
rtop-bot is a bot front-end to rtop.
rtop can connect over SSH to Linux systems and display their vital system
metrics without needing any agent on the target system. rtop-bot can do
this when asked to, over HipChat or Slack. rtop-bot is independent of rtop.
rtop-bot is self-hosted. You can run it on a machine within your
secure network from which it can SSH to target systems. When run, it will
connect to Slack as a bot (or to a HipChat room as the user you specify), and
listen for mentions:
you | @rtop-bot status some.host
rtop-bot| [some.host] up 34d 20h 1m 51s, load 0.08 0.03 0.05, procs 1 running of 131 total
rtop-bot| [some.host] mem: 45.55 MiB of 489.57 MiB free, swap 0 bytes of 0 bytes free
rtop-bot| [some.host] fs /: 16.18 GiB of 18.55 GiB free
rtop-bot's home page has more
information and screenshots!
rtop-bot is written in go, and requires Go version 1.2
or higher. To build, go get it:
go get github.com/rapidloop/rtop-bot
You should find the binary rtop-bot under $GOPATH/bin when the command
completes. There are no runtime dependencies or configuration needed.
Pull requests welcome. Keep it simple.
- 4-Sep-2015: 0.2 - Slack support added
- 11-Aug-2015: 0.1 - first public release