
v1.2.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 8, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



Package model contains all models for malscraper.



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type AlternativeTitle

type AlternativeTitle struct {
	English  string `json:"english"`
	Synonym  string `json:"synonym"`
	Japanese string `json:"japanese"`

AlternativeTitle represents alternative english, synonym, and japanese title of anime/manga.

type Anime

type Anime struct {
	ID                int              `json:"id"`
	Title             string           `json:"title"`
	AlternativeTitles AlternativeTitle `json:"alternativeTitles"`
	Image             string           `json:"image"`
	Video             string           `json:"video"`
	Synopsis          string           `json:"synopsis"`
	Score             float64          `json:"score"`
	Voter             int              `json:"voter"`
	Rank              int              `json:"rank"`
	Popularity        int              `json:"popularity"`
	Member            int              `json:"member"`
	Favorite          int              `json:"favorite"`
	Type              string           `json:"type"`
	Episode           int              `json:"episode"`
	Status            string           `json:"status"`
	AiringDate        StartEndDate     `json:"airingDate"`
	Premiered         string           `json:"premiered"`
	Broadcast         string           `json:"broadcast"`
	Source            string           `json:"source"`
	Duration          string           `json:"duration"`
	Rating            string           `json:"rating"`
	Producers         []Item           `json:"producers"`
	Licensors         []Item           `json:"licensors"`
	Studios           []Item           `json:"studios"`
	Genres            []Item           `json:"genres"`
	Related           Related          `json:"related"`
	Song              Song             `json:"song"`

Anime represent main anime model.

type AnimeItem

type AnimeItem struct {
	ID        int      `json:"id"`
	Title     string   `json:"title"`
	Image     string   `json:"image"`
	Source    string   `json:"source"`
	Episode   int      `json:"episode"`
	Type      string   `json:"type"`
	Member    int      `json:"member"`
	Score     float64  `json:"score"`
	StartDate Date     `json:"startDate"`
	Synopsis  string   `json:"synopsis"`
	Genres    []Item   `json:"genres"`
	Producers []Item   `json:"producers"`
	Licensors []string `json:"licensors"`

AnimeItem represents simpler anime model for producer/seasonal anime.

type AnimeSearch

type AnimeSearch struct {
	ID        int     `json:"id"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	Image     string  `json:"image"`
	Summary   string  `json:"summary"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Episode   int     `json:"episode"`
	Score     float64 `json:"score"`
	StartDate Date    `json:"startDate"`
	EndDate   Date    `json:"endDate"`
	Member    int     `json:"member"`
	Rated     string  `json:"rated"`

AnimeSearch represents anime search result model.

type Article

type Article struct {
	ID            int            `json:"id"`
	Title         string         `json:"title"`
	Summary       string         `json:"summary"`
	Content       string         `json:"content"`
	Date          time.Time      `json:"date"`
	Username      string         `json:"username"`
	View          int            `json:"view"`
	IsSpoiler     bool           `json:"is_spoiler"`
	IsAdvertorial bool           `json:"is_advertorial"`
	Tags          []string       `json:"tags"`
	Related       ArticleRelated `json:"related"`

Article represents main featured article model.

type ArticleItem

type ArticleItem struct {
	ID            int      `json:"id"`
	Title         string   `json:"title"`
	Image         string   `json:"image"`
	Summary       string   `json:"summary"`
	Username      string   `json:"username"`
	View          int      `json:"view"`
	IsSpoiler     bool     `json:"is_spoiler"`
	IsAdvertorial bool     `json:"is_advertorial"`
	Tags          []string `json:"tags"`

ArticleItem represents simple featured article model.

type ArticleRelated

type ArticleRelated struct {
	Anime     []Item `json:"anime"`
	Manga     []Item `json:"manga"`
	People    []Item `json:"people"`
	Character []Item `json:"character"`

ArticleRelated represents featured article relation model.

type ArticleTagItem

type ArticleTagItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Tag  string `json:"tag"`

ArticleTagItem represents featured article tag.

type Character

type Character struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Nickname     string `json:"nickname"`
	JapaneseName string `json:"japaneseName"`
	Image        string `json:"image"`
	Favorite     int    `json:"favorite"`
	About        string `json:"about"`

Character represents main character model.

type CharacterItem

type CharacterItem struct {
	ID          int    `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Image       string `json:"image"`
	Role        string `json:"role"`
	VoiceActors []Role `json:"voiceActors"`

CharacterItem represents character role model in anime/manga.

type CharacterSearch

type CharacterSearch struct {
	ID       int    `json:"id"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	Image    string `json:"image"`

CharacterSearch represents character search result model.

type Club

type Club struct {
	ID          int         `json:"id"`
	Name        string      `json:"name"`
	Image       string      `json:"image"`
	Information string      `json:"information"`
	Category    string      `json:"category"`
	Type        string      `json:"type"`
	Member      int         `json:"member"`
	Picture     int         `json:"picture"`
	CreatedDate time.Time   `json:"createdDate"`
	Admins      []ClubAdmin `json:"admins"`

Club represents main club model.

type ClubAdmin

type ClubAdmin struct {
	Username string   `json:"username"`
	Roles    []string `json:"roles"`

ClubAdmin represents club admin and officer model.

type ClubItem

type ClubItem struct {
	ID     int    `json:"id"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Member int    `json:"member"`

ClubItem represents simple club model.

type ClubMember

type ClubMember struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Image    string `json:"image"`

ClubMember represents club's member model.

type ClubQuery

type ClubQuery struct {
	Name     string
	Page     int
	Category int
	Sort     int

ClubQuery represents club search query model.

type ClubRelated

type ClubRelated struct {
	Anime     []Item `json:"anime"`
	Manga     []Item `json:"manga"`
	Character []Item `json:"character"`

ClubRelated represents club related model.

type ClubSearch

type ClubSearch struct {
	ID      int    `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Image   string `json:"image"`
	Summary string `json:"summary"`
	Creator string `json:"creator"`
	Member  int    `json:"member"`

ClubSearch represents club search result model.

type Date

type Date struct {
	Year  int `json:"year"`
	Month int `json:"month"`
	Day   int `json:"day"`

Date represents splitted date.

Normal date usually has day, month, and year. But, in MyAnimeList, there are some dates that don't have them all 3. For example, (future) anime airing date which sometimes contains only year. So, it can't be parsed to time.Time. That's why this date has its own data type.

type Episode

type Episode struct {
	Episode       int        `json:"episode"`
	Title         string     `json:"title"`
	JapaneseTitle string     `json:"japaneseTitle"`
	AiredDate     *time.Time `json:"airedDate"`
	Link          string     `json:"link"`
	Tag           string     `json:"tag"`

Episode represents anime episode model.

type Item

type Item struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

Item represents common struct containing id and name.

type ItemCount

type ItemCount struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Count int    `json:"count"`

ItemCount represents common struct containing id, name and count.

type Manga

type Manga struct {
	ID                int              `json:"id"`
	Title             string           `json:"title"`
	AlternativeTitles AlternativeTitle `json:"alternativeTitles"`
	Image             string           `json:"image"`
	Synopsis          string           `json:"synopsis"`
	Score             float64          `json:"score"`
	Voter             int              `json:"voter"`
	Rank              int              `json:"rank"`
	Popularity        int              `json:"popularity"`
	Member            int              `json:"member"`
	Favorite          int              `json:"favorite"`
	Type              string           `json:"type"`
	Volume            int              `json:"volume"`
	Chapter           int              `json:"chapter"`
	Status            string           `json:"status"`
	PublishingDate    StartEndDate     `json:"publishingDate"`
	Genres            []Item           `json:"genres"`
	Authors           []Item           `json:"authors"`
	Serializations    []Item           `json:"serializations"`
	Related           Related          `json:"related"`

Manga represent main manga model.

type MangaItem

type MangaItem struct {
	ID             int      `json:"id"`
	Title          string   `json:"title"`
	Image          string   `json:"image"`
	Volume         int      `json:"volume"`
	Type           string   `json:"type"`
	Member         int      `json:"member"`
	Score          float64  `json:"score"`
	StartDate      Date     `json:"startDate"`
	Synopsis       string   `json:"synopsis"`
	Authors        []Item   `json:"authors"`
	Serializations []string `json:"serializations"`
	Genres         []Item   `json:"genres"`

MangaItem represents simpler manga model for magazine.

type MangaSearch

type MangaSearch struct {
	ID        int     `json:"id"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	Image     string  `json:"image"`
	Summary   string  `json:"summary"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Volume    int     `json:"volume"`
	Chapter   int     `json:"chapter"`
	Score     float64 `json:"score"`
	StartDate Date    `json:"startDate"`
	EndDate   Date    `json:"endDate"`
	Member    int     `json:"member"`

MangaSearch represents manga search result model.

type News

type News struct {
	ID       int         `json:"id"`
	Title    string      `json:"title"`
	Content  string      `json:"content"`
	Date     time.Time   `json:"date"`
	Username string      `json:"username"`
	ForumID  int         `json:"forum_id"`
	Comment  int         `json:"comment"`
	Tags     []string    `json:"tags"`
	Related  NewsRelated `json:"related"`

News represents main news model.

type NewsItem

type NewsItem struct {
	ID       int       `json:"id"`
	Title    string    `json:"title"`
	Image    string    `json:"image"`
	Content  string    `json:"content"`
	Date     time.Time `json:"date"`
	Username string    `json:"username"`
	ForumID  int       `json:"forum_id"`
	Comment  int       `json:"comment"`

NewsItem represents simple news model.

type NewsRelated

type NewsRelated struct {
	Anime  []Item `json:"anime"`
	Manga  []Item `json:"manga"`
	People []Item `json:"people"`

NewsRelated represents news relation.

type NewsTag

type NewsTag struct {
	Anime    []NewsTagItem `json:"anime"`
	Manga    []NewsTagItem `json:"manga"`
	People   []NewsTagItem `json:"people"`
	Music    []NewsTagItem `json:"music"`
	Event    []NewsTagItem `json:"event"`
	Industry []NewsTagItem `json:"industry"`

NewsTag represents news tag categories.

type NewsTagItem

type NewsTagItem struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Tag         string `json:"tag"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

NewsTagItem represents news tag detail.

type People

type People struct {
	ID               int      `json:"id"`
	Name             string   `json:"name"`
	Image            string   `json:"image"`
	GivenName        string   `json:"givenName"`
	FamilyName       string   `json:"familyName"`
	AlternativeNames []string `json:"alternativeNames"`
	Birthday         Date     `json:"birthday"`
	Website          string   `json:"website"`
	Favorite         int      `json:"favorite"`
	More             string   `json:"more"`

People represents main people model.

type PeopleCharacter

type PeopleCharacter struct {
	Anime     Role `json:"anime"`
	Character Role `json:"character"`

PeopleCharacter represents people's anime and character role.

type PeopleSearch

type PeopleSearch struct {
	ID       int    `json:"id"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	Image    string `json:"image"`

PeopleSearch represents people search result model.

type Query

type Query struct {
	Title        string
	Page         int
	Type         int
	Score        int
	Status       int
	ProducerID   int // for anime only
	MagazineID   int // for manga only
	Rating       int // for anime only
	StartDate    time.Time
	EndDate      time.Time
	ExcludeGenre bool
	GenreIDs     []int
	FirstLetter  string

Query represents anime & manga search query model.

type Recommendation

type Recommendation struct {
	Source      Source               `json:"source"`
	Recommended Source               `json:"recommended"`
	Users       []RecommendationUser `json:"users"`

Recommendation represents main recommendation model.

type RecommendationUser

type RecommendationUser struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Content  string `json:"content"`

RecommendationUser represents user recommendation model.

type Related struct {
	Sequel      []RelatedItem `json:"sequel"`
	Prequel     []RelatedItem `json:"prequel"`
	AltSetting  []RelatedItem `json:"alternativeSetting"`
	AltVersion  []RelatedItem `json:"alternativeVersion"`
	SideStory   []RelatedItem `json:"sideStory"`
	Summary     []RelatedItem `json:"summary"`
	FullStory   []RelatedItem `json:"fullStory"`
	ParentStory []RelatedItem `json:"parentStory"`
	SpinOff     []RelatedItem `json:"spinOff"`
	Adaptation  []RelatedItem `json:"adaptation"`
	Character   []RelatedItem `json:"character"`
	Other       []RelatedItem `json:"other"`

Related represents related anime & manga model.

type RelatedItem

type RelatedItem struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Type  string `json:"type"`

RelatedItem represents related anime/manga model.

type Review

type Review struct {
	ID       int         `json:"id"`
	Username string      `json:"username"`
	Image    string      `json:"image"`
	Source   Source      `json:"source"`
	Helpful  int         `json:"helpful"`
	Date     time.Time   `json:"date"`
	Episode  string      `json:"episode"` // for anime
	Chapter  string      `json:"chapter"` // for manga
	Score    ReviewScore `json:"score"`
	Review   string      `json:"review"`

Review represents main review model.

type ReviewScore

type ReviewScore struct {
	Overall   int `json:"overall"`   // for both
	Story     int `json:"story"`     // for both
	Art       int `json:"art"`       // for both
	Sound     int `json:"sound"`     // for anime only
	Character int `json:"character"` // for both
	Enjoyment int `json:"enjoyment"` // for both

ReviewScore represents review's detail score.

type Role

type Role struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Image string `json:"image"`
	Role  string `json:"role"`

Role represents simple model of character/va's role.

type Season

type Season struct {
	Year   int    `json:"year"`
	Season string `json:"season"`

Season represents anime season model.

type Song

type Song struct {
	Opening []string `json:"opening"`
	Ending  []string `json:"ending"`

Song represents list of opening and ending anime songs.

type Source

type Source struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Image string `json:"image"`
	Type  string `json:"type"`

Source represents simple anime/manga model.

type StartEndDate

type StartEndDate struct {
	Start Date `json:"start"`
	End   Date `json:"end"`

StartEndDate represents anime/manga start and end of airing/publishing date.

type Stats

type Stats struct {
	Summary StatsSummary `json:"summary"`
	Score   StatsScore   `json:"score"`

Stats represents anime/manga stats model.

type StatsScore

type StatsScore struct {
	Score10 StatsScoreItem `json:"10"`
	Score9  StatsScoreItem `json:"9"`
	Score8  StatsScoreItem `json:"8"`
	Score7  StatsScoreItem `json:"7"`
	Score6  StatsScoreItem `json:"6"`
	Score5  StatsScoreItem `json:"5"`
	Score4  StatsScoreItem `json:"4"`
	Score3  StatsScoreItem `json:"3"`
	Score2  StatsScoreItem `json:"2"`
	Score1  StatsScoreItem `json:"1"`

StatsScore represents stats each score.

type StatsScoreItem

type StatsScoreItem struct {
	Vote    int     `json:"vote"`
	Percent float64 `json:"percent"`

StatsScoreItem represents detail score model and its count.

type StatsSummary

type StatsSummary struct {
	Current   int `json:"current"`
	Completed int `json:"completed"`
	OnHold    int `json:"onHold"`
	Dropped   int `json:"dropped"`
	Planned   int `json:"planned"`
	Total     int `json:"total"`

StatsSummary represents stats summary count.

type TopAnime

type TopAnime struct {
	Rank      int     `json:"rank"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	ID        int     `json:"id"`
	Image     string  `json:"image"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Episode   int     `json:"episode"`
	StartDate Date    `json:"startDate"`
	EndDate   Date    `json:"endDate"`
	Member    int     `json:"member"`
	Score     float64 `json:"score"`

TopAnime represents model for top anime list.

type TopCharacter

type TopCharacter struct {
	Rank         int    `json:"rank"`
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	JapaneseName string `json:"japaneseName"`
	Image        string `json:"image"`
	Favorite     int    `json:"favorite"`

TopCharacter represents model for top character list.

type TopManga

type TopManga struct {
	Rank      int     `json:"rank"`
	ID        int     `json:"id"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	Image     string  `json:"image"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Volume    int     `json:"volume"`
	StartDate Date    `json:"startDate"`
	EndDate   Date    `json:"endDate"`
	Member    int     `json:"member"`
	Score     float64 `json:"score"`

TopManga represents model for top manga list.

type TopPeople

type TopPeople struct {
	Rank         int    `json:"rank"`
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	JapaneseName string `json:"japaneseName"`
	Image        string `json:"image"`
	Birthday     Date   `json:"birthday"`
	Favorite     int    `json:"favorite"`

TopPeople represents model for top people list.

type User

type User struct {
	Username       string    `json:"username"`
	Image          string    `json:"image"`
	LastOnline     time.Time `json:"lastOnline"`
	Gender         string    `json:"gender"`
	Birthday       Date      `json:"birthday"`
	Location       string    `json:"location"`
	JoinedDate     time.Time `json:"joinedDate"`
	ForumPost      int       `json:"forumPost"`
	Review         int       `json:"review"`
	Recommendation int       `json:"recommendation"`
	BlogPost       int       `json:"blogPost"`
	Club           int       `json:"club"`
	Friend         int       `json:"friend"`
	Sns            []string  `json:"sns"`
	About          string    `json:"about"`

User represents main user model.

type UserAnime

type UserAnime struct {
	ID           int        `json:"id"`
	Title        string     `json:"title"`
	Image        string     `json:"image"`
	Score        int        `json:"score"`
	Status       int        `json:"status"`
	Type         string     `json:"type"`
	Progress     int        `json:"progress"`
	Episode      int        `json:"episode"`
	Tag          string     `json:"tag"`
	Rating       string     `json:"rating"`
	AiringStatus int        `json:"airingStatus"`
	AiringStart  Date       `json:"airingStart"`
	AiringEnd    Date       `json:"airingEnd"`
	WatchStart   *time.Time `json:"watchStart"`
	WatchEnd     *time.Time `json:"watchEnd"`
	IsRewatching bool       `json:"isRewatching"`
	Days         int        `json:"days"`
	Storage      string     `json:"storage"`
	Priority     string     `json:"priority"`

UserAnime represents user anime model.

type UserAnimeStats

type UserAnimeStats struct {
	Days      float64 `json:"days"`
	MeanScore float64 `json:"meanScore"`
	Current   int     `json:"current"`
	Completed int     `json:"completed"`
	OnHold    int     `json:"onHold"`
	Dropped   int     `json:"dropped"`
	Planned   int     `json:"planned"`
	Total     int     `json:"total"`
	Rewatched int     `json:"rewatched"`
	Episode   int     `json:"episode"`

UserAnimeStats represents anime user stats model.

type UserFavorite

type UserFavorite struct {
	Anime     []UserFavoriteItem `json:"anime"`
	Manga     []UserFavoriteItem `json:"manga"`
	Character []UserFavoriteItem `json:"character"`
	People    []UserFavoriteItem `json:"people"`

UserFavorite represents user favorite model.

type UserFavoriteItem

type UserFavoriteItem struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Image string `json:"image"`

UserFavoriteItem represents each user favorite entry.

type UserFriend

type UserFriend struct {
	Username    string    `json:"username"`
	Image       string    `json:"image"`
	LastOnline  time.Time `json:"lastOnline"`
	FriendSince time.Time `json:"friendSince"`

UserFriend represents user friend model.

type UserHistory

type UserHistory struct {
	ID       int       `json:"id"`
	Title    string    `json:"title"`
	Type     string    `json:"type"`
	Progress int       `json:"progress"`
	Date     time.Time `json:"date"`

UserHistory represents user anime/manga history model.

type UserListQuery

type UserListQuery struct {
	Username string
	Page     int
	Status   int
	Order    int
	Tag      string

UserListQuery represents query model for user anime & manga list.

type UserManga

type UserManga struct {
	ID               int        `json:"id"`
	Title            string     `json:"title"`
	Image            string     `json:"image"`
	Score            int        `json:"score"`
	Status           int        `json:"status"`
	Type             string     `json:"type"`
	ChapterProgress  int        `json:"chapterProgress"`
	VolumeProgress   int        `json:"volumeProgress"`
	Chapter          int        `json:"chapter"`
	Volume           int        `json:"volume"`
	Tag              string     `json:"tag"`
	PublishingStatus int        `json:"publishingStatus"`
	PublishingStart  Date       `json:"publishingStart"`
	PublishingEnd    Date       `json:"publishingEnd"`
	ReadStart        *time.Time `json:"readStart"`
	ReadEnd          *time.Time `json:"readEnd"`
	IsRereading      bool       `json:"isRereading"`
	Days             int        `json:"days"`
	Priority         string     `json:"priority"`

UserManga represents user manga model.

type UserMangaStats

type UserMangaStats struct {
	Days      float64 `json:"days"`
	MeanScore float64 `json:"meanScore"`
	Current   int     `json:"current"`
	Completed int     `json:"completed"`
	OnHold    int     `json:"onHold"`
	Dropped   int     `json:"dropped"`
	Planned   int     `json:"planned"`
	Total     int     `json:"total"`
	Reread    int     `json:"reread"`
	Chapter   int     `json:"chapter"`
	Volume    int     `json:"volume"`

UserMangaStats represents manga user stats model.

type UserQuery

type UserQuery struct {
	Username string
	Page     int
	Location string
	MinAge   int
	MaxAge   int
	Gender   int

UserQuery represents user search query model.

type UserRawAnime

type UserRawAnime struct {
	Status            int         `json:"status"`
	Score             int         `json:"score"`
	Tags              interface{} `json:"tags"`
	IsRewatching      interface{} `json:"is_rewatching"`
	WatchedEpisode    int         `json:"num_watched_episodes"`
	AnimeTitle        interface{} `json:"anime_title"`
	AnimeEpisode      int         `json:"anime_num_episodes"`
	AnimeAiringStatus int         `json:"anime_airing_status"`
	AnimeID           int         `json:"anime_id"`
	AnimeStudio       []Item      `json:"anime_studios"`
	AnimeLicensor     []Item      `json:"anime_licensors"`
	AnimeSeason       Season      `json:"anime_season"`
	HasEpisodeVideo   bool        `json:"has_episode_video"`
	HasPromotionVideo bool        `json:"has_promotion_video"`
	HasVideo          bool        `json:"has_video"`
	VideoURL          string      `json:"video_url"`
	AnimeURL          string      `json:"anime_url"`
	AnimeImage        string      `json:"anime_image_path"`
	AnimeType         string      `json:"anime_media_type_string"`
	AnimeRating       string      `json:"anime_mpaa_rating_string"`
	AnimeStartDate    string      `json:"anime_start_date_string"`
	AnimeEndDate      string      `json:"anime_end_date_string"`
	IsAddedToList     bool        `json:"is_added_to_list"`
	StartDate         string      `json:"start_date_string"`
	FinishDate        string      `json:"finish_date_string"`
	Days              int         `json:"days_string"`
	Storage           string      `json:"storage_string"`
	Priority          string      `json:"priority_string"`

UserRawAnime represents MyAnimeList raw JSON anime list response.

type UserRawManga

type UserRawManga struct {
	Status         int         `json:"status"`
	Score          int         `json:"score"`
	Tags           interface{} `json:"tags"`
	IsRereading    interface{} `json:"is_rereading"`
	ReadChapter    int         `json:"num_read_chapters"`
	ReadVolume     int         `json:"num_read_volumes"`
	MangaTitle     interface{} `json:"manga_title"`
	MangaChapter   int         `json:"manga_num_chapters"`
	MangaVolume    int         `json:"manga_num_volumes"`
	MangaStatus    int         `json:"manga_publishing_status"`
	MangaID        int         `json:"manga_id"`
	MangaMagazine  []Item      `json:"manga_magazines"`
	MangaURL       string      `json:"manga_url"`
	MangaImage     string      `json:"manga_image_path"`
	IsAddedToList  bool        `json:"is_added_to_list"`
	MangaType      string      `json:"manga_media_type_string"`
	MangaStartDate string      `json:"manga_start_date_string"`
	MangaEndDate   string      `json:"manga_end_date_string"`
	Retail         string      `json:"retail_string"`
	Days           int         `json:"days_string"`
	StartDate      string      `json:"start_date_string"`
	FinishDate     string      `json:"finish_date_string"`
	Priority       string      `json:"priority_string"`

UserRawManga represents MyAnimeList raw JSON manga list response.

type UserSearch

type UserSearch struct {
	Username   string     `json:"username"`
	Image      string     `json:"image"`
	LastOnline *time.Time `json:"lastOnline"`

UserSearch represents user search result model.

type UserStats

type UserStats struct {
	Anime UserAnimeStats `json:"anime"`
	Manga UserMangaStats `json:"manga"`

UserStats represents anime & manga user stats model.

type Video

type Video struct {
	Episodes   []VideoEpisode `json:"episodes"`
	Promotions []VideoPromo   `json:"promotions"`

Video represents anime video model.

type VideoEpisode

type VideoEpisode struct {
	Episode int    `json:"episode"`
	Title   string `json:"title"`
	Link    string `json:"link"`

VideoEpisode represents anime episode model.

type VideoPromo

type VideoPromo struct {
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Link  string `json:"link"`

VideoPromo represents promotion video model.

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL