default container is started after create function spec. But you can config it to start by a request
  • You can decide idle timeout of the container.
    awake: request
      timeout: 15
      timeunit: minutes # or seconds or hours


  • You can create routing endpoint to fire events from apigateway.
Routing Spec
  • Routing .yml spec is used to describe how it behave when invoke it.
name: users_route # route name just for identify
requestMethod: POST 
url: /users
async: true # enable asynchronous invocation
successResponseStatus: 201 # default response http status code
event: users.UserCreate # event going to send
  - eventAttribute: eID # attribute name which function going to access in event's payload
    requestAttribute: id # attribute name which come in http request
  - eventAttribute: eName
    requestAttribute: name
  - eventAttribute: auth # attribute name which function going to access in event's payload
    headerAttribute: x-token # attribute name which come in http header
headersToPass: # headers going to pass with event
  - Authorization
  - Private-Token
Manage Routes with quebic cli
Create Route
  • quebic route create --file [route spec file]
Update Route
  • quebic route update --file [route spec file]
List all Routes
  • quebic route ls
Inspect Route details
  • quebic route inspect --name [route name]

Asynchronous invocation from API Gateway

  • Quebic provides way to invoke function Asynchronous way from API Gateway.
  • After client send his request through the apigateway, He immediately gets a reference id (request-id) to track the request.
  • Then client can check the request by using that request-id from request-tracker endpoint of API Gateway, If function already completed the task client will get the result of request, otherwise he will get request-still-processing message.


  • Quebic provides way to access function-container's native logs by using quebic cli.
  • quebic function logs --name [function name]
  • Instead of accessing native logs quebic also provides way to attach logs for particular request context.
context.logger().info("log info");
  • You can inspect these logs by using cli
  • quebic request-tracker logs --request-id [request id]


Quebic manager configurations
  • Quebic manager config file is located at $HOME/.quebic-faas/manager-config.yml
  • Also you can pass arguments to the quebic manager in runtime.
  • Run quebic-mgr -h to list down all available commands.
Quebic CLI configurations
  • Quebic cli config file is located at $HOME/.quebic-faas/cli-config.yml
  • Also you can pass arguments to the quebic cli in runtime.
  • Run quebic -h to list down all available commands.



  • This project is licensed under the Apache Licensed V2

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL